What to do if the girl refused to go. Why doesn't she go on a second date with you

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Hello is Lesha Doc.

In this article, we will talk about the following topic: The girl does not go on a date»

And now I will answer the letter of the guy who sent me a letter with his question.

And here is his letter:

Hi Lesha. I read articles, I am grateful to you for knowledge. Situation: I am 25 years old and I am dating a girl 18 years old. I got sick of constantly pulling her out on dates 2 months of our relationship, there is no initiative on her part in the meetings. Every time I call her for a walk, she is not in the mood, and shifts everything to tomorrow, after a couple of my psychos, she nevertheless agrees to go, and we walk, have a great time, she is always happy.

Every day he texts me Good morning And Good night, declarations of love, etc. She says that she loves me and is very jealous of everyone, but at the same time, every time she tries to avoid meeting me, for my sake, she herself, not at the request, deleted all the boys from social networks.

Complexes a lot, accuses that I do not love her, but at the same time I do enough for her to see this love. He likes to communicate with me exclusively by SMS, telephone conversations tries to avoid lately. Previously, before they began to meet, she was waiting for my arrivals, tk. a girl from a family of friends, and how they began to meet she didn’t give a shit about it, roughly speaking.

I need advice on what to do in this situation, tk. I haven't seen her for several days, and she refuses my invitation to go for a walk. Those. I regard this as a reluctance to see each other, there are thoughts of parting, although I love it, but I'm rather fed up with it. And by the way, she texts me when we don’t see each other, only in the morning “good morning” and in the evening before going to bed, in the afternoon, she has no desire to communicate. What should I do?

If you also want an answer to your life situation associated with the girl, personally from Lesha Dok, feel free to subscribe ( bottom form)

So let's take a look at this situation.

What can be said about the girl and her actions?

Young girls (16-18 years old) the brain works like this: the girl is well aware that she is young, beautiful, and create relationships in given age stupid. Since she herself does not yet know what she wants, plus she will need to study, build an unrealistic career, etc.

In other words, a man will limit her freedom very much and will not allow to develop in the male plan. But at the same time, such youngsters want male attention, compliments, sex without obligations and interesting pastime in cafes, movies, etc.

And so the girl rushing about among these 2 lights and can not decide what is more important for her at this stage of life.

Plus, she knows that there are a lot of men and everyone wants her, because she is beautiful and young. And to choose from many men, she keeps dating, meetings, walks, etc. And then one day, the girl chose a boy for herself, with whom you can sometimes take a walk, but at the same time she is not sure about him and continues to search and date other men.

And so that the boy does not jump off the hook, since there is no replacement for him yet, she writes to him funny sms how she loves and misses, and at this time she spends dates with others. That is why, the girl never picks up the phone, but stupidly scribbles SMS under the table on a date with another guy.

And even if she finds herself perfect guy, she still won't build a relationship with him, she will gain experience, conduct experiments on it, study male psychology to be armed and prepared later.

What should a guy do?

You need to understand that in 90% of cases, Teens don't need relationships., they are just interested in male society, it is interesting to get the experience of communication, to burn out, to show off their beauty, to flirt and nothing more.

The guy took this girl seriously and thought what exactly needs to be created with it serious relationship , but severely miscalculated in his reasoning and therefore now suffers and does not understand what is happening.

Remember one great rule no one will dynamize a real man, as he is always one step ahead of the girl. He sees in advance who this girl is and whether it is worth having a 2nd date with her. And he bites through such youngsters in 5 minutes of communication.

The same guy for 2 months of relationship, so I still don't understand, and continues to console himself with hopes and illusions that someday everything will work out for them, and she will marry him.

By the way, if you want me (Lesha Doc) sorted out exactly your situation with a girl on this or another topic, then write to me. I answer all questions absolutely free of charge, all your letters are strictly confidential. I post letters on my website only with your consent.

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What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but in general the whole life. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The advice from your articles is useful, they change their own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alex, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of the behavior of guys with girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)
Kostya, Minsk.

When it comes to real meeting, for some reason she "merges", coming up with excuses. What to do if the girl does not go on a date? How to pull her to a meeting and seduce?

Sometimes these questions are very difficult to answer. Especially when you consider the fact that she tries to create obstacles in the most sophisticated ways. Moreover, without explaining the reasons why this happens.

And in order for you to persuade her to meet, you need to understand ...

Why does a girl not go on a date

And the reasons may be different. It could also be a first date. Or maybe a second or third date.

Reason #1. She is afraid of you

Yes, there are still girls who are afraid of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

If a girl hasn't had many dates to date, or has acted stupid and unattractive in previous encounters with guys, then it's not surprising if she avoids meeting you.

Others will be afraid of you because you are "kind of weird". Most often this happens precisely because you yourself have many fears that at certain moments make you behave strangely.

Reason number 2. You have a chance, but she does not want to reassure you

Such an interesting reason why a girl can refuse you a date.

If we conditionally divide all the stages of seduction into two stages, then the first will be “seemingly interesting, but I don’t know”, and the second - “I constantly think about him.”

