Competitions for couples. Funny and exciting competitions for Valentine's Day at school

For a wedding

We bring to your attention funny and fervent contests on Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14th. You can play these contests both with a group of children and with a small company.

Collect hearts

This game can be played with children of any age. It will undoubtedly entertain one kid and a whole group of children! You will need hearts cut out of colored paper. While the children can't see, cut out the red and pink paper as best you can. more hearts. Arrange hearts in unexpected places in the apartment (in the classroom, in the group kindergarten). And then announce a competition: “Who will find for ... (indicated certain time) the most hearts, that one will win a prize! For example, in a kindergarten group, children can get together and count the hearts found in the evening. And if you arranged such a game for one child at home, then remember the number of hearts laid out. The child will need to find as many valentines you have prepared as possible. If he finds everything, he gets a prize. As a prize, prepare some sweet surprises (suddenly several children collect an equal number of hearts).

If you are playing the game for a while, then turn on cheerful music. Try to show imagination by laying out hearts. They can be placed under books on the table, under a tablecloth, under a child's plate, under a pillow, in slippers, in a pocket of clothes, in a mitten ... The less a child expects to see a surprise, the more joy it will bring!

The host tells the participants of the rule “there are not always enough suitable words to express all your feelings for your loved one in a volume and vivid way. Then we actively begin to use the language of facial expressions and gestures, so a complete picture of the transmitted meaning is created - and in some cases, it is gestures and our actions that can convey more feelings than just words. After explaining the rules, the facilitator distributes one card with the task to each player. They should contain excerpts from poems and songs, proverbs, sayings in main topic passing holiday - love. Participants, in turn, must gesture, without resorting to the use of words, to show what is written on the received card, the task of everyone else is to guess it. The game is very similar to the Blue Cow game, the winners are very difficult to determine, but it is very uplifting and can be offered at the beginning of the evening to set the general tone for the holiday.

cupid's arrows

Another one interesting game, which can be spent on Valentine's Day on school holiday. To play the game, you need to attach a target to the wall, and in the middle of which a medium-sized heart is glued. Each participant is given three darts. Before starting, the leader should again explain the rules of the game: “A heart pierced by cupid's arrows is an ancient symbol of love.

You need to hit the symbol of the holiday on the target, thus attracting the attention of a fairy-tale prince or a delightful princess. The most accurate ladies will receive the title of "Chief Stealer of Knights' Hearts", and best arrows among boys, they will be knighted.” Each player can use only three attempts to hit the center of the target - to pierce the heart with Cupid's arrow.

Cheerful heart

The symbolic game of the holiday on February 14 will be the next game. For this competition, it is necessary to divide all the guys into several teams. Approximately 3-4 people.

You will also need props for this game. Draw large hearts for the entire size of the paper, color and cut them out. The number of such hearts must correspond to the number of teams. In addition, prepare a lot of small hearts. The task of each team is on the received big heart lay out a happy muzzle (eyes, nose, smile, etc.).

The task is completed within 5 minutes. After that, the leader sums up the results and determines the happiest heart.

On a sheet of whatman paper, two cuts for hands are made. Participants take each of their sheets, putting their hands through the slots, draw a portrait of their friend or parent with a brush, without looking. Whoever has a "masterpiece" looks like, he receives a prize.

The players are divided into teams, but you can do without it. The players are given two cards each (you can plain paper). The task is to move along these cardboard boxes - "hummocks", moving from one to another, as quickly as possible to get over the "swamp" and bring flowers to the lady of the heart. Whoever comes first will get a prize

The host calls two couples - a girl and a boy, and offers to make " Nice dress”, using only newspapers, pins, clothespins and scissors. Winners are determined by other guests.

The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water. The winner receives a kiss from the Princess.

Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase containing various items of clothing. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of the leader, they begin to put on things from the chest. The task of the players is to dress up as quickly as possible.

Valentine's Day Contests- This essential attribute happy school holiday.

