Duphaston hormonal tablets during pregnancy. Duphaston in early pregnancy: all the pros and cons


Is it possible to overdose on duphaston during pregnancy? What are the main indications for the use of this drug, and when should it not be taken? Such questions should be examined in more detail.

Features of the drug

Duphaston is a gestagen; it contains an active substance called dydrogesterone. It has no side effects, it does not have anabolic, androgenic, or estrogenic effects. This medicine is used for replacement therapy. Disintegration of active drug substances does not have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Its effectiveness occurs without additional disruption of the menstrual cycle, without suppressing ovulation. It follows from this that there is no harm to the body during pregnancy. The effect of the drug begins a few hours after use. The release form is round tablets. Color white.

Taken orally with plenty of liquid. Reception is carried out regardless of food consumption. If one dose is missed, you are not allowed to take a double dose the next time to make up for the miss. If several doses of medication are prescribed during the day, they should be divided into equal intervals.

When is the drug prescribed?

During puberty, medication is prescribed to treat menstrual dysfunction, to eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, uterine bleeding, and irregular menstrual cycles.

The main indications for use are:

  1. Dysfunctions in the menstrual cycle.
  2. Development of endometriosis.
  3. Signs of dysmenorrhea.
  4. Problems with conceiving a child, caused by a lack of lutein.
  5. If there is a lack of progesterone, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy, there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.
  6. Lack of progesterone and, as a consequence, the occurrence of recurrent miscarriage.
  7. The appearance of premenstrual syndrome.
  8. Uterine bleeding.
  9. Prevention of endometrial wall hyperplasia during menopause.

During menopause it is used to treat endometriosis, treatment of hormonal imbalances and uterine bleeding is carried out. It is the main means for carrying out replacement therapy in case of hormonal imbalance.

Side effects

Reproductive system organs: possible bleeding, pain in the mammary glands. The following side effects often occur:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea;
  • menstrual dysfunction(scanty discharge, heavy discharge, absence of menstruation or too long).

Average response frequency:

  • the appearance of depression;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • weakness or malaise;
  • rashes on the skin accompanied by itching;
  • weight gain.

With infrequent reactions, symptoms such as anemia, hypersensitivity, and Quincke's edema appear. If there is a side effect, therapy is stopped.

When medicine is not prescribed

The main contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • contraindications to treatment with estrogens in complex therapy;
  • vaginal bleeding, the cause of which has not been established;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • presence of tumor-like processes;
  • increased susceptibility to the active substances of the drug.

Features of use during pregnancy and lactation

Duphaston is prescribed during pregnancy if there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion
, to premature birth, placental abruption.

During lactation, there is no data on whether dydrogesterone passes into breast milk. The danger to the baby is unknown, so the drug is prescribed with caution and is taken under strict medical supervision.

Some nuances of reception

Before starting treatment with Duphaston, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of bleeding. Sometimes, for the first time after starting treatment, bloody or spotting discharge may appear. If such symptoms appear in the middle of the course of therapy or at the end of therapy, this is a signal that you need to be examined, since during this period the drug cannot cause discharge.

If necessary, a biopsy is performed to exclude pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

When should treatment be stopped

Termination of the course of therapy is possible if the following situations occur:

  • the appearance of intense headaches, migraines, signs of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • the appearance of symptoms indicating the presence of blood clots in the veins.

If a threat of risk of miscarriage is diagnosed, and the drug is not suitable for treatment, it is recommended to replace it with other drugs that do not contain similar substances.

Sometimes during therapy, disturbances in the functioning of the liver appear., sometimes clinical manifestations are intense. Therefore, duphaston is prescribed with caution and under strict medical supervision to those patients who have a history of liver disease. In parallel, it is recommended to systematically monitor biochemical blood tests; if signs of severe liver dysfunction are detected, therapy should be discontinued.

If breakthrough bleeding occurs, it is recommended to increase the dosage of the drug, so that such signs can be prevented or stopped.


An overdose of duphaston during pregnancy is only possible if the doses are too high. However, at the moment there are no cases of overdose with duphaston.

The drug is extremely toxic
. But since no cases of overdose have been recorded, it is assumed that in case of an overdose, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and lethargic sleep may occur.

