Fairy tale Goat-dereza. Russian folktale

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Sections: Working with preschoolers

Basic goals:

  1. Revealing the child’s creative individuality and plastic expressiveness.
  2. Development of observation skills.
  3. Develop creativity and imagination.
  4. Attention and emotional memory.
  5. Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of children.
  6. To develop the ability to convey basic emotions through facial expressions, posture, gestures, and movements.


1) With the help of game models, constant in small forms of children's folklore, introduce children into the colorful and poetic world of their native language, and at the same time give a lesson in moral education in a soft and unobtrusive form.

2) Develop children’s artistic and creative abilities in speech and motor activities.

3) Lead children to collective creativity. Develop artistic skills and practical skills in the field of theater arts.

Plan of theatrical play activities based on the Russian folk tale “Goat-dereza”

Children, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers)

Today we will meet you with a fairy tale! It’s not difficult, and it’s not easy, but what you need to do is this: throw this cube so that some number comes up. And the one who comes out according to the count will throw. Sasha will count you, and if anyone knows the counting, help me.

“A swan flew across the blue sky, broke its wing, and wished for a number!”

You, Vanya, throw the cube! What number came up? This means that besides himself, Vanya can invite other children (they call them children) with him and go to a Russian fairy tale.

(The children chosen by Vanya enter the house, the teacher begins a roll call with the children who entered and those in the house).

Teacher and children: Knock-Knock! Who lives in the house?

Children in the house: It’s not animals who live here, but funny guys!

First again: Let us live with you!

second: Don't you eat a lot?

first: No!

second: Don't you snore at night?

first: No!

second: If so, then pass!

Educator: You guys, look around, whatever you want, share!

Children: Oh! What a wonderful house! We'll live happily here!

The teacher pronounces the same phrase with different intonations: with surprise, with delight, in an indifferent voice.

Children guess with what intonation the phrase was said.

Educator: And next to the house, what a beautiful meadow! So many beautiful flowers...

(Children name flowers: daisies, cornflowers, bells, sit on the attributes of flowers (flat) laid out on the carpet).


A fairy tale, a fairy tale is a miracle! We will play miracles,
We will play together and manage miracles!

We will play a fairy tale, but we will have to guess which one! First, I’ll tell you guys, I’m animal riddles!

Little White, he circled all the poles,
Jump-jump along the path! One snowball at a time! (Hare)

The gentleman walks around the yard, finding fault with everything,
Double beard, side cap! (Rooster)

With a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull,
They milk, not the cow, she pulls her bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes!


What fairy tale do you think these heroes live in? (Children's answers) Well done, guys, you guessed correctly! In the fairy tale - "Goat-dereza!"

Who is the main character of these fairy tales? (Children's answers) Look at each other, who is more suitable for this role? (Choose Goat)

What kind of goat will you be? (Child's response)

Then the goat will choose the grandfather, the grandfather the grandmother, etc.

So all the heroes of the fairy tale have gathered! Will you guys take me with you? What role will you offer me? (Storytellers)

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) Storyteller:

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) In a fairy tale, anything can happen, our fairy tale is ahead!...

Little Pigeon guys, I don’t know how fairy tales begin, can you tell me? Children

(Music plays, children put on costumes.): “A long time ago”... “Once upon a time”... “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”, “Is it close, is it far...”

“A fairy tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and is not interrupted in the middle.”... A fairy tale is knocking on our door, let’s say the fairy tale come in!”...

"Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, a woman, and a granddaughter Masha." Grandfather went to the market (children stand in two rows for the Russian folk game “Shadow-shadow-sweat”).
Shadow-shadow-shadow, I’ll braid the fence,

Then re-weave the shadow.

(Children move into the fence)

Russian folk game “Grandfather went to the market” (game model by S. Chernoskutov).
Grandfather went to the market, grandfather bought a braid.
- What do you need a braid for?
- Mow the grass!
- What should I cut the grass for?
- Feed a good horse!
- How to feed the horse?
- Carry oak wood!
- Paving bridges!
- What should we use to build bridges?
- To visit the little boy!

