How to cure damaged hair. Restoring damaged hair: what will be more effective – shampoos, masks or salon care? In what cases hair restoration products and procedures will not help?

For men

The organism growing in the womb receives everything it needs for its development from the food eaten by the mother. If a woman's diet during pregnancy is monotonous, then some missing substances, such as calcium and magnesium, are extracted from the mother's bones and teeth. However, the compensatory capabilities of the mother's body are not unlimited. Poor nutrition during pregnancy negatively affects the functioning of the placenta, which can cause spontaneous miscarriage, abnormalities in fetal development, birth of a baby with low birth weight.

A woman should remember that errors in nutrition may go unnoticed by her, but have an undesirable effect on the baby. Therefore the problem balanced nutrition during pregnancy requires a very responsible attitude towards oneself.

While waiting for the birth of a baby, a woman needs to seriously think about the condition of her gastrointestinal tract. In new circumstances, the intestines and stomach feel difficulties in working. Due to an increase in progesterone levels during pregnancy, the tone of the gastrointestinal tract decreases, which leads to numerous problems. Proper nutrition during pregnancy can prevent these problems.


At planning pregnancy, you should be screened in advance for diseases such as dysbacteriosis, the cause of which may be poor nutrition and bad environment. The number of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines increases, and the growth of beneficial lacto- or bifidobacteria decreases. The main symptoms of this disease are bloating and abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. There is also an excessive accumulation of gases, expectant mother her appetite suddenly disappears, she feels weak, headache, malaise, her performance deteriorates. As a result of a weakened intestinal barrier, infection can enter the bloodstream. In order to prevent the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to ventilate the room, take frequent walks fresh air, watch your diet. Can be accepted Activated carbon and other absorbents.

Diseases of pregnant women

Frequent intestinal pathology during pregnancy is constipation, which occurs in over 50% of pregnant women. Its causes are changes in the digestive regulation system and physiological changes. Prevention of constipation is considered swimming, gymnastics, massage, walking, yoga, as well as folk remedies– beetroot, cucumber, apple salads and a glass of water drunk on an empty stomach.

Diarrhea – other experienced pregnant woman problem. May occur due to toxicosis, food poisoning, infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, and on later due to increased uterine tone or before childbirth. For diarrhea, you need to drink strong black tea with cookies or unleavened crackers and rice water, use White bread. IN in this case You should avoid products made from rye and oatmeal.

A woman may have gallstone disease. It does not interfere with bearing a child, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet and use enzymatic preparations for treatment. With advanced gastritis, a pregnant woman should be observed by a gastroenterologist throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Diet pregnant

A pregnant woman has inexplicable preferences for certain foods and cannot tolerate others. If you don't stick proper nutrition, then toxicosis may occur, in which it is recommended to increase the consumption of animal proteins (eggs, lean meat, fish, dairy products). In the first half of pregnancy, a woman should preferably consume 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of weight, and in the second half – 2 grams. Due to the presence of amino acids in animal protein, the immune system is strengthened, the hormonal metabolism of the expectant mother is normalized, and they also contribute to the formation of the baby’s tissues.

Benefit pregnant a woman also benefits from consuming carbohydrates, which are contained in pasta, cereals, wholemeal bread, vegetables, honey, jam, sugar. By the end of pregnancy, a woman should receive 2-3 milligrams of iron per day. Its sources: liver, parsley, egg yolks, oat and buckwheat cereals, apples, apricots and peaches.

Calcium, which is contained in dried apricots and dairy products, plays an important role in the nutrition of pregnant women.

Nutrition rules for a pregnant woman

It is recommended for pregnant women eat often (the first half of pregnancy - 4 times a day, in the second - up to 6 times), but in small portions. It is advisable to drink 1.5 liters of water per day. At later stages, the stomach begins to shift under the influence of an enlarged uterus, which can result in nausea and vomiting. Also, as a result of changes in the sphincter of the gallbladder, the outflow of bile decreases. Failure to adhere to the diet during pregnancy leads to an increase in the protein-synthetic function of the liver, an increase in lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels in the blood of the expectant mother. Reduce the load on the liver and gallbladder You can do this by eliminating high-calorie and fatty foods from your diet. Salted, smoked and fried foods are prohibited. Seasonings - with caution.

