September 1 with Smeshariki presentation. Walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right


Knowledge Day with Smeshariki (Grade 1).

Hello, friends!
All of us are with you - 1 A.

I'm glad to see you.
And today at this hour
I will take you with me.
Over the seas, over the mountains
There is a magical land.

It has many different tests.
And it is full of miracles.
We will travel through it
Many, many, many days.
What is this country?
We have to find out.
You just need to pick it up and read it.

(Children on the board read: the country of Knowledge)

Only schoolchildren can travel around the country of Knowledge. And who are the students?
- How else can they be called? (students)
- Are you ready to become students?

Well, guys, churn, shut up!
The lesson starts.
To become a student
Here's what you need to know.
You are sitting in class
Quiet, quiet, like a mouse.

Your back is right next to you
Do it like me.
We put our hands like this
And we are waiting for further assignments.
If you want to say
Either get out or get up
You have to hold your hand.

Great, remember? So, the journey to the land of Knowledge begins!
- Today in this vast country is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge. We get to the first holiday lesson with you.
And meet us:
Kind and mischievous
Funny, smart, funny,
Similar to balls
Funny ... (Smeshariki)

You all know them well. Today they have prepared interesting tasks for you.
So let's get to the field
And flowers grow all around
And meets us, of course,
Queen of beauty.
No, not a queen yet
But princess, yes,
Inspire everyone you know
For great things!

The hedgehog knows fairy tales well, and decided to check how well you know them, how well you remember the names of fairy tale characters. I start a sentence and you continue it.
Hen ... (Ryaba)
Father Frost)
Dad ... (Carlo)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)
Koschei the Deathless)
Little Red Riding Hood)
Karabas ... (Barabas)
Ali ... (Baba)
Baba ... (Yaga)
Postman Pechkin)
- Well done!
Intelligent ... Talent! Smart...
He will always help.
But he is also capable of mischief -
A piece of childhood remained in him ...
Who is this, you guessed it? (Kar - Karych)

Kar - Karych decided to check how attentive you are. He offers to play the game "flies - does not fly." I will name the words, and you wave your arms like wings, if the word means a flying object, stand still, if not flying.
Dragonfly, school desk, titmouse, house, mosquito, plane, helicopter, door, beast, fly, goat, wasp, bee, lioness.

Well done. Sit down.

Any prescription, any advice,
And the best doctor (there is no other!),
And there is enough wisdom for everyone,
And she does not forget sports ... (Sovunya)

Sovunya wrote the words. Try to read them: light, warmth, joy, beauty, kindness.
- What do you think, what was Sovunya thinking when she wrote these words? (about the sun)

Tell me, can a person touch the sun with their palms? Let's try?
- Take a sheet of yellow or orange paper, put your palm on it, spread your fingers, circle with a pencil. Then you take scissors, cut out your palm, raise your hand at the end of the work (the sun is made from the palms).
- Look what a beautiful sun we got, it has a piece of your kindness, your warmth and good mood, because each of you reached out with your pen to its ray.

Today, guys, you have begun your journey through the land of Knowledge, and we still have a long and difficult journey ahead of us. A lot of interesting things are waiting for you ahead!
- Are parents ready to help their first-graders study?
- I have to take a promise from you. If you agree with me, say the word "Yes!".
- And you guys, turn to your parents and listen to what they promise you.

We will always help children in their studies,
To make the school proud of the children. YES!
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us. YES!
We swear never to beat children,
Just a little scold sometimes. YES!
Always cook delicious meals
Pamper sweet children sometimes. YES!
When will the study of suffering be completed,
Together with the children we will rest then. YES!

This is the end of the first lesson. Smeshariki say goodbye to you, and I congratulate you, dear children, and you, dear parents. You guys are now first graders, with the start of your first school year. May this year be as joyful, bright and happy as this day on the first of September. Tomorrow we will continue our journey. You come to school for classes by 7-50 am, undress, change shoes and wait for me downstairs near the locker room. In the briefcase: a pencil case with stationery, 1 checkered notebook, col. pencils (3 lessons of 35 minutes).

In memory of this day, I want to give each of you a balloon - a piece of good mood. With the start of the first academic year!

Elena Stepanova
Synopsis of the final GCD in the senior group. Topic: "Meeting with Smeshariki"

Program content:

1. systematize children's knowledge of the diversity of the world around them.

2. Continue to develop the ability to compose stories, keep up the conversation.

3. Exercise in the formation of single-root words - verbs with prefixes, adjectives from nouns.

4. Improve the ability to coordinate words in number, gender, case; it is correct to use words in speech - antonyms, synonyms, words in a comparative degree, words denoting the work of people.

5. Enjoy with the children communication with the characters of your favorite cartoon, contribute to the formation of friendly relationships.

Material for the lesson: cartoon characters pictures « Smeshariki» ; ball, cartoon music

GCD progress:

Dear Guys! Do you like to watch cartoons? Why? (They are interesting, funny, from the cartoon you learn something new, etc.).

Today I invite you to visit the heroes of one of your favorite cartoons. Who is it, you guess.

Far away, on the very edge of the hot desert, there is an unusual country, it seems very small. From end to end - only 1000 rabbit jumps. But in fact, this country is very spacious - there are so many things in it. placed: riddles, jokes, fun, adventure. And 9 good wonderful friends live in it. Have you guessed who these heroes are and what kind of country this is? That's right, this Smeshariki.

And U.S meets the first resident of the country Smesharikov– Kar-Karych is a great traveler. He traveled to many countries and now he came to visit us. Tell the great traveler about our country.

What is the name of the country we live in? (Russia) .

What is the capital of Russia? (Moscow) .

What city do we live in?

What is the name of our kindergarten?

But Pin is a brilliant inventor and mechanic. He made various types of transport for Kar-Karych. What types of transport do you know? (air, water, land).

What kind of air transport do you know?


And the hardest working Smesharikov is Barash - a poet, loves to fly in pink clouds, can compose poetry all day long, but never compose anything. Help Barash write a story about spring. By chain.

And the smartest among Smesharikov is Losyash. Addresses everyone to "YOU", knows the answers to many questions, so I prepared a riddle for you. Try it guess:

“If you hit the wall, I will bounce.

Throw it on the ground and I'll jump.

I’m flying from palms to palms - I don’t want to lie quietly ... " (ball)

That's right, it's a ball. And I suggest you play the game "Catch, throw - quickly answer!". Losyash prepared questions for you (at the teacher's choice):

1. "Say the opposite": healthy - sick, well-fed - hungry, talk - be silent, help - interfere, lie down - get up, good - evil, heat - cold.

3. "One is many": table - tables, chair - chairs, plate - plates, pencil - pencils, sheet - leaves, flower - flowers, grass - herbs.

4. "Tell me what": wooden chair - wooden, woolen socks - woolen, plastic bucket - plastic;

7. "Say it right": put sugar - in a sugar bowl, bread - in a bread box, salt - in a salt shaker, oil - in a butter dish;

8. "Who's doing what?": painter - paints, poet - writes poetry; flies into space - an astronaut, paints pictures - an artist, sews clothes - a seamstress;

9. "Compare": birch is high, and pine is even ... higher; the lake is deep, and the sea is even ... deeper; raspberries are sweet, and honey is even ... sweeter;

10. "Say it right": sand is poured, and water ... is poured; cutlets are fried, and soup ... is boiled; the table is set, and the bed ... made.

That's how well played, now back to our heroes.

But Krosh is a mischievous, prankster and tear off - the head. He does not know how to get bored and does not let others. Therefore, all the time gets into the most unexpected stories. And now I got lost with the Hedgehog in the forest. We saw that mushrooms grow along the path and think: let's pick mushrooms, our friends will be delighted. And the animals in the forest became him to help:

Physical education minute

All the animals on the edge (walk around holding hands)

They are looking for milk mushrooms and waves.

The squirrels jumped (jumping)

Ryzhik plucked, ( "pull mushrooms")

The fox ran (run like a fox)

Collected chanterelles, ( "pull mushrooms")

The bunnies jumped (jumping on two legs)

We were looking for mushrooms, ( "pull mushrooms")

The bear passed (go waddling)

Fly agaric crushed. (stomp foot)

All together they collected these mushrooms (show)

What mushrooms do you see in the picture?

Can all mushrooms be taken with you? (No)

Why? (fly agaric poisonous)

Did the bear do the right thing by trampling on the fly agaric? (no, moose are treated with fly agaric)

Tell me, please, who is this Sovunya? What can she do? (fly). And what else? We will try to word "flies" add short words and see what we get. (fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly).

Guys, who Smesharikov real girl? (Nyusha). Her life is full of pleasant worries: sweets, princes, jewelry, hats, flowers, you can’t remember everything. And then one day she was going to visit her friends. And to get there, she needs to answer questions:

Is it morning or afternoon?

What comes after the evening?

When do you come to kindergarten?

How many days in a week?

Name all the days of the week.

What day is today?

What day was yesterday?

What day comes after Friday?

What day is between Sunday and Friday?

What day is tomorrow if today is Tuesday?

What is the third day of the week? Seventh? Fifth?

Count in order from 1 to 10. In a chain.

Count backwards. From 10 to 1.

Nyusha went out into the clearing, and flowers grow in the clearing. Which?

How many daisies did Nyusha pick? 4. Spread 4 daisies on the table.

Same with bells. Show number 5.

How many bells? 5. Lay out the bells on the table.

What is less? How much? How to make it equal?

Which one of Smeshariki are not enough? That's right - Kopatycha.

Kopatych - bear - gardener, all day in the ground digs: loosens, spuds, weeds; and everything is growing by leaps and bounds.

Kopatych also likes to treat his friends and guests with jam and juice. What kind of jam does he keep in his cellar? (from apples, from plums, from pears, from raspberries.) What kind of juice does Kopatych treat his friends to? (from orange, from tomato, from grapes.

Here we are met with all Smeshariki. Guys, a journalist from a children's newspaper came to us and wants to interview you (I take the microphone myself).Guys, what did you do in class today? What interesting things did you find out? What did you like? what was difficult?

Well done! I will definitely write about you in the newspaper.

- introduce children to school life and learning activities.
- arouse in children a cognitive interest, a desire to learn;
- teach how to handle school supplies;
- to create a festive mood.
- sheets, colored pencils
- balloons, pictures with Smeshariki, gifts for first graders.

The course of the holiday.

- Hello guys! You are all so elegant and beautiful today! Today is your first day at school. Congratulations on your high school start! We will study in this office, and I will teach you, my name is Natalya Yurievna. Now you know the name of your teacher. But I don't know all of you. Now I will count to three, and you will each say your name, agreed? (Children call their names in chorus)

“Guys, something didn’t work out for us. Maybe someone will offer options on how to get to know each other differently? (Children offer their options)

- Well done, and I offer this option. Look who is it? (soft toy)

You will now pass it to each other and say your first and last name.

Well done! Now we know what the name is.

Guys, look who came to our party? (on the board are pictures of Smeshariki)

Who knows what their names are? (Smeshariki)

- Well done boys! Smeshariki came to us with gifts. And in order to get them, they came up with tasks for us in order to check whether they are ready to study at school. Are you ready to complete these tasks?

- So, task number 1. Look, each Smesharik came to school with some kind of object in his hands. Which of them brought the subject needed for the school? (Children name the items they need for school)

Task number 2. Each Smesharik prepared a riddle.

1. There is a cheerful bright house,
There are a lot of nimble guys in it,
They write and count
Draw and read! (School)

2. Black, crooked, mute from birth,
Stand in a row - everyone will talk. (Letters)

3. Black Ivashka - wooden shirt,
Where he holds his nose, a dash will pass there. (Pencil)

4. If you give her a job -
The pencil worked in vain. (Rubber)

5. Guess what the thing is
Sharp beak, not a bird.
With this beak she
Sowing, sowing seeds.
Not in the field, not in the garden -
On the sheets in your notebook. (Pen)

6. Until then, boring brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run. (briefcase, knapsack)

7. Colored Pages
bored without water.
Uncle is long and thin
wears water with a beard. (Paints and brush)

8. Huddling in a narrow house
colorful kids
Just release it -
Where there was emptiness, there you look - beauty! (Colour pencils)

9. White pebble melted
Left footprints on the board. (Chalk)

Well done, you did an excellent job with this task!

Task number 3. Smeshariki hid this task under the desk. Look who has this task hidden under the desk.
- What is written there? Who can read to us?

Exercise. Write the letters and numbers you know.
- Well done!!!

Task number 4.
Smeshariki want us to learn their favorite poem. Well, guys, let's learn?

We are big now
We came to school.
And no one will say now
What are we kids!
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

- Well done! I hope Smeshariki were very pleased. And you guys deserve gifts. But they just need to be found. Smeshariki hid them in the office. Let's take a closer look around. (Presenting gifts)

- Well done! You see, our friendship helped us.

Guys, did you like the lesson? What is your mood? Smile everyone. Pat yourself on the head and say: "I'm done!"

Thanks everyone, lesson over! See you tomorrow!!!



After the solemn line, the children enter the classroom, and the teacher seats them in their places.
On the board is written: September 1! There are photographs of Smeshariki: Nyusha, Barash, Losyash, Hedgehog.
The music from the song is playing: "First time in first grade." The scenario begins with a welcome to the first graders from September 1st and the first day of school.

- Hello, dear children,
Both girls and boys
Your solemn day
Entered first grade!

- Guys, do you know the names of these cartoon characters? (Pointing to each of the Smeshariki, waiting for the answers of the children).

- Do you know that today for the holiday our friends decided to look into our class, it turns out that they never went to school, and they are very interested in what is happening here.

Nyusha enters:
- Hello, children,
I have sweets for you
To get candy
Need to surprise Nyusha.
I have riddles
You are one family now
Answer in unison
And you have to get up.

- I have a backpack with me.
But I don't understand
What to do with him,
how to wear,
And in general: well, how should I be?
Maybe dance with him?
What is this? (Children get up and answer in chorus: this is a Knapsack)

- You guys are great. Now I will take out a magic chest and put sweets there, and when you solve all the riddles that we have prepared for you, we will definitely share a treat with you.

Enter Barash:
- I greet the guys,
You know, I found a treasure
It contains an elastic band, a pen,
And another funny thing
There is some kind of pencil
And Barash got confused,
I always dreamed of him
This is a school friend (Children stand up and answer in chorus: Pencil case)

“These are just miracles, for a whole week I could not remember the name of this object, and you immediately guessed it. You will probably be the smartest first-graders in this school. Nyusha, give me your magic chest, I will also put treats for the guys there.

Enter Losyash:
- Hello!
I got lost in the forest
I don't understand what to do
Somehow got here
Wandered through the woods for an hour.
I met a bunny, I'm a coward,
Bunny gave me a book.
It's called a lantern
Or whatever ... calendar,
Maybe it's a king's book?
Tell me (Children get up and answer in chorus: Primer).

- No memory at all
Need to learn letters
I'll study the primer first
To not forget at all.
We must not forget to put another surprise for first-graders in the magical Nyushin chest.


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Price: 149 R kill