Nicotinic acid for the face. Homemade face masks with nicotinic acid

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A nicotinic acid: benefits, how to use, precautions. Recipes for masks with nicotinic acid. What effect should I expect?


Nicotinic acid is a completely different substance that is found in tobacco products. These are vitamins B3 and PP, which are present in the body in minimal quantities in every person. If there is not enough acid, it immediately becomes noticeable - the skin on the face loses its elasticity, sagging, peeling appear, and the complexion changes. To prevent this from happening, nicotinic acid for the face will help.

Where is this substance present? In plant products, as well as in products of animal origin: buckwheat, beets and carrots, pumpkin, celery, fish and meat (white only), as well as offal (liver) and even mushrooms. Some plants also contain small amounts of vitamin PP: sage, ginseng, burdock root, rose hips and hops. You can help your body different ways: improve nutrition and resort to cosmetic procedures.

What are the benefits of nicotinic acid for facial skin?

This substance is in small quantities present in cosmetics.

Vitamin PP helps:

  • dilate small vessels;
  • improve complexion;
  • refresh the skin;
  • speed up metabolic processes, remove toxins;
  • activate cellular metabolism;
  • helps improve the condition of inflammatory processes.

Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP is an indispensable product in the treatment of certain diseases. Thus, acid helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, improves the patient’s condition with abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system, with a lack of vitamins, and even in the treatment of underweight (anorexia).

Nicotinic acid for the face is sold in ampoules and tablets. One unit contains a lot of vitamin PP, as well as vitamin B3. Moreover, the cost of such a useful substance is affordable for every buyer.

Acid in tablet form is prescribed for oral administration, and in ampoules - for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, for the preparation of homemade skin care products (washing foam, lotions, masks and creams).

Beneficial features:

  1. Moisturizing, expanding pores.
  2. Healing of small wounds and cracks, rashes on the skin.
  3. Improved blood circulation in cells, which leads to improved skin tone.
  4. Acid actively fights not only rashes, but will also help in the fight against freckles and age spots.
  5. Removes excess fluid from tissues, removes “bags” under the eyes.
  6. Has a slight tightening effect - the skin becomes firm and elastic, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.
  7. Protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation - and this is an excellent prevention of tumors.

Nicotinic acid for the face - about precautions

Vitamin PP is widely used in cosmetology. Sometimes a jar of miracle cream with nicotinic acid costs tens of times more than a package of ampoules purchased at a pharmacy. Therefore, in pursuit of beauty, many girls have long learned to save money and look attractive.

Before you start taking acid and preparing skin care products, read this information:

  1. Be sure to do an allergy test before applying a mask or cream with added acid. If the skin begins to “burn”, there is severe itching and even a burning sensation, the product should be washed off immediately with water.
  2. If your skin is very dry, this substance should not be used.
  3. If there are open cuts or wounds on the skin, wait until they heal.
  4. At vascular network on the face.
  5. About the frequency of using masks: to see the result, you need to carry out a course of procedures for 2 weeks, then a break of 6 months.
  6. The daily dose of the beneficial substance is only 2 ampoules (or 4 acid tablets). Exceeding the specified dosage is extremely dangerous.

Nicotinic acid for the face. Application

The benefits of homemade face masks are of great importance, because all active ingredients, including acid, quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. As a result, blood circulation improves, cells begin to renew themselves more actively, and the result can be seen after just a few uses.

Moisturizing mask with nicotinic acid for face

In order to prepare the mask, you will need:

  • nicotinic acid in ampoules – 1 pc.;
  • olive fruit oil – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp.

How to prepare a cosmetic product:

  1. Pour oil into a bowl, add honey. Place it on water bath or in a container with hot water. It is necessary for the honey to melt and the whole mass to warm up.
  2. Pour an ampoule of acid into the oil-honey mixture and mix.
  3. Please note that ready mixture It should be applied to the skin immediately while it is fresh. It is allowed to leave the mask on for 1 hour, but no more. The medicine gradually evaporates and there will be no benefit from such a remedy.
  4. If there are no ampoules, then take nicotinic acid for the face in tablets. Instead of one ampoule, you will need 2 tablets, they need to be crushed into powder.