In case of overdose, no specific treatment is required. Symptomatic measures and gastric lavage are carried out. There is no specific antidote.

The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children. All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor, as side effects may occur. And treatment under the supervision of a specialist will help avoid consequences. All therapy measures are prescribed taking into account the patient’s condition, the individual characteristics of her body and the stage of advanced disease.

A drug such as Duphaston is often prescribed during pregnancy. It belongs to the group of hormonal medications that help maintain the gestation process. Let's look at the drug in detail, highlight the indications for its use, dwell on the features of its use, and find out how to drink Duphaston during pregnancy.

Why is Duphaston prescribed during pregnancy?

Not all women expecting a baby know why Duphaston is prescribed to pregnant women and address this question to the doctor. Doctors note that this medicine is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. The drug is based on dydrogesterone, which in structure and properties is completely similar to the hormone that is synthesized in the female body.

The drug can be prescribed both at the stage and after its onset, for a short period. Its active component prepares the endometrium for the subsequent implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall. Gestation begins immediately from this moment. Doctors prescribing Duphaston during pregnancy pursue the following goals:

  • successful implantation;
  • prevention of spontaneous abortion;
  • preparing the reproductive system for the gestational process.

Duphaston during early pregnancy

Often, Duphaston during pregnancy, in its early stages, is prescribed to women who have had problems with bearing a child in the past. A common disorder is recurrent miscarriage. Doctors talk about such a violation if 2 or more pregnancies were interrupted at the very beginning. However, their duration did not exceed 12 weeks. During pregnancy, Duphaston reduces the likelihood of developing this complication and helps to carry a child to term.

How to take Duphaston during pregnancy?

Before taking Duphaston, pregnant women should consult a doctor. He directly knows the features of this gestation and analyzes the anamnesis of the expectant mother. Based on the data obtained, an individual course of therapy is drawn up - the dosage, frequency and duration of use of the drug are established. In most cases, the drug begins to be taken from 6-7 weeks of pregnancy.

Dose of Duphaston during pregnancy

It is worth noting that the drug is often prescribed even before conception, at the stage of pregnancy planning. In order to stabilize the functioning of the hormonal system, a woman planning to become a mother takes Duphaston for 6 cycles. They drink it from 11 to 25 days (with a menstrual cycle of 28 days). Another dosage regimen is possible, which is developed individually by the attending physician.

After conception, the expectant mother continues to drink Duphaston during pregnancy. Abrupt, immediate withdrawal of the drug is impossible - a decrease in the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the bloodstream can provoke. As for the dosage, its classic option in this period is 1 tablet 2 times a day (20 mg per day).

How much to drink Duphaston during pregnancy?

Taking Duphaston during pregnancy should always be agreed with your doctor. It directly indicates not only the specific dosage, but also the duration of taking the drug. It depends on the degree of violation and its severity. If we talk about the approximate period of drug withdrawal, this happens by the 20th week of gestation. Some pregnant women stop taking it at 16 weeks, as directed by their doctor.

To determine the need to discontinue the drug or continue taking it, doctors prescribe a laboratory test. It establishes the exact concentration of the hormone progesterone in the bloodstream of the expectant mother. The results of the analysis directly determine the further algorithm of actions of the attending physician. In this case, the pregnant woman must strictly follow medical instructions.

Duphaston - side effects during pregnancy

The use of Duphaston during pregnancy is associated with the possibility of side effects. The likelihood of their development increases if the dosage, frequency and duration of use of the medicine indicated by the doctor is not followed. Common side effects when using the drug include:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • allergic reaction.

If one of these disorders occurs, you should consult a doctor. This phenomenon should be a reason to review the dosage or frequency of use of the drug. As a last resort, replace it with a similar drug. The drug should be used with caution in cases where a course of estrogen therapy has previously been carried out (including the use of oral contraceptives). The simultaneous use of estrogens and progesterone increases the risk of thrombosis.

Duphaston contraindications during pregnancy

Even if there are indications for use, Duphaston tablets during pregnancy cannot be used by all expectant mothers. Because of this, before prescribing the drug, the doctor must carefully analyze the pregnant woman’s medical history and rule out certain diseases. Among them:

  • Rotor syndrome;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • skin itching.

How to stop Duphaston during pregnancy?

