What to do to make the bruise go away faster. What can you put on a bruise to make it go away faster?

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Children and adults, men and women get bruises. Women are most interested in the question of how to remove a bruise as quickly and efficiently as possible. They have more soft skin and thinner and more permeable blood vessels thanks to female sex hormones. A bruise is unpleasant due to its appearance, swelling and pain in the area of ​​damage.

During injury, the walls of blood vessels are destroyed, and blood flows under the skin. A blue-violet spot appears, which over time changes its color to yellow-green. Swelling increases and pain appears, which gradually decreases every day.

Resorption of hematoma in different parts of the body occurs differently. Bruises from leg injuries last up to a month, on the body and arms - up to two weeks, and on the face they resolve within a week. The important factor is that venous blood moves from bottom to top, that subcutaneous tissue lower extremities, more pronounced and has more blood vessels.

There are several ways to quickly remove a bruise on the face and body:

  • cold treatment. It is best to apply a cold object to the injury site in the first minute of injury. This could be any package from the refrigerator, wrapped in a towel, ice or a bottle of cold water, applied through a napkin to the human body. It is advisable to raise your leg, and cool your face and hand under running cold water. The duration of exposure to cold should not exceed 15 minutes, so as not to provoke hypothermia or frostbite. The sooner you apply cold, the less pronounced the size of the bruise, swelling and pain will be;
  • heat treatment. After a day, it is useful to apply a warm, but not hot, heating pad, bags of heated salt, or wet compresses with a vinegar solution to the bruises for half an hour three times a day. This will help the formation of new cells in the vascular walls, improve nutrition of the damaged area and resolve subcutaneous hemorrhage. At night, it is very useful to make an iodine grid, which will warm, reduce inflammation, remove decay products and improve blood flow;
  • the pharmacy will always tell you how to quickly remove a bruise using special ointments and gels ("Rescuer" balm, "SOS" balm-cream gel, bodyagi cream). Only these gels and creams must be used every two hours to get a good effect;
  • folk remedies can be used from the first minutes to reduce bruising, relieve severe pain and reduce swelling. Compresses of grated onion (1 onion) and salt (1 tbsp) in a gauze bag promote rapid healing of the hematoma.

Leaves of fresh cabbage and plantain, which must be beaten with a kitchen hammer to obtain juice from the plants, are applied in the form of compresses to the area of ​​the hematoma for an hour.

Herbal compresses from wild rosemary (1 tsp), coltsfoot (1/2 tbsp) and a glass of boiling water are used hot on the bruised areas until they cool completely. Positive effect give hot lotions of wormwood (3 tbsp), St. John's wort (2 tbsp) and hops (1 tbsp). To do this, infuse a few tablespoons of a mixture of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water, filter, moisten napkins and apply hot linen fabric to the places of bruises.

It is useful for every woman to know how to quickly remove a bruise on the face. bruises in the cheekbone area can be made less noticeable by soaking the cloth in a solution of 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 4 drops of iodine and 2 tsp. salt. Within two days, the hematoma resolves and becomes hardly noticeable. Just be careful to avoid getting the solution in your eyes. Or you can use a hot wet bag with

At night, you need to make compresses from beet juice and pulp with honey. You just need to put a cabbage leaf on top and bandage it. A noticeable effect occurs after several procedures.

Minor bruises and contusions are treated with fresh cottage cheese, starch or geranium leaves.

The doctor will always help you choose the right one medicine in a hospital and will tell you how to quickly remove bruises at home if the injury is not serious.

When receiving an injury, consultation with a traumatologist is required if, in addition to bruises, the patient is bothered strong pain and immobility in the joint. To rule out a fracture, an x-ray must be taken immediately. Bruises that appear after surgery or for no particular reason also require a careful medical examination.

It is equally important to know not only how to quickly remove a bruise, but also what needs to be done so that hematomas in the future attract less attention from others. How to carry out prevention? To reduce and improve blood microcirculation you need to receive sufficient quantity vitamins C and K.