How to apply:

  • Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed, makeup removed, and wiped with toner. Ideally, take a steam bath (use herbal infusions instead of water). Such preliminary preparation will help the pores open and then you will get the maximum nutrients;
  • Use a soft brush to apply the mask to cleansed skin. The product can be applied with your fingers, distributed evenly and kept for about half an hour or a little more;
  • rinse with plain water, not cold, but not too hot. Do this: wash your face warm water, then hot and cold. Contrast hardening will not harm your skin. She will only be grateful to you.

You can also make a mask according to this recipe: take olive or linseed oil (1 tablespoon only), add 3 drops of acid, mix, apply to the face. Keep for 20 minutes. Be prepared for facial redness, this is a reaction to nicotinic acid. After 15 minutes everything returns to normal.

How to make an acne mask with nicotinic acid for the face

Nicotinic acid is simply a salvation for facial skin, especially when you need to eliminate a visible cosmetic defect.

We make a mask from the following ingredients:

  • decoction of calendula and birch buds - 1 tbsp each;
  • acid in ampoules – 1 pc.;
  • coconut oil – 1 tsp.

We make a mask like this:

  1. Dried calendula flowers and Birch buds mix in equal proportions (in in this case– 1 tbsp), add half a glass of water, make a rich herbal decoction.
  2. Strain the broth, pour out only 3 tablespoons, add heated oil and an ampoule of acid, stir.
  3. The mask should be applied to previously prepared skin (cleansed, steamed) using a napkin. Take a cosmetic napkin, soak it in liquid, and apply it to the skin. Exposure time active ingredients– about 30 minutes.
  4. Then you need to remove the napkin and wash with warm water.

Result: clean, glowing skin, without redness or rashes.

Cleansing mask with nicotinic acid for the face. Recipe 2

This mask is a little faster and easier to prepare; perhaps many will like this option more.

List of components:

  • nicotinic acid in ampoules – 1 pc.;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • white cosmetic clay – 1 tbsp.

How to make a mask:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. lemon juice, add the same amount of water, pour out the ampoule of vitamin PP, stir.
  2. Add to liquid mixture white clay, mix again. The mask should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If that doesn't work, add a little more clay powder.
  3. The mask should be applied to cleansed skin, preferably steamed. After 10 minutes, the clay will set, so laughing, talking and generally moving a lot is undesirable. It's better to relax and listen to pleasant music.
  4. The mask must be washed off with warm water.

Result: cleansed, radiant skin, without greasy shine.

Nicotinic acid for the face. Reviews

Girls and women who managed to evaluate the effect of acid are very pleased with the result. The skin is noticeably tightened, rashes go away, complexion improves, small wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin becomes young and beautiful, a light blush appears.

Alexandra, 33 years old: “I decided to try making such a mask for the first time. Honestly, the feeling was special. I didn’t expect that after applying nicotinic acid my face would “burn” so much. In a panic, I wanted to wash off the mask, so I called a friend who shared the recipe. It turns out that this is how it should be. After the mask, my skin was like a baby's. I’m happy with the result, I’m doing a course of these masks and recommending them to all my friends.”

How to make a smoothing anti-wrinkle mask with nicotinic acid

In order to get rid of small wrinkles and smooth out deep ones, you need to take half an ampoule of acid and add the same amount hyaluronic acid and apply this mixture to the prepared skin. You can use your fingers or a cotton pad.

Mask with honey and egg: prepare a spoonful of liquid honey and egg white chicken egg, add nicotinic acid (5 drops) to this mixture, as well as the pulp of half a banana. Tropical fruit must be overripe. Apply the mask to the prepared face and leave for 15 minutes. You can do it every day.

Nicotinic acid for the face. How to get rid of spots and freckles?

Nicotinic acid is quite successfully used in facial cosmetology to cleanse the skin, get rid of rashes and fine wrinkles, as well as to remove post-acne spots, pigmentation and even freckles.

We prepare a mask from the following products:

  • liquid honey – 1 tsp;
  • juice of 1/4 lemon;
  • nicotinic acid – 5 drops.

The mixture should be applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water. Use the mask at least 2 times a day. We recommend making a new portion of the mask each time, then you will notice the effect after a week of use.

We get rid of blackheads using the following remedy: heavy cream (2 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), mashed fresh raspberries and 1/4 ampoule of acid. Mix everything well, apply to the skin, and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water!