The activity of the digestive organs is stimulated by foods with temperatures above 55 degrees and below 15 degrees. Cold drinks provide active peristalsis. You can unload the body with the help of mucous, pureed, mushy and liquid dishes. To enhance the laxative effect of fruits, they should be consumed at night or in the morning on an empty stomach. Fresh vegetables, which also have a laxative effect, can cause digestive upset.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is individual for each woman and depends on her preferences. It serves as a prerequisite for a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.

Sample nutrition menu during pregnancy

To “wake up” the intestines, you should start the morning with a glass of water.
For breakfast, it is better to prepare foods rich in fiber, which will help avoid constipation. Cereal porridges, cottage cheese with grated carrots, muesli with milk are suitable for this.

For a second breakfast, fresh fruit, yogurt, and natural juice are optimal.
It is better to start lunch with a salad of fresh vegetables. Next you can start the soup. If you are prone to constipation and allergies, strong broths are prohibited. For the second course, boiled or stewed meat or fish dishes are preferable.
For an afternoon snack, choose something protein-rich, for example, a cottage cheese casserole or a sandwich with cheese.
For dinner, it’s good to eat some kind of fruit or vegetable salad (for example, vinaigrette), and a light meat or fish dish.
If a pregnant woman experiences a feeling of hunger before going to bed, then fruit, a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir (you can eat it with crackers or dryers) will help quench it.
The mother's diet during pregnancy should not include:
Wine, coffee (increase blood pressure);
Pickles (overload the kidneys);
Fatty, smoked, fried foods (cause heartburn, negatively affect the liver);
Alcohol (may cause developmental problems).
Also, pregnant women should not get carried away with seafood, chocolate, exotic fruits, and citrus fruits.
A healthy diet during pregnancy should be based on varied, well-digested and, of course, quality products. A woman should ensure that her diet contains all the main food groups: dairy, cereals, legumes, meat, fish, as well as vegetables and fruits.
If possible, you should eat food that is free of artificial additives: flavors, dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. When drawing up the menu, be sure to take into account the duration of pregnancy.
Nutrition during pregnancy in the 1st trimester does not imply an increase in the calorie content of the daily diet. To a healthy woman For normal people, it is enough to consume up to 1800 kcal. The main emphasis should be on protein foods and vitamins, because... During this period, all the baby’s systems are formed.
Starting from the 2nd trimester and up to the 32nd week, the caloric content of the diet is increased to 2200 - 2800 kcal, because an actively growing fetus and an increasing size of the uterus require more nutrients and oxygen. The need for calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin D, and zinc is growing. During the last 2 months of pregnancy, it is advisable to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by limiting easily digestible carbohydrates contained in buns, sweets and other sweets. Salt consumption is also kept to a minimum, because... it has the property of retaining fluid in the body. In no case is it recommended to reduce calorie intake by eating protein foods.

Nutrition during pregnancy and diet

Vegetarianism, low-calorie diets and any mono-diets are not acceptable during this period. When talking about a diet for pregnant women, we're talking about about a special diet that will help cope with certain problems without depriving the unborn child of the supply of necessary microelements and vitamins. For example, when edema appears, a pregnant woman is prescribed a salt-free diet, and in case of excessive weight gain, it is recommended to replace buns and sweets with bran bread and dried apricots, refined sugar with honey, forget about mayonnaise and dress salads with unrefined oil.
Dietary nutrition during pregnancy involves eating food that improves digestion, relieves the liver and helps remove toxins. For these purposes, pregnant women should enrich their menu with various greens, coarse cereals, dried fruits, and all kinds of fresh juices.
Fasting days for pregnant women can be a reasonable alternative to strict diets if you follow the following rules:
1. Product for fasting day must please a woman, but must be healthy (fish, fruit or vegetable, cereal).
2. If dizziness occurs, you should abandon the fasting day.
3. A pregnant woman should unload the body in this way no more than once a week, after consulting with a doctor.

