Very interesting competitions for the New Year. Competition "Clockwork Cockerel"

March 8

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Beauty contest

To conduct this competition, you can recruit participants in advance, or you can find them directly at the party. There are two options for conducting this competition.

Option 1

Participants choose original, funny costumes and attributes and answer questions from the competition organizers.

Option 2

Women are encouraged to portray men, and men – women. Of course, everything depends on the imagination of the participants.
Men can build themselves a size seven bust (no worse than Verka Serduchka’s), put on makeup, tie all sorts of bows, miniskirts look especially erotic on hairy male legs...

Women can glue on themselves a huge mustache, a beard (made of thread), put potatoes in their trousers, you understand that it’s in the front, not the back...


What do you value most in members of the opposite sex?
. What would you wish for all people on Earth?
. What is your favorite thing to do?
. If you were to play Shapoklyak (Quasimodo) in a movie, how would you portray her/him?
. Please draw your favorite fruit.
. Please imagine that you are a printer (copier). Depict the following actions: you are standing idle, typing, reporting that you are out of paper, chewing on paper...

You can continue the list of questions yourself, the main thing is that they are frivolous, original, and the answers to them suggest something funny.

Competition "Hit the Target"

Anything can be used as a target: a mannequin, someone's photograph, a drawing of a naked woman, just a piece of paper. The main thing is to remember to draw a center on the target, the so-called bull’s eye, which you should hit.
Participants are called. They must take turns shooting prepared projectiles at the target. You can use anything as a projectile, but it is desirable that it leaves fairly noticeable marks. These can be overripe fruits, vegetables or berries (cherries, tomatoes, strawberries). The first participant to hit the bull's eye receives a prize. As a prize, you can use the same products as for shells, but only of good quality.

Competition "Who is faster"

Several participants are selected (it is better if there are not too many of them). They must compete with each other to see which of them gets to the finish line faster. To complicate the task, they wear either very loose shoes (ideally, they should be five sizes larger than what the participant is wearing), or a bag that restricts movement. Make sure in advance that no one gets hurt during the game: move furniture with sharp corners away, lay soft carpet on the floor...

Competition-game "Rope"

Two presenters are selected. They take it in their hands bright ribbon, a rope (you can get by with a jump rope) so that everyone has the end of this rope in their hands, and they pull it together at the level of, for example, their heads. Rhythmic music is turned on, and the rest of the guests line up in a chain. Everyone must pass under this rope without touching it. The presenters lower the tape slightly after each player. The one of the participants who still touches the tape is eliminated. The last one left wins. You can give him a prize (at least give him the rope itself as a souvenir).

Competition "Clothing"

Option 1

You will need: big box, various items of clothing (the funnier the better); you can use caps, “family” panties and bras very large sizes, sleeping cap (if you find it), huge jabot, etc.
The presenter invites everyone present, without looking, to take something out of the box and put it on themselves (with the condition not to take it off, for example, for the next half an hour). Guests stand in a circle and, to the music, begin to pass this box to each other. At the presenter’s signal (or when the music ends), the one in whose hands the box remains must pull something out of it and put it on.

Option 2

You will need: two boxes of things.
Guests are divided into two teams, in each of which a “victim” is selected, and at the leader’s signal, all team members must put as many things from the box on their “victim” as possible. The winner is either the team that puts on all the items first, or the team that manages to put on the most items before the end of the music (or some other signal).

Competition "Shoe store"

You will need: several boots and shoes, a large box. Everyone who wants to play is divided into two teams, and a captain is selected for each team. While the captains go into the next room, a large box is brought out, the prepared shoes are put there, then each member of the team takes off one of the shoes (it doesn’t matter whether it’s right or left), and all these shoes are also put into the box. Then the teams sit down on chairs and the captains come in. The captains' task is to put on their team's shoes as quickly as possible.

Competition "Knights"

You will need: several pairs of boxing gloves, wrapped candies (according to the number of participants). Men are called up who want to fight for the glory of their beautiful Lady. Everyone wears boxing gloves. Then everyone is given a piece of candy. At the presenter’s signal, the contestants must, whoever is fastest, unwrap the candy and feed it to their Lady.