Nicotinic acid gets on your face, what to do?

What to do if cooking cosmetic mask Didn't work out the way you wanted? A few drops of undiluted nicotinic acid landed on my face. Literally a few minutes later a bright red spot appeared in this place. What to do in this case and how dangerous can it be?

Nothing bad will happen if you are not allergic to this substance. Otherwise, if there is severe burning, redness, dizziness and even nausea, you must immediately wash off the acid with warm water.

How to neutralize the effects of acid:

  1. Rinse the affected area generously with water directly from the tap, rinsing for about 15 minutes.
  2. After this water procedure It is advisable to lubricate the area with a solution of soda ( baking soda 1 tsp dissolves in a glass of water).
  3. Do not touch the area of ​​redness with your hands.
  4. If you feel severe weakness, the pulse decreases and breathing becomes rapid, then you need to drink valerian tincture in the amount of 15 drops.
  5. IN difficult cases you need to call a doctor at home or get advice from a specialist.

Expected effect of using masks with nicotinic acid for the face

So is it worth trying or is it better to buy ready-made disposable mask in the shop? Most girls claim that after the first procedure, the result, as they say, is obvious: the skin brightens, glows, tightens, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the oval of the face improves.

At gray color skin, poor nutrition, living in big cities - such a mask will be a real salvation for your skin. Excessive oiliness is eliminated, freckles, spots and pigmentation disappear, the skin becomes healthy, toned, and a beautiful blush appears. And for women prone to pigmentation, such masks are simply irreplaceable, especially in warm time years, when the skin becomes very vulnerable to bright sun rays.

Try making a mask with nicotinic acid to prolong your youth and avoid painful, expensive rejuvenation procedures.

Is nicotinic acid good for facial skin?

The effect of nicotinic acid on facial skin

The benefits of nicotinic acid for facial skin have been proven by many studies. Why exactly is niacin so good?

    The active ingredients penetrate the skin and activate collagen production, increase blood circulation, making the skin smoother and more elastic.

    Niacin affects melanin, which helps reduce skin pigmentation.

    Acid stabilizes work sebaceous glands, helps get rid of excess oily skin.

    Helps normalize the moisture level of the epidermis, has an antiseptic and drying effect, and stimulates cell regeneration.

    Smoothes wrinkles, eliminates rashes, blackheads, acne.

How to use nicotinic acid for the face correctly?

How to use niacin

Due to its beneficial properties, nicotinic acid is widely used in cosmetology, including as part of many facial skin care products. How to use nicotinic acid for the face with maximum benefit? At home, masks with nicotinic acid for the face will come to your aid, where niacin is mixed with other components, since its use in pure form not recommended.

    To smooth out wrinkles and give skin elasticity and softness, simply add fat cream for the face a few drops of acid.

    The combination of nicotinic acid and aloe juice helps against acne.

    If you mix a tablespoon of kefir and a teaspoon of niacin, you can get rid of age spots and improve skin color.

    An excellent remedy for irritation, dryness and cracks on the skin is a mixture of a tablespoon of oatmeal and banana pulp with 5-10 drops of acid.

    Ginger will relieve irritation and excessive oiliness of the skin - mix a spoonful of ginger juice and 1-2 ampoules of acid.

In addition to masks, you can also take nicotinic acid orally, after consulting with your doctor.

As you may have noticed, in the fight for beauty it is worth actively using nicotinic acid for facial skin. Reviews from women who have already tried this product confirm its high effectiveness. Do not forget that you must use the vitamin carefully, after making sure there are no contraindications.

Everyone knows how beneficial vitamins are for our skin. One of them, which has a rejuvenating, moisturizing and cleansing effect, is B3, or PP, or niacin. In cosmetology, nicotinic acid is used not only to mask external imperfections, but also to treat serious dermatological diseases.