Nutrition during pregnancy

Everyone knows that pregnancy is not a disease, so there is no need to specifically adjust your diet for medicinal purposes. But you get good chance get rid of harmful eating habits, improve the health of the body, increase immunity. We are what we eat, and the health of the child is planned based on the diet of the expectant mother for many years. The child uses maternal resources for its development, so it is very important that the expectant mother supports herself with healthy food. After all, she has another no less important period ahead: breastfeeding and caring for the child, this requires strength.

What is good: nutrition according to timing

I trimester

What's happening: All organs and systems in the child’s body are laid down, tissues are formed. What we eat: complete proteins and vitamins: lean meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey), fish and seafood, dairy products. Be sure to eat rice, fresh or frozen vegetables, and seasonal fruits. In the first trimester, many expectant mothers are still working. No matter how difficult it may be for you to control your diet in a work environment, try to do it - find time for a full breakfast and lunch. The sooner the better, you need to start activities to improve the health of yourself and your child, so that you don’t regret it later, looking back.

! Many pregnant women suffer from toxicosis in the first trimester. In this case, eat often, but in small portions. Always have a hematogen in your pocket, a bag of nuts or dried fruits for a snack on the street. If your condition does not allow you to eat regular food, pay attention to baby food. Judging by the reviews in the forums, baby products literally save expectant mothers suffering from severe toxicosis. These are boxed cereals, children's curds, cookies and fruit purees. Baby food, due to its delicate consistency, may not cause protest in the body. But when the time comes to feed your baby, you will already be very knowledgeable in this area. Advice from old Soviet books about pregnancy: take a “carbohydrate hit” at night, it will help improve your condition in the morning. At night, eat a bowl of porridge or a sandwich with cheese.

In the first trimester, spend Special attention quality of products. Gradually give up sauces, processed foods and canned goods that contain harmful chemical additives. Do not forget that the placenta, unfortunately, freely accumulates and allows chemicals to pass through. The importance of products containing folic acid, without it, intensive metabolism is impossible, its deficiency can cause abnormalities in development. Folic acid is found in greens, nuts, cabbage and broccoli, beets, legumes, and eggs.

From a memo for pregnant women:

What additional products does a pregnant woman need?

In 1989, it was decided that the Recommended Dietary Diet for pregnant women should be 300 kcal/day higher. Since 2002, nutritionists have clarified that in the first trimester there is no need to increase the energy value of the diet at all, in the second trimester an additional 340 kcal/day is required, in the third trimester - 452 kcal/day. Pregnant women generally get enough calories, and more than 80% of women achieve or exceed the necessary weight gain recommended by the Institute of Medicine for pregnancy. These extra calories benefit the fetus. An underweight woman should gain 16 - 20 kg during pregnancy. An overweight woman should gain about 7 kg throughout her pregnancy. Women with normal body weight should gain 11-12 kg. It is believed that pregnant women should increase their diet so that the daily meal includes the following:

6-11 servings of bread or whole grains;

3-5 servings of vegetables;

2-4 servings of fruit;

4-6 servings of milk or dairy products;

3-4 servings of meat or protein-containing food;

6-8 glasses of water;

No more than 1 cup of coffee per day.

Calcium needs can be met by calcium-rich foods or a calcium supplement. An inexpensive calcium carbonate antacid can be taken at 1200 mg/day.

II and III trimester

There are active changes in the growth and weight of the child and the uterus, so the calorie content of your diet needs to be increased. It is advisable to eat more, but of better quality. At this time, the need for microelements increases: iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium. The child creates his own “reserve” of microelements using the mother’s resource, which means that the mother should have enough for two.

! Very often, in pregnant women, hemoglobin drops in the second trimester; this is a normal physiological phenomenon, if it is not threatening to health. You can increase hemoglobin with the help of “heme” iron - this is a natural and biologically accessible form of iron that is not able to accumulate in excess. Heme iron is found in red meat, chicken, and fish. There is also “non-heme” iron - a synthetic inorganic form of iron, it is much less absorbable. Unfortunately, it is non-heme iron that is used in vitamins and dietary supplements approved for pregnant women. It is also found in dried fruits, pomegranates, green vegetables and fresh herbs, buckwheat. Vitamin C helps the absorption of non-heme iron: consume citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, lemons), infusions of rose hips and berries 2-3 times a day.