Salesman: Who wants a goat? I'm selling a goat!...I'll give it away inexpensively!...

Grandfather: How much, mistress, are you selling the goat?

Salesman: I'll give it for three pennies!

Grandfather: Is the goat good?

Salesman: Oh good! Yes, how good!

Grandfather: Well, take three pennies and give me a goat! (leads a goat)

Salesman: Thank you God! I sold the goat!

Grandfather: Granddaughter, I bought a goat! Go herd her!

Granddaughter: I'm coming now! (chases the goat with a twig)

Granddaughter: Little goat, look how bright the sun is! He admires us!

Finger game "Sun" (game model by E.I. Safarov)

(accompanied by playing the metallophone): carried out with the whole group of children.

All children:

Sunshine, sunshine, take a walk by the river!
Sunshine, sunshine, scatter the rings!
We will collect rings, we will take gold coins,
We'll ride, play and return it to you again!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) The granddaughter herded the goat until the evening, she shepherded well! And in the evening I drove her home.


Goat (sings):

Grandfather: My poor little goat!

Just wait, you scoundrel! I will punish you! Go away!

(Granddaughter leaves crying)

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) The next day...

Grandfather: Today, woman, go herd the goat!

Grandma: Now, I'm coming! (chases the goat with a twig)

Russian folk game "Baba Walked"

All children:

Baba walked, walked, walked, and found the pie!
She sat down, ate, and went again!

The woman stood on her toes, and then on her heel,
She started doing the Russian dance, and then doing a squat!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) The grandmother sent the goat well and drove it home in the evening.

Grandfather: Goat, my goat, black eyes! What did you drink, what did you eat?

Goat (sings):

I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat, grandpa! I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat!
And as I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf,
And as she ran through the rowing boat, she grabbed a drop of water!
I drank so much and ate so much! I drank so much and ate so much!

Grandfather: My poor little goat! They completely starved you to death! And you lazy girl went away!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) The next day...

Grandfather: Well, today I’ll graze myself, let’s go goat!

Goat: A goat walks through the forest…………….

Children perform a round dance (kissing game) “Like a goat drove a goat.”

The goat drove the goat, the young one drove the sulfur,
Go home, little goat, go home, little gray one!
You have seven children, the eighth is a goat,
And the ninth one, kiss me once!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) Grandfather tended the goat well, and in the evening he drove it home, and he quickly ran ahead and asked...

Grandfather: Goat, my goat, black eyes! What did you eat, what did you drink?

Goat: I didn’t drink, grandpa didn’t eat, but as I ran across the bridge, I grabbed a maple leaf, and as I ran across the comb, I grabbed a drop of water.

Grandfather: I'll show you a maple leaf and a drop of water! You will know how to tell lies! I'll go sharpen the knife!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) The goat got scared and ran away!

Grandfather shouts: Hold the goat! Catch!...

(Children form a round dance around the goat)

Game teaser "Ho-ho-go, goat!" (game model by S. Chernoskutov)

Go-go-go, go-go-go, gray, go-go-go, white!
Where are you, little kid, where have you been? Where have you been?

A goat walked through dark forests, along steep mountains,
Go-go-go, go-go-go, gray, go-go-go, white!
Why didn’t the wolves eat your goat or kill you?


I'm not afraid of wolves or archers,
And I’m afraid of my old grandfather, his grandfather has a gray beard,
He whips me, a goat, through a towel,
To the zealous heart! Oh!

The goat falls. Music background sounds.

The goat disappeared and fell to the ground!
Don't be angry, you! Take a bow!
And to the master and hostess himself!
And their children and neighbors!

Goat: Meh! I will not bow!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) A goat runs, sees a hare hut standing, a goat runs into the hut, but the hare is not at home. The goat locked the door and hid on the stove. A little later the bunny galloped home, grabbing his paw, but the door was locked! I hear someone tossing and turning on the stove!

