Original and funny texts of wedding invitations in poetry and prose. The most beautiful and original texts for wedding invitations


What could be more romantic and exciting and beautiful than a wedding? Happy young, joyful guests, cheerful toastmaster, jokes, laughter, congratulations, dancing until you drop, fun competitions, shouts of “bitter.” Stop! But before all this there was an invitation! Funny or touching, in poetry or prose, a beautiful bright card or a soft pastel vintage envelope with lace, no matter what, the main thing is with a sincere desire to see the person among those invited! And with warm words inside. Examples of the most interesting and heartfelt texts for wedding invitations you will find further.

Wedding invitation for parents

Our dear mom and dad! We pronounce your names with gratitude and love. For your sleepless nights, for your care and affection, for your selfless love - low bow to you! On this wonderful day (date of painting and time), we are united in strong bonds of marriage, and the first on the list of those present at this celebration, of course, is you! Mommy and Daddy, honor us with your presence at (venue, time) and bless us!

Your happy children (names).

Dear mom! On (date) the best day of our lives is our family’s birthday! You are the most beloved and irreplaceable person in our world. To you, dear, we are ready to give our hearts and souls, receiving yours in return precious time and the desire to be present at our celebration, which will take place (place and time)!

With love, (names of the bride and groom).

Daddy! Our bright and dear man! In a few days (date and time), our solemn wedding! We will take oaths of allegiance to each other and we really wanted you to be present! We are looking forward to seeing you (time, place).

Yours (names of the young people).

Wedding invitation for witnesses

Dear, (name of witness)! We decided to marry ourselves in order to live happily ever after, and we invite you to witness this sacrament! After all, who, if not you, knows how many sleepless nights (name of the bride) spent dreaming about (name of the groom)! You witnessed our acquaintance, and now do not refuse us to witness the birth of our family. We are waiting for you (time and place of registration).

Your friends, (names of the young people).

(Name of witness), buddy! From an early age, you and I grew up side by side: we made our first mistakes, hit our first bumps, swore allegiance to each other and, of course, fell in love! In a week (date) our wedding is the apogee of love and tenderness. You saw it all yourself: how (name of the bride) and I met, how we fell in love, how we decided to live our lives together. And who else but you, at this solemn moment, stand behind us, guarding our happiness! We sincerely hope for your consent and are waiting for you (time and place of painting).

Your friends, (names of the bride and groom).

Cool wedding invitations

Dear (names of guests)! We are happy to inform you that you have become the winners of the “Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding” lottery. We invite you to pick up your prize (wedding date) at the address (place and time). The winnings include fiery dancing, a hearty banquet, fun competitions and a choral performance of shouts of “bitter”!

Sincerely, the organizers of the event (names of the young people).

Dear (guest's name)! Only (date) you got unique opportunity attend significant event family scale! Two members of the clans (the surnames of the bride and groom) decided to fight in a fight called “marriage”! Who will emerge victorious, how will responsibilities be distributed and what will be the further fate participants will be announced at (time and place)! Don't miss the chance to witness this grand event!

Sincerely, (names of the young people).

Attention, attention, attention! To participate in the filming of the romantic comedy "Love, Love or ⦠We got it!" Extra actors wanted! Your rider includes:

  • intoxicating banquet
  • catchy dancing
  • opportunity to play a major role in a slaughter competition
  • great mood
  • cake eating master class
  • catching a bouquet and a garter

And many more items that will be added to the rider during the event!


Groom - first and last name

Bride - first and last name

Place and time of filming: (place and time of the ceremony)

  • Episode 1. “Eh, I agree to everything!”
  • Episode 2. “Pour me more wine!”
  • Episode 3. "Everyone is dancing!"
  • Episode 4. “Malvina, my bride, has disappeared!”
  • Episode 5. "Who called the gypsies with the bears?"
  • Episode 6. "Bouquet-throwing-garter-throwing!"
  • Episode 7. "Cake and Fireworks!"