Competition "Drawings"

You will need: several sheets of paper and colored pencils (or markers). All guests are given a sheet of paper and a set of pencils and are asked to draw a concept, for example " love story", "Honeymoon" and etc.
Then you can organize a competition: each “artist” presents his “work of art”, and the rest must guess what he depicted.

Competition "Whose chain is longer"

All those present are divided into two teams (you can create both mixed teams and those strictly divided into men and women). At the leader’s signal, the players must take turns taking off something from themselves and putting it on the floor, creating a line. The team with the longest chain of clothes wins.

Competition "Burst the Ball"

You will need: inflated Balloons. Participants are divided into pairs, and each pair is given an inflatable balloon. The task of each pair is to do it as quickly as possible without using hands, and also piercing objects puncture your balloon. To do this, couples stand facing each other, and the ball is squeezed between them. The balls burst with counter movements of the bodies; for added fun, you can put on music, for example from the movie “Emmanuelle”.

Competition "Pass it to someone else"

You will need: two long inflatable balloons. Those present are divided into two teams. Each team is given a ball; it must be held between the legs and passed to each other without the help of hands, so to speak, “from foot to foot.” The team that passes this ball to each other faster to the last player wins.

Competition "Aquarius"

You will need: two glasses and a straw for each participant. Two glasses are placed on a hard surface in front of each player - empty and filled with some liquid (water, vodka, wine, etc.). Each person is given a straw (or a straw for cocktails). The task of the competitors is to use this straw to pour the contents from one glass to another as quickly as possible, preferably without losing a drop of precious liquid. The one who does it earlier and better wins.

Unlock the Lock Competition

You will need: two large padlocks, two sets of keys. Two people are called and given a set of keys. They must open each of their locks quickly. You can open not a padlock, but, for example, a closet door (you can hide a prize in the closet).

Competition "Ring"

You will need: matches (according to the number of participants), two rings. The players are divided into two teams. They stand up, alternating according to the “man-woman” principle. Everything is inserted into the mouth with a match. The first players have a ring on their match. At the leader’s signal, each player must pass the ring to the next one (from match to match) without using his hands. The team that manages to do this faster wins.

Competition "Men's Victories"

You will need: uninflated balloons, markers. Each of the participants (and only men participate in this competition) is given one ball. You need to inflate them and draw as many figures as possible on the inflated ball, symbolizing victories over women. All this must be done in a limited amount of time (for example, one minute). The player with the most drawings wins.

Competition "Looking Far"

You will need: binoculars (field glasses are best), a pair of fins. Players take turns wearing fins and walking along a predetermined route while looking through binoculars. reverse side(vice versa). The one who completes the task better than his rivals will receive a prize.

Competition "Fork"

You will need: FORKS (one for each participant), thread. Each participant is tied to a fork belt (to increase difficulty, it is better to tie from behind). The difficulty of completing the task depends on how long the thread is. In any case, all players must have their forks tied at the same level. Under cheerful music The players (whoever is faster), facing each other, must hook their forks. The pair that completes the task first wins.

Competition "For two"

You will need: several cucumbers or bananas (as many pairs as you have). Each pair is given a banana (or cucumber). The task of each pair is to eat their product as quickly as possible, biting it at the same time as different ends. You cannot hold it with your hands!

Competition "Miss Erotica"

You will need: bananas (one for each participant). This is a competition for girls. An erotic melody is turned on, girls are called, each of whom is given a banana. The girl who eats her banana more erotically than the others wins (mostly judged by men). The banana can be replaced with a small cup of whipped cream. In very relaxed groups, you can decorate the top of each banana with whipped cream (I hope there is no need to explain what this symbolizes). The winner can be awarded the Miss Erotica medal.

Competition "Interesting situation"

You will need: several inflated balloons (the larger they are, the better). This game is for men. Each of them has one large inflated balloon attached to their stomach. This can be done using tape. Several boxes of matches are scattered in front of the participants. Players are offered to feel like a pregnant woman: collect as many matches as possible, while trying to prevent the balloon from bursting. The one who still bursts is eliminated from the game.

