The shoes rub a lot. What to do if your shoes rub: simple tips


Did you buy new shoes? They are so beautiful that there are simply no words! There are no words, but plenty of interjections. Oohs and aahs flow like a river, because new shoes I quickly rubbed my feet blood. It seems unfair. After all, in the store the shoes fit like a glove and clung to the foot so effectively that they seemed like a continuation of it. And here it’s such a shame! Don’t be discouraged, a new pair of shoes may chafe, but you have the power to correct the situation and give comfort to your own feet. So, what to do if your shoes rub?

Problematic question

What shoes do you prefer? Comfortable or beautiful? It is not always possible to combine these two qualities. Weightless shoes with high stiletto heels make the foot look small and the gait look sexy, but there is no smell of comfort here. You will have to control every step, and keep a blissful smile on your face, so that no one thinks that new shoes are rubbing blisters. What to do? The expression of agony on the face has never been beautiful for anyone, and you will not be an exception. By the way, sneakers can also cause problems. If the insole “walks”, the toe has synthetic fibers, and the sides are too hard, then calluses are inevitable. But why endure if it hurts? After all, you can, at least a little, make it easier for yourself to adapt to new couple to wear it with pleasure, and not with the hope that it will soon be worn out.

Beginning of the season

Oh yes, the beginning of every season is the time for chafing and blistering of the heels. The shoes look like lasts, and the boots look like real torture chambers. In summer, shoes rub your heels. What to do? Take care of this prospect in advance! Buy several pairs with a cooling effect in advance. Yes, these things are a bit pricey, but your feet will be fresh and beautiful from morning to evening. For those who like closed shoes even in the summer, it is better to purchase silicone heel pads or socks. It will be more comfortable and neat this way.

At home, try on a new pair and walk around the room in it, but not with a well-calibrated catwalk gait, but as you walk in ordinary life. Sit down and adjust the strap on your sandal. Do a few squats and try to jump. What does it feel like? And if you have to run after the bus, then it would be good to practice running in new shoes. The test is done, and your legs are tired even at home. So what to do if your shoes rub? Let's start using funds from grandma's hiding places.

Conservative approach

Do you feel discomfort in the heel area? Then take a piece of soap or a candle. Rub the inside of the heel of the shoe with it. Repeat the procedure a couple of times a day until the shoes turn into slippers according to the degree of comfort.

What to do if new leather shoes rub? This will take more time. Get two plastic bags, fill them with water and put them in your shoes. The shoes themselves go into the freezer overnight. When water freezes, it expands and shoes expand with it.

If an urgent date is on the horizon, and your shoes are too tight, then take advantage of emergency measure. Find the thickest ones in the house, put them on and put your shoes on top. Now blow a stream of hot air from a hair dryer for a long time on the most problematic areas (toe, heel). Move your foot from time to time so that the shoe stretches towards you.

For money

If the old methods, tested by millions of women and girls, do not inspire confidence, then you can trust the beauty industry and run to the nearest shoe salon. There will probably be more than one tube of stretch foam or similar spray. This type of product should be applied to problem areas and shoes should be worn in.

The spray will help if you have already rubbed your foot with your shoes. What to do? Yes use the old trick with wool socks, but first warm up the shoes with a hairdryer and quickly spray them with stretcher. After cooling, the procedure must be repeated. After such execution, even uncomfortable shoes will become slippers!

If only the edges of the shoes are problematic, then soft stripes made of silicone, protecting against excess friction.

If it hurts even to walk

Let's imagine the most terrible situation: rush hour, crowded buses, the middle of the working day. New shoes, which seemed perfect in the morning, have now turned into monsters raping your feet. I need to run errands, but there are bloody blisters on the heel, and my toes threaten to curl into a snail if they are not urgently removed from the shoes into the light of day. What to do if your shoes are rubbing, but you don’t even have time to recover?

Find the nearest bench, take off your shoes. If you are wearing ankle boots or socks, take them off too. Let your feet breathe. In the meantime, examine your purse. Perhaps there is a band-aid there? Or a bandage? Or at least wet wipe? If there is a mini-bottle of perfume there, then the wounds can be disinfected. Do not peel the skin off the blisters, otherwise the pain will go through the roof. Make an alcohol lotion and use a soft cloth to apply the most problematic areas in the shoe. Stretch your fingers a little. If there is a fountain nearby and the area is free for walking, then soak your feet in it. On a hot day this will be your nirvana! After 10-15 minutes, put your shoes back on. Now you can at least get to the pharmacy to buy a band-aid and cover up the wounds.

