How many days will the New Year holidays last? Postponement of holidays during New Year holidays

For a wedding

How we relax for the New Year 2018-2019. - This is the question many Russians are now asking when planning the New Year holidays. Most employers are guided by the generally accepted production calendar. The number of days off is approved annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. The holiday schedule for 2019 and the draft corresponding Resolution have been approved. Now you can safely plan your trips and vacations.

How do we relax on the New Year and weekends during the January holidays?

For most Russians, the New Year 2019 weekend will begin on Sunday, December 30, 2018.

Thanks to the transfer, Saturday, December 29, 2018, will be a working day (that is, five-day workers will have a six-day work week), and Monday, December 31, 2018, will become a day off. Then, at the beginning of January 2019, there are 7 days of New Year holidays and the Christmas holiday. Thus, citizens working on a five-day shift will have the following days off during the New Year holidays:

Let's look at the whole of January - how many weekends and holidays there are:

January 2019, 14 days off and 17 working days.

A draft of a new resolution prepared by the department has appeared on the federal portal of regulatory legal acts, from which you can find out which days off will become working days next year, and vice versa.

New Year holidays from December 30 to January 8

So, the New Year holidays in the country will begin on December 30 and will last until January 8, 2019.

The day off from Saturday, January 5, will be moved to Thursday, May 2. And Sunday, January 6th - accordingly, on Friday, May 3rd. In addition, Saturday, February 23rd will also be moved to Friday, May 10th.

The Russian Ministry of Labor has prepared proposals for postponing days off in 2019. According to the draft decree of the Russian government, during the New Year and Christmas holidays, Russian citizens will rest from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019.

The next holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day, will last from February 23 to 24 and from March 8 to 10, respectively.

Russians will also have a holiday from May 1 to May 5 and from May 9 to 12, when the country will celebrate the Spring and Labor Day and Victory Day.

Also, the day off is traditionally scheduled for Russia Day - June 12. Residents of the Russian Federation will celebrate National Unity Day from November 2 to 4.

As the Ministry of Labor explained, this procedure for transferring rest days in 2019 was drawn up with the goal of rational use by employees of weekends and non-working holidays.

To plan a vacation in advance, outline a leisure plan and see all your loved ones - every Russian tries to do all this during the New Year holidays. To make it easier to cope with the assigned tasks, you can now familiarize yourself and find out How to relax in Russia for the New Year 2018, and how many New Year's weekends and holidays await us.

How to relax during the New Year holidays 2018

According to the proposal of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation to postpone the holidays in 2018, you can now find out exactly how long the New Year holidays will last. The fact is that in the coming year, the New Year holiday 2018 falls on the night from Sunday to Monday. This wonderful coincidence of circumstances will help even those who work on a six-day week to be on time with all the pre-holiday preparations.

Thus, it will be possible to prepare for the onset of the New Year 2018 as early as Saturday, December 30, since it is from this date that the official New Year's weekend begins, which will last until January 8 inclusive (see calendar below).

Official New Year's holidays in 2018

Based on the draft resolution of the Russian Government and in particular Rosmintruda, the schedule of weekends and working dates for the upcoming New Year period will be as follows: from December 30 to January 8 inclusive — the New Year holidays will be held, so the duration of the New Year holidays this year will be 10 days, which is 1 day more than in 2017.

Thus, in January 2018, from the 31st calendar day, there will be 17 working days, in turn, there will be 14 days off and holidays this month.

Postponement of holidays in January

For a more rational use of time, the highest authorities made the following decision: due to the fact that January 6 falls on a Saturday (and by law this day refers to the New Year holidays and is considered a non-working day), it is postponed to March 9. The transfer of weekends and holidays described above will not be the only one for January 2018. Due to the fact that January 7, the Nativity of Christ, is classified as and falls on a calendar day off - Sunday, there will be another shift in the production calendar. In this case, the day off on January 7th is moved to May 2nd.

The question may arise: how are such movements of holiday dates in the production calendar legalized? The answer can be found by referring to the legislation of the Russian Federation, which states that if a public holiday falls on a calendar weekend (that is, Saturday or Sunday), it is automatically transferred to the nearest Monday or other convenient date. This date is discussed at the highest level and finally set by adopting the relevant act and making it public.

New Year 2018: holidays and weekends

On January 7, 2018, Russia will celebrate the second most important holiday in Orthodoxy (after Easter) - the Nativity of Christ, this day will also be a non-working day.