By the end of the third trimester, many experts advise pregnant women to give up meat to increase tissue elasticity and prevent ruptures. This is also due to the fact that the digestive organs must work with a gentle load; it is already difficult for them towards the end of pregnancy.

The main question in “pregnant” forums is: what do you need to lean on to get the full charge of vitamins and microelements? Correct answer: no matter what. Excess “extra” substances will be eliminated by the body. You don't need to push yourself. You need to structure your daily diet so that it contains the entire food “pyramid” and subtract from it foods that depress vitamins (everything that is considered unhealthy food). And then everything will be fine. Every day you should eat cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat (fish) and dairy products. If these items do not suffer from replacement with semi-finished products and sweets, then you have full contact with useful substances.

It happens that a pregnant woman needs additional fortified nutrition. For example, she has severe toxicosis- or other complications in which the doctor recommends supplementing yourself with vitamin supplements. In this case, protect yourself from taking dietary supplements, especially those that are distributed from hand to hand. No supplement is approved for use during pregnancy, no matter what they tell you about it.

Only special dry milk mixtures with vitamins are allowed:



a brief description of

Nutritek, Russia

Contains 14 macro- and microelements and vitamin complex- optimal for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, incl. vitamins A, C, D3, E and folic acid, taurine, iron, copper, calcium.

Dumil Mama Plus

International Nutrition Co Denmark

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, folic acid, beta-carotene, taurine, selenium, polyunsaturated fatty acid(omega-3, omega-6), vitamins and minerals.


Mead Johnson, USA

Low fat cow's milk, whole milk, glucose, lactose, fructose, minerals; vitamins, natural fruit component - peach.

Milky Way

Vitaprom LLC, Russia

Skimmed milk powder, purified soy protein, sugar, chicory, galega herb extract, dietary fiber, vitamins (A, C, D3, B1, B2, B6, PP, pantothenic acid, folic acid), minerals (sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus).

What's the salt?

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman needs to limit salt in her diet. Under no circumstances should you restrict fluid, as some old-school doctors also advise. Pure water- the best drink for a pregnant woman, and there can be a lot of water - up to 2-2.5 liters per day. Water is a natural drink for the body; it does not cause complications and has no contraindications. Swelling is caused not by water, but by salt, which we not only add to pure form, but we also consume it with canned food, mayonnaise, cheese, and sausage. The absence of salt is not harmful; it is naturally found in many foods: vegetables, bread, so your diet will not be completely without it. Excess salt disrupts metabolism. Gradually reduce the amount of salt until you get used to the new tastes. To begin with, replace regular salt with sea salt; sea salt salts dishes better and requires less salt.

What is bad: obligate allergens and harmful chemicals

Doctors still cannot clearly explain whether there is a direct connection between the expectant mother’s consumption of foods with a high allergenic potential (the so-called obligate allergens: chocolate, honey, nuts, citrus fruits) and the appearance of allergies in the child. Not consuming these products does not guarantee the absence of allergies. Each case is individual. And we will not burden ourselves with what we do not understand. Let's put the question differently: WHY lean on chocolate or citrus fruits? There may be several reasons. In the first place is psychological. The expectant mother does not get enough attention; she is offended by the weak reaction of others regarding her special situation. She eats away her grievances with chocolate or oranges. Women are guilty of this without any special situation, especially in winter, when we all sorely lack something sunny in life. The second reason is whims. Suddenly craving oranges, kiwis or lemons... The doctor, of course, will advise you to limit yourself to lemons, scaring you with an allergy - but. It is better for a pregnant woman to eat 5 oranges a day - provided that she tolerates them well herself! - than candy, Coca-Cola with chips or fried potatoes. Fruit is healthy eating. Eat for your health.

