What are trivial questions? What questions can you ask a friend: questions from men and women

To mom

The article offers guys and men options for interesting questions that can be used to meet the girl you like.

100 questions that you can ask a girl in correspondence, on VK, when meeting, on the phone, in communication, on a first date: list

Good relationships between a man and a woman are built at the dating stage. It doesn’t matter in what circumstances you met (real communication, communication on the phone or on social networks), you need to establish yourself “in the first place” as an interesting interlocutor and a positive person.

There are situations where it is quite difficult for a guy to find a common language with the girl he likes. The reason for this is excessive excitement, modesty or lack of experience. In such cases, a pre-prepared list of interesting questions will help. You can ask them at any time during the meeting, the main thing is to listen carefully to the answers.

IMPORTANT: By asking a girl questions, you not only show yourself as an interesting interlocutor, but also learn more about her interests, life, and affairs.

Question options:

  1. Do you have such a favorite movie that you are ready to watch it over and over again?
  2. Do you have a good relationship with your brothers and sisters?
  3. Do you love spending time in nature?
  4. How do you feel about the sea and what do you love more? What kind of vacation? Active or romantic?
  5. Do you always wake up in a good mood in the morning?
  6. How do you usually fall asleep: with a book, looking at the ceiling, with headphones?
  7. How does your summer usually go?
  8. What do you think is missing in life?
  9. Do you believe in fidelity?
  10. How often do your friends call you for help?
  11. Do you have many bright moments in your life? Which one do you remember the most?
  12. Are there any special traditions in your family?
  13. How often do you listen to music?
  14. What are your musical preferences?
  15. Can you send me a song that would best describe you?
  16. Do you have “crazy” dreams?
  17. Do you love flowers?
  18. What flowers are your favorite?
  19. Do you like surprises and surprises?
  20. Do your loved ones often give you unexpected gifts?
  21. Are you a leader?
  22. Do you like cooking? If so, what dish do you make best?
  23. Your favorite color?
  24. Are you interested in psychology? Would you be a good psychologist?
  25. Are you always confident in your abilities?
  26. Do you have moments of weakness?
  27. If you feel bad, who will you turn to first for help?
  28. Do you like children?
  29. Would you like a daughter or a son?
  30. Do you have a strong family?
  31. How soon would you like to start a family?
  32. What is more important to you: family or personal career growth?
  33. What time of year do you like best?
  34. Why do you love this time of year?
  35. Do you live by associations? For example, do you have memories in your soul that you live over and over again?
  36. Do you often feel sad about the past?
  37. Have you ever been disappointed in life?
  38. Have you ever dreamed of writing a book?
  39. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  40. What do you think a person needs to be completely happy?
  41. Do you believe in fairy tales?
  42. What fairy tale is your favorite?
  43. Which fairy tale character do you associate yourself with?
  44. Have you ever experienced painful love?
  45. What do you think is the most romantic time of day?
  46. Have you ever wanted to walk all night until the morning?
  47. Are you one of those people who thinks the glass is half empty or half full?
  48. Do you like your name?
  49. Which male or female name is your favorite?
  50. Do you happen to know how to draw?
  51. How do you feel when you draw?
  52. Do you have a big imagination?
  53. Do you like to walk?
  54. Do you like rain?
  55. What do you like to do when there is rain and thunderstorm outside?
  56. Do you have a lot of friends?
  57. ARE YOU the life of the party?
  58. Do you have a hobby, favorite pastime, hobbies?
  59. Do you like to read books?
  60. Which books do you like: real books with paper pages or electronic ones?
  61. How do you feel about very expensive and completely cheap gifts?
100 interesting questions for a girl to get acquainted with

What can you ask a girl to interest her?

Flirting is a complex science that should be based not only on sexual interest, but also on intellectual one. Prepare a list of questions in advance that could amuse the girl and present you to her as a sincere interlocutor.