It may seem that our country is almost the only one in the world that takes such a long holiday for the New Year. In many countries there are several times fewer non-working days. In Russia, this trend has developed historically. Thanks to the innovations of Peter the Great, the first celebration of the New Year took place, which in the future shifted due to the adoption of a new calendar. This gave rise to the first ones, which are now so loved by both children and adults.

New Year is a favorite holiday for schoolchildren, students, and working adults. Preparations for the New Year begin long before the holiday: choosing gifts for family and friends, buying Christmas tree decorations, planning festive winter holidays... The fact that the weekend for the coming New Year 2018-2019 will be long contributes to a good mood. How long will the vacation last? What date does the holidays start? When will the weekend for schoolchildren, students, and working citizens end?

New Year holidays 2019

Every year, the country's leadership decides: who, when, and how long will rest for the holidays. The announcement of the weekend, announced by the government, allows you to plan family leisure time and long-distance travel. How many holidays are we promised for the New Year 2019? The calendar adopted by the government promises working citizens of the country 10 days off!

The Ministry of Labor decided to add several additional days of rest for the New Year holidays. This initiative was approved by the country's leadership and the draft calendar was approved.

There were rumors that the New Year's holiday weekend would be cancelled. For several years in a row, deputies have proposed reducing the number of New Year's holidays. Parliamentarians proposed to take only a short break from December 31 to January 1 (only two days). The motivation is that every additional day off leads to downtime in the country's economy. The result is losses amounting to billions of rubles.

Long walks, according to Gennady Onishchenko (deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science), are not good for our health. The LDPR party is in solidarity with him on this issue. Alexander Didenko proposed making only December 31, as well as January 1 and 7 as days off. The remaining days off, in his opinion, should be added to the vacation of workers.

The initiative of the people's representatives did not find support from the government - the bill was not adopted. By the way, a social survey of citizens showed that Russians are not ready for such innovations as the cancellation of the New Year holidays. Opinions were distributed as follows:

  • Agree to cancel – 20%.
  • Disagree - 70%.
  • Still - 10%.

From all of the above, it follows that civil servants will have a long vacation during the 2019 New Year holidays. The New Year holidays will last 10 calendar days, so take care of where to spend them in advance.

Who and how much rest for the New Year?

Adult working population of Russia:

  • The holiday will begin on December 30 and last until January 8. Most likely, December 29 (Saturday) will become a shortened day in most offices. In addition, the weekend of January 5-6, which next year falls on Saturday-Sunday, will become a reason to lengthen the May holidays.

Pupils. For students of schools and gymnasiums, everything is not so clear. The uncertainty is due to the fact that there are different educational systems:

  • Quarters.
  • Modules
  • Semesters.
  • Trimesters.

The number of days off per year remains common to all systems. Today this is no less than: 30 days for high school students during the school year (35 for elementary school students) + three months of summer vacation.

Since schools operate according to different systems, the Russian Ministry of Education cannot establish uniform vacation dates for all students. It is limited only to recommendations that take into account the peculiarities of a particular system.

Approximate schedule of winter holidays for schoolchildren studying in different systems:

  • Quarter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019.
  • Modules, semesters, trimesters – from 12/29/2018 to 01/8/2019.

What the approved winter break schedule will be is the final decision of the school. The plan is approved by a special school council consisting of:

  • Teachers.
  • School administration.
  • Parents of students.

The school holiday schedule is published on the school website no later than October, so parents have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with it in advance.

How will students relax for the New Year? For this category of students, as well as for working Russian citizens, the New Year's holiday will last from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019. However, vacations can be extended by decision of the administration of the educational institution.

Why are we celebrating for so long?

Why are New Year holidays so long in Russia? This is associated with the celebration of not only the New Year, but also Christmas.

Traditionally, the coming New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31st. The population celebrates noisily: they set off fireworks, explode firecrackers, and accept congratulations from family, friends, and colleagues.

Christmas is a religious Christian holiday that falls on the night of January 6th to 7th. This holiday is quieter, more family-friendly.

The government has already approved the production calendar, so plan your individual and family vacations in advance. Don't sit at home, make the most of your time. Use the opportunity:

  • Visit museums, theaters, exhibitions.
  • Skiing, sledding.
  • Take a trip to the house of Santa Claus.
  • Travel.

There are many options for spending the “long New Year's weekend”. Relax, gain strength, new experiences, and most importantly, don’t forget to go to work on January 8th.