Cancellation of Duphaston during pregnancy should be done gradually. The regimen is drawn up individually, and depends on the dosage in which the pregnant woman took the drug. Every day it is reduced by 0.5-1 tablet. For example, if, as prescribed by the doctor, the expectant mother took 3 tablets of medication daily, then each subsequent day the dose is reduced by 1-0.5 tablets. So, the medication is finally stopped after 3-6 days. Compliance with the withdrawal plan established by the doctor eliminates the possibility of a sharp decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood.

Update: October 2018

Currently, a considerable number of women are faced with problems conceiving a child and/or during pregnancy. One of the factors causing this pathology is hormonal imbalance, in particular the production of progesterone. To solve these issues, doctors have long resorted to drugs such as duphaston or utrozhestan.

Let's deal with progesterone

Progesterone is a steroid hormone and is produced in a woman’s body by the ovaries and adrenal glands. The role it plays in the functioning of the reproductive sphere is irreplaceable; the menstrual cycle, fertilization and further pregnancy depend on the level of this hormone.

As you know, the menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases: follicular (proliferative) and luteal (secretory).

  • In the first half of the cycle, they dominate, under the influence of which the dominant follicle matures.
  • At the moment of ovulation (rupture of the main follicle), the content of progesterone reaches its peak, the “newly made” egg leaves the follicle and enters the fallopian tube. In place of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which maintains (synthesizes) progesterone levels at the same levels.
  • Under the influence of the described hormone, secretory changes occur in the functional layer of the uterine mucosa, it thickens, loosens, and the blood supply in it increases.

All the processes described are designed to create favorable conditions for the introduction or implantation of an egg that has been fertilized by that time. If conception has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function as before, maintaining progesterone levels at a constant level. This is explained by the properties of the hormone:

  • It supports secretory changes in the endometrium necessary for further progression of pregnancy,
  • Suppresses uterine contractions, thereby preventing the rejection of the fertilized egg.
  • Progesterone affects the development of tissues, primarily the mammary glands, and prepares them for breastfeeding.
  • The hormone also has some sedative effect, inhibits the activity and bright emotions of a woman and stimulates the growth and stretching of the uterus as the gestation period increases.

Due to the listed “abilities” of progesterone, it is called the pregnancy hormone. Indeed, if it is insufficient, neither fertilization nor further development of pregnancy is possible. A reduced level of progesterone in the blood indicates either insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle or reduced function of the corpus luteum or placenta.

Lack of the hormone can manifest itself as intermenstrual bleeding (see), threat of miscarriage and intrauterine growth retardation.

Planning a pregnancy

At the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman is faced with the need not only to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but also to take certain medications.

  • Folic acid— it is known that three months before pregnancy, it is recommended to start taking folic acid (see), this measure is an excellent prevention of the development of neural tube defects of the fetus.
  • Duphaston - in some cases, doctors strongly recommend starting the so-called preventive use of duphaston (see).

When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed only if there are certain indications. This is either a failure of the second phase of the cycle, or existing adenomyosis, against the background of which a woman, if she becomes pregnant, rarely carries a child.

That is, the expectant mother has a history of a sad experience of an interrupted pregnancy, and the miscarriage was repeated several times. In this case, they talk about habitual miscarriage, and after a thorough examination of the woman and finding out all the reasons for the termination of pregnancy, a decision is made to prescribe a hormonal drug - duphaston - at the planning stage.

How is duphaston prescribed?

Considering that duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, it should therefore be taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when the time of progesterone comes. Duphaston is available in 10 mg tablets and usually taken when planning pregnancy does not exceed one tablet per day.

There is no special regimen for taking the drug; the doctor prescribes how to take duphaston in each specific case, developing an individual regimen.

  • Taking the medicine should begin the day after ovulation; if a woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle, it is taken from days 11 to 25 of the cycle for at least 6 months.
  • During this period of time, a woman usually becomes pregnant.

But what if, say, in the third month of taking the drug, your period suddenly doesn’t come? This means it needs to be done. After all, it was for this purpose that duphaston therapy was prescribed. Test positive? Do not rush to stop taking the drug; it will need to be continued until 16 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta forms and begins to produce its own progesterone.