Competition "contributions"

You will need: a pack of banknotes (can be real, can be drawn). Several pairs are called. Each man is given a wad of money and asked to “open deposits” by putting a banknote in each secluded place (pocket, etc.) for his partner. The game is on for a while. After the specified period has expired (for example, one minute), the presenter counts how many “contributions” each player has made. The one with the most “contributions” wins. Banknotes can be placed in any place: pockets, cuffs, lapels, shoes; You can roll them into tubes and put them in your ears.

Competition "On Nails"

You will need: apples, ropes, and boards with nails. A board is placed in front of each player, from which the points of nails stick out (like yogis). Each participant has an apple attached to their belt using a rope. The apple should hang at the level of, for example, the knees, the main thing is that everyone has the same level. Now the participants must plant their apple on the nails as quickly as possible.

Competition "Cards"

You will need: two cards from the playing deck. Guests are divided into two teams, arranged according to the “male-female” principle, each team is given a playing card. Players must quickly pass this card to each other from mouth to mouth (without touching the card with their hands). The first team to pass a card from the first player to the last wins.

Competition "Hairdressing"

You will need: lots of colored hair ties. Women compete. Every woman chooses a man for whom she should create a super hairstyle. To do this, participants use hair ties to give men many tufts. The game is against time. After the specified period has passed (for example, a minute or time while music is playing, etc.), the competition ends, and the woman who managed to create the most tufts is considered the winner.

Dance Marathon

Guests are invited to dance to lively music while throwing a toy or balloon around. The music will periodically stop, and whoever has a toy in their hands at this moment will have to say a New Year's wish.

Long arm

For this competition, back scratchers or just children's shoulder blades are used. Players will have to adjust them Christmas ball designated place. Whoever does it first wins.

Island of Fairy Tales

The hosts of the evening prepare items that could belong to the hero of a fairy tale. For example, boots (Puss in Boots), a striped cap (Pinocchio), a bottle (Genie), a red feather (Cockerel-Golden Scallop), etc. All these items are put into a bag, and the presenter takes them out one at a time. Guests must guess who owns this or that item. The one who guesses must say a New Year's wish, but only in the voice of the fairy-tale character he guessed. The most artistic ones are rewarded with a gift. The remaining participants are given small memorable prizes.

A bag with presents

This game is played by Santa Claus.
He says: “I’m getting ready for the New Year’s holiday and I’m taking it with me in a bag: Teddy bear, rattle...
The next participant in the competition must repeat his words and add another item. After which another person takes over the baton, and so on in a circle until someone can list all the items accumulated in the bag. The person who last completed the task receives the gift.

News program

Participants are given cards with five words written on them. In 30 seconds, they must come up with one sentence about an event that has occurred in the world so that it contains comprehensive information about this event, and in addition, all the given words are used. These words can be turned into any part of speech.

1) China, African, swimsuit, biology, checkers;
2) Brazil, snowfall, rocket, declaration, shark;
3) Uzbekistan, waterfall, skating rink, epidemic, bear;
4) Antarctica, drought, ostrich, rocket, strike.

Slow motion

Contestants must depict the following situations in slow motion:

Wood cutting;
- taking an egg from a chicken nest;
- wound and bandaging of a finger;
- mowing the grass and collecting it in a stack.

Declaration of love

Four guys must declare their love to four girls, but at the same time their manner of speech and movements must correspond to their behavior:

4 year old child;
- a 12-year-old teenager;
- an 18-year-old boy;
- a 70-year-old man.

Happy holiday!

You need to come up with a text greeting card, sent to the boss’s address regarding the celebration:

Day of Informals;
- Day of Protection of the Rights of the Unemployed;
- Money Independence Day;
- Alcoholics Anonymous Solidarity Day.

Ad competition

Participants are required to compose an ad text consisting of several concise sentences:

About the rental of a Kalashnikov assault rifle;
- about the purchase of the city;
- about the exchange of countries of residence;
- about the loss of a sock, etc.
The winner is the one whose ad is the most interesting and original.

New Year's round dance

Guests are divided into teams, after which they are invited to depict a round dance around the Christmas tree in a skit, organized by:

In a psychiatric hospital;
- in the police;
- in kindergarten;
- in the army.
It must be depicted in such a way that the characters can be guessed. The prize is given for artistry and wit.