Most guys don't have the skills to get to the second stage quickly. They are to some extent interesting to the girl, but she still refuses them.

Yes, because she perfectly understands that if she goes to meet him, she will let him know that she likes him. And then he will start calling her every day and trying to seduce. And that doesn't matter to her at all.

Therefore, it is easier for her to refuse now. Although the guy in this case still has a chance to please her.

Reason number 3. She doesn't like you

The simplest reason.

Moreover, you can now think “How is it, because she is happy to communicate with me! So she likes me!"

But this is not the interest that makes them come to meetings.

The girl has two needs. First: the need for warm feelings (friend). Second: the need for a sexual partner (boyfriend).

If she is happy to talk to you, but when it comes to dating with a sexual connotation, she refuses, then this clear sign that you fell into the first category. The category of friends with whom she is comfortable and interested in talking - no more.

What to do with all this

For the first two reasons, there is one universal solution: to study the seduction of girls on a serious level, to learn to interest them already during the acquaintance, and also to arouse attraction during a telephone conversation.

Moreover, by developing these skills in yourself, you can completely get rid of the problem of refusing dates.

As for the third reason, it is already somewhat more complicated here, since you have already got into the so-called “friend zone”. It is because of this that the girl does not go on a date. What to do to get out of this “friend zone”?

Your task is to change your behavior from what you have now to another - sexually attractive. To do this, you need to make a sharp “further” (cool off towards her, communicate without enthusiasm, as if it were unpleasant for you to communicate with her), and also make her jealous and feel that you are in demand from the opposite sex.

These emotions can be evoked quite simply. If you have each other as friends in contact, then take a photo with other girls and post them. Let her get jealous of you. At the same time, you must remember that you need to keep a "distance", continuing to communicate with her as if she is no longer as interesting to you as before. And only then, when she begins to show a clear interest in you, can you slowly begin to reciprocate her feelings. The key word here is "slowly".

Despite the simplicity of recommendations on what to do if a girl does not go on a date, following them is quite difficult. Everything depends on the strength of your character. Weak guys may start to apply what I just said. But soon their weakness will begin to manifest itself again, and then everything will go down the drain. As they say, it's not about knowledge, but about the strength of the spirit, which allows you to bring this knowledge to life.

Classic story: You met a girl and asked her out on a date. He did everything right: he took me to a cafe, invited me for a walk. Everything was going great, but when you wanted to see her again, she either evaded answering, or gently refused, or did not pick up the phone at all.

What's the matter? Where is the problem?

Most likely, you made a blunder of strategy and killed all your chances of a second date. It's okay, learn from mistakes, next time you will be smarter. Where did you screw up?

1. You talked about sex too directly and too much.

Some nerds think the first date is the right moment to say something like "I'm too old to teach a girl how to give me blowjobs" or "Your beautiful forms". Eat different levels talking about sex with an unfamiliar girlfriend, but the result is always the same - complete and unconditional disgust. The best way inspire a girl with dislike - tell her how you want to sleep with her, like to have sex and how you did it with other women. The conversation is guaranteed to make her feel uncomfortable.

The best option for a first date is hints and light flirting.

2. You moved the conversation to serious topics

One day you will have to tell her that your mother died or that you suffer from depression, but not on the first date! You meet a girl, and do not pour out your soul to a psychotherapist. She will be confused: what is supposed to be done in such a situation? Comfort you? Transfer conversation? Discuss the details?

Leave your problems for another time and talk on easy topics: about movies, music, hobbies or even work.

3. You were greedy

Pay for it on the first date. Don't be shy. You know it, she knows it - so don't tempt fate. In addition to not wanting to pay, there are other ways to appear to her as Scrooge McDuck in human form.

Let's say you asked her to meet at lunchtime, but you don't invite her to dinner. Rest assured, she will notice. The stomach will drown out the voice of tolerance in her, and she will not forget it for you. If you met at six, and it's already nine and you still haven't eaten with her, she'll understand everything. You want to save money on it.

4. You were indecisive

On the first date, you have to be ready to make decisions. Come prepared: you must offer her options for activities and places. Where to go, what to do, what to eat, what route to take there - all this you must offer her yourself.

There is nothing less sexy than the question “What are we going to do?”, And after him: “I don’t know, but You what you want?" If you don’t have enough balls to make a simple decision, she will think that you are just as uninitiative in bed and at home. Girls don't like that.

5. You were rude to the wait staff

You opened all the doors in front of her, lined under her feet a red red carpet, carried her in his arms through a puddle, shoved a diamond cock into her, but ... She will still remember how you were rude to the waitress when she was too late with the order.

It doesn't matter how nice you were to her as long as you were rude to other people. Rudeness to the attendants is a one-way ticket to the country of NetsecondSvidland. It seems to you that you require good service. She thinks you're just a grumpy grumbler.

The best strategy for a first date is to smile at everyone and be polite.

Did you recognize yourself on the list? If yes, you are not hopeless. Any of these problems can be fixed. You just have to be careful next time. Good luck and second date, dude!