Sincerely, general producers of the film company "Ivan&Mariya" Ivan Ivanov and Maria Petrova! (the names in the studio name must match the names of the bride and groom)

Wedding invitations in verse

We decided it was time for us to get married,

The solemn day and hour were appointed,

It is with our joy that we invite you!

We look forward to seeing you at the banquet,

What will pass at a well-known address,

You will find all the details in the envelope,

Come and support the shower's flight!

Soon, soon our wedding,

We want to invite you,

Address, time indicated,

There will be a lot of delicious dishes!

Come and support

Us at a crucial moment,

Admire how we stage

Signature on the marriage document!

For a long time Fate led us in circles,

We could never meet each other,

But we met nevertheless, it hurt our hearts,

We found love, as in childhood dreams.

And now our wedding is just around the corner,

You come to us on a special day,

And may you not be too lazy to congratulate us!

Themed wedding invitations

Wedding in a nautical style

SOS! Save our souls! People overboard! In a huge ocean of love, at a distance of three nautical miles from each other, a young couple (names of the young couple) is drowning! If you are not indifferent to the fate of drowning people, come (date, time and place) and lend a helping hand. Drop the anchor of hope and help the young couple board a ship with a proud name" Family happiness"! Uniform: sailor suit and cap or any outfit nautical style. Themed accessories are welcome. The author of the most original one will receive a prize - the first piece of sea cake!

With the hope of salvation, drowning far from each other (the names of the young people).

Gypsy wedding

Hey, romale! Sing louder songs, burn brighter fires, dance more passionately, kiss your lips! Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Glory to the wheel, the wagon and the guitar! Soon, very soon, (date of painting), a young zealous gypsy with a warm heart (name of the groom) will introduce a young gypsy (name of the bride) into his tent to unite the hearts of lovers into one and brighten up the fate of the nomadic gypsy! If your eyes see and your ears hear, heed this call! Come and congratulate the young people! Oh, freedom is free, life is free! Carry the fast horses of the guests to the clean field! The wedding will take place in a forest clearing, under a hundred-year-old pine tree! Come exactly at (the start time of the holiday) to (venue), the horses will be waiting to rush off to the wedding!

Passionate lovers, (names of the newlyweds)!

Wedding in old style

Dear sir! Would you deign to honor with your presence our social reception, dedicated to the unity of our hearts and destinies, by sealing them with the sacred bonds of marriage. This soul-stirring event will take place in the month, day, of this year, at the hour of the morning (day, evening) in the estate (venue). Do not refuse your courtesy, dear sir!

For this, allow me to take my leave! Sincerely your humble servants (names of the young people)!

Wedding invitations are always appropriate, because they add solemnity to the moment of marriage. A correctly composed invitation card that matches the wedding theme can lie in the drawers of dressers, tables, and closets of your friends for years and remind them of your happiness! A beautifully designed invitation, like a work of art, can live outside of time! Send out wedding invitations, young people, and, of course, be happy!

Organizing a wedding is a responsible task, because in order for the event to take place top level, there are many details to consider. Important stage in organizing a wedding - inviting guests. The choice of invitations is simply huge, but it won’t be difficult to make a small card yourself, writing the invitation in words that would maximally express the feelings of the future spouses towards the guest. The honorary guests at the wedding are the parents, so the text of the invitation should be special, warm, so that they feel how important they are to the newlyweds.

How should parents sign wedding invitations?

When preparing for a wedding, the newlyweds have a lot of worries and a lot to do: they need to book a hall, prepare a banquet, choose outfits, take care of the musical accompaniment, make a list of guests, write and send invitations. As a rule, friends and close relatives receive invitations first. About invitations to parents For some reason, the newlyweds forget, believing that their presence is a given.