Couples are called for this competition. They will have to depict an interview scene. To do this, in each pair one person will play the role of a journalist, and the other will play the role of an interviewee:

The man who invented the eternal brake;
- winner of the "Best Goatman" competition;
- combat labor drummer;
- bottle game specialist.

To New Year's holiday the company was not boring, you need to think in advance fun program, which includes interesting competitions. As a rule, such moments enliven any event, allow participants to feel at ease and get to know each other better.

It is advisable that you participate in the entertainment more people– then laughter and fun will contribute to a good mood in New Year's Eve, driving away boredom and drowsiness.

1. Snowball

The competition can be held while sitting at a table. This is a dating game that, in an unfamiliar company, allows you to remember the names of all party participants, and also have a lot of fun at the very beginning of the holiday.

The first participant says his name. The second participant says the name of the previous participant, as well as his own name. So the game continues, with each participant the list of names that must be pronounced becomes longer.

Then the game can be complicated by asking participants to add some nickname on the topic to their name. fairy tale characters, for example, “Peter – Batman”, “Anna – Fiona” and so on.

It is quite difficult to determine the winners in this competition, but the process of pronouncing names will already be real fun.

2. Catch the “snake”

Two participants sit on chairs, standing friend backs to each other. Under the chairs there is a rope - a “snake”, the ends of which pass between the feet of each participant.

At the command of the main leader, the participants must sharply lean forward, trying to grab the rope faster than their opponent and pull it out from under the chair.

The most dexterous one wins - he then competes with the next participant, and so on, until the undisputed winner is determined.

3. Together we will defeat winter!

Everyone gets into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of ice (ice in identical molds must be prepared for the competition in advance). At a signal, the couple tries to quickly melt their ice in any way - you can blow on it, lick it, put it on the body, between your palms, or rub it. Participants are not allowed to use heating devices or hot utensils to melt their piece of ice. The couple whose piece of ice melts first wins.

4. New Year's songs

For this competition you don’t even have to leave the table. The whole company is divided into two teams. A draw determines which group starts first.

The essence of the competition is to remember all the songs about the New Year, Christmas tree, Christmas, winter, snow, blizzard, and sing a verse of each. The group that remembers the most songs wins.

You can change this competition a little as follows. Small pieces of paper are prepared in advance, words on the theme of the New Year and winter are written on them - “Snow Maiden”, “blizzard”, “Santa Claus”, “Snow”, “winter”, “December”.

Representatives from the teams take out one piece of paper from a colorful box, try to quickly remember the song that contains the given word, and perform it. This competition can be designed as a small improvisation concert.

5. Wish fulfillment competition

This competition must be prepared in advance as follows. A note with some New Year-themed task is placed in the balloons, for example: “Show the Kremlin chimes”, “Show the dance of snowflakes”, “Depict snow woman", "Draw an icicle", "Show a Christmas tree", "Show a drunken Santa Claus", "Sing New Year's song in a child's voice" and so on. These tasks should be varied and fun, and you need to prepare a fairly large number of them.

You also need to pour small confetti into the balloons, inflate them and hang them somewhere higher.

For the competition, all those present are divided into two groups. A member of the first team must burst the balloon with his hand or a stick - it will be covered with confetti and a piece of paper with the task will fall out. Then he must complete the task assigned to him as best as possible to the friendly applause and laughter of those present.

If a participant does not want to complete this task, the team receives minus 1 point. Together with each participant, everyone present can complete the task, competing in the quality of the reproduced scene. The most active team wins.

6. New Year's ABC

This competition can be held right after festive table. The host of the holiday announces that he wants to check whether everyone remembers the alphabet.

Each of the participants takes turns saying Happy New Year to all participants, starting a phrase with one letter of the alphabet, with “A”. For example, “A” - “Let’s wish Happy New Year to all the ladies present!”; “B” - “Be healthy and happy in the New Year!”

The culmination of this competition will be attempts to come up with phrases starting with the letters “b”, “f”, “b”, “j”. Clever and resourceful participants in the competition must somehow get out of the situation or laugh it off.