The beneficial effects of nicotinic acid on facial skin have been scientifically proven. In this case, you can drink it in the form of tablets, take a course of injections, or simply regularly use cosmetics containing it (both branded and homemade). The effect will be approximately the same, since niacin, getting into different layers of the epidermis:

  • restores the protective functions of the skin;
  • removes excess water from tissues, thereby removing swelling on the face;
  • acts like a gentle chemical peeling;
  • heals minor damage in the form of microcracks;
  • protects against excess ultraviolet radiation;
  • relieves acne on the face, because it stops the spread of inflammatory reactions;
  • treats dermatological diseases;
  • has a lifting effect;
  • makes the skin elastic and firm;
  • smoothes shallow wrinkles;
  • has a stimulating effect on cells;
  • refreshes the complexion, restores its healthy glow;
  • prevents the development of cancer cells;
  • expands pores;
  • removes ;
  • moisturizes;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels, normalizing general blood circulation, due to which the epidermis is saturated with various nutrients, vitamins and oxygen in sufficient quantities;
  • is an indispensable participant in redox cellular processes, which are very important for skin rejuvenation;
  • eliminates dark spots, freckles.

So if you have any of the above problems, niacin is what you need to quickly eliminate them.

Precautionary measures

During the course of research, it was revealed, and subsequently confirmed by practice, that niacin causes blood vessels expand. This explains a number of contraindications for its use, as well as the presence of side effects.


  • allergy;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • hypersensitivity of the epidermis;
  • problems with the circulatory system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • rosacea;
  • lactation;
  • open damage;
  • liver diseases;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcerative skin lesions.

Most contraindications relate to injections and oral use of tablets.

Side effects:

  • hyperemia of the treated area;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • burning;
  • fainting;
  • numbness of fingers on both limbs;
  • temperature increase;
  • tingling;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • nausea.

Long-term use of this substance can provoke the development of asthenia and liver lipodystrophy.

If nicotinic acid gets on your face in its pure form and a strong burning sensation begins, you will need knowledge of chemistry: acids are neutralized with alkali. Therefore, the very first aid in such a situation is to wash with soap (preferably laundry soap). After this everything should go away.

Rating of branded cosmetics

No need to rush out and buy it right away medical supplies niacin to get rid of acne or freckles. First, you should try branded cosmetics that contain it. They are safe to use, contain it in small concentrations, and are softened with additional ingredients.

Cosmetics containing nicotinic acid

A special rating will guide you through the assortment:

  1. Hoch Akti Milky is a highly active milk-cream from Hinoki Clinical (Japan). $82.
  2. Corrective Eye Cream - corrective cream from an Israeli concern Holy Land. $40,5.
  3. Revigorating Face Mask is a regenerating and stimulating mask from Janssen Cosmetics (Germany). $39.6.
  4. Moisturizer Aloe vera - moisturizing cream from Gigi (Israel). $35.5.
  5. Aqua fresh - deep hydration from Steblanc (South Korea). $34.2.
  6. Ginseng And Carrot Cream is a rejuvenating cream from the Israeli concern Holy Land. $24.2.
  7. Scrub with acids from Isvara Organics (USA). $20.4.
  8. Ampul mask pack whitening - whitening mask from Blumei (South Korea). $3.9.
  9. Apple lifting cream from Repharm (Russia). $3.6.
  10. Paprika Essence Mask - fabric cotton mask from Junico (South Korea). $1.4.

According to statistics, niacin is present in 50% of all cosmetic products - only in different concentrations. In the above preparations its content is quite high.

Methods of application

Home and salon use of nicotinic acid as cosmetic product suggests its use in different forms. First of all, it is a pharmaceutical drug, which is sold in tablet form and as an injection solution. They are most often used to prepare all kinds of masks and carry out rejuvenating procedures.


  1. For intramuscular injections.
  2. Typically, nicotinic acid in ampoules is prescribed for severe dermatological diseases, before plastic surgery on the face, so that after the procedure the rehabilitation period is reduced and the recovery processes proceed as quickly as possible.
  3. Can be used as active ingredient for preparing homemade external masks.
  4. They work well in face cream if you add a drop of vitamin B3 to it before application. The same can be done with gels, scrubs, serums, lotions to increase their effectiveness.

In tablets

Scheme for taking tablets orally to improve the condition of facial skin:

  1. Start taking it 10 days before menstruation: daily dosage - 50 mg.
  2. On the first day they started to stop taking the drug.
  3. According to this scheme, you need to drink nicotine twice more (the course is 3 menstrual cycles).
  4. Next, an interval of 2 months is made, and the scheme is repeated again.
  5. The result is smoothing of wrinkles, elimination of age spots, improvement of complexion.