For those who are unlucky

What to do if your shoes are constantly rubbing? If the skin is so delicate that it is impossible not to injure it? Always break in your shoes. Put it on a wet sock and walk like this until completely dry the last one. Buy some lasts to stretch your shoes to the desired shape and size. Immediately soften the backdrop by tapping it with a hammer. This is relevant advice for boots, ankle boots and other hard shoes. To avoid scratching the skin, cover the back with a soft cloth.

You can modify the wet sock method and use alcohol instead of water. It dries much faster, and the shoes, accordingly, will take shape more quickly. True, alcohol can ruin the color. But you can use beer for suede!

No unnecessary sacrifices

At the end of the conversation, you can discuss ways to wear shoes with minimal risks. So, what to do if your shoes rub against calluses? You can take a large towel, wet it and wrap it around the box containing your new pair of shoes. Leave everything like this overnight. The box will naturally soften, the inside will be humid and stuffy, causing the shoes to become pliable.

Before trying on shoes, lubricate your feet with rich baby cream. Try to let it soak in. Then the leather will become softer, friction will disappear, and the shoes will not press so hard. If there is a day before the new pair “walks”, then stuff a lump of damp newspaper inside at night. Let everything dry without your help. Only then will the shoes stretch.

Finally, it will be easy and quick to get caught in the rain in a new pair. The shoes will begin to squelch, play will appear, and the leather will shrink down the leg. Once the shoe is dry, you will be surprised at how comfortable it is.

There are many ways to break in shoes, so don’t be afraid to experiment and remember that blisters are easier to prevent than to cure!

No wonder they say that female legs can only be happy in the store.

Very often, when putting on new shoes, we imagine how we will amaze everyone with our beauty, but in reality everything may turn out to be somewhat different.

Foot diseases from rubbing shoes

Every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of rubbing his feet with his shoes. And the question became urgent: what to do about it, because every day we need to go somewhere. First, let's look at the nature of the diseases.


1) Callus - appears as a result of prolonged friction or pressure on the skin:

Dry – looks like keratinized areas of skin cells;

Wet is a callus bladder that contains a clear liquid. Lymph collects under the top layer of skin and protects it from further damage.

2) Corns are a compacted surface layer skin on the soles of the feet. It can lead to poor circulation and increased death of some areas of the skin.

3) A blister is a raised membrane of skin that is filled with a clear liquid.

All of the above types cause painful sensations when walking. The most painful are wet calluses, which lead to the wounds even starting to bleed. Each of them has its own methods of treatment and prevention. Do not ignore them, as complications may result in you needing the services of a doctor.

Preventative measures or what to do to avoid rubbing your feet with shoes

Buy shoes that are the right size and width for you. If you constantly wear small and narrow shoes, this can lead to foot deformation.

Prefer shoes good quality from genuine leather. This will save your feet from various diseases and will provide comfort when walking.

Of the models, it is preferable to buy shoes not with a closed heel, but with a strap. This will save you from the problem of shoes rubbing your feet and deciding what to do about it.

Break in new shoes gradually. In the first days, play it safe and take with you an extra pair of shoes that you can put on at the slightest discomfort.

Also in spring and summer period followers can help. They are different shapes and colors and are perfect for closed shoes. And the traces natural color will be invisible under any shoes. Now there are models for open-toed sandals, for shoes, classic and lace.

An interesting invention is gel inserts that are glued to inner surface shoes and soften friction.

A special foot powder that absorbs moisture has the same effect. It contains zinc oxide and rosemary oil, which is used to treat diaper rash in babies.

At the pharmacy you can buy a prophylactic pencil that is applied to the area possible appearance calluses.

Get a pedicure at regular intervals. This will make your skin soft and tender.

How to stretch your shoes so they don't rub your feet

To begin with, you must remember that shoes can only be worn in width; they do not stretch in length. Keep this in mind when purchasing the shoes you like. You can approximately stretch your shoes by 0.5 sizes. Don't expect more.

1) The very first method that is used is to rub the shoes with alcohol or vodka. To do this, the inner surface of the shoe must be moistened with these products, then put on your shoes and walk in such shoes for one and a half to two hours.

2) Next in a simple way are wet warm socks in which we put on our favorite shoes and also walk in them certain period time.