The main thing in such contests is, of course, humor. After all, everyone is well aware that boys and girls are often embarrassed to confess their first love even on Valentine's Day, which is why contests should be humorous in order to liberate teenagers, relieve general tension and add fun.

Competitions for young actors

Competitions in which schoolchildren will be able to show their acting talents are perfect.

Eg, competition "Tell with gestures". To conduct this competition, you need to choose several pairs, each pair must be a boy and a girl. The girls are given sheets on which certain words are written, and they also explain the background of the competition.

Turns out, we are talking about the fact that the girl was closed at home by her parents, who oppose her meeting with the guy. The girl leaves the balcony and tries to convey to her lover, who is waiting for her on the street under the balcony, the information that is written on a piece of paper.

But the balcony is too high, it is impossible to hear the words, so only gestures can be used to convey information. The guy's task is to try to understand what his beloved wants to tell him.

Several pairs should play in parallel, the pair in which the guy quickly guesses what the girl tells him wins.

It turns out very fun! Before the start of the competition, the girl must show the audience the words that are written on the sheet so that they also become participants in the competition.

A young man usually cannot immediately understand what a girl is saying to him, so he offers various funny options. The success of this competition directly depends on the originality of the participants' thinking.

Also interesting and fun are competitions in which schoolchildren must play famous stories love: "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello", "Tristan and Isolde". You can come up with special outfits and decorations, as well as offer your own options for the development of events already known to all stories. The couple that earns the most applause for their performance wins.

Mini-competitions for Valentine's Day

If it turned out that there are only a few days left before the holiday, and you are just now thinking about it, then mini-competitions are suitable for you, which do not require long preparation, costumes, scenery, rehearsals.

For example, you can spend competition "Recognition". To conduct such a competition, you need to select several participants, these should be guys. Each participant should be given a piece of paper and a pen. The guys should, on a signal, start writing “I love you” on the sheets as many times as they have enough time, of course, the words should be readable. The winner is the one who manages to write on a piece of paper large quantity confessions.

After that, each guy can, if desired, present his handwritten confessions to his beloved.

You can also spend competition "Original declaration of love". If it's a tradition in the classroom to exchange "valentines" on Valentine's Day, then make this tradition a real show. Invite five volunteers, both boys and girls, to present their “valentine” to the most original way. The winner is the one who manages to make the most amazing confession, you can vote with applause.

Intellectual competitions for Valentine's Day

It is also possible to carry out intellectual competitions for Valentine's Day. For example, competition "Rebus". To conduct this competition, you must select several pairs and a leader. Young men must write on the pieces of paper the original short confession and give your papers to the leader.

It is also possible to carry out "Sweet Contest" To conduct it, you need to select several pairs.

The girls are seated at the table and blindfolded. Young people "arm themselves" with sweets and begin to feed the girls. The girl must guess what kind of candy is offered to her, what kind of cake or what kind of ice cream. The couple that guesses the most sweets wins.

Traditional competitions for Valentine's Day

Traditional competitions for Valentine's Day are always interesting and fun. This Mail and Confessions Screen. Love mail can be organized in a separate class or made it schoolwide. For this you will need beautiful box, converted into a mailbox, and good publicity competition!

To hold the "Screen of Confessions" contest, you can hang whatman papers with felt-tip pens tied to them in the classroom. The essence of the competition is that each participant can write his confessions, jokes and congratulations on the sheets. Whoever does the most wins original confession or wish.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Loving couples participate in the competition. Both guys and girls are offered to name any noun. For example, "hare", "table", "cherry" - whatever comes to mind. The facilitator then explains the rules. You need to explain to your soul mate what she is better than that what was named. The competition turns into general fun when people find out that someone is better than a hare because he has smaller ears, and someone is better than a table because the table is hard, and so on.

You are my sweetness

A couple is participating - a guy and a girl. The facilitator invites them to exchange original "compliment sweets", saying them out loud in turn. For example, "you are my bun, you are my marshmallow, you are my candy" and so on. The winner in a pair is the one who comes up with more options. After that, the winner is awarded a prize in the form of a set of sweets.

