To be with someone who has true love. What is true love and what does it consist of?

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15 March 2013

True love

let's talk about true love. So much has been said, written, sung, pictures and films created about love. Almost everyone knows about love. But true love true love We often learn from legends, fairy tales, books and films.

true love Everyone wants it, but unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to have it. We all talk about how this only happens in fairy tales, but in life everything is much simpler. It seems to me that each of us is the architect of our own happiness. True love does not come from outside, it cannot be inherited, rented or bought. True love is built within us. It is born under certain conditions.

Love is pleasure, the pleasure of having the closest, dearest person next to you, and you feel it with every fiber of your soul. This is when you can’t get enough of it, when you look into your beloved eyes and are not afraid to drown in them.

True love, this is when words are no longer necessary. True love is when you dissolve in your loved one and find yourself in him. True love is when there is respect for each other, understanding each other, trusting each other, caring for each other.

Let everyone have their own, which makes your soul warm, when your heart beats faster and when you fall asleep and wake up with a smile on your lips. True love is the most precious gem! Love and goodness to you.

Parable “Love is more precious than all treasures”

One day, a young prince brought a dark, silent beauty from a trip instead of the promised treasures. The father king said to him in anger:

If you brought diamonds and our jeweler cut them into brilliants, I would buy you a pair of these beauties for just one gem.

Father we love each other more life! - the young man exclaimed. “After all, love is a diamond that even a king cannot buy.”

Let’s see how much your love is worth,” the father grinned.

He took off the ring with a large precious stone, threw it at the feet of the beauty and said:

Choose: my ring and freedom - or death.

The girl did not move. The king ordered the servant to bring a gold necklace and lay it at the feet of the beauty. The girl didn't even look at him. Then the servant brought a silver dish full precious stones. The pile of treasures kept growing, but the girl looked only at the prince.

So you choose death! – the king said threateningly and ordered the servants to grab the daring foreigner.

“I don’t want to live without my beloved,” the girl answered proudly.

Then the prince put a dagger to his heart and calmly said:

I don’t want to live without my beloved!

Come to your senses, prince, or you will lose everything,” exclaimed the frightened king.

And his son came up to his beloved, hugged her and said:

My love is more valuable than any treasure, because it means the whole world to me, although I can hug it with one hand.

True love is not in words, and not even in actions - it is in the heart

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Reviews (10) to “True Love”

  1. Lyudmila
    16 March 2013 at 14:23

    Very poetic and romantic, true values ​​are not measured by money and treasures, but true love is a gift from fate for a warm, sincere heart, I wish everyone such a gift from fate!

  2. Marina
    16 March 2013 at 14:43

    Really very romantic. It’s a pity that you can’t dissolve in anyone, it’s bad for your health. Thanks for the romance

  3. Aksana
    16 March 2013 at 17:04

    About love and friendship - this is very true!

  4. Vitaliy
    March 17, 2013 at 7:09 am

    Thank you Lyudmila! May your wishes come true!

  5. Vitaliy
    17 March 2013 at 7:10

    Thank you Aksana!

  6. Vitaliy
    17 March 2013 at 7:11

    Thank you Marinka! We sometimes lack romance!

  7. Alla
    17 March 2013 at 11:23

    So beautifully written. It's a shame that life isn't so romantic. But nevertheless, everyone dreams of love.

  8. Vitaliy
    17 March 2013 at 12:05

    Thank you Allah! It all depends on the person: does he need romance or not, and how much of it is needed. But there must be a place for romance in life!

  9. Alexander
    22 March 2013 at 17:09

    Very beautiful and romantic. This wonderful feeling, they need to be treasured.

  10. Vitaliy
    22 March 2013 at 18:25

    Thank you, Alexander!

Senses and intellect have made man the highest stage of evolution. Love and friendship unite people, encourage creativity, and inspire heroic deeds. True love and true friendship are states that every person strives to experience. The main thing is that the feelings are real and mutual. Many people wonder what true love is. How not to confuse it with passion, love or friendship? The answers to these and other questions are in this article.

True love and its imitators

Distinguish between love and infatuation! The latter can be perceived in two forms - passion and romantic love. In the first case, the couple plunges into the whirlpool of irresistible physical attraction, often not reaching the point of frankness, sincerity and mutual trust. In the second case, the balance of carnal desire and spiritual unity is maintained. Whether falling in love will develop into true love can only be answered by a man and a woman who are ready to make compromises for each other, overcome problems, and maintain spiritual and physical fidelity.