3) The effect is also achieved by special foot sprays that are sold various companies and manufacturers.

4) As a last resort you can give tight shoes to a shoe workshop, where it is stretched using stretchers or other more radical measures.

What to do if you rub your feet with shoes

If you still rub your feet with shoes and don’t know what to do, then our useful tips:

1. First of all, treat the area that you rubbed with hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin or a weak solution of manganese. You can also treat the wound with infusion of chamomile and calendula or sea ​​buckthorn oil.

2. Puncture the blister and gently squeeze out the liquid. Process again and leave to dry. Do not tape or tie anything. Let your skin breathe.

3. After the wound has dried, treat it with “Rescuer”, “Levomikol” or Panthenol ointments. They will protect you from infections and reduce pain.

4. If you rub your feet while traveling, treat the rubbed area with water and cover with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. You can also put a clean napkin or handkerchief. A folded sheet of paper placed under the heel will prevent the rubbed area from coming into contact with the heel of the shoe for some time. In any case, when you find yourself at home, carry out all disinfection measures and smear the wound medicinal ointment. The next day, put on different shoes to give the wound time to heal.

5. Help with this problem and folk recipes:

In summer, to combat wet calluses, you can use plantain, which is easy to find almost everywhere. It must be washed and applied to the wound. At home, such plantain, or horse sorrel, or calendula flowers can be washed, finely chopped and also applied to the area that has been rubbed and left overnight. Repeat this procedure if necessary;

It also helps raw potatoes. It must be grated and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, and the top of the leg should be wrapped in a bandage or gauze bandage. After a couple of sessions, the callus will resolve;

You can apply a raw onion or lemon to dry calluses. We put socks on our feet and leave this compress on overnight. By morning, the softened layers of skin will need to be removed;

A vinegar-onion lotion will help get rid of corns. To do this you need to pour 150 grams onion peel 0.5 glasses table vinegar. Close the jar tightly and place it in a cool, dry place to steep for two weeks. Use for complete disappearance of corns;

A remedy that is considered effective is mixing one raw egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then soak cotton wool or gauze bandage and apply to the seals. They put a bag on your feet and wrap everything in a bandage or put on socks and leave it overnight. In the morning, treat the affected areas with pumice;

The raw egg method also helps. To do this, you need to separate the white film from the shell and apply the wet side to the callus that has burst. The film will tighten the skin, dry it out and heal the wound. Just don't tear it off prematurely.

Take care of your feet: do a pedicure, lubricate special cream, buy comfortable shoes. The feeling of daily comfort will allow you to do a lot of useful things throughout the day.

The safest and effective method stretch the shoes in a certain place - take them to the workshop. There, a special product will be applied to the heel, and then the shoes will be placed on a wooden block, which will be adjusted to the desired length. After some time, you will be able to pick up the shoes and wear them without any problems.

This can also be done at home. To do this, you need to purchase a stretching agent and a wooden block from a shoe store. Thanks to this, you can decide for yourself this problem and on other shoes.

Using improvised means

On shoes made of genuine leather, you can try softening the heel with alcohol. To do this, thoroughly wet a cotton wool or cloth in an alcohol solution and wipe the inside of the problem area on the shoes with it. Then cover the heel with an adhesive plaster, put on a thick sock and walk around in the shoes until they are completely dry.

Instead of alcohol, you can use castor or Vaseline oil, however, at the end, excess of this product must be removed using paper napkin. Oil should only be applied to the inner surface of the shoe.

Soften the leather using a hammer and cloth. To do this, place the shoe with the heel on a hard surface, cover the inside of the heel with a rag and gently tap it with a hammer for several minutes.

Backdrop on suede shoes can be softened with steam. Just hold the shoe over boiling water so that the area that is rubbing becomes slightly damp. After this, walk around in shoes, putting them on a thick sock.

If you rub on the back of your shoes made of artificial leather, apply wax or wax to the problem area. a small amount liquid soap. After this, walk around in your shoes for several hours, putting them back on your socks. A rubber shoes you can stretch it a little if you wet the backs outside and inside hot water, and then also walk around in them for a while.

Take advantage of special silicone stickers, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or shoe store. Stick them to the chafing area on the inside of your shoes and enjoy long walks. They hold up very well, making them ideal for chafing backs. As a rule, such stickers are transparent, so they will be barely noticeable even on colored shoes. And in order to definitely solve the problem of chafing, do not forget to stick an adhesive plaster to the heel at first.