I will give you a star

Boys competition. Participants are handed a sheet of paper and, at the command of the presenter, they are offered to make a star out of it for their beloved without the help of scissors. You can’t fold the sheet, you can only manually cut off the edges so that you end up with a figure that even remotely resembles a five-pointed asterisk. The author of the most beautiful and geometrically correct star wins, but all participants receive incentive prizes.

We are one

Couples participate in the competition. Each of them needs to turn to face each other and hold hands, and then make a series of movements that the leader will call. For example, wash and comb, peel and eat a banana, run some object from one part of the room to another. In this case, the palms cannot be separated; any manipulations can only be performed with the fingers. The pair that completes the task faster wins.


From the total number of participants choose one - Cupid. This player turns away, and the rest of the participants come up behind him in twos and ask the question: “A pair or not a pair?”. If "Cupid" thinks that there is a couple of lovers behind him, then he says: "Pair". If he suspects that people from different couples are behind him, then he says: "Not a couple." The winner is "Amur", who gave more correct answers.

Melt my heart

For this competition, you need to prepare in advance the hearts that will need to be melted ( chocolate candies in the form of a heart or ice in heart molds). Guests of the holiday are divided into "enamoured" couples. Each couple gets a heart and, at the start command, begins to melt it. The couple that melts an ice or chocolate heart faster than the rest will win and receive a prize.

Accurate cupid

For this competition, you need to prepare a “little man” (cut out the image of a person in full height) and in place of the heart, glue a balloon on the adhesive tape or attach a circle from a darts. Each participant receives 3 darts, respectively, each "cupid" will have 3 attempts. So, each "cupid" in turn makes 3 of his attempts, aiming straight at the heart. If the participant immediately managed to pierce the heart, they hang in place of the heart new ball. For each well-aimed hit, the participant is awarded a point. And the participant with the most points - the most accurate cupid - will receive a prize.

The strongest hug and the most tender kiss

Each in turn will hug the guests of the holiday and kiss them on the cheek. Before the start of the competition, all guests are blindfolded. The facilitator will take turns choosing one participant from the company and directing him. So, all the guests stand in a row, and one member of the company takes turns hugging each guest as tightly as possible. As soon as the first guest hugged everyone, the host takes the next participant, brings them to each guest, and he hugs everyone in turn. This continues until all participants re-embrace each other. After this stage, a vote is held to “weed out” half of the participants. The guests themselves must name the numbers of the participants who were the strongest in their embrace, for example, if there were 6 participants, the guests choose only three, naming the numbers (first, fifth and sixth, for example). Then the host announces the participants who go to the next stage. At the same time, the guests do not untie their eyes. The winners of the first stage will now take turns kissing the guests on the cheek, trying to do it as gently as possible. Again, by voting, the guests will now choose only one winner. Which of the "kissers" will score more points according to the vote of the guests will win and receive a prize.

Honey, kiss!

The man is blindfolded.
Girls are evenly distributed around the room.
At the command of the man, the girls freeze in place.
The task of a man is blindfolded to find and kiss every girl as soon as possible.
(The player knows how many girls are participating in the game; the time is recorded by the DJ-animator.)
After one participant has passed the “route”, the next one begins.

During the game, other men can be added to the girls - disguise themselves as girls, for example, change clothes, glasses, etc.

Kiss and bite

- Look closely at each other. Say what you like about your partner and what you don't like. For example, "I love Vasya's ear and I don't like his shoulder."
The boys and girls are talking.
“Now kiss what you love about your partner and bite what you don’t like!”

To offer everyone mentally, to himself, to determine what he loves and what he does not like in a partner. Give this time, 10 seconds. After that, without extra words- kiss the beloved and bite the unloved.

Unwound! Wrapped up!

DJ, arms outstretched wide
- Unwound!
DJ hugging a girl
- Wrapped up!
DJ with arms outstretched
- Unwound! Do like me!
DJ hugging another girl:
- Wrapped up! Do with your neighbor like me!
- Unwound!
- Wrapped up!
- Unwound!
- Wrapped up!...

