How to get nail polish stains out of clothes. If clothes have become a “victim” of manicure: how can you remove fresh and dried nail polish from things made of different materials


Very often, women wonder how to remove varnish from clothes. This is due to the fact that a large number of the fairer sex do manicures on their own, and this often leads to varnish getting on the fabric from which the clothes are made.

A damaged manicure is a fixable matter, but what to do with clothes that have got polish on them, how to remove nail polish from the surface of a thing without ruining it. Women with a problem that has arisen very rarely turn to specialized dry cleaners, so they are interested in how to remove varnish from clothes at home.

There are several ways to get nail polish off clothes. Experts in the field of cleaning things from various types of dirt have developed recommendations that allow you to remove varnish contamination from the surface of the fabric at home quickly enough.

A large number of the fairer sex do manicures on their own, and this often leads to varnish getting on the fabric from which the clothes are made.

There are several tips on how to remove varnish from clothes, which are recommended to be followed when removing pollution:

  1. You should not try to remove the varnish in the usual way - by washing with powder, gel or soap. This is due to the fact that in the process of such washing, a small area of ​​​​contamination of the fabric with varnish is converted into a smeared ugly spot that occupies a decent area on the surface of the clothes.
  2. If varnish gets on the surface of the fabric, do not wait until the varnish dries and hardens. The fact is that this type of pollution is much easier to remove from the fabric while it is fresh. To do this, you need to remove the varnish from the surface of the clothes with a cotton swab or cotton pad. This procedure should be done as quickly as possible, since the earlier it is carried out, the easier it is to remove the remaining varnish from clothing in the future.
  3. Before using any cleaner, it should be tested on the fabric in an inconspicuous area, such as an inseam or hem.

Important! If the removal of the stain is started after it has dried, then it is likely that the dyes will penetrate into the fibers from which the fabric is made.

You should not try to remove the varnish in the usual way - by washing using powder, gel or soap

It is rather difficult to clean such pollution, and it is almost impossible to get rid of residual phenomena in the form of a change in the color and structure of the fabric, regardless of the type of further processing of pollution during its removal. At the initial stage, after removing excess varnish, the stain should be rubbed with an old toothbrush, trying to use it to pull out the remains of varnish that have penetrated between the fibers of the fabric.

Lacquer pollution is difficult to clean

Before mechanical treatment, contaminated clothing should be spread on a horizontal surface, after placing a piece of light-colored fabric made of cotton fiber under it in the place where the stain is located.

After removing the varnish from the surface of the clothing, you can begin to remove its residues using various chemical compounds and household chemicals.

At the initial stage, after removing excess varnish, the stain should be rubbed with an old toothbrush.

Removing varnish stains on natural fiber fabrics

Recently, women are increasingly using a composition such as gel polish for manicure guidance. This composition is highly resistant to factors that destroy nail polish. Natural fiber clothing has been and is one of the most popular. These 2 factors are the reason that women are often interested in how to remove gel polish from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made. To remove this composition, just as when contaminating things with ordinary varnish, you can use several different chemical compounds and household chemicals.

When cleaning a thing made using fabrics made from natural fibers, great effort is not required.

When cleaning a thing made using fabrics made from natural fibers, great effort is not required. In order to remove the stain, you should use:

  • acetone;
  • refined gasoline;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach;
  • white spirit.

On a note! The use of a chemical compound such as acetone when cleaning natural fiber fabrics is the easiest and safest way to remove contamination.

In the absence of acetone, natural fiber fabrics can be cleaned with refined gasoline.

To use acetone, put a few drops of the chemical compound on the remaining dirt and use a cotton pad to wipe the stained area. If after the treatment there are small traces, it is recommended to treat the stain with gasoline and sprinkle with talc.

In the absence of acetone, natural fiber fabrics can be cleaned with refined gasoline. How to remove gel nail polish from clothes with gasoline is a question that can often be heard from women. In order to clean with gasoline, pour a little liquid on the dirt and leave it in this state for 15 minutes. After this time, you need to take a piece of cloth and try to wipe off the varnish from the surface of the fabric using intense movements. To remove streaks on the surface of clothing, re-apply a little refined gasoline to the spot where the stain has formed, then wait again for 15 minutes and then wipe off the remaining varnish completely. After finishing removing the dirt, the item of clothing will need to be washed in the usual way with a washing powder or washing gel.