7. Snowball fight

For this competition, prepared in advance sufficient quantity“snowballs” made of cotton wool. All those present are divided into two teams and stand different sides hall

At the command of the leader, both teams begin to throw prepared snowballs at each other, noise, turmoil, and laughter arise. Then, at the leader’s command, the “war” stops. Each team must collect all the “snowballs” that fell on its side of the hall. The group that scores the most wins.

Then this competition can be continued with comic tasks - participants of both teams compete in carrying the “snowball” on the head, on the chest, on the back - in such a way that they do not hold it with their elbows or hands, and so that the “snowball” does not fall to the floor.

8. Santa Claus sneezed

This competition is not held to determine the winners, but to create general fun and laughter.

All those present are divided into three groups. Initially, the participants in each group are told that they are on a certain command - for example, by waving " magic wand", each one should shout out his own Magic word. These words are for three teams - “achi”, “eyes”, “cartilage”.

The teams must shout these words synchronously, all together, and the one that shouts their word louder than the others will win. At special signals, the teams shout their words all together.

As a result, all this noise will look like a giant sneezing. The presenter can further excite and amuse the participants of this competition by responding to every “sneeze” with “Be healthy, Grandfather Frost!”

9. Rolling snowballs

This competition is held between male + female pairs.

Gentle music plays and the participants dance a slow dance. Then the music stops, the host gives the couples small balls, which he places between the bellies of the ladies and gentlemen.

At a special signal from the host of the competition, more energetic music begins to sound, and the partners try to use the movements of their bodies to roll the ball to the chin so as not to drop it or touch it with their hands.

10. Festive conveyor

From among those present, five participants are selected into two teams, they are given names: “open it,” “pour it,” “drink it,” “have a bite,” “close it.”

On the tables for two teams at the end of the hall there are bottles of sparkling water (for adult groups - with champagne or wine), a glass, and a sandwich.

At the starting signal from our presenter, the first participants run from the starting mark to the tables and open the bottle. The second participants must run to the tables and pour the drink into the glass to the brim. The third pair of participants runs to drink what is poured in glasses. The fourth participants in the competition “snack” a sandwich, the fifth ones run and close the bottle of drink.

The team that is more careful will win. it will pass faster this relay race.

As an option, teams may have not five participants, but, for example, three or seven. Sandwiches can be prepared in groups of three, and the relay race can be carried out until three laps have been completed, from opening the bottle to closing it.

11. Boxing ring

Two participants are called to the “stage” and will compete with each other. The presenter announces that now there will be bloody fights between two real men. Participants are given boxing gloves.

The presenter accompanies the putting on of gloves and the preparation process with phrases that “warm up” the audience: “Real men fight to the last!”, “The ring will show who is stronger!” Participants can be stripped to the waist, allowed to warm up, jump, and box in the air.

When the participants are warmed up and ready to “fight” each other, they are given... each candy in a wrapper (placed on the tables). At the starting signal “ring”, our “boxers” must try to quickly unwrap this candy with gloved hands, without dropping it from the table, and eat it.

The task with candies can be replaced with another task: with your hands in boxing gloves, unfasten the buttons on the lady who is previously wearing a dressing gown.

12. Queen of New Year's Eve

What fairytale evening would be complete without a queen? Here in New Year's Eve participants will have to choose their main prom queen. To do this, of course, it is necessary to dress the queens in appropriate clothes, for which each team is given 1-2 rolls of toilet paper.

The teams’ task is to create a “royal robe” for their main “queen” within a certain period of time, for example, while all the other participants are singing some New Year’s song.

The winner is the team whose “queen” outfit is better than the other “queens”.

13. Dancing with balloons

When it’s time to dance at the New Year’s party, participants can be offered very funny competition. All dancers have a balloon tied to their left ankle.

The essence of the competition is to, while dancing, protect your balloon from the feet of other participants, and at the same time, try to “burst” their balloons.

Such “dances” turn into a fun romp that gives good mood and general fun.

14. Fun questions - funny answers

This competition requires a small preliminary preparation. From thick paper or cardboard, it is necessary to cut cards of the same size, an even number, in quantity - approximately two to three times more than the participants of the future party. On half of the cards you need to write a wide variety of questions, putting them in a separate deck. You need to write the answers on the second half of the cards - this will be the second deck.