The pace is accelerating.

Let him burst!

DJ hands out pouts to couples Balloons.
- Please put the ball between you and dance like this without letting the ball fall. Do not touch the ball with your hand! Hold with your body.
Couples are dancing. The DJ comments and rewards the couples who are the most skilled in dancing with balls.
DJ (at the end of the dance):
- And now attention! Men, press your ladies to you so that the balls burst!

chocolate dance

- Only on Valentine's Day! The chocolate dance is coming!
>> Slow music, pair dance.
A moment before the end of the music and the parting of the partners, the DJ continues:
- ... And now, gentlemen, please give your ladies a chocolate bar!

Dance in the paper

Several newspapers are ready, each cut out for exactly two heads.
Couples put their heads through holes and dance like that.
Who doesn't have a newspaper torn before the end of the dance?

Pair dance in the newspaper to fast music.

find your half

For teenagers.

Prepared cards cut into two halves.
One half of each card is for girls, the other half is for boys.
The DJ distributes the halves to the girls and boys respectively.
The participants of the game are looking for their soul mates on the dance floor.
Asking each other is allowed only in a whisper and only in your ear.
The couple that reunites the fastest is the winner.
You can prepare prizes in the theme for each pair.

The names of literary heroes can be written on the cards:

  • Hamlet - Ophelia
  • Romeo - Juliet
  • Don Quixote - Dulcinea de Toboso
  • D "Artagnan - Mrs. Bonacieux
  • Eugene Onegin - Tatyana Larina
  • Master - Margarita

It can be heroes of fairy tales:

  • Ivan Tsarevich - Princess Frog
  • Prince - Cinderella
  • Kai - Gerda
  • Fox Alice - Cat Basilio
  • Pierrot - Malvina

Movie characters:

  • Clyde - Bonnie
  • Jo Bradley - Princess Anne ("Roman Holiday")
  • James Bond - Bond Girl
  • Korben Dallas - Leela ("The Fifth Element")
  • Vincent - Mia ("Pulp Fiction")

Pairs of skaters:

  • Pakhomova - Gorshkov
  • Torvill - Dean
  • Grischuk - Platov
  • Bestemyanova-Bukin
  • Linichuk - Karponosov

Dance of meeting and parting

During a slow (or fast) dance, a soloist and a soloist are chosen.
As soon as they are in the spotlight, the DJ explains:
- When the music stops, and it stops - I promise you - the partner, to your applause, will say goodbye to the lady and invite another guy to his place - of his choice.
The music is playing again.
The couple solos in the center of the circle in an updated composition.
But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of the dance floor, thanks her partner for the dance and invites another soloist instead.
So in the solo pair, guys and girls change in turn, but the intrigue remains: who will be next and how warmly will the partners say goodbye?

Dance with a flower

The DJ-animator puts a chair on the dance floor in front of the stage.
Invites a girl to sit on a chair.
Gives the girl a flower.
- Now slow beautiful music will sound. To the girl who sits in this velvet chair with golden tassels and holds in her hands a fragrant rose covered with diamond dew drops, two young men will approach - they will approach at the same time! With one of them, the girl, so be it, will agree to dance, but she will give the flower to another, and he will take her place in the chair.
Two girls will approach the young man sitting in the armchair at the same time. One of them - only one! - the young man will invite you to dance, and the other girl will give the flower, and she will remain in the chair.
The girl with the flower in the chair will be approached by two young men, and so on, until everyone is dancing!

>> Music.
The DJ makes sure that two of them come up. If the next couple does not appear for a long time, he praises the girl or young man sitting (s) in the “armchair”, urging the audience to “be bolder”.
When the music ends, the DJ asks the person sitting in the chair to keep the flower for herself.
Instead of a flower, there can be anything: a balloon, a toy, a book - they become a consolation gift for the last participant in the game who did not have time to invite.