It should be added that duphaston does not have a negative effect on the fetus, does not affect blood clotting, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and does not affect the endocrine glands. That is, pregnancy that occurs after duphaston proceeds in the same way as a normal pregnancy.

Side effects

But we can’t help but say about the side effects of the drug. In some cases there are:

  • migraine-like headaches or dizziness
  • reactions from the hepatobiliary system (jaundice, weakness, minor abdominal pain)
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug in the form of urticaria.

If a breakthrough occurs while taking duphaston, then you should simply increase the dosage of the drug.

Pregnancy and duphaston

So, pregnancy occurred while taking duphaston at the planning stage, what next?

Why? Since there was not enough progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle even before pregnancy, there will be some deficiency in its first weeks. Therefore, there is no way to stop taking the medicine, otherwise the matter may end sadly.

Why is duphaston needed during pregnancy?

Then, it will make up for the lack of progesterone, that is, it will take over its functions. Duphaston will maintain the activity of the corpus luteum, relax the muscles of the uterus, and have an immunosuppressive effect so that the mother’s body does not perceive the embryo as a foreign object and expel it. In addition, the drug is necessary for the development of the mammary glands, preparing them for breastfeeding.

In what cases is duphaston prescribed during pregnancy?

  • First, how to continue taking the drug during planning,
  • secondly, if during this pregnancy there were signs of an incipient miscarriage, confirmed by hormonal studies of progesterone deficiency,
  • thirdly, duphaston is necessarily prescribed after the IVF procedure as pregnancy maintenance therapy.

How is duphaston prescribed during pregnancy?

It all depends on the situation, the severity of the clinical manifestations of progesterone deficiency - spontaneous abortion, tolerance, the woman’s age, medical history and many other factors. In case of clear signs of a threat of miscarriage, the dosage of the medicine can be increased to 4 tablets per day, that is, 40 mg daily. Of course, the price of duphaston is high, but the game is worth the candle, isn’t it? But I would like to reassure expectant mothers that from the moment they start using the drug, the signs of a threatened abortion in the early stages very quickly stop, bloody discharge from the genital tract disappears, the pain goes away, and the woman’s well-being significantly improves.

How long does it take to take duphaston?

The drug must be taken until the situation stabilizes and there is no obvious or hidden threat of pregnancy. Usually, the need for duphaston disappears after 16 weeks of pregnancy (see), but in some cases the threat of miscarriage may arise at a later stage, so it is taken for up to 20 weeks. The withdrawal of the drug does not occur simultaneously, this can provoke a new round of threat, but gradually .

Let’s say a woman was on four tablets a day, which means that within a week the dose of duphaston is reduced by 10 mg, that is, 3 tablets remain daily. If pregnancy develops normally during a week of taking the drug at this dosage, then during the next week the dose is reduced by another 10 mg, leaving 2 tablets.

Again, pregnancy is monitored by taking 20 mg per day for 7 days, if in this case there are no signs of a threat, leave one tablet and then stop taking the drug.

A few words about Utrozhestan

Speaking about duphaston and its role in pregnancy planning, as well as in the successful development of the resulting pregnancy, we cannot forget about the “competitor”, that is, utrozhestan.

Duphaston analogue —
Utrozhestan is also an analogue of progesterone and is made from plant materials. Therefore, it is successfully used in the same situations as duphaston. It is useless to argue which drug is better; their role is the same. But which medicine to give preference during pregnancy is decided by the doctor and only he.

Release form - Utrozhestan is available in capsules, in which the active ingredient can be different, either 100 mg or 200 mg.

When planning a pregnancy Utrozhestan is prescribed in the second stage of the menstrual cycle, usually at a dosage of 200 mg per day. The drug transitions the endometrium from the secretion phase to the proliferation phase, and in the event of fertilization, it prepares the uterine mucosa to receive the egg, that is, it loosens it, thickens it, and improves blood supply. In addition, the medicine suppresses the excitability of both the muscles of the uterus and the fallopian tubes, and also stimulates the growth of secretory tissue of the mammary glands, preparing them for lactation.

During pregnancy Utrozhestan is prescribed from the moment conception is established until the end of the second trimester. The dosage of the drug also depends on the clinical situation and the severity of signs of threatened termination. Usually the drug is taken twice a day, from 200 to 600 mg.

