What to do to get accepted for a job. Can a conspiracy to get hired be effective? Rituals and spells to help you find the job you want


For most people, work is the main source of livelihood. To find a good position, job applicants use any tricks and get upset when other candidates pass them by. To prevent this from happening, magicians advise using rituals and conspiracies of white magic. A correctly performed ritual guarantees the applicant that he will be hired.

Conspiracies for successful employment

Rituals and spells for a successful job search can be done at home, without turning to professionals. They are easy to perform and accessible to any beginner. All rituals are performed only on the waxing moon. If the plot is difficult to remember, you can write it down on a piece of paper and just read it. The effect of the conspiracy will not be affected by this.

Ritual with a scarf

For this plot you will need a new green handkerchief. They buy it on the first day of the new moon. Every morning, when going to work, you should bring a scarf to your face and say the following words: “I’m going on a long journey and I’ll bring good luck. The road will be a joy for me and the envy of my enemies. Wherever I go, I’ll find work everywhere.” At the end of the conspiracy they say: “So be it.” After this, the scarf is folded and placed in the pocket.

This enchanted handkerchief must be carried with you constantly until a good job is found. They wrap the first salary in it and let it lie at home for a day. Many magicians advise not to spend the first money immediately after receiving it. They must spend at least one night at home. The next day you can dispose of them as you wish.

One paper bill from the first salary is left as a talisman.

With bread and coins

A very effective ritual can be performed using bread. Before going to an interview, they chant a piece of bread, which is then fed to the birds. This is done in the morning, on the eve of an important meeting.

They bring the piece to their lips and whisper the following words: “Just as people honor bread, so they will honor me at my new job. I give the bread to the birds, I take the work for myself. I accept it with joy.” At the end they must say: “So be it.” Words are a key, a key is a lock.” After this, they give the bread to the birds along the way and calmly go to the interview.

Another similar ritual is performed in the following way: they buy bread in a store with the condition that the seller gives change in small change. Both coins and bread will be involved in the conspiracy. In the evening, the coins say: “They gave you money and they will give you work. I bought bread and will buy more.”

They are placed in pockets and worn throughout the entire lunar cycle. The next day, before work, they go to church and give a loaf of bread to the first beggar.

With milk cream

Cream symbolizes life in full abundance. This product is involved in many money rituals. It can be used in rituals aimed at finding decent work. It is extremely important to find not the first job that comes along, but a highly paid one, so that the applicant and his family do not live in poverty, but can afford whatever they want. For this ritual you will need the following things:

  • Beautiful clay cup.
  • Cream made from fresh milk.
  • Two candles.
  • Green fabric.

The cream is poured into a cup, placed on a green cloth and two candles are lit. They stir them with a spoon and pronounce the following spell: “I’ll get up very early and go out into the pole field. There is a tall oak tree there, and behind it there is a country road.

Once I find a foot, I’ll find half a dime, the second time I find a foot, I’ll find a dime, and the third time I find a foot, I’ll find gold. My whole road will be paved with money. I will live and live and not know grief. Let it be as I have said.” At the end they say “Amen” and cross themselves three times.

The cream is drunk in three large sips. This ritual can be performed not only by applicants, but also by members of their families. Before going to bed, read the Lord's Prayer once and go to bed. If the ritual is performed correctly, it will begin to act within seven days.

So as not to survive from the workplace

Sometimes it happens that a job has been found, but new colleagues are plotting and trying to survive the newcomer. For such cases, magic provides appropriate conspiracies.

Every morning before work or on the way to it they read the following words: “I came as a successful merchant, I will leave as a clever businessman. Just as a lion rules over animals, so I am revered at work. My words are strong and right. Let it be as I have said.”

If the bosses find fault and make excessive demands, they should be appeased with a conspiracy. As soon as another conflict occurs, brew tea or coffee and put a few spoons of sugar in a cup. They approach the boss’s office and, stirring with a spoon, quietly say the following words: “Sugar, sugar, calm down your temper. Just as sugar sticks, so (boss’s name) sticks to me, asks for advice, and can’t cope without me. Do not work, do not serve, do not eat, do not drink. My words are in your ears. Key to the lock. Lock with a key." You don’t have to drink the drink, but only take one symbolic sip.

If the team is caught in a rare conflict, such a ritual should be carried out. It will require the following items:

  • Dead cockroach.
  • Twelve grains of wheat.
  • Two candles.