Questions could be: “Do you know how to control yourself?”, “If I kiss you, what will you say to this?”,
“Do you like striptease?”, “Do you often get drunk?” and others. Answers may be as follows: “Only after payday,” “My youth is left behind,” “This is mine.” favorite hobby", "Only at night" and others.

The first participant names the person who will be asked the question, takes a card from the deck of questions, and reads it.

The answerer takes a card from the answer deck and reads it. Then the second participant calls the name of the next answerer, takes a card with a question, reads it - and the festival of fun questions and answers continues further.

15. Snow lady of dreams

This competition can also be held with real snow - if it is slightly damp outside, or if large portions of snow are brought into the hall on trays for the competition. An option without snow is to sculpt a “dream lady” from cotton wool or padding polyester.

Divide all participants into teams. Each team is given “material” for modeling, and the start is announced. The team must “sculpt” a beautiful sculpture of a real beauty as best as possible, faster than their opponents. In the process of “sculpting” you can use your own things, products from the table.

The most beautiful and original “sculpture” wins.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, share with us! It is very important for us to know your opinion!

The competition is prepared in advance. We take the most ordinary balloons. We write assignments on pieces of paper. The tasks may be different. We put the notes inside the balloon and inflate it. The player pops any ball without using his hands (for example, by sitting on it) and receives a task that must be completed.


Two teams are participating. The presenter prepares two identical chocolates. At the command “Start”, the outer players of the two teams, sitting next to the leader, quickly unwrap each of their chocolate bars, bite off a piece and pass the chocolate bar to the next participant. The one, in turn, quickly eats another piece and passes the chocolate to the next player. The winner is the team that eats its chocolate bar faster, and there should be enough for all the players on the team.


Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. It is advisable that there are no beating or sharp objects. The presenter speaks into each player's ear the names of two animals. And he explains the meaning of the game: when he names any animal, then the person who was told this animal should sit down sharply in his ear, and his neighbors to the right and left, on the contrary, when they feel that their neighbor is crouching, should prevent this from happening, supporting the neighbor by the arms . It is advisable to do all this at a fairly fast pace, without giving any breaks. The joke is that the second animal that the presenter speaks into the players’ ears is the same for everyone - “WHALE”. And when, a minute or two after the start of the game, the presenter suddenly says: “Whale,” then everyone inevitably has to sit down sharply - which leads to prolonged wallowing on the floor.

Game of "yes" and "no"

The host asks questions to which the game participants must quickly, without hesitation, answer “yes” or “no.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Do you like jokes and gags?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Will he eat all your chocolates?
- No.
- Will he light the children’s Christmas tree?
- Yes.
- Will he hide the threads and needles?
- No.
- Doesn’t his soul age?
- Yes.
- Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Is Joulupukki Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- Did a rose bloom under the snow?
- No.
- New Year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Is Santa Claus bringing gifts?
- Yes.
- Are all the masks bright on New Year’s Day?
- Yes.

There is another version of this game. The presenter names the items, and the participants just as quickly, without hesitation, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

Multi-colored firecrackers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- No.
- Folding beds and cribs?
- No.
- Marmalades, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Are the chairs wooden?
- No.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Primers and books?
- No.
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Yes.
- And the garlands are light?
- Yes.
- Snow made of white wool?
- Yes.
- Good soldiers?
- No.
- Shoes and boots?
- No.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- No.

Snow mission

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a “snowball” out of cotton wool. The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass a “snowball” around the circle. At the same time they say:

We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on.

Chef competition

Behind certain time(for example, 5 minutes) the participants of the game must make up New Year's menu. All dishes in it must begin with the letter “N” (New Year). Dishes on the menu for Father Frost should begin with the letter “M”, and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter “S”. The one with the largest menu wins.

I'll sing now!

On New Year's Day, it is customary to sing songs and dance around the tree. But this activity can be diversified. For example, when the presenter claps, everyone begins to sing the famous song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter.” At the second clap, singing aloud stops, but all participants in the game continue to sing to themselves. On the third clap, everyone starts singing out loud again. Anyone who enters at the wrong time either drops out or comes forward and invites everyone to sing some other well-known song. This is repeated several times. The leader can help everyone else by conducting the combined choir, especially during those moments when the participants are singing mentally.