Question options:

  1. How do you feel about me wanting to ask you out on a date?
  2. How long have you been on a date? Want to refresh your memories?
  3. I had a dream that I invited you for a walk. Do you think he is prophetic?
  4. Do you believe in destiny? I started believing after I met you.
  5. I read in the horoscope that romantic adventures await me today. Do you believe horoscopes?
  6. I would like to invite you for coffee, but I don't know how. Can you help?
  7. Tell me, how many digits are in your phone number? What are they?
  8. Do you have any hobbies or are you just looking for something interesting?
  9. Skinny become your hobby
  10. You know, I have always considered myself a worthy photographer, would you like to be my fashion model?
  11. Does your computer work well? I'm a master at reinstalling systems, didn't you know?
  12. What would you like to receive as a gift? What can I do to please you?
  13. How do you feel about active recreation? Let's relax together?
  14. Have you already thought about how to spend this evening? I can give you a couple of ideas.
  15. What are your plans for the next evening, week, life?
  16. Girl, don't you need a very interesting and gentle interlocutor?
  17. How long have I waited for you just to ask how you are doing? Forever!
  18. Have you got a dream? Do you want me to give it to you?
  19. Do you often do crazy things? Maybe we can have some fun?
  20. You are happy? Otherwise, I can give you happiness.

How to interest a girl in a conversation? What should I ask her?

How to ask a girl you like about her age?

The question of age for a woman can be very delicate and therefore such questions should be asked very carefully, without wanting to offend her.

Question options:

  1. Are you old enough to kiss me back?
  2. You look so confident and beautiful that it seems to me that you are older than me, isn’t that true?
  3. Will you tell me how old you are in my ear?
  4. If you were brave, would you admit how old you are?
  5. You look so good, so fresh and young, that I can’t even tell how old you are. Will you confess?
  6. I know it's tactless, but you definitely don't have to worry about it. How old are you?
  7. How old are you? Don’t be shy, I just want to know how many more years we can spend together with you.
  8. I’m embarrassed to ask how old you are, but I want to know: are you ideal for me or should I deviate from the ideal?
  9. If you don’t tell me how old you are, I’ll have to torture you with caresses for a very long time. Do you want this?
  10. How old are you? If you don't want to talk, at least give me a hint. I believe your every word.

How to communicate with a girl correctly to interest her?

How to ask a girl you like if she has a boyfriend?

When starting a relationship, it is important to make sure that the woman is free and open to new relationships. You should ask such questions very delicately, so as not to offend your interlocutor, and most importantly, not to “scare her away.”

Question options:

  1. I'm wondering if this woman is lonely or if I have a chance to win your attention?
  2. Most likely you have a boyfriend, but maybe I'm wrong?
  3. Let me ask you if the heart of such a beautiful girl is occupied?
  4. Tell me, is your heart busy? By chance, not by me?
  5. Oh, how I would like to live in your heart and thoughts. This is wrong?
  6. You have a boyfriend? Otherwise, I have a feeling that there already is and it’s definitely me.
  7. Can I ask you one important and exciting thing: are you free? I am ready to fight for every second of my freedom.
  8. You have a boyfriend? Stop! Do not answer! I don't want to know, I just want to fight.
  9. You have a boyfriend? It’s just important for me to know, will I have a chance to fight for you?
  10. Tell me, do I have a chance to win you away from the guy?
  11. Girl, don’t you need a guy you love? Very loyal and gentle, by the way.
  12. Girl, I like you so much that I’m ready to forget that you’re married.
  13. You really want to become your soulmate that you don’t even care whether your heart is busy or not. I hope it's free?
  14. Girl, can you leave your boyfriend for me?
  15. Can I give you everything in this world and everything that your “ex” boyfriend couldn’t give you?

How to start communicating with a girl? Flirting rules

How do I ask a girl I like if she likes me?

If you decide to win a girl’s heart, you need to make sure that the girl is not indifferent to you. Asking this directly can be quite difficult, so it is important not to frighten a woman with your “direct pressure” and at the same time attract her to you.

Question options:

  1. Do you like me? After all, I really like you.
  2. I feel like I'm falling in love with you, do you like it?
  3. I can’t stop thinking about you, I hope you like me too?
  4. I hope you feel the same way I do?
  5. How I like you! Goosebumps! Does this happen to you?
  6. I can’t stop thinking about you, what do you think this is?
  7. You are stuck not only in my heart, but also in my head. Don't YOU feel the same?
  8. What do you think I want to hear most now? The answer is simple, I want to know that you like me.
  9. I tried so hard to please you, I hope I succeeded?
  10. What else do I need to do to please you?
  11. I'm ready to do anything to earn your sympathy, haven't I succeeded yet?
  12. I want to please you and be the object of your affection. Is this possible?
  13. How much I am attracted to you, I guess I am not so attracted to you?
  14. Who do you think you like more: you or me?
  15. Do you know what I dream about? - I like you!
  16. I want all your thoughts and desires to come down to me and I will achieve this, do you doubt it?
  17. I didn't want anyone as much as you. Have you ever felt this way?
  18. Baby, I like you and it excites me. Do you think this will last long?
  19. I can’t help it, you’ve taken up residence in my head. Do you want me to send you away? But, I wouldn't want to.
  20. I like you, but can I count on such reciprocity?