When the game starts, the DJ suddenly turns the "chair" back to the audience, so that the person sitting does not see who is coming up to him. Those who come up put their palms on the shoulders of the person sitting, he “by touch” chooses a partner (partner) for the dance.

DJ poet

Funny: End each phrase with the words: “As only a real poet can say.”

The amount of buttons - 13

- Prizes in the competition are given to a couple, the sum of buttons in whose clothes is 13!
>> Slow dance.
Applicant couples come out.
There is a vowel count of buttons.
Sometimes participants decide to show some secret buttons. (But this requires courage or a good prize.)

Change partner

>> Slow dance.
- Now the music will stop for a couple of moments. In a pause, you are invited to change partners! If the music is playing again and you don't have a partner, you're out! Which couple will be the smartest?
The music is interrupted several times. As a rule, several couples win the competition at once.

Don't dance with a broom

An old French game.

A DJ appears in front of the dancing hall with a broom in his hands:
- I want to dance too. But I can't do it because my partner, the broomstick, doesn't dance. But I have the right to do something else: take a broom, go down to the hall (does it), approach any couple, give the broom to the young man, and in return take his girlfriend and dance with her!
- It's true, young man now there is a broom! He, in turn, can approach any couple, give the broom to the gentleman and pick up his lady. And so on and so forth.

This game is best played in an audience where everyone knows each other.
Instead of a broom, there may be a staff of Santa Claus, a conspicuous toy.

Two start the game - He and She (Father Frost and Snow Maiden, a guy and a girl - animators, a DJ and his assistant). He, “breaking” the couples, takes the girl for the dance, She is the young man.

Instead of brooms, hats are used that are put on the heads of "victims":
- Don't dance in a hat!

The most dissimilar couple

Under slow music - a competition "for the most dissimilar couple." He and She must be different. Growth. By weight. Hair color, eye color, etc. Two prizes are awarded - to her and to him.

Disco blind

10 most diverse and unexpected dance compositions are being prepared in advance. For example, for a New Year's ball in which people participate different ages, it can be: disco, waltz, rock and roll, tango, techno, gypsy, theme from " swan lake» (remix), rap, blues, house.
Tracks are either recorded in a separate folder on the computer, or collected on one flash drive, or recorded on a separate disc.
Tracks are given faceless names: track1, track2, .. track10.
The DJ invites someone from the audience to choose any number at random.
- What kind of music this person chooses, we will dance to this one. I disclaim all responsibility! Are you sure of your choice? And are you afraid of the consequences?
In general, the DJ plays the host from the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?".
A person makes a choice or simply presses the start button, everyone dances. So 10 times (or less, according to the atmosphere on the dance floor).
This game is best played in the second half of the ball or disco, when the audience has dispersed and dances to almost any music.

Disco ball with postcards

DJ-animator invites three young people.
Gives each a Valentine card.
Asks to send postcards - throw them as far as possible.
Guys quit.
As a rule, postcards fall nearby.
The winner of the postcard throw gets a prize.
The animator announces that he will teach everyone how to throw New Year cards correctly.
Gently places the card on the index finger raised vertically upwards.
Gently, but strongly, with his free hand, hits the edge of the postcard, twisting it.
The postcard, revolving like a helicopter propeller, flies far away.


The DJ blows a piercing football whistle, immediately gathering all the attention. Humming the tune of a football march.
He announces that this year - the year of the World Football Champion - it is impossible to live without football, so the regional football championship begins on the dance floor.
Divides the audience into two teams.
One team is grouped to the left of him, the other - to the right.
DJ addressing one of the groups:
- What is the name of your team?
- "Spartacus"!
- And yours?
- Dynamo!
(Could call out any name.)
- The rules of the game are simple. When I lift up left hand, your team is Spartak(left) - loudly, unanimously shouts the word "Goal!"
When I raise my right hand, your team is Dynamo
(on right) - shouts the word "Goal!"
When I raise both hands... no one shouts anything.