Parents are the closest, dearest people, because thanks to their care and love, the newlyweds have now become who they are, and having become conscious people, they are ready to start their own family. Mom and dad will be incredibly pleased to receive a wedding invitation, which after the event will be kept in an album as a pleasant little thing dear to the heart. The invitation for parents should be special - it’s better to buy an empty one beautiful postcard or make it to order. Or you can make a video invitation. Look at the video for an example:

Often newlyweds experience logical question– how to compose the text of an invitation for your nearest and dearest? It doesn’t matter how or what words the invitation will be written, the main thing is that it is sincere, comes from the heart, and expresses all the warmth, love, and attitude towards the parents. You should not use official phrases or expressions; it is better to choose more nice words, for example, instead of the first name and patronymic, write “Dear Mom and Dad!”

The fate of all people develops differently, it’s good if both parents are alive, healthy, living together, then a more classic text of the invitation is suitable, addressing both parents at once. The text can be in prose or in poetic form. If, by the will of fate, only one of the parents remains alive, then the invitation should be addressed specifically to the mother or father. When parents divorce or live separately, it is necessary to prepare separate invitations for each

Original wedding invitations in prose and poetry

The text of a wedding invitation for parents is not always so easy to compose on your own, so newlyweds often use examples or samples of ready-made invitations. Below are the texts of the invitations in verse and prose, which can be used in this form or rephrased a little, adding something from yourself to make it more personal.

Dear mother and father!

Here we are going down the aisle!

We came to invite you together,

To share the joy with us!

We invite you this Saturday

A little after dawn,

Come congratulate us on your wedding.

For us to live like you - wonderful!

Ceremonial event will take place at the registry office at the address: (address of the registry office)

With love, children!

Dear Parents!

Everything was leading up to this and finally it happened - two madly in love, crazy people decided to build a cozy family nest! By lunar calendar the best date for this would be (wedding date)!

But we will need help, support from our closest and dearest people, therefore, dear parents, we invite you to share the greatest joy, a sea of ​​positive emotions, and fun with us. We will wait at the indicated place!

Bride and groom!

Examples of invitation text for mom

Dear, dear mother!

There are not enough words in the world to describe in words the feeling of gratitude for the energy you spent, for your love, tenderness, warmth that you always gave.

On the day of our wedding, when the Mendelssohn march will sound and a lady in a formal suit will announce us “Husband and Wife!” we would like only our dearest, beloved people to be with us. Therefore, we will be sincerely glad to see you next to us on our family’s birthday.

Your beloved, loving children!

Dear mother!

No matter how much I would like it, the children are growing up! The naughty little son is already ready for serious changes in his life.

We invite you to the solemn union of our hearts, you will witness the birth new family and how a little boy becomes a grown man. The ceremony will take place on (wedding date), we will be sincerely glad to see you there.

With love, Bride and Groom!

For Dad

Dear father!

All my life you taught me wisdom, guiding me on the right path, helping me overcome obstacles, sharing with me the joy of victories. It's time to share your greatest joy. We invite you to the solemn union of two loving hearts, we ask you to witness the birth of a young family! Official part wedding event will take place on (wedding date) in the central registry office, and after that you can raise a glass to the happiness of the newlyweds in the restaurant (name of the restaurant where the celebration will take place)!

Examples of invitation texts in different styles

When composing a wedding invitation, it is important to ensure that the theme of the wedding matches the style of the written invitation. An invitation designed and written in the Tiffany style for sea ​​wedding. Therefore, when composing the text of the invitation for parents to themed wedding, you should stick to the chosen topic.

Classic style

Beloved parents!

An important day of our lives is approaching, when our destinies and hearts will unite forever. We are happy to share the joy and happiness of this event with you, we invite you to witness the birth of our family.

We are ready to thank you until the end of our days for endless love, tenderness and care. You will be the most dear, honored guests at our wedding, which will take place on (wedding date) at the registry office at (address of the wedding palace).

Sincerely, Bride and Groom!

Dear Parents!

There are no limits to our gratitude for the life given to us, for the sleepless nights, for the anxiety, for the care for us. You gave us all your love and care, raising worthy people, the ability to love. We will be immensely happy to see you on our wedding day, you will be the most welcome guests. Wedding celebration will take place: (wedding date and registry office address).

With love, Bride and Groom.

Beloved mom and dad!