Fairytale character

Cards are laid out on the table with the names of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters written on them (with the inscriptions facing down). A participant in the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, must, using facial expressions, gestures, and characteristic sounds, portray this character so that those present understand who he is talking about. we're talking about. The first person to guess pulls out the next card.


The game involves two people. Each participant is blindfolded and asked to disassemble his own slide, in which peas, beans, lentils, and dried rowan are mixed (the ingredients can be changed depending on what is in the house). Blindfolded participants sort the fruits into groups. The one who completes the task first wins.

Mysterious Prize

A small gift (notebook, pen, etc.) is wrapped in paper, onto which a piece of paper with a riddle is glued. Once again they wrap it in paper and again glue the piece of paper with the riddle on it. There can be any number of such layers, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one layer of paper, reads the riddle to himself and says the answer out loud. Then he unfolds the next layer, reads the riddle again to himself and says the answer. If he doesn't know the answer, he reads the riddle out loud. The first one to solve this riddle unrolls the next layer of paper. The winner is the one who, having solved the last riddle, gets to the gift.

Mobile phone

Participants in the game name the numbers in order. Those who roll the number 5 or its multiples say “ding-ding.” Those who get the number 7 and its multiples say “ding-diling.” The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Choose a prize!

Attached to a long rope various gifts, wrapped in little bags. The participant in the game is blindfolded and given scissors. He must cut some gift, which he gets.

Shoe for Cinderella

Participants in the game put their shoes in a pile and blindfold themselves. The presenter mixes the shoes into a pile and gives the command: “Find your shoe!” Blindfolded participants need to find their pair of shoes and put on their shoes. Whoever completes the task faster wins.


For this competition you will need sweet jelly or, for example, halva. The winner is the one who eats the portion offered to him the fastest using a toothpick.


The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to move as many oranges or tangerines as possible to a certain place without using their hands in a certain time (for example, 10 minutes).

Guessing games

Each participant in the game has a piece of paper attached to their back with the name of an animal, object, etc. (for example, an elephant, a pen, a pear, an airplane), but so that the players do not know what is written on their pieces of paper. But they can read what is written on others' backs. Participants in the game must ask each other suggestive questions to find out what is written on their back. The answers can only be “yes” or “no.” The one who guesses his “name” first is the winner. The game is played until the last person guesses correctly. Everyone receives incentive prizes.


This competition is best held outdoors. The presenter names a letter, and the competition participants must fashion any thing out of snow that begins with this letter. Whoever blinds faster and more reliably wins. You can conduct this competition at home using plasticine.

Game for children “Hands up!”

The game is played by 8 or more people. You must have 1 coin. Everyone is divided into 2 teams and sits opposite each other at the table. One team receives a coin and the participants pass it to each other under the table. The commander of the opposing team slowly (you can silently) counts to ten, and then says: “Hands up!” The players of the team that passed the coin must immediately raise their hands up, with their hands clenched into fists. Then the commander says: “Hands down!” - and players must place their hands, palms down, on the table. The one who has the coin tries to cover it with his palm. Now the players of the opposite team confer and decide who has the coin. If they guessed correctly, the coin goes to them; if not, it remains with the same team.

Game for schoolchildren "Discoverer"

First, participants are asked to “open” new planet- inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “Populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw little figures of people on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner.

Pass the orange

Two teams stand in two lines opposite each other. The players in each team, from the first to the last, must pass each other some round thing: an orange, a ball, a round toy. In this case, you can only use your chin or shoulder. You can't help yourself with your hands. If the thing falls to the floor, everything starts all over again.


Everyone stand in a circle. Let everyone come up with and depict a pantomimic caricature of any of the children. You can choose any of the participants in the game. Then, in a circle, you will need to try to consistently depict all the caricatures of all participants in the game. Everyone collectively decides who each person portrays in turn. If a player is exposed, he leaves the circle. If someone was unable to reliably portray his colleague and he turned out to be unrecognized, the author of the parody drops out of the game. The game takes place in a circle. The most persistent ones, the last ones, win.