On the first Sunday of the new moon, they perform the following actions: light two candles, place grains and a cockroach in front of them. Then the following words are said: “I am a cunning fox, a brave wolf and an important lion. Wherever I am, everyone worships me and spreads out before me. My staircase is only up. They love me, honor me, and invite me to work. Just as the cockroach disappeared, so will my enemies disappear. Let it be as I have said.” After this, the cockroach is buried in the ground near the work, and wheat grains are scattered in different corners of the work place.

This conspiracy can be carried out every month.

Vanga's conspiracies for work advise contacting your guardian angel for any reason. To attract money, there must be money talismans in the house. These can be any silver coins or paper bills.

The famous healer advised perform rituals on the night from Friday to Saturday and only during the waxing moon. Anyone who wanted to get rich had to lie in bed and, closing his eyes, mentally imagine how he received huge money and spent it. Vanga believed that after some time the thought would definitely materialize.

To ask an angel for good luck, they addressed him with the following words: “My guardian angel. You look at us from above and see everything. Help me cope with failures, find prosperity and peace. Everything depends on you, and I really need your help.” At the end of the conspiracy they say “Amen”.

On coffee beans and stump

This conspiracy to get a job is done only on a waxing moon, like the previous ones. To carry it out you will need the following items:

  • Two candles.
  • Seven coffee beans.
  • Green fabric.

On Sunday evening, they retire to a separate room and perform the following actions: they spread a green cloth on the table, put seven coffee beans and light two candles.

Looking closely at the decomposed grains, the following words are said: “The moon in the sky shines and shines, so my career blossoms. Neither evil envious people, nor enemies, nor picky bosses will interfere with me. Everything will be as I said. There is power in my words.”

Cloth with coffee beans tied into a knot and leave overnight. In the morning, they take the grains with them and scatter them at the workplace. According to people, positive changes will begin within twelve days.

While walking in a park or forest, you should find two stumps growing nearby. They sit on one of the stumps and say the following: “I’m twisting and turning, I’m looking for a good place. Give me a new day, damn it. It’s a new day and a new job.” Saying these words, they change seats from one day to another. After which they leave the park without looking back.

With three candles

You will need three candles of different colors. One of them should be green, the other should be brown, and the third should be white. Since the candles will burn completely during the ritual, you should take care of a good candlestick in advance. In addition to candles, you will need the following items:

  • Cinnamon.
  • Basin with water.
  • Sunflower oil.

This conspiracy is strong. To find a good job, wait until Thursday and proceed to the next steps. The candles are lit one after the other: first the black one, then the green and white ones. Hands are smeared with cinnamon. Take a lit candle in one, and sunflower oil in the other. Over a basin of water they begin to pour oil on a candle and say the following: “I ask for what is mine by right, I will return what is mine to my liking. There will be no obstacle for me from my enemies.” These words must be repeated until the black candle burns out.

Then they take the green one and say the following words: “I will take the job according to my liking and according to my legal right. Come to me, work, from Sunday to Saturday.” They wait until the green candle burns out and begin the ritual with a white candle. While it burns down, the following words are said: “I will live in abundance to the envy of all attacks. There is power in my words, so be it.” The next day, without delay, you should start looking for a good job.

On an indoor flower

You can use a house plant to get hired. The plot is strong, despite its simplicity. Take any indoor flower. They put him in a pot and at the same time pronounce the following words: “My wealth is growing, blooming. Blossom and grow, bring me good luck.” This is repeated every time any procedure is performed on a flower. For example, water, trim leaves or feed. If the flower withers, you should not delay it, but purchase a new plant as quickly as possible.

Rules for conducting rituals

In order for the rituals to work, certain rules must be followed. They are simple, but their implementation is extremely important for achieving your plans:

  • All rituals must be performed exclusively in a sober state. You should not overeat before the ritual, and you should not starve either. The condition should be comfortable; headaches or other unpleasant distracting ailments are not allowed.
  • All conspiracies to find a job are performed only during the waxing moon.
  • The best days of the week are Thursday, Wednesday and Sunday. Moreover, for a successful career, Sunday is recommended (the day of the Sun), for making money or looking for a new job - Wednesday (the day of Mercury - the god of trade), and for respect and honor in the workplace - Thursday. This day corresponds to the planet Jupiter, which symbolizes power, honor and power. The prayer to be hired after the interview is also said on Thursday.
  • It is extremely important to create conditions so that no one interferes during the ceremony. All animals should be removed from the room and the TV and music should be turned off. To avoid distractions from street noise, close the window tightly. All rituals are advised to be carried out late in the evening, when family members go to bed.
  • All things used in monetary rituals must be new, intact, with a clear pattern and preferably green. An old thing symbolizes poverty. It is not without reason that they recommend getting rid of broken and unnecessary things as quickly as possible.
  • You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed until it begins to be performed. No one should see the ritual or participate in it.
  • A successful plot to attract employment will not take long to come true.