Distinguish love from passion! Partners are attracted only by the physical shell, appearance. Such relationships do not reach the level of feelings.

Distinguish love from friendship! Sympathy, understanding, trust, frankness, devotion, fidelity without carnal desire. Arguments of true love in in this case convincing, but external attractiveness is extremely important at the initial stage

Distinguish between love and habit! The intimacy between partners is not real. There is a lack of sincerity, trust, and understanding. The situation occurs when passion or love fades away.

Distinguish between love and addiction! Falling in love, caused by a surge of hormones, lasts from 6 to 18 months. Addiction can last for years, characterized by uncontrollable passion and a panicky desire to be close to the person of lust.

Signs of true love

Emotional infatuation, satisfaction of carnal needs, fear of loneliness - our feelings and emotions are disguised as love and can stupefy a person for years. This is because no one has given a clear answer to the question of what true love is.

In 2010, scientists World Organization healthcare recognized a bright feeling as a disease. Mental illness received the serial number - F 63.9. Everyone has felt the symptoms of the disease at least once in their life: loss of sleep, obsessive thoughts, sudden changes in mood, pressure surges, impulsive actions.

However, when the pressure rises at night and there is no sleep, the approach Great love we think last. True feeling difficult to explain, it can be recognized by a list of obvious signs.

No doubt

The feeling comes to us suddenly, all the thoughts in our head are devoted to the object of desire. A person is confident in his feelings, ignoring the opinions of relatives and friends, emerging circumstances, overcoming impressive distances and even natural disasters.

Let your friends say dozens of times that you and her are opposites. different views for life, and your mother will offendedly declare that she did not raise you for this - there is no doubt, in the search for true love you have overcome many obstacles and are confident in the correctness of your feelings.

The puzzle has come together, the halves that are being talked about all over the world have been reunited. You can write out a scenario for the development of events with your loved one after a year, two, ten, thirty... You are ready to marry him and have children.

The answer to the question “Why do you love him?” does not exist

Not because love clouded the mind and erased the memory. There is simply no concrete answer. You love a person simply for who they are. There is no doubt, this is your match. You can give a couple of arguments - for beautiful figure, expensive car or promising job. But such reasons have nothing to do with real feelings. An analogy can easily be drawn with friendship. Having gone through fire, water and copper pipes together, comrades may even forget where they met, but they will be faithful and devoted until last day. True love and true friendship are concepts that require no explanation.

It's just you and he/she

“Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don’t need anyone except you” - so in in a comic form This sign of love can be characterized. A person devotes all thoughts and actions to the object of desire, relegating everything else to the background. Even if the inhabitants of Hollywood Olympus like Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt offer you to spend the evening at Cote d'Azur, you will not abandon your dear, unknown Petya.

The relationship develops, you become a better person.

The problem with true love is its ups and downs. Sometimes it takes time for it to strengthen and take shape. If the initial all-consuming passion has subsided, and the desire to care, look after and give tenderness only intensifies, you are on the right track.

A bright feeling inspires, gives strength, energy, and the desire to create. A person has an incentive to develop, become better, more attractive. If the relationship is real, it will not require unbearable sacrifices and drastic changes. As one of the psychologists wrote in the essay “What is true love?”, “... there should be no hard labor, conscious, desired job over herself - yes, but she should not oblige her to make sacrifices.”

The ability to forgive

Collecting grievances is a useless and thankless task. Love, although classified as a disease, is a panacea for this harmful hobby. Loving heart knows how to forgive. It’s not always easy; for some it takes years. The feeling of resentment is strong and is often a direct competitor to the F 63.9. Betrayal is followed by a bloody emotional battle. Here lies the answer to the question of what true love is. That which overcomes grievances, adversity and heals emotional wounds.

Best friends and partners

Lovers play by rules known only to the two of them, and never score the ball into their own goal. People around you will never hear complaints from you about the shortcomings of your other half. You, like Bonnie and Clyde, stand by each other in the most difficult situations. They say about true love that two people are links in one chain, two equal, equal figures.

You have something to keep quiet about

Spending days and nights together, talking on the phone for hours - unconditional sign interest and sympathy between a man and a woman. True love stories often begin with long night conversations. But only in silence is the depth of feelings hidden. This silence no longer forms an awkward pause; a quiet dialogue between two souls is taking place.

Nothing lasts forever, and neither do feelings.

Many people believe that true love is one for life. Once you fall in love, you will never stop loving, if you have lost your other half, you will never experience a brighter feeling again. Everything changes in life, even the most strong relationships can collapse in the blink of an eye. What is true love? This skill is akin to riding a bicycle - once you learn it, you will carry this knowledge with you throughout your life. After an unfortunate fall, it is important to find the strength to rise up, spread your wings and go towards new love.

Each person has the right to create his own formula of happiness. In his essay “What is True Love,” the French philosopher recommends creating your own recipe for inspiration and energy recharge.

7 signs of true friendship

The situation is similar. Each of us has friends and girlfriends, and seven of its characteristics will help you understand whether the friendship between you is real.

No competition. If one of the couple achieves success, the other is sincerely happy for him. This is the main property true friendship. The slightest competition in the future can cause a rift in the relationship.

Honesty. It's important not to cross fine line between honesty and toughness. Friends should tell each other everything they think, but the form of presenting information should be friendly, without rudeness. Did you like your friend's hairstyle, trousers, figure? Give him generous compliments!

Down with obsession. A friend can support, give advice, and mentor, but you shouldn’t try on the role of an annoying mom or a categorical dad. By making many demands on a person, trying to command, you can change his feelings exactly the opposite.

Reliability. A true friend known in trouble. This saying has not lost its relevance for decades. In joyful moments of life a person is surrounded by many comrades, but in Hard time their number is sharply reduced. A sincere friend will provide not only moral, but also material support, if circumstances so require.

The ability to listen. Each of us has situations when we want to speak out, throw out resentment and negativity. A friend will listen, even if the topic of conversation is unclear to him.

Relationships carried through time. People who were considered the best comrades in childhood, rarely maintain the same level of communication into adulthood. Our interests change, life scatters different cities and continents, but even after years true friends there will be something to talk about.

How do women and men make friends?

Female friendship. Experts in the field of human relations question its existence. Relationships between two representatives of the fair sex are most often of the nature of acquaintance. 80% of girls perceive their own kind as competitors. Friendship between women is possible when they have nothing to share, which happens extremely rarely.

Male friendship. Although the stronger sex denies it in every possible way, it does not compete with each other fewer women- in career, personal life, car size, etc. The success of one may not always cause an adequate reaction from another.

Friendship between a man and a woman. Due to different psychological structures, sincere relationships between representatives of different sexes are extremely rare. Only high self-esteem and a clear understanding of personal freedom will help you move away from stereotypes and maintain friendly feelings between man and woman.

No one knows how love arises between a man and a woman, where it comes from and what it brings with it... But one day it comes.

I don’t mean flirting, when they pretend to be “a little in love”, while they know that they are not, and agree to be satisfied with the same “innocent-guilty” playful, light pretense on the other side. Here everyone secretly knows that he does not take this “love game” seriously, and he himself is not taken seriously, that he can do it “differently”, can play with others, can do without his current “partner”... This is called a pastime tuned to nothing more than lust, and as a result everything is vulgarized, the same fleeting chirping of two irresponsible dragonflies... Far from love, like heaven from earth!

If true love comes, a person loses the feeling of free recklessness and free play. He suddenly feels bound, as if necessity had pierced him or he had fallen under the influence of some kind of law: now he cannot do otherwise, he is as if under a spell.

This is how they recognize true love: whoever “can do it differently” and “can do it with others” still knows nothing about love. Love is chosenness, in which often nothing is felt from being chosen. You see yourself as determined, and your beloved being as the only and irreplaceable one.

The lover wants to be together with this chosen being, enjoy his presence without interference from others, no longer play, abandon restraint, become completely sincere with him and give this sincerity an integral form. The decisive moment is approaching: the beloved must find out that he is loved - a terrible moment... What if he does not respond to love?! Then everything ends, the world and life become a pile of ruins...

This is how true love is recognized - it is not only concentrated and exclusive, but also “totalitarian”, it requires everything from a person, it is absorbing, it is prescribed by fate. True love wants everything in a person: not only the external human, but also the soul and its inner content - the essence of man, the holy secret of personal spirituality, ancient source Divine breath in him to become one in life, desires and prayers. And whoever knows nothing about this, knows nothing about true love.

At the same time, they don’t always think about “marriage.” This “result” is summed up as if by itself. For if a man and a woman are embraced by true love and can no longer live without each other, then they form a creative life community, as a new, magnificent life value that strives to be recognized by God and people - approved, sanctified, respected, protected... We, Of course, we know: many get married without love (poor people!); but if it is love, then it seeks victory and marriage, just as a rosebush seeks a rose. There's no need to talk about " eternal love" True love, however, is perceived as unique and eternal - lasting forever, binding forever and leading to a blissful eternity. And anyone who has never experienced this probably doesn't know much about love.

To love and be loved by your beloved. What happiness, what a wealth of creative possibilities... This in itself is a living song of praise to the Lord. Execution best wishes, soaring joy, rising morning dawn... The hidden powers of his distant ancestors awaken in a person, with whom he miraculously feels one... Everything wakes up for him, all living things call out to him; and he feels whole and inspired. He, the only one, “the most magnificent of all” - can bloom... She, the only, wonderful one - can offer praise, dare to serve, live by it!..

Who, however, perceives this joy not as innocent and holy - for it comes from unrequited love, for it is desired by nature, for it is sanctified by the Lord!.. who does not feel a slight sadness from all this happiness - for in love so much burns out, because a premonition of the coming love suffering awakens in it, for the peak of life has been reached, and the eternally transitory wants to raise its voice!.. whoever does not think about the burden of responsibility and does not feel the world’s pain does not yet know what true love is...

And one more thing: the lover wants happiness for himself, the happiness of a creatively beautiful community, future happiness among numerous children. If at the same time he does not want the happiness of his beloved being, if his heart does not think in its depths about sacrifices, if it does not put the happiness of the beloved being above its own, then his love is selfish and selfish: oh, then this is not true love...

For true love is a spark of God in a person.

Love is truth, there is God, there is the absolute, there is infinity. She is either alone (for all lives), or, as in 99%, she has not yet met. Yes! What I read is exactly the same as what is in my understanding, acceptance of consciousness. Very often love between two people is mistakenly called falling in love. Falling in love, that you meet one after another until the time... encounters with the immensity. Truly! :-)

888, age: 28/12/21/2016

Is it possible to kill love? Can it disappear? Is it really love that can disappear?

Anna, age: 19 / 03.11.2013

Extraordinary article!! Love is a gift, and unfortunately not everyone has experienced love.

Julia, age: 30 / 01/26/2013

I liked it very much! I have always thought and waited and am waiting for true love, but I was mistaken many times or took pity for granted, my kindness always prevents me from feeling love, I can’t distinguish which person I want, which person I’m waiting for, I’m very cheerful and I always try to make the people around me feel the same way happy and cheerful, I want to meet a man who will madly love me for who I am and whom I will love and who my close and dear people will like, I want him to be proud of me and respect me just as I want him to be an exemplary father of my I want my children to be a faithful and exemplary husband, I want him to love and appreciate me. I want him to be mentally rich and rich in every sense. You wrote very beautifully and touchingly!! but I want to ask you a question! what should I do or what should I do to find mutual love, that true love that you told! where can I find her! I don’t want to make a mistake, I don’t want others to be hurt because of me, but I don’t want pain for myself either!

Aizat, age: 19 / 10/18/2011

Truly this is so, my life has outlined this for me, I felt what he said, I experienced these lines myself. Only I’m very young and I won’t have a family soon. I have one beloved, and I live alone. I feel the only truth in love, and in the power of the Father’s providence, I will be happy to be with her to the end. And the philosopher is like a friend to us, he suddenly revealed a lot to me about the truth. Grateful, that's all.

Rassomakhin Victor, age: 16 / 08/31/2011

I don't quite agree! In true love, a person is not under the power of a spell, as it is written here, but on the contrary - FREED FROM ALL CHARMS, and no longer feels “bound”, but free!!! And it’s absolutely not true that if a loved one does not respond to feelings, “then it’s all over - the world and life become a pile of ruins.” I used to think so too, until I met my true love! This is unconditional pure happiness and harmony with the whole world, which is impossible to describe in words. I will say that my beloved and I are not together and it is unlikely that we will ever be together. But this does not make me less happy, less free. This miracle has transformed my life beyond recognition - it makes you develop, become better. And “life becomes a pile of ruins” - this is from the category of selfishness and self-love. Real love- this is pure happiness and God's Grace in any case!!

Not everyone can answer the question of what love is, and sometimes they don’t even try to ask themselves this question.

What is true love

True love embodies:

  1. Mercy
  2. Empathy for others
  3. Patience
  4. Compliance
  5. The ability to forgive

The diseases from which our body suffers are the result of erroneous thoughts and actions, but love is the best remedy against ailments, this is a weapon that is able to defeat any evil, overcome any obstacles and make life better.

Real love- this is the source of energy due to which everything lives and reproduces on earth. This is a powerful, positive energy of incredible strength.

True love and its basic feelings

The main components of the feeling of love are:

  • Calm
  • Harmony
  • Pleasure
  • Happiness
  • Inner freedom of man

This magnificent multifaceted feeling descended to people from God or, to put it differently, from the Universal Mind.

How to recognize true love and enter into a love union

True love manifests itself only in those moments when our feelings, thoughts and actions are united!

"You are my Love! Life is not good for me without you!” 

- a man says to a woman in the morning... Unfortunately, in the evening he can forget about what was said and go to another. Words about love and true love are two different things..

Words that are not supported by feelings and actions do not bring anyone any benefit or happiness. Those who fall in love with lightning speed (love at first sight) are often unlucky, because such love flares up like a match, and, like a match, fades out at the first breath of the breeze. Rapid love and sexual attraction

Before entering into marriage, a person must clearly understand why he is doing this: in order to be with a person and enjoy it, or in order to give birth and raise children. It’s rare that young spouses think about this. They get married, have children, and then get divorced because the man cannot become good father or the woman does not suit the man as the mother of the child. In such a situation, spouses often look for the emotions they need on the side.

When concluding a marriage, it is necessary to focus not only on mutual attraction, but also to use your mind. It’s worth thinking about everything and realizing what this marriage is for, what’s good in a partner, how long you can be with each other.

You can find out whether this is the right person, whether you are connected by true love, whether you will feel good together, for example: go to the store with him and try to choose something together.

Sometimes it happens that a man initially marries without love, but understanding that the woman will be a good wife and mother. In such cases, love very often comes as gratitude for mutual understanding and warm relations in family. This is the kind of love that is long-lasting and real.

True love of parents

The true love of parents for their baby involves accepting him for who he is.. Provided that we fully accept our child, we do not strive to protect him from everything in the world, trying to impose our opinion on everything, giving unnecessary advice to him, telling him how to live.

We must value the child not as an extension of ourselves and the realization of our plans and aspirations, but as independent personality with your own character, ideas, aspirations and the right to make mistakes and learn from life. You should only give small hints, but never force you to live by your own rules. Unfortunately, a child is often forced to do something that is alien to him, for example, in choosing a profession. After this, a born musician becomes a mediocre lawyer, which does not bring him happiness.

You should always remember that children often come to us for karmic punishment. And in a situation where we are angry with children, we express our dissatisfaction, trying to direct them to the right direction- this is purely our problem, which has nothing to do with the child, because he will always consider himself to be right, and not you.

In fact, true love for a child is true happiness and pleasure, it is joy that knows no boundaries, peace and inner harmony. However, it is not so easy to achieve such feelings and love a child with all your soul.

Often parents are overly worried about the child, trying to lay straws on him - after all, the child, of course, will fall, and with a straw the pain will not be so severe. By such actions, parents create a lot of problems for their children.

After all, if a baby does not agree with his parents, he resists them, gets angry and worries, and these unpleasant emotions lead to the accumulation of negative energy. In such a situation, the child may begin to serve the forces of evil. It is also possible that he is not taking the path that was prepared for him and that his mother and father would have wished.

Often parents commit such actions, say such words that lead to Higher power take the life of their child in order to make such parents understand that they are not Gods, but above them there is someone who determines the life of everyone in this world.

How to achieve the love of others and understand true love

  • There is one important point, which we often forget: we should never be stingy in showing love from ourselves.
  • It is important, when you have feelings for a person, to think about him, and not about yourself. You need to understand what is best for him and do it. It's about not only about the relationship between husband and wife, but also about any human relations, because only true love for others is a direct path to happiness and harmony.

Always remember this simple rule, and you will realize how much warmth and kindness towards people can give you in return.

