What lipstick color suits dark-skinned girls. According to the shape of the lips

Gift ideas

It's no secret to any woman that lipstick color is considered the main touch of makeup. With one stroke it’s easy to transform beyond recognition and create new image, but in the absence of experience, the wrong choice can easily spoil all the efforts made in advance. Before choosing lipstick, you need to study some rules and recommendations of cosmetologists and makeup artists, who will certainly help you cope with this difficult task with dignity.

Common mistakes and important rules when choosing lipstick

Before choosing the color of your lipstick, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the most common and even dangerous mistakes that can lead to serious trouble. One of the mistakes that women make is choosing a lip product without even thinking about how it suits them. They are guided by the opinion that it is bright and rich, which means beautiful. You shouldn’t do this - not all the products you like look great on your lips.

Using a tester is a must before purchasing a new cosmetic bag accessory. Cosmetologists warn that you should not apply the product directly to your face, there is a risk of getting infected dangerous diseases. One stroke on the pads of your fingers is enough to determine the desired tone - just put them on your lips and see how the chosen color will look on your face.

Another common mistake is that for many women it is enough to choose an accessory once, then they try to purchase the product, paying attention only to the number. Then you only have to wonder why with each new tube your makeup looks worse and worse. It's simple - despite the formulas, manufacturers are unable to accurately reproduce shades, so there is a risk that each batch of products will be different. We should also not forget about changes in the skin - if in summer some shades look exquisite on a tanned dermis, in winter they will look rather ridiculous.

There are several rules to consider when purchasing lip products:

  • choose the color of lipstick to match the skin of your face;
  • in summer or spring use warm nude tones, in winter - darker and more saturated;
  • if a remedy is chosen evening makeup, pay attention to extravagant bright colors, for daytime use - light natural ones.

Do you know? There is a little trick that is recommended when purchasing lip products. You need to swab your wrist (in the area of ​​the veins) and see if the vessels are visible. If even two strokes are not enough to hide the veins, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Main types of lipstick shades

The artistic environment is the main source of the concept of shades, which cosmetology borrowed. Thanks to different colors easy to create new looks - create makeup for every day, for festive events, romantic dates, business meetings.

Lipstick shades are divided into several groups - neutral, warm, cold. In turn, each of these categories is divided into subgroups - saturated, medium, bright.

Warm shades of lipstick (calm, vital, gentle):

  • coral;
  • peach;
  • orange.

Cool colors include the entire palette of pink shades. Even the ash-pink color, which many women consider warm, is classified by cosmetologists as a “cold” color. Neutral shades terracotta, beige and all shades of brown are considered.

Red lipstick, which many women like so much, is also considered cool. The only exception is tones reminiscent of a scarlet poppy. They belong to the warm group.

Important! One of the makeup rules that women need to remember is that the shades of lipstick should be in harmony with the overall appearance. The color type is usually determined by the pigment of the skin, the color of the hair, and the color of the membrane of the pupils.

How to match lipstick color to hair

If you focus on your hair, choosing the color of lipstick for your lips is not too difficult. There are combinations that have become classic in cosmetology, but every rule has its exceptions.

Do not forget that the color of lipstick should be selected not only to match the color of the strands, but also to match the tone of the eyes or skin. The combination of lip product and hair shade is not all the requirements that will have to be taken into account when purchasing.

For blondes

What lipstick suitable for owners light strands is a question that worries many blondes who are unable to choose the most effective shade on their own. Cosmetologists recommend taking a closer look at caramel, peach and lilac colors. They look no less attractive on the lips of blondes and pink shades.

Ladies who are proud not only of blond hair, but also of snow-white skin, should pay attention to scarlet tones. Choose the right saturated shades - a pale palette in such cases will play a bad role.


It is not difficult for owners of black hair and light skin to choose a lipstick tone - you should choose scarlet and wine tones. Required condition- cold tide.

At warm shade For black hair, a rich red lip product is perfect. The bright pink color scheme looks no less impressive on the face, but only with suitable makeup.

A warm tone suits all brunettes, but provided that the product has a rich pigment. It is better not to use faded and pale palettes - the makeup will look rather unattractive.


Red-haired young ladies are advised to study their skin tone before choosing lipstick. Since copper hair color almost always has a warm glow, it is the dermis that you have to focus on.

If the glow of the skin is warm, it is recommended to stick to orange or light brown lip products. A pink range of shades is also allowed, but not too saturated.

Those with cool undertones will have to stick to nude colors. The pink light palette also looks great on the lips, but you have to be careful when applying the rest of your makeup - it's easy to overdo it.

Lucky are the ladies who can boast golden hair and olive complexions - they are recommended to use richer and brighter colors. Wine, bright red and even plum palettes look great on the face.


Pale skin combined with light brown hair is an excellent background for red lipstick. For brown hair beige or pink colors will also serve an excellent purpose, but subject to suitable makeup.

What lipsticks are suitable for fair-haired girls with porcelain-white skin? Golden or even beige lip colors will also perfectly highlight your style and look.

Before choosing a lipstick color, fair-haired young ladies are advised to carefully examine the tint of their curls and the pigment of their skin. If there are cold highlights in the strands, and the skin is warm in color, you will have to stop at pink tones(you can use the whole range) or nude shades.

Rules for choosing lipstick according to skin color

There is one more rule on how to choose the right lipstick. You will have to take into account the shade of the skin, which can also be cold, neutral and warm.

Based on skin color, ladies are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • porcelain tones (pink dermis, with thin reddish veins);
  • olive (dark skin with a hint of olive);
  • dark (owners of black skin);
  • neutral (ladies with fair skin).

It is quite difficult to determine the color of lipstick based on the color type of the skin without additional requirements, and not all women succeed in this correctly. You also need to take into account cold or warm colors dermis. In order to avoid mistakes and lipstick that matches your skin color does not spoil the overall impression of your makeup, it is recommended to use a simple test. You need to remember which metals predominate among jewelry - gold or silver. If a woman wears gold with pleasure, most likely her dermis is of a warm shade. Love for silver is a signal that skin colors are cool.

About existing color types and correct selection lipsticks described in the video:


Ladies with light skin (porcelain, neutral) are recommended to replenish their cosmetic bag accessories with a pale palette. Nude tones go well with the skin, especially if you apply makeup in a similar style, focusing on the eyes.

Red or raspberry lipstick for fair skin is also a godsend, especially if you need to create a festive or romantic image. Pale pink color scheme is another necessary addition to mysterious image. Light lipstick combined with bright makeup will decorate any owner of a porcelain delicate dermis.

Cool shades of lipstick are also welcome. It is recommended not to overuse and determine in advance how well they suit your eyes or hair color.


Choosing a lipstick to match your hair color is not always an ideal option if the shade of your skin has not been taken into account. Those with a dark complexion will have to work hard and become familiar with the basic rules to make the most effective lip product.

The ideal lipstick color for dark skin is brown or plum tones. Do not use a palette that is too pale - it combines rather unnaturally with bright makeup and olive skin.

Advice! Goes great with a tan and bright orange or scarlet poppies. By replenishing your cosmetic bag with such accessories, you can be sure of success with the opposite sex - your lips will look seductive, standing out on your face with bright and attractive curves.

How to choose lipstick based on eye color

The easiest way to choose a lip product is to match your eye color. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the shade of your skin or hair color, but it is the eyes that often tell you what color scheme is intended to decorate your face and complete your makeup.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that after applying makeup and its finishing touch on the lips, a woman should look not just beautiful, but also natural. Abuse of products will lead to the fact that even the most sophisticated cosmetics will give a hint of vulgarity and unnaturalness, and the wrong lipstick color will only aggravate the situation.

Lipstick to match your eye color is usually determined simply - there are time-tested rules that need to be taken into account when going to the store for a new accessory for your cosmetic bag.

For the green ones

For green-eyed beauties, there are not too many rules on how to choose lipstick. Cosmetologists recommend adding accessories for “war paint” with terracotta, orange, and pink colors.

More suitable for romantic parties or dates bright shades, but it’s better not to overuse it, especially if you have no experience in applying such makeup. A brown palette also goes well with green eyes, but be sure to make sure that the product is matte - shine can reduce the effect of overall makeup.

For brown

Owners of brown eyes are also often faced with the problem of how to choose the color of lipstick to match their face so that the makeup looks stylish and skillfully complements the pre-planned image. Image makers recommend choosing the following shades:

  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • Bordeaux;
  • plums

Attention! The red palette goes no less seductively with brown eyes, and you can purchase all shades - from light to almost black.

For gays

When asked what lipstick suits blue eyes, image makers will confidently answer that women need to be careful when adding to their arsenal. You should stop at beige shades, take a closer look at the cherry palette.

Cool tones of lipstick will make your eye color icy. If you are planning a romantic meeting or date, it is better to refuse such a choice, but for a business conversation this image is perfect.

For the gray ones

Gray-eyed beauties are also not too lucky with the color of their main facial decoration. If you overdo it and make the wrong choice, it is easy to create the effect of “glassy” eyes, which often happens when using a cold palette of lip products.

It is recommended to select a lipstick color from the cherry palette. As with blue-eyed women, you should take a closer look at beige tones. Plum lip products will no less effectively make an accent, decorating even everyday discreet makeup.

Advice! Nude will also decorate the face well, but only if the hair color is light or brown. Brunettes are better off avoiding such experiments - the nude color scheme does not go well with blue eyes and black curls.

Experts also have a considerable arsenal of useful tips that you need to consider when going to the store for a new item for your cosmetics bag. Makeup artists recommend taking into account not only the eyes, hair and skin color, but also the shade of the teeth and even the size of the mouth.

Ladies who cannot boast of a snow-white, chic smile should avoid bright red, beige or brown palettes. Which lipstick to choose for yellowish teeth? It’s better to stick to nude, pink tones, always matte. Subtle colors will partially disguise the yellowness of teeth. If the smile is snow-white, any tone will suit your face, especially if you take care in advance that the product matches the hair, eyes and skin.

To choose a cosmetic bag accessory according to the shape of your lips, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations from makeup artists:

  • light colors skillfully emphasize the shape, give new images, and, if necessary, straighten the lines;
  • Gloss can easily add shine, which will decorate your makeup for an evening date;
  • dark shades visually make the lips smaller, making them strict, toned; if you use the gamma wisely, it’s easy to create a seductive and promising image;
  • It is better not to overuse mother-of-pearl tones for women who have imperfections on their lips - such experiments will highlight the defects, even if the imperfections were minor, mother-of-pearl will make them too obvious;
  • matte palettes have their drawbacks - they relieve swelling of the lips, so those with thin, inconspicuous mouths are better off not using such products.

There is a little trick that makeup artists often use when they need to achieve the effect of lip augmentation. It is recommended to make an outwardly inconspicuous part of the face brighter and more expressive using a simple technique - apply an even layer along the contour dark tone, and in the middle it is almost transparent. The effect of this makeup is amazing - even thin lips will become plump and acquire seductive lines. Another technique that allows you to visually enlarge the part of the face where nature has saved a little is to complete the makeup with the use of glitter. The main thing is not to overdo it, too much dark shade in combination with shine it can create a vulgar effect.

Makeup artists also recommend that when choosing a lip product, you should be guided by: age characteristics. Young girls are better off sticking to light, warm shades. Older ladies will have to create their image with dark colors, but it’s better not to overdo it. It is not recommended to get carried away with an expressive palette - it will play an evil role. A little secret for older ladies - pastel shades should not be used under any circumstances. Such shades emphasize wrinkles too clearly - even if they were hidden age signs, pastel colors will highlight all the imperfections.

When asked how to choose the right lipstick color, makeup artists will give you another helpful advice– be sure to test the product when purchasing. It is not necessary to use a tester, which is a rather dangerous accessory (there is a risk of contracting serious diseases, especially if there are wounds or cracks on the lips). Good stores offer disposable samples that are perfect for such purposes. Applying the product will determine whether the selected tone is suitable. If doubts remain, it is better to refuse the purchase and turn your attention to another tube.

Plus 6 lipstick tricks every girl should try:

Choosing a lipstick color that perfectly suits your face and complements any makeup is not at all easy, as many women believe. To look like a stylish, well-groomed young lady, you will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient. You should not buy the first lip product you like - intuition is a bad helper here. Only strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists will allow you not to make a mistake and replenish your arsenal of cosmetics with the necessary and suitable accessory.


The success of every woman’s image depends on correctly selected makeup and its color range. If you focus on the eyes, then these are shadows. If on the lips, then this is texture, gloss and shade. IN in this case You can complement the charm of your make-up, or you can ruin everything with the wrong choice of shade.

Lipstick color is divided into three categories:

The warm range of colors includes peach, sunny orange and delicate coral;
Cool colors include cosmetics in pink shades;
Neutral colors include beige, chocolate and terracotta shades.

In addition, shades are divided according to color saturation. These can be pale tones, medium saturation and intense colors.

Another level of color gradation is matte, pearl (pearl) and glossy lipsticks.

Each characteristic affects the intensity and external qualities of the cosmetic product.

When choosing lipstick, women proceed from the following parameters of their own appearance:

Color type;
Hair color and shade;
Lip size;
The general idea of ​​makeup;
The time of day and event for which makeup is expected.

You need to choose a lipstick based on how dark your skin is. The darker the skin, the brighter the lipstick, and vice versa.

At the same time, you need to choose lipstick for yourself in front of a mirror at home. You should see how it lies on the lips in daylight and in artificial lamp light.

Pomade for brown hair

Most stylists do not see the difference in makeup for blondes and fair-haired girls. Therefore, both blondes and beauties with more saturated hair color can use the same techniques and makeup techniques.

Girls with light brown hair have fair skin. Or, a skin color that cannot be called pale or dark. Therefore, they should choose fresh, vibrant makeup colors.

Lipstick for light brown hair and porcelain leather.

Usually, porcelain skin has faces cool shade. Therefore, choose lipstick in appropriate shades of cold. Pink suits these girls beige tones. Cool shades of coral look great on the lips.

Lipstick for medium brown hair and light eyes.

Regardless of whether you have dark skin or light skin with a pinkish tint, choose a lipstick in a classic shade of red. Red lipstick with a bluish or greenish tint will look even better on your lips. If you have warm skin tones, choose red lipstick that has a warm orange or yellow tint.

For brown-haired women, red lipstick is a lifesaver for all occasions. It can be used in both daytime and evening makeup. Be guided only by the color saturation and shine of the product. For older women, you should stick to matte versions of the product. For young girls Glossy and pearlescent lipsticks are suitable.

There are several restrictions on the use of red lipstick that apply to all hair colors and color types of ladies. Among them are the following:

Red lipstick will enlarge a lady's overly massive chin. If you see this flaw in the mirror, try not to use bright lipstick in your makeup at all;
It is not advisable to use bright red lipstick to correct an insufficiently graceful lip shape. This is especially true for ladies whose lips look more like a thin strip. This will make them even thinner and give an angry expression to the face;
Red lipstick looks especially unsightly on aging lips, riddled with wrinkles.

Rules for applying lipstick

Before you start directly applying lipstick, you need to remember a few basic rules. To make your lipstick look as natural as possible on your lips, be sure to use caring balms and products. Lips should not peel off or look like a wrinkled accordion. The edges of the lips should be smooth, without signs of chapping. Therefore, every day before applying makeup and after removing it, moisturize the skin of your lips with special products.

The same goes for facial skin. No makeup will look good on a chapped face, with dark circles around the eyes and pimples. Therefore, choose cosmetics that well nourish, moisturize and even out the tone of the skin of the face.

So, the sequence of applying makeup and lipstick:

Wash your face with foam or gel wash;
Pat dry with a soft towel and apply under makeup;
Apply a care product under makeup to your lips. Most of these balms create an impenetrable film on the lips, which for a long time holds cosmetics and protects delicate skin from excessively aggressive effects of components of decorative cosmetics;
Wait 5 minutes for the products to be absorbed, remove excess with a dry paper napkin;
Apply concealer to problem areas, and powder with . You can put a compact version of the powder in the same shade in your purse to touch up your makeup and eliminate greasy shine faces during the day;
Using a special angled fluffy brush, apply blush to the cheekbones (or under them). The manner directly depends on the structure of a woman’s face. Select the color of blush in accordance with the color type of appearance, hair color, and makeup options;
Adjust the eyebrow line and tint it;
Now you can start shaping your lips. If you want to create a visual effect plump lips, take contour pencil, which is a shade lighter than the lipstick tone. Outline your lips with it, a little above their contour. Paint the plane of the lips themselves with lipstick. Now “kiss” a paper napkin to remove excess product and apply clear lip gloss. If you want to make your lips visually thinner, outline them with a pencil that is darker than the tone of your lipstick. Apply lipstick to your lips and remove excess with a tissue. In this case, it is better not to use lip gloss. Lipstick should be matte, without shine or pearlescent.

Amazing lipstick for fair-haired people

Relatively recently, amazing lipstick colors have come into fashion - yellow, black, chocolate, purple, blue, green. Similar image is used for carpet runners, but that's all more girls risks going out with lips of such unexpected colors on the street and in daytime days. Lipsticks in unexpected shades suit most ladies, regardless of hair color. However, fair-haired beauties should be careful with dark tones.

An interesting combination in evening makeup for light brown hair with an ashy tint and a rich, shiny purple color.

In this case, shadows of the same color, but a lighter shade, will serve as an additional note in the ensemble. Focus on the color and clear contours of the lips.

Unexpected makeup - yellow lipstick combined with a cool pinkish skin tone. An amazing, bright, and cold-glowing image. The main thing is no unnecessary emphasis on other parts of the face. Black arrows and shadows of the same color as the lipstick are acceptable. Blush should be as close to your skin tone as possible.

For every lipstick unusual color which you choose to create an image, there is a single rule - absolutely clean skin face, a minimum of other accents, a perfectly clear lip contour and eyebrow line. Dare, it’s in your hands to diversify your life!

12 January 2014, 15:25

Lipstick is the finishing touch to any makeup. An incorrectly chosen color or shade can ruin the entire impression of the image. Therefore, it is important for brunettes to learn how to choose a palette that suits their dark hair, taking into account your own color type.

Lipstick for brunettes with brown eyes

There is no single correct rule for choosing lipstick color for brunettes. Dark-haired women are divided into three main categories: with pure black hair (charcoal, raven), with chestnut-colored locks, and also with light brown locks.

Ladies with jet-black hair tend to have a bright and memorable appearance. The same rich shades of lipsticks will help to highlight it, so that the face does not get “lost” against the background of expressive curls. If you have black hair and Brown eyes, then your choice is a rich pink lipstick palette. Ruby shade also works well. And for evening make-up it is better to choose a dark red or crimson color.

However, these rules do not apply to women with “warm” skin. For this color type lipstick will do with brown and terracotta notes.

Women with dark eyes and brown hair You should choose lipsticks with shades of coral, cherry, ruby. Dark pink and dark red suit them well. For tanned skin, you can choose a lipstick with a golden tint.

If you have light brown hair and brown eyes, then for daytime makeup, choose a light pink lipstick, as well as a coral color. For evening makeup will do muted red on the lips, as well as discreet dark pink.

Lipstick for brunettes with green eyes

Brunettes with green eyes, as a rule, belong to the autumn color type. They have warm olive skin and soft chocolate hair.

For such women, lipsticks of coral, peach, caramel, and golden shades are suitable. For evening makeup, you can use scarlet or terracotta color.

If your skin tone is cool and your hair is black, then use a “cool” color scheme to highlight your lips. For example, dark pink, raspberry, ruby ​​shades.

It is advisable to highlight your lips with lipsticks with a matte texture, and especially without pearl. The latter has long gone out of fashion, and besides, it makes any woman look old.

Lipsticks suitable for brunettes with blue eyes

Brunettes with blue eyes have a bright and eye-catching appearance. As a rule, they have light skin with “cool” tones. They fit great rich colors lipsticks - bright red, fuchsia, raspberry, coral, dark pink.

Evening makeup can be complemented with a scarlet lipstick with a matte texture that is universal for women of this color type. During the day, you can use a calmer, muted red color. This can be not only lipstick, but also lip gloss of the appropriate shade.

If you have brown hair, opt for a golden brown lipstick. For evening, you can use a lilac-pink shade.

How to choose lipstick for brunettes with gray eyes

Brunettes with gray eyes and fair skin, can choose the “classics of the genre” - scarlet lipstick. For a more discreet make-up, a lilac shade is suitable.

Keep in mind that the medium lipstick shade palette is more versatile and suits most gray-eyed brunettes, regardless of their skin color. But dark and rich shades are more suitable for dark brunettes with black hair.

Women of this color type are better off avoiding overly “cold” lipstick colors, which make the skin look bluish. This is a light pink with blue, pearlescent. But as for the red palette, the choice here is practically unlimited. Shades from scarlet to plum work well.

What lipstick color suits brunettes?

Brunettes, as a rule, have a naturally bright appearance. Therefore, by emphasizing their lips with a rich color, they will be able to improve their image and make it even more expressive.

Red lipstick for brunettes

Brunettes can safely use the brightest and most saturated shades of the red palette in their makeup. It is important to take into account the rule of low and high contrast: the more the color of your hair contrasts with your skin tone, the more striking and “deep” the shade of red lipstick can be.

Search suitable shade lipsticks can take a long time. The “own” color harmonizes perfectly with the shade of the eyes, skin and hair, and does not look like a foreign spot on the face. The wrong shade of red lipstick can visually make your skin look overly pale and unhealthy.

You should choose a red lipstick taking into account your own color type:

  • If you have fair skin with cool undertones, then ideal red will do color with a plum tint.
  • For dark skin and dark eyes The optimal choice is various rich shades of red in a warm color scheme.
  • If your skin has an olive undertone, choose a lipstick that is burgundy, cherry or blood red.
  • For brunettes with a light tan and warm hair color, coral shades of red, as well as classic scarlet, are well suited.
  • Women with pale and gray-pink skin are better off choosing lipsticks in raspberry and red-pink shades. You should not choose carrot, terracotta and others warm colors lipstick
  • If you are a brunette with freckled skin, then feel free to choose red lipstick with a golden undertone.
  • For blue-eyed brunettes perfect choice- plum shades of red.
  • Brown and green eyes of brunettes are well emphasized by coral shades of red.
  • Under gray and dark brown, almost black eyes and coal hair will do ruby lipstick.
It is worth remembering that red lipstick visually narrows your lips. Therefore, consider their shape and fullness when choosing the texture of the product. Matte lipstick looks great as an addition to daytime and business makeup. But it makes lips smaller. But shine can add additional volume and “swelling”.

There are also various tints, highlighters and lip balms that are great for young brunettes who naturally have bright lips and want to highlight them just a little.

Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes is a classic of the genre for women of almost any color type. In this case, the eyes should be highlighted slightly or remain neutral.

Consider an example of universal makeup with red lipstick for women with dark hair:

  1. Before applying decorative cosmetics, be sure to cleanse the skin and wipe it with tonic. If necessary, apply moisturizer, which should be completely absorbed.
  2. In order for the red lipstick to lie as evenly as possible, you should prepare your lips - perform a gentle peeling procedure using a brush and regular cleanser. After this, lubricate your lips with balm or baby cream.
  3. Apply a leveling base to the skin of the face. If necessary, we carry out the contouring procedure, using a dark and light tinting agent, making the necessary accents in the right places.
  4. We complete the facial skin correction by applying powder, which will help remove excess shine. If you want to give your skin a glowing effect, use a highlighter. It should be applied to the prominent parts of the face: the upper part of the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, the chin, and under the eyebrow.
  5. We use blush of a pale pink or light beige shade.
  6. We correct the shape of the eyebrows - tint them with shadows or a special pencil. Fix the shape with eyebrow gel.
  7. Apply light shadows under the eyebrow or draw the area with a light pencil, carefully shading the boundaries.
  8. Draw arrows along the upper lash line. For this we use liquid eyeliner or pencil.
  9. Apply mascara to the eyelashes in two layers. Brush them with a brush to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  10. Apply a light foundation to your lips and lightly powder them. Paint the lip contour with a soft pencil that matches the shade of lipstick. We paint the entire surface of the lips with the same product. This will help prevent makeup from bleeding.
  11. Apply red lipstick using a brush. We move from the middle of the upper lip to the edges. We paint the lower lip in the same way.
  12. After applying the first layer of lipstick, blot your lips with a napkin and apply the second layer in a similar manner.
  13. If you want to give your lips a matte look, you can powder them after applying lipstick.

Pink lipstick color for brunettes

Pink lipstick is the choice of only fair-skinned brunettes. It harmonizes well with green eyes, as well as light shades of blue and gray. It is recommended to choose pink lipstick with glitter, because matte texture It looks on the lips of brunettes, as a rule, insufficiently expressive and dull.

Shades of coral suit both light and dark skin and hair various shades dark. It is considered to be a universal color for daytime makeup.

But brunettes should not overuse too light pink lipsticks. Nude pink shades also look bad on their face. These lipsticks make your lips look dull and expressionless.

Lilac-raspberry and hot pink lipstick colors go perfectly with evening makeup. If you have black hair, then highlight festive look Raspberry and ruby ​​decorative lip products will help.

Almost all brunettes suit juicy pink with a reddish tint.

Brunettes should choose pink lipstick taking into account their own color type. The blush and shadows used should match her tone. If this is a cool pink palette, then choose shades of gray, blue, or mint.

Let's look at an example of makeup using pink lipstick:

  • We cleanse the skin with milk, tonic or micellar water. If necessary, apply moisturizer.
  • Apply makeup base Foundation and treat the face with translucent powder.
  • Apply blush to the cheeks and cheekbones suitable tone under lipstick. We shade them thoroughly.
  • Draw the line of the eyebrows. It should be clearly outlined with eyebrow pencil, eye shadow or lipstick.
  • Apply a light nude shade of eyeshadow to the upper eyelid. We shade the outer corners more dark color shadows
  • Draw a thin black line along the eyelash growth. The tip of the arrow may extend beyond the boundaries of the eye.
  • Apply foundation to lips. Place a little bronzer under your lower lip and blend the product thoroughly. This will create a shadow under your lower lip, making it appear fuller.
  • Place a little light concealer in the center above the upper lip. This technique also adds visual volume to the lips.
  • Draw the outline with a pencil half a tone darker than the color of the lipstick. You can protrude 1-2 millimeters above the natural boundaries of the lips.
  • Apply lipstick with a brush to the entire surface of the lips, starting from the center of the upper lip. If necessary, use a paper napkin to blot the top layer of cosmetic and apply a second one.
  • If desired, you can apply a drop of gloss on top of your lips.

Brown lipstick shades for brunettes

Lipsticks with brown undertones look good on tanned, dark skin and brown eyes. That is, a brunette who chooses such a decorative lip product should have a warm color type.

The brown palette perfectly emphasizes a natural tan and gives greater expressiveness to brown eyes. Brown and coffee nudes look good under bright eye makeup.

For everyday makeup Beige-coffee lipstick, light terracotta is suitable.

Warm brown colors also look good on the lips of brunettes with olive shade skin and green eyes. You should choose velvety shades of orange, brick, caramel, peach, terracotta. This palette can be safely used for daytime and evening makeup. For going out, you can choose lip cosmetics of a more saturated tone.

Caramel, brick red, or terracotta lipstick is perfect for warm chocolate hair and golden skin.

Brunettes with black hair, pale skin and light eyes should not use brown lipstick. It will look “heavy” and give the face an earthy tone.

Brown lipstick can have quite different shades that require special eye makeup. As a rule, it looks quite bright on the lips, so eye makeup includes a slight highlighting, nothing more.