How to attract a girl's attention? Flirting rules

How to ask a girl you like her phone number?

Some guys are embarrassed to ask for a girl's phone number, and thereby miss the opportunity to make a romantic acquaintance. Unobtrusive and positive questions, based on all the rules of “successful flirting,” can help with this.

Question options:

  1. Girl, I lost your phone number and it's the worst thing that ever happened to me. Can you help me remember it?
  2. Girl, if I had your phone number, I would probably be the happiest! Won't you make me happy?
  3. You know, today is my birthday and you can give me the best gift in life - your phone number.
  4. I know it's not original, but I'm so impressed by you that I don't want to miss the opportunity to meet you. Would you mind leaving me your phone number?
  5. Girl, I’m ready to agree that you give me the full phone number, forgetting to give one number. And then I will prove that I can reach you on the phone. Will you make me happy?
  6. To be happy, I only need two things: your name and phone number. Will you help me become happy?
  7. What a pity that we don’t have mutual friends. I would definitely get your phone number, but now I just have to beg you to give it to me.
  8. If I had one wish that could come true, it would be your phone number. Don't know where to find the nearest magic genie?

How to ask a girl for a phone number beautifully?

How to ask a girl you like how many boyfriends she's had?

Such questions are very intimate and not every girl will want to talk about this with a man, and if you have the opportunity not to ask about the number of guys, it’s better not to do it. However, if you want to test the sincerity of feelings or learn more about the person you are in a relationship with, ask the question in a humorous or sensitive manner.

Question options:

  • I understand that I’m not your first man, but, to be honest, I would like to know how many guys you had before me. Won't you share with me?
  • Let's talk to you about intimate topics? I’ll confess to you how many girls I’ve had, and you’ll tell me how many guys you’ve had.
  • I love you very much, but one obsessive question does not leave my head: how many boyfriends did you have before me? Believe me, I won't be angry or jealous. I just want to know more about you.
  • It seems to me that you are still such a heartbreaker! Admit it, how many men’s hearts have you already broken before me?
  • You are so charming that I have no doubt that men adore you. This is true? Have you enjoyed popularity and male attention? Have something to brag about?

How to ask a girl a question on an intimate topic?

How to ask a girl in an original way “how are you”, “how are you living”?

It can be quite difficult to interest the girl you like. To do this, you should use the entire arsenal of jokes, beautiful words and compliments.

Options for unusual questions to start a conversation:

  • How is my queen doing?
  • Beauty, how are you doing sweetly?
  • Hello! What does the queen of my heart do?
  • I miss you so much, it’s important for me to know how you are doing. Tell me soon!
  • What's new in your life, baby?
  • As soon as I saw you, my head immediately began to boil with a bunch of questions: how are you? Where are you? What's new? Tell me everything!
  • How are you Tell me immediately!
  • How are you, what's new? I'm listening to you carefully!

What's a cool thing to ask a girl?

If you want to cheer up a girl you care about, try using your sense of humor and ask her a couple of “interesting” questions.

Question options:

  • Did you miss me? Answer truthfully, I know I missed you!
  • I was told that you missed me. This is true?
  • You know, I didn’t understand this, but now I thought: damn, I miss you! And you?
  • Hello! Tell me, how many times did you think about me until we saw each other?
  • Be honest, do I come to you in your dreams every night?
  • I was blessed with great happiness here. That's not you?
  • Did you know that your eyes can talk? I can clearly hear the words: “I’m glad to see you.”
  • Girl, aren't you missing me?
  • Girl, I’m sure that a meeting with you was written in my horoscope today. Do you believe horoscopes?
  • I’m going to buy flowers, but I don’t know for whom. Is this you, by any chance?
  • Girl, what flowers do you like? I want to meet you, but I’m afraid I won’t get the bouquet right.
  • Girl, do you like delicious chocolates? I want to buy a huge box in honor of our acquaintance and I’m worried that maybe you like marmalade.
  • Do you have a love song in your headphones? The thing is, I want to listen too. Will you give me one earphone?

How to start dating a girl with an unusual question?

What to ask a girl to get to know her better?

Some questions that a guy can ask a girl will allow you to learn better and more about your loved one.

Question options:

  • Can you tell us something interesting about yourself?
  • Tell me what kind of girl you were as a child: obedient or mischievous?
  • Try to surprise me with some fact from your personal life. Have something to brag about?
  • Admit it, you are still that girl, do you have any interesting stories from your life?
  • I’m sure you’ve had a lot of adventures in your life that you’re not ready to tell everyone about. But, to me, do you dare?
  • You are so interesting! What do other people say about you?
  • Do you think you have a funny personal story?

Video: “Rules of Flirting”

Conducting an interesting dialogue with the opposite sex is a real art. In real life, it is difficult to talk with someone you don’t know well and avoid the awkward pauses that often arise. You need to be able to not only listen to your interlocutor, but also ask the right questions. Things are different when communicating via the Internet, for example on social networks. What questions can you ask a pen pal to get the other person interested in you? Dear ladies can find a lot of examples and tips below.

Dirty questions for a guy

If you met recently, you shouldn’t ask a guy vulgar questions. This can frighten him away, and only a budding friendship can die without being born. If daily correspondence lasts more than a week, then you can flirt a little.

Naturally You shouldn’t push the stick too hard, you are still a girl.

  • Which part of my body do you like most? A wonderful question that allows a guy to plunge into sweet erotic fantasies. Rest assured, he will review all the photos posted on your page more than once after this.
  • Do you like to sunbathe naked?“Yes” or “No” doesn’t matter. This was an excellent opportunity to hint about his strong and beautiful body.
  • Which pose from the Kama Sutra do you like best? The main thing you did was to make it clear that you are not averse to developing your relationship not only by correspondence on the computer, but also in real life.
  • You know how to do massage? The question finally dots all the i's. If a guy is interested in you, he will definitely invite you on a date.

Online correspondence is similar to an interview. You don’t know the person at all, and in the case of a chat conversation, you don’t even know what he looks like. Boring and banal questions will turn the conversation into dry and uninteresting. However, you need to finally decide - Should the relationship continue?? The proposed questions will not only be memorable and lively, but also informational:


Possible answers

What are your hobbies?

« What are you doing? I also love morning runs...” You can talk about hobbies endlessly, but if you also have a common hobby, it’s fate.

What is your dream?

« I’ve always dreamed about this too...” Talking about dreams will definitely take the pressure off the conversation. If, of course, that was the case.

What kind of music do you prefer?

« Cool, it’s good that our musical preferences coincide..." Even if this is not the case, you can find the necessary information on the Internet within a minute.

Your favorite dish?

« I love to cook, and chicken with apples is my signature dish...“A great reason to invite a guy to visit your home.

What kind of girls do you like?

« Blondes? Just yesterday I changed my image..." What can you do to further develop your relationship with an interesting person? A great reason to experiment with your appearance.

How to start a conversation with a guy

It is very difficult for a girl to start a conversation with a guy she is interested in. This is how it happened historically, but the first step must be taken by him - a strong representative of humanity. What if the guy is shy? How to start a correspondence, and generally draw his attention to your individual? Here are ideas on how to casually and casually start communicating with a guy:

  • Ask for advice. After carefully reading the information on the page of the individual you are interested in, you can ask for advice. This, for example, may concern a guy’s profession - Example: « What programming language is it important to start learning now?”
  • Photo lead. Having seen a huge number of photographs with your favorite dog, you can ask - Example: « I'm also thinking about getting a French bulldog. Isn’t this breed aggressive in real life?”
  • Chance meeting. Use your imagination here. Any questions, from - « It wasn’t you I saw last Saturday at the concert of the Vintage group.”?, before - « Familiar face. You didn’t vacation in Sochi this August?».

5 rules of good manners for online communication

As a representative of the most tender and beautiful half of humanity, even when communicating electronically, you must behave accordingly.

  1. Obsessiveness. Don't be too intrusive. How would you feel about being stalked by a person with whom you have no desire to communicate?
  2. Dialogue. You need to conduct a dialogue, and not bombard your interlocutor with questions. Learn to listen to him.
  3. Virtual punctuality. Having agreed to appear online the next day, you shouldn’t force the guy to reap. If there are urgent matters, tell him about it and set the time for the next virtual meeting.
  4. Tact. You should not force a man to answer questions that he is trying to ignore. If there is an awkward pause, you need to take communication to a completely different direction.
  5. Honesty. False information about you may come back to haunt you in the future. Try to be extremely honest and during a face-to-face meeting in real life you will not have to blush.

Be prepared: what a guy might ask

We offer a list of questions that you are likely to hear from a young man during your first correspondence. Be ready. Crudeness and straightforwardness should not confuse you:

10 questions you shouldn't ask a guy

There is a list questions you shouldn't ask to your new virtual friend. Never, and under no circumstances:

  1. Are you already a man?
  2. When was your last sex?
  3. Do you like watching erotic films?
  4. How many girls have you already had?
  5. Are you (your parents) rich?
  6. Do you have an apartment (a car, your own business, etc.)?
  7. At what age are you planning to get married?
  8. Do you like children? How many children do you plan to have?
  9. What is your attitude towards intimacy on a first date?
  10. Do you like giving gifts to girls?

The problem, what questions can you ask a guy via correspondence, will no longer bother you . The most important - leave a good first impression of yourself . Who knows, maybe a casual virtual conversation will turn into a first date that will end in a wedding and a long family life.

Video: questions you shouldn’t ask guys over text

In this video, Nastya will talk about 20 questions that you should never ask guys, otherwise it could put you in an awkward position:

Answer the question “How are you?” it can be done in different ways. You should not be like your interlocutor and use banal answers or ask primitive questions: “How is life young?”, “What are you doing?”, “How are you doing?” and other boring phrases that will repel your interlocutor. Humor will help turn the conversation in a friendly and interesting direction: “How are you on the personal front?” - “I haven’t killed everyone yet” or “Quiet as in a tank.” You can answer with sarcasm: “The cases are with the prosecutor, but with me it’s just small matters.”

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Phrases for men

If a girl asks “What do you do in life? "To continue the conversation, a man can choose original and funny answers:

  • “I’m blowing the dust off the gingerbread cookies.”
  • “I teach the cat to talk so that he can answer such questions instead of me.”
  • “I consider record holders for asking stupid questions.”
  • "I'm drying crackers."

Best responses to the phrase “How are you?”:

  • "The prosecutor's office is filing it."
  • “Things are fabulous and mysterious with me. The farther it goes, the darker and scarier it becomes.”
  • “Like a yard dog, I’m sitting on a chain and wagging my tail.”
  • “Like dill - everything in a bunch!”
  • “Things are going well, just passing by.”
  • “Everything would be wonderful, but I don’t sleep well at night, I fall off the mattress, the dollars no longer fit in it...”
  • “I have things to do with a checkered stripe.”
  • “You’ve become interested in my affairs too often, do you really work for the FSB or the FBI?”
  • “Like damp salt. I don’t get enough sleep either.”
  • "The flies would definitely love it."
  • "Mother is pleased with me."
  • “Life is getting shorter every minute, but everything is fine.”
  • “It’s like a taxi – the longer you drive, the more expensive it will cost.”

How to beautifully respond to a banal “Hello!”:

  • “I greet you too, oh my brightest and most original interlocutor.”
  • "I hear you from hello."
  • “You say hello too? We found each other.”
  • "Please confirm that you are a human and not a robot and enter the captcha in the field below this message."
  • “What erudition, what a broad outlook and huge vocabulary! I am delighted, there are simply no words, only emotions.”
  • “Oh, I feel the gift of prediction has opened in me. I can even guess your next phrase: “How are you?”

If a man wants to continue communicating with a girl, it is important to know the fine line and not cross it by responding with rudeness or writing obscene language, since the young lady may be offended and will not write to the guy again.

Another way to ask about business:

  • “How are you, business, business, tricks and life?”
  • “How are you doing, tests, blood pressure, stool, well-being, mood, pulse, appetite, health. In general, answer how you are, I’m interested in everything in the smallest detail.”
  • “Tell me, how do you live and breathe without me?”

You can write banal phrases in a foreign language and an ordinary greeting will turn into an original message that the girl will try to decipher.

The phrase "Hello! "different languages:

  • Chinese - nihau, ma;
  • Japanese - konnitiva;
  • Hawaiian - aloha;
  • Hindi - namaste;
  • Georgian - gamarjoba, etc.

How are you feeling, what should I say?

Answer options for girls

To the man’s question, “How did you sleep? ", the girl will be able to give original and funny answers:

  • “Stormy and crowded, I had a 200-pound man with me.”
  • “I’m scared, I’m afraid to sleep alone, will you keep me company so that I can finally get some sleep?”
  • “Today you had a dream, so you woke up in a cold sweat.”
  • "Excellent, but damn little..."
  • “I decided to become a lark. And now I’m a sleep-deprived and angry owl.”
  • “It’s bad, as always. But it’s good, because the main thing in life is stability!”
  • “It would be much more pleasant with a sexy handsome guy.”

Answers with humor to a man's question "How are you?" and what are you doing?":

  • “I haven’t given birth yet, as soon as I give birth, I’ll let you know.”
  • "Thank you, regularly."
  • “I wouldn’t mind giving up a suitcase with green rubles to improve things.”
  • “I get another orgasm from questions like this.”
  • “I decided to strike the figure - I’m indulging in buns.”
  • "I'm sitting lying down."
  • “I’m fixing a faucet. A woman’s job? I won’t refuse help.”
  • “I am looking for a candidate for the father of my future children.”
  • “Great, my cat is sleeping without his hind legs, and now I’m frying a chicken leg.”
  • “I celebrate Tractor Driver Day (any holiday that is celebrated in different countries of the world on this day).”
  • “I’m sad. I’m tired of those who ask such questions.”
  • “What to answer: great - you won’t believe me, bad - you still won’t help.”
  • "There are no cases because there are no bodies."
  • "Ambivalently."
  • "Two days by carriage, a week on foot."
  • “Everything is covered in chocolate, including the keyboard.”
  • "Out of quiet sadness."
  • “I’m not busy today. I’m gone for a while.”
  • "Guess. The H word. It's not necessarily good."
  • “They are going well, but in an unknown direction.”
  • “Are you eager to talk about this topic?”
  • "Growing, blooming and smelling."
  • “I’m dying, drying up, wasting away.”
  • "Life is hard without Persen."
  • "It's okay...just random."
  • “Like a native: I walk naked, eat shit and sleep with just anyone.”
  • "Continuous, equal and compact."
  • “You are businesslike, and I am lazy by nature.”
  • “Excellent, so much so that there’s nothing to tell.”
  • "Dum spiro spero (I hope while I breathe)."
  • "Things ended yesterday."
  • "I'm trying to enslave the world."
  • "I'm meditating on your message."

What to answer if they ask “How are you on the personal front?

We have ideas! We will “throw” them at you, and you just choose the ones you like for communication!

  • "What's your name, handsome?"

This question is appropriate if you are still unfamiliar. You don’t have to use the word “handsome” if you feel embarrassed.

  • “What are you interested in?”

It seems like a banal question... But you can talk about hobbies ad infinitum!

  • “Do you have a good relationship with your family?”

If a guy hesitates to answer, don’t ask further. Pretend. That I didn’t ask such a question.

  • “What do you love to remember?”

The conversation will go well if such a question is asked on time, “on topic.” Try to “catch” exactly the right second!

  • “What gifts do you like?”

This is where a “puncture” can happen! The guy may think that you are hinting at receiving a gift. To prevent this from happening... Immediately say that you really love giving them.

  • "What do you believe in?".

Expect an answer that looks like “Father Frost” or “Santa Claus”. Did the guy answer exactly like that? Start remembering all the jokes you know in order to set the conversation on a carbon-humorous “wave.”

  • “What dream do you have?”

Dream together! Maybe you’ll “dream” into something, who knows…. A dream is always wonderful. Especially in moments when you feel it “approaching” in reality.

  • “Is there something you think about often?”
  • “Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?”

Just don’t blame the guy if you hear the wrong answer! Otherwise the conversation will end. And usually it breaks off at the most interesting places.

  • “Registered on social networks?”

Ask if you want to let your guy know that you care about him! And he will decide so when such a question comes to him, coming from you.

  • “What would you like to know (find out, ask) about me?”

This question obliges you to answer everything he asks. If the question is unpleasant, carefully change the subject. But don't say you don't want to answer.

  • “How do you feel about alcoholic drinks?”

He will answer that he doesn’t mind drinking sometimes - offer to drink a little something. Liquor or champagne, for example!

  • “Do you like music?”

You will most likely hear that he loves you. Move on to music discussions. If you agree on tastes, get ready: disputes are inevitable.

  • “Your most favorite place in the city... What is it like? Where?".

And don’t be silent about your favorite places either. When he tells you which place is his favorite, go there! Not on this day, then on another. The main thing is that you remember this place.

  • “What topics are you able to talk about endlessly?”

“Record” the guy’s answers in your brain, so that later you can calmly choose something from the entire list. This will remind you of a game in which you will be the winner! Whoever owns the information is the ruler of the world (if we are talking about women).

  • “What kind of girls do you like?”

Don’t rush to try on his words – answers. He may notice this “fitting”.

  • “What do you like to do when you have free time?”

A common question, but it can prolong any conversation! You will see where your passions and hobbies overlap.

  • "How romantic are you?"

Here, in theory, the guy should tell you what he understands about romance, what he has done that is “especially romantic” in his life. Listen and admire!

  • “For whom (for what, for what purposes) are you living?”

Quite a philosophical and personal question. But it won’t be boring when the “rain” of answers begins to fall!

  • “What will lift your mood to the maximum?”

Such a question suggests an abundance of the most unexpected answers. Are you glad? Start “processing” the issue.

There are questions that are best not asked right away

Wait until he asks something similar, similar and also answer if you want:

  1. “Do you have a soulmate?”
  2. “Which caresses and tenderness do you like best?”
  3. “Do you remember the person with whom you had a close relationship “the very first time?”
  4. “How do you make your fantasies come true in close relationships?”
  5. “What is your attitude towards role-playing games?”
  6. “What haven’t you tried yet in “this”? Is there something like that?
  7. “Have you had many girls and women in a “serious” way?”
  8. “Are you very squeamish and picky in close relationships... with a girl?”
  9. “Which position of close relationships do you like best, and which is the opposite?”
  10. “Did you have intimate relationships for money?”
  11. “Are you afraid of becoming an “unplanned” daddy?”
  12. “What do you despise most in close relationships?”
  13. “Which girl would you never want to...?”
  14. “Do you like foreplay in a relationship?”

Guys are partial to questions - “choice questions” (questions with a choice)

Such questions begin like this: “you choose...”:

  1. Brunette or blonde?
  2. Mistress or wife?
  3. Bathhouse or home comfort?
  4. Happiness (family) or career growth?
  5. A sea of ​​beer or a sea of ​​close relationships?
  6. Night of love or morning of love?
  7. Shopping or cleaning the entire apartment?
  8. Sweet dream or delicious food?
  9. Disco or outdoor recreation?

If you asked a guy one of these questions, be immediately prepared for him to explain his choice. Someone who is sociable will talk about it for a long time.

Try asking him what you want him to ask you


  1. “Do you have a favorite TV series (favorite movie)?”
  2. “Where do you study (part-time, work)?”
  3. “Where would you like to go or go with me?”
  4. “Would you like to go back to your past?”
  5. “What do you like about yourself?”
  6. “Do you have friends or girlfriends (real, faithful)?”
  7. “How do you feel about friendship between a woman and a man?”
  8. “What do you like to wear when wandering around the house?”
  9. “Tell me about your culinary weaknesses?”
  10. “Do you often admit your mistakes and make them?”

This is not the end, communication is just beginning! Switch!

Continuation. . .

What questions to ask a guy? -

Read and remember!

A new level of communication with a guy -

Everyone can ask questions, but not everyone will be able to do it in such a way as to win over the interlocutor and evoke the desired reaction from him. Especially if this interlocutor is a girl you really like. What questions will interest her, intrigue her, make her laugh, make her like you, and which ones will be unpleasant for her? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Learning to ask detailed questions

A detailed question does not require a short, specific, monosyllabic answer. It usually starts with these words:

  • For what
  • Why
  • Which

By asking your interlocutor such a question, you make it clear to him that you are interested in the conversation and its development.

Any question is possible, with ease convert to expanded. For example:

  • "Do you like apples?" - closed. “What fruits do you like most in summer?” - open.
  • “Are you a morning person or a night owl?” - closed. “What time do you wake up and what is your daily routine?” - open.

Using questions in conversation

Using questions, you can start a conversation with a girl (“How are you doing?”, “How are you feeling?”, “Where were you today, what did you see new?”), maintain it and, if desired, transfer it to another topic.

For example, the conversation is about films, but there is a desire to talk about more personal topics. Here's how to do it:

AND: Most of all, I like melodramas and films about love.
M: Many films show love at first sight. Do you think it exists? Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

The main thing in a conversation with a girl is to choose the right topic. Detailed article with examples of good topics for communication.

An important part of communication is compliments. With the help of this article you will learn.

But you will find a detailed list of compliments that you can give to a girl’s beauty.

Don't forget to post on social media from time to time. networks.

List of questions that cannot be used

There are also questions that you should not ask girls under any circumstances. They will always regard them as "bad".

  • How much do you weigh?
  • How many boyfriends did you have before me?
  • This lipstick doesn't suit you. Don't you think so?
  • Why aren't you blonde?
  • What is your IQ level?

Questions you can ask

Here are a few general rules that will definitely come in handy:

  • Girls love interesting, original, creative questions. Don't hold back your imagination. Don't be afraid that the question will seem stupid to her. Be afraid that it will seem boring.
  • All questions must be positive. Don't ask a woman anything that will bring back negative memories. If the conversation takes an unexpected turn, change the topic.
  • Every question its time. The closer you get, the more personal questions you can ask.

There are also a number of questions that can be classified as “good”. They can be safely asked when meeting and on the first date. They allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting things about a person.

  • How did you learn to draw so well?
  • How many friends do you have and what are their names?
  • What result do you want to achieve in life?
  • What's your favorite color?
  • What time of year do you look forward to most?
  • Where do you like to spend your free time?
  • What are your favorite flowers?
  • Who is your favourite actor?
  • What movie has stayed with you for a long time?
  • Where do you go to dance?
  • Who is your favorite singer?
  • How do you understand that you cannot live without another person?
  • What impressions did you have after your trip to Paris/London/St. Petersburg?
  • What vacation do you like best?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • Where does a beauty like you live?

Funny questions

Laughter is a powerful weapon. Here is a cool selection that will help make your beloved laugh.

  • Let's bet on a kiss that I'm a better kisser than you?
  • Who do the sheep count to fall asleep?
  • What will a cat do if a dog is doused with valerian?
  • If you can’t eat at night, then why was the light in the refrigerator invented?
  • If you drink an energy drink first and then a sleeping pill, who will win?
  • What would you be doing now if you weren’t answering my questions here?

Trick questions

These are tricky questions that look innocent but touch on personal issues. They allow you to move from general topics to more sensitive ones.

  • Do you fall in love often?
  • How old were you when you had your first kiss?
  • Who do you want? Son or daughter?
  • Who do you think likes whom more: you for me or me for you?
  • The most romantic day of your life?
  • Who will you choose: the guy with the money or the good one?
  • What music will be at your wedding?
  • Do you want to fall in love?
  • Have you ever dynamized a guy?

This category includes all questions that cause slight confusion in a girl. They turn a calm conversation into flirting, provoke a girl into a frank conversation, and help smoothly move on to more intimate topics.

  • When I start pestering you, how will you behave?
  • How do you feel about kissing on the first date?
  • Do you like to kiss?
  • When you fall in love, will you say so yourself, or will you wait for recognition?
  • Have you ever fought with a girl over a guy?
  • Will you forgive cheating on your best friend?
  • Shall we have a photo shoot together?

Vulgar questions

Vulgar questions directly affect sex and eroticism. This type can be used if your relationship has already taken a horizontal position. They will be good as foreplay. You shouldn't ask them at the first meeting.

Don't overuse sexual questions unless you're sure she likes it.

  • What unusual place would you like to have sex in?
  • Do you believe in true love?
  • They say that rough girls are very passionate in bed. This is true?
  • How often do you watch porn?
  • Do you need a good lover?
  • What song would you like to make love to?