! Our body is an amazingly wise system. She needs to be trusted, loved and able to feel. Nature would not have created an organism that was initially inclined to get sick from drafts or to have harmful whims that threaten health. If you really want something, eat it. But keep in mind that your taste habits, like any city resident, are spoiled by advertising and stressful life. Before you overindulge in chocolate, cakes or doshirak, think about true reasons whims. Perhaps pregnancy has nothing to do with it. Lack of attention, excess of free time, banal - little light in the apartment, little bright colors. It's time to keep yourself busy with fitness, aqua aerobics, yoga, handicrafts, belly dancing, visiting "interest" clubs - pregnant women's parties, photography, walks in the parks... The world has never seen a case where a pregnant woman would have many hobbies - and at the same time gorge herself on various harmful things . If for some reason you cannot occupy yourself, come up with a full-fledged replacement for the “harmful things”. Prepare yourself desserts from cottage cheese, dried fruits and fresh fruits with kefir and yogurt; you can safely overuse these desserts, and the lack of sweet taste will be compensated.

If you have an uncontrollable craving for sweets, it is possible that the reason lies in the lack of some substances . During pregnancy, there is often a lack of B vitamins. These vitamins, among other benefits, are directly responsible for our mood. If you haven't recharged yourself with the right breakfast ( Rye bread, Orange juice, butter, porridge), during the day you will probably feel a decline in mood - you will be drawn to chocolate. Magnesium is also useful for pregnant women; it is involved in protein, carbohydrate and phosphorus metabolism. When you crave chocolate, this can be explained by a lack of magnesium. bitter chocolate good quality won't hurt, and magnesium is also found in broccoli, beef, oatmeal and rice.

One of the reasons for the development of allergies in a child is intolerance to certain foods by the expectant mother. You may be oblivious to the fact that you don't tolerate milk very well. white cabbage and cucumbers, do not attach importance to bloating and short-term constipation after eating pasta, cereals, bread, flour products, apples. Analyze how you feel after eating. This dependence has been tracked for a long time: a child may have an intolerance to foods that the mother cannot tolerate. If you are plagued by swelling, high pressure, dizziness, lethargy, frequent colds- review your diet. The immune system can be suppressed by poor or monotonous food.

A little science:

From embryology and immunology it is known that initially between the mother’s body and the body of the embryo and fetus there is immunological incompatibility. A fetus that has a set of genes different from the mother’s (by 50%) is foreign to her. Therefore, an immune conflict arises between them, expressed in the desire of the mother’s body to reject the foreign fetus. But during normal pregnancy no rejection occurs. Mechanisms that contribute to its preservation are included: female body, the placenta and fetus synthesize a number of protein factors and hormones (estrogens, prostaglandins, progesterone) that suppress rejection reactions. In addition, the hormone progesterone, actively produced by the body of a pregnant woman, extends the life of natural transplants and stimulates the survival of transplanted tissues, which is a necessary condition for engraftment and normal development embryo.

If during pregnancy the set of substances entering a woman’s body from the outside remains unchanged, i.e. corresponds to the place of her residence, the composition of the substances synthesized by her (proteins, enzymes, antibodies) determined hereditarily does not change. This is a necessary condition for the normal development and nutrition of the child in utero: the embryo successfully takes root in the uterus, there is no incompatibility between it and the mother and the pregnancy continues, and the baby’s body fully absorbs all the nutrients coming from the mother.

As a result of the rapidly changing environment and food composition, the female body adapts to new substances, while the intrauterine baby is almost deprived of this opportunity. “As a result of the mother’s biochemical adaptation, tissue incompatibility may arise between her adapted organism and the unadapted fetus. An immunological attack occurs on the fetus, which may result in deviations in its development, deformities, and allergies,” concludes the doctor medical sciences Yu. S. Rotenberg. That is, the initially existing immune conflict is aggravated and the action of the mechanisms that contribute to the preservation and normal course of pregnancy is disrupted. The immune attack that occurs from the maternal body against the embryo and fetus is no longer fully compensated. Thus, the conditions for its nutrition, formation and development are violated, which is the reason for such unfavorable consequences.

(from an article by E. M. Fateeva and Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya,

A woman who decides to become a mother must know that the process of feeding a child begins from the moment of conception. That's why she needs to eat exclusively healthy products during pregnancy, this will help the baby develop properly and keep the expectant mother in good shape.

