Making Christmas tree decorations from pine cones with your own hands. Let's turn fir cones into Christmas tree decorations! Master Class


Ideal option Cones of spruce and pine trees are used to create New Year's toys. Their advantage is that they have different shapes, color, texture, perfectly emphasize the New Year's atmosphere, look elegant. Therefore, it won’t be difficult to figure out what the future toy will look like.

The whole family can work on creating toys, and this will bring children and parents closer together. An additional advantage would be to use the gifts of nature for decoration - all kinds of twigs, needles, acorns, leaves, etc. From all this you can make a whole collection of New Year's toys.

DIY New Year's toys

Everyone knows that decorating pine cones is a creative and inexpensive process. It does not require any special equipment, and all the material can be found in any park where pine trees grow.

Best to use fallen pine cones, because those that still grow on the trees remain juicy and may not dry out and become moldy. In addition, the collection process is very exciting and useful.

Preparing for work

For work we need:

  • Glue gun, scissors, wire cutters and pliers, paint brushes, varnishes, paints.
  • The raw materials themselves (cones, twigs, acorns, and so on).
  • Scraps of fabric, leather (natural and artificial can be used).
  • Buttons, beads, beads, satin ribbon- in general, everything that can be used for small decoration.

Before you start working, the cones need to be prepared. First, they need to be cleared of debris and soil, washed and dried if necessary (this is done away from heating appliances, in a well-ventilated area). If they turn out to be unripe and have not fully opened, they are placed in a low-heat oven with the door ajar. This is done so that moisture comes out of them and they open completely.

The blanks can be left as they are, or you can resort to partial or complete coloring. Can also be decorated decorative elements, for example, glitter or artificial snow . Everything will depend on your imagination.

The buds in their natural form are beautiful in themselves, but if you need to do any color accent in decoration, you will have to resort to coloring. Their structure allows them to perfectly absorb and retain paint. You can even paint the pine cones with gouache, but it is short-lived and can soon peel off and get dirty. Therefore, toys are best suited for decoration acrylic paints.

To make the perfect New Year's toy, you need to have the following components:

  • A set of acrylic paints, both in jars and tubes, so that you can apply individual strokes or create textures;
  • Aerosol paints (car enamels are also suitable for this - they apply beautifully, tightly and evenly and dry very well);
  • Aerosol paints metallic shades. Their peculiarity lies in their expressive special effects.
  • Finishing varnish in aerosol packaging. For easier, faster and more even application.
  • Varnishes and dyes with the effect of a frosty coating, with sparkles, artificial snow and the like.

With their help you will decorate your cone in a very short time.

Since varnishes and paints have very specific Strong smell, work with them must be carried out in very well-ventilated areas or on outdoors. It is expected that several coats of application will be required. It must be taken into account that each layer must be dry. Work with painted material continues only if all layers are dry, otherwise the design or coating may be damaged.

So, let's figure out how you can make a simple Christmas tree decoration with your own hands..

Master class on Christmas tree decorations made from pine cones

The big advantage of this master class is that it can be done by the whole family and it will be an exciting event for all its members. Be sure to involve your children, because creating crafts is very useful and interesting activity. It develops hand motor skills, improves imagination, and teaches accuracy.

In order to make toys for the Christmas tree from pine cones with our own hands, we will need:

  • Cones of different sizes;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Beads small size, any color;
  • Gouache, brushes;
  • Wire and satin ribbon.

We paint the cones in green color and wait for them to dry. Using a thin brush and white paint, we imitate snow along the edges of the cone. Using glue, glue the beads or cover the scales with glitter. We got miniature ones decorative Christmas trees, covered with snow. We make a loop from a piece of wire and glue it to the top of the pine cone. The wire can be wrapped with satin ribbon or rain.

New Year's ball

Surely, when you were in the club, everyone saw a large luminous ball that rotates under the ceiling. But you can make a similar ball with your own hands from pine cones for an atmospheric party on New Year’s Eve.

For this we need:

  1. Balloon;
  2. Toilet paper;
  3. PVA glue;
  4. Brown paint;
  5. Lots of bumps;
  6. Ribbon.

You can, of course, buy a ball blank at a specialized craft store, but you can also make it yourself. On the pout balloon the right size wind up toilet paper, soaked in a mixture of water and PVA glue (2 to 1). We give it a day to dry. Then we paint it in Brown color and wait again until the paint dries. You need to make sure that everything is well painted and grey colour the paper will not show through between the cones. Avoiding large indents, glue them one at a time.

To make the ball look festive, you can paint it over with sparkles or wrap it in a garland. We hang it from the ceiling or attach it to a chandelier.