Now your children have grown up, soon the Mendelssohn march will sound for us, and we will enter new life, creating your own family. We will learn to live differently, guided by your example, maintaining love for life.

We will be happy to share love and joy with you on this day, so we invite you to the wedding, which will take place soon (wedding date).

Sincerely, your children!

In Russian style

Dear Father and Mother!

On this happy day (wedding date), we have the honor to invite you to become guests of honor at the hospitable feast we are planning! There are no limits to our gratitude for your efforts, just how you cherished your beloved children, how you nurtured them.

Bless us for a comfortable, happy, family life on our wedding day.

Your son is obedient and his future wife is faithful.

In the sea

Dear captain of the family ship and his respected wife!

We sincerely hope that this invitation to the wedding of the sailor (name) and the cabin boy (name) will not be regarded by you as a violation of the table of ranks.

Words cannot express my gratitude for teaching the rules of behavior in the ocean family life. From now on, we will be able to put into practice all the knowledge we have acquired, with the hope of becoming a captain and his faithful companion on a strong family ship sailing on the ocean of life. In the meantime, we invite you to witness the first launch of our small vessel, we hope for your blessing, wishes for a fair wind in our sails, and fewer storms on our family voyage.

With deep respect, sailor and cabin boy!

Parents are close, dear people who are ready to do anything for the happiness of their children. When preparing for a wedding event, with a lot of worries, a million important things to do, it’s worth taking a couple of minutes to write a few lines of warm words in an invitation card for parents. You don’t have to write gorgeous poems or compose a poem, a couple of words will suffice, but they come from the heart, from the heart and express all the love and gratitude.

A wedding is an important event that completely changes the lives of young people. From the moment of marriage, the bride and groom become spouses, and from now on they will have to go through the troubles that arise together. life path, help each other in everything, joyfully meet happy moments. Therefore, it is so important that on the wedding day close relatives and beloved friends are present nearby, who could share this transition to a new life with the newlyweds. So that guests do not have any questions about when and where the holiday will take place, the newlyweds need to send invitations.

How to fill out wedding invitations correctly?

Correct filling invitation cards will help guests avoid unnecessary questions: information about the venue, time, style of celebration should be as comprehensive as possible. In addition to dry facts, invitations must contain a text with a personal appeal to the guest/guests (if this is married couple). Most couples prefer to order wedding cards from a printing house, leaving blank lines with the names of the guests and their own names - it will be good if this is written by hand. Then the invitations will become more personal and individual.

If the wedding involves a small number of guests, great option- write the entire text yourself. This will make each card unique, and the guest, having received such an invitation, will probably want to keep it as a keepsake. There are 2 options for writing the names of people whom the newlyweds want to see at the wedding: official and unofficial. The first involves writing your full name (without using initials!) with the address “Dear”, “Venerable”, “Dear”, and the second allows you to address the guest by full name or even shortened.

It is customary to send the unofficial version of wedding invitation cards to close friends, acquaintances, and colleagues of the same status, while the official version is acceptable for close and distant relatives, bosses, and godparents. Although in the end it all depends on what kind of relationship the bride and groom have with certain people: many relatives will want to see affectionate “Mom”, “Dad”, “Grandfather”, “Grandma” instead of dry names, surnames and patronymics. . It is better to give invitations to this type of wedding in person to emphasize the sincerity of the card.

Depending on the style of address, the signatures from the bride and groom will change - the official style of wedding invitation requires the mandatory indication of the first name with the last name, and the unofficial version should end with the use of full or diminutive names. As for their order of priority: according to European tradition- the female name comes first, and then the male name.

Filling out the envelope in which the invitation will be sent is strictly formal. Here it is acceptable and even desirable to use a surname with initials. To emphasize their solemnity, the envelope with a wedding invitation should reflect the style of the event - the newlyweds need to find an appropriate option. Original idea- video wedding invitation, example:

Example of invitation text for parents

Parents are the closest relatives of the bride and groom who truly love their children, so the invitation must be filled out accordingly. It’s rare, but it happens that newlyweds don’t work out with them trust relationships Therefore, below we will present two samples of wedding invitations for parents - a simpler and an official one.