The long-awaited and beloved New Year holiday is just around the corner. January is the shortest month in terms of the number of working days in the production calendar in Russia. If previously Russians went to work a couple of days after New Year's Eve, now January is replete with a number of holidays associated with the New Year and Christmas. Let us remind you how we relax on New Year and Christmas in 2019.

According to the labor code, vacations for Russians last from the 1st to the 6th and the 8th, which also includes January 7th. It is natural that over such a long period of time, some holidays coincide with regular weekends - Saturday and Sunday, which means, according to the law, they must be moved to weekdays. As a result of this postponement, the New Year holidays may drag on even longer, and therefore, so that the country’s citizens do not completely lose the habit of working, the Government often makes one-time adjustments to the course of these changes.

This will be the case in January 2019, where the 5th and 6th holidays fall on Saturday and Sunday. The two days thus formed will be moved to May 2 and 3, as a result of which next year we will also have a short summer holiday, which will last in May from the 1st to the 5th.

Taking into account Christmas, the last day of the New Year holidays will be January 8th. And they will begin on December 30, since this year the last working day, which falls on Monday, has been moved to Saturday, the 29th.

Thus, the winter holidays of Russians will last ten whole days - from December 30, 2019 to January 8, 2019. With coming!

How we relax during the New Year holidays 2018 – 2019

  • December 29th, Saturday – shortened working day;
  • December 30th, Sunday is a day off;
  • 31th of December, Monday – closed (rescheduled from Saturday, December 29);
  • 1st of January, Tuesday – New Year – Public holiday;
  • January 2, Wednesday – New Year holidays – day off;
  • January 3, Thursday – New Year holidays – day off;
  • 4 January, Friday – New Year holidays – day off;
  • 5 January, Saturday – New Year holidays – day off;
  • 6th January, Sunday – New Year holidays – day off;
  • Jan. 7, Monday - Christmas - Holiday day off;
  • January 8, Tuesday – New Year holidays – day off;
  • January 9, Wednesday is a working day.

We wrote earlier that

School holidays are loved and long-awaited not only for millions of students in our country, but also for their parents. In order to successfully plan the winter holiday period at school and their vacation schedule, parents should know the New Year holiday schedule for 2019-2020 and the dates when their children begin their studies. This way, they will be able to adjust their vacation time and other events to the schoolchildren’s rest period. At this time, you can go with the whole family on a trip, to the country, plan trips to museums, theaters and other entertainment programs.

It's not just children who have holidays. This is a wonderful and long-awaited time, which always passes incredibly quickly and, often very brightly, is accessible to adult citizens of Russia. Every year, at the legislative level, the country’s authorities decide when and how many days the residents of the state will have the opportunity to take a break from everyday work. As a rule, such a calendar of holidays and weekends applies only to officially employed citizens working in the public sector of the labor market, and this also applies to schoolchildren and students.

Holidays, as well as the time of vacations common to all, are determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this state document, in 2020, in the month of January, we will have a rest according to the wording, which is enshrined in the Labor Code and is called “New Year’s holidays.” This concept includes the numbers from January 1st to January 8th inclusive. This general rule has been in effect in our country since 2012 and suits our fellow citizens completely. True, some servants of the people are trying to introduce an initiative to extend the holiday weekend and add December 31 to them. But so far this amendment has not officially passed, and we will rest according to the Labor Code.

In 2019-2020, the New Year will begin, as always, on the night of January 1, 2020. Russians will have the opportunity not to go to work from January 1 to January 8 inclusive. The beloved Old New Year will fall at the beginning of the week in 2020, and therefore, residents of Russia will not have the opportunity to rest and relax. So, if you adhere to the tradition of celebrating this controversial but fun day, then be patient and wait until the end of the working day on January 13th. And remember that on January 14th you will have to go back to work in the morning; in this sense, Russian legislation does not provide any relief for citizens.

New Year calendar of working days and weekends for the New Year 2020

The days when the whole family can enjoy a relaxing holiday in January are the longest, and therefore long-awaited. In the coming year 2020, no exceptions are expected in this sense. Russian citizens are planning various trips with the whole family these days. This time really gives people an atmosphere of kindness and family warmth. New Year's holidays are like a small vacation that people truly value and plan for carefully.