The most important thing for a woman during pregnancy is to give preference natural products and don’t be lazy to cook yourself, you need to be completely confident in the quality of the food. Nutrition should be balanced and contain daily requirements minerals and vitamins.

Milk and dairy products

Hard cheese and cottage cheese contain a lot of useful substances:

  1. Protein , which is necessary component composition of blood and lymph.
  2. Vitamins B , increasing the “breathing” of body tissues, endurance and performance of the mother.
  3. Iron and calcium , necessary for the formation of bones, hair, skin and nails of the baby.
  4. Folic acid very important for correct formation fetus and preventing the risk of developing pathologies, strengthening the mother’s heart muscle.

Natural yogurt contains much more bone-healthy calcium than regular cow's milk, and all the bifidobacteria necessary for normal intestinal function. Yogurt is rich in zinc and proteins, it will quench your thirst and reduce hunger. You can replace yogurts with high-quality kefir.

They are a storehouse of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby of various microelements:

However, they are high in calories, and it is not advisable for an expectant mother to overuse nuts!

Fish and seafood

Everyone knows that it is a source of phosphorus. Also found in fish products one of the most useful vitamins D, which strengthens the bones and nervous system of a pregnant woman .

During pregnancy, it is better for women to eat lean white fish, preferably sea fish rich in iodine.

Meat, liver

Important construction material cells of the unborn child's body
- a protein that sufficient quantity contained in meat products. You should eat lean meats - chicken, rabbit, beef, lean pork. When preparing meat dishes, it is better to do without seasonings.

Liver contains iron and B vitamins . This is a must-have product not only for the baby, but also for the mother herself - she endures heavy loads during the happy months of bearing her child. Many pregnant women may experience a drop in hemoglobin concentration and develop anemia; eating liver dishes will help cope with this problem.


They contain more than 10 useful vitamins and microelements , for example, choline has an effect on mental ability future baby. In getting rid of the nausea that torments the mother in the first months " interesting situation", the chromium contained in this product will help. It is important to regularly eat eggs – both chicken and quail.

But not raw ones!

Rich in vitamins, fiber, microelements and organic acids . You can eat it in any form - raw, boiled, baked, in salads, which are best seasoned vegetable oil or sour cream, but not mayonnaise.

Particular attention should be paid to carrots, broccoli and avocados.

These vegetables contain the greatest amount of:

Fruits and berries

Especially useful during pregnancy! Contains minerals and vitamins vital for baby development. The most important thing is to remember to wash the fruits thoroughly before eating them.

A small daily portion of strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries increases the baby’s body’s defenses. I would like to note the benefits of mango, it contains a lot of vitamin A, you can eat it in any form - raw, boiled, salty or sweet.


Lentils from the entire “legume family” will bring greatest benefit for the body of the expectant mother. It contains vitamin B-6, folic acid and iron which are necessary during pregnancy.


For example, cereals rich in fiber, iron and B vitamins . It is very useful to cook milk porridges with this cereal and add the flakes to homemade baked goods. Oatmeal will help normalize digestion.


In the green leaves of this useful herb contains:

  • Folic acid.
  • Calcium.
  • Vitamin A.

Doesn't represent special labor grow spinach in your garden, on your balcony or on your windowsill. He occupies one of the most worthy places in the TOP-12 list! From this herb you can prepare a lot of healthy dishes in the form of purees, soups, and side dishes.


They are called “forest meat” and contain simply a huge amount of vitamins B, E, C, PP, nicotinic acid and microelements:

  • Yoda.
  • Zinc.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.

Mushrooms are very rich in proteins - leucine, tyrosine, histidine, arginine . Mushrooms should be consumed with caution only from trusted manufacturers.


  • The most useful thing for expectant mothers is olive « liquid gold", it has a beneficial effect on the process of formation of the baby’s nervous system.
  • Sunflower oil saturates the body of a pregnant woman with vitamins E, A, D, improves appearance hair and skin.
  • But butter There is no need to abuse it - it contains a lot of calories. For normal development of the baby, 50 grams per day is enough.

It is important for a pregnant woman to remember that good nutrition- this is a guarantee not only of her health, but also proper development baby.