How to make a family coat of arms on the computer. DIY family coat of arms

Gift ideas

Children in school and kindergarten are often asked interesting tasks, which can only be solved with the help of parents.

One of these exciting activities is drawing up a family coat of arms, which symbolizes the unity of the ancestry and family tree.

Modern families rarely have their own coats of arms; this sign was widely used in the old days.

Today parents have to for a long time sit on the task at hand to prevent this from happening - try drawing your family coat of arms using ready-made options.

The meaning of the family coat of arms

The production of heraldic signs for famous dynasties was a complex and thoughtful process. For this purpose, the highest authoritative members of the family gathered and discussed the symbolism and designs of the sign.

To create with your own hands family coat of arms For kindergarten, no need to convene the whole family.

It is enough to come up with an idea together with your child and plan the main characteristics, deciding on their meanings.

Below is the general meaning of the coat of arms for the family:

  1. Coat of arms- a symbol passed down from father to son in order to maintain family values.
  2. Standard a family sign contains a motto, a colored flag, images of animals or flowers.

    To clearly understand what a coat of arms should look like, just remember historical films.

  3. Performance a heraldic sign in class is a special activity.
  4. In family It is worthwhile to discuss each symbol in advance. It’s good if the father, mother and other family members take part in the creation, if everyone lives in the same house.

Beautiful heraldic signs are obtained with the proper selection of colors and designs. The slogan for the coat of arms is invented in poetic or prosaic form, it must contain an instructive quote.

Symbolism of flowers and figures

When choosing family heraldry, first pay attention to the shape of the sign - it can be correlated with different nations or geometric shapes. The shield can be divided into several parts, separated by colors.

Note! When dividing the coat of arms, one part of it is dedicated to the paternal line, the other to the maternal line.

On the sides there are drawings, symbols and their meaning is necessarily discussed.

Among the figures, variants of symbolism of animals, birds, professions, and plants are used.

Let's take a closer look at what the most common figures mean:



Color Meaning Symbol Meaning
Gold Generosity Sun Wisdom and warmth, readiness to respond to a military strike at any moment
White Calm Bees Tireless desire to work
Black Constant sadness Some animals Lion - courage, bear - strength, unicorn - invincibility, dragon - power
Blue Loyalty to bloodline Crane Vigilance
Green Joy Peacock Self-love
Red Attitude to military affairs Lilies Success
Violet Majesty - often used in royal coats of arms Laurel branches Victory
Yellow Nobility, independence Axe Consciousness

How to make a motto

Often the family motto is located at the bottom of the coat of arms on a special ribbon. When making a sign, you should carefully consider the slogan.

If you are making an applique, you can write it on a narrow strip and glue it to the bottom of the craft.

Let's look at a few rules on how to create your own original expression:

  1. Inscriptions for the coat of arms, short statements characterizing the principles and life views of the family can serve. For example: “Skill and labor will grind everything down!”
  2. Slogan can characterize professional quality family members that are passed on from generation to generation.

    For example: “We know for sure: the unknown is known!” — suitable for a family of mathematicians.

  3. Samples for school may contain poetic options, for example: “Family is a plexus of goodness, love, forgiveness!”
  4. For sports family The following slogan would be suitable: “We only need victory, we will fly to the end of the world!” - if the family consists of athletes.
  5. Large family The following slogan suits the family: “The more children, the more happiness!”

The development of the inscription should take place in joint creativity - first, pencil sketches are made on the product, after which the workpiece is outlined with paints or pasted over with paper.

Important! To create a slogan, select the main characteristic of the family and take it as a basis.

In unison with the work with parents, children become interested; the child will be happy to create family heraldry, which he will present with dignity at school.

Templates for DIY

If your imagination doesn’t work well, there are absolutely no ideas for creating a coat of arms design - it is recommended to use ready-made options.

Templates of coats of arms, presented in the public domain, only allow you to color the product at your discretion, add an inscription and describe the symbolism.