New Year's gnomes

If you wish, you can make absolutely any toy from pine cones, for example, gnomes, which kids really like, especially since it is not at all difficult. A fir cone is used as the gnome's body, and it is best to leave it in in kind and do not paint with anything.

In order to make the head of the figurine, use a plastic or foam ball. Using a marker or paints, you can draw his face. The arms and legs are made of wire, which is then covered with fabric. Clothes can be sewn by hand or sewing machine, and make shoes from leather or thick felt. If you also use your imagination, you can make girl gnomes with funny braids from threads.

Attention, TODAY only!

Crafts made from pine cones for the New Year are one of the most original ways decorate your home for the holidays. Don't know what decorations you can make? You can make a ball, wreath, star and more by reading this article.

How to prepare natural material for work?

It is better to collect raw materials for toys in a coniferous forest; they will have a more pronounced smell. But if this is not possible, you can go to the nearest park.

Before you start selecting a natural material, you need to understand what kind of jewelry will be made from it. Based on this, it will become clear what size cones will be needed this time.

Homemade accessories and decorations have become very popular due to Lately, 2018 will also be no exception. Along with toys in the form Yellow Dog You can hang homemade owls, snowmen or deer from pine cones on the Christmas tree. You can start collecting them in the fall, this will give you the opportunity to pick up a few more natural materials that will be needed to decorate your crafts.

It is very difficult for a person who has never made crafts from pine cones to understand what exactly can be made from them and how to properly prepare the natural material. After all, they are one of the most convenient and at the same time original objects for realizing your creative ideas.

Sometimes their shape is already suitable for the craft, after which it only needs to be slightly modified. But sometimes deformation may be necessary.

Here you need to take into account several rules, namely:

  • If there is a need for the cone not to open for a long time, it can be soaked in wood glue for 30 seconds. If, on the contrary, you need to provoke a speedy opening, you can place it in the oven for 2 hours. This will not only bring the desired result, but also disinfect the material.
  • Before preparing crafts, it is worth considering the interior of the room. Usually they fit into any design, but it may make sense to choose a paint that matches the room.
  • In order to carry out any manipulations with deformation of the material without any problems, it can be soaked in ordinary water for 1 hour. Afterwards, you need to hang it by a thread and dry it well.
  • If the raw materials for crafts have very dark color, it can be lightened with standard bleach with a ratio of 1 to 1. Next, it should be rinsed very well with water, then allowed to dry.

What kind of decorations can you make?

From this natural material may turn out to be the most spectacular decorations that will decorate the house for New Year and give him comfort.

They make excellent toys for the Christmas tree and individual elements. These can be balloons, wreaths for front door, candlesticks, small Christmas trees, vases or garlands.

Each of the crafts is Additional materials, so in the fall it’s worth taking care of this variety and collecting as much as possible more items. Next, we will consider the most popular products that will bring maximum New Year's atmosphere and joy to your home.

New Year's ball

We are not talking about a decoration for the New Year's tree, but about a ball that can be hung separately, since they are not small in size.

New Year's star

The star has always been and remains a symbol of the New Year. Ever since Soviet Union she decorates the top of the New Year tree. But recently people have begun to use other holiday symbols for this, and the star serves as a decoration for the table or room as a whole.

To make such a decoration from natural material, you will need the following components:

  • Cones of small, medium and large sizes.
  • Ribbons of different colors.
  • Rigid wire or smooth thin metal rods.

The first thing you need to do during the work is to prepare the frame. For this, wire or rods are used. They need to be fastened in such a way that they form a six-pointed star.

When everything is ready, the previously prepared cones are put on the craft, the large ones are planted first, and closer to the ends they become smaller. Although this order can be changed, everything will depend on the idea of ​​the author of the composition. To hang the finished craft, you can bend the top of the wire and tie a ribbon to it.

Animals for the Christmas tree

Such crafts can diversify the decorations of the New Year tree and make it more original. They are quite simple to make, but will last for years if you follow all the rules of safe storage. Owls, deer or squirrels turn out especially beautiful.

To make such animals, you will need the following:

  • small old soft toys;
  • glue;
  • cones of different sizes;
  • nylon thread;
  • paint that matches the color of the animal.

First you need to take the prepared natural material and paint it in the required color. Next, you need to give it time to dry thoroughly. Now you can start gluing the animal body parts. To do this, you need to take old toys and cut off the necessary parts.

Usually the head is glued first, and then everything else. When everything is ready, you need to take a strong thread and make a pendant for the New Year tree.