You can also crush the tablets and use the resulting powder to make homemade face masks.


Nicotinic acid injections are actively used in cosmetology - for example, they can be used for... In this case, it is rarely used in its pure form, so as not to provoke allergic reactions. Most often, its solutions of varying concentrations with additional ingredients are injected under the skin. Conduct this procedure Recommended exclusively in the salon. Indications may include excessive pigmentation, unhealthy skin color, extensive acne, the first signs of aging, unsuccessful results of plastic surgery.

Beauty injections with vitamin B3

Injections accelerate the processes of cellular renewal and blood flow, promote rapid rejuvenation. But you should always remember that with subcutaneous administration of niacin, the risk of side effects increases several times.

Some especially brave young ladies practice this method of using niacin at home. However, the result of such an experiment is often numerous side effects, and not at all miraculous rejuvenation. And first of all, you need to prepare for the fact that after an injection of nicotinic acid your face turns red - and almost always. But in some cases it looks like mild hyperemia, which quickly passes, and in others - like extensive sunburn. In this case, the following may be observed:

  • burning;
  • temperature increase.

To avoid such trouble, you must:

  • reduce the dosage of the injected drug;
  • inject only after eating;
  • an hour before injections, eat an apple: the pectin contained in them slows down the absorption of vitamin B3 in tissues;
  • half an hour before mesotherapy, take an aspirin tablet, any antihistamine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • If your face burns too much for more than a day, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Doctors and cosmetologists strongly warn: some methods of combating inherently harmless redness are very dangerous and have a lot of side effects (taking aspirin and other medications). Therefore, it is much more logical not to carry out mesotherapy at home, but to use a salon service.

Achieve excellent cosmetic results using nicotine for the face is possible only if certain conditions are met. You need to eat right, breathe more fresh air and it is advisable to lead healthy image life.


Homemade face masks containing niacin-rich products stimulate blood flow to the skin, improving its condition. So, if you are afraid that there are too many chemicals in cosmetics with vitamin B3, prepare masks from the following ingredients:

  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • ginger;
  • potatoes;
  • coriander;
  • turmeric;
  • kale;
  • raspberries;
  • mango;
  • carrots;
  • nutmeg, pine nuts;
  • beets;
  • celery;
  • asparagus;
  • hops;
  • black tea;
  • sage;
  • rosehip.

Any of the described methods of using nicotinic acid will get rid of most skin problems.

Rules of application

Nicotinic acid - enough dangerous drug, which in its pure form must be used correctly, otherwise it can cause deterioration skin faces.

Pharmacy preparations of nicotinic acid

General points

  1. Daily dose for oral use: no more than 4 tablets; for injections - 2 ampoules.
  2. After opening the ampoule, it must be used as quickly as possible, otherwise everything will beneficial features vitamins will disappear.
  3. The dosage of vitamin B3 and the duration of its use must be agreed upon with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
  4. On average, to eliminate the risk of side effects, the course is 2 weeks, but can be adjusted due to individual characteristics patient.
  5. The effect of niacin can be enhanced if taken orally in another group at the same time.


  1. Before applying the mask, your face must be thoroughly cleaned of any contaminants: wash your face - be sure to, steam it over steam bath and use - preferably (to improve the result).
  2. Nicotinic acid often provokes allergic reactions, so when using the same masks externally, you must first conduct a test: apply a small amount of the prepared mixture with vitamin B3 on your wrist. If within 12 hours the skin does not itch or develop a rash, you can safely use the product for its intended purpose.


  1. You can apply masks with a special brush, cotton pads soaked in the composition or with fingertips, patting movements, along massage lines.
  2. When applying, avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
  3. The duration of action is specified in each recipe separately, as it depends on the ingredients.
  4. To remove residues, you can arrange contrast wash to improve the effectiveness of funds.

If the use of nicotinic acid from the very first day is accompanied by uncharacteristic or long-term side effects, you should stop the procedure and seek advice from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.


It is easy to prepare masks with nicotinic acid at home. Their use is much safer than taking vitamin B3 orally or injecting it.

  • Moisturizing

Mix 10 ml olive extra oils virgin and honey. Heat slightly in a water bath. Remove from heat, pour in 1 ampoule of niacin. The injection solution can be replaced with 2 tablets, which must first be crushed into powder. Action time - 40 minutes.