The significant difference between Utrozhestan and Duphaston is that Utrozhestan can be taken not only orally, but also inserted into the vagina. This method of use is even more effective, since the active substance, bypassing the liver, immediately enters the bloodstream and begins its beneficial effect. This method of administration is very convenient to use for women with toxicosis, when vomiting does not allow even a sip of water to be kept in the stomach.

Disadvantages of the drug- But there is also a certain disadvantage of the drug. It causes a sedative effect, which is not observed when using duphaston. Utrozhestan, like the last resort, does not affect the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and is absolutely safe for the unborn baby. However, during breastfeeding, the drug must be stopped, as it passes into milk.

Of the side effects Allergic reactions, lethargy and drowsiness (sedation), dizziness and liver reactions (jaundice) should be noted. The withdrawal of the drug is prescribed gradually, in the same way as duphaston.

The first trimester is the most important period determining the further development of pregnancy. It is at this time that a woman’s body is actively preparing for motherhood, and all conditions are created for the formation and development of the baby. If disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system are observed, drug therapy is often prescribed.

Duphaston during early pregnancy compensates for the lack of the most important hormone - progesterone. It is this that allows you to relax the muscle fibers, protecting against spontaneous contractions. Prepares the body, reducing its immune defense, to secure the amniotic egg in the uterine cavity. Thanks to advances in medicine, today it is possible to normalize the condition of the expectant mother and baby if any abnormalities arise.

Operating principle

Many pregnant women try to avoid taking any medications, believing that this will affect the formation of the fetus. The drug Dufastan is completely safe for both the woman and her child. This is an analogue of natural progesterone, the very main hormone without which the most important thing cannot happen - conception, gestation and the birth of a new life. Normally, its enhanced synthesis begins after fertilization of the egg, when it makes its way to the main destination - the uterus. In the cavity of the muscular organ, the amniotic egg is fixed, then the embryo will develop and grow, turning into a fetus.

If, for any reason, the level of progesterone drops, this leads to a threat to the vital activity of the embryo. That’s why this drug is prescribed; it replenishes the deficiency until the placenta takes over the functions of hormone synthesis. This happens around the 20th obstetric week, and after that there is no need to maintain medication. In rare cases, the drug is taken longer, but after 22 weeks the threat of miscarriage disappears, and we are already talking about the risk of premature birth. The tablets are absolutely safe, they do not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, they only affect hormone levels.

Indications for use

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed to reduce spontaneous abortion. Thanks to its action, the uterus relaxes, spasms and bleeding stop. Favorable conditions are also created for the formation of the mucous membrane - the future placenta, whose functions in the early stages are performed by the corpus luteum.

Another reason for prescribing may be chronic endometritis. This is a special condition of the female body’s immune system, in which the embryo is perceived as a foreign body that poses a danger. If not diagnosed in time and treated appropriately, there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

Duphaston's reception

Very often the drug is prescribed during the period of preparation for conception, when there are medical indications. In such cases, the woman continues to take it throughout the first trimester even after fertilization occurs. 1 tablet 2 times a day is enough, but the regimen may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman. You cannot independently introduce changes to the gynecologist’s prescriptions, much less increase or decrease doses. Even if the expectant mother forgot to take the drug on time, she can do this in the next 6 hours, the level of the hormone in the blood will not change dramatically.

There is no need to take the drug if the placenta is formed (18 weeks). If the hormone levels are normal, Duphaston is discontinued gradually, the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet per week. Rapid completion of the dose can cause bleeding and subsequent miscarriage.

Consequences of taking

Despite the fact that the drug is very similar in its molecular structure to progesterone, individual reactions of the body are possible. This is minimal discomfort, which allows you to do the most important thing - maintain the pregnancy.

Side effects:

  • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • uterine bleeding (dosage changes);
  • abdominal pain;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • headaches, migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • itching, rash, urticaria (very rare);
  • hemolytic anemia (isolated cases);
  • edema syndrome.

In addition, there are conditions in which the drug should not be taken.


  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • rare hereditary diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • individual intolerance.

Duphaston should not be taken with medications containing estrogen. All appointments are controlled only by a doctor.

If a pregnant woman makes a mistake with the dose and takes more than prescribed, gastric lavage is necessary. There are no special antidotes; only symptoms that arise are treated. In any case, if adverse reactions or overdose occur, you should seek medical help.

Today it is extremely difficult to find a woman who, directly during her own pregnancy or during the period when she was just planning one, would not use any medications that are useful for the expectant mother herself and completely safe for her unborn baby. After all, on the one hand, such foresight gives a woman an excellent opportunity to give birth to her long-awaited baby completely healthy. On the other hand, it allows you to preserve your own health. Recently, such a diagnosis as habitual miscarriage has become a very common problem for women who really want to have their own children. There are truly an unusually many reasons for this, but one of the most important reasons is the problems a woman has at the hormonal level of her body.

As many already know, a strictly special hormone is “responsible” for the entire pregnancy; it is also called the pregnancy hormone - this is progesterone. As a rule, its main function is indispensable in the female body, which is preparing for possible cardinal changes - namely, bearing a baby. After all, firstly, progesterone usually helps the fertilized egg to timely and reliably attach to the walls of the uterus, and it is also what prepares the female mammary glands for further production of both colostrum and milk. And secondly, thanks to precisely such a hormone as progesterone, the uterus is constantly growing quite actively and increasing in size, while practically not contracting at all, which, of course, is extremely necessary precisely so that the female body can accept the embryo that it perceives as “foreign body”, and did not reject it.

And as you understand, as soon as another pregnancy occurs, the total amount of progesterone in the body increases sharply. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen, because we described a version of the accepted norm. There are a number of specific reasons why the pregnancy hormone that a woman needs so much may not be produced in sufficient quantities. And it is quite understandable that without such a hormone, the uterus may simply not accept the fetus that is implanting into it (a spontaneous miscarriage will occur), and sometimes pregnancy may simply not occur at all.

And we are telling you about all this, not in vain. You probably already guessed that in this article we will later talk about such a drug as the so-called synthetic analogue of this very necessary female progesterone for pregnancy. As a rule, this drug is prescribed only when a particular woman’s condition is definitely confirmed (of course, only after passing all the necessary tests for the body’s production of hormones). By the way, it would be advisable to donate blood for the hormones produced by the body several times, preferably in a row (this is necessary in order to determine as accurately as possible your specific hormonal picture), and always strictly on an empty stomach. The results of such tests will only have to be deciphered by your attending physician, and then perhaps he will consider it necessary to prescribe some additional tests for you. And only after this the doctor will allow himself to prescribe certain medications for a specific woman.

Why is Duphaston usually prescribed?

Yes, first of all, because our modern pharmaceutical market, of the actually existing progesterone analogs, is able to offer us only two similar drugs - this is the same Duphaston and a second drug called. Although a drug like Duphaston is the same progesterone only of synthetic origin, it is nevertheless more convenient for a woman to use, at least in contrast to the same Utrozhestan. After all, Utrozhestan is progesterone, but of natural origin, which doctors should administer only strictly intramuscularly. And as was already mentioned earlier (say, with such a diagnosis as habitual miscarriage), so in fact, with a pregnancy that has already occurred, but has real risks of interrupting it. The drug Utrozhestan is also prescribed when planning pregnancy - read more about this.

The correct dosage, and the full course of treatment, should always be developed strictly individually, depending on the available test results. Most often, they try to prescribe Duphaston in a dosage of 2 or maximum 3 tablets once or even twice a day. The full course of treatment with this drug usually lasts up to 6 months directly during the period of planning and preparation for pregnancy, and once pregnancy occurs, Duphaston should be taken only in the very first weeks of pregnancy, and according to the same instructions, but constantly gradually reducing the amount taken number of tablets, up to their complete abolition.

Also, a drug such as Duphaston may well be prescribed if pregnancy occurs, which most often happens in the early stages of pregnancy due to acute progesterone deficiency. And, as a rule, in this case, this drug is taken only until 20 weeks of pregnancy, until the placenta can finally form in the woman’s body (after all, it has long been known that a “ready” or mature placenta significantly increases the body’s production of natural progesterone , and as a result, the fetus becomes protected from rejection by the mother’s body).