Whistle. The game starts. The DJ raises up his left, then his right hands, from time to time - both hands.
Someone in the teams is sure to shout out of place. This counts as a team goal.
The DJ keeps score.
The winning team is rewarded with good music.
The optimal number of "footballers" in the team is 10-30. With a smaller number of players, they are collected, they rarely make mistakes. With a larger number of players, on the contrary, every time someone makes a mistake - the score is predictable.

Dance in silence

- Any fool will dance to the music. And you try to dance without music, in silence! I wonder if there are those who do not lose the rhythm?
So the music fades away
(dj mixer turns down the volume) and you dance, the music goes away, and you dance...
Finally, the dancers move in complete silence.
The DJ can make fun of: "What's going on here? Where am I?"
- Now the music will return. Let's see who hasn't lost the rhythm.
Turns up the volume abruptly. Awarded with the prize of "the most rhythmic".

Dance with nothing

- We dance ... without the help of legs! Only with hands! Squat down. Dance with your hands.
- And now, squatting, wrap your arms around your shoulders. We dance with our heads!
- Now the head is motionless. Let's dance mime!
- We dance only with lips!
- Only language!
- Only ears!
- Only eyes!
- Let's dance to the fullest!

Rewards the most inventive dancers "with nothing".

Find "treasure"

Before the start of the program, while the audience has not yet gathered, the DJ hides a “treasure” in the hall - a bottle of champagne or a toy.
IN right moment evening invites two "treasure hunters". (Two teams of several people can also participate.)
- A treasure is hidden in the hall - champagne. Two absolutely identical cards, on which the treasure is marked, are in my hands.
- Now I will give these cards to treasure hunters. But first, I will ... tear them into 8, no, into 32 parts
(tears one and the other card into an equal number of parts), remember them(crumples), mix the pieces(interferes, admires the fruits of his labors).
Your task is to assemble the map from the pieces and find the treasure. Forward, filibusters!

If the "treasure" is really well hidden, you can first invite the public to find it.

Having torn and crumpled the scraps, one or two of them can be removed - to complicate the task.

love serenades

1. Write the first lines of love songs on heart-shaped leaves and invite each of the guests to sing that verse of the song, the first line of which he got.

2. There are small pieces of paper in the hat, on which one word is written (love, mine, sun, love ...) Everyone takes turns taking notes from the hat and sings a song without fail, in which the word written on his leaf occurs.


Leaves in the form of hearts on strings are hung on the flowerpot, on which predictions are written. These are small leaves. thick paper. Predictions can be different: “The name of your loved one consists of five letters”, “You will meet your fate in the minibus tomorrow”, “ next week will be good for you" and so on.
The participant chooses a prediction by closing their eyes.


1. Using the letters that make up the name of the holiday "Valentine's Day", you need to compose as much as possible more words. This game is by no means original and is more suitable for those who have never played it before.

2. Each of the guests in turn lists the items in the room that begin with the first letters of the holiday "Valentine's Day", i.e. "d", "s", "c". Whoever calls wins the last word. poetry competition
You need to write a poem initial letters the first word of each line began with the letters that make up the name of the person to whom the poem is addressed.

Valentine's Day Contests

I love you

Two participants take turns taking candy from a bag with "barberries", put it in their mouth and after each candy they say to their loved one: "I love you!". Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time says these words, he will win.

Valentine's Day Contests

cupid's arrows

The girls become one group, the boys another. The guys have small balloons in their hands, their task is to hit the girls. If a guy hits a girl, he comes up to her and kisses her. The task of the girls is to dodge the balls.

Valentine's Day Contests

Grape competition

Guests are divided into teams of two, boy-girl. Each team is given a glass and a bunch of grapes. On a signal, one of the team members takes the grapes with his mouth by the twig, and the second begins to remove the grapes with his lips and throw them into his glass. The first couple to fill the glass wins.

Valentine's Day Contests

Find your heart

Hearts are hidden in the room. Participants must find as many of them as possible.
Valentine's Day Contests

Pinched the heart

The girls are blindfolded, and the guys at this time on different places 5-10 clothespins are attached to clothes. The girls on the team begin to feel their partner and find clothespins, whoever collects everything faster than the rest wins.
Is it possible so - the one who did it the most erotically wins?