Bunny: Who's in my hut?

Goat:(Goat's song)

I am a dereza goat, bought for three pennies,
Both sides are peeled!
Stomp-stomp-tomp, with my feet, I will stab you with my horns!
I'll notice with my tail, here's your death!

Bunny: What kind of animal is this unprecedented?

(The bunny cries, walks, sits on a tree stump, and a rooster meets him)

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku! What are you crying about, bunny?

Bunny: How can I not cry! How not to be sad! I had a warm hut, but some terrible beast settled there! Horned, bearded, but he won’t even let me, the owner, onto the threshold!

Rooster: Don't cry bunny! I will drive this beast out!

Bunny: Where's the rooster? Drive out such an unheard of beast!

Rooster: No, I'll kick you out! (rooster song)

Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku!
I'm walking on my feet in red boots!
I'm carrying a scythe, I'll blow your head off!
Up to your shoulders! Get off the stove!

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) The goat got scared, jumped off the stove and ran into the forest! And the bunny and the rooster settled in the hut, and they began to live together.

Guys, what do you think happened to the goat next?

(Children’s statements, assumptions, children compose and tell their continuation of the fairy tale)

(Music plays, children put on costumes.) Any fairy tale always ends with an ending. According to fairy tale custom, we can end a fairy tale with what words?

(Children's answers)

- “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!
I was there, honey, drinking beer, it was running down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth!
Here's a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me!
This is where the tale ends, and well done to those who listened!
Once upon a time there lived a king of oats, he took away all the fairy tales!
And they began to live well and make good things! "

So we said goodbye like a fairy tale!

Subject. Introduction to the fairy tale"Dereza goat." Reading and discussing a fairy tale.

Target:introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand the figurative content of a fairy tale, convey the structure of a fairy tale,notice and understand figurative words and expressions in the text; Rdevelop mental activity,creative imagination,intelligence, observation, imagination, ability to compare;cultivate sympathy for fairy-tale characters in trouble; teach to observe the word, its polysemy, subtext; learn to analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions, form your own point of view, defend it, learn to observe the development of the plot,answer questions based on the text, convey your attitude to the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale,expand your reading horizons; develop a kind attitude towards animals,
love and interest in Russian folk tales.

Type: learning new material.

Equipment: exhibition of children's books and drawings, book illustrations, toys, animal masks, musical accompaniment.

During the classes

I. Class organization.

There are ideas and riddles here,

Games, fairy tales, everything for you!

I wish you good luck,

Good luck to work!

II. Updating students' basic knowledge. Lesson topic message.

1.Greeting from the teacher.

I would really like to wish good morning to everyone - everyone - everyone, each of you. Good morning, guys, guests! And let's play the game “Good Morning” with you.

2. Game “Good morning”.

I will say the words: “Good morning...” and name someone from our class. Those whom I name will wave at me, which means you have heard and answer the greeting. Shall we try?

Good morning to all girls!....

Good morning to all boys!...

Good morning to everyone who loves candy!

Good morning to everyone who came to school by bus!

Good morning to everyone who came to school on foot!

Good morning to everyone who loves their school!

Good morning to everyone who loves fairy tales!

3. A fairy tale, a fairy tale is a miracle!

We will play miracles
Let's read together

Manage miracles!

4.Guessing riddles.

Small, white, he circled all the poles,
Jump-jump along the path! One snowball at a time! (Hare)

The gentleman walks around the yard, finding fault with everything,
Double beard, side cap! (Rooster)

With a beard, not an old man, with horns, not a bull,
They milk, not the cow, she pulls her bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes! (Goat)

What fairy tale do you think these heroes live in? Well done guys, you guessed correctly! In the fairy tale - "Goat-dereza!"

Who is the main character of these fairy tales?

Physical education lesson “Goat - Dereza” ».
I am the Goat - Dereza,

Goat - black eyes
Sharp horns, crooked leg.
With your eyes - clap-clap!

Legs - stomp, stomp!
I'm goring, I'm goring, I'm goring!!!

III. Working on lesson material.

1. Listening to a fairy tale"Dereza goat."

2. Discussion of the fairy tale.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who are the heroes of the fairy tale? (Rooster, bunny, goat, daughter, old woman, old man.)

What does the fairy tale say? (About how the goat deceived everyone.)

Why did the old man kick out his daughter and old woman?

How did the old man know that the goat was deceiving him?

How did the old man decide to punish the goat?

Who did the dereza goat drive out of her hut?

Who helped the bunny drive away the wolf goat and did he succeed?
- Who else rushed to help the bunny?

Who helped the bunny?

How did the rooster scare the goat? (I’m walking, I’m walking quickly, I have spurs on my feet, I’m carrying a sharp scythe, I’ll cut off the goat’s head! Kook-ka-re-ku!)

3. “What does a fairy tale teach?” (Children's answers)

Physical education minute.

1) There is a house in the forest - a mansion, (spread your fingers to the sides)
There is a lock on the door (fingers intertwined in the lock)
The wolf opens it: (movements with closed hands left, right)
Jerk - twitch, twitch - twitch. (movements with closed hands)
Petya the Cockerel has arrived (fingers raised up, representing a comb)
And he opened the lock with the key (the fingers open and connect, depicting the roof)

3. Russian folk game "Grandfather went to the market."

Russian folk game “Grandfather went to the market” (game model by S. Chernoskutov).
- What do you need a braid for?
- Mow the grass!
- What should I cut the grass for?
- Feed a good horse!
- How to feed the horse?
- Carry oak wood!
- Why transport oak wood?
- Paving bridges!
- What should we use to build bridges?
- To visit the little boy!

Seller: Who wants a goat? I'm selling a goat!...I'll give it away inexpensively!...

Grandfather: How much are you selling the goat, hostess?

Seller: I'll give it to you for three pennies!

Grandfather: Is the goat good?

Seller: Oh good! Yes, how good!

Grandfather: Well, take three pennies and give me a goat! (leads a goat)

Seller: Thank you God! I sold the goat!

4. Dramatizing an excerpt from a fairy tale (children’s choice).

IV. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Any fairy tale always ends with an ending. According to fairy tale custom, we can end the fairy tale with what words?

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows! What lesson does the fairy tale “Dereza Goat” give us?

What did you like most about the fairy tale?

What other fairy tale endings do you know?
- I was there, honey, drank beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth!
- Here’s a fairy tale for you, and a bunch of bagels for me!
- This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened did well!
- Once upon a time there was a king of oats, he took away all the fairy tales!

Every fairy tale has an end, and those who participated in it – well done.
- And they began to live well and make good things!

So we said goodbye like a fairy tale!

The fairy tale for preschoolers “The Goat-Dereza” tells about an old man and a harmful goat. All the goats were quiet and obedient, and only one was always capricious. Dereza angered her grandfather because she had to run away from death into the forest. There she also set to work - she kicked the bunny out of her house and began to live there. A rooster came to the aid of the poor fellow.

Fairy tale Goat dereza download:

Fairy tale Goat dereza read

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman and their daughter.

So my daughter went to graze the goats. She grazed through the mountains, through the valleys, through green meadows, and in the evening she brought them home. The old man came out onto the porch and asked:

You goats, you mothers,

Are you full, are you drunk?

The goats answer him:

We are full, we are drunk,

We walked up and down the hills

The grass was nibbled

The aspen trees have been devoured,

We lay under a birch tree!

And one goat answers:

I'm not full, I'm not drunk,

I didn’t go up the hills,

I didn’t pluck the grass,

I didn’t gnaw the aspen trees,

I didn’t lie under the birch tree,

And how she ran across the bridge,

She grabbed a maple leaf.

She grabbed a drop of water.

The old man got angry with his daughter and drove her out of sight.

The next day he sent the old woman to shepherd. The old woman herded goats through the mountains, through the valleys, through green meadows. Late in the evening I drove them home.

The old man came out onto the porch:

You goats, you mothers,

Are you full, are you drunk?

The goats answer him:

We are full, we are drunk,

We walked up and down the hills

The grass was nibbled

The aspen trees have been devoured,

We lay under a birch tree!

And one goat is everything:

I'm not full, I'm not drunk,

I didn’t go up the hills,

I didn’t pluck the grass,

I didn’t gnaw the aspen trees,

I didn’t lie under the birch tree,

And how she ran across the bridge,

She grabbed a maple leaf.

Yes, how I ran through the comb,

She grabbed a drop of water.

The old man became even more angry than before and drove the old woman out of sight.

On the third day he went to graze the goats himself. Grassed over the mountains, through the valleys, through green meadows. I drove them home in the evening, ran ahead and asked:

You goats, you mothers,

Are you full, are you drunk?

The goats answer him:

We are full, we are drunk,

We walked up and down the hills

The grass was nibbled

The aspen trees have been devoured,

We lay under a birch tree!

And one goat is everything:

I'm not full, I'm not drunk,

I didn’t go up the hills,

I didn’t pluck the grass,

I didn’t gnaw the aspen trees,

I didn’t lie under the birch tree,

And how she ran across the bridge,

She grabbed a maple leaf.

Yes, how I ran through the comb,

She grabbed a drop of water.

The old man caught this goat, tied it up and started beating it. He beat and beat, tore off half of his side and went to sharpen the knife. The goat sees that things are bad, breaks away and runs away. She ran and ran, came running into the hare's hut, fell onto the stove and lay there.

The bunny comes:

Who, who got into my hut?

And the goat answers him from the stove:

I, goat-dereza,

Bought for three pennies,

Half a side is peeled,

I stomp, stomp my feet,

I will stab you with my horns,

I'll trample with my feet,

I'll sweep it with my tail!

The bunny got scared and ran away. She goes and cries bitterly.

He comes across a rooster in red boots, gold earrings, and carries a braid on his shoulder:

Hello, bunny. Why are you crying?

How can I not cry? A goat got into my hut and kicked me out.

Let's go, I'll help your grief.

They approached the hut, the rooster knocked:

Knock-knock-knock, who's in the hut?

And the goat for him from the stove:

I, goat-dereza,

Bought for three pennies,

Half a side is peeled,

I stomp, stomp my feet,

I will stab you with my horns,

I'll trample with my feet,

I'll sweep it with my tail!

And the rooster will jump on the threshold and crow:

I'm walking in boots

In gold earrings,

I carry a scythe

I'll take your head off

Up to the shoulders,

Get off the stove!

The goat got scared and fell from the stove in fear and killed herself. And the bunny and the cockerel began to live in the hut and catch fish.

Goat - Dereza is an instructive Russian folk tale with an underlying moral and life lesson. The fairy tale about the Goat - the wolfberry can be read online or download the text in doc and PDF format.
Summary of the Fairy Tales Goat - Dereza You can start with how one family had a special goat who constantly complained and slandered. One day my daughter went to herd goats, grazed through the mountains, through the valleys, through green meadows. I came home, and the old man asked: You goats, you mothers, are you full? are you drunk? . All the goats were happy, only one Goat, Dereza, began to complain, saying she was still hungry. The old man got angry and drove his daughter out of sight! The next day the old woman went to graze the goats. She grazed in the mountains, in the valleys, in green meadows. I came home, the old man asked: Are you full? are you drunk? All the goats answer that they ate their fill and had a good time, and the Goat - Dereza again began to complain that she was left hungry. The old man was even more angry than before, and the next day he went to graze himself. Herding goats through the mountains, through the valleys, through green meadows, and at home again asking how they say, are you full, are you satisfied? Everyone unanimously answers that they ate plenty and had a good time, but the Goat - Dereza was again dissatisfied. The old man caught this goat, let's hit it on the sides, and already went to sharpen the knives, but the goat ran away.
The main character of the fairy tale Goat is a dereza, implies human vices and character traits. Lies, envy, arrogance, narcissism, because for some reason the goat decided that it was not like all its surrounding tribesmen. By becoming poor and complaining about life, the goat wants special treatment from its owners, thereby clearly demonstrating the psychology of a plebeian. The goat's deceitfulness indicates an inferiority complex, which is compensated by insulting and slandering others. Perjury and lies do not awaken repentance and remorse in the Goat, which is beyond impudence. Even when the owner grandfather himself became a witness to her lies, she continued to slander, although there was no one to complain to.
Read the fairy tale Goat - Dereza, is not only very interesting, but also instructive, for children of any age. The fairy tale shows different patterns of behavior and relationships between people, which is the basis for a child’s first knowledge about life. The fairy tale Goat - Dereza has a deep moral and pedagogical meaning. The situation in the fairy tale will help you recognize in time the child’s habit of lying and sneaking around. Especially among spoiled children who are selfish, who are convinced of their exclusivity and impunity to such an extent that using deceitful techniques becomes the norm for them. At the end of the fairy tale, children will see what lies and lies lead to, and will draw their own conclusions about such behavior.
The fairy tale Goat - Dereza is a clear example of such proverbs as: Whoever deceives today will not be believed tomorrow, Slander is a weapon, The slanderer is waiting for a stick, It is easy to slander, but not easy to answer, Envy and slander live together, The one who spins slander does not know that slander will later kill him.

Marina Sushkova
“Acting and retelling the fairy tale “Goat-Dereza” with the help of “substitutes”

« Acting out and retelling a fairy tale« Goat – Dereza»

With with help« deputies»


1. Development of selection skills « deputy» according to a given characteristic (size and color of geometric shapes);

2. Construction of a motor model as the presentation progresses;

3. Consolidating the content of individual episodes fairy tales using« deputies» ;

4. Develop children's thinking, creative imagination, and coherent speech. Expand words knowledge;

5. Moral tasks: the ability to listen to the teacher and the advice of comrades, not interrupt, answer fully, sit correctly at tables, be able to

evaluate fairy-tale actions of heroes.

Material: Text fairy tales« Goat - Dereza» . Each child has mugs of different sizes and colors: white, grey, brown, red, black, stripes: green, blue, triangle - green, square - blue.

Progress of the lesson:

Children's emotional mood for the lesson.

Music is playing

Educator. - Guys, look at each other, smile at each other.

Now smile at me, and I at you.

What's your mood?

(Good, kind, smiling, cheerful, cheerful.)

It is with this good mood that we will begin our lesson.

Today we will talk about fairy tales.

I know you love them very much.

Tell us why you love Russian folk music fairy tales?

(IN animals live in fairy tales who can talk, miracles and magic happen in them, in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil, they teach us to be kind)

What do you think will happen if they disappear fairy tales?

(We will be bored and uninteresting without fairy tales, goodness, miracles and magic will disappear)

That's right, along with fairy tales kindness, miracles and magic will disappear from our lives. To prevent this from happening, and fairy tales always stayed with us, you just need to love and be able to be interesting tell them.

I confess, children, I love you too fairy tales.

Today we will visit our old friend Koza-Dereza.

She's the main character fairy tales?

(Russian folk fairy tales« Goat – Dereza» )

But in this fairy tale there are other characters, name them?

(Grandfather, grandmother, bunny, bear, cockerel)

Well done! Named correctly.

Heroes fairy tales they couldn’t come themselves, but they sent their « deputies» .

Each character has « deputy» in the form of a geometric figure.

Your task is to choose « deputies» to our heroes.

I give it to you hint: in animal heroes « deputies» - circles, the grandfather and grandmother have rectangular stripes, the bush has a triangle, the house has a square.

Let's remember what kind of character she was Goat - Dereza in a fairy tale?

(Cunning, evil, deceiver)

Describe the appearance of the goat.

(Big goat, her fur is white, her eyes are black, her horns are sharp, her leg is crooked)

Which circle looks like a goat?


What color did you take the circle? Who does it mean?

What did you do goat with hare?

(Kicked the bunny out of the hut)

What kind of bunny in the hut?

(Grey, fluffy, with long ears, he is still weak, but good)

What circle is similar to it?


What animals helped drive the goat out of the bunny's hut?

(To the hare the bear and the rooster helped)

Which circle looks like a bear?


Why brown?

(The bear is big, clubfooted, and its fur is brown)

What kind of cockerel is it? fairy tale?

(He has a red comb on his head, spurs on his feet, and a sharp braid on his shoulder)

Which circle looks like a cockerel?


Why the red circle?

Now let's talk about grandfather and grandmother. What kind of grandfather fairy tale? What stripe is similar

And grandma? Which strip is similar to this?

What does the green triangle mean? fairy tale?


What about the blue square?

(Zaykina's hut)

Guys, I suggest you say magic words: “Cribly-crabbly-boms!” and turn geometric shapes into heroes fairy tales, (children say magic words to the music)

So all our heroes have gathered fairy tales on your plates.

I hear their conversations, but I don’t understand all the words.

The goat says to his grandfather: ". and as she ran through the comb, she swallowed a drop of water.”. What is a comb? (narrow board).

And what does it mean "beat" (beat).

Please explain to me what the goat screamed from the hut: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets.” (In all directions).

How to understand "slammed" (fell).

Now I know you can understand what they're talking about fairy tale characters.

I hear that they are inviting us to play.

But before ; with this let's remember finger gymnastics "House Teremok".

There is a little house in the forest, (spread your fingers to the sides)

There's a lock on the door, (fingers intertwined in a castle)

The wolf opens it:

left, right)

Jerk - twitch, twitch - twitch. (movements with closed hands)

Petya the Cockerel has arrived (fingers raised,

depicting a comb)

And he opened the lock with the key (the fingers open and

connected to represent a roof)

Now let's listen to the rules games: I I'm telling you a fairy tale, and you follow

me act out the plot of a fairy tale using« deputies» heroes fairy tales.

“Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had goat

(The content is being played out fairy tales using« deputies» )

I liked the way you acted out a fairy tale.

Now let's relax and play with our Goat - Dereza.

Physical education minute « Goat - Dereza» .

I Goat - Dereza

Goat - black eyes

Sharp horns,

Crooked leg.

With your eyes - clap-clap,

Legs - stomp, stomp.

I'll gore, I'll gore, I'll gore!

You played so well fairy tale that I also wanted to play it with using these figures. I'll pick the episodes I liked the most. fairy tale and you give me Help. I'll play and you tell the content.

Be careful!

(I play, and the children tell the content)

Well done, you made me happy! are you okay retold episodes of the fairy tale. Therefore, I invite you to a forest clearing.

There are 4 houses in the clearing. Animals from ours live in them fairy tales.

Who lives in the white house? (Goats)

Who's in gray? (Bunnies)

Who's in brown? (The Bears)

Who's in red? (Cockerels)

I have mugs on the tray; they represent the animals that live in these houses.

Before choosing a circle, think about which one fairy you liked the hero the most, and look where his house is.

Choose. What color is your circle? Who is this?

Now you have turned into goats, bunnies, bears and cockerels.

And we will play with you. (Children find houses to the music fairy-tale heroes) .

Well done! None of the animals made a mistake.

Please note that in each house we have several bunnies, goats, bears and cockerels. We are all not only neighbors, but also good, kind friends.

Our lesson has come to an end.

Well done, you did a good job, you managed to find a hero for each his tales« deputy» , and with with help« deputies» convey the content of the tale, relationships fairy-tale heroes. You coped well with the task, it makes me happy, and I think you can cope with the new one task: how to write a fairy tale without words? (It can be written « deputies» ).

Then I propose to organize evening gatherings, at which with help try your records tell your family's favorite story.

I hope your mom and dad will help you.