Buying shoes in the morning on a cool day is not an idea. The fact is that after a long walk or under the influence of heat, the feet may swell, and then the shoes will begin to squeeze and rub a lot. Be careful when choosing the moment to try on, otherwise you risk making a serious mistake. Also pay attention to the material from which the products are made and their design itself. It’s good if the shoes are equipped with soft insoles and are made of soft, pleasant-to-touch leather, fabric, or suede. Models with rigid inserts, hard structural elements located directly above the heel or near the bones are not the best choice. Such products can chafe even if you carry them around.

Wear shoes with heels or socks. These products will help protect your feet from calluses, reduce friction and the impact of the materials from which the shoes are made on the skin. During the cold season, it is recommended to choose socks made from fabric with bamboo fiber or mercerized cotton. Both materials remove moisture well, reduce the likelihood of calluses and provide comfort.

If you are putting on new shoes that have not yet been worn in, be sure to take a patch with you. If you feel even the slightest discomfort, you can quickly and easily solve the problem.

How to quickly break in shoes

A good option is to buy a special spray for shoes, which makes it much easier to stretch the product and “sit” it on your foot. After using the spray, wear your boots at home for several hours. This will allow you to make sure that the shoes do not rub the skin, and if necessary, wear already tested, well-worn products when going out.

Lubricate the inside of your shoes castor oil. This product will soften the material and moisturize it, which means that friction will weaken. If you are using socks rather than underpads, lubricate your feet with nourishing cream, massage them until the product is absorbed, and only then put on socks and shoes. Firstly, it will provide good care for the skin of the feet, and secondly, it will reduce the risk of calluses.

If you notice that only some elements of the shoe, such as the heel, are rubbing, lubricate the problem areas with dry laundry soap or rub with a wax candle. This will help make hard structural elements softer and smoother, which means it will make it easier to solve the problem.

Nothing can give such a spectrum of emotions, from joy to suffering, like new shoes. While trying on in a store stylish shoes may seem amazingly comfortable to you, just imperceptible on your feet. But as soon as you take a few steps down the street in them, you can only think about one thing: how to soften the heel of your shoes?! Rubbed heels can ruin the pleasure of even the most desired purchase. It is impossible to ignore them, and to tolerate them is dangerous to health. Therefore, if you also happen to buy boots or shoes that are too hard, we are here to help you with tips on how to quickly soften the backs of your shoes.

How to soften backdrops leather shoes
The material from which the shoes are made plays a role key role in search of means to soften backdrops. Let's assume that you bought high-quality leather shoes wrong size or on an uncomfortable block. There is an opinion that shoes made of genuine leather “break in on their own.” But until this happens, you will disfigure your heels and fray your nerves. So don't expect miracles from natural shoes, and ensure your own comfort:
  1. With a hammer. An old-fashioned method that helps soften even the most “oaky” backdrops. You need to tap them with a hammer: from behind, from above, from the inside from the outside. This treatment will certainly soften the skin, but there is a risk of damaging its surface. Therefore, you need to handle the hammer very carefully if the leather is thin, light, or decorated, and it is better to completely abandon this method if the shoes are patent leather. If you want to take a risk, take it additional measures protection by placing a piece of fabric between the back of the shoe and the hammer.
  2. With pliers. An improvement on the previous idea, allowing you to simultaneously soften the backdrops from the outside and inside. But only if the problem arose with low-rise shoes: shoes, low shoes, etc. The pliers simply won’t reach the heel through the tops of the boots. And it won't hurt to use the safety cloth again.
  3. Vinegar. Quite popular too folk remedy. To soften the backs of shoes, they need to generously moisten the hard areas of the leather and knead them thoroughly. Surely you will want to use pliers again, but possible damage to the shoes in this case is left to your discretion.
  4. Glycerin. You can buy glycerin at any pharmacy, but the backs of your shoes need to be prepared for its application. To open the pores of natural leather, place a hot, wet towel inside it. After 15 minutes, lubricate the backdrops with glycerin and leave overnight.
  5. Stretcher. Special means contain chemical substances, softening the heels of leather shoes without damaging them. This is the simplest, most modern and effective, but not the cheapest way.
Finally, you can simply refer uncomfortable shoes to the workshop, where it will be stretched a little in length or the backs will be softened. But this also depends on your capabilities and availability of free time to visit the shoemaker. Either way, you now have a choice of several ways to soften your shoes.