Beloved, respected, dear mother and dad!

We are pleased to invite you to meet with us new stage our life - creating a family. Just like you once did, we are beginning a common journey that we hope will be full of love, mutual understanding and happiness. Like you, we will try to become wonderful parents to our future children. This celebration is the fruit of your love!

We are waiting for you at 11 o’clock, March 31, on the territory of the Wedding Palace No. 2, and after that we will go to celebrate the wedding at the Edelweiss restaurant on Solnechnaya Street, 41.

With love, your children,

Alena and Mikhail.

Dear parents, Inna Alexandrovna and Vitaly Vitalievich!

The day will soon come that will unite us forever - our wedding day. We send this invitation with great gratitude to you and an ardent desire to see you at our celebration, because without parental care, warmth, and understanding, our family could not have become so strong and happy. At 12 noon, in the registry office on Sennaya, 35 - will take place ceremonial registration. We invite you to attend it, and then celebrate your wedding with us at the banquet!

With respect and love,

Irina and Pavel.

For grandparents

Grandparents are often the main assistants in raising children, so it is difficult to imagine their absence from the wedding. Newlyweds need to take care of a touching invitation that is dear to their hearts, because after so many years together, it is extremely important for old people to receive attention and sincere care from their grandchildren. What the invitation text might look like:

Dear and beloved grandparents with all my heart!

It’s hard to imagine our life without your love, care, warmth, help, and a wedding without your presence. This significant day will forever unite our destinies, and we will do everything to ensure that the new family is as strong as yours, love is as long, married life- true. We are waiting for you on January 25, at 11:30 am at the following address: Pokrovskaya, 17 - the official marriage ceremony will take place there!

Sincerely yours loving grandchildren, Eva and Vladimir.

For friends of the bride and groom

By inviting friends to a wedding, future spouses can fully express their originality, because peers will certainly appreciate the humorous or funny text of the invitation. Be sure to consider a separate appeal to witnesses who will perform important role during the wedding. Several options for invitations for witnesses and friends, as well as an interesting thematic invitation:

Dear Alexander Vladislavovich Korneev!

For several years now, we cannot stop thanking fate for bringing us together, and a month later, on September 31, at 12:00, at Ekaterininskaya, 21, we are getting married. The creation of a new family, its development, birth, and raising of children is a great responsibility that now falls on our shoulders. With the hope of a positive response, we invite you to witness this long-awaited event that will change our lives.


Alena Popova and Pyotr Konovalov.

Pirate themed wedding invitation: “A thousand devils, Kostya!

A few days ago we anchored with these imperial puppies, and do you know what we found?! That same card, thunder break me! These guys have already gone for Davy Jones's chest, and we sent the schooner to the nearest harbor to send you a letter. In 25 light days, on the 12th, at Stroitelnaya, 32, we are going to raise the Jolly Roger in order to go after these piastres in full sail and finally show everyone what the pirate brethren are worth! Let's shake our bones and stir up a storm in the hold! We hope you will come to wish us calm seas with fair winds.

Your brothers

Nika and Stas.

Dear Sashka!

June 16, at 10:00, on the street. Klochkovskaya, 32 - we are going to conclude an alliance. This day is special for us, so we really want to see you at our wedding. Bring your good spirits and get ready for a killer party, just the way we like it! May we all remember this wedding for a long time.

With love,

Anyuta and Seryozha.

For family and friends

As a rule, relatives and close people are always sent an invitation to celebrate the wedding with them. It can be distant relatives, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters, godparents, work colleagues who would like to attend the celebration. The text of wedding invitations for these people is usually more formal, unless they are on excellent terms with the bride and groom:

Dear Irina Pavlovna!

Less than a month left until ceremonial celebration our wedding. It will be our greatest pleasure if you visit us on this auspicious day. The wedding will take place at the address: Liverpool restaurant, st. Lenina, 45.