Using hydrogen peroxide, bleach and mineral spirits

Using hydrogen peroxide is a safe and reliable way to remove nail polish from white fabrics made from natural fibers. In order to remove contamination, you should take a 3% peroxide solution and gently treat the contamination with a napkin. The treatment process should be repeated several times until the varnish stain is completely removed, while changing the contaminated wipes.

Bleach is an effective means of removing dirt from the surface of white fabrics made from natural fibers. In order to get rid of contamination, it is necessary to apply the product to the surface of the fabric, then wait about half an hour and wipe the area with a napkin. After the processing process, the thing will need to be washed in the usual way using laundry detergents.

Bleach is an effective means of removing dirt on the surface of white fabrics made from natural fibers.

The use of white spirit gives a good result if it removes the dirt formed by nail polish on the surface of the fabric. In order to get rid of the stain, it is necessary to apply a generous amount of the product on its surface and leave it to interact for 15 minutes. After this time, the place of contamination should be rubbed with energetic movements with a flap moistened with the product. After finishing the treatment of pollution, the thing should be sent to the laundry.

For the final removal of varnish residues from the surface of the fabric, the item should be washed in an automatic washing machine in the standard wash mode.

The use of white spirit gives a good result if it removes the dirt formed by nail polish on the surface of the fabric with it.

How to remove varnish contamination from the surface of synthetic and fine fabrics?

It is quite difficult to remove traces of varnish contamination from the surface of synthetic and thin fabrics.

  1. Using nail polish remover without acetone. To use this composition, apply liquid to the surface of the stain and wait a few seconds, after which you need to rub the stain in one direction. During processing, it is recommended to use cotton pads. As disks get dirty, they should be replaced with new ones. The treatment of the stain is carried out until it disappears completely.
  2. Using a homemade stain remover for delicate fabrics. To prepare the product, you should take an equal amount of ammonia, turpentine and olive oil, all components must be mixed and generously applied to the surface of the mixture. Then the treated area should be left for 5 minutes in order for the product to work, after this time the mixture is removed from the surface of the fabric with a cotton pad or napkin. The thing processed in this way must be washed in a washing machine on the appropriate mode. If traces of contamination remain on the surface of the fabric, the treatment will need to be repeated, but it must be remembered that re-treatment is allowed only after the item is completely dry.
  3. If varnish gets on woolen products that have a long pile, the contaminated area can be cut off after the varnish dries. The main thing is to turn the product upside down so that the varnish cannot seep through.

How to get nail polish out of fabric? This question has been asked many times by parents of young children. After all, it happens that the mother just turned away for a minute, and the child has already torn the tulle, broken the flowerpot or varnished the sofa. It happens that, due to their negligence, adults can inadvertently knock over a bottle of coloring agent.

lacquer stain removal technology

If the coloring agent suddenly spilled onto the fabric, then in no case should it be washed. It is better to immediately blot the place of contamination with a napkin so that the stain does not dry out. Draw in decorative paint very carefully with a cotton swab, and then with a paper towel. With a cotton swab, which must first be moistened in a high-quality solvent, the contaminated area (from the periphery to the middle) should be treated with very delicate touches. In order for the solvent not to spread, you need to very slowly, drop by drop, apply it directly to the stain. During wetting, it is imperative to ensure that the paint is absorbed by the towel, which needs to be changed from time to time.

To remove stains on bright white textiles, it is effective to use a mixture of gasoline and carefully ground chalk in equal proportions. They need to be mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. A ball of this mixture must be rubbed into the stain and wait until the gasoline has completely evaporated. Shake off the remaining dirt and clean with a brush. If you are unlucky and the coloring agent did not come out on the first try, the action must be repeated until a positive result is achieved. During washing, oxygenated bleach should be added to whites.

Some fabrics that cannot be cleaned with acetone react well with hydrogen peroxide. You can try to clean it with regular hairspray. This tool must be sprayed on an old toothbrush or cotton swab. Then try to remove the decorative paint with massage movements.

How to remove nail polish

Many people think that removing a stain from a varnish is unrealistic. But there are many ways in which you can easily wash the varnish.

Normal machine washing in such situations does not solve the problem.

The easiest method is to buy a good stain remover from a home improvement store. But he can just "kill" the thing. In this situation, you can use a solvent. It will be enough to press the rag with the substance a little to the dirty area and rinse in a basin of warm water.

Ways to remove nail polish from clothes

The easiest method for cleaning nail polish from clothes is to stretch the textile over the stained area a little and dab a few times with acetone. The procedure should be repeated until the varnish completely disappears. Then you should abundantly moisten a rag or sponge in gasoline and rub the stain. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to sprinkle the place of cleaning with talcum powder, wash and dry. But do not forget that if the varnish has spilled onto light-colored clothes, then traces or stains may remain after using this method.

There is another effective option for removing varnish from clothes. With a cotton swab, it is necessary to wipe the uncured varnish from the clothes. Prepare the necessary auxiliary fabric or waffle towel. After that, you should carefully remove the damaged wardrobe item from yourself and just as carefully turn it inside out. Fold the pre-prepared cloth to absorb dirt in several layers and additionally place paper towels or napkins.

Be sure to use latex or rubber gloves before removing the stain. Solvent needs to cover the wrong side of the stain. It is necessary that the agent gets exactly to the contaminated place. After that, the thing needs to be rubbed a little.

There is also the easiest method, which has no risk, to take clothes to a professional dry cleaner. But if suddenly the experts failed to remove traces of varnish, you can experiment with bright applications. A creative and original approach will quickly and effectively help decorate a damaged item. If you use these methods correctly, you can easily and painlessly remove all problematic stains from the coloring agent for clothes.

How to remove stains from carpets and upholstery

If such a nuisance as nail polish contamination has occurred with the carpet, there is no need to panic. It is only necessary to soak the carpet in the place where the varnish has spilled. Use undiluted acetone or nail polish remover for this purpose. After a while, you need to put a piece of fabric on the carpet and press it firmly to “draw in” the coloring agent.

Another way is to mix 1 tablespoon of chemical dish detergent with 2 cups of warm water. Soak the stain in the solution with a clean piece of white cloth. You need to rub the carpet intensively until the stain is completely removed. Then soak the carpet in cold water and leave to dry.

You can take a vial of hydrogen peroxide, mix it thoroughly with ordinary water (in a ratio of 1: 1) and cover the nail polish stain with this liquid. Take the carpet out into the sun so that it stays there as long as possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to constantly moisten the area contaminated with the coloring agent. The varnish will gradually disappear. In the evening, wipe the carpet with a dry waffle towel, removing excess liquid.

Before removing a stain from the upholstery of a sofa, armchair, etc. it is necessary to determine which tools can be used in working with different types of textiles, and which ones cannot. The result primarily depends on the structure of the tissue and the age of contamination. It's always best to fight fresh stains, but don't give up on old nail polish drops either.

Features of working with textiles

With natural textiles (cotton, linen, silk, denim, wool), nail polish remover, acetone does a good job. And hydrogen peroxide will take care of undyed fabrics. For acetate and fluorescent fabrics, the use of solvents is strongly discouraged.

Before performing this work, it is imperative to test the cleaning agent on textiles in an inconspicuous place (for example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner seam of jeans). Textiles can immediately or after a certain time change color and lose the integrity of the structure.

If the problem is with very delicate or lacy types of fabric, then a mixture of ammonia, sunflower oil and turpentine will do just fine. They must be mixed in equal proportions.

A stain on rayon is best removed with hydrogen peroxide, acetone, or a natural acid such as lemon juice. Artificial leather is cleaned with soapy water, because it is insensitive to alcohol, acetone and gasoline. Turpentine should not be used in cleaning fabrics with rubber decoration elements.

In her life, every woman painted her nails, while being late somewhere. In such a situation, no one is immune from getting varnish on clothes - one careless movement, and it has already stained your favorite blouse or jeans. But alas, almost no one knows how to wipe nail polish off clothes. In this article, we will look at simple and practical tools that will help remove traces of this product from clothing.

Cleaning methods

If you accidentally spill any color nail art liquid on your favorite jeans, or flip the bottle over on your new leather sofa, don't despair. Our tips will help you remove the varnish. To get started, remember a few simple rules:

  1. Washing this item of a women's cosmetic bag with a normal wash with soap or powder will not work.
  2. You can wipe the varnish from clothes, you should not wait until it dries. Remove as much of this product as possible with a cotton pad or a stick.
  3. Before removing contamination with a chemical agent, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing, otherwise you can permanently ruin your favorite item.

There are many ways to clean up these contaminants. Consider the most popular and tested from them.


The most effective way to remove nail polish from clothes is to use acetone solvent. Follow the steps below to get rid of the stain:

  1. After you have removed everything possible from the contaminated area, put a white rag under it, folding it several times.
  2. Take a cotton pad and pour a small amount of acetone on it.
  3. Gently wipe away dirt.
  4. If there are stains, treat them with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline.
  5. Sprinkle baby powder on top for an hour.
  6. Wash your item with detergent.

Nail polish remover


You can also remove varnish from clothes with gasoline. For this:

  1. Apply a couple of drops of gasoline to the contaminated area and leave for 15 minutes, then rub the fabric with a cotton swab.
  2. If your thing is white, you can add a small amount of chalk to gasoline until a slurry forms.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain, and when it dries, clean the residue with a soft brush and wash the item.


Suitable to wipe off nail polish from a white cloth, a simple bleach. To remove contamination, pour the store cleaner you have on hand and leave for 40 minutes. After - wash the thing.

White Spirit

To remove nail polish from your favorite jeans or blouse, you can also use this universal solvent. Apply it like this:

  1. Pour the solvent onto a tissue and place it on the stain for a while.
  2. Wash the item with soap and powder.

Denatured alcohol

This tool will help you clean even very fresh stains. Follow these instructions:

  1. Apply alcohol to a cotton pad.
  2. Place a white cloth under the stained area.
  3. Starting at the edges of the soiled area, moving towards the middle, process it.
  4. After the disappearance of pollution, wash the item.

Hydrogen peroxide

This medication will help you remove dirt from clothes and is probably in the first aid kit of every housewife. In order to get nail polish off clothes, you will need to apply peroxide to a cloth and rub it until the stained area is completely clean.

Important! Peroxide has a bleaching effect, use it only on light materials.

Hair spray

To quickly deal with the problem, you can use this simple tool. Simply apply it to your toothbrush or cotton swab and use circular motions to remove the dirt.

Product for delicate fabrics

If nail polish gets on your lace or thin, delicate material, follow these steps to clean it up:

  1. Mix equal amounts of vegetable oil, turpentine, ammonia.
  2. Apply this mixture to the stained area.
  3. After a few minutes, blot with a clean cloth.
  4. Wash the item.

Modern chemicals

There are also special products for removing such contaminants from clothes. Let's consider some of them.

Spray SA8 prewash spray spot treatment

  1. Remove excess dirt with a dull knife and spray this product onto the stain.
  2. Leave for a few minutes.
  3. Wash your item.

Dr. Beckmann Fleckenteufel

You can also use Dr. Beckmann Fleckenteufel. To clean up, run:

  1. Put a napkin on a porcelain saucer and place under the stained area.
  2. Apply a few drops of stain remover and leave on for 15 minutes.
  3. Blot the contaminated area several times with a tissue.
  4. Wash the item.


The most convenient stain remover is ECO-23. It is shaped like a pencil and is very easy to use. Proceed according to this principle:

  1. Remove any remaining varnish.
  2. Wet the cloth and swipe a few times with a pencil in the place of contamination.
  3. Rub the place of contamination - foam should form.
  4. Wash the item after 15 minutes.

Features of different types of fabrics

Before wiping nail polish off clothing, be sure to determine the type of material. Using some of the above methods without preparation, you can not only not cope with the problem, but also damage your favorite thing. Also, this nuance directly affects the complexity of stain removal.

natural fabrics

For this type, products such as nail polish remover, acetone are suitable. If the thing is not yet painted, feel free to use hydrogen peroxide.


This type of fabric is best cleaned with peroxide and acetone.

Faux leather

To remove nail polish from leather sofas, clean with soapy water only. Alcohol, acetone, gasoline is strictly not recommended.

A stain from varnish on your favorite blouse or skirt is an unpleasant phenomenon that every woman has encountered at least once. However, this does not mean at all that the thing is hopelessly damaged. The fair sex only needs to know how to remove varnish from clothes. The following are helpful guidelines that will enable you to remove nail polish from any fabric.

How to remove nail polish stains from clothes: general rules

First of all, you need to remember the general tips:

  1. It will not work to wash such a resistant product with ordinary soap solutions or powder, you will only waste your time, and the stain will remain in place.
  2. Try to get the stain off your clothes as soon as possible, otherwise it will dry out and be much more difficult to remove from the surface.
  3. How to remove nail polish stains on clothes? Before using this or that chemical-based product, be sure to test it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric: otherwise, the thing can be ruined.

How to remove gel polish from clothes with acetone

Acetone is a good tool that can remove even resistant gel polish, not to mention the usual products sold in stores. Please note: Acetone is not recommended for use on synthetic fabrics as the solution may damage them. It is convenient to remove varnish with this tool on natural materials.

How do you remove nail polish stains with acetone? Place a white cloth under the stain, which is recommended to be folded several times. A small amount of the solution is poured onto cotton wool, after which the desired place is gently rubbed several times.

If, after such a manipulation, stains appear on the fabric, they must be wiped with a damp cloth previously soaked in gasoline. After a while, wash the item in a regular washing powder.

How to remove gel polish from clothes: nail polish remover

How to remove varnish from jeans and other material? You can use regular nail polish remover if it does not contain acetone. This method is good for fabrics made of artificial materials, since the composition will not damage their structure.

In this case, it is also recommended to put a white cloth under the stain, and then wipe the clothes with a small amount of liquid. Finally, the item can be washed with a dishwashing detergent. The fact is that most nail polish removers leave greasy marks on clothes, which you can get rid of with the help of dishwashing detergents.

How to clean wood and nail polish with gasoline

How to remove nail polish stain? A good tool is ordinary gasoline, which every motorist has in stock. It is recommended to apply a small amount of this product to the contamination and wait 15 minutes. After that, the fabric must be gently rubbed and washed.

If you dripped varnish on a snow-white blouse, it is recommended to add a small amount of powdered chalk to gasoline. This mixture must be applied to the stain, and when it dries, gently remove with a dry brush.

How to get nail polish stains out of clothes with bleach

If you have stained a white item, bleach will come to the rescue. You should pour the solution on the contamination, wait about an hour, and then wash the item as usual. Please note: this method is suitable if the stain was left relatively recently and did not have time to completely dry.

How to remove varnish from delicate fabrics

Unfortunately, all of the above solutions are unlikely to be suitable for thin and delicate fabrics. Gasoline and other solvents can damage their structure, as a result of which the item will have to be thrown away.

A stain from delicate clothes can be washed off with a mixture that includes vegetable oil, turpentine and ammonia in equal proportions. A similar consistency is applied to the stain and after 15 minutes, gently removed with a napkin. Next, the product must be washed in warm water using soap against greasy stains.

How to remove varnish from clothes with hydrogen peroxide

Delicate fabrics can be cleaned from this cosmetic and with the help of ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which is available in every home. The liquid must be applied to a cotton swab and carefully wipe the stain. Since this product has a slight bleaching effect, it is best to use this method on light fabrics.

How to wash shellac from clothes? Below are tips to help you remove this cosmetic product without any problems:

  1. Before you begin to act, carefully study the composition of the fabric.
  2. Do not use aggressive solvents on silk and other fabrics with a fine structure.
  3. Start washing the stain as soon as possible: fresh stains are much easier to remove than dried ones.
  4. If your thing is sewn from expensive fabrics, and you don’t know how to remove a stain from it, it’s better to contact a professional dry cleaner: experts will remove the dirt without damaging the delicate material.

Now you know how to remove nail polish stains from clothes. If such an unpleasant situation arises, do not panic: just take the above solvents or other improvised means and quickly but carefully remove the contamination from the material. However, if the opportunity allows, it is better to use special professional stain removers that help get rid of even such stubborn stains. If desired, such funds can be found in any hardware store or supermarket.

If you do manicures and pedicures on your own, then you probably sometimes encounter an unpleasant situation - varnish gets on clothes or furniture (this is especially dangerous for armchairs and sofas). And it doesn't matter if it happens because of haste, negligence or accident. The main thing is that these tools can ruin the material. Therefore, it is important not to panic, but to remember how to remove nail polish from clothes. There are many methods, but they must be used carefully, as some methods are only suitable for certain fabrics.


And immediately the main rule - do not try to remove nail polish by washing clothes in a washing machine. This is a sure way to get a damaged item. Due to such exposure, the varnish will be smeared over a large area and absorbed into the fabric. Then even dry cleaning will not be able to remove it.

At home, you need to wash off such stains pointwise. And first of all - to carry out the preparatory procedure.

  1. Using a napkin or cotton pad, blot a fresh stain, because it is more difficult to get rid of a dried one. Be careful not to inadvertently rub the substance into the fabric.
  2. If the varnish has been able to penetrate the fibers of the thing, a toothpick will help - use it to remove the particles. Don't forget to be careful though.

Cleansing natural fabrics

Removing nail polish from clothing made from natural materials is the easiest. At the same time, the choice of products that will help wipe the stain is quite extensive. At least one of the list is sure to be in your home. But when removing varnish, the main thing is efficiency.

  • Acetone. You need to drip it on the stain itself. To remove the mark, use a cotton pad. Treat the fabric with gentle movements. This tool has one drawback - after applying it to the fabric, stains may remain. You can remove them with purified gasoline. After that, you need to process the thing with talcum powder.
  • You can immediately use gasoline. But here the technique is different: apply a little substance to the stain and leave for fifteen minutes. Then, using a rag or just a piece of cloth, you need to wipe off the substance along with the stain. You may have to repeat the process several times to remove streaks. When cleaning a white cloth with gasoline, add crushed chalk to it.
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. If you do not want to experiment with the composition described above, then for light-colored clothes it is better to use this option. Soak a rag in peroxide and gently wash the mark.
  • Bleach is also suitable for whites. Apply it on the stain and leave for thirty minutes (maybe more), then wipe the fabric.

And only after getting rid of the main part of the varnish, you can send the thing to the washing machine.

Cleaning synthetic fabrics

But washing synthetic and thin fabrics using the methods described above will not work. Moreover, the use of these funds can completely ruin the thing. Here delicate methods are needed.

  • For example, nail polish remover, which does not include acetone. Apply a small amount to the item, wait ten seconds, then start scrubbing with a cotton pad. You may need to use multiple disks in the process. It is important to be patient, because the trace will be displayed gradually. Before using the product, it is best to apply it to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe item or a sample of the same fabric to make sure that the material does not suffer due to exposure.
  • To remove a stain from a varnish from synthetics, one product may not be enough. In this case, it is worth trying to prepare a stain remover with a special composition. It should include ammonia, turpentine and olive oil in equal proportions. For small spots, you need to take fifteen milliliters of each substance. Mix them and spread them on the fabric. After five minutes, you need to remove the composition with a napkin and wash the thing in a washing machine.

Home stain removers

But homemade stain remover can be used for more than just washing delicate fabrics. Even harsh substances such as gasoline or acetone may not be enough to clean cotton. Then it is worth trying to mix these components in different combinations.

  • For example, besides chalk, you can add white clay to gasoline. You should get a thick paste. It must be smeared with a thick layer on the stain and left to dry completely. Then gently wipe off the fabric and remove stains, if any.
  • Another rather hard mixture is water, tooth powder and chalk. The amount of ingredients may vary due to different tooth powders. But in the end, the mixture should also be thick and easy to apply. The principle of use is the same - spread, leave to dry. Then get rid of the crust and wash the item in water with your hands.
  • To get rid of varnish, a universal stain remover of our own preparation is also applicable. It consists of one hundred milliliters of hydrogen peroxide, one hundred grams of soda and two hundred grams of water. All ingredients must be mixed and shaken in a closed container. It is better to apply on the fabric with a spray bottle.

Removing a stain

Even after removing the main part of the varnish, a barely noticeable mark may remain on the fabric. It can be brightened up.

  • This will require starch. Mix it with water to make a thick mass, and apply to the material. Wash off after drying.
  • Laundry soap will also help. Soap the fabric with it, and then wash it in the machine.

If you can’t get rid of the stain, and the thing is expensive, contact the dry cleaner. But, as a rule, with the prompt action, it is possible to get rid of the varnish on their own.


Nail polish stains on clothes are a common problem. And this is not a reason to throw things away. To clean the fabric, you need to act quickly. First of all, carefully get rid of the varnish layer. Then proceed to remove the stain itself. The choice of cleaning products depends on the type of fabric.