The process of discontinuing a drug such as Duphaston during pregnancy can cause an incredible number of questions among previously ill women. And, of course, on numerous forums, future and established mothers actively share their experiences, which, by the way, vary greatly. Many of the women discontinued Duphaston literally immediately at the first signs of pregnancy, but, unfortunately, abrupt withdrawal of this particular drug can be very dangerous for the fetus. After all, Duphaston supports the newly pregnant body with an additional, much needed dose of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, and if suddenly this supply of hormones is stopped too abruptly, then the woman’s uterus may well reject the fertilized egg itself as a foreign body. And that is why a drug such as Duphaston will need to be discontinued only gradually, and from time to time it will be necessary to take tests for hormone production in order to strictly control the total amount of progesterone in the female body.

How exactly can Duphaston be canceled?

Unfortunately, in this question, as well as in many others, there is no clear and unambiguous answer among doctors. And the same reviews from “experienced” mothers are very different from each other. But modern doctors can only be clear on one thing about this. Namely, the regimen for discontinuing Duphaston will have to be determined only by an experienced doctor, who actually initially prescribed the regimen for taking the drug. After all, Duphaston is indicated for women for completely different reasons, which is precisely why, and this drug will need to be discontinued accordingly.

If, for example, you took this drug exactly 4 tablets per day and subsequently the results of the relevant tests showed that the total amount of progesterone is now normal, then this drug may be discontinued as follows. On the first day you will have to drink - the prescribed four tablets, on the second day we drink - only 3 tablets, on the third day - respectively 2 tablets, on the fourth day - you guessed it, 1 tablet and only after that is it permissible to completely stop taking a drug such as Duphaston. If the total amount of progesterone in a woman’s body is slightly deviated from the existing norms, then, of course, you will need a completely different scheme for discontinuing the drug, which the doctor will have to determine, based on the indicators of deviations from the norm that he saw in the tests. Sometimes pregnant women “quit taking” Duphaston on their own, and sometimes they do this for even several weeks, which is also not entirely true.

And finally, let's talk about the so-called “pitfalls” that are possible when taking and stopping Duphaston. So, the instructions for this drug (and, in fact, from the lips of the overwhelming majority of experienced and respected gynecologists) state in black and white that this drug can be absolutely safe and cannot harm either the expectant mother or, of course, her child. Rather, on the contrary, this drug is very useful and even vital for almost every woman. It should be noted, however, that some experts are extremely outraged by such information in the manufacturer’s instructions. Indeed, these days, Duphaston and the onset of pregnancy have become practically synonymous words. And such a rather serious drug is prescribed, as they say, right and left, and sometimes without any serious reasons, rather, just in case, reassuring oneself - after all, it will not interfere. But is this really the case - the big question?

It is incredibly difficult to talk about this, so we bring to your attention only some of the statements of quite authoritative experts. It turns out that in many civilized countries of the world, taking a drug such as Duphaston during pregnancy is considered extremely undesirable and even harmful. Whatever you say, it is hormonal and therefore quite a serious drug, which may well in some way disrupt your natural hormonal balance in the body. And some experts generally believe that this use of Duphaston can “slow down” the normal natural production of progesterone by an already pregnant body. Actually, this is precisely why if you were already taking this drug before pregnancy, then, of course, it is absolutely impossible to abruptly stop it during pregnancy. Since your already pregnant body may not be able to independently cope with the need to produce such an important and even vital hormone, for the simple reason that the body has already been “accustomed” to receiving this hormone from the outside. And if in the early stages of pregnancy the level of progesterone in your body decreases sharply, then it will be extremely difficult for you to avoid a spontaneous miscarriage.

And in order not to face such a dilemma (should Duphaston be stopped during pregnancy or not, and if so, how?), one would have to never take it at all. The last of the modern studies have shown and proven that in fact only a few women may actually need such “artificially produced” progesterone, and this drug is prescribed to almost every second of all pregnant women.

Such an “ambiguous” attitude towards drugs in our time is, unfortunately, quite common. And how truly difficult it is for a pregnant woman to make the right choice in such a situation, when the information constantly coming to her is so contradictory and confusing. What should you do if, for example, one doctor insists that it is necessary and important to use this drug, and the second convinces you that it is definitely not worth it?

The final choice, unfortunately, as always, falls only on the fragile shoulders of a pregnant woman... and I really want not to make a mistake in this matter.

Believe in your own strength, listen to your body and everything will be fine for you, of course!