In some cases, you can order the creation of a coat of arms - experienced professionals will open materials on the family pedigree and make a sign in accordance with the rules.

Let's consider several ready-made options:

  1. Coat of arms, divided into 4 fields. Each field depicts a figure symbolizing certain actions and qualities of the family.

    Parents just need to print out the template and ask their child to color it.

  2. Layout with a frame depicting the profession. Such blanks are suitable for families where special attention is paid to the profession.

    The picture shows cars, microscopes, plants - all this means that the family belongs to a certain industry.

  3. Ornaments and patterns. In some families, symbolic signs characterizing the history of the family are passed down through generations. Using them, you can frame the coat of arms.

For work you can use cardboard, colored paper, ribbons, as well as alabaster, wood, wire, pencils, paints. A family sign created together with parents will be a source of pride for the child.

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We draw a coat of arms and a flag for the family: choose colors, shapes, mottos. Step-by-step instruction.

The coat of arms is an identifier of clan, family and personality. In the Middle Ages, not a single worthy family could do without a coat of arms. Subsequently, they tried to destroy the presence of coats of arms, statuses and much more and make everyone equal and not stand out. But if you are reading this article, it means that the “gray mass” is not interesting to you, and you, inspired by the experience of our ancestors, or historical series, decided to create your own coat of arms.

Having drawn your family's coat of arms, you can place it on family T-shirts and sweatshirts, holiday cards, on your pages on social networks, as well as on the doors of your home, and even your garage. And let your friends envy you, because your family is special!

Like creation family tree, the process of creating a coat of arms is interesting and multifaceted. You will need to show your imagination and combine the incompatible in one place! After all, the family is so multifaceted and still whole and dear!

So let's get started. Let's choose what we will depict: Family Coat of Arms or Personal Coat of Arms. In both cases, we must graphically express the desires, views and foundations of the owners of the coat of arms, as well as their place in society and life values.

Heraldry is the science of drawing up coats of arms and can be studied for years, but we have highlighted the main points of this science for a superficial study this issue, as well as the elementary concepts of drawing up a coat of arms.

Don’t try to draw the coat of arms right away, first take a rough draft and make a diagram, then cut out all the parts and try to rearrange them in order to achieve maximum effect.

We choose the shape of the coat of arms: national or geometric.

Choose the color of the coat of arms. The color will reflect the quality of the soul, a natural phenomenon, the direction that a family or individual follows, and much more. We give only a brief meaning of the main colors; if you wish, you can find and get acquainted with full list colors and shades and their meanings in heraldry.

Please note that the coat of arms can be monochromatic or contain up to six colors! It all depends on your imagination, as well as what you want to express in your coat of arms.

We select the figures that will be located on the coat of arms. There are only eight main heraldic figures and each of them can be located exclusively in the right place, and are necessarily proportional to the coat of arms.

There are many secondary heraldic figures. They can be located in different places, and also be in different proportions.

Non-heraldic figures in the form of people, animals, insects and birds carry a certain symbolism and from them one can determine the general character and direction of a family or individual. Artificial (tools, weapons, things) and mythical (unicorns, dragons) influence no less, and sometimes more, than the previous symbols.

Symbolism of some figures:

  • Falcon - courage, sharp mind, learning, etc.;
  • Leo - generosity, authority, wisdom, courage;
  • Brown bear - wisdom and strength;
  • Snake - wisdom, intuition, precaution;
  • Eagle - independence, strength and power;
  • Dog - devotion to one’s family and clan, loyalty to one’s word;
  • Dove - purity, innocence, spirituality;
  • The Rooster is a fighter;
  • Bee - hard work, ability to accumulate;
  • Dragon - power;
  • An open book - knowledge;
  • Torch - secret knowledge;
  • Oak, Oak Leaf- strength and durability;
  • Palm and laurel branches represent victory and glory, respectively.