Magicians advise using your own imagination as much as possible and imagining work or wealth in the form of a living creature or an animated object. In this way, you can quickly materialize the object of desire and fulfill your plans. All rituals are quite effective and efficient. Which one to choose is up to the applicant himself.

For many people, attempts to find a good job with high wages and a friendly team are not crowned with success. The explanation for this may be not only economic instability, but also high competition in the labor market. However, in order for fate to reward you with a decent job, you can contribute a little to this. In such situations, it is enough to use spells to get a job. They help you quickly find the right vacancy, get a position and win the favor of your superiors.

By applying this or that conspiracy to work, you can significantly change your destiny. And this applies not only to financial status, but also to position in society.

To use magic and special prayers to successfully get a well-paid job, you need to take into account the main points. Firstly, this is the optimal time to perform rituals. How effective the plot will be for work directly depends on the stage of the Moon. It is best to do rituals to attract good luck in such an important matter during a growing month. It is considered a symbol of enrichment and multiplication.

Secondly, this is the choice of the day of the week. To make your plans for good work come true, perform rituals on Wednesdays. As centuries-old magical practice shows, this day is the most successful for using money conspiracies.

And, of course, for greater efficiency and the realization of what you want, you shouldn’t talk about what you’ve planned. No one should know what you are planning. In order to be hired for a new, more successful job, maintain complete confidentiality in your intentions to use magic. At the same time, the key to success is a sincere belief in a positive result, as well as concentration. Before performing the ritual, be sure to read all the recommendations and think carefully about everything.

Ritual for those who need a new job

This spell for good work is suitable for those who are in search of one. Before you go to a new employer, perform the following ritual. To be accepted for the position you are interested in, prepare white round bread and salt for the ceremony.

Before the interview, take bread in one hand and salt in the other. After kissing the edge of the bread, say the words of prayer:

“Just as the bread of God is revered and greeted everywhere, so let me be received like this everywhere. As the bread of God is served with bow and salt, so let me, the servant of God (state your name), be honored. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Having said this plot three times, put the items on the table and go get a new job. You'll see, you will not only become attractive to the new management, but also get the vacancy you are interested in.

Ritual for successful employment

To get a decent job, read a special spell before going through the checks. It must be pronounced at the employer’s doorstep. It is advisable that no one sees you while saying the prayer.

The magic words you need to pronounce are:

“My angel, my guardian, be with me all the time. Help me, because I am on a bright path. Let the doors I need open, let everything I have planned come true, let people smile at me and rejoice. Three fish swim in the blue sea-ocean. They have three crowns on their heads. The one who counts all the teeth on the crowns of those will be able to break my luck. Lock, key, tongue."

Having completed the ritual with the word “Amen”, boldly enter the office of the authorities. After reading this spell, you are guaranteed to get a prestigious job.

A ritual for those who want to quickly get an excellent job

To get hired for a great job, with high pay and career growth opportunities, use this method. This spell for successful employment should also be read before the interview.

When going to a new employer, sit on a stool near the front door. Call the cat and pet it. At the same time repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“I’ll go to get hired for a good job, on a black cat. Let there be no refusal to me, let me get a job. So that no one would say a bad word about me either during the day or in the morning, so that no one would speak against me either in summer or in winter. Let everyone love, respect, appreciate me and not underestimate me. It is not self-interest that guides me, but good thoughts and need. May my case end well. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, take three cat hairs. Put them in your inner pocket or wallet and go to the interview. Having charmed hairs with you, you can be sure of the success of the event and the successful placement of a new job.

A ritual to attract good luck in your job search

To attract good luck and get the desired position, this plot may be useful. To get the job you dream of, do the following.

Determine when the waxing moon phase begins. During this period, purchase a white handkerchief. On the same day, read the plot. Taking the purchase in your hands, say the text of the prayer:

“I whisper for good luck on the road, success at work, luck in the search. For me, God's servant (my name), getting a new job will be a joy. Wherever I go, I will find her. I will not hear refusal, I will not see anger. Amen".

The magic words should be repeated three times in a row. After this, put the enchanted item in your wallet. To quickly get a new and good job, always carry this scarf with you.

A ritual for quick and successful employment

There is another surefire magical way to get you hired for a very prestigious and highly paid job. If you do not yet have notes regarding work, but are in search of a worthy position, apply this spell.