To do beautiful craft, it is not necessary to make any cartoon characters, a toy in the form of a cone itself is already beautiful New Year's accessory For decoration.

old Russian tradition- do New Year's toys with your own hands - by the end of the twentieth century it had practically died out. Still would! So many magnificent balls, stars, animals and fairy tale characters, manufactured in a factory! How could simple crafts—or a bronze-painted walnut—compete with them?

Today, fortunately, the tradition is returning, because the point is not what to hang on New Year trees, but to engage in exciting creativity with children, to instill in your sons and daughters the skills of handling scissors, glue, and paints. Among the most popular materials from which Christmas tree decorations can be made are: ordinary cones– pine and spruce.

Cones are not sold in stores, except in those where you can buy a variety of unexpected materials for creativity. However, this is not particularly necessary. By spending time with children in nature, you can create required stock cones of any size and shape, while simultaneously collecting other natural materials that will be useful for your New Year's workshop: acorns with “caps”, beautifully curved twigs, moss, maple and ash seeds, hazelnuts.

The cones are closed, dense or with “ruffled” scales. In order to make New Year's crafts, you will need both, depending on what you plan to make. However, it can be a shame if the toy begins to open under the influence of home heat - and your ready-made crafts deformed.

To prevent this from happening, the cones must be pre-treated:

  • so that the cones always remain closed, they are kept in a jar of wood glue for a minute;
  • to open, cook for half an hour, and then dry on a radiator;
  • You can open the cones by keeping them in the oven for a couple of hours (temperature 250 degrees);
  • You can slightly change the shape of the cone by holding it in water, and then tying it tightly with thread and drying it.

Heat treatment, by the way, will destroy microbes on the buds and make the natural material safe, which is very important when we're talking about about children's creativity.

Materials, tools

In addition to the cones, you will need:

  • paints,
  • tassels,
  • cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • threads and ribbons,
  • pieces of fabric and felt,
  • PVA glue,
  • beads,
  • sparkles.

Depending on what toys you are going to make and using what technologies, this list may expand. For example, you may need plasticine and papier-mâché, nail polish and wire in beautiful plastic insulation.

Operating procedure

Cones are a very beautiful natural material. To decorate a Christmas tree with them, sometimes it is enough to simply paint each one in any color (red, yellow, purple) and add glitter. According to the experience of those who have been making crafts from cones for a long time and conduct a master class on the Internet, it is better to use enamel for painting cones rather than acrylic paints, which do not lie smoothly enough.

As sparkles, it is convenient to use multi-colored Christmas tree tinsel, the so-called rain, which must be cut very finely with scissors. The cones are dipped for a couple of seconds in a container of varnish used for woodworking, and then sprinkled with shiny multi-colored pieces of tinsel.

The New Year's toy is almost ready. All that remains is to make a loop so that it can be hung on the tree. For this purpose, self-tapping screws with a ring are used.

Now try to take on more difficult work. Make Santa Claus out of pine cones.

  1. step: paint the pine cone red, dry it.
  2. step: make a head out of a small ball, covering it with beige fabric.
  3. step: build a thick beard from cotton wool and glue it to your head.
  4. step: from a piece of red felt or some other thick fabric, make a cap for Santa Claus, provide a loop in its upper part so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree.
  5. step: draw eyes or glue small black beads or beads as eyes.
  6. step: glue the head to the bump body using hot glue (this will make it more secure).

Your Santa Claus is ready. Now, using the same technology, you can make his constant companion - the Snow Maiden.

A separate master class includes making toys using plasticine. This material, however, has one drawback - its fragility, it can be deformed due to too much high temperature indoors or if the craft is carelessly picked up or dropped.

And the advantage of plasticine is that children who have already acquired skills in handling this material can be actively involved in this work.

Try making a hedgehog. The cone will make a body, and plasticine (lighter in color than the cone) will make a muzzle. You will also need to make paws, a traditional apple or a mushroom, which are placed on the hedgehog’s back. Using the same technique (using plasticine) you can make a swan, owl, penguin, squirrel, crocodile, hare - all those that your child wants to make.

An original effect is achieved by bleaching the cones: to achieve this, the cones are kept in ordinary bleach, used for washing and cleaning, for five hours. The ratio of the drug and water is 1:1.

Nastasia Borodina

Every year we dress up Christmas tree and every time we try to decorate it somehow special. So I offer my version.

For toy making- congratulations to you will be needed:

1. bumps(preferably already opened, as they will open in the room and there may be unpainted areas left).

2. spray paint (V in this case Color is gold).

3. red satin ribbon is wide and a little narrow (for tying bows).

4. glue gun

5. small horn-shaped hairpins

6. scissors

7. lighter

First of all, we glue the bobby pins to the base of the pine cones using a glue gun.