We choose a motto. This lie of several words can be either unique or a quote from great sages. This short slogan contains the entire credo of an individual, family or organization. As an example, here are several famous mottos, some of them shorter or longer due to translation from other languages.

Now that we have sorted out all the parts of the coat of arms and you, most likely, have already sketched out a drawing of the future coat of arms several times, we suggest that you practice and draw your coat of arms, and we will tell you how to do it step by step.

We took the shape of a shield as a sample, but you draw the one you decided on. We recommend drawing weak, barely visible lines with a firmly soft pencil, so that after finishing the work you can erase the excess and apply paint beautifully.

We decided that our motto will be located at the bottom of the coat of arms, and not under the symbol, so we draw a ribbon along the coat of arms. If the coat of arms implies several figures, then it is still better to place the motto under the coat of arms. We pursue minimalism.

After this, we draw guides for the font along the inside of the tape. If you have calligraphy experience, everything is easier. If not, draw both horizontal and vertical guides for each letter.

We will enter the surname “Mayeda”, which, according to the bearer, speaks for itself! And you must agree, this is a reason to be proud! It consists of 6 letters, and dividing it is not difficult. The motto must be divided in advance and the words marked on the tape so that the middle of the phrase coincides with the middle of the vertical line of the coat of arms.

Regarding fonts, you can invent your own, unique, but we chose classic style"Roman", which is often used for logos in retro style Worldwide. Study fonts, maybe don't reinvent something someone else has already done. And this is another evening, and maybe more than one, when you will once again delve into this incredibly interesting science.

Our founders of the new family coat of arms are amazing parents who have achieved a lot in life and founded a new family name, place, business. Therefore, their names are located in the center - the names of those who laid the foundation for future generations.

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing in our opinion - the secondary heraldic signs that symbolize the family. We have this:

  • Spring in Paris is what the spouse loves, and this is the secret of how this family met.
  • New Mexico is where the family lives.
  • Engineering is the basis of family income.
  • Wood products - creative potential spouse.
  • Books are the wife’s additional business.
  • Aikido is the family's sporting and spiritual direction.

Now let's move on to the details: aikido - drawing swords, Paris - the Eiffel Tower, sakura - commitment to Japan.

We continue: engineering - gears, New Mexico - scarlet, woodworking - handles, and we decided to draw lines from the & symbol, as on the flag of the country whose subjects the spouses are.

We supplement it with branches for beauty and as a sign of peace and satisfaction in our life.

We drew a lot, and there is no desire to erase, we just transfer to new leaf. How you do it is up to you.

Now let's decide what we will decorate with: ink, pencils, markers or paints? You can make multiple copies and decorate them differently by choosing the best option. We decided to combine watercolor and ink.

We draw most of the details and let it dry.

We connect the work of the pen.

We finish drawing, correct all the elements and admire the work. The family coat of arms is ready!

Do you like it? Yes to our heroes!

How to draw a family flag?

After such a masterpiece as a coat of arms, it’s time to think about the flag! For the base, we take the main colors of the family; it can be one main one or several. If the spirit of patriotism lives in you, you can connect partial elements of the national flag.

On the flag we depict either by choice or in a combination: the coat of arms, the first letter of the surname, an element of family pride.

We print on fabric and do not forget to raise it in holidays or when the family gathers at the same table.

Despite the fact that heraldry is a serious science, you can instill a love for it, as well as for your family, from childhood! Below we provide numerous examples of templates and ideas for drawing coats of arms and flags with children.

We also provide step by step wizard a class of elementary coat of arms containing a letter and framed by roses - a symbol of silence, love and mystery.

Video: Development of the coat of arms

Video: A little about symbols, coats of arms and signs

In the Middle Ages, one of the main symbols of an ancient and rich family was family coats of arms. They decorated shields, flags and palaces famous people. Today, the fashion for this attribute is returning. Each family should have its own symbol that reflects its history.

Family coat of arms

Family coat of arms along with pedigree and family tree is an integral part of the concept of “genealogy”. If your last name is not very common and ends in -sky, -vich, -tsky, then there is a high probability that your ancestors had such a symbol.

In countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova and Belarus, data on several thousand coats of arms has been preserved. But if you can’t find yours, you can create it from scratch, because this will add prestige to your family. There are also personal coats of arms. They describe one specific person. The family coat of arms, through artistic means, reflects the basis of the family, its beliefs, views on life and the world. By looking at it, you can better understand your ancestors and determine your place among them. If a person decides to come up with a coat of arms, then he must understand that this is a very difficult matter. Heraldry deals with the study of such symbols.

To create a real family coat of arms, you need to involve the whole family. The best method there will be a brainstorming session for this. That is, having gathered together, relatives discuss and offer their ideas for this symbol and choose the best option. To do this, you need to remember the history of the family, the places that are most associated with it, the values ​​passed down from generation to generation, and the hobby that most of those present support. All of this can be compiled into a list of words that best suit your family. For example, these could be strictness, hospitality, activity and fun. Each of these concepts can be shown by family coats of arms. But remember that this is not just a symbol, but the face of the entire family. Therefore, you should think about every detail.

Beginning of work

Getting to it creative process, you need to know the components that make up this symbol. This is a shield, mantle and motto, but in addition to the main parts, a helmet and crest are often added. The base of the entire design will be the shield. Family coats of arms use it as an image of protection from enemies. When creating them, they take the shape of real shields and turn them into a schematic image, the basis for all further drawings. Therefore, first you need to choose what it will look like. There are such forms of shields:

1. National:

Old French (the top looks like a square, the bottom like a rounded diamond);

New French (an inverted rectangle with a curly brace instead of a bottom line);

Spanish (top - square, bottom - circle);

English (similar to New French, but the top line extends beyond the figure and is connected to it by arcs);





2. Geometric:





After looking at each of them, the family will choose one thing or come up with something of their own, different from the others.

Color design

Family coats of arms have a variety of colors. Each of the selected shades carries some hidden meaning. Heraldry distinguishes three main categories that reveal the meaning of a particular color. First - natural phenomena, second - qualities that characterize the soul and character of a person, third - philosophical concepts. Each color has certain characteristics:

  1. Gold symbolizes the sun, generosity and generosity, justice.
  2. Silver is a prototype of water, moon and snow. It is characterized by innocence and purity.
  3. Red is fire, love, courage, bravery and bravery.
  4. Azure is reminiscent of the sky, faith, truthfulness and justice.
  5. Green is associated with plants, hope, joy and youth.
  6. Black speaks of closeness to the earth, humility, modesty and education.
  7. Purple combines nobility, wisdom and dignity.

The combination of these colors can be varied. It happens when one color predominates, but most often several of them are harmoniously intertwined. It is important to understand that excessive sloppiness can only ruin everything. It is better to divide the coat of arms into several zones, for example, horizontally or diagonally, and give the selected shades their place. It is very difficult to create a family coat of arms with your own hands, but if you stick to simple rules, then everything will work out.

Heraldic figures

All figures that can be placed on a shield are traditionally divided into non-heraldic and heraldic. Each of them can be main or secondary. Talking about how to create family coat of arms, it is important to consider what these figures are. Heraldic ones include:

  • chapter (located at the top of the shield);
  • extremity (occupies the bottom of the shield);
  • pillar (located right in the middle of the shield in a vertical position);
  • belt (also in the middle, but already horizontal);
  • a sling (this is a diagonal wide strip that can run either from right to left or from left to right);
  • rafter;
  • border;
  • cross.

These are the main figures of heraldry, the secondary ones are the square, oval, rhombus, etc. All other figures are non-heraldic.

Non-heraldic figures

Family coats of arms certainly consist of images of people, plants, animals, various objects and natural phenomena that are significant for the family. They also have their own classification. They are divided into mythical (unicorn, dragon, griffin) and natural (sun, stars, animals, plants, etc.). Each image symbolizes something, just like the color. The most common are:

  • eagle - power, strength and independence;
  • dog - devotion and fidelity;
  • dove - purity and peace;
  • bee - enormous endurance and love of work;
  • dragon - strength and courage;
  • palm or laurel branch - victory, leadership and freedom;
  • books or torch - a symbol of knowledge and wisdom;
  • Leo - royalty, generosity, courage and strength;
  • bear - strength and wisdom;
  • snake - caution, foresight and sharp mind;
  • falcon - freedom, intelligence, beauty and courage;
  • rooster - warlike mood;
  • oak - endurance, durability and strength;
  • The olive branch is a famous symbol of peace.

If you skillfully combine some of these images, colors and figures, you will get a very high quality family coat of arms. Photo examples are presented in the article. They distinguish childbirth and families from others.

Correct phrase

In addition to all of the above, there is also a small, but very important condition good coat of arms. This is the motto. Most often it is written on a ribbon under the shield. If the shield is shaped like a circle, then this saying will most likely be written along its borders. In the days of the knights, the motto was a battle cry. Now, a small phrase or sentence that expresses important events for the family is best suited for this role. In addition, the text itself can be encrypted, which will add more mystery. The motto is the calling card of the family, just like the surname, because it conveys the main rule or credo of the entire family. Ideas for creating this saying can be gleaned from proverbs, sayings or quotes from great people.

Creation of a coat of arms

Very often at school a child is given the task of drawing a family coat of arms. Therefore, you and your child need to think through all the details of this symbol. But don’t try to do everything yourself, give the initiative to the young creator. Such collaboration will be useful for each of the parties: the adult will more seriously analyze the history and values ​​of the family, and the child will understand the importance of such concepts as family and ancestors. Thus, with your joint efforts you will create a beautiful family coat of arms, a photo of which you will not be ashamed to show to your friends.

Another great reason to create this symbol is the combination of two hearts. It will be a wonderful decoration banquet hall, and in the future it will perfectly fit into the interior of your home. You can make a family coat of arms for a wedding yourself or simply order it.

Thus, one of the most important symbols of the family is the coat of arms. If it did not come to you from your ancestors, you can create it yourself. This is a labor-intensive process. All the tips presented above will tell you how to draw a family coat of arms so that it reflects all aspects of the family.

The family coat of arms is an image that is a symbol and at the same time an expression of views, showing the attitude of relatives to life. Children at school are often given the task of drawing such a picture, since it develops logical thinking, creativity and artistic skills.

There is a special science that studies coats of arms - heraldry. Drawings of the coat of arms can also be used to decorate the house, for example, hung at the entrance to the apartment. Joint development of the concept of such an emblem is exciting activity, which will allow parents and children to spend time together and usefully.

The family coat of arms is not just a beautiful drawing. First of all, this is an image of everything that loved ones strive for, what rules and principles they live by, what they value in life. A coat of arms made in accordance with all the rules of heraldry is a set special characters, which reveals the essence of a group of people, in in this case families.

He is able to unite people and set them apart from the rest. Many, after a successful attempt to draw such an emblem, begin to better understand their family and their place in the lives of loved ones.

It is advisable that the family coat of arms for the school, like any other, be drawn up taking into account the rules of heraldry. There are special templates that help express information that symbolizes everything that is so important to loved ones. The design is always based on the so-called shield. He may have different shapes, for example, a circle, oval, rhombus, rectangle or complex figure with several angles. As a rule, the left and right side shields are symmetrical with each other. Initially, the shield on the emblem was appearance looked very much like a real knight's shield.

The second component of the family coat of arms is the motto. You can come up with what words will reflect the worldview of the family, and then depict them on the emblem. Usually the motto is placed below the shield. A correctly executed coat of arms should contain elements such as a crest and helmet. Anything that demonstrates the strength and steadfastness of spirit can be drawn on them. If the family prioritizes gaining knowledge, you can draw a book or an owl peeking out from behind a shield. If sport is a priority, physical development, we advise you to draw medals, a barbell and other sports attributes. It is worth noting that the use of these symbols is not a rule of heraldry.

Color scheme and symbolism

No matter what templates you use to draw, the choice color range You will need to make the emblems yourself. White color symbolizes purity and the desire for peace. Yellow is the color of the sun. It symbolizes prosperity, generosity, generosity. Red denotes courage, feeling self-esteem, courage. Green is the color of youth, which will show that the family is striving forward, that all its members are young at heart. Blue is a shade of high moral principles, honesty, and decency.

Usually the shield is painted in one of the specified colors, but there are templates that allow you to use several colors at once if they are equally important to the family. For example, you can draw a wide stripe in the center and paint it with a different color. You can divide the shield into 3 - 4 parts, each of which will be painted different colors to symbolize different virtues.

You can draw animals on the coat of arms:

  • the bear will symbolize strength;
  • owl - wisdom;
  • dove - peace and purity;
  • Leo – power and generosity;
  • dog - devotion;
  • dragon - power;
  • bee - love of work;
  • swan - love for family members.

Drawing tools

The choice of tools depends entirely on skill. Certainly the most beautiful images obtained by using paints. But parents do not always have artistic abilities to help your child make a quality drawing. You can use markers, which are much easier to work with.

Certainly the most beautiful drawings obtained on whatman paper. They allow you not only to draw a coat of arms, but also to fill the remaining space with others important elements, for example, drawings of family members, a surname written in large calligraphic font, a family tree.

The family coat of arms is a symbol that represents all the virtues that are valuable to people. It distinguishes a family from others, allowing others to understand what values ​​are preached among loved ones. We recommend using templates that make it easy and quick to create an image of such a logo.

Family is social institution, equal union men and women, a fortress in which we feel protected. But it still needs to be built, and the relationship in marriage needs to be made truly strong and happy. There are certain symbols whose meaning we will consider here.


Currently in our country it is familiar pure love is chamomile, in addition, it also means fidelity, tenderness and simplicity. Its white color represents purity, and its yellow center - home. The petals seem to unite into one whole - into a strong family. This flower has become a symbol of love and fidelity, celebrated in Russia since 2008. It reflects pure and great feeling. Recommended in summer period keep bouquets of daisies at home, and in other seasons it would be nice to hang an ikebana at home, consisting of at least 5 chamomile flowers.

Open palms are also a symbol of family, implying the unity of relatives and the warmth they give each other.

Ancient family symbols

The Slavs worshiped the forces of nature, and this was reflected in the making of amulets. Such symbols could be found everywhere: they were not only a means of decoration, but, according to legend, they provided certain protection and attracted good luck.

So, among these signs that our distant ancestors used, we can distinguish such as Solard, Ladinets, Colard, Bunny, Svadebnik. They grant protection. Let's consider them in more detail.

Solard - marks prosperity, wealth. The Colard sign is a similar symbol, the difference is that the swastika of these signs is located differently: clockwise and counterclockwise. It helps strengthen the family unit and gives health to the offspring.

These two signs are solar and fiery, they are aimed at maintaining well-being in the home, and patronize those who live in peace and harmony.

Ladinets symbolizes happiness, love and is a truly feminine amulet, for example, it gives protection from the evil eye. For married women takes on the meaning of protection family hearth, prosperity and prosperity in the home. Often the pair of this amulet was the Kolyadnik, who was the personification male power. In those days, the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of women, and the god Kolyada was considered the patroness of men. The combination of these two signs represents the unity of the two sexes, mutual understanding between them, the strengthening of marriage bonds, and, of course, true love.

The bunny personifies renewal and is considered a family talisman. During pregnancy, it was customary to wear a belt with this sign; it was believed that it endows mother and baby with light, sunny energy.

Powerful family symbol

The wedding party is considered a strong talisman. It means the fusion of masculine and feminine, two kinds into one whole. Since ancient times, the Slavs attached great importance to the wedding ceremony and the institution of marriage. This sign was usually given by parents to newlyweds. It is intended exclusively for married couples. The image of this symbol is a combination of four rings of red and of blue color as a sign of infinity.

Feng Shui: symbols of family well-being

In Feng Shui practice, the symbol of inseparability and devotion is married couple considered to be a figurine of mandarin ducks. As a rule, it is placed in the southwestern part of the home. Also in this teaching, trees are signs of family. Among them are bamboo, cypress, pine, and plum. In addition, a dragon figurine can contribute to well-being. It brings good luck and protects all family members.

Framed photographs of household members are also a kind of talismans. They should be located in the eastern part of the home. Frames should be rectangular and made of wood. It is advisable to choose green or blue color.

Icons protecting family well-being

Also, the image with which parents bless the newlyweds is a symbol of family and brings happiness.

Items in everyday life that are amulets

Symbols of family and marriage: bast shoes, figurine of a house, linen, horseshoe, donut, chain. Onion is a talisman against tears. Bread means prosperity and harmony in the home. Sunflower seeds promise health for children. Corn - family cohesion, procreation, protection from disease, mutual understanding. Female and male figurine tied with strings - inextricability of bonds and love. The knot is a talisman against scandals.

Wedding symbols

A pair of doves is also a symbol of love and family well-being. It’s not for nothing that such a thing exists wedding tradition how to release these birds into the sky.

Wedding rings are symbols of family, an unbreakable union between a man and a woman entering into marriage. By exchanging rings, spouses transfer part of their energy to each other. It is recommended not to take them off in the first months after the wedding and not let anyone try them on.

Veil - gives the bride protection from the evil eye. The custom of wearing it at a wedding came from Poland. It creates a kind of energy shield that reflects negativity directed towards the bride. At the same time, after the wedding, it is necessary to carefully store the veil; it will serve as a talisman that can protect the young family.

The bride's bouquet is another important attribute. According to legend, the girl who catches him should soon get married, this happens because she begins to emit special energy, and the wreath seems to come to her. It is better to have white flowers in the bouquet: they are a sign of purity and eternity.

A magical symbol for a family is a loaf. Only in order for it to become such, it must be baked correctly. A mother, relative or godmother of the bride, that close woman for whom it turned out well. It must be baked so that it has a neat shape, without cracks.

Family symbols are laid out on the loaf, which give protection to the young couple. Flowers, birds, viburnum, mint and rye are often used as them. The loaf is distributed to all guests, so that the energy of the two families merges together.

Towel - the bride must embroider it herself, in secret from everyone. She should be alone and in complete silence. First, the girl reads a prayer. When embroidering, her thoughts should be positive and filled with ideas about the future. family life. Work must begin on Thursday. It is embroidered on a clean and whole canvas. The towel is a symbol of life path, which the family must go through together.

Parents bless the newlyweds on it, and no strangers should be at home. The towel has male and female halves, so it is important to stand on it correctly during the blessing. From this moment on, this attribute takes on the meaning of a talisman. The ceremony must certainly take place on Sunday.

Parental blessing - important symbol family happiness. The attributes for the bride are the icon of the Mother of God, and for the groom - the icon of Christ the Savior.

Stones that are a symbol of family happiness

These include:

  • Beryl is a sign of family, loyalty and love.
  • Aquamarine - protects the happiness of spouses.
  • Sapphire is a stone of love, family and fidelity.
  • Carnelian - preserves home peace, happiness and protects against evil spells.

Thus, we have determined that there are many different designations for the institution of marriage, and interpreted the meaning of the symbols of family and love. They have been used since ancient times, when they firmly believed that the mysterious forces of nature could help in building happiness. Be that as it may, we should not forget that the basis of true well-being in the family is true love, respect and loyalty.