Please confirm your presence by telephone call.

Sincerely, Karina Petrova and Alexey Ivanov.

Dear Mr. Alexander and Mrs. Anna Karelin.

With this invitation we solemnly announce that our wedding will take place a month from this day - October 23, at 13:00, on the street. Bolshevitskaya, 33, restaurant “Astoria”. It will be the greatest honor to see your couple at this event.


Ekaterina Potapova and Konstantin Arkhipov.

Our dear Ivan and Alena Sergeevs!

We are pleased to announce that on July 29, on the street. Penzenskaya, 42 (restaurant "Argentina"), our wedding will take place. We invite you to celebrate this amazing event with us and witness the birth of a new family!

Please inform us of your presence in advance.

Sincerely, future spouses - Liza Rezina and Stepan Ivanov.

Photo examples of filling out wedding invitations

To make beautiful wedding invitations, the heroes of the occasion can find suitable templates on the Internet, and then come up with an original text. Newlyweds need to remember that invitation cards create the first impression of future wedding, so their creation needs to be taken seriously. See photo examples beautiful invitations:

Yana Volkova June 28, 2018

The pre-wedding period is not only pleasant chores and anticipation of a happy day, but also thousands of small and important matters. Send a wedding invitation to invite friends and family, sharing the happy moments of such important day, one of them.

The calling card of the long-awaited celebration will be nothing more than the text of the wedding invitation. After all, this is the first thing your guests will see. And interesting, unusual and warm words will create the atmosphere of your wedding in advance. This is some kind of informational postcard, which indicates the location of the upcoming wedding ceremony, banquet and, most importantly, who the bride and groom are.

Original wooden wedding card– information forever

Rules for designing wedding invitations. Canons and traditions

Before we figure out how to issue wedding invitations to parents, let's find out what types exist general rules their design, types of text, and when it is more convenient and reliable to send the treasured envelopes.

IN wedding world exists huge selection all kinds of invitation cards. Separate several of them species registration: formal, classic, funny or unusual.

The form of addressing future guests also varies: paper invitations and video messages. Creative personalities can make them themselves for guests

For paper use cardboard, parchment or thick paper , beads, lace, ribbons, stickers and other interesting things. Or consider a video invitation format: create a mini-movie on your computer by inserting your favorite photos. And write the location of the celebration, time and names in a creeping line.

Text formatting rules:

  1. Start the invitation with “Dear”, “Dear”, and then write your full name.
  2. When speaking informally, use sweet words: “Mommy”, “Daddy”, “Sister”, “Granny”.
  3. Be sure to indicate the date, time and location of the wedding.
  4. If you want to see a guest at the formal and banquet part of the holiday, then the invitation should contain information about the time and place of each part.
  5. If the guest is invited only to the banquet celebration, then indicate the place and time of the beginning of this part of the celebration.
  6. When making an invitation for a couple or family, write the woman's name first, then the man's.
  7. If the wedding sticks a certain style and dress code, then be sure to indicate this in the note.
  8. If the invitation is official, then the future spouses sign, indicating their first and last names.

It is worth sending invitations 3-4 weeks before the date of the event (for non-residents even earlier). After all, people need to plan their time and reschedule important things. To ensure that the recipient receives his invitation, use options such as sending by mail, sending courier, dressed as Cupid ( great idea for an unusual style of invitation), or deliver it personally to each of the guests.

Handing over a postcard in person will emphasize the importance of the invitee

Therefore, it is very important to invite parents to the wedding in this way. This is no less important event for them than for you!

Wedding invitation for mom and dad. One card for two

To write nice invitation For your parents’ wedding, choose special, affectionate, gentle and warm words. After all, these are the closest and dearest people who can then somewhere keep yours The invitation, as a memorable and dear thing to the heart.

Draw a touching invitation to parents in watercolor yourself

A touching wedding text for parents is not always so easy and simple to write on your own. Often young people use ready-made texts, paraphrasing and adding something of their own, sincere. Like in this case:

“Dear mother! Dear Dad!