How to soften backdrops artificial shoes
Artificial shoe materials usually mean different types leatherette, as well as textile materials, natural and synthetic. Even if the base of the shoe fabric is natural fibers, it is still treated with synthetic impregnation for strength and water repellency. So the same means for softening the heels apply to most textile, and especially oilskin, shoes:

  1. Vegetable oil. Using a cotton swab, apply it to the inside of the heels of the shoes and leave to absorb for several hours (about overnight). Usually used for this purpose linseed oil, and it’s better not to spare it - then you’ll blot off the excess with a napkin.
  2. Alcohol. Its softening effect is similar to that of vinegar, but alcohol does not contain acids that can corrode synthetic material. However, use alcohol carefully, dilute it with water or simply wet the backdrops with water and then rub with your hands. But before you dampen your shoes, check to see if there is a cardboard seal in the heels. When cardboard gets wet, it can not only soften, but also completely lose its shape, that is, the shoes also become deformed.
  3. Glycerol. This universal remedy Suitable for both leather and synthetic shoes. True, the probability of a successful result with artificial materials lower, but you won't ruin your shoes if you try to soften the heels with glycerin.
  4. Mechanical impact. A hammer, pliers and a workshop stretcher are just as effective on synthetic shoes as they are on real ones. The risk is also comparable: you can damage the shape of the shoes yourself, but in a workshop, when stretched, the backs themselves can remain just as rigid.
After you take these measures, do not rush to go outside - first walk around the house in treated shoes. And if such a check shows that it was possible to soften the backs of the shoes, feel free to go out the door in new shoes.

How to soften the heels of boots
Hard shoe backs are a problem that takes effort and time to solve. But if the backs of the boots turn out to be hard, the task is complicated by the inability to get close to them due to the high tops. Neither a hammer nor pliers will help here, and it will not be easy to wet the backdrop from the inside. All that remains is to try to protect your heels. What can you do to avoid rubbing your feet with hard shoe backs?

  1. Pencil for calluses. Multifunctional tool in a convenient stick packaging. At the same time, it softens the heels and creates a lubricating effect, that is, it makes the inner surface of the shoe sliding, which additionally protects the heels from rubbing. Does not spoil shoes, does not leave marks on them or on tights. But it’s not cheap and you’ll have to look for it in stores and on the Internet.
  2. Band-Aid. A good old remedy for chafing heels. To protect against hard shoe backs, you can stick double layer patch: one directly on the foot, and the second on the inside of the shoe. It can peel off when worn and bunch up, causing it to rub even more.
  3. Silicone pads. By themselves, they will not protect the heel, but in combination with an adhesive plaster they improve the result. The silicone cushion under the foot prevents the foot from slipping inside the shoe, which means it reduces the friction of the heel on the heel.
  4. Patch-gasket. Solving the problem of adhesive tape that comes off. Helps not only against hard heels, but also if the heel is chafed by the seam on the heel of the shoe. Sew or glue a patch from the inside of the shoe. soft fabric, which will cover the seam. This method is only suitable for shoes that fit or are even slightly too long in size. Otherwise, you will further reduce the free space inside the boot.
How to return shoes to the store?
As you can see, there is no universal and 100% effective way to soften the heels of shoes. The choice of one or another product depends on the style, material and other features of a particular pair of shoes. But you must remember that you have the right to return an unsuccessful pair to the store if you are sure that you cannot walk in it or correct the defect. You can get rid of the tormenting shoes and get back the money spent on them under the following conditions:
  • You did not walk on the street in these shoes, that is, the sole remained clean without traces of earth, asphalt, etc.
  • You have not damaged the shoes either outside or inside, that is, the pair has retained its presentation and can be put back on display.
  • You carefully took off your shoes and put them in original box or other packaging provided by the manufacturer and issued to you by the seller.
  • You have saved the receipt for the purchase of these shoes, it is intact (not torn, not erased) and the information on it is readable.
  • You decided to return the shoes within 14 days from the date of purchase, no later than.
Please note that all the manipulations listed in the article to soften the heels of shoes may affect their appearance. In this case, according to the first paragraph of the conditions, you will no longer be able to return this pair to the store. Therefore, you will have to make a decision right away: return the shoes or try to adapt them and wear them. We, for our part, wish you to accept correct solution and face such a choice as little as possible, and also face the need to soften the heels of your shoes as little as possible.