Foamy feces in a 2 month old child. Foamy stools in infants: causes and treatment

Choice of colors

After birth, the child’s body continues to improve, including the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. The baby’s intestines begin to receive a completely new type of food for him, and therefore the consistency of the baby’s stool can change quite often.

Pediatricians warn parents that frequent changes in a child's stool during his first year of life are a completely normal reaction. Infants who are bottle-fed or supplemented with formula milk have fewer options for normal stool. But here, too, there is no parameter for children’s feces that both pediatricians and young parents could focus on.

The appearance of foamy stool is always a cause for concern, but is it really that bad?

Causes of foamy stool in babies

Foamy stool in infants is in most cases normal for babies under one year of age. Although it is possible that foamy feces are a signal of disturbances that have occurred in a small organism.

If the foam appears once, then do not worry. Most likely, this is a reaction to a drug or food (if mommy ate something). But, if the feces are accompanied by foam constantly for a long time, then such a symptom cannot be ignored.

The most common causes of foam in the stool of infants are:

Allergic reaction to foods and medications

Everyone knows that not all products are adequately perceived by the adult body. A baby's fragile intestines can react very violently if the mother ate something new or unusual. For the most part, these are isolated cases of diarrhea, the cause of which was an error in the mother’s diet.

It is also worth noting that the introduction of a new infant formula can also cause foamy stool.

Almost every woman in the postpartum period takes medications or undergoes courses of antibacterial therapy. Most medications pass into mother's breast milk, which affects the baby's digestion. The result: loose, foamy stool.

Intestinal dysbiosis

The disease is always accompanied by problems with the child's stool. The baby's constipation gives way to severe stomach upset, and the contents of the diaper become foamy and liquid. Almost always, undigested food remains are present in the baby’s stool.

Imbalance of mother's milk

If the baby does not suck milk from the back of the breast, which is the most nutritious and healthy portion, then the child may experience frequent problems with bowel movements.

Lactase intolerance

Breast milk consists of many carbohydrates, but the most valuable is lactose. But the baby’s body is not able to independently produce a sufficient amount of the enzyme necessary to break it down. The baby receives the main part of the necessary enzyme from the rear portion of the mother's milk. And if the baby constantly eats only the front liquid portion, then he suffers from digestive disorders. In this case, in addition to the foamy consistency, the child’s stool will also have a strong sour odor.

Child malnutrition

If a newborn regularly does not receive enough nutrients and enzymes from the rear portion of milk, then a deficiency of biologically active substances appears in the child’s body. In such cases, the baby's stool may also foam and take on a darker shade.

Gas formation

Quite often, during periods of colic and high levels of gas formation, newborns experience foamy stool. You just need to endure this period, trying to alleviate the baby’s suffering. Do not forget that if the mother’s diet is violated, gas formation only intensifies. Quite often, the main recommendation of pediatricians is to exclude cow's milk from a nursing woman's diet.

Intestinal infection

No one is immune from intestinal infection, and even a baby who has just been born can become a victim of this unpleasant disease. In such cases, stool disturbances always occur. The main symptoms include loose, foamy stools, vomiting, high body temperature and decreased appetite.

How to treat foamy stools in infants

The reasons why a child has foamy stools can be completely different. And the choice of medicine depends on what caused the baby’s stomach upset. Just remember that only a specialist observing the child can make any prescriptions.

In most all cases, the liquid contents of the diaper are a completely acceptable deviation that does not require the intervention of a doctor. And if the child continues to remain active, then there is no reason to worry. But sometimes loose stools in a newborn indicate serious problems and medication cannot be avoided.

If a child has been diagnosed with dysbacteriosis, then he is prescribed to take bifidumbacterin, bifiform and other similar drugs. The bifidobacteria contained in their composition help restore the natural intestinal microflora.

If the reason is that the child does not receive lactase in the required amount, then in this case drugs are prescribed that include it in their composition. Additionally, the child is prescribed a diet containing a minimal amount of lactose. If the child is artificial, then it is necessary to replace the mixture with a lactose-free version. It is recommended that the mother express the front portion of milk and add enzyme to it, and only then offer the bottle to the baby. In this case, the baby must also be offered the breast. In this case, the baby also receives fattier hind milk.

Sometimes the cause of foamy stool in a child is a common food allergy. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult an allergist. The doctor will not only create an approximate diet for the child’s mother, but will also prescribe antihistamines. Additionally, the use of sorbents may be prescribed, which promote the rapid removal of toxins from the child’s body.

And, of course, an identified intestinal infection requires special attention. The severity of the condition is aggravated by other symptoms, but the possible dehydration of the baby’s body is of particular concern. As a rule, to avoid this, special drugs are prescribed, in particular, rehydron.

Parents begin to worry when they notice that the child is pooping foam. Such a stool can really mean some kind of malfunction in the body, as a result of which fermentation occurs in the intestines. Therefore, it is important to know what causes it and what to do in this case.

Why do infants have foamy stools?

Foamy stools are very common in infants. If the baby looks healthy and active, and is gaining enough weight, then the issue may be due to improper breastfeeding. It is known that foremilk is watery and contains a lot of milk sugar - lactose. To digest it, you need the enzyme lactase. The back is fatty and nutritious. There are not enough enzymes in the still immature digestive system to break down lactose with an excessive amount of foremilk received by the child. It is not absorbed by the body and is excreted in the feces, which is also diluted with water. This is how foam turns out.

It is not difficult to correct this situation. You just need to adjust your diet. Give your baby only one breast at each meal so that he empties it completely. If he doesn’t have enough and demands a second one, then start the next feeding with that one. You should not take the breast too early, even if it feels like the baby is sucking for too long.

Another reason that causes loose and foamy stools in infants is lactase deficiency. The body does not produce enough of the necessary enzymes, so mother's milk is not absorbed. In this case, the baby does not gain weight well. Sometimes this is due to dysbiosis, then with age or after taking probiotics the situation normalizes. But it happens, although very rarely, congenital lactase deficiency.

The presence of a problem is confirmed by an analysis of the amount of carbohydrates in the stool. Depending on the results, your doctor may prescribe enzymes to help digest the milk. Sometimes you have to switch your baby to a lactose-free formula.

In very young children, foamy stool often appears due to increased gas formation. As the gastrointestinal tract matures, feces become normal. This usually happens by 3-4 months, when colic goes away.

Foamy stools are a sign of allergies and dysbiosis

Other reasons can cause foamy stools not only in infants, but also in children 2 years old, 5 years old and even adults. For example, food allergies lead to such a reaction in the body. If the baby is breastfed, then the problem is most likely in the mother's diet. It's worth thinking about what new dishes were eaten. Excessive amounts of familiar food can also cause intestinal failure in a toddler.

Allergies can also occur to medications taken by a nursing mother or the baby himself. In formula-fed children, formula sometimes gives this reaction. Then you need to consult a pediatrician and choose a different diet.

Another problem that children of different ages face is dysbiosis. This is common in newborns, as bacteria colonize the intestines gradually. This process takes time. In older toddlers, the microflora is disrupted due to certain diseases and after taking antibiotics. A special analysis will confirm the imbalance. To eliminate it, the doctor will recommend suitable probiotics.

Intestinal infections and other diseases, unhealthy diet

If a child’s diarrhea with foam is accompanied by other symptoms - high fever, vomiting, and there are also streaks of blood and mucus in the stool - then it is most likely an intestinal infection. It can be dangerous to the body and require urgent treatment to avoid serious consequences. Therefore, if you have foamy stools, you should carefully monitor the baby’s condition and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Such stool may be a sign of worm infection. If they multiply in large numbers, they begin to negatively affect the digestive processes.

In case of loose, foamy stools, rice water may help. It should be given to the child 3-4 times a day.

Foamy stool also occurs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that provoke inflammation. To prevent them from becoming chronic, it is necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner. It can also mean celiac disease - gluten intolerance. When this protein enters the body, the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed. To avoid this, you need to adhere to a strict diet, eliminating all gluten-containing foods.