To do this, you can use a cream that contains these vitamins, eat fruits and vegetables, and use multivitamins in tablets. And don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids.

A bruise is a bruise on an area of ​​skin. It can be formed from an accidental bruise, after a fight, or from severe pinching. It happens that a bruise on the body appears at the most inopportune moment. In each case, such an appearance cannot cause positive emotions and the first thing you need to do is think about how to quickly get rid of a bruise?

10 ways to quickly get rid of a bruise

There are several methods that allow fast get rid of the hematoma. Among them we can highlight 10 most popular methods:

  1. In every pharmacy you can find a product called tramp. It is better to always have this drug in the house, as it is an ideal source in the fight against any unevenness on the skin. This product must be mixed in small quantities with vegetable oil. You can also use plain water or alcohol as the second ingredient. This consistency should be applied directly to the bruise. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. Enough quick way. The very next day the hematoma will become much smaller;
  2. Creation thermal effect It will also help to quickly disguise a bruise. To do this, you need to moisten a napkin in warm water and apply it to the sore spot. To enhance the effect, you need to place a scarf or other material on top;
  3. Together with the compress, it is recommended to do rubbing. It is advisable to do this in combination with mustard oil;
  4. The fastest, but in an unpleasant way is the treatment of a bruise with pepper plaster. It must be applied to the painful area and maintained for several minutes, quick release guaranteed. However, bruises formed on the face cannot be treated in this way;
  5. The most folk method from any skin diseases is iodine mesh . Cotton swab you should dip it in the solution and draw a lattice at the site of the hematoma;
  6. The easiest way to treat a bruise is to buy medical drug at the pharmacy. For example, such products as “Viprosal B”, “Arnica” and “Lioton” are widely known;
  7. Less expensive, but also not as effective, is treatment with folk remedies. You need to apply a sheet to the problem area plantain or coltsfoot. You need to hold the plant on the bruise for about 5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated throughout the day;
  8. Many years ago, when drugs were not present in such quantities as now, they were used as a drug against bruises. medical lozenge. This method is one of the most effective at present. To prepare it you need to mix fresh horseradish with natural butter and honey. The resulting thick consistency should be applied to the bruised area for several minutes;
  9. Another effective flatbread is a mixture of natural clay with salt;
  10. Many people grow in their garden horseradish, but not every summer resident knows that this is an excellent medicine. The grated vegetable should be carefully placed in cheesecloth. This compress should be applied to the area of ​​the hematoma.

Each of the above methods has its positive and negative qualities.

It is worth considering that each person’s body has its own special structure and individual reaction to various drugs. In this case, a certain quick method anti-bruise treatment may have varying degrees of effectiveness.

You can make sure that after an injury a bruise does not appear at all. To prevent this from happening, you need to act quickly! There are several ways prevent bruising:

    1. Application ice. Instead of this component, you can use any frozen product. Cold actively constricts blood vessels, which prevents the development of hematoma;
    2. If the bruise is small, then in its place you can apply coin, it also has a healing effect;
    3. It also happens that there is neither ice nor a coin at hand. In this case healing springs becomes normal water. It can be moistened with any material and applied to the hematoma in the form of a compress;
    4. If possible, then you need to make it herbal infusion, which is based on coltsfoot. Using it you can prevent the appearance of a bruise. However, a compress can only be made from cold liquid;
    5. Plantain can be used to treat a bruise at any stage of its development;
  1. Medicines such as "Bepanten" or also prevent bruising;
  2. You can expand the capillaries and stop the development of a hematoma using conventional salt. It needs to be carefully folded into cloth and wrapped in the form of a bag. This compress should be applied to the area of ​​the hematoma. However, this method is not suitable if the injury occurs in the eye area;
  3. If there is a pharmacy nearby, you can buy the tincture there. arnica montana, a compress from it also prevents the appearance of hematoma;
  4. Any means based chestnut mask the bruise and prevent its appearance on the skin;
  5. Another effective remedy in this situation it is parsley.

In order to prevent the appearance of a bruise as quickly as possible, you should use available means.

From a medical point of view

According to medical workers, you can get rid of a bruise by applying pressure to the blood vessels. If redness has formed, for example, on the leg, then you can cover it with an elastic bandage. This matter is also sold in pharmacies. The dressing can be worn throughout the day, but you need to remove it several times and take a 30-minute break to avoid swelling.

Bruise on the face - quick relief

The most unpleasant situation is when a bruise appears on the face. Especially if its owner is a girl. If it was not possible to prevent its occurrence, then the most best option- cover it with powder, foundation or self-tanning cream. As a rule, in order to hide it you need to use a large number of cosmetics.

This phenomenon is precisely the negative feature of this method.

Cosmetics clog the pores in a separate area of ​​the skin, which prevents the full recovery of the hematoma. Therefore, it is advisable to apply cosmetics for a short period of time, after which it should be washed off and a warm compress applied.

Vodka as a remedy for bruises

Vodka is also an excellent remedy to relieve hematoma. She can also. It should be made into an infusion with the addition of herbs. You need to insist on this consistency for at least a day. The resulting compress should be applied to the bruised area. The exception is the area around the eyes.

In the article, we looked in detail at how to quickly get rid of a bruise. There are many answers to this question, many ways. It is important to choose the method that suits you best.


The video shows a proven, fast and effective method getting rid of this skin defect:

Are you going to important meeting or a date, it took a long time to choose an outfit that emphasizes all your advantages, selected suitable hairstyle and makeup, like here, by accident, you hit your foot or hand and a bruise appeared at the site of the blow in a matter of minutes. Similar situation Happened to each of us in life, and at such moments you probably wondered. In our article we will tell you why bruises appear, how to deal with the result of a slight injury and what needs to be done to prevent this. cosmetic defect disappeared from your skin in the fastest way.

Why do bruises appear?

It turns out that bruises most often appear in those people who have weak blood vessels. Thus, to form a bruise you don’t even need to hit yourself; this minor misunderstanding can appear even from not particularly strong pressure on the skin.

The mechanism for the appearance of bruises is simple: in the event of a blow, the blood vessels burst from the damage received, and the blood from these vessels spreads to the site of the bruise. Thus, we can say that a bruise is not only unsightly, it is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a small microtrauma that many would like to avoid.

According to what nature provides, those bruises that form on our legs take longer to heal than those received from a bruise on our arms. The lower the bruise is located on the body, the more time our body will need to eliminate this defect. In general, it can be argued that the resulting bruise, if we do not make any effort to eliminate it, will not leave marks on the skin only after two weeks. During this time, the bruise can also change its color - from burgundy-blue to a yellow-green spot. Those people who have weak vessels and most often suffer from bruises, you should know that the bruises they receive disappear from the skin within more than long period. In addition, bruises received by women take longer to heal than those received by men. This is due to the more tender and thin skin, as well as thinner vessel walls.

Prevention of bruises

Those people who most often suffer from bruises should take a number of measures to strengthen the thin walls of blood vessels. To do this, it is necessary to regularly carry out such simple procedure like a contrast shower. Temperature changes strengthen the elastic walls of blood vessels, which directly depends on the occurrence of bruises. During your appointment contrast shower, you can also massage the areas of your skin where you bruise most often.

Another wonderful and tasty method to strengthen the walls of blood vessels is to increase the consumption of citrus fruits and sweet bell peppers. These products contain vitamin C, which will strengthen blood vessels. You can also replenish your supply of this vitamin by making yourself a rosehip decoction or eating carrots.