We look forward to the day when love unites us in marriage. Thank you for your patience, love and tenderness, for the nights without sleep. You are the main and most welcome guests at this first celebration of life together.”

Poetic example of an invitation:

"Attention! Attention!
We invite Parents to our wedding!
Tili-tili dough,
We are the bride and groom!
Let's take a big step
Let's become husband and wife!
You are parents, the most important thing in the world,
We kiss you many times.
Your adults, but children...
We invite you together!
We will always be grateful,
Bring them to you dear ones.
Mom, Dad - we tell you we love you!
And we will always love!

Parents can sign invitations in any form. It is desirable that the writing style of the text and signature coincide. But all your words should come from the heart and radiate warmth! And if you write something personal, not official, your parents will not be upset at all.

Amazing chocolate invitation is a guarantee Have a good mood invited

How to sign a wedding invitation for mom? The right words for the most

In families of newlyweds there can be the most different situations. For example, the bride or groom parents V divorce. Then it is better to prepare invitation cards separately for each family member.

For mommy, your dearest person, select or compose a text with special trepidation, tenderness and love. Express gratitude for all the care, sleepless nights, parent meetings, for the life given to you.

A special card for the most important and dear one - mommy

Make the text of the wedding invitation for your mother touching and memorable, and not just kind and warm. For example:

"Dear mommy! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be waiting for this now happy event- our wedding. Thank you for your concern and participation. We are immensely grateful to have you. At our joint celebration, you are the most welcome guest.”

Perhaps the most tender words can be found in the invitation for the mother of the bride:

“Dear, dear mother! There are not enough words in the world to describe in words the feeling of gratitude for the energy you spent, for your love, tenderness, warmth that you always gave.

On the day of our wedding, when the Mendelssohn march will sound, and a lady in a formal suit will announce us “Husband and Wife!”, I would like only our dearest, beloved people to be with us. Therefore, I will be sincerely glad to see you next to us on our family’s birthday.

Your loving daughter!

A gentle invitation made of cardboard and bright ribbon, made independently, with warmth and trepidation

Wedding invitation text for dad. Holiday call for the father of the family

An invitation for father, daddy, daddy - a strong, special text. When compiling it, you should remember that this person always surrounded yours small reflection care, tried to protect, protect from everything in the world. Fathers taught their sons masculinity, and for their daughters it was a reliable support. So choose the right words gratitude, love and respect. Don't forget to put the words in the original shell.

Unusual invitation shell with applique for dad

And here is an example of an invitation text for dad:

“Dear father! All my life you taught me wisdom, guiding me on the right path, helping me overcome obstacles, sharing with me the joy of victories. It's time to share your greatest joy. We invite you to the solemn union of two loving hearts, we ask you to witness the birth of a young family! The official part of the wedding event will take place on (wedding date) in the central registry office, and after that you will be able to raise a glass to the happiness of the newlyweds in the restaurant (name of the restaurant where the celebration will take place)!

Whether or not to send invitations to parents is up to you. Although this is not at all necessary, because you can always invite And on words. But it's undoubtedly worth it once again do something nice for your loved ones, they deserve it!

An original invitation - in memory of parents

When compiling a list of guests whom the bride and groom want to see at their holiday, they carefully think through the texts of the invitation cards. Increased attention is given to texts for the parents of young spouses, since they are special, honored guests at the wedding.

It is important to work out the text of the wedding invitation for parents in advance, since these are the people thanks to whom the heroes of the occasion have become as others know them - adults, serious, ready to create a strong, happy family.

Deciding this question, you should choose the most affectionate, gentle and kind words.

This way the young people will be able to express their attitude towards their mother and father and show how important guests they will be at such a significant event. Of course, when addressing, it would be appropriate to use the warmest words:

  1. Beloved mom and dad.
  2. Our dear mom and dad.
  3. Our relatives.

The text should not be written in a formal style. Parents will be able to keep this beautiful card in memory of such a important event, and when reading the text for the first time it will be able to evoke warm and Nice memories from the childhood of the future newlyweds and the touching events that took place in their lives.