  • For acne

Recipe No. 1. Mix 15 grams of dry calendula and birch buds, brew in 100 ml of boiling water. Keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Heat 10 g for steam bath until liquid. Mix 50 ml of herbal decoction, oil and niacin ampoule. The mask turns out to be very liquid, so you need to moisten a napkin with the prepared composition and place it on the problem area. As it dries, constantly moisten it for half an hour.

Recipe No. 2. Mix 15 ml of aloe juice, the contents of 2 niacin ampoules. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 3. Mix 15 ml of ginger juice with 2 ampoules of niacin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Recipe . Mix 10 grams of sage, St. John's wort, stinging nettle, and chamomile. Brew 100 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain, pour in 2 ampoules of niacin. Wipe problem areas twice a day. Shelf life - a week (in the refrigerator).

  • From blackheads

Mix 25 ml of low-fat cream, 10 ml of concentrated lemon juice, 20 ml of fresh raspberry pulp, and a vitamin ampoule. Apply for 15 minutes.

  • Cleansing

Mix 15 ml of concentrated lemon juice with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Add 1 ampoule of vitamin. Stirring constantly, add 15 grams of white (can be green) cosmetic clay. Beat to the consistency of sour cream. Remove only after completely dry masks (after about half an hour).

  • Anti-aging masks

Recipe No. 1. Mix peas baby cream with 3 drops of niacin. No need to rinse off.

Recipe No. 2. Mix 15 grams of oatmeal in milk (without salt, sugar and butter) and banana pulp. Add 1 ampoule of niacin. Keep for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 3. Mix 10 ml mineral water, ampoule retinol acetate, vitamin E, glycerin. Warm slightly. Add an ampoule of niacin. Blot with this composition paper napkin, put it on your face.

Recipe No. 4. Mix 10 ml honey, 1 chicken protein, 1 ampoule of niacin, 30 grams of banana pulp. Keep for 15 minutes.

  • Whitening

Mix 15 ml of kefir, 1 ampoule of niacin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

  • Pull-up

Mix 20 ml and nicotinic acid. Dilute with 15 ml of chilled boiling water. Wash off after 15 minutes.

  • For pigment spots

Mix 15 ml of honey melted in a water bath, 50 ml of concentrated lemon juice, 5 drops of niacin. Apply directly to age spots twice daily for half an hour for 1 week.

So nicotinic acid is a very useful substance for facial skin, which, however, you need to know how to manage. At correct use it will serve you excellently: your skin will look more youthful and vibrant. The main thing is to complete the course and be extremely careful with dosages.

To maintain a youthful appearance, women are ready to undergo a bunch of procedures. Sometimes they turn out to be very unsafe. In some cases, plastic surgery backfires unpleasant consequences, which are not so easy to fix. Let's try to find a simple, inexpensive, but accessible remedy, which will help you stay beautiful against the background of your aging peers. Nicotinic acid for the face breaks records for cheapness and effectiveness.

What is it and where is it found?

Nicotinic acid or niacin is a natural component that supports important processes in the body. It activates, tones, reduces inflammation. In nature, it is found in a number of products that are often on everyone’s table.

How does the substance act on the skin?

Nicotinic acid solves several problems at once, which very often expensive creams cannot do. If you have at least one of the troubles that spoils your appearance, it makes sense to purchase this magic remedy in ampoules or tablets. You can take it orally, but this must be done with the permission of a doctor. Because vitamins have contraindications, which means that the substance cannot be used thoughtlessly. Let’s figure out what problems on the face “nicotine” solves.

Contraindications for use

Niacin works quickly and results are visible to the naked eye almost immediately. Just don’t forget that there are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t indulge in all the sins of amateur performances. Nicotinic acid is not as harmless as it seems. Therefore, before local procedures and oral administration, consult a doctor who will tell you how best to use it in your case.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Which reduce the number of wrinkles, acne, are easy to prepare and use. If you want to nourish your skin, prepare a simple mixture, the components for which are found in every home.

  • Mix a spoonful of cream and a couple of nicotine ampoules;
  • Take cotton pad, dip into the mixture and apply to face;
  • After 20 minutes, wash off.

After this procedure, the skin looks healthy, fine wrinkles become invisible. It's worth a try, and you can try again in a week.