How to quickly remove a bruise under the eye or on the body

If you get a bruise, you can use special ointment, purchased at a pharmacy. Fortunately, today you can easily choose exactly the ointment or cooling gel that seems more effective to you and will correspond to the money that you are willing to pay for this product. But what to do if you don’t have it at hand? special means for the treatment of bruises, but do you need to quickly remove a bruise on the body or under the eye? Here are a few simple tips, which you can use with the help of some improvised means that each of us has at home.

  • First: apply cold

At the very beginning, to remove the bruise, you will need to apply ice to the bruise. If you don't have anything frozen in ice cubes in your freezer, any frozen product available in the refrigerator will be a simple way out of the situation. It's worth noting that to avoid frostbite, you should wrap the ice in paper towel or a handkerchief. Alternatively, you can simply hold the injured area under cold running water. The cold must be kept at the site of impact for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

How it works? Cold constricts injured blood vessels, preventing the formation of edema and significantly reduces bruising that forms when the walls of blood vessels are damaged.

  • Second: apply heat

If you hit yourself quite hard and a swelling forms at the site of the injury, you need to wait until it goes away. This should happen the next day after receiving the blow or a little later. Immediately after the resulting swelling disappears, you can warm up the bruised area. It is recommended to do this while heated and placed in regular sock sand or salt. In general, you can warm up the bruise site using any other method, including using special warming compresses. In order for the skin at the site of the bruise to regenerate faster, it is necessary to warm the bruise site for fifteen minutes three times a day. Warming the skin promotes faster recovery of the skin at the site of the bruise.

  • Third: strengthen blood vessels

As we said above, vitamin C helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Our body gets the same effect when consuming vitamin K. Thus, when consuming these two vitamins, you will speed up the skin regeneration process, which helps remove the bruise much faster. You can get these two vitamins by eating citrus fruits, sweet bell pepper, onions, carrots and white cabbage. You can do it easier and buy these two vitamins in tablet form at the pharmacy and take them according to the instructions.

  • Fourth: draw an iodine network

In addition to these methods that will speed up your skin's healing during the day, you can also help it recover during the night. To do this, you need to resort to the old method and draw an iodine mesh at the site of the injury. Don't worry that it will be in the most visible place. Overnight, the iodine will be absorbed into the skin and not a trace will remain of your “arts”.

It is worth noting that iodine is one of the most reliable and proven remedies. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, warms the bruise site and helps improve blood circulation at the site of the bruise.

  • Fifth: make compresses

If you set out to quickly remove a bruise, then it makes sense to prepare a compress to replace the bruise. The simplest and most effective method against bruises is a compress made from a leaf. white cabbage. To prepare it you will need a couple cabbage leaves, which will need to be beaten with a hammer until cabbage juice appears. After this, wrap the leaves along with the juice in gauze bandage and tie it on the site of the bruise.

Another effective recipe, allowing the skin to heal literally before our eyes, is a compress containing onions. One of the most effective compresses is onion compress with salt. In order to prepare such a compress, you need to peel one medium onion and grate it on a fine grater to end up with a paste. You need to add one tablespoon of salt to the resulting mixture. The resulting mixture must be placed in cloth or gauze and applied to the site of the bruise. The onion mixture should be kept at the site of the bruise for half an hour to an hour and this procedure should be repeated up to three times a day, each time using a freshly prepared compress.

  • Sixth: use bodyagu

The most effective method for treating and eliminating bruises is bodyaga. You can find bodyaga powder at any nearest pharmacy. This remedy is considered one of the most effective and fastest-acting in terms of eliminating inopportunely appeared bruises. Bodyaga powder should be used to prepare a special medicinal mixture. The medicinal mixture is prepared as follows. You will need two tablespoons of bodyaga powder and one tablespoon of boiled water. Both ingredients must be mixed to form a paste, which must be immediately applied to the site of the bruise. After some time, the pulp on your leg should dry out. It is at this time that it needs to be washed off with warm running water. It is recommended to apply a medicinal mixture of bodyagi to the site of the bruise to quickly remove the bruise no more than twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, before bedtime. In addition, a mixture of bodyagi can also be used to treat bruises on the face. However, if you have a black eye and want to remove it with body cream, you need to handle the mixture especially carefully, as getting it in your eyes can cause irritation. Finally, let us remind you that bodyaga powder should not be used too often, since using it in excess can lead to other diseases.

Any mechanical impact on the human body can cause blood vessels to burst, and the blood from them will get under the skin, where stagnation will appear. He is the one dark spot, which later becomes a bruise. Another reason may be a problem with blood vessels. If for some reason they lose their elasticity, then the risk of hematomas increases.

How doctors can help

  • Immediately after an injury you need to apply something cold. This manipulation will reduce the amount of blood due to vasoconstriction. Any cold object, coin, ice is suitable for this. You don’t need to apply it for a long time, otherwise you risk getting frostbite;
  • After a day, you will need a warm effect on the site of the injury. Prepare a heating pad or pepper patch. The main thing is to improve blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

Range pharmaceutical drugs, with the help of which bruises go away faster, are replenished every day. It is simply impossible to list them. But here you can safely count on the help of a pharmacist. He will tell you what ointment to take. It’s also good to have at home for such a case blue clay and in the first few hours after you are injured, apply a solution from it to your skin. Have you noticed that bruises appear on your body all the time, and you don’t even know how and when? This means that a course of vitamin C in the maximum dosage will not hurt you.

Let's find out more about what you can apply to a bruise to make it go away faster:

  • Badyaga has gained well-deserved popularity in eliminating various aesthetic imperfections, and not just bruises. Make a homogeneous mixture of its powder and water and apply to the sore spot;
  • a long-known but still popular method is an iodine lattice;
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula will also help. Store the bottle in the refrigerator and right moment just make a compress out of it;
  • as an option, a vodka compress will do;
  • Is there cabbage in the house? Tear off a couple of leaves a little and apply to the injury;
  • if there is a bruise small sizes, then it is enough to secure a cut aloe leaf on it with a bandage;
  • recent injury it will pass faster if you use lavender essential oil. And if the bruise is old, then rosemary;
  • grated garlic gruel will speed up healing;
  • boiled bean puree is a rare but effective remedy;
  • if you mix a finely chopped onion with a teaspoon of salt and apply it to the bruise three times a day, the result will not be long in coming;
  • mix starch with a small amount water and apply to the bruise overnight, and in the morning the bruise will become much smaller;
  • Peel and cut the potatoes and tape them to the bruise. This effective method will help you quickly forget about the problem;
  • a banana peel applied for half an hour will easily cope with the task;
  • will speed up the resorption of stagnant blood under the skin by wiping with pieces fresh pineapple or juice from it;
  • Apply beet juice and honey to the bruise and secure with a bandage for two hours.

After this, unwind and rinse with water. It is enough to do this procedure once a day.

How can you help a child in such a situation? Plantain and cabbage will help get rid of bruises on delicate skin. Squeeze the juice out of the leaves or grind them into a paste, and the product is ready.

Different means for different cases

There are times when a bruise appears in the most visible place - under the eye. Here you need the most ambulance. Otherwise, it will simply be a shame to appear in front of people. What will help? In the first minutes after a bruise, a cold compress is needed. Wrap any cold object in a towel and hold for about twenty minutes. Troxevasin ointment will help you quickly get rid of unwanted darkening in a visible place. Lubricate it very carefully so as not to get it into your eye, or try making a mesh out of iodine.

Anything will help to hide the bruise. cosmetic product: Foundation or proofreader. It’s even better if you have the opportunity to visit the solarium. Dark color tanning will hide imperfections in appearance. At worst, wear Sunglasses until the bruise completely disappears.

How to treat a bruise on the forehead? Bumps are more common in this part of the face. But they are often surrounded by bruises. We hit it and immediately look for something cold. This may prevent the formation of a hematoma. Did not help? So, we use what we have at hand. There is a Rescuer or other emergency ointment in the first aid kit - we use it. Is there nothing like that? Make a porridge from grated potatoes or a leaf of cabbage and immediately apply it to the injury.

But preventing bruises on the face is better than any pharmacy or home first aid remedies. How to protect yourself from bruises? First, take a course of vitamin C, and also change your usual face cream to one enriched with vitamins. This will help the body produce collagen and strengthen blood vessels. Proper nutrition– the key to the health of the whole body. But it is the circulatory system that needs green vegetables and fruits. And the main thing for men is to avoid brawls and fights. And you appearance will always be flawless.

How long does it take for bruises to heal?

For people leading an active lifestyle, the likelihood of a prominent spot appearing on the face or body is quite high. Fall on ice, bruises on an athletic equipment, unfortunate trajectory soccer ball, in general, there are plenty of situations. Bruises can appear on the body after regular or anti-cellulite massage, for example on the butt and legs. Whatever the cause of the bruises, you always want to remove them quickly, in 2-3 days.

By the way, in older people and in people with weakened vessel walls, small hematomas on the body can appear even from a touch or a slight blow. Other factors influencing the occurrence of bruises:

  • poor circulation
  • lack of vitamins
  • long-term use of painkillers

If the bruise is not treated, it will take longer than a week to heal on the face, and about a month on the body. Of course, you can hide it using decorative makeup, however, it is better to actively get rid of it using various means, which will be discussed further.

Cold and warm

The first remedy for a fresh bruise is exposure to cold, which helps to constrict the blood vessels and reduces the intensity of the bruise. At the same time, cold helps to quickly remove swelling at the site of impact.

Ice and cold packs can only be used on fresh bruises within 1-5 hours after the injury. Do not allow ice to come into direct contact with your skin.

You can use both regular ice and compresses from chilled herbal decoctions. If a bruise appears on the body, you can substitute sore spot under running cold water, this is also quite effective.

Later, a day later, when the swelling and intensity of pain at the site of the bruise subside, cold is already contraindicated and radically opposite methods are used, namely heat. Used by everyone known remedies- hot egg, heated salt, several layers of fabric ironed. Good remedy, which helps speed up healing at home is a warm compress made from herbal decoctions, such as plantain or chamomile. It is recommended to warm up bruises 3–4 times a day for 10–15 minutes.

Home Remedies

Home remedies. Source: omaske.ru

The main task in treating any bruise is to speed up the resorption of thrombosed blood.

You can immediately start using ointment from the pharmacy or resort to no less effective folk remedies, it does not matter whether the bruise appeared after a massage or from a blow.

Onion gruel with salt will help shorten the healing time on your face by 2-4 days. This mixture must be wrapped in gauze and applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes 2-3 times a day. You can make a regular salt compress by soaking gauze or other cloth in a salt solution. Another remedy that helps quickly remove a bruise at home contains:

Lubricate bruises or bruises on the butt after an anti-cellulite massage at night.

Take the beets out of the refrigerator, grate them and mix with honey. You need to treat a bruise with this mixture every day, making applications for 3 hours, and after 2-3 days the bruise will noticeably lighten. In order to quickly remove a bruise at home, you will need a decoction of flaxseed. Make compresses from it several times a day.

After a massage, bruises often appear on the legs or butt; it helps to remove them faster potato starch, diluted in water to a creamy consistency. If there is no starch, use fresh grated potatoes. Please note that you need to keep the potato compress for at least 3-4 hours. This remedy will also be effective against bruises from an impact. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and honey to eliminate bruises after a massage at home.

A small bruise that appears on the face from a blow or bruise can be removed in 2-3 days using herbal decoctions; plants such as:

  • medicinal marigolds
  • sage
  • St. John's wort
  • coltsfoot
  • plantain

If after a blow a bruise appears in the eye area, then treat it with a remedy such as parsley juice, and for fast healing bruising on the body, applications from fresh leaves plantain or cabbage.

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