The first of January falls in the middle of the week, it will be Wednesday. The New Year holidays will last from this day until January 8 inclusive. But January 4 and 5, which fall on Saturday and Sunday in the calendar, will definitely regain their status as full-fledged holiday weekends in the future. They will be rescheduled for another time. There is no exact information yet on how the authorities will manage these days off. Perhaps the New Year holidays will be extended, and we will return to work not on January 9, but only on January 11. In this case, the New Year holidays 2020 will become incredibly big. Another option is that this couple of days will go into May and will complement the weekend period as part of the May Day holiday, or two days will be added to Victory Day. In any case, Russians should not worry, people will definitely get their legal holidays, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation simply will not allow other scenarios.

If we talk about the production calendar, then everything depends on the specific organization. In many manufacturing and service sectors, there are irregular working hours, where people work 12 hours or even days. For these categories of the working population, it is necessary to take these features into account when drawing up the appropriate calendar plan. For the country as a whole, with a 5-day working week, when a person works 8 hours every day, the following features of recording working and non-working time in the first month of 2020 can be determined.

In January 2020, the total number of days is 31. Official working days in January are 17. The number of non-working days is 14. Transfers of holidays to other dates are 2 (January 4 and 5).

Where to go on vacation?

Where to go in Russia in winter? When the long winter holidays arrive, many parents have a question: where to go or travel with their child so that he will be interested, so that he does not spend the entire holiday watching TV or the computer. Of course, a lot is organized for children, but I would like variety, so that there are not only Christmas trees, and so that the children can walk in the fresh air.

There are interesting places where you can go with children from Moscow or cities in the Moscow region. This is the “Reindeer” deer farm, which is located in the village of Antsifirovo, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, near the city of Yegoryevsk.

The farm is located right in the forest, among beautiful snow-covered forests and fields. Children will have a lot of fun sledding on a real reindeer sled across a snow-covered field.

Happy holidays for schoolchildren for the New Year 2020

Modern children are the same boys and girls as 10 years ago, but with some differences. And this is understandable - when times change, it is children who are the first to catch the wind of change. Today, guys still love to communicate, have fun, make plans and fool around as before. Only the methods have changed a little. Nowadays, most children of high school age communicate, make acquaintances, make friends, and find entertainment on the Internet.

What about the holidays? How do kids these days prefer to spend their days off, especially when the holiday period lasts as long as winter break? Among the dominant entertainment for schoolchildren during the New Year holidays, the following options can be distinguished:

schoolchildren create New Year's chats on the Internet and communicate with peers on a variety of topics;

  • They are engaged in photography, because during the New Year holidays there are many wonderful places and scenery against which your selfie will look very attractive. After this, most often the guys organize secret competitions for the best photo on Instagram and other virtual networks;
  • play computer games online when competitions take place with real people;
  • If, after all, children get tired of surfing the Internet, then they choose a sports and entertainment form of leisure. This includes slides, skating rinks, ski lodges, and so on;
  • visiting cinemas, since during the New Year holidays, as a rule, there are a huge number of movie premieres, both foreign and domestic directors;
  • organization of so-called “apartment parties”, when parents go to relatives, and children invite friends to their home for a holiday party.

Exciting winter holidays 2019-2020 for students

The New Year will come very soon, the session and exams are behind us and now is the time for students to have a good rest and gain strength before the next academic period. What to do with yourself during such a long vacation, which the state gives us at the beginning of January? Sitting in front of the TV all day, eating salads, is perhaps not the brightest prospect, especially for young people.

There are many options for spending a useful and exciting holiday weekend. The main thing is not to get lost in this diversity, but to draw up a more or less clear plan and try to stick to it.

Who are the students? These people are already quite adults, but in fact most of them are still real children! Therefore, the way of spending leisure time among students is something between children's fun and adult leisure. During the New Year holidays, we offer the following activities for students of all ages:

  • a trip to the country of your dreams;
  • a trip to the mountains in the company of like-minded people;
  • meeting with old friends, classmates and fellow students;
  • organizing sports activities, for example, the option to gather friends, rent laser tag equipment and go to the nearest forest to get true adrenaline;
  • going to nightlife in your city;
  • participation in various master classes and quests;
  • trip to a ski resort;
  • visiting memorable places of your hometown and region in which you were born and raised;
  • going to the theater or cinema;
  • spending evenings in a coffee shop in the company of a loved one;
  • a trip to visit relatives in another city.

To see how Russians spent their winter holidays during the New Year holidays 2019, watch the video: