What can a baby do at two months old? Baby care


So, your baby has already grown up a little, he not only eats and sleeps, but is also actively interested in the world around him. How to develop a child at 2 months? This question is asked by many parents. It is from this age that you can begin to develop the baby’s hearing, vision, motor skills and tactile sensations. Of course, all classes must be conducted in game form. We should not forget about massage, as well as special exercises that will help little man learn to control your body faster.

General rules

By the end of the second month, babies become about 10 cm taller and 2.5 kg heavier. Physical capabilities are growing, the first humming appears, a conscious smile, a reaction to close relatives. 2-month-old babies still sleep about 16 hours a day (from 15 to 17), but at the same time the amount of night sleep increases and daytime sleep decreases. That is, mom and dad have the opportunity to spend time with the child in an educational and interesting way.

What is important to consider in order not to harm the baby?

  • Classes should be conducted in a well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 22 to 26 degrees.
  • The duration of the game should not exceed 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will be overexcited.
  • At the time of class, he should be full and dry. Optimal time– between the second and third feeding, an hour after eating.
  • Before going to bed at night, you are allowed to play only quiet games.
  • Shouldn't be nearby sharp objects, corners, and other dangerous things.
  • The baby's mood should be good. There is no need to force him to do something.

At this age, the child already needs to be accustomed to a daily routine. It is advisable that walks, bathing, feeding and sleep occur at the same time. This way it will be easier for the baby to tune in, he will begin to get better sleep and eat. Accordingly, more strength will appear, mood will improve, and the child will easily learn new skills.

Hearing development

A variety of sounds activate the baby's auditory functions. Hearing determines development in many ways and stimulates skills such as rolling over, crawling and sitting. Children at 2 months can not only hear, but also reproduce some sounds. Watching the movement of their parents' lips, they involuntarily begin to imitate them. Therefore, it is very important to talk to your baby as much as possible.

To develop his hearing, play an entertaining game.

  • Shake the rattle first to the left of the baby's head, then to the right, behind. Move it sideways at different speeds. When the baby’s reaction improves, you can try to diversify the sounds using a bell, a pipe, or rattles with a different sound.
  • Call the child by name. Before approaching his crib, say his name affectionately. The baby will learn to recognize your voice and will soon be waiting in advance for you to appear.
  • Prepare several objects that make sounds - a small hammer, a plastic bag, a toy with a squeak. Show your baby what they sound like. Then help him reproduce the sound on his own.
  • Repeat the baby's humming. This will greatly please and surprise him. Show how a dog barks, a chicken cackles, a cow moos, and a pig grunts.

When talking to your child, use simple, monosyllabic words and build short sentences. Change your intonation, hum children's songs and nursery rhymes, all this will stimulate your baby's hearing and speech.

Black and white mobile for newborn vision development

Vision development

A child at two months can already clearly see objects at a distance of a meter. However, he cannot focus his gaze on one thing, especially something moving. Therefore, parents should help him master this skill.

So, how to develop a child at 2 months?

  • Choose a solid color a bright toy, maybe luminous. Approach your baby so that he does not see your face (this is necessary so that he does not get distracted). Holding the toy at a distance of 40-50 cm, slowly move it in front of the baby's eyes. Stop periodically and then continue driving.
  • Hang the picture near your newborn's crib. It should be contrasting, simple, with large details. For example, an image of the sun, a duck, a berry, geometric shapes. Make it a rule to change your designs once a week.
  • Humming a funny song, lift the child up and then down, tilt him to the sides. Let him look at objects from different angles. If your baby shows interest in something, stop and bring him closer.
  • In the evening, you can demonstrate to your baby the play of light and shadow. Turn on relaxing, calm music, then turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight to illuminate the ceiling, walls, toys or other objects. Let the child try to do the same with your help.

Knitted beads for development tactile sensations infants

Development of tactile sensations and motor skills

The second month of life is time active development tactile receptors. By training them, the child learns coordination, his fists unclench faster, and his tone improves. In addition, children who have been involved in developing motor skills begin to speak earlier.

You can play the following games with a 2 month old baby.

  • Tickle the naked baby with a feather, while naming each part of the body. Example: “tickle, tickle heels”, “tickle, tickle tummy”.
  • Place a bracelet or a bright sock on the baby's hand, pass it in front of the eyes, and then use the other hand to catch the object being put on. At the same time, sing a nursery rhyme: “Pen, pen, where was it? Could you hide from us? We will find you now! And let’s go play quickly!”
  • When bathing, place a rubber ball in the bath. First, let the baby push his legs a little, then pass him into his hands. Finally, lift your baby slightly out of the bath and try to lift the ball out of the water together.
  • Prepare several materials that feel different to the touch - a piece of silk, wool, a wooden plank, cotton wool. Run your baby’s palm over the objects, and then give them a good kneading.

When working with a 2-month-old child, it is important to maintain contact at all times. You can talk to him, sing or just stroke him. Show different emotions, make faces funny faces, and then any game will easily captivate the baby.

Physical development

We all know about the benefits of massage and exercise. But at what age can you start working with your baby? Just from 2 months.

To properly develop your child, use the following instructions.

  • Place the naked baby on a changing table or other hard surface.
  • Unclench your fists, stroke each finger, then move up from the fingers, bypassing the elbows.
  • Cross your arms over your chest and spread them apart, then lift them up and down.
  • Take your baby's foot in your hand, stroke it, and then lightly press on the point at the base of the toes. Move your palms up, past your knees and inner thighs.
  • Start pressing the baby's knees to the tummy, first one leg at a time, then two legs together. You can spin the “bicycle”.
  • Turn the baby onto his tummy. Holding him by the legs, move your palm from the head to the buttocks, and then back, already back side hands.
  • Place your baby on his back again. Stroke your belly from the sides to the navel. Using your fingertips, draw several circles (clockwise).


In addition to special exercises, there are Interesting games, which a 2-month-old baby will be especially happy about.

  • Ride your child on a large gymnastic ball (fitball). Place it on your tummy and, holding it gently, begin to roll the ball towards and away from you. Then turn the baby onto its back.
  • Hang a bright one over your baby's crib balloon IR. Let him study it first. After that, show how you can push it with your foot or fist. You will see that soon the baby will begin to “box” with pleasure, training the muscles of his arms and legs.
  • Turn on fun, upbeat music. First, dance while holding your baby in your arms. Then lift it up, pressing its back towards you. Go to a hard surface and let the baby trample a little, pushing off with one leg or the other. Almost all children like these dances.

It is not difficult to properly develop a 2 month old baby. All he needs is to quickly adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world. Who else but parents will help you learn to control your body, show you interesting pictures, play funny sounds, and make funny faces. They are the ones who will guide and tell you how to crawl, sit, stand and walk correctly. Raising a child and helping him is a great joy. Take care of yourself and your children!

A newborn baby is a unique phenomenon. He develops unusually quickly, acquiring new skills every month. The baby’s weight increases by about a kilogram in 30 days, and the baby gains 3 centimeters in height. But the most important thing is that the little person begins to contact the world, with those who are closer to him, first of all, with his mother. A child at 2 months of age begins to smile!

Every mother worries whether everything is okay with her son or daughter. It must be said that all existing standards are approximate, and each baby develops in its own way.

Therefore, focusing on pediatric indicators, you should not compare your own 2-month-old baby with other people's children. Such “races” will lead to nothing but anxiety for parents.

What can most 2-month-old babies do?

  • Hold your head. A 2-month-old child begins to lift it after. From the “lying on his stomach” position, which is especially important in order for the spine and abdominal muscles to continue to develop properly, the baby can hold his head up for some time. At first he only lifts his cheek and forehead from the changing table, by the second month most infants looks at the world around him quite confidently.

When a newborn or one month old baby carried vertically in the arms, he places the head on the chest or shoulder of an adult, because he does not yet have enough strength to hold it on his own. But when the baby turns 2 months old, he easily tears it away from the support in order to study everything around him.

  • Smile. This is not only joyful for parents and relatives, but also an important moment for the development of personality, indicating that the baby is in contact with people, communicates with them, responds emotionally to their words, which means, from a psychological point of view, he has no violations. However, children begin to smile earlier if they talk to them, sing songs to them, or address them while looking into their eyes. Such emotions, as a rule, are the result of visual contact, because a baby of about two months focuses his eyes well on faces.
  • Demonstrate a “revival complex.” This most important term in developmental psychology denotes the reaction that a child exhibits at two months when a familiar and beloved adult approaches him, for example, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. It looks like this: the baby is lying in a crib, he is alone in the room. He is practically motionless, can suck his fist, and sometimes make slow movements of his head. However, as soon as an adult approaches, bends down, and speaks, the arms and legs of a 2-month-old child begin to actively move. The baby turns his head as much as possible. This behavior is characterized by uncoordinated, erratic movements, but usually gives parents great pleasure - because it shows the joy of their child from meeting them.
  • Focus your gaze. If comes second a month old baby, he can linger with his eyes on moving or, conversely, stationary objects - this is an indicator that his development is within the normal range. The baby will be happy to look at the toy that you show him, follow it with his eyes, and turn his head behind it. This phenomenon indicates active work brain and proper development of vision.
  • What else can a 2 month old baby do? Bring it to his mouth and put there all the objects that are in his hands. Of course, he still cannot grab something with his fingers on his own, but, for example, he will not let go of an enclosed toy. The child holds certain things very tenaciously and immediately pulls them into his mouth. Is not bad habit, A necessary stage knowledge of the world, so there is no point in “weaning” the baby in any way.
  • The development of a child at 2 months is also characterized by the fact that he listens carefully to everything that is happening around him, and also begins to distinguish his own voices, first of all, of course, the mother. Being able to turn your head to her gentle call is one of the basic skills after the first month of life.
  • The baby begins to “walk”, that is, pronounce sounds. This has nothing to do with crying; this phenomenon can be safely described as communication. So far, adults hear only drawn-out vowel sounds, which later, after 3 months, will begin to transform into more complex structures.

Don't forget that a baby's crying is also a way of communication. Although this is normal phenomenon, it should not be ignored. Crying is a call, a request for help. It is important for mom and dad to understand what worries their child at this moment - he is scared, wet, cold, hot, uncomfortable, or needs nutrition. Children at 2 months are in dire need of meeting basic needs.

Day and night mode

Usually to this period The routine of life between mother and baby begins to improve. Although, according to the experience of many parents, the regime as such appears after three months However, a certain ordering of life is already taking place.

All events and actions during this period are undoubtedly tied to feedings. If the baby is on breastfeeding and eats on demand, this can happen once every hour or two, or much less often.

Night feedings can be long, some mothers practice co-sleeping, so they can rest more or less fully.

Children who are given formula have a more pronounced regimen. They feed from 7 to 9 times a day, eating approximately 120 ml of the mixture at a time, that is, on average, about 800 grams per 24 hours.

If a child is 2 months old, his development occurs naturally and normally, he is awake from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Most mothers strive to night sleep was the longest and was interrupted no more than twice. During the day, many children sleep well in a stroller on the street or on the balcony, which gives the woman the opportunity to do some of her business.

2 month old baby and its development

How can a mother help her child explore the world? At this age we need simple and suitable games and massage, they are the ones who are able to provide correct and timely knowledge of the world.

  • The right solution would be to hang a mobile above your child’s crib or chaise lounge - special device with figures spinning on strings, sometimes with a mechanism playing gentle and calm music.
  • The best educational games are demonstrations of certain objects. For example, a mother picks up a bright bell and first rings it away from the baby’s head, waiting for him to turn towards the sound. Then he slowly holds the object in front of his eyes and rings it in the opposite direction. This kind of training is very useful, but you shouldn’t move the object quickly - the child is still too small to have time to change positions in seconds.
  • It’s too early to conduct games as such, but carrying a son or daughter vertically in your arms is a very important activity, because this expands the view and intensive knowledge of the world occurs. It’s worth telling your child something, humming, changing your position often, and drawing his attention to bright, noticeable objects. The more communication and varied experiences there are, the sooner your baby will develop.
  • Infant massage is of particular importance. It is not at all difficult for attentive parents to master it, but the benefits will be enormous. During this procedure, both tactile and emotional communication between mom or dad and the child occurs, and his muscles are strengthened. When massaging the child’s back and tummy, arms and legs, and face, it is important to talk to him and hum something. Great solution There will be folk songs and nursery rhymes that develop the aesthetic sense, rhythm, and musicality of the little person.

Do not forget about precautions: with any non-medical massage, it is important to avoid the area of ​​the spine, heart and liver. You cannot do a massage at a temperature when the baby is tired and capricious, hungry or, conversely, has just eaten.

Typical problems

The most common problem that happens to all babies under 3-4 months is colic. This phenomenon is due to physiological immaturity intestines, sometimes overlap and allergic reactions. Colic is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • unpleasant, stabbing sensations;
  • flatulence;
  • discomfort.

The most important thing that every mother should understand is that this phenomenon is temporary and absolutely normal. But, of course, it is necessary to alleviate the baby’s condition. How to do it?

  • Periodically place your son or daughter on his tummy. This must be done several times a day, but not after meals. This natural tummy massage promotes optimal functioning of the tummy.
  • After feeding, carry the baby in a column to release excess air.
  • Do the exercise by pressing your baby's legs to your stomach and gently straightening them. This way mom or dad can help him release gas and relieve pain.
  • If the baby is screaming, give him some kind of relief, for example, Espumisan or Bobotik.
  • Massage your baby's belly clockwise. This will help improve your digestive processes.
  • Some strong experts advise treating with skin-to-skin contact: mom's warmth helps little man relax and fall asleep.

The most important thing to understand about the development of a baby at the age of two months is that he needs your attention, affection, communication with you and, of course, unconditional love. It is these factors that are decisive, contributing to normal growth, health and psychological comfort of the baby.

As the baby's ability to perceive and assimilate new information develops, parents begin to treat him as an individual. Take a closer look at your child: he already has individual character traits that distinguish him from his peers, his manner of communication, primarily with his parents.

Communication for a baby at this age is comparable in its entertainment to solving a puzzle: the baby tries to understand you, seriously peering into your face. The child is not even two months old, but he is already looking for a source of emotional nutrition, needs to replenish his emotional reservoir - he needs the presence of his mother, her songs, warm hands, tender words. Next to her, looking into her eyes, he smiles, inviting his mother to interact.

Learning to understand each other

Only by the end of the first month do parents begin to truly understand their baby. Now they can tell a lot about their child, including the whole range of his behavior: what he is like when he is calm or excited, when he is in good mood whether he is capricious, resting or moving, whether he calms down easily or not, whether his actions are predictable, whether he reacts quickly or slowly to what is happening around him.

On 2 months life baby the sleepy wandering gaze characteristic of newborns disappears. Now the baby is able to stay awake for quite a long time before and after feeding, but he is still not ready for impacts that are drastic.

If he hears very loud sounds, sees a bright light, feels too energetic touches or feels hungry, then begins to ask for help, and only accessible means communication for him is crying. At such moments, it is important to learn to understand the language of infant crying. It's not that difficult.

As a rule, if you carefully observe your baby, you will find that his crying mainly signals the following: “I am hungry (drinking)”, “I have wet diapers”, “I need communication”, “I have a tummy ache”, “ I'm tired".

How to calm your baby? No one will give you a definite answer. Try giving your baby the breast by placing his hand against your body. The smell of mom, the beat of her heart, the touch of her skin - the most the right way calm the baby down. Or rock your baby in your arms or in a stroller; some children calm down if excess lighting is removed; for someone the right remedy is a dummy.

At this age, the child is not yet ready for contacts with others, however, he strives for communication. Most of all, the baby loves to listen to the human voice. Therefore, take every opportunity to talk with your beloved child.

Try to make your speech accompanied by rich facial expressions: raise your eyebrows, open or squint your eyes wide, and round your mouth or purse your lips. Through such grimaces and movements, which at first glance seem unnatural, parents introduce the child to sign language, which is an integral element of spoken language.

Changing the timbre of the voice from low to high and vice versa also contributes to maintaining the baby’s interest in the conversation for a long time. If your communication is regular, by the end of the second month the baby begins to “walk.” And although his sound repertoire is not rich and is limited to 1-2 front vowels, he learns to speak in the fullest sense of the word

Motor skills of a child at 2 months

On 2 months life child begins to control his body. His chaotic twitching disappears, and the movements of his arms and legs gradually become more even and orderly. The nervous tremor characteristic of newborns also disappears. The most noticeable change that can be noted in a child's behavior is the ability to move his head.

If the baby is placed on his stomach, he will be able to turn his head from side to side without much effort. And some children already at 4-5 weeks pick it up and look around. Your baby's ability to move his head is especially evident when you hold him against your body. However, no matter how strong your child is, he will not be able to fully control his movements. When taking your baby out of the crib or carrying him around the room, be sure to support his head with your hands.

As a rule, at this age children are not able to move independently, however, even the most passive children are capable of making unexpected movements. Therefore, never leave your child unattended on a table or other high place. Having reached this age, the baby begins to control the muscles of the arms and legs much better.

The child begins to demonstrate the ability to speed up or slow down the pace of movement. When you talk to your baby calm and in an even tone, his movements are calm and uniform. Try to speak quickly, excitedly, and you will see how the baby begins to vigorously move his arms and legs.

I see, I hear, I feel...

While awake, the baby actively explores the world– you can notice how he concentrates and looks with interest at some object or drawing in front of him. The greatest interest is caused by toys and objects that move in space - hang a rotating carousel over the crib, move a rattle in front of the child's face.

Tracking an approaching and receding object forms the ability to concentrate your gaze and develops eye coordination. And if during these games you hear that the baby “speaks,” know that with these sounds he expresses his approval.

For baby 2 months in life, new sounds are as interesting as new ones visual images. It can distinguish speech from other sounds and has a clear preference for the human voice. At an unfamiliar sound, the child becomes alert, freezes, and it seems that he is listening carefully. If the sound is repeated several times, the baby stops paying attention to it.

To re-interest your baby, you can change the sound, for example, instead of ringing a bell, give him a rattle or a toy that can squeak. During this period, the connection between what is seen and heard is strengthened in the child’s mind. After a little training, he will look at the bell hanging above the crib every time it rings.

The little man reacts joyfully to affectionate touches. While awake, stroke your baby's arms and legs with mittens made from different materials– silk, corduroy, satin, wool, flannel or terry cloth. These simple exercises will contribute to the development of the sense of touch.

For the same purpose, you can use the grasping reflex, which is still very strong in an infant. Invite your baby to grab not only your fingers, but also objects of various textures - ribbed, pimpled, soft, wooden. To help your son or daughter “open” their fists, gently massage their tiny fingers daily.

Activities with a 2 month old baby

Since both mom and dad bring something of their own into communication with the baby, it is important that they both participate in his upbringing. We hope that the games offered below will not only help your child learn new skills and abilities, but will also help you and your child become closer.

Make a baby doll by drawing a face on a paper plate and attaching a hand to the side. Move the plate to different sides at a distance of 25 cm from the baby’s face. After a while, the baby will begin to follow the toy, and a smile will appear on his face.

To help your child learn to follow an object, encourage him to watch a rattle or a brightly colored toy. Move the object from left to right at a distance of 25-30 cm from the baby's face. When your son or daughter learns to follow him, moving his eyes horizontally, start moving vertically. Finally, try rotating the object in a circle. Remember to monitor your baby's mood and be prepared to stop playing if you feel he is tired or bored.

To the little one soft toy Sew on a rubber band and secure it to the ceiling. Position your child with the toy directly above him and make the toy animal jump up and down. As he gets older, the baby will be able to reach and grab it. To stimulate hearing development, tie bells to baby booties. Every time the baby moves his leg, he will hear a ringing sound.

Introduce your child to poetic rhythm and meter. Let these be children's poems that are well known to you or folk nursery rhymes. Children especially like folklore because it has the most important feature– both songs, jokes, nurseries, and melodies are characterized by musicality; they perfectly play out the “humiliation” that a child masters at this age.

Physical development of a child 2 months:

Place your baby on his back, gently lift his arms above his head and lower them down, then cross them in front of his chest and spread them apart. Place your baby on his back and gently move his legs, imitating the movements of a cyclist. During the exercise, sing a song, for example: “We are going, going, going to distant lands...”.

Place the baby on the changing table on his stomach. Sit next to him and, calling your child by name, show him a bright toy. The baby will try to raise his head, thereby developing the muscles of the neck, back and arms. Do the same exercise, only now you should lie on your back and place the baby on your stomach. When calling your baby by name, try to get him to raise his head and look at you.

Practical advice

Don't wrap up your child: When the child is awake, make sure that he is dressed lightly and comfortably: than less clothes, all the better. Don't forget that your baby is more active when he feels cool.

Place your child in the baby seat: Make sure your child doesn't get bored when he's not sleeping. Try to make it so that he can see surrounding objects from different angles. Change its position by placing, for example, in a special high chair or armchair.

Listen to your child and answer him: Try imitating the sounds your baby makes. Listen to how he does it and repeat. During the “conversation”, try to look him straight in the eyes.

Sing while working with your child: Learn a few simple rhymes and, using a familiar tune, hum during feeding, bathing and exercise.

Games with siblings: Let the child stay with you for a while older sister or brother. Their presence will entertain and delight the baby.

Attention, we are filming! Always keep a charged camera handy. Album with photographs – The best way watch your baby grow day by day and capture happy moments.

Take your child with you: The child will be happy if you take him with you to the store or to visit friends. New experiences, unfamiliar sounds and smells will contribute to the baby's development.

Game time


Dress your child in brightly colored cuffs or socks: Make colored cuffs for your baby or buy bright baby socks. Sometimes wear a cuff or sock over right hand child, sometimes on the left or both at once. By moving his hands in front of his eyes, the baby will gradually learn to control them so that they remain in his field of vision.

Doll on hand: Place the doll on your hand and move it around different directions– up and down, forward and backward, or move in a circle so that the child can see it. The baby will follow the toy, and this will help develop his visual abilities.

A toy that can squeak: Place a toy that squeaks on your baby's palm. The unexpected sound will allow him to better feel the movements of his hand.

Finger puppet: Place the doll on your finger and show your baby how it dances. The funnier the dance, the more the child will like it.

Plate doll: Make a doll out of paper plate with a stick instead of a pen. Draw a happy face on one side of the plate and a sad one on the other. Turn the plate in front of the baby's eyes, first one side and then the other. Let him see both a sad and cheerful face. You will find that your child enjoys looking at the toy and very soon he will start talking to it. Interest in the doll will remain for for a long time, since the faces will constantly replace one another.

Hang toys above the crib: Attach a special hanging device to the baby's crib with rattles and other toys. Try to change them from time to time. Don't forget that your baby likes objects bright color, interesting shapes, especially those that move easily.

Various figures: Paste on all sides plastic bag pieces of colored paper. Make it so that the figures are different color and shapes. Attach ribbon loops to the top corners of the bag and hang it over the crib. After some time, the child will be able to reach the bag and begin to hit it with his hand.

Upside Down Dad: Place two chairs opposite each other. Place the baby on his back on his mother's lap. Let dad sit on the chair opposite her, and then the baby will see daddy's face upside down.

Different pictures: Hang some pictures or drawings on the wall near the crib or high chair. Try to change them from time to time. A special wall board is best suited for this purpose.

Perception of sounds Shake the rattle: Your baby will become more aware of his surroundings and recognize sounds. Give your baby the opportunity to show his skills - shake the rattle, moving it in different directions at different speeds. Hum a song while playing.

Up and down: Sing your baby a song that talks about moving down and up. By lifting your child, lowering him and turning him in different directions, you give him the opportunity to look at the surrounding objects from different angles. Here we go up (lift the baby). Here we go down (put it down) Here we go back and forth (turn the baby). Here we are spinning (lift the child and spin carefully).

Call your child: Before entering your baby's room, call him. He will learn to recognize your voice and will wait for you to appear.

Can rattle: Make a toy for your baby using empty cans. Place it first on one side of the crib, then on the other. After some time, having heard the sound, the child will learn to look for the “rattle” with his eyes. A bright ribbon tied to the jars will make it easier for the child to find them.


Beanbag: Place a rattle in your baby's hand. He will understand what it is very quickly. He will shake it, sometimes bringing it to his mouth before letting it fall. Try to place a rattle in each baby's hand one at a time.

Varied sensations: Since most of the time the child keeps his fists unclenched, he will be interested to know how they differ various fabrics to the touch. Fasten the pieces different fabrics wooden clothespin for linen. For this purpose, scraps of burlap, silk, velvet and corduroy are best suited. This toy helps develop a child’s grasping skills.


Bouncing Pom Pom: Place your baby on his back in front of you and hold several soft colored pompoms in your hands. Raise your hand over your baby and let the pompoms fall one by one onto his tummy. Say every time: “Another pom-pom is about to fall!” As your baby grows, he will learn to wait for the next pom-pom to fall.

Exercises for legs “under arioso”: Exercises that strengthen the legs are very important for the physical development of the baby. Lay your baby on his back and hold his feet in your hands. Carefully begin to move his legs, imitating the movements of a cyclist. After a while you will feel that the child himself is pushing your hands! To make it more fun for your baby, sing at the same time. At the end of the exercise, holding the child by the legs, lift bottom part his torso.

Exercise Arena: Attach several toys above the baby's crib so that the baby can touch them with his feet. Hang toys at different heights. Try to choose objects of different shapes and from different materials. Take for example the big one fluffy pompom and a ringing bell. Thanks to them, the child learns that there is a soft and hard object, a loud and quiet sound. Place your baby in the crib on his back so he can reach toys with his feet and let him exercise.

Everyday affairs

Feeding time

Conditional signal: Record on tape some conditioned sound that should notify you that it is time to feed. After some time, the child will understand what this signal means.

Rocking chair: If you still don't know how helpful a rocking chair can be for breastfeeding, now is the perfect time to use one. Hold the baby close to you and, rocking gently in the chair, begin to feed him. This method of feeding will give both you and your baby the opportunity to rest peacefully.

Now it's dad's turn: First, make sure that dad has time to feed the baby. If you are breastfeeding, have dad give the baby some water to drink (if the baby drinks water). If you're pumping and need to leave the house while you're breastfeeding, this is a great opportunity for dad to accommodate your responsibilities.

Bath time

Let's splash in the water: Let your baby splash around a little in the warm bath. After bathing, dry it gently with a towel. Pleasant sensations will allow the child to better understand the world around him.

Perfect Reflection: After bathing the child, bring him to a large mirror. He will look with interest at his smiling reflection. This is the best time to tickle his tummy and toes. Looking in the mirror and feeling your touch, your baby learns more about himself.

Massage continues: Gently squeeze with your palms circular movements- this is the main way of relaxing massage. Lubricate your hands a little vegetable oil, then lift the baby’s leg, lightly grasp it with both hands, and begin to gently massage. Do the same with the baby's hands. Changing time

Wall mat: Hang a blanket or rug made from all kinds of scraps on the wall next to the children's table. An old towel, a silk scarf, a fleecy woolen cloth, or even shiny aluminum foil are best for this purpose. When changing your child's clothes, stroke the patches with your hands, naming the fabric of each of them.

Look in the mirror: Change your baby's clothes in front of the mirror from time to time. Hang a mirror next to the children's table so that the baby can see himself. His own reflection will surprise and delight him. As he gets older, he will enjoy this game more and more.

Feather duster: Keep an inexpensive soft feather duster near your changing table. When the baby is undressed, gently tickle him with a broom, while naming each part of his body: “I tickle, tickle his nose,” “I tickle, tickle his heels,” etc.

Little boxer: Your baby spends a lot of time on the changing table, staring at a boring white ceiling. Try to make his surroundings interesting and attractive. Hang a beautiful balloon above the table. At first, the baby will watch the ball swing, and after a while he will try to hit it with his hand.

Time relax

Ride the ball: Inflate a large plastic ball until it becomes elastic. Place your baby gently on it, belly down. Hold your baby by the sides and slowly roll him back and forth. For many children, this exercise helps them calm down and fall asleep.

TV time: If your family loves to watch TV, then your child will be happy to keep you company for a while. He will be happy to listen to new sounds and watch movements on the screen; in addition, it will allow him once again be with family.

Record your baby's voice on tape: If you have a tape recorder, you can use it to entertain your child. Record on tape the sounds he makes. Try to turn on the recording in front of him more often. By talking to a tape recorder, the baby can calm down and fall asleep.

2 months is a serious stage in your baby’s life. . The newborn period, full of worries and fears, is left behind and the baby received new status- infant child.

During this month, the baby will learn a lot, because his body is growing by leaps and bounds.

We will talk about what the development of a baby at 2 months is like in this article.

I would like to emphasize that each child is individual, and the timing of the appearance of certain skills can vary greatly, so do not be upset if your baby has not yet learned something.

From this article you will learn:

During the 2nd month of life, the baby grows by 3 cm on average.

The circumference of his head increases by 2 cm. By the end of this month, the circumference of the head will almost be equal to the circumference of the chest. This important indicator, which helps to notice signs of increase in time intracranial pressure and the development of hydrocephalus. The doctor will refer your baby for additional examination if the head circumference exceeds the chest circumference by more than 2 cm.

The little one gains weight by about 23-30 grams daily, which is an average of 800 grams per month.

Weight gain is a very important indicator of a child’s health. And, although it is not strictly fixed, sometimes differing from the average value by 100-200 grams in both directions, 800 g still remains the gold standard by which pediatrician evaluates general development baby.

An increase in this indicator with artificial feeding may indicate an incorrect formula feeding pattern. A decrease in weight gain in children with natural feeding may indicate insufficient breast milk.


The development of a baby at 2 months is characterized by rapid improvement of the senses.

Already from 6 weeks of age, the baby begins to steadily focus his gaze on a stationary object. And by the beginning of the 3rd month of life, he can follow a moving object not only with his eyes, but also by turning his head.


By the end of 2 months of life, the child not only reacts to sounds by moving his arms and legs, but also tries to find the source of the sound by turning his head.

Some researchers believe that up to 3 months of age, children cannot distinguish their mother’s voice from other female voices and react exclusively to intonation.


Starting from 2 months of life, the child learns to distinguish odors. The reaction to pleasant and neutral aromas is not yet noticeable, but the reaction to unpleasant ones is clearly pronounced. strong odors(paint, solvent). Having felt them, the child shows dissatisfaction with facial expressions, screaming, and increased breathing.


The ability to determine the taste of food is given to the child from birth. At the age of 2 months, babies clearly react to sweets with increased sucking and satisfied facial expressions, and to salty, bitter and sour foods - with screaming, motor restlessness and drooling.


By the end of 2 months of life healthy baby Hypertonicity of the flexor muscles of the arms disappears. Although the legs still continue to remain in increased tone.

This is the time of the first differentiated, that is, having a specific goal, and not related to innate reflexes movements. The baby begins to bring his hands closer to his eyes and nose, rubbing them together.

At the beginning of the 2nd month of life, the child confidently raises and holds his head in a position lying on his stomach, and by the end of it, he tries to keep it in an upright position.


The development of a baby at 2 months is inextricably linked with the improvement of his psyche. From 6 weeks of age, the baby begins to establish emotional contact with mom: examines her face during feeding, tries to touch the breast or bottle.

From 1.5 months the baby begins to smile. By the end of 2 months of life, his smile becomes obvious to everyone in the household. At this age, children smile most often at the people who care about them the most. Since the baby's vision is still quite weak, he reacts to sound, voice and familiar intonations and begins to smile as soon as he hears his mother's native voice.


From 2 months, parents may notice that during active wakefulness the baby makes short, abrupt vowel sounds “a”, “u”. This is called buzzing. It does not yet carry a semantic load and is not a means of communication, it is simply an indicator of the child’s good mood and the correct development of his psyche.


A 2-month-old baby sleeps approximately 16 hours a day. At the same time, night sleep accounts for approximately 9.5 hours, and daytime sleep is about 5.5. IN daylight hours During the day, the child alternates sleep with periods of wakefulness. By the end of 2 months, active wakefulness can reach 1 hour after each sleep. At night, as a rule, babies wake up only to eat.

Skeletal system

By the end of 2 months of life, the baby’s posterior, or small fontanel, completely closes. The large or anterior fontanelle remains open up to 1-1.5 years.


Children at this age sweat in the same way as adults, with the only difference that sweating begins at more high temperature air. Therefore, babies at this age easily overheat. Parents need to ensure that the baby is always dressed appropriately for the weather.


In a 2-month-old baby, the vellus hair, lanugo, that covered his shoulders and upper back at birth completely disappears. On the head there are primary hairs that grew during the prenatal period.

Respiratory system

The breathing rate is approximately 40-60 times per minute.

The cardiovascular system

In some cases, an ultrasound examination of the heart may reveal an unclosed foramen ovale, which is located in the right and left atria. Parents should not panic, as this is the norm for a child at this age. Complete closure of the oval window occurs at 3 months of life.

Heart rate is approximately 140 beats per minute.

Digestive system

The stomach capacity of a 2-month-old baby is approximately 110-120 ml. It is from this feature that a single portion of formula is calculated for children who are bottle-fed.

A breastfed baby is applied to the breast approximately every 3 hours, including at night.

Formula-fed children receive formula 5-6 times a day.

A 2-month-old baby has bowel movements approximately 3-6 times a day, but maybe more often - after each feeding. The stool of breastfed infants is usually mustard color, have the consistency of toothpaste and smell like sour milk.

In some cases they may contain a small amount of undigested lumps of curdled milk, mucus, herbs or foam. Children on artificial feeding empty their intestines 2 times a day, the stool is denser, yellow-gray in color.

Urinary system

A 2-month-old baby can wet diapers up to 20 times a day. This is a physiological norm.

Preventive examination in a children's clinic, vaccinations

When the baby turns 2 months old, he will undergo a routine examination at the children's clinic. If all the necessary medical specialists have been completed at the age of 1 month, then the child is examined only by a pediatrician. If for some reason some of the consultations were not carried out, then they must be completed as soon as possible.

The pediatrician measures height, weight, head and chest circumference. Measures large and small fontanel.

In accordance with new edition According to the national vaccination calendar, at 2 months the baby at the clinic will be offered the following vaccinations:

  • third vaccination against viral hepatitis IN;
  • first vaccination against pneumococcal infection.

Parents, attention!

As we have already mentioned, each child is individual, and the pace of his development may not coincide with generally accepted criteria. But there are conditions that, if detected, parents should immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

If the baby is 2 months old:

  • does not focus his gaze on a large stationary object that is located at a distance of 20 cm from his eyes;
  • does not follow a moving object for at least a few seconds;
  • does not hold the head in a position lying on the stomach for at least a few seconds;
  • does not turn the head towards the sound of the rattle, does not try to determine where the sound is coming from;
  • there is constant lacrimation;
  • does not smile;
  • doesn't hum.

Parents should immediately report any of these situations to their local pediatrician or family doctor.

Developmental activities

The simplest games will help stimulate the development of a baby at 2 months. They are aimed at strengthening basic motor skills and improving the functioning of the senses.

Games aimed at developing muscle strength

  • The best exercise for strengthening the muscles of the neck, back, and arms for a 2-month-old baby is to frequently lay it on the tummy. It is better to do this before feeding during active wakefulness. You can combine laying on the stomach with air baths, when the baby is left naked. For children of this age, 5-7 minutes is enough air baths 2-3 times a day. The air temperature should not be lower than 22⁰С.
  • Stimulate proper development Massage will help the muscles. Not necessarily if these are complex professional techniques. Stroking, light rubbing, gentle pats are enough. Massage can be combined with light exercises. For kids of this age, the main exercises consist of passively raising and lowering their arms, pulling their legs bent at the knees towards the tummy.
  • Children get great pleasure from practicing on a fitball - a gymnastic ball. You can place the child on the ball, tummy down, hold the ankles firmly with one hand and the butt with the other, and rock the ball from side to side.

Games for the development of sensory organs and brain

  • Parents greatest attention should be given to stimulating the organ of vision. This can be games with a rattle, when the toy is placed at a distance of 20 cm from the baby’s face and, after he focuses his gaze on it, is moved from side to side with smooth movements.
  • Lullabies and children's songs that mommy will sing to him will help train the baby's hearing organ. You can play hide and seek: get up from the baby with right side and call him by name, the child will begin to look for the source of the sound and turn his head. After this you need to go to left side and repeat the game.
  • Palm massage stimulates brain development well. You should carefully open the child’s clenched fists 5-6 times a day and lightly massage the center of the palm and each finger.

Parenthood is not only happiness, but also hourly work. Reliable knowledge of how a baby develops at 2 months will help moms and dads not get confused and prove themselves to be real professionals in this difficult field.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

At 2 months, the baby adapts more and more to the world around him. And mom has already learned to understand her baby: why he cries, what he wants to say with a squeak, when he kicks his legs, how he behaves if he’s hungry, if it’s cold, hot, wet...

The baby himself masters such universal remedy communication is like a smile. These are no longer the old grimaces, but a bewitching, shining, attractive - in a word, a real smile. The baby bestows it on every face and voice that turns to him. First of all, of course, mom and dad. This smile contains joy and trust. To parents, to the world. Trust in the world also increases thanks to the “eye to eye” game, that irreplaceable communication when a baby can look into his mother’s eyes for a long time, seeing in them, as in a mirror, his reflection and the perception of himself by others.

Crying continues to be a means of communication. But now it takes on a social meaning - a request, a call: to come over, play, pick it up, show you what’s interesting around. When a baby is in a good mood, he makes a series of vowel sounds, listening carefully to himself and freezing, so that he can then repeat it all over again: e-a-o, a-o-u... This is the forerunner of speech.

Play with your baby, repeating his “livers” after him - listening to them “from the outside,” the baby will understand how to make them more similar to the sounds you make when talking. In addition, by conducting such a dialogue with the mother, the child trains the speech and articulation apparatus.

By 2 months, the ability to coordinate the eye muscles increases and visual concentration improves. The gaze becomes directed. Now the baby can follow a moving object and not let it out of sight when it stops. The baby follows the adult walking away from the crib and meets him, looking for the source of the sound if the adult approaches and talks.

At 2 months, a child is able to look at objects located about half a meter away from him. This means that toys and rattles should hang above the crib or chaise lounge at exactly this height. Simultaneously with visual concentration, eye-hand coordination begins to form. The baby tries to grab objects in his field of vision and knocks on them. The fingers are almost always clenched into a fist. And when one “accidentally” bends back and falls into the mouth, the baby sucks it with concentration.

Let's taste it

The fact that the baby puts everything in his mouth is quite understandable. It is this way of getting to know the outside world that is familiar to a baby from the womb. There is no need to worry (if, of course, you have taken care of the cleanliness of the apartment in advance): the baby’s saliva is so enzymatically active that the child is relatively safe.

Suck - in general, favorite hobby. However, by this time the baby begins to understand how the breast differs from the blanket - the taste, of course. Moreover, when the baby is hungry, he will demand the breast (or bottle) and will never agree to anything else. And he can even help himself by supporting his breasts with his fists and “squeezing” them so that more milk flows into his mouth.

By 2 months, the child, if not sleeping, is almost all the time in movement, which he does not yet control. His head tilts first to one side, then to the other, his arms and legs fly up, his back arches... The baby prefers to sleep in a fencer's pose. But if you lay the baby on his side, he will be able to roll over on his back. And if you put him on his tummy, he will try to raise his head. Usually, by 8-9 weeks of life, the child can already hold it for 10-15 seconds. When tired, babies close their eyes and turn their heads in the direction where there are no “irritants.”

Massage and self-massage

Let's start with a massage. After you have mastered and performed a regular massage for 2-3 weeks, you can introduce your baby to new sensations. To do this, you will need rolling objects: small balls, pencils, nuts, smooth sticks. Use them to stroke. If your “tool” is small, you can use it to stroke the baby’s entire body; if it’s large, use it only for the back.

It is useful to offer the child “self-massage”. To do this, pour cereal onto a diaper laid out on the changing table and place the baby on it. If the baby begins to actively use his hands, place him on his back so that he does not inadvertently put grains into his mouth or nose. If the arms are still living on their own, the baby can be placed either on the back or on the tummy.

The baby will crawl along the rump, thereby receiving a lot of new tactile sensations. At the same time, you can change the size of the cereal: start with the smallest, for example millet, then add buckwheat or rice, then round peas, and finally pine nuts or beans. The duration of the procedure should be short so that the child does not feel pain or discomfort.

If the baby's legs and arms have lost tone and he begins to actively move them, give him real dumbbells. Of course they are tiny. To do this, take small bottles (from “Rastishka” or “Actimel”), pour some water into them, close them and attach (for example, with a hair tie) to the arms and legs of your favorite child. Let him practice lifting weights. When this weight has been mastered, fill the bottle with water halfway.

Charging for fingers

In infancy, it is useful to train the movements of the fingers, thereby influencing active points associated with the cerebral cortex. At the age of 2 to 3 months, the child begins to feel palpating movements. From this moment, the centers of the tactile analyzer of the cerebral cortex are turned on. The movements of the fingers are of particular importance, as they have a huge impact on the development of higher nervous activity.

In the first months, practice reflex exercises using the grasping reflex. For example, these: in an open palm, achieving a reflex grasp, a ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm is placed. Balls of different weights, materials (plastic, rubber, wood, etc.), homemade fabric, smooth or terry are selected fabrics, hard and soft.

The balls, tied on a ribbon, descend into the child’s palm from above. This exercise gives the baby relative independence by practicing grasping. You can alternate the balls, place them in each hand one by one, simultaneously put the same and different balls in both hands, etc. By pulling the ball by the ribbon and not removing it from the baby's palm, the adult stimulates a stronger grasp.

A similar exercise can be performed with sticks (section diameter 1-1.5 cm, length 25 cm). The sticks selected are round, smooth, and ribbed. It is good to give inserts in the form of small rolls of oilcloth, terry, or chintz fabric. They stimulate hand movements (grasping, squeezing) and develop tactile sensitivity in the palm.

These reflex exercises are passive in nature, but they are extremely useful for developing the sense of touch. This feeling develops very early, as soon as objects begin to fall into the baby’s hand.

Developing auditory activity

Game “Where is it ringing?”

For this exercise you need a small bell 5-7 cm high. The child lies on his back. You hold the bell at arm's length (the baby should not see you) and ring it quietly. Make 2-3 “bells” and let the sound die down. The baby listens to the sound. Ring the bell again. Before calling, let the sound fade out. Hold the bell above the baby's chest at a distance of 60-70 cm.

Then tie the bell to the fishing line and move it to the right, muffling the sound. Having moved the bell to a distance of 80-100 cm from the center, ring it slightly, causing the baby to search movements eyes, turning the head in different directions. Move the bell to the left in the same way.

Classes are held 2-3 times a day for 3-4 days. Then it is advisable to do week break. In the future (during 2 and 3 months of life), classes can be conducted 1-2 times a week.