When composing an appeal to mom and dad, young people should take into account the style chosen for the celebration.

Invite to festive evening outside the city limits, you can write a cheerful, perky text

Inviting you to an event in classic design, use different words

The most memorable will be postcards with texts in poetic form.

Holding a wedding in classic style requires appropriate treatment, and young people can address their parents with the words “dear mom and dad.” In the case of a wedding in the style of a youth party, the address may sound like this: “our dear, beloved mom and dad” - indicating the corresponding signature.

How to sign invitations

Having decided how to contact your parents and having written the text itself, you need to choose a neat ending, as well as a signature. This is just as important as correct handling. Invitations should be signed in accordance with the style in which the celebration is decorated:

  1. The signature under the text in the classics should be short and even a little strict. These could be the names of the bride and groom or the words “your children.”
  2. A fun party in nature makes it possible to sign the invitation easily and simply: “your children are no longer”, “your grown-up children”, “Sonya and Andryushenka”.
  3. Lovers special holidays where friends gather common interests(rockers, musicians, dancers), draw up invitations for parents and sign them as is customary in their circle, where the future newlyweds are called in a special way. It could be “kitten and tiger”, “nightingale and bass”, “ballerina and soldier”.

The most important part of the invitation is the text, which is drawn up long before the celebration, in consultation with each other, trying to touch the most sensitive strings of the parents’ souls. Most often, invitations are signed indicating the names of the bride and groom.

For Mom

It happens that on the part of one of the newlyweds, only the mother is present at the wedding. In this case, the invitation for her is drawn up with special trepidation and tenderness. The desire to tell mom the most tender words forces future newlyweds to write an invitation to their mother in verse:

Dear mom!

We just dreamed of each other.

Then suddenly we fell in love.

They wished, dreamed, suffered,

They laughed, they swore, they forgave.

We caught the firebird of happiness.

And now we want to get married.

We wait parting words, wishes.

We believe that all wishes will come true.

So we want that in these moments

You are with us!

Trust us!

An unusual invitation for mom can be written in prose:


You were there at the most difficult days, patiently led through life. We grew up, became adults and made the most important decision in our lives. On our family's birthday, we ask you to be with us and share our joy. With love, already grown children.

In such an invitation, young people seek to express their gratitude to their mother for everything she has done: for sleepless nights, care and participation.

The text should not only be kind and warm, but also touching and memorable.

For father

An invitation for a father is a special text. After all, it was he who helped the groom become a real man, and the bride’s father was always a reliable support and protection. You can express your feelings by finding the right and necessary words:

Dear Dad!

The day is approaching when we will start our family. You have always been an example, giving warmth and care, sharing my difficulties and sorrows, helping me solve difficult life problems. We hope that on this such an important day for us, you will be there and share the joy with us.

You taught respect, understanding, love. Without you this day would not have happened! You are the most chief guest on our holiday, and we look forward to seeing you!

Andrey and Olga.

Dear daddy!

We invite you to a celebration dedicated to our marriage, which will take place on October 27, 2015. We hope that on this bright and joyful day you will be with us.

With love Sergey and Anastasia.

When composing the text of a wedding invitation for a father, it is important to remember that he always tried to surround his child with care, and when the time came to make the decision to start a new family, he treated this with all responsibility and readiness to help.

You need to not only thank him for his care and understanding, but also once again speak about love and respect. In the pre-holiday bustle, among the many troubles, you must not forget that the closest people, mom and dad, deserve special attention. Invitations for close relatives to the wedding are drawn up by the heroes of the occasion together, carefully thinking through every word.

In such an invitation, it is important to express your feelings and tell your parents that without them this happy day would not have happened.

In this video there are several more text options for inviting parents to a wedding:

It should be emphasized that they are the most important guests at the holiday, therefore, to the question of whether it is necessary to compose a separate text for each of the relatives, there is an unequivocal answer - absolutely. No matter how close friends are, the most important people The bride and groom will always have their parents in their lives.