After we glue all the hairpins to bumps, paint them on all sides with spray paint (it’s better to do this outside and wearing gloves) I posted painted bumps onto a baking sheet lined with newspaper, and then brought it indoors to dry.

Bye the pine cones are drying, we will prepare bows from satin ribbons.

In this case, the bows are double, since the width of the ribbon is 3.5 cm and the bow was tied with a narrow one - 1 cm. (if the ribbon is 5 cm wide, regular single bows will do)

Form a bow and tie it in the middle narrow tape, burn the edges with a lighter. So required amount for cones.

Now, the most interesting part, we attach bows to our bumps using a glue gun.

it turns out like this magic cones

Now comes the fun part. We strengthen our toys on the Christmas tree using bobby pins

We can hang a garland if desired. The Christmas tree is ready.

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New Year's toys made from pine cones

The most popular material for making beautiful New Year's toys are pine cones. They come in different varieties – pine, spruce, cedar, fir and have different shapes, “fluffiness” and even color, and therefore it is not difficult to come up with an image for a future toy. And if you use it additionally natural materials- all sorts of twigs, needles, acorns, etc., then you can make a whole collection of fashionable New Year’s toys, among which these will definitely be a success, and decorate the Christmas tree in an original way.

New Year's toy "Christmas tree"

Today we will look in detail at how easy it is to make simple Christmas tree decorations from pine cones, and you will be able to dress up your beautiful New Year tree in a new way.

Christmas toys made from pine cones master class

The peculiarity of this master class is that it can be done with the whole family and it will be exciting activity for all its members. Involve your children, it will be useful and interesting for them. Creating such a craft develops hand motor skills, imagination, teaches accuracy, and also gives a fabulous mood.

In order to make Christmas tree decorations from pine cones with your own hands you will need:

  • medium and large cones;
  • glue "Moment";
  • medium size beads (color optional);
  • gouache, brushes;
  • a piece of wire and ribbon.

Blanks for Christmas decorations

We create Christmas tree decorations from pine cones with our own hands

Paint the cones green with gouache and let them dry. Using a thin brush and white paint, we imitate snow along the edges of the scales. Thus, the cone turned into a miniature Christmas tree, dusted with snow.

Let's paint our bump

We take beads and glue them onto each scale. Moment glue is perfect for this; it holds well, dries quickly and leaves no marks. Here is our pine cone tree, decorated.

Glue the beads

Now we need to make sure that our Christmas tree-cone can be hung on a branch. We form a loop from a thin wire, insert it into the top of the cone and fix it with glue. A new New Year's toy can be hung on a ribbon or rain. The Christmas tree toy made from pine cones is ready! Isn't it all very simple? To diversify such crafts, you can use beads different color or paint the cone itself in a different color, sprinkle it with sparkles.

Wire loop for pine cones

Can we cover our toys? clear varnish, then they will shine, or make small garlands out of them. Imagine, combine the incongruous, interest the children, their imagination is fine, and your home will be filled with New Year's little things that create festive mood. Good luck!

Simple and beautiful toys to the Christmas tree

As examples for New Year's toys, I suggest looking at these options:

You can decorate elongated cones as a Christmas tree using a small pot instead of a stand.

Little Christmas tree

Those who love wildlife, all sorts of bugs, spiders and other animals, can make such a funny lover of climbing a Christmas tree. To do this, all you need is a cone, eyes and a wire that needs to be wound onto a thin rod.

New Year's spider on the tree

If you have small cones, then you can use them to make a Christmas tree toy in the shape of a star or a snowflake.

Christmas tree decoration made from small pine cones

Here are some other toy options christmas tree- turkey cones, here you will need felt and eyes.

Birds made of cones and felt

Long fir cones suitable for making such wonderful mice, you will still need them walnuts, wire and separate scales for legs and ears.

Collection of New Year's mouse toys

The same cones are used to create such friendly penguins. The penguin's head is made of foam ball, and the wings are made of cardboard.

Christmas penguins

It’s very easy to make such a garland of cones, and it looks simply gorgeous, especially if you sprinkle the top of the cones with glitter and artificial frost.

New Year's decoration

You can also completely complement this craft New Year's decor. Well, stock up on ideas for New Year's crafts? Share new information with your friends, subscribe to our updates and you will always have the newest ideas, images, thoughts, ideas and ways to implement them at your fingertips.

I hope that our models will serve you as good tips for creating your own New Year's collection, in which Christmas tree decorations made from pine cones will take their place of honor. Inspiration to you and see you! 🙂

How to make a festive gnome for a Christmas tree from a pine cone is shown in this video: