What does the orange color of the nail polish go with? Principles of color combinations in manicure with photos

With your own hands

For several years in a row, the combination of different colors and different shades of the same color in clothes, accessories and even manicure has remained relevant.

The leaders of multi-colored manicure can be safely called covering nails with different shades of the same color, the so-called, and. Of course, there are many other options as well. combinations in one manicure of different colors, but are they all successful? It’s not enough to just highlight a couple of nails with a different color. The right combination of colors and textures is also important, otherwise the manicure will turn out to be more vulgar than stylish. Before you start multi-colored manicure, necessary be able to correctly combine different colors and shades.

Color has a huge impact on a person. With the help of color, you can influence your mood and those of others, their reactions, impressions and opinions - all this is possible if you understand principles of ideal color combination.

Color scientists have developed a whole system and tables for creating harmonious pairs of colors and their shades. No work on creating a clothing collection takes place without careful study of color compositions.

So let's consider basic scheme of color combinations and their shades. This will help you create wisely manicure of three, four and even five colors.

Exist three main principles of color combinations:

  • monochromatic,
  • complimentary
  • triadic.

These principles are universal, so they can be used as a guide when creating a manicure. So,

1. Monochromatic combination of colors in manicure or monochromatic manicure- these are combinations in manicure of different shades of the same color, from the darkest and most saturated to light and pastel. By creating such manicure, feel free to combine shades of your favorite color, for example: from soft blue to deep blue, or from dark burgundy to delicate pink. A striking representative of a monochromatic color combination is.

2. Complementary combination- These are options for combining colors based on the principle of contrast. Orange and blue, purple and yellow, green and red are the most popular contrasting color pairs. Such combinations are suitable for brave and self-confident people, because with this it will be difficult to go unnoticed. It is very important not to overdo it with brightness, so as not to look wild and tasteless. Of course, you can choose calmer contrasting colors for the “modest” ones: soft pink and light green, blue and peach. A complementary combination of colors is usually characterized.

3. Triadic combination- These are three colors that are equidistant from each other on the color wheel. This scheme creates an explicit visual contrast, but at the same time the colors are completely in harmony with each other.

An example of such a three-color combination is the combinations in one multi-colored manicure:

  • three primary colors (yellow, red, blue),
  • three derived colors (purple, orange, green)
  • three colors that are obtained by mixing primary colors with derivatives, for example, red-orange, orange-yellow, yellow-green, etc.

4. Achromatic combination– here as The main colors are white and gray. These colors combine perfectly with each other and with all colors and shades. If we talk about manicure, then such universal colors include and, which will look harmonious with any colors and shades.

Achromatic manicure– a classic with a twist. It could be or. The ideal solution that will suit everyone, always.

There are several basic rules when choosing and combining colors. Yes, not recommended combine warm and cool shades. It should be noted that this rule is easily broken. For creation, a combination of warm and cold shades is no longer a novelty. When choosing 3 or more colors, you should focus on one color, and let the rest be complementary.

Today, there are a huge number of different shades of nail polishes, which will pleasantly please both fans of the classics and those who love bright colors. But the latest in fashion is the combination of several shades in one manicure.

Now multi-color manicure is really in trend. But in order for it to turn out really beautiful, you need to be able to organically combine shades with each other. If you don't know how to combine colors, then this article will come to your aid. Let's look at how to properly “make friends” of different and dissimilar tones in one manicure.


Today, a two-color manicure is almost more popular than a one-color manicure. Different colors complement each other well and add originality to the final result. To create such a manicure, you can use both simple varnishes and gels.

Both options have a fairly rich palette of colors. So you can create interesting color combinations. Let's look at how you can interestingly combine two colors on one nail or on one hand.

Monochrome combinations

You can get a beautiful monochrome manicure from different shades of the same color. Let's look at how you can “play” with two tones. First of all, you can try to make nails with a gradient effect. When one color smoothly transitions into another, it looks very beautiful. The same result can be achieved using the ombre technique.

For such manicure options, you should choose shades that are close to each other in the same color palette. So if the main color of your manicure is blue, then you can complement it with aquamarine, green or sky blue. In order for the manicure to look organic, the shades should flow into each other smoothly.

When creating such a manicure, you can use both bright colors and calmer ones. The transition from very light to dark looks impressive. You can even experiment and transition from pure white to black.


Achromatic are the basic shades of grey, white and black. When creating such a manicure, they are the basis for it. It can be safely complemented with any other shades. These colors are so versatile that they go well with any tones - both nude and bright.

You can also opt for a simple black and white manicure that suits everyone. Even this combination looks interesting. But it can be complemented with shades of red, gray or any other that you like.

Playing in contrast

If you have a good sense of style and you know how to combine incongruous things so that it looks organic, then this option will suit you. This manicure will definitely turn heads.

When creating it, colors are used that are usually not recommended to be combined with each other.

So, for example, you can try combining scarlet and green, or blue and gold. At the same time, you can do an original graphic manicure with clear lines or simply paint different nails with different colors.


Another interesting option is a combination of different textures of the same color. You can combine glossy, matte or “velvet” surfaces with each other. Also, such a basic manicure can be supplemented with sparkles or other inserts.

But to create such a manicure, varnishes should also be selected carefully. To make everything look organic, combine no more than two colors on your nails. It is also desirable that the texture of different varnishes does not differ greatly. So, for example, matte shades look good in combination with sand varnish, and glossy shades look good with shimmer products.

This trend has also been noticed in the world of wedding manicure. Girls, creating an image for this special day, emphasize the ring finger with varnish with a different texture. It looks unusual and interesting.

Subtleties of design creation

For those who themselves cannot navigate and combine shades with each other, creating a two-color manicure, a table of combinations has been specially created. Now we will look at how to combine different shades with each other in order to beautifully paint your nails.


White nails are trending now. But based on this basic shade, you can create an interesting manicure, complementing it with any color. White is a versatile shade that will go well with many others, but it works best with shades like blue, black and red.



Continuing the theme of achromatic colors, it is impossible not to mention gray. It goes well with those colors that don't look good in combination with each other. Gray-pink, gray-blue or gray-black look impressive on nails of different lengths and shapes.


Another nude color is beige. It can be easily combined with other pastel colors, as well as with different shades of pink or classic tones.


This shade looks quite extraordinary. It can be combined with shades of blue or purple. Yellow-black and yellow-gray marigolds also look good. A more interesting lemon shade will look beautiful with red or “chocolate” colors.

If you like lighter tones of yellow, you can combine them with pale red, light blue or brown tones. And a golden hue or even a metallic, popular today, can be combined with azure or cherry.


Many girls love fatal red. But this noble color is quite capricious and looks win-win only in combination with classic colors: black, gray or white.



It is also worth paying attention to the deeper undertone – fuchsia. It can be combined with brown, chocolate, white and gray shades.



Red shades look interesting with pink and blue tones. You can also confidently complement this varnish with classic colors.


Light shades of green are spring colors that pair well with other floral shades. It can be pink, blue or golden brown.

A deeper olive shade can be complemented with an “orange” shade or all tones of brown and black.

The basic green tone looks good against yellow, cream, brown, gray and all pastel colors.


All shades of blue and blue are in trend today. The most fashionable of them is turquoise. It pairs surprisingly well with shades of red, purple and deep pink.

The classic blue tone can be complemented with brown, pink, white or yellow, depending on what kind of manicure you want to end up with. Using the same principle, you can combine dark blue varnish with other colors. Just take fuchsia instead of pink, ocher instead of yellow, and replace light brown with chocolate.


The mysterious purple hue is very rich and multifaceted. Therefore, it must be used carefully in multi-color manicure. It is advisable that it be the base, and other colors only complementary. Golden, gray and turquoise shades look good with purple.

In general, all these rules are, for the most part, recommendations. If you can combine other shades with each other so that it looks organic, then go for it.

Is it possible to combine gel polishes from different companies?

This question worries many who decide to get a multi-color manicure. Manicure professionals do not recommend combining products from different companies. The fact is that with this approach the manicure will not last so long. And it will be much more difficult to remove it; you may even have to cut it down.

Master Class

Painting your nails beautifully is, it would seem, not a difficult task at all. But to create a multi-color manicure, it is very important not only to correctly combine the shades with each other, but also to make the transition as carefully as possible so as not to mix them and not get a “dirty” manicure instead of a beautiful one. Let's look at several options for combining two or more colors with each other.


This is a beloved classic that will suit everyone without exception. It can be used for everyday wear, and to make your hands more beautiful for some special event. Now there are interesting color combinations when creating a French jacket.

Neat, beautiful hands with a fresh manicure are what everyone likes and in any case attracts everyone's attention. For those who are tired of covering their nails in one tone, we recommend looking at examples of manicures using two colors. The new trend of this season is a two-color manicure; it can add originality to any image and will delight you with its beauty, unusualness and aesthetics. There are just a lot of varieties of options for this kind of manicure; nail artists are sophisticated in all sorts of ways. There are textured, lunar, contrasting, gradient, French, graphic manicures and even Feng Shui manicures. Moreover, in order to create such beauty, you don’t necessarily need to go to a master! More detailed instructions on how to perform different manicure techniques will be described below.

Manicure according to Feng Shui is a widely popular type of manicure when all fingers are painted with different colors of varnish, or when 1-2 fingers on each hand are covered with contrasting shades of varnish. However, most girls do not regard this version of nail art as a specific method of harmonizing life, attracting good luck and positive energy; rather, they choose it as a fashionable and current trend. And yet, why not try to attract success to yourself with the help of Feng Shui manicure?

Often fashionistas choose more contrasting colors for the ring fingers or for the middle and ring fingers. I wonder how Feng Shui can interpret this? According to ancient teachings, each finger is responsible for the flow of energy flows. Thus, by emphasizing the nail with a certain tone, you can improve a separate area of ​​your life.

The technique of performing a manicure is quite simple, all you need to do is paint all the nails in one color, while 1-2 nails are skipped and covered with other shades. A very interesting trend that adds zest to such a manicure is to create mini-pictures on accented nails. Thanks to stamps, a stencil and bright varnish, you can create a very unusual pattern or design in a matter of minutes.

Manicure – multi-colored French

Everyone knows that the classic French technique involves a combination of two colors - a white top of the nail, as well as a colorless, beige or pink base for the entire plate. However, recently a new trend has become relevant - colored French manicure, which uses two shades of varnish. The technique of applying varnish is the same as with a classic French coat. The only distinguishing feature is that instead of classic colors, brighter, more contrasting ones are selected. In this case, the end of the nail plate in some cases is covered with a more prominent varnish - textured, shiny, acidic.

You can try making a French jacket with your own hands at home. There is nothing complicated about this, all you need to do is learn how to clearly draw thin, even lines on your nails, and also get a polish with a thin brush. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time. For convenience, protective stickers for French manicure have long been invented; they are carefully glued to the end of the nail plate so that the top line is clear and even.

Technique for making a two-color jacket. First, a base colorless varnish coating is applied, which can protect the nail from the harmful effects of varnish manicure products. After applying the base, you need to apply varnish to absolutely the entire surface of the nail until it dries completely. In this case, you can choose absolutely any shade, the most important thing is to first come up with an interesting combination of tones. Apply protective stripes for the french, leaving a small space at the ends. These free ends are coated with a second varnish. Carefully remove the stickers; wait until the varnish dries. At the end, a fixing coating is applied to make the manicure last longer.

Ombre technique on nails

A very fashionable manicure technique is to create a smooth gradient two-color transition of nail polishes. The name of this newfangled nail design technique is ombre. This type of design involves a very smooth flow from one color or shade to another, while leaving blurry, not clear boundaries.

You can distinguish a couple of options for a two-color edging manicure:

  • Creating a smooth transition between two very similar tones from dark to light and vice versa (for example, from red to orange).
  • Smooth transition from bright color to white.
  • An unclear transition between two radically contrasting colors (for example, blue and yellow).

Before you begin this technique, you can lubricate the cuticle and skin around the nail plate with a rich cream, this will help avoid staining it. Certain nail artists prefer a different method - gluing with tape. Apply the base tone to the entire surface of the nail; wait until the varnish sets.

Two colors of varnish are applied side by side on a hard and smooth surface. Using a toothpick, carefully mix the shades exclusively at the border, thereby forming a color stretch. A small narrow sponge is dipped into the preparation. Next, the sponge is carefully pressed against the nail, voila - you get an ombre effect. Don't worry about getting your hands and fingers dirty. At the end of the procedure, all imperfections can be washed off with nail polish remover. When the varnish is completely dry, you need to apply a fixative on top.

Moon manicure technique

This is a fairly new and fresh trend in nail design. In fact, moon manicure is an original option for decorating nails with different shades and colors of varnish. Some nail artists call this technique “reverse French”, since in this case the base of the nail is painted in a semicircle, and not its end. The technique is a little more complicated than in a regular jacket, and without stencils it will definitely be difficult the first time. Whereas real experienced nail artists know how to draw neat crescents by hand.

Technique for drawing a crescent with a stencil. Apply the base color to the entire surface of the nail plate; wait until the coating is completely dry. It is important to consider that the base is the color of the future moon manicure hole. Now stickers for this type of manicure are used. They are applied at the base of the nail. The free tip, which is located above the sticker, is covered with a different color. The sticker is removed, you need to wait until the top layer is completely dry, and then the nail is secured with colorless varnish.

In this way, you can perform completely different types of lunar manicure using two contrasting tones. Crescents of golden and silver shades look very harmonious and elegant.

Applying geometric patterns

The next very bright type of manicure, in which two-color designs are applied - various geometric patterns. There are a great variety of patterns, you can draw whatever your heart desires: stripes of different thicknesses, geometric shapes, diagonals, dividing the nail into two or more parts, etc. However, in this technique it is worth choosing bright colors that will highlight the pattern. You can use stickers to draw lines, or try to draw them yourself. It is better not to use tape, as it can remove the base layer of varnish.

Technique for drawing triangles. The exact color that will later be the color of the triangle is applied to the entire surface of the nail plate. After the first layer has dried, a triangular sticker is applied to the tip of the nail. You can apply a second layer of contrasting varnish tone. The sticker is removed and the top layer is dried. At the end, as usual, a fixative is applied.

This is a real art of combining different shades smoothly and harmoniously. Because certain colors can be disharmonious with each other, creating bad taste. In order to eliminate possible errors, it is better to study the compatibility plate of shades and colors.

And in order to make life easier for fashionistas and manicure lovers, we will describe the most winning color combinations, as well as color solutions for two-color manicure techniques:

  • Related shades - they are located next door in the color wheel (blue - violet, blue - green, red - orange, yellow - light green, etc.).
  • Monochrome tones are shades of the same color that differ in the degree of saturation (lilac - violet, red - burgundy, mint - emerald).
  • Contrasting tones are those colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel (blue-orange, yellow-violet, coral-turquoise, red-green).
  • Universal shades - all tones and colors go well with silver, gold, black and white varnish.

Ideas for a two-color manicure

How many nuances does a woman need to take into account to look stylish? Not only should manicure and pedicure be present as a fact, but you also need to think about how they fit your appearance, match your clothes for the near future and look great with underwear or a swimsuit if you have to undress. Moreover, the color of the nail polish on the arms and legs should match each other. That's what we'll talk about.

The general principles of combining colors have not been canceled, so they will also be useful to us here. But it would be boring to consider the issue only from the point of view of color, so I saved a couple more ideas and tried to choose harmonious duets. I hope something is useful to you.

What principles should you use to select a duo of varnishes?

By Color

1. Same color for fingernails and toenails

The simplest but most boring option. But it cannot be denied that matching it to clothes is becoming easier. If you suddenly decide to make such a choice, then it is better to choose a fairly classic and popular color (red, fuchsia, coral, etc.) or something that looks very harmonious with the outfit. No all neon or gold.

2. One gamma

Two different shades of the same range are always harmonious and also very easy to choose a suitable wardrobe. Shades may differ by 1 or several tones.

It is possible to have only pink on your hands and only lilac on your feet.

3. Complementary colors

Yellow and green, lime and purple, etc. Colors can be the same or different in saturation. Two delicate shades, two bright or one soft and the other rich.

4. Light + dark

Applies to both colors of the same range and different colors. Black and white, beige and dark cherry, pale pink and mallow, etc.

5. Neutral + neutral

This includes all skin tones; accordingly, each skin color will have its own range of skin tones. The lighter the skin, the lighter the range of varnishes, and vice versa. Again, black and white. French can also be included here.

6. Neutral + any other color

Any neutral manicure goes well with other colors, be it pastel or bright polish. Gold and silver are also very versatile. They can be combined with any color.

7. Neon + soft or neutral color, gold or silver.

It’s better not to choose another neon shade to pair with neon. The risk of looking vulgar is too great, and in this case, each of the neon varnishes loses its effectiveness at the expense of the other. If neon is present interspersed in a complex manicure, you can choose it as the main color of the pedicure.

8. Multi-color manicure/pedicure + one of its colors or neutral

If, for example, you have a multi-color creative manicure, choose one of the colors present in it and repeat it in the pedicure. Also, a colorful manicure/pedicure can be paired with neutral colors.

By Texture

There are a lot of options here, since there are now so many varieties of varnishes with different textures on sale, from classic glossy to craquelure and liquid sand. The main thing is either the texture is different or the same.

1. Glossy + matte

2. Glitter + matte/glossy

3. Metal + matte/glossy

4. Volume + smooth

4. Same texture, etc.

Same textures don't always work well together. Classic options like glossy ones go together perfectly, but two types of liquid sand or two matte ones are not the best combination. It’s definitely better not to do craquelure for manicure and pedicure at the same time, but two types of metallics or glitter can exist in a duet if there is a common organic image.

By Design

If you have a very rich design on your fingernails, then it is better to make the pedicure calm, without unnecessary bells and whistles. As with textures, it’s easy to get the effect of too much. For a couple, a manicure with a design will suit either one of the shades present in it, or a neutral one. If the nail design is made in neutral colors, then any single-color option, bright, light or neutral, is suitable for a pair. Sometimes paired with an elegant design, a minimalist style, a graphic option, looks good.

On this topic

Very often, a manicure is created for a specific look for one evening or to maintain a certain style for a longer period. How extravagant your experiment is is up to you. Maybe you just want to bring only a veiled idea into the image, or create a themed manicure.

The more complex the idea, the more difficult it is to combine manicure/pedicure with other elements of the image. A creative manicure looks best with a plain or minimalist pedicure.

Cold and hot

An unobtrusive option for combining cold and warm shades, gray with peach, gold and silver, etc.


Pearl shine, unusual colors, and shimmer can create a magnetic effect. Such polishes are very effective with outfits in the style of minimalism with futuristic accessories.

Everything that is stated as a manicure can be used in a pedicure, and vice versa.

Tell us whether you like monochromatic polishes or creative solutions. How do you combine manicure and pedicure polish? Write about your favorite colors and designs.

Proper selection of nail polish color will make your nails very attractive. A harmonious combination of colors allows you to achieve a wonderful result. Some may think that there is nothing complicated in choosing colors, but there are a lot of details and nuances. It’s not enough to match the polish to a color, for example, to match clothes or lipstick. There should be harmony in everything. Also, the varnish should hide nail imperfections, if any.

The shape of your nails should be taken into account first when choosing a polish color. You also need to take into account the skin tone on the nail fold. For example, if it has a milky tint, it is better to refrain from using cool-toned varnishes. Some color arrangements will match almost perfectly, while others can ruin the entire look.

This option of combining colors in a manicure is the most successful and elementary. When choosing a coating, you can use a wide variety of shades of varnish, ranging from the lightest to the darkest. It is important to observe only one condition, which is to use a single color scheme.

For example, if you take blue varnish, then you can combine purple, turquoise, blue and other similar shades with it. It is advisable to choose shades that are located next to each other on the color wheel. This will allow you to achieve maximum effect.

Calm, concentrated shades will also look good next door. For example, pink-red or emerald can be used to complement bright green. There are a large number of interesting combinations of such colors. You can mix several colors with each other. This combination is called “ombre”. When applied correctly, it gives a bright positive effect.

Achromatic combination

This combination usually includes two colors. The base for it can be the use of white and gray. Some play a major role in the design, while the other complements it. Gray, black and white shades combine very harmoniously with the others, but among them you can choose the most interesting and winning option.

A good combination would be to use white varnish as a base, which is complemented, for example, with blue or red. They are used as an addition, which makes it possible to obtain an amazing design solution. You can use a traditional French jacket, complemented by scarlet stripes. You can decorate your nails to resemble Khokhloma using blue polish. Also a popular choice would be to use a red and white design with polka dots.

Lovers of a traditional and strict style often choose a white or black design of a laconic type. You can complement this nail design with almost any shade, for example, gold, silver, etc.

The golden color of the varnish allows you to effectively emphasize the depth of the black varnish. In this case, you can use your own imagination and achieve amazing success. The design will look unusual and elegant when each nail is divided into a couple of tones. Pale pink or blue colors will harmoniously combine with gray. This move will be especially effective when using a French design.

Main colorHarmonizing colors and shades
RedGreen, Blue, Golden Yellow, Gray
PinkBurgundy, brown, gray
OrangeSky blue, green, purple, lilac, brown, white
BrownBeige, blue-green, gray, golden
YellowGreen, brown, golden
BlueRed, brown, blue, orange, light purple
BlueRed, gray, golden, burgundy
VioletGolden, yellow, orange, green, sea green
LilacGrey, chestnut, light purple, green
BurgundyGreen, grey, pink, blue
GreyBlack green, red, blue, pink, yellow, cyan

Contrasting manicure color combinations

You can focus on the contrast of colors and get a decent result. If the shades are chosen correctly, all the advantages of the nails will be emphasized. If you fail to choose the right tones, the manicure will have a somewhat tasteless appearance.

A beautiful combination of scarlet and emerald or ultramarine and orange flowers are a kind of base for a complementary manicure. Black and beige also go very well together. You can combine similar shades on one or all fingers at once. You can decorate different fingers with different combinations.

There is a moon manicure that has been used for a long time. An analogy can be drawn with French manicure, but in this case the emphasis is not on the tip of the nail, but on the part near the base. The crescent, located at the very base, does not need to be painted at all. Often a simple varnish without color is used for it. Or you can add a little contrast and use some bright color there.

Lunar manicure and color combinations can have a positive effect. Now it has become fashionable to combine shades that are not at all in harmony with each other. For example, you can try using blue and red, as well as brown and gray and many other options.

The use of black with light gray, white with gray was almost always relevant. Some ladies try to do a couple of manicures at the same time, for example, moonlight and French. One of the colors highlights the tip of the nail, and the other the area near the cuticle.

Video - Color combination in French manicure

Features of multi-colored color combinations

To properly design multi-colored nails, you should first conduct a small test of the combination of colors on the plate. There are several most common nail shapes, on the basis of which it is recommended to select colors and shades.

  1. If your nails have a trapezoidal shape, it is better not to use varnishes that have a pronounced pearlescent tint. It is better to avoid using too bright or milky colors. They visually increase the size of the nail plate, exposing all the imperfections. It is advisable to leave small unpainted strips near the side rollers. Thus, it will be possible to visually reduce the plate.
  2. It is better to paint square-shaped nails using almost all shades, in addition to cold ones. It is better not to use blue or blue colors. Long ones should not be coated with varnishes with colorful colors.
  3. Round nails are an almost perfect option for using all sorts of shades in a variety of combinations. It will not be easy to ruin a manicure even if you use extremely bright shades. You just need to use pearlescent colors very carefully, because they visually make your nails smaller.

Proper combination of varnish colors

Every girl who wants to have attractive nails should have this knowledge. There are seven primary colors. The rest are considered derivatives from them. To obtain a specific shade, several key colors are mixed.

Not all shades are compatible with each other. It is best to use a couple of colors during a manicure. A combination of three different varnishes can be beautiful. A manicure that consists of varnishes in gray, white and black will look trendy. It's easy to add some additional shades there, such as concentrated colors.

The combination of turquoise varnish with pastel colors is becoming increasingly popular. It will also look attractive with yellow or purple shades. Yellow is also very popular. It is recommended to use sky or lilac shades with it. Gray and various shades of red will look great with yellow.

If you follow the basic rules and choose a combination of shades for your manicure responsibly, you can always look attractive.