In any situation and at any time, people around you will feel positive energy emanating from you. They will see you as a real person, and will feel the positive feelings that you “breathe” and share with everyone, radiating love for all living things that are around you.

The ability to hear and understand, to sympathize with another person is inherent in everyone on this planet. The ability to remove fear, anger, anxiety, envy, greed, rage from your soul, as well as the ability to fill your heart with true love for others and give it to everyone who needs it so much, without skimping on emotions, is in each of us.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is able to recognize these valuable qualities and bring light and harmony to this world pure love. To understand love, you must first of all fight your shortcomings, becoming better and kinder to others.

IN real life Not everyone has the happiness of meeting a handsome prince, falling in love, and even more so, maintaining a deep feeling for long years. Why is this happening?

Every girl dreams of attracting love into her life, waits for it with bated breath, tries to discern her betrothed in all men. But finally they meet - He and She. A spark runs between them, or, as they now say, chemistry arises. All thoughts are occupied with him, the only and most wonderful man in the world. It is no longer possible to imagine your life without him. I want to sing and laugh. Feelings are overflowing. And the beloved reciprocates! What is this if not love? But in a state of euphoria, it is very difficult to distinguish a genuine feeling from unconscious love, physical attraction or fleeting passion.

How to distinguish love from infatuation?

Whether true love has settled in the heart or not, only time can tell. That is why it is so important not to rush, but to try to get to know your beloved better and meaningfully understand your attitude towards him. After all, a girl often falls in love with a person with whom she has nothing in common. A sudden falling in love is, in its essence, the very beginning of love. How to distinguish love from infatuation? The line between them is very thin, barely distinguishable. It is difficult to predict the further transformation of this unusually bright, but quickly passing feeling. Although there are several signs that allow you to distinguish true love from simple romantic infatuation already at the beginning of a relationship.

Confidence in your lover

True love is impossible without reciprocity and complete confidence in the feelings of the other person. Relationships will only last long if they are based on mutual trust. If there are doubts about the loyalty or sincerity of the chosen one, then this will inevitably lead to difficulties in relationships, scandals and quarrels in the future. True love presupposes the ability to freely talk with a partner on any topic, without fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood. Love will always help loved ones to always understand each other. Knowing that you are loved is best collateral reliable and strong relationships. Distance is a kind of indicator of relationships. Falling in love in separation passes, and love only becomes stronger; for it, distance is not a hindrance.

Best friend

Support and mutual assistance

If the chosen one is fixated only on himself and does not want to delve into the difficulties of his woman, then this is the wrong person. True love completely excludes selfishness; it is impossible without mutual assistance. A loving person is ready to do everything to see his soul mate happy, even sacrificing his own interests for this. Close people with everyone difficult situations cope together, helping and supporting each other.

Honesty in relationships

Finding your love is not enough. Lies and even omissions can destroy relationships and undermine trust in a loved one. True love is impossible without sincerity and honesty. It is very important to talk openly with each other when discussing various issues. Even if you know that your lover may not share your point of view or judge you. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and this will lead to complications. A lie is a manifestation of disrespect for a loved one, which can offend and offend. Loving people accept each other as they are, without trying to change them. They try to understand each other's motives and support each other in any situation.

Ability to compromise

It is extremely rare to meet a man and a woman with absolutely identical characters and habits. We are all different. And if at first everything about your lover delights you, then after a while your eyes begin to open to the existing shortcomings. And everyone has them, even the most beautiful people. Your attitude towards your chosen one’s shortcomings helps you check your feelings. If a girl is able to accept not the best character traits of her loved one without trying to change him, then this sure sign genuine feeling. When two people are able to compromise so as not to upset each other, then this is an indicator that love is real. Loving people are able to forgive a lot in order to preserve it.

Is there a love that time has no power over?

True feelings do not fade over time. They just transform, becoming more mature. Romantic love is replaced by sensual attraction, which is then replaced by friendship and mutual respect. Loving people become close and dear. True love can overcome all everyday troubles, life's difficulties and trials. It is time that will help assess the constancy and strength of feelings.

And while some people are thinking about how to attract love into their lives, others, who have already found it, know that true love is great happiness, the greatest gift. And if you were able to find love, then you need to carefully preserve it, protect it from the destructive effects of life’s adversities and annoying little things.

What is true love and how to recognize it?