Poor nutrition also causes problems with stool. If you give a 2-year-old child fatty foods, his body is unlikely to be able to digest it. You should not experiment with spicy and exotic dishes. So if foam is noticed in the stool, then it is necessary to reconsider the diet.

Treatment and diet for stool with foam

Even a single foamy stool requires parental attention. If it recurs, then action needs to be taken.

  • Take care of prevention: maintain hygiene, stick to a diet, avoid harmful foods, and put the baby to the breast correctly.
  • Consult your pediatrician. Self-treatment can be harmful. Even if some miracle remedy helped the neighbor’s baby, we must remember that the causes of problems with stool could be different. You should rely on the experience of professionals, and not familiar mothers.
  • Take tests that will help find the cause of the problem: a general blood test, stool examination to detect dysbacteriosis and lactase deficiency.

When the doctor finds out why the child has loose, foamy stools, he will prescribe appropriate medications. In isolated cases of malnutrition, absorbents, such as activated carbon, are sufficient. If diarrhea is prolonged, it is important to give your baby enough water.

In case of allergic reactions, antihistamines will help. And for intestinal infections and inflammatory diseases, you cannot do without taking antibiotics. After the course of treatment, you should take a course of probiotics to restore the microflora.

To support the body during the recovery period, you need to follow some nutritional rules. It is necessary to remove heavy foods and dairy products from the menu. The best food at this time is boiled rice without salt. The only fruit recommended is bananas. The return to a normal diet should be gradual to avoid intestinal irritation.

The child should drink a lot of liquids. Chamomile and linden teas and alkaline non-carbonated mineral water are well suited for maintaining water balance.

Parents should not ignore foamy stools in a child of any age - both in infants and 2 years and older. If it occurs once, most likely it is a reaction to some product, and if you stop using it, the baby’s condition will return to normal. If repeated frequently, it may be a symptom of more serious problems. You need to show the baby to a doctor to identify the cause and take appropriate measures.

It often happens that parents begin to sound the alarm when their child develops foamy stools. Below we will discuss whether this is worth doing.

Under normal conditions, an infant's stool should have a mushy consistency. The color of the stool is brown or whitish-yellow. It does not always happen that foaming stool indicates problems with the child’s health, especially if its occurrence is not accompanied by the manifestation of any third-party symptoms.

If foamy stool is observed in a newborn baby or in a baby aged one month or a little more, the cause of its occurrence may be the child’s body’s reaction to changes in the mother’s diet. The reason may also be the early introduction of complementary foods, the large volume of liquid consumed by the child and the use of medications. At the same time, the mother should monitor her diet and adjust it if the need arises. The formula that is offered to a child when switching to artificial feeding may not be suitable for him and the result will be the reaction described.

In addition, a reaction in the form of liquid, foamy stool in the baby can be caused by a lack of balance between the foremilk and hindmilk. This happens in cases where, immediately after the child has not yet emptied one breast, he is immediately given another. The result in this case is that the baby does not receive hind milk, which is rich in fats and beneficial microelements. Hind milk is much more nutritious and if it is not received enough, the baby simply does not get enough. At the same time, it is in hind milk that the lactase enzyme is found, and if there is a lack of it in the child’s body, lactose cannot be fully absorbed. This is despite the fact that this nutritional enzyme, valuable for the child’s body, must be completely absorbed. Testing stool for the presence of carbohydrates can reveal lactase deficiency, and this enzyme will need to be administered additionally.


If the foamy stool of a newborn baby acquires a greenish tint, begins to smell bad, and mucus appears in it, this indicates the onset of dysbiosis in the newborn baby. The frequency of loose stools in the child may change, and a gradual change in constipation and diarrhea in the child is possible. If a child is exposed to any type of intestinal infection, his stool may become more frequent up to 10-12 times a day. In this case, the child begins to feel general weakness, loses his appetite and experiences an increase in temperature.

Even if foamy stools do not occur for too long, and the child maintains an outward appearance of health, you should consult a doctor. Foamy stool due to dysbacteriosis is not dangerous in itself, but rapid elimination of the cause that causes it is required.


Often, foamy stool in a child is caused by the presence of an intestinal infection in his body or its transmission through breast milk. Foamy stools are observed quite often, at least eight times a day. The stool is liquid, with added mucus, a greenish tint. During this period, the child experiences an increase in his body temperature, he becomes restless, and often burps. He often vomits at the same time. All these manifestations taken together indicate the appearance of an intestinal infection in the child. In such cases, it is mandatory to call a doctor at home and follow all the recommendations provided by him.


If a nursing mother’s diet contains a certain amount of foods that are potentially dangerous for the child, in terms of the possibility of them causing an allergic reaction, the child’s usual bowel movements may change. In such cases, it becomes foamy and acquires additional liquefaction.

Most often, such cases in the diet of a nursing mother occur in episodes. They stop after the product causing this irritation is completely eliminated from the woman’s diet. An allergic reaction can be caused by complementary foods introduced early by the mother. This often includes small drops of juice at 2-3 months of a child’s life or mashed potatoes, which are given to the child starting from the age of five months.


Foamy stools in a child can cause malnutrition, or, more simply, if the child is underfed. This is possible in cases where the child is fed little and rarely. In this case, the child is simply unable to suck out the amount of milk that will be enough for him to be fully satisfied.

Poor quality nutrition can cause colic in a child’s stomach. It can also cause your baby to have foamy, runny stools. After the gradual release of gases from the child’s intestines, he begins to feel relief.

The child simply has to survive the stage of colic formation in the child’s stomach. During this period, the mother should put her baby to her breast more often than usual and do everything she can to alleviate his condition. Using available means, it is necessary to relieve pain in his stomach and intestines. In addition, during this period it is recommended to exclude cow's milk and sweets from a woman's nutritional diet. Such products have the ability to increase the formation of gases.

Foamy stool in a breastfed baby: treatment

When treating foamy stool in an infant, you must first establish the cause that causes its formation. This can only be done by a qualified doctor after he has carried out the entire range of laboratory tests necessary in such cases. The most basic of these is stool analysis. After this, it is necessary to submit the child’s urine for analysis, since only in comparing the results of such two studies lies the key to resolving the situation and prescribing the correct treatment methods by the doctor. The prescribed tests will help to correctly determine the cause of foamy stool in a child and the degree of its danger to the child’s body.

Correct maternal menu

If an infant has foamy stools, fatty, fermented milk and dairy products should be completely excluded from the mother’s diet. In addition, during the breastfeeding period, a woman should not eat all types of foods that can have a laxative effect on the baby's stomach. These include vegetables and fruits, such as plums, apricots, and beets. It is also not advisable for a woman to drink carbonated drinks, since they can cause bloating in the child and the formation of additional gases.

A woman is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air, eat more fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to follow a reasonable dosage. You should not overeat, but you also should not starve, so as not to cause malnutrition in the child. It is also recommended to include soups, cereals, lean meat and fish in the daily diet. For all questions related to nutrition during this period, it is recommended to promptly seek advice from a doctor.

Treatment of the causes of foamy stools in infants

In most cases, no additional treatment is required for a child's foamy stool. Over time, the situation corrects itself and improves on its own, and no outside intervention is required. Pediatric doctors advise consulting them only in cases where the situation does not stop for five days. If after the specified period of time the child’s stool does not pass, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The main phase of treating the causes of loose stools in a child is to make adjustments to the feeding mother’s diet. Most often, this measure is sufficient to eliminate the problem. If it is necessary to carry out more in-depth treatment of foamy stools in a child, it is necessary to conduct research on the tests taken from him. An extended study involves obtaining a consultation with a gastroenterologist, who will help to accurately determine the cause of baby stool and give recommendations regarding the course of treatment prescribed.

Since the appearance of foam in the stool of a newborn baby is associated with fermentation processes in his intestines, eliminating the causes of this fermentation will help eliminate the entire problem. Most often, fermentation occurs as a result of malfunctions of the child’s digestive system and the mother’s failure to comply with diet instructions. If after eliminating these causes the situation does not improve, an additional examination is carried out to finally resolve the situation.

There are currently no specific parameters for stool in infants under one year of age. Consistency, odor, color and frequency may vary. The presence of foamy stool in an infant is normal if the child feels well, gains a fair amount of weight and his development meets age requirements. It is the behavior and well-being of the baby that will be indicative, and not the characteristics of the feces. Foam inclusions can also appear at an older age - children of two and seven years are not immune from this. This feature of bowel movements also occurs in adults - all this is an indicator that fermentation is occurring in the intestines, which causes foaming. This process can occur for various reasons.

Foamy stools should not cause fear in the mother, but you still need to find out the reason for the changes

Causes of foamy stools in infants

Foaming in the stool itself is not a cause for concern about the health of the little one. This characteristic appears due to functional disorders in the intestines. This is not a disease and the phenomenon will go away on its own as the baby grows up. Let's list the main reasons:

  • Feeding disorder. When breastfeeding, there are situations when the baby sucks only foremilk. The most nourishing and fatty hindmilk remains intact.
  • Gas formation. Excessive amounts of gas influence the appearance of stool with foamy impurities. By the age of 3-4 months, the gas problem disappears, and along with it the foam disappears.
  • Allergy to mother's milk. Poor nutrition of the mother, consumption of prohibited foods, including active consumption of seasonal fruits are one of the causes of the problem we are considering. Allergic reactions in a baby occur not only because of what the mother eats, but also in what quantities.
  • Allergic reaction to the mixture. A baby on an artificial type of feeding may negatively perceive the introduced mixture, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Selecting a new mixture can also cause the appearance of foamy stools; such a reaction when changing products is a common occurrence.
  • Allergic manifestations to medications. Medicines taken by the mother can negatively affect the baby’s well-being. Before you start taking any medication during lactation, be sure to consult your doctor. A baby who takes medications can also get digestive disorders.
  • Premature start of complementary feeding and its mistakes. By starting complementary feeding before six months, you risk giving your baby negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. It could be diarrhea, or it could be foamy, loose stools. The warning especially concerns the beginning of complementary feeding with fresh juices, fruits and vegetables.

The baby may react to early or inconsistent complementary feeding with bowel disorders.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Only bacterial culture can provide complete information about the composition of the microflora in the intestines. If particles of food, blood, foam or mucus are found in the baby’s stool, as well as diarrhea, doctors can give a referral for tests to identify dysbacteriosis.
  • Infectious bowel diseases. Such diseases are accompanied by fever, vomiting and diarrhea (we recommend reading:). Examples of intestinal infections are dysentery, salmonellosis and amoebiasis.
  • Lactase deficiency. The lack of this enzyme in the child’s body leads to the fact that the main carbohydrate in breast milk (lactose) is not broken down. Lactase deficiency is accompanied by various gas formation, sour smell of liquid foamy stools. Lactase deficiency can be congenital and transient, i.e. one that is determined by the characteristics of age. This problem can be solved by adding lactase, the missing enzyme, to the body. Prescribing such treatment is allowed only after testing. Lactase is found in mother's rich hindmilk. Lactase should not be given for too long, as it leads to constipation, and long-term use of the enzyme is undesirable from an addiction point of view.

When a baby regularly poops with foamy impurities, accompanied by increased gas formation with a characteristic rumbling in the tummy, you should definitely visit a pediatrician. He will help you find out the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Light chair with foam

It is normal for a child to have a brown tint to their stool. The pigment stercobilin colors it this way, but the color of the stool will not only depend on it. Food plays a big role. A nursing mother's diet, consisting mainly of plant foods or large amounts of milk, can lead to the appearance of light, foamy stools in the toddler.

Light-colored bowel movements in a child may be a signal that putrefactive processes are occurring in the intestines or that there is a lack of bile. Be careful! If you notice light-colored feces with foamy impurities in your child, you should consult your doctor about this issue. Sometimes, although these cases are very rare, the light color of stool is a consequence of an infection in the intestines, and this, in turn, can bring a lot of trouble to the child’s body.

Green chair with foam

The appearance of swamp-green stool in a baby, which also smells unpleasant, most likely indicates insufficient nutrition or a feeding disorder. In this case, there is an imbalance between hind and foremilk. Both options are characterized by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the child’s body. The digestive system begins to malfunction, which ultimately leads to similar changes in stool. Foremilk has little nutrition due to its high percentage of water. The child quickly digests it and asks to eat again. Greenish stool is often called “hungry.” You can get rid of this problem by attaching the baby to each breast for a longer period of time.

The presence of greenish foamy stool for more than 5 days requires a visit to the clinic to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will calculate the amount of milk required for the full development of the child. By following this recommendation, you will notice an improvement in your stool within a few days.

Yellow chair with foam

Yellow feces with foaming are most often the result of transient dysbiosis. It is most common in the first half of a baby’s life. This is a borderline state that is characteristic only of newborn babies. Breast milk can protect the child’s body during this period. It is rich in beneficial substances that help create reliable protection for the child’s immune system.

Foamy yellow stool requires tests that will help identify or refute the dysbacteriotic nature of this phenomenon. Dysbacteriosis is not a disease. You can cope with the scourge by taking probiotics, which are designed to correct the intestinal microflora.

Newborn babies have an absolutely sterile gastrointestinal tract, which begins to be populated by bacteria and microbes already during their passage through the birth canal. Having been born, the child begins to adapt to external conditions, the same applies to the digestive system. In adapting, the digestive system is exposed to stressful situations.

The baby’s gastrointestinal tract begins to replenish its microflora already at the time of birth, but this process will end only after a few months

Why might a yellowish tint appear in stool if there are no problems with the intestinal microflora:

  • when the baby is put to the breast at a late time;
  • in the absence of a feeding schedule;
  • when limiting the time of attachment, which is directly related to the amount of milk the baby receives;
  • when giving your baby water or tea.

Be carefull! Yellow stools with foam, accompanied by poor weight gain, require a visit to a pediatrician. Photos of what this or that type of bowel movement looks like can be found on the Internet.

How to recognize diarrhea?

In the presence of diarrhea, there are often mucus and foam impurities. To determine the cause of the disorder, a review should be made of what the mother ate recently or what the baby himself ate, and whether there is an infectious disease or poisoning. How to distinguish diarrhea from regular loose stools:

  • Anxiety and reluctance to eat. The baby expresses anxiety, presses its legs to its stomach, does not want to drink formula or suckle.
  • More frequent stools containing foam and mucus. Hourly bowel movements with a characteristic watery and foamy consistency.
  • Color changes. The stool becomes greenish or yellowish in color.
  • Sudden release of feces. Diarrhea is characterized by the active “release” of feces. When the baby poops, this process is accompanied by gases and cotton.
  • Presence of signs of an infectious disease. The child has the following symptoms: vomiting, fever, lethargy.

First aid

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During this period, it is extremely important for a child’s body to replenish lost fluid, so save the baby from dehydration with water. To do this, you can use special solutions with electrolytes, which are aimed at restoring the water-salt balance. For children fed on mother's milk, continued lactation is extremely important.

Remedies to help cope with the problem:

  • Regidron or Gastrolit. These medications will help with dehydration. You can buy them at any pharmacy, and they are diluted very simply - with water (in the proportions specified in the instructions). The cooled liquid should be drunk in small sips.
  • Smectite. A drug used for diarrhea, which copes with the task of removing harmful toxins, microbes and other negative substances from the baby’s body. Smectite restores intestinal microflora and is pleasant to the taste. Infants are given the product in the following concentration: dissolve ½ sachet in 1 glass of water. The baby should drink this volume several times.
  • Enterol. This remedy is an indispensable assistant for dysbiosis and various infectious intestinal diseases. Just 4 days of use, and you will notice that your baby’s stool does not foam, and his intestines will be free of fungal and microbial microorganisms. Release form for children - capsules. Dissolve the contents of the capsule in milk and give the little one something to drink. You should not take the drug for more than 5 days.
  • Hilak forte (we recommend reading:). The presence of foamy stool in most cases implies taking this drug. It restores microflora and is responsible for improving the functioning of the digestive system. The drops are easy to use. The child only needs to give a couple of drops after feeding.