Acne mask

It’s easy to do, just like the previous one. Try it, the amount of acne will noticeably decrease and your skin will clear up.

  1. Squeeze aloe juice into a spoon and add nicotinic acid from two ampoules to it. Mix, now you can use;
  2. Take a cotton pad and apply the mask on your face. Wait about fifteen minutes and go wash your face.

Nicotinic acid is a useful and affordable product. You will find it in any pharmacy. In order not to cause harm to the body, do not forget to consult a doctor before the procedures. Because in addition to the positive influence there is also negative impact on organs during exacerbation of diseases.

Video about the effect of niacin on facial skin

In this video you will learn several mask recipes:

Find out the specifics of using nicotinic acid in cosmetology and what benefits it brings.

The content of the article:

Vitamin nicotinic acid (B3 or PP) is directly involved in large quantities processes of oxidation and metabolism of the body during cell formation. This substance is widely used today not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, as it helps accelerate hair growth and becomes indispensable in comprehensive weight loss.

Nicotinic acid is a crystalline substance, which is a white powder that has no odor and has a light and slightly sour taste. The acid dissolves quickly in water, but only hot, and also in ethanol.

Vitamin PP is found in small quantities in pineapples, rye bread, beets, buckwheat, milk, fish, legumes, meat, mushrooms, nuts, green vegetables, kidneys, eggs, liver.

Contraindications and side effects of nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is one of the medicines, therefore it has certain contraindications. This remedy is strictly prohibited in the presence of diseases such as:
  • gout;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcers;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • liver diseases;
  • hemorrhage;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypertension;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • hypertension.

Even in for cosmetic purposes It is prohibited to use nicotinic acid during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. This substance has the ability to several times enhance the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver.

Despite the mass positive qualities, nicotinic acid can cause various side effects, including:
  • the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract increases;
  • anorexia develops;
  • appetite drops sharply;
  • arrhythmia appears;
  • disturbed by a feeling of weakness throughout the body, which does not go away even after proper rest;
  • asthenia appears;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • hyperglycemia develops;
  • redness of the skin appears;
  • liver dystrophy develops;
  • hypotension appears;
  • severe dizziness;
  • numbness or paresthesia develops;
  • severe itching of the skin begins;
  • diarrhea and vomiting (dyspepsia);
  • myalgia occurs;
  • a nettle rash develops;
  • collapse occurs;
  • heat appears throughout the body.

Nicotinic acid in the fight against excess weight

Not only during complex treatment, but also to prevent the development of obesity, it is necessary to take one gram of nicotinic acid per day. But this substance does not have the ability to break down subcutaneous fat deposits.

The main feature of nicotinic acid is that it normalizes almost all metabolic processes occurring in the human body, it has a stimulating effect on the production and increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice, and there is a decrease in levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

Nicotinic acid helps to almost completely cleanse human body from harmful toxic substances, as well as toxins. At the same time, the blood circulation process is normalized, blood vessels are cleansed, tissues, cells and blood are saturated with a mass of useful microelements.

If nicotinic acid is used in the fight against overweight, you should first consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of contraindications. Achieve desired result is possible only with an integrated approach. But most important it is precisely the adjustment of one’s own diet, because if you continue to eat harmful semi-finished products, you will lose excess weight will not work.

Nicotinic acid for hair care

Vitamin B3 or PP has the ability to dilate blood vessels. That is why in Lately nicotinic acid is often used in cosmetology as an effective hair growth stimulator.

A large number of positive feedback from girls who have already experienced the effects of nicotinic acid, leaves no doubt about the effectiveness of this substance. It is also recommended to use this drug in the form prophylactic for the treatment of dandruff, including hair loss and stimulation of hair follicles during balding.

After the nicotinic acid solution is applied directly to the scalp, it quickly dissolves and is absorbed. As a result, there is an increase in blood flow to hair follicles, nutrition of skin cells improves.

Thanks to the regular use of this product, it becomes possible to saturate the epidermal cells and hair roots not only with nutrients, but also with oxygen. When applying nicotinic acid to the scalp, it may appear light feeling burning and redness. But don’t be scared, as this is a completely natural reaction.