Valentine's Day Contests

Let's get acquainted

A guy and a girl stage an acquaintance situation: on an island of cannibals, in a library, on a fishing trip, in a haunted castle, etc.

Valentine's Day Contests

I love - I don't like

1. Guests sitting at the table are asked to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: "I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don't like the shoulder." After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like.

2. Each guest is offered a tray of notes. The player takes one note in his left hand, saying: “I love this!”, The other in his right hand: “I don’t like this!”. Then he reads the notes: on each of them the name of one of the body parts is written (cheek, elbow, knee, ear, etc.) If the left hand “caught a cheek” that the player “loves”, then he kisses the neighbor on the cheek. If there is an "ear" in the right hand.

Valentine's Day Contests

Sweet couple

1. Recall as many love couples as possible who glorified themselves with their love and fidelity. (Romeo and Juliet, Odysseus and Penelope, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ruslan and Lyudmila…)

2. Pairs of players become side by side and hug each other with one hand on the shoulders. It turns out that the one on the right has only free right hand, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are a "sweet couple". And this couple needs to do something (for example, fasten the shirt on the guy (previously unbuttoned), remove the earring, etc.

Valentine's Day Contests

Love handkerchief

The girl takes a handkerchief and collects all the corners together. Then she offers the guy to take any corner, and she also takes one of the corners with the other hand. Everyone pulls a handkerchief towards him for a taken corner. If the handkerchief unfolds in a triangle, then the guy loves the girl and should kiss her. If the handkerchief does not turn around at an angle, then the guy does not love, and the girl continues to play with another.

Valentine's Day Contests


Blindfolding the eyes of two participants, the host asks them questions, pointing to the one he wants to. “Tell me, where will we kiss? Here?". And he shows, for example, on the cheek (you can ears, lips, eyes, hands, etc.). The facilitator asks questions until the blindfolded participant says “Yes”. Then the facilitator asks: “How many times? So many?". And he shows on his fingers - how many times, each time changing the combination, until the player says: "Yes." Well, and then, having unleashed the participant's eyes, he is forced to do what he agreed to - for example, kiss the man's knee eight times.

Valentine's Day Contests

Competition is touching

With their eyes closed, men should determine by their knees what kind of lady is in front of them. The player who guesses correctly wins the largest number ladies.
Valentine's Day Contests

First time

Each guest is asked to try to reach their heel without bending their knees. Everything that the player says during this “exercise”, the leader writes down on a piece of paper (not forgetting to indicate the name of the speaker next to each statement). If the player silently tries to complete this exercise, the facilitator asks suggestive questions: what are you feeling now, what are your feelings, etc. When all the guests have gone through this and all their statements have been recorded in detail, the host announces:
- And now we will find out what (for example, Anna) thinks about her first sexual experience. And reads all the recorded statements of this player. And so with the statements of each guest.

Valentine's Day Contests

chocolate bar

Everyone sits in a circle guy-girl-boy-girl, etc.. One of the players takes a piece of chocolate on his lips and passes it to a neighbor, etc. round. In the end, the chocolate melts on someone's lips. This player for the loss fulfills one of the desires of the company.
Valentine's Day Contests
The most sensual

The girls face the audience. Behind each is a chair. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking and using hands is prohibited. The one who decides first wins.

Valentine's Day Contests
Who are you?

Wearing thick mittens, participants must determine by touch what kind of person is in front of them. You can feel the whole person.

Valentine's Day Contests

To be a woman

Guys are blindfolded, rubber or hockey gloves are put on their hands and they are offered to put on the most ordinary tights on their feet, you can with a pattern.

Valentine's Day Contests

The woman of my dreams

All teams are given air balloons, threads, felt-tip pens and adhesive tape. On command, the participants must inflate the balloons, tie and glue them in such a way that they get a woman. Then they must draw all the features of the "woman of their dreams." The best “woman” is chosen by audience voting.
Valentine's Day Contests