Hilak Forte will quickly improve the functioning of the digestive system and relieve indigestion
  • Linux. When the intestines are weakened by a large content of bacteria, Linex will come to the rescue (we recommend reading:). The capsule should be opened and the powder poured into water or milk.
  • Lactase Baby (we recommend reading:). An enzyme-based drug helps to better absorb dairy products. For babies up to one year old, this product is added to expressed milk. After a few minutes you can begin treatment. Children after 1 year of age can dissolve the contents of the capsule in water with a small amount of milk.

Parental behavior

Methods of assistance will depend on each specific situation. Incorrect nutrition of a nursing mother or other errors in feeding the baby can be corrected independently without the use of medications. When there has been medication treatment that has caused an intestinal disorder, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting therapy.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends that all mothers who suspect lactase deficiency in their child organize the lactation process according to all the rules (more details in the article:). Be sure to ensure that the baby completely grasps the nipple with his mouth, and also that air does not enter the stomach when sucking. Allow your one-month-old baby to “hang” on your breast longer to be able to “get” to your hindmilk. Inadequate emptying of the breast requires sucking up the remainder during the next feeding. Offer your breast to your baby at least once every 2-2.5 hours. More frequent latching is good for your baby, so try to maintain an on-demand feeding schedule.

Feeling that the baby is not getting enough to eat, you should pay more attention to the process of breastfeeding itself. Studies have shown that there are no genetic predispositions regarding lactation, and absolutely every woman is able to breastfeed a child if the correct regimen is taken into account. Otherwise, the mother will have to use formula as a supplement.

Doctors believe that if the regime is followed, any mother can establish lactation

Act based on the situation and keep a close eye on your baby’s well-being:

  1. Prevention measures. Everything is simple and banal: regular hygiene for adults, hygienic care for the baby, nutrition for a nursing woman, introduction of complementary foods in a timely manner, with approved products, breastfeeding technique.
  2. Do not self-medicate. Do not listen to the advice of mothers sharing their experiences on unprofessional forums and do not get carried away with traditional medicine. A harmless foamy stool in a newborn, after a discussion on the Internet, can develop into a monstrous disease in the eyes of the mother.
  3. Visit a doctor. Start therapy only after consulting with a pediatrician and prescribing tests and medications.
  4. Taking tests. It will be mandatory to take a general clinical blood test, as well as an analysis for dysbacteriosis and lactase deficiency.

A more detailed examination can be done by a gastroenterologist. He will help identify the causes of foamy stools and prescribe the required treatment. Perhaps this will not be required, then the doctor will calm down the worried parents.

In most cases, foamy stool appears in a child due to fermentation processes that occur. They are based either on digestive disorders of the baby, or on errors in the diet of the mother or baby. These causes are quite easily eliminated, after which the foam from the stool disappears. When foamy stool persists for a long time, you should undergo a full examination under the guidance of a doctor.

In the first 1-2 months of his life, a newborn's daily routine consists of only three main functions: sleep, bowel movements, and feeding. During the day, the baby can wake up every 30 minutes to eat, then go back to sleep and defecate in his sleep.

In the first 6 weeks of extrauterine life, the baby’s stool is observed quite often, and after this period it becomes less and less frequent. But, despite the number of bowel movements, parents of a newborn need to closely monitor the quality of the child’s stool. The normal consistency of a baby's stool is considered to be mushy, and the normal color is brown or light yellow.

The newborn’s stomach is not able to work without “surprises”, since it does not have enough necessary enzymes. The baby’s parents should definitely pay attention to excessively watery discharge, food fragments in the stool, foamy stool, mucus, blood, and if these signs are present, the child’s well-being should be checked and such stool is accompanied by other additional symptoms. Foamy stool itself does not have any serious consequences (if it occurs irregularly), however, if such bowel movements are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, occur constantly, and the color of the stool is dark green, then you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

When you shouldn't be afraid of foamy stools

As noted above, foamy stool is usually not a symptom of any medical condition. This may occur due to adaptation and improvement of the child’s intestines.

Foamy stools can also be a reaction of the baby’s body to eating a new product or changing the mother’s diet. To correct this situation, you just need to adjust your diet.

If a child eats artificial formula, then foamy stool may indicate that this formula is not suitable for his body. When breastfeeding, foamy or watery stool may appear even after drinking plain water or a pacifier.

Most modern pediatricians believe that the optimal option for the development of a newborn is breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, and without the use of any complementary foods. But in this case, foamy stool can occur due to mother's milk, as mentioned above, and you just need to find a product that leads to this circumstance. The best choice would be to keep a food diary, and if you haven’t kept one before, now is the time to start. After introducing complementary foods, you can already record the foods that you introduce into complementary foods in your food diary.

Breast milk imbalance

Breast milk is conventionally divided into hind and fore milk. So in the first case, milk performs the function of saturating the baby, and in the second, drinking. Foremilk contains a rich amount of various minerals and vitamins, as well as a carbohydrate that is extremely necessary for the baby - lactose. To digest this substance, you need the action of the lactase enzyme, which is independently produced in some quantity by the infant’s body. Unfortunately, the reproduced lactase is extremely insufficient to break down lactose, so the amount of enzyme that the child’s body lacks is replenished with hind milk. However, sometimes the newborn does not get to the hind milk, being saturated only with the fore milk.

Experts call this phenomenon differently: lactase deficiency, breast milk imbalance, nutritional deficiency. As a result, the baby is poorly nourished, and lactose cannot be digested by the body in the required amount, and the consequence can be indigestion, colic, bloating and foamy stool. So, if stool containing foam is accompanied by a sour smell, then this is a symptom of lactase deficiency, and if the stool is dark in color, the baby does not eat enough. To find out these reasons, it is enough to have the baby’s feces analyzed for carbohydrate content. As a rule, lactase deficiency goes away by the 2nd month of a child’s life. If these disturbances do not go away, then you should reconsider the baby’s diet, or use additional lactase.

Other causes of foamy stools

If foamy stools are accompanied by mucus or other alarming signs, then this phenomenon may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Food allergies. Feeding your baby certain foods (other than breast milk) can cause an allergic reaction, one of the symptoms of which is foamy stool. Most often caused by drinking cow's milk;
  2. Staphylococcus. Foamy stools can be observed as one of the symptoms of staphylococcus, only with other manifestations of this infection;
  3. Enzyme deficiency. This disorder occurs due to a deficiency in the baby’s body of the following enzymes: isomaltase, sucrase, etc. This phenomenon is caused quite rarely and occurs due to the introduction of new products into the child’s diet;
  4. Dysbacteriosis. Most modern pediatricians are inclined to believe that foamy stools (pungent odor, greenish tint) may be caused by dysbacteriosis. In this case, liquid stool may be replaced by constipation, and food fragments may be observed in the stool;
  5. Medicines. If a nursing mother takes any medications or uses them to treat the child;
  6. Intestinal infection. In this situation, foamy bowel movements occur at least 10 times a day and always occur in liquid form. Sometimes blood may be present in a child’s stool, and the infection itself is often accompanied by an increase in temperature.

It must be remembered that very often foamy stool in a newborn disappears just as it appears, and if you discover this phenomenon in a child, then you should not immediately panic. If such bowel movements are accompanied by other symptoms, you should immediately consult your pediatrician to determine the cause and eliminate it. Also try to carefully monitor your own diet and the foods your child eats.