Let's consider universal makeup using brown lipstick:

  1. We thoroughly cleanse the face using tonic and micellar water.
  2. We apply a base for foundation, as well as a light fluid. Don’t overload your skin with a dense tone, let it look natural.
  3. We apply loose powder to hide excess shine.
  4. We select blush to match the tone of lipstick. These can be terracotta and peach shades.
  5. We emphasize the eyebrow line with a pencil or shadow. It is desirable that they also have a brownish tint.
  6. We select the shadows of the brown palette: golden in inner corner eyes and darker ones (terracotta, brick, dark olive, chocolate) on the outer corner. We shade them thoroughly.
  7. Draw a line of arrows along the growth of the eyelashes. Do not overdo it with the “tails” of the arrows; they should only extend slightly beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  8. Outline the lips with a pencil half a tone darker than the chosen lipstick. Shade its line.
  9. Apply lipstick with a brush, starting from the upper lip from the center to the corners and edges. We perform the same operation with the lower lip.
  10. Centered lower lip You can apply and shade a drop of lipstick in a lighter shade. This gives greater expressiveness to the lips and seductive volume.

Dark lipstick for brunettes

Brunettes are lucky - they can practically not limit themselves when choosing dark lipsticks. There are quite a few shades that do not suit them, so there is something to choose from.

Dark hair and lips practically do not “argue” with each other. It is possible and necessary to place a “dramatic” emphasis on the lips, especially in evening makeup. Of course, one should do less expressive eyes. The general rules of make-up in this case are not canceled.

It is best for brunettes to choose dark lipstick with a matte or creamy texture without bright shine. Such lipstick will already become a bright accent in the image, so you should not additionally draw attention to the lips with excess shine or gloss.

Brunettes can safely experiment with all the fashionable dark shades of lipsticks - wine, eggplant, plum, cinnamon, dark red.

TO dark lipsticks include such fashionable shades for brunettes, like plum, eggplant. These lip colors require just a hint of shadow on the eyes. In this case, it is unacceptable to focus on both the lips and the eyes, otherwise the makeup will look vulgar.

We apply decorative cosmetics according to this example instruction:

  • We cleanse the facial skin using special products.
  • Apply makeup base and foundation. We treat the surface of the face with translucent powder.
  • Blush should be in one color palette with lipstick used. We apply them to the protruding parts of the cheekbones and adjust the shape of the face if necessary.
  • We emphasize the eyebrows by outlining their contour with a pencil, fondant or shadows.
  • Full surface upper eyelid Apply translucent shadows with shimmer or metallic texture. They should “envelop” the eye like a light haze. If necessary, slightly draw back the outer corner of the lower eyelid with the same shadows.
  • Outline the contour of the lips with a pencil to match the lipstick.
  • Apply lipstick to upper lip, then onto the lower one using a brush. If necessary, blot the first layer with a paper napkin and apply a second layer of decorative cosmetics.
  • If your lips don't seem plump enough after applying lipstick, add a drop of gloss or more lipstick to the center of your bottom lip. light tone, but the same color scheme as the main one used.

Fashionable lipstick colors for brunettes in 2017

In spring and summer in 2017, brunettes can safely choose natural shades - tea rose, coral, peach, apricot. For hot ones summer days Use a lipstick whose color is a couple of shades richer than your natural lip shade - you can't go wrong. But for evening makeup in spring and summer, you can safely add “golden” to your lips.

Shades of wine berry, marsala, and chocolate continue to remain at the peak of popularity. But plum will be more appropriate on the lips of brunettes in the coming fall and winter.

If a bright fuchsia shade suits a brunette's color type, do not hesitate to use it. It is now in great demand, of course, for certain clothes and occasions.

Which lipstick to choose for a brunette - watch the video:

Choosing lipstick for a brunette is quite simple if you correctly determine the color type - a combination of hair, eye and skin color. There are very few lipstick shades that are absolutely not suitable for brunettes. Therefore, feel free to experiment and make your lips more expressive and bright.

Lipstick is one of the most popular and beloved by women. cosmetics. The range of shades on the market today is amazing. But despite this variety (and, perhaps, partly because of it), many women do not know which lipstick colors suit them, buy at random, and then are upset because “the teeth look yellow”, “color faces are somehow strange”, “lips seem even thinner”, etc. Until, after another unsuccessful attempt, they come to the conclusion that the lipsticks don’t suit them and stop using them altogether.

And in vain! After all, lipstick, like no other product, can emphasize the beauty of the lips, as well as give self-confidence, sexuality and mystery. No makeup look would be complete without lipstick. Today we will tell you how to accurately choose “your” color.

Warm or cold?

The main thing you need to know when choosing shades of cosmetics is your color type, which is determined by the color of your skin, eyes and hair. It is based on these parameters that you can understand which colors will decorate you and which will not.
First you need to know the temperature, i.e. whether your coloring is warm or cold.


Signs of “warmth”: hair with golden, red or honey undertones, green, light brown, golden brown or blue eyes with brown or golden flecks.

Skin with golden or beige shade. To accurately determine your “temperature”, in daylight, hold it up to clean face, without makeup, an orange or yellow cloth, if your face immediately feels fresher, your skin glows with a gentle blush, and the dark circles under your eyes become less noticeable, it means your color type is warm. This means choosing lipstick in warm shades - peach, sand, red-orange, sand, coral, beige.

You also need to remember that the lighter your skin, eyes and hair, the more light shades in cosmetics should be preferred. Orange, terracotta or caramel lipstick will look great with red and brown hair.


Girls with a cold color type have ash, light brown or ash-brown hair, dark brown, black, gray, blue or blue eyes (without splashes of yellow or brown), cool bluish or olive skin tone.

Any bright blue object applied to your face will help you make sure that you belong to a cold color type; if this color suits you, then your color type is cold and you should choose “your” lipstick among cold pink, lilac, burgundy, red with a blue tint, wine shades. In this case, the rule also applies - the darker the skin and hair, the brighter lipstick you can afford.

On an ash blonde with blue eyes and fair skin, delicate, pastel colors– pink, lilac, light lilac. Brunette with dark brown eyes and fair skinned people can afford bright shades of fuchsia, neon pink, dark red, etc.

Light or dark?

Everything is clear here without words: why lighter skin the lighter the lipstick. This only applies to lipstick shades for every day. In the evening, you can indulge in bold, bright and sexy shades.

Matte or glossy?

In addition to the color type, it is also important to consider the shape of your lips. If your lips are very plump and voluminous, then this is perfect for you. Matt lipstick, but pearl or glossy ones may look too defiant. Narrow lips On the contrary, they will look better with pearlescent or glossy lipstick, which will give them additional volume. Also for thin lips Dark and too bright shades are not suitable, as such colors visually narrow the lips.

Type "Winter"

Celebrities: Cindy Crawford, Cher, Katy Perry, Liv Tyler.

Winter type women are decorated color contrasts: light powder, black mascara and bright lipstick. Bright and cool colors of medium and high intensity - black, gray, white, lemon yellow, bright blue. The colors of the blue range look great - from silver-blue to blue-violet, as well as pink - from luminescent to ruby, cyclamen, burgundy.

Color of lipstick, blush, gloss: color withered rose in cold and warm versions, beige-terracotta, brick-terracotta, tomato paste color, pinkish-coral, pink, burgundy, lilac-burgundy, burgundy-cyclamen, dirty pink.

Eye makeup: pencil, liquid eyeliner, mascara – purple, dark blue, chocolate, eggplant and gray-brown colors.

Shadows. Lightening: milky-creamy, white, lilac, pinkish, peach, golden-silver; darkening: violet, lilac, indigo, gray-brown, gray-blue, dark blue.

Type "Summer"

Celebrities: Sarah Jessica Parker, Uma Thurman, Natalia Vodianova, Sharon Stone, Paris Hilton.

Your colors are blurry, muted: smoky blue, blue-blue, lilac, asphalt, brownish pink, ripe cherry. Summer ladies really suit purple, pink and lilac colors, delicate shades of blue, pistachio, as well as grey, raspberry and cherry.

Color of lipstick, blush, gloss: beige-pink, shades of the color of a withered rose, pinkish-coral, pinkish-peach, pinkish-terracotta, delicate cherry and lilac shades are possible.

Eye makeup: pencil, liquid eyeliner, mascara – gray-brown, blue or purple. Black color is possible, but not desirable.

Shadows. Lightening: milky-creamy, grayish-bluish, grayish-lilac, silver-golden. Darkening: gray-brown, indigo, gray-lilac, dark gray.

Type "Autumn"

Celebrities: Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba.

Warm, bright and delicate colors in clothes and makeup will suit you. The main shades of red and yellow, the colors of golden autumn. Brown with gold and copper shade, khaki, yellow, gold, orange, olive, beige-golden and beige-terracotta, apricot, green turquoise.

Color of lipstick, blush, gloss: tomato paste color, brick red, brick terracotta, orangey coral, red fish color, golden bronze, golden brown.

Eye makeup: pencil, liquid eyeliner, mascara – gray-brown, brown-eggplant colors.

Shadows. Highlighting: milk, butter, beige-golden, beige-terracotta, peach. Darkening: gray-brown, brownish-terracotta, golden brown, olive, marsh.

Type "Spring"

Celebrities: Kate Hudson, Hilary Duff, Britney Spears, Claudia Schiffer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Princess Diana.

Warm colors in both clothes and makeup. You should avoid cool shades.

Color of lipstick, blush, gloss: peach, pinkish-terracotta, beige-brown, coral, terracotta-brick, golden bronze.

Eye makeup: pencil, liquid eyeliner, mascara – gray-brown. Black color is not recommended.

Shadows. Lightening: milky-creamy (not white), beige-golden hue. Darkening: gray-brown, olive, beige-ocher.