Competition "Songs"

Song lovers competition. We stand in a circle, facing each other. The host starts the song, sings or speaks one verse. The next player continues with a verse of another song, without a pause in between. CONDITION: all subsequent verses must contain at least one word from the previous song. As soon as the first player has finished singing the first verse, the next song, without pause, is picked up by the player to his right.

Tamer of Wild Beasts

Place chairs in the room, one less than the number of guests. Everyone takes chairs, and one of the players becomes a wild animal tamer. He walks slowly in a circle and names all the animals in a row. The one whose animal is named (the players pre-select them for themselves) gets up and begins to slowly walk after their tamer. As soon as the tamer says the words “Attention, hunters!”, everyone playing, including the tamer, tries to take empty chairs. Anyone who does not have enough space becomes a tamer of wild animals.

Try it, pierce it!

One or two balloon tied to the leg or both legs of children. The players' task is to puncture other people's balls in any way and protect their own.


Turn out the sleeves of two jackets and hang them on the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter, with their backs facing each other. Place a two-meter long rope under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. At the signal, they must take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put on the jacket and fasten all the buttons. Then run around your opponent’s chair, sit on your chair and pull the rope (simulating pulling a fire hose).

Prize drawing on the count of three

Two participants stand opposite each other - there is a prize (for example, candy) on a chair in front of them. The leader counts: one, two, three hundred, one, two, three. eleven, one, two, thirty, etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when the presenter says “three”.

Guess who am I!

The game becomes more fun when many guests take part in it at once. The leader is blindfolded, the rest join hands and stand around the “blind” person. The leader claps his hands and the children begin to move in a circle. The presenter claps again - and the circle freezes. Now the presenter must point to a player and try to guess who it is. If he manages to do this on the first try, then the one who was guessed leads. If the presenter does not guess who is in front of him on the first try, he has the right to touch this player and try to guess a second time. If the guess is correct, the identified child drives. As a variation of this game, you can introduce a rule according to which the presenter can ask the player to say something, to imitate an animal - to bark or meow.

Hit the hat!

Give the kids a high five playing cards, nuts in shells, straws for drinking water, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects while standing at a certain distance from the target.


All participants are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a clever word and then says it to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures, facial expressions and plastic movements, so that his team can guess what was planned. After successfully guessing, the teams change roles. After some practice, this game can be complicated and made much more interesting by guessing not words, but phrases.

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday throughout our lives, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, from it we expect gifts, miracles and special fun. What's the fun without New Year's games, competitions, fairy tales with dressing up and funny entertainment?!

New Year's games, competitions and skits are the same obligatory attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all, the New Year is a time of general joy; time when you want to make noise and play. Don't deny yourself - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Entertainment program for the New Year 2019

We offer you a wide variety of New Year's entertainment, which can be viewed via the links. They are also suitable for corporate holidays, and for home parties, and for a close group of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily create an interesting entertainment program from them.

To save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain the People for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading festive events
  • for employees of organizations who are planning to celebrate New Year's corporate party on your own, without the involvement of a toastmaster
  • for those who are planning to spend new year party at home
  • For active people who want to have fun and be entertained by everyone New Year holidays in the circle of family, friends and relatives

The proposed games, competitions and sketches will be more than enough for you not only for entertainment program for this New Year, but also for future New Year holidays!

All buyers of this collection will receive New Year's gifts:

Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

Skits and impromptu fairy tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny sketches and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is connected with the wonderful New Year holiday. All sketches have funny and original plots; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer holiday program; It is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet of signs, nothing unnecessary is printed. Here short description sketches included in the collection:

Guests from Italy at the New Year's party(very funny costumed New Year's greetings With original text). Little preliminary preparation is required. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(impromptu fairy tale with chants, presenter and 7 actors; everyone else present also participates). Especially suitable for corporate New Year celebrations.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Fairy Tale(funny impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(small impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 6 actors).
A long-awaited gift(miniature pantomime scene, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic staff(New Year's theatrical skit, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time interesting funny scene with an original New Year's plot. Advance preparation is required. Age: 15+

Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages
Price: 300 rubles

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