To improve the condition of your hair, you should not exceed the daily dosage of the substance - 1 ml per day. If more quantities are used, there is a risk of developing severe allergic reaction and other unpleasant consequences.

The full treatment course for hair lasts exactly 30 days. If necessary, repeated therapy can be carried out, but after a short break - 2-3 weeks.

After a full and intensive course of hair restoration with the help of nicotinic acid, it significantly improves. appearance, the strands become stronger at the roots, their growth accelerates (approximately 5–10 cm grows in a month).

In order not only to enhance hair growth, but also to restore its natural volume, you need to prepare exactly 30 ampoules of nicotinic acid. If any appears by-effect(for example, severe headaches, persistent itching of the scalp, dizziness, redness, etc.), you need to reduce the intensity of the recovery course.

For the care of dry and sensitive skin head, it is recommended to choose a course consisting of 10 procedures. Nicotinic acid should be used every other day, after completion of therapy it is done week break and you can repeat the course.

Among the advantages of nicotinic acid for hair care is the fact that this product does not have a pronounced unpleasant smell, and there is no need to wash it off after application.

Nicotinic acid can be applied independently to the hair in its pure form and carry out all cosmetic procedures at home or add to rinses and medicated masks.

Home remedies will help to carry out an intensive restorative course for weakened and damaged hair, as well as to prevent baldness.

Recipes for masks with the addition of nicotinic acid

To speed up hair growth, it is useful to add 1 ml of the substance to masks, balms and shampoos. All products must be prepared immediately before use. Such masks cannot be stored.

If pure nicotinic acid provokes an allergy, it should not be used in this way. Ideal option will add this substance to various masks.

Egg-nicotine mask

  • honey - 3 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E - 1 tsp;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  1. All components are thoroughly mixed in a glass container until the composition reaches a uniform consistency.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp for several minutes, performing a light massage.
  3. To enhance the effect of the mask, wrap your hair with polyethylene and a warm towel (you can wear a hat).
  4. After 60 minutes, you need to wash your hair well. mild shampoo and warm water.

Mask with nicotinic acid and yeast

To prepare this mask you will need to take:

  • ylang-ylang oil - 20 k.;
  • verbena oil - 20 k.;
  • fresh yeast - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • colorless henna - 1 sachet;
  • nicotinic acid solution - 1 ml.
Preparation and use:
  1. Taken colorless henna and pour boiling water over it, then leave the mixture for a while until it cools down to room temperature.
  2. Yeast is diluted with water and added to the cooled henna, leaving the mixture for a few minutes.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. The mixture is applied to the hair and distributed evenly along the entire length, including the roots.
  5. The head is wrapped with cling film and a towel to create a thermal effect.
  6. After 45 minutes the mask is washed off big amount warm water and baby shampoo.

Vitamin-nicotine mask

To prepare this mask you will need to take:

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • linseed oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Eleutherococcus - 3 tsp;
  • vitamin E - 1 tsp;
  • vitamin A - 1 tsp;
  • nicotinic acid solution - 1 ml.
Preparation and use:
  1. All components are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the hair roots with soft massage movements.
  2. The mask is left on for 60 minutes, while the hair is pre-wrapped with a layer of cling film and a towel.
  3. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature and baby shampoo.

Mask with nicotinic acid and aloe

To prepare this mask you will need to take:

  • aloe extract or juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • nicotinic acid solution - 1 ml.
Preparation and use:
  1. All components are mixed until a composition of homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  2. The finished mass is applied to the scalp and evenly distributed over its surface with soft rubbing movements.
  3. A light massage is performed for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Then the hair is wrapped with cling film and a towel.
  5. After 30–40 minutes, the mask is washed off with plenty of warm water, but without using shampoo.

Mask with nicotinic acid and ginger

To prepare this mask you will need to take:

  • ginger decoction or juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • nicotinic acid solution - 1 ml.
Preparation and use:
  1. All components are mixed, and the composition is applied to clean and damp hair roots, evenly distributed over the surface of the scalp.
  2. A light massage is performed for 3–4 minutes.
  3. The hair is wrapped with cling film and a towel.
  4. After 30–35 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water, but without using shampoo.
The use of nicotinic acid in cosmetology helps to achieve amazing results. But in order for this remedy to bring only benefit and not harm, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the daily norm.

You will learn about the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth in this video: