Family coat of arms drawing for school. How to draw a family coat of arms

For teenagers

You may not have even thought about creating your own coat of arms, but after this article you will definitely want to make one. Family coats of arms are gaining popularity, they are used in the form of stamps, painted on the garage for everyone to see, and so on. Sure, your neighbors will be jealous, but who needs happy neighbors when you have an awesome coat of arms?

If you've ever wondered how to create a coat of arms - and you've certainly had this thought if you've watched Game of Thrones - today is your lucky day. In the Middle Ages, coats of arms were identifiers of families and individuals. The emblem helped to find out who was hiding behind the knight's armor. Today, a family crest is simply a cool family logo that you can show off or print on a T-shirt for the purpose of family reunification.

So, the first thing we need to do to create a coat of arms is to choose a shape. These three general forms Most often used to create coats of arms. You can download them if you want.

In our example we will use the shield shape. You need to draw this shape with a pencil (and in general you need to make a pencil sketch of the entire coat of arms).

At the bottom of the shield we draw a ribbon on which the family name will be located. If you want, you can skip this step and simply write the name below the coat of arms. Then you need to prepare this tape by drawing guide lines. Draw parallel lines where you want the top and bottom of your letters to be and mark the middle of the tape with one line.

The example uses the surname “Mayeda”. You need to first write the last name on a separate piece of paper and determine where the middle of the name is. In our case, the surname consists of six letters, so it is easy to understand that the middle of the name will pass between the letters “U” and “E”. There is a great trick: start writing a word from the middle (as done in the photo below), and then add the rest of the letters.

We will use the Roman style. It's bold and strong looking, but you can use any style for your crest. Don't be afraid to be creative.

Modern families often place their initials in the center of the coat of arms. You can do the same, or you can draw whatever you want in the center of your coat of arms.

Now we will need to conduct a kind of brainstorm and come up with what the family coat of arms will include. To do this, make a list of everything that can describe your family. In our case, this list will look like this:

  • Engineering (both spouses are engineers)
  • Paris to spring time(what Diana loves)
  • Aikido (Roger practices this)
  • Woodworking (Roger makes great things out of wood)
  • Books (Diana sells books)
  • New Mexico (where the couple live)

This list will help you figure out what to draw on your coat of arms. In our case, there will be aikido swords behind the coat of arms.

Then we will draw the Eiffel Tower. On its own it looks a little bare, so we'll add some cherry blossoms as a nod to Roger's fascination with Japanese culture. Elements of nature (flowers, leaves, fruits, vegetables) can always be used with peace of mind if you need something to fill the empty space.

Then we draw some detail (engineering), some aloe (New Mexico), some calligraphy pens (woodwork), and some lines around the & symbol (as a reference to the New Mexico flag).

Well, let's use these very elements of nature. The branches framing the coat of arms mean nothing. They simply create visual interest.

Now that you're happy with your pencil sketch, it's time to start the actual work. You can draw over the pencil lines, or you can transfer the sketch to another sheet of paper. Using an example, we will translate the sketch, since we would like to have a clean coat of arms without hints of a pencil. To do this, we need something that can illuminate both sheets, and a window is perfect for this role.

You can use any tool for your coat of arms. Be it pencils, wax pencils, acrylic paints, ink, whatever. We chose watercolor. Choose colors that you think will harmonize with each other.

Then draw as many details as possible with the selected tool.

If you are using watercolor, you can apply the paint using fountain pen to draw fine details.

Draw all the elements and your coat of arms is ready!

Great, isn't it?

If you still haven’t decided what your coat of arms should be (or you simply don’t have time for such work), then pay attention to such a simple design, which can also be called a coat of arms.

The process of drawing such a coat of arms is the same as in the previous case: you choose the shape that you think will suit you.

Inside the form you need to draw guides, and then use them to draw the first letter of your last name. Again, feel free to use any style or font you like.

Then draw roses (as in the example) or any other botanical elements.

And we also paint this coat of arms in watercolors.

Again, we remind you that you do not have to use watercolor. Choose the instrument you like.

When you have finished coloring your coat of arms, you need to draw it all up with a regular pen.

Trace your initials with a pen.

Once you've completed all the other lines, wait a couple of minutes for the ink to dry before erasing the pencil lines.

And you're done! This emblem will take 10 minutes of your time, but it can also make a big impression (because who else has a family crest? Hmm?)

The family coat of arms reflects the history of the family and its services to the Fatherland. In ancient times, each noble family had its own coat of arms, which was a source of pride and was passed on by inheritance. The family coat of arms is an integral part of the genealogy, telling about the traditions that were revered previous generations.

Today, in Russia, anyone can create and register a family coat of arms with the Heraldic Service. Having received the documents, he can be depicted on jewelry, furniture, interior items.

Family Coat of Arms of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Coat of arms of Philip Kirkorov

Coat of arms of Stas Mikhailov

Family coats of arms and their meaning

Its history and family coats of arms date back to the tenth century. They originally served as a seal to mark one's property. Medieval knights also had a hand in the dissemination of family coats of arms, which served as a kind of insignia. They were depicted on armor that completely hid a person, as well as on horse blankets, cloaks and other objects. Subsequently, family coats of arms became widespread among noble families, which were passed from generation to generation. Special people - heralds - were involved in compiling them. Monarchs gave permission to have a coat of arms only to distinguished families. The presence of a family coat of arms gave a feeling of respect for one’s own personality, an attitude of belonging to something great. The Russian Armorial of noble families was first established by Emperor Paul the First, and Peter the Great approved the position at court, the master of arms. During the period from 1797 to 1917, twenty volumes were created. In 1917, the twenty-first volume was added to the general collection by the Provisional Government.

But despite the great importance of family coats of arms, not everyone could afford to have one. This matter was very troublesome and cost a lot of money. Many nobles did without Family Coats of Arms, especially since there were not so many ways to use them. Today we can see how family mansions were decorated with coats of arms.

The famous Sheremetyev family dates back to the 16th century. Its representatives throughout its history occupied key positions in the state. The first founder of the coat of arms was Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev, who served as a field marshal during the time of Peter the Great and was awarded the title of count. The basis for drawing up the coat of arms was the coat of arms of the city of Gdansk, in order to confirm the origin of the family from Prussia. Against the background of a gold-colored shield, a crown is depicted, framed by a laurel, with two crosses. The hat at the bottom of the image means belonging to the boyars, which were many representatives of the Sheremetev family. A spear and a sword are placed crosswise at the bottom of the cap. The shield is supported by lions, in the teeth of which are the laurel and Maslenitsa branches. On top there is an oak tree and a tournament helmet, on the sides there are two stars. Lions hold the scepter and orb. The inscription below, translated from Latin, means “God will save everyone.” An image of the coat of arms can be found on the facade and gates of the Sheremetyev estate and on utensils.

Coat of arms of the famous Demidov dynasty, large industrialists and landowners, founders of cities in the Ural lands.

Coat of arms of the Royal Dynasty of England - the Windsors. In the center of the Coat of Arms is the Tower of Windsor Castle.

After the revolution, the need for drawing up coats of arms disappeared and only recently this tradition began to be revived. Each family has the right to come up with its own coat of arms and register it. The family coat of arms is a source of pride for every generation.

Description of the family coat of arms

  1. On the family Coat of Arms, it must be depicted Shield, which serves as a kind of symbol of protection. IN different times, shields could have different shapes.

2. Above the shield, depict Helmet, which changed at different times and meant head protection. Its shape changed depending on fashion trends And armor improvements. There were also rules according to which a certain shape of a helmet could be depicted in accordance with the title and position in society.

On the Russian Coat of Arms, only Russian and Western European helmets were depicted.

3.pommel or Crest- decoration on the top of the helmet. Can be in the form of a feather, horns, tail, birds, animals. During the times of chivalry, it served as the main identification mark, as it could be seen from afar.

4.Burlet- located between the helmet and crest, serves as a transitional link. It was made from multi-colored fabric.

Crown- serves as a symbol of distinction of nobility, indicates a title.

Namet- a cloak, can be depicted whole or torn, attached to a helmet.

Shield holders- figures that are located on the sides of the shield and support it. These can be birds, animals or any shapes.

In addition, there must be a foundation on which this structure stands. It can be in the form of earth, mountain, lattice, ribbon, etc.

And, of course, the colors with which the coats of arms were painted were also carried out according to certain rules.

Samples of family coats of arms

How to Draw a Family Crest, Step by Step Tutorial

1.Choose a form

2.Choose colors, template shape and icons.

3.Choose a heraldic figure

Heraldic figures minor

4.Choose a motto

Before you start designing the Coat of Arms, gather the whole family and discuss what should be depicted. Topics for the image - what the family likes to do, professions, hobbies, achievements, merits.

When everything has been thought through, we start drawing. Prepare a pencil and paper. We draw the lines with light pressure so that we can erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Apply with a pencil

We draw a ribbon at the bottom of the coat of arms, where the motto or surname will be written.

In our example, we enter the surname Mayeda into the feed.

In the center we draw the first letters of the names of the father and mother of the family, who founded their own business or did a lot of useful things for their family.

Let's finish drawing other elements.

Decorate with branches for beauty.

We transfer it to another paper if we made a lot of blots.

We choose colors and what we will decorate with - paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, markers.

Let's complete the strokes.

The coat of arms is ready.

Family coat of arms pictures for children

How to make a family coat of arms for the garden, step by step with photos

For children younger age, it is necessary to explain what a coat of arms is and why it is needed.

  • The coat of arms is a symbol of any family, helps to maintain its values ​​and is passed on by inheritance.
  • The coat of arms may contain certain signs, both accepted in heraldry and invented, but corresponding to family traditions
  • Discuss the symbols with your child, tell them what they mean.
  • Ask everyone in your household to join in the creative process.

Creating a Family Coat of Arms for children is creative and exciting activity. Tell your child about your family. on the mother's side and on the father's side. What did they do, maybe they became famous for something? Ask the child what thoughts he has about family members and think together about how you can display them on paper. If there are doctors in the family, draw a medical cross, drivers - a car, engineers - technical details, athletes - skis, tennis rackets, etc. Choose the shape of the shield together. One option is to divide the shield into sectors, in each of which there will be a specific symbol characterizing the affairs of the father, mother, and other relatives. Let the child think about what can be depicted. Come up with a motto with which the family will go through life, and for the child, this will be a guideline.

Select colors for the image. Color spectrum:

Choose an animal figure, each of which symbolizes some quality.

Graphic symbols might be suitable:

The coat of arms can be either classic or arbitrary; the child must use his imagination. Elements of nature, plants, the sun can also be included in the image. The sun means warmth and continuity of generations, bees - hard work, olive tree - peaceful life, laurel - victories...

The Family Coat of Arms can be drawn or cut out of colored paper.

How to make a family coat of arms for school, step by step with photos

Older children take a meaningful approach to the task - to draw the Coat of Arms of their family. But adults should participate creative process. Perhaps the student does not know the history of his family, the task of the parents is to tell about family members, the profession of their ancestors, and about glorious deeds.

Remember! Your child should be proud of the family coat of arms.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Ask all family members if they want to take part in drawing up the Family Coat of Arms
  2. Think about the achievements of all family members, maybe actions that you can be proud of.
  3. What would you like to see on your future Coat of Arms - plants, birds, animals, figures.
  4. Choose the shield shape, symbols and other attributes.
  5. Make a first sketch, taking into account all the details described above.
  6. Choose colors for the Family Coat of Arms.
  7. Come up with a Motto.
  8. Proceed with the basic design.

For the future Family Coat of Arms it is better to take thick paper, A4 format.

Family coat of arms for a wedding, how to make it yourself step by step with photos

Wedding, like Wedding celebration- an important day for future family. Coat of arms with the monogram of the young, will distinctive feature. In addition to the fact that it will serve as a guide in life, the Wedding Coat of Arms will decorate the hall; it can be placed on Invitations, tablecloths, and napkins. Required condition, is an image of the names or initials of the Bride and Groom. Moreover, they must be inscribed in such a way that they intertwine with each other or are connected by a line.

  • Come up with symbols, these could be wedding rings, hearts, figures of young people, swans, doves.
  • Think about the monogram that should be placed in the middle and what font it will be inscribed in.
  • Choose the shape of the coat of arms; oval, round, or heart-shaped are suitable for newlyweds. Take advantage ready-made template or draw your own.

You can use a computer, draw a template and print it. Next, according to the template, get to work.

  • Write the initials, first or last names of the newlyweds in the middle.

Having discovered the task “to make a family coat of arms” in a child’s diary, many parents are horrified and begin to loudly scold teachers or the entire system modern education with them. But there is nothing difficult in this task. Creation family coat of arms can be a useful activity for all family members if you show a little imagination and creativity.

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what a coat of arms is and why it is created. It is not known exactly when the coats of arms of history appeared. It is generally accepted that they begin their history in the 10th century. First of all, the coat of arms was used for printing, as well as to designate property. In an era of widespread illiteracy, the coat of arms was the only understandable and accessible signature.

The world-famous coat of arms of the English royal dynasties - three golden leopards, was invented during the ascension to the throne of Richard I the Lionheart.

Knights made a significant contribution to the spread of family coats of arms. The coat of arms on the armor was the only sign of the difference between their belonging to one or another clan. During the era of the Crusades, family coats of arms began to become widespread throughout the world. Over time, every city, church, workshop, production, etc. had their own coat of arms.

Further, only monarchs could approve and grant family coats of arms. Even special departments were created that were in charge of heraldry and were involved in determining the right to a coat of arms, and also developed special signs that could be used.

There are a huge number of different signs that are used in the coat of arms. Each sign carries a specific meaning and must take its place.

Modern school program provides various creative tasks for children. Creating a family coat of arms is also part of the program. Before you figure out what to draw in this family symbol, talk to your older family members. Perhaps your family has its own family tree, traditions are sacredly revered, and there are also family heirlooms. It is among these antiques that you can find the original coat of arms of your dynasty.

If you are lucky and you know what family your family belongs to, you know the pedigree or the great representatives of your family, you can easily redraw the existing coat of arms.

But, unfortunately, not every family has information about their ancestors and their distinctive features. Then your imagination and some publicly available heraldic information will come to your aid.

To create a family coat of arms you need to determine:

  • what shape it will have;
  • what color scheme will be used;
  • what will be the dominant symbol;
  • what additional parts to use and where they will be placed.

The family coat of arms begins with determining the shape of the shield itself. You can choose absolutely any option you like or use traditional classical forms. These can be strict geometric shapes: rhombic, round, square coat of arms. Can be done in ornate German traditions, strict English or Spanish, rounded Italian or carved Polish forms.

When the shape is chosen, it needs to be transferred to thick paper or cardboard. You can draw it yourself or use a printed computer template.

The next step is choosing a background. Traditionally, 6 colors were used to create a family coat of arms:

  • white was a symbol of purity and nobility; this color was used when they wanted to express their service to truth and honor;
  • shades of yellow (including gold) - indicated wealth and power, and also served as a symbol that the clan was fair, independent and respected mercy;
  • blue is a symbol of will and desire for better;
  • black - indicated wisdom and constancy;
  • red is a symbol of courage, bravery, courage;
  • green - indicated prosperity and abundance in everything, as well as freedom.

You can not be limited to this palette and use your family’s favorite color in your version of family distinction.

After selecting the main and additional colors, let's move on to the main thing preparatory stage– choice of filling. First you need to determine what will be the central image. This could be a photo of your family, favorite hobby or family occupation, as well as images of animals, birds or plants. You can apply separate symbols for each family member.

You can imagine your family in the form of some animal or mythical creature, for example:

  • lion - denotes courage and strength;
  • phoenix is ​​a symbol of immortality;
  • snake is a sign of wisdom;
  • eagle is a sign of the sun and fertility;
  • the dragon is a symbol of inner kindness, despite its frightening appearance;
  • dolphin is a sign of love of freedom;
  • bee or ant - denote hard work;
  • The griffin is a sign of rage and mercilessness.

The coat of arms can be divided into parts and dedicated to each family member. For example, in one part place treble clef– as a sign that one member is interested in music; in another part draw a soccer ball; in another there is a ball with knitting needles, etc.

Technical part

Now that the main elements for the family coat of arms have been selected, we move on to assembly. We choose what we will draw with, as well as which ones decorative elements we will use. Before taking up paint, draw all the contours with a simple pencil.

It is best to make each element on a separate sheet of paper and glue them as you assemble. Or you can just draw everything at once.

The general appearance of the classic coat of arms should look like this:

  • in the upper part we place the so-called “crest” or crown;
  • Next comes the headboard or, as it is called, the “helmet” - here the main symbol or family name can be located;
  • the shield itself, which can be single or consist of different sectors;
    - around all the elements there is a frame - “basting”;
  • You can add your family motto below.

Tip: Don't forget to make room for the family motto and the surname itself.

It is one thing to create or draw a family coat of arms, and another thing to present it with dignity. Remember that each detail must have its own description and meaning. It is advisable to use the principle: “Less is better.” This way, your heirloom will not look overwhelming, but will clearly describe your family principles.

The coat of arms needs to show what is dear and relevant to your family. Up to drawing pets, toys, cars or other objects important to the child. Remember - this is the work of the student, not his parents! But parents shouldn’t remain on the sidelines either. You must help the child, tell him about the significance of the coat of arms itself, family values and the importance of the family as a whole.

Before taking your family badge to school, your child must be prepared to answer the questions of what and why it is depicted. Come up with or tell him a family legend, where all the depicted elements and the colors used will colorfully fit into it.

If you wish, you can attach a beautiful inscription ribbon with a motto or aphorism that fully matches your family.

If you approach such a school assignment with all responsibility, you can not only learn a lot about your family, traditions and customs, but also create a powerful unifying tool for all members of your family. If the coat of arms turns out to be interesting and fully meets your expectations, it can be used as your distinctive family sign in the future. For example, make T-shirts with his image, use it for various family competitions or quizzes.

The coat of arms is not only the official emblem of any state. Since the 12th century, intricate monograms symbolize deep family traditions. In our country it is not prohibited to have your own family coat of arms the family is not of noble origin. To depict a family coat of arms that meets the requirements of heraldry, adhere to the following rules.

The base for the picture should be in the form of a shield. Its predominant shapes are oval, triangular, quadrangular, square or cutout. The diamond-shaped coat of arms represents only the feminine gender.
  • It is allowed to place up to 200 elements and figures in the shield field. For their optimal location, the shield is conventionally divided into zones. The breakdown can be of the following types: dissection, bevel on the right, bevel on the left, intersection, wedge division. False division implies differentiation into parts of unequal area. The main components of the classic coat of arms, in addition to the shield, are: Helmet - reigns over the shield. His
  • appearance
  • depends on the origin and title of the owner of the coat of arms.
  • A crest is a decoration of a helmet in the form of horns and bird feathers.
  • A burlet is a connecting link between a helmet and a crest, a rope made of multi-colored fabric.
  • The crown is worn directly on the helmet or placed above the shield.
  • The tent is depicted as a cloak attached to a helmet.
  • The mantle appears only in the coats of arms of monarchs.
  • Shield holders are animals or shapes of people located on both sides of the shield.
The base is a platform for the shield.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use a burlet, mantle, crown and shield holders unless one has officially confirmed noble origin.
  • It is customary to use all kinds of figures symbolizing courage, nobility, and wisdom. Most often these are animals (centaur, eagle, boar, bull, wolf, lion), flowers, hills, natural stars, military household items (helmet, spear, sword, chain mail, horseshoe, cornucopia). When choosing, you can start from your occupation and lifestyle.
  • Traditionally, there are nine tinctures, that is, colors. According to them, elements are usually colored purple, green, red, azure or black. This is enamel. Metals are gold and silver. Graphically they are depicted in yellow and white colors. There is also such a thing as heraldic furs - ermine and squirrel. They are drawn as small ponytails-crosses and polygons, respectively. Each of the colors has its own meaning:
  • gold is mercy, wealth, nobility;
  • silver – nobility and innocence;
  • green – hope, abundance, joy, freedom;
  • purple - confidence, sovereignty and piety;

black – caution, sadness, mourning;

The family coat of arms is a set of heraldic symbols that represent the main features of a particular family line. The family coat of arms used to be the privilege of the nobility, but now it is designed to highlight the family, unite all its members, become a strong link for generations and the main relic and value of the clan.

The coat of arms can be ordered from specialists, or you can create it yourself, involving children and adult family members in this process. This joint activity will help relatives express love for each other without unnecessary words, will provide beneficial influence on the development of the child. By developing a family coat of arms with children, the younger generation will be brought up patriotic feelings, knowledge about heraldry in general and its features will appear, enriched lexicon and there will be an opportunity to show your imagination and participate, along with adults, in creating a family heirloom. The benefit of such an exciting pastime also lies in an in-depth study of family history and collection of information about the life of ancestors.

The content of the article:

Stages of creating a family coat of arms

First, you need to offer your child a choice of the shape of the future family coat of arms. It could be any geometric figure. It is important that the shield, which is the basis of any coat of arms, can be inserted into it. Shields can be triangular, oval, square with rounded corners at the bottom, figured or in the form of a quadrangle pointed at the top. What material and even cardboard from boxes or thick colored paper are suitable as materials for making a relic.

Next you need to ask the child to describe in separate words emotions, impressions that thoughts about family evoke in him. In the future, you should try to clothe them in the form of heraldic symbols, to form the basis of their motto. Next step there will be a division of the field of the coat of arms into sectors, a choice of colors and a selection of elements that will be present on the emblem. You can put a special meaning into dividing the shield into segments - give different family members their own pieces of the coat of arms and offer to fill them with symbols themselves.

The final stage is drawing up a motto. To do this you can take catchphrase, which accurately and succinctly characterizes a family, or you can come up with your own. The main thing is that the chosen phrase not only describes the genus, but also gives advice and guidance on the right direction of development for all subsequent generations.

Meanings of colors in heraldry

For the color design of family coats of arms, it is customary to use two metallic shade and five basic enamels. Of metals, preference is given to gold and silver, and of enamels - blue tones, red, black, green and purple.

Each color carries a specific message:

  • red is identified with courage and passion;
  • blue denotes beauty, grandeur and clarity;
  • green is used to represent freedom, abundance and hope;
  • purple always symbolizes power;
  • black can mean both sadness with modesty and constancy;
  • silver elements indicate nobility, purity and modesty;
  • gold represents generosity.

What symbols can be depicted on a family coat of arms?

The central part of the coat of arms should be occupied by a shield, above which a helmet with a crest rises. The color of the helmet symbolizes social status family, the degree of his nobility. Thus, gold is chosen by those who belong to a noble family, and silver can be used by all other representatives of social strata. As a crest you can take feathers, wings, horns, any headdress, or a flag. Unusual option crest - the ornate first letter of a surname. It is important that the helmet and crest are in the same color scheme and point in the same direction.

On the sides of the shield there are figures of animals holding it. Every animal is also collectively, and therefore you should choose them after first familiarizing yourself with the symbolism of the figure. Instead of animals, you can depict birds, plants, or intertwining hands. The shield, covered with a mantle, represents the protection of the family from everything bad. A tent-shaped mantle may indicate the presence of any special merits to the native state. To enhance its significance, this element is decorated with furs or gold ribbons.

Under the shield it is necessary to depict a stable platform, the basis of the clan. Its role can be a hill, a pedestal made of marble or ice, a block of stone, or a fluttering ribbon with the family motto. The main colors of the coat of arms should also be visible in the design of the ribbon with all the letter symbols. A cross is sometimes depicted on the shield itself.

Perhaps the following graphic family symbols will be useful to you to create your family coat of arms (images enlarge when clicked):

Symbolism of heraldic figures

Lions signify courage, strength, a combination of anger with generosity, unicorns indicate invincibility, and boars indicate fearlessness. Vigilance with caution can be conveyed through a crane, and a horse will help tell others about courage and speed. Particularly powerful are images of vultures, which convey ferocity and fearlessness, independent cats and warlike roosters. The presence of a wolf on the coat of arms gives the emblem a negative connotation, since this figure symbolizes anger and greed. Beautiful peacocks talk about showing off.

What do plant patterns mean? Lilies are intended to reflect a period of prosperity and success, roses testify to the spiritual purity of family members and their holiness. The olive tree charges the coat of arms with the energy of peaceful life, the laurel branch tells about valiant victories, and the oak tree tells about great strength kind.

The sun symbolizes the warmth and wisdom of generations and readiness for war, the bees - hard work and tirelessness, the ax - consciousness. The presence of a crescent moon speaks of the coming of enlightenment, a flaming heart - of passion. The crown always denotes exceptional power over others, and the star gives the emblem nobility. Hands are depicted as a symbol of faith, sincerity and justice.

Selecting characters color range and putting all the images on the field of the family coat of arms, composing a slogan - all this unites family members, gives them the opportunity to express themselves and better understand the thoughts of others. The participation of a child in the process of developing a coat of arms creates a special atmosphere of love, makes each stage exciting and fun, complete vivid impressions. Give your loved ones a lot positive emotions, make a family coat of arms with them!