They are on their honeymoon. What is a honeymoon and why is it needed? Green honeymoon

February 23

The honeymoon is a special time in the life of a married couple. This is what the tradition has developed to call the first weeks after the wedding, when the relationship is passionate, tender and sweet, which is what resembles honey. Someone spends their honeymoon away from home, trying to organize a honeymoon during this time. And some prefer to do without changing the situation, believing that it is better at this time to get to know each other as closely as possible, spending all the time together. In any case, the honeymoon is a wonderful time, full of love, desires, tenderness and attraction. You can easily find congratulations for a married couple on this wonderful holiday of love in the section of our website.

Let happiness have no boundaries,
And joy shines with a smile,
An angel protects your love,
And he sees you through happiness all your life.
And may the days be sweet
And the sun's rays shine on you,
M carries every morning,
A huge sea of ​​love.

You are in such a sweet period,
I wish it will bring you pleasure,
Wonderful memories for life,
And a sea of ​​joy and inspiration.
Let love warm your hearts,
And happiness will dwell in souls forever,
And may you always realize
That the closest person is nearby.

The honeymoon is sweet, very warm,
May life be filled with happiness,
And may hope, faith and love,
Will warm your souls forever.
And let the memories warm you all your life,
And let your heart be filled with inspiration,
And every day your union will become stronger,
And all adversity will forget the way to you.

You are now one family - like a fortress,
And on your honeymoon I would like to wish you,
So that love is so boundless and lasts forever,
May you never be sad or lose heart.
Take care of your feelings
That warmth, love and inspiration,
You keep them as the main value,
May they give you happiness and pleasure.

Honeymoon - warmed by warmth,
May he bring you great joy,
Gives love and warmth of spring and summer,
Flight gives good luck and souls.
May your family life be happy,
And all the problems, thunderstorms and rains,
Let them forget the way to your house,
And all that awaits is the light and sun ahead.

The honeymoon is as sweet as honey
May it last for you for more than one year,
May love always be strong
Good luck, harmony, family warmth.
Live together, making each other happy,
May life never be difficult,
Let love, hope, eternal spring,
A seed of goodness sprouts in the soul.

Your family was born
All congratulations are accepted,
Honey, sweet month awaits you,
May it bring you pleasure.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy wonderful month like this,
May you remember it for a long time as sweet, golden,
Let your lips always smell like honey,
Advice and love to you for many, many years.

You are no longer just young,
You are legal husband and wife,
The first month of life together,
The honey islands invite you.
Congratulations on your honeymoon,
May you have enough love for a long, long time,
Live happily, couple of spouses,
Value your whole life, respect each other.

Noisy feast, guests behind,
And the honeymoon, sweet month is ahead,
Let it be a pleasant start for you,
So that we can cherish every hour of our life together.
Happy honeymoon to you young people,
May all your days be golden,
May good luck and success await you,
Live happily and make us all happy.

May your honeymoon bring you happiness
Memories are warmed by warmth,
And all the adversity, troubles and bad weather,
They pass you by in life.
May he bring a sip of joy,
And a sea of ​​inspiration
And let it carry you every day,
Only happiness in addition.

Oh, what a stage in your life,
Sweet like honey and wonderful,
May it bring you sunshine
Clear, transparent, lovely.
Let the memories warm your soul,
Like a fresh spring spring,
And everyday nonsense does not dare,
Not to upset you for a moment.

Sweet moment - honeymoon,
May he bring happiness
And good luck, inspiration,
Hearts and souls flight.
Let the souls of memories
They keep you warm on the way,
And luck and recognition,
Waiting for both ahead.

    In Moscow, in the United Arab Emirates, in Australia, in short, you will have to get married at least three times :)

  • There are different versions of why a honeymoon is called a honeymoon. However, the very concept of a honeymoon exists among many peoples of various cultures and nations, so it is quite obvious that most of them associate the beginning of family life with honey.

    In Rus', during a wedding celebration, the newlyweds were given a barrel of 5-10 kilograms of honey as a gift, which they were supposed to eat within a month. This is where the expression “honeymoon”, which is familiar to us, comes from. It is literally, not metaphorically, associated with honey. In addition, a special low-alcohol drink was brewed for the young - mead. The newlyweds drank mead not only during the festive feast, but also for thirty days after the celebration. This is where the expression “honeymoon” comes from. They were not allowed stronger alcoholic drinks, since in the old days they cared about the health of the first-born of young people, the probability of conception of which was especially high in the first month of life together.

    Nowadays, the honeymoon is a conventional name for the beginning of married life together. A honeymoon means the happiness of a newly-made couple who still has no troubles or worries, and whose feelings are bright and strong. Most often, a honeymoon is associated with a honeymoon, but this is not true. The honeymoon begins with the removal of the honey wedding garter from the bride's leg, and its duration depends on the financial capabilities of the newlyweds and other realities of life. It is believed that it is best for young people to start life together in a calm, relaxing environment. But it is not at all necessary to go abroad. You can stay in the city, go to the country or to a country boarding house. The main thing is that no one bothers the young spouses. They must spend this time together, get used to each other, and, as they say, “get used to it.”

    During this month, the couple begins their own family life, and each spouse is full of joyful illusions and expectations about their future together. And, as a rule, their expectations during this period are justified. After all, regardless of whether this is their first experience of living together, whether the “young people” lived in a civil marriage, or already had a previous marriage, now they are starting life “from scratch,” they are in love, and want to spend as much time as possible together. Therefore, newlyweds have every right, after all the wedding troubles and worries they have experienced, to take a break from all the festive fuss and enjoy their happiness.

    After all, everything new needs to start with pleasant sensations, so it is best to leave ordinary life, family and friends, at least for a short time, and pay maximum attention to each other. Perhaps their future together and the future of their children will depend on whether the newlyweds’ relationship develops during this honeymoon, because it is during this period that a deep knowledge of each other and the grinding of characters begins.

One of the most beloved post-wedding traditions is Honeymoon , during which the newlyweds can finally relax after the pre-wedding troubles, be alone, and enjoy each other’s company.

The honeymoon has its own story, its own explanation why it has such an interesting name. Of course, we can assume that immediately after the wedding feast, in the first stages of formation, family life will be cloudless and sweet, because the young people love each other and enjoy the opportunity to be around all the time. Yes, this is true, but it is known from history that it was during this period of time that newlyweds were necessarily treated to honey.

It is impossible to propose a common honeymoon plan for everyone. This is impossible, and it is not necessary. Different countries, different mentalities, characters, financial capabilities, tastes and needs. Of course, this is all true, but there are general principles that are quite simple, but which it is advisable to adhere to during the honeymoon. They will be able to help arrange it without problems and disappointments, in a joyful atmosphere.

First, you need to decide how much money you can allocate for your honeymoon, and only then, based on your funds, you can make further plans. Consider not only the cost of tickets and accommodation, but also your plans during your honeymoon and your requests. After preliminary planning, you can choose a route and order tickets.

This section is intended for those who are planning their honeymoon , for those who want to receive useful information on this topic, as well as for those who offer any services related to weddings or organizing a honeymoon or honeymoon.


Ours is open to all wedding-related websites, regardless of their geographic location. By registering with us, the site will be ranked by popularity. You will have the opportunity to evaluate yourself and see your position among your competitors. And users will have more opportunities to make the right choice in order to spend their honeymoon in an interesting and exciting way and make an unforgettable wedding voyage.

Since ancient times, there has been a concept - the honeymoon, the “sweetest” in family life, hence its name. This concept comes from the times when it was believed that in family life a wife should be submissive and obliged to please her husband. Family life implied many responsibilities for a woman and a minimum of rights, although she worked equally with her husband. Hence the name, “honey”... better than subsequent months.

Those days are long gone, a new era has arrived - equality. Now family life is based on such concepts as a happy married couple, living in love and understanding, living your whole life together and dying on the same day. Despite this, the honeymoon remains a unique period in the relationship of loving people.

How sweet the honeymoon will be depends only on the newlyweds themselves. The wedding celebrations are over and the honeymoon has begun. The entire future family life depends on how the honeymoon goes. This month, which the young couple will spend together, is a time for “new acquaintance.” Yes, yes, the young couple will begin to get acquainted and get used to living together: to each other’s habits, tastes, interests and behavior in everyday life.

And it all starts with the first wedding night. If the bride remained a virgin before the wedding, then the young husband should know that intimate relationships will not develop harmoniously if you do not take care of it, starting from this night. The first sexual intimacy is a process, like a new life, which consists of spiritual, energetic and physiological communication. Both spouses must be prepared for this. It is this moment that will become central to the criteria for intimate relationships and erotic acceptability.

The main “commandment” for the future husband is not to use violent actions. From the first days of intimate life, a young husband should help his young wife experience the greatest pleasure from intimacy. Research by scientists proves that a “legally raped woman” feels disgust for her husband for a long time, and from such moments a woman’s coldness begins.

A survey of 10,000 women showed that their frigidity developed gradually, due to the rude, impudent behavior of their spouse during the first sexual intercourse, and a survey of centenarians around the world showed that 85% of them remember their first sexual intercourse in the slightest detail (despite that suffer from insanity and sclerosis).

Achieving harmony in the first days of marriage depends not only on the behavior of the spouse; the wife should not skimp on kind words and gentle touches. It often happens that on the first wedding night a man is more worried than a woman. In such a situation, a woman should show special sensitivity and tenderness.

A young wife should not forget that men love to be praised no less than women. Let mutual compliments and pet names become a habit.

Be sure to take care of where exactly you will spend the first night. This could be a country house, your own home or a hotel room. The main thing is that no one should bother you. Distant relatives leaving after the wedding, packing things, parents, and just close people are a dubious environment for the first night. Many hotel complexes offer good discounts on rooms for newlyweds when ordering a wedding banquet. Some of them even offer a room as a gift in this case. Most likely, champagne and fruit will be waiting for you in the newlyweds' room.