Media: Nina Dobrev broke up with Austin Stowell and is dating Derek Hough. New celebrity couple: Nina Dobrev and Derek Hough dating? Derek Hough and Nina Dobrev are dating

New Year

I'm returning home from LA. Flying is terribly tiring, especially when you fly by plane every week. Over the past 4 years, the airplane has become my home. The only thing that distracts from fatigue is sleeping Atlanta. The city at night is beautiful, the lights are inviting, and you can’t help but think about life and your decisions. Speaking of decisions, the last one was saying “Yes” to Derek.
Thursday. The 4th of October
On my way to filming, somewhere in the back seat, in my purse, the phone rings. The ringtone of my iPhone booms throughout the entire car. And I know who is calling, I can’t help but wonder if I want to accept his offer? On the one hand, Derek's offer is tempting. PR in our world is never superfluous, and on the eve of the new season of the show, drawing attention to my person and the series would be just great. I reach for my phone in the back seat and quickly answer. From the tube comes:
-Hi sister. How are you Long time no see, Jules and I miss you.
-Derek, good to hear from you. Filming and interviews are terribly exhausting. Shouldn't you know? And I missed you guys. I hope we'll see you this weekend?
-Yes, sure. We are waiting for you in LA. By the way, have you considered my proposal?
- I certainly will, buddy. Darek... everything is so complicated. After that big quarrel with Ian, and the PR of the producers on this basis, an affair with you would be just a godsend, but what about Ian? I'm still not indifferent to him. You know, a relationship that lasted 3 years cannot end like that right away. What will he think when these rumors and gossip spread about you and me?
-Nina, I’m sure that if he still loves you, he won’t believe in any PR, but no matter how you understand that now is the time, popularity tends to fade, we need to stir up interest in our persons. I ask, can you give me an answer? And know that no matter what you answer, it will not affect our friendship in any way, you are like a sister to me.
-Derek, I understand, you are like a brother to me too. Yes, let's do it. I agree.
-I'm happy with your decision, Nina. See you this weekend, looking forward to seeing you. By the way, I already have a plan. Kiss.
-Intrigued, dear. See you, kisses.

Here I am at home. The apartment without Ian is empty and not cozy, usually his energy was enough for the two of us. I go into the kitchen, the light doesn’t turn on for a long time, apparently there’s something wrong with the wiring. I take a bottle of water and a red ripe apple from the refrigerator. I don't need more, right now. Turning on the TV on the way, and falling on the sofa, I watch another melodrama about love, a happy ending... God, why doesn’t this happen in life? The question will apparently remain unanswered. I turn off the TV, take my laptop and plunge into the world of virtual networks. Twitter, Instagram... I’ve already lost track of time, but I have to shoot early tomorrow morning. I’m just about to turn it off when I suddenly, quite by accident, go to Ian’s Twitter. Oh, a new tweet from just 15 minutes ago:

“Oh God, I'm going to become a grandfather (dad). My little Nietzsche is waiting for offspring. Motherhood is so cool. Send us your positive energy"

I'm so happy for him and his little girl. Even from his tweet, it’s clear to me that he’s happy as hell. And I'm sad that I'm not with him at this moment. With these thoughts I fell into sleep. I dreamed about this weekend, which I spent in LA with friends. The way we had fun at the party and then walked out holding hands with Derek to the crowd of paparazzi.
When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I did was take a shower. I put my hair in order, put on makeup, and went to filming. The day flew by as we chatted and laughed with Candace, drank mocha with Katie, and just fooled around on set. When I got home, the first thing I did was open Twitter, I kind of had a feeling that Ian would be there. And what was my surprise when I saw his tweets left less than 5 minutes ago, and retweets from various political and social pages. And now, among his various tweets, I find another one about the state of the pregnant Nietzsche. And I can’t resist leaving my comment. Let it be ridiculous, a little stupid, but at least somehow remind him of yourself. He answers and seems nice to me, but what do I know. If he were nearby, I would be able to determine whether he is happy or sad. I close Twitter, and just for fun, I type “Derek and Nina” into Google, Google returns 183,000 pages, Oh my God! Derek's plan was a success. Everyone is discussing our exit, from tabloids to decent publications. Even the most prestigious magazines ask the question, “Are Nina Dobrev and Derek Hough together?”
I sit in a state of slight shock, unable to believe what is happening. An alert flashes in the corner of the monitor indicating an unread email message. I click on the envelope and an email window opens. Seeing the sender, my jaw involuntarily dropped to the floor. There have been no messages from him in my mail for 4 months. I open the email and read the contents:

“Hello Nina.
It’s very nice to see your concern for Nietzsche and your flattering comments in her direction. Thank you.
I saw the video from the party in LA, I’m really happy for you. You look good together.
XoXo, Ian"

Well, to say that I'm shocked is an understatement.

According to several reputable media outlets, including People magazine, The Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev has broken up with Bridge of Spies actor Austin Stowell. The couple was together for 7 months, traveling and having fun. Last fall, Nina and Austin went out together for the first time - they appeared at the premiere of Steven Spielberg's Bridge of Spies, but already at the beginning of 2016 their relationship began to crack. What was the reason is unknown - representatives of the actors do not comment on this information.

Nina Dobrev and Austin Stowell

Nina spent Valentine's Day alone, and attended the 2016 Super Bowl with a large group of friends, in which, however, there was no place for Austin. But next to Dobrev was always the brother of her close friend Julianne Hough, actor and dancer Derek Hough. It is he who can now be seen more often on Nina’s Instagram. Insiders from Fashion & Style reported about their romance. Whether this is true or not, time will tell.

Julianne Hough, Nina Dobrev, Hailee Steinfeld and Derek Hough

Earlier this year, after breaking up with her Vampire Diaries co-star Ian Somerhalder, she admitted to reporters that she was in no hurry to start a new relationship. However, according to Western sources, the 24-year-old actress has a new lover. US Weekly reports that Nina's chosen one was the older brother of her best friend Julianne Huff - actor and choreographer Derek Huff:

Nina spent a lot of time with Derek's sister Juliana. And then I fell in love with him.

Let us remember that Dobrev’s previous romance ended in May of this year, and throughout the summer the star confidently stated that she intended to focus on herself and her career:

I've always been "someone's girl", I've been in a long-term relationship my entire adult life up until this very moment. And now I want to spend some time alone with myself, to discover something new in myself.

Obviously, three months of hot summer were quite enough to “discover new facets in yourself”, and at the same time “understand what is important in a man.” Numerous sources of the publication claim that the new couple’s romance is gaining momentum:

Derek is crazy about Nina. He said that he had not experienced such feelings towards a woman for a long time - and anyone can confirm his words!

However, Hough is in no hurry to show her feelings in public, but Nina has already managed to stir up the press’s interest in this topic. Just three days ago, Nina posted on her blog a photo of Hough with his honorary gold Emmy statuette - an award for best choreography in a television show:

Those of us who receive your light watch as you illuminate the whole world. Continues to shine!

Is this friendly support, or are Hollywood insiders still right, and we can expect repeated joint appearances by the new star couple Nina Dobrev and Derek Hough? We are sure that the answer will not take long to arrive.

Nina Dobrev's new boyfriend is Derek Hough?

According to his “close ones,” Derek Hough is crazy about Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev's previous lover is Ian Somerhalder