The ritual should be performed by placing a glass glass filled with holy water in front of you. Looking at him, say the words of prayer:

“I call on the forces of nature, the power of water. Help me, the servant of God (your name), find a job. So that wealthy and not greedy merchants would take me in, so that they would not deprive me of attention and gold. I am the best master and expert. Everyone will be happy for me, and they will rush to give me gold. Amen".

After saying this magical text three times, drink the enchanted liquid. The effect of this conspiracy will not be long in coming. Within a few weeks you will be able to find a decent job and get employed without any problems.

As a rule, all conspiracies for a good job, pronounced before an interview, or during an active search, begin to take effect almost immediately.

The result, which will be noticeable within the next few days after reading the spell, will definitely please you. You will be able to get a decent position and significantly improve your financial situation in a short period of time.

Conspiracy to get hired

Read this plot when going to the employer, 3 times:
“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old.
I’m going to make a contract and take a look at the owner.
My face is sweet, my soul is not hateful.
Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be touched by my words.
He would not have driven away a baptized soul.
Lord Jesus Christ.
Our God, have mercy on us at every hour.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

A conspiracy to avoid being kicked out of work

Bring some water to work from home that has been sitting next to your bed for three days. When you go to the toilet at work, wash your face with this water, and at the same time pronounce the following spell:
“I was here, here I will be.
I have come here and will continue to come.

If you are going to an appointment regarding employment, but there are doubts that you will not be accepted, obey the rule: you should enter the room (office) only with your left foot, with your thumb clenched into a fist. At the same time mentally say:
My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, both obvious and invisible adversaries.
Turn away from me in all four directions: north, south, east and west. Amen!

Conspiracy to get hired
When you go to work, tie a thread in a knot with the words:
How tightly this knot is tied,
So would the ra6a(s) of God (name),
Things quickly and firmly developed, and they hired me!
Repeat 3 times and tie 3 knots.
Place the thread on the threshold, close the door after crossing the threshold (you cannot step on it), and calmly go find a job! They will definitely accept it!

Conspiracy before hiring
If a conversation with an employer must take place, and you are going to an appointment, before crossing the threshold of the office, read three times:
I am God’s servant (name), (name), I ride on a wolf, I lead the animals with me.
Stand in front of me (name of the person hiring) as I do in front of you
Become deaf, numb, petrified, and I will say: bastard, 40 words,
As I say, so it will be! All rights are mine!
Cross the threshold with your right foot, open the door with your right hand.

Plot before going to get a job
Before you go get a job, put on an old suit or stand in front of a mirror and say to your reflection:
I'm going to try my luck!
Yours (point to the reflection in the mirror),
and yours (point the same finger at yourself).
Then take off these old clothes and put on the ones you are going to wear to find a job. When you leave the house, clench your left thumb into a fist. You will open it only after you cross the threshold of the place where you came to find a job.

Whispers during employment
Whenever you go to an employer and are not sure whether they will hire you or not, whisper to yourself on your left shoulder:
And in this place God is with me!
Repeat the spell 3 or 7 times. After each whisper, you should make the sign of the cross, saying:
God, send me, your servant(s) (your name), good luck! Amen!
After you have been hired, go to church and light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Ritual for successful employment
For this ritual you will need a mirror: a round one for a woman, a square one for a man. Look in the house, maybe where it’s lying around? If you didn’t go there, no problem! On any Tuesday at noon, without haggling or taking change, buy from a seller at the market.
Before going to an appointment with the head of the organization regarding your employment, bring this mirror as close to your lips as possible and say to it:
Mirror, my light, illuminate my path to work now!
I will forever be grateful!
After this, kiss your reflection in the mirror three times and put it in your shirt pocket (a woman can put it in her bra) with the reflective side facing away from you.

Plot before looking for a job
Before starting a job search, read “Our Fire” 5 times, and then the following spell:
"I'm leaving in Our Lady's chemise,
may the vapors of my God overshadow me,
four crowns of heaven,
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they preserve me from man and woman,
from lead, from iron, from steel,
so that they could not hurt me,
neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace to my God!"
Next, write the following words on paper:
“It really exists, it exists in reality, it exists in the word, in God, everywhere!”
Put the paper in your pocket.

Amulet for work
With your left hand at noon, pinch off a little birch bark from the trunk of a birch so that the white color predominates, and at sunrise on any day, speak to it 7 times:
“I took it as ordered, for good, not for evil.”
You should always have the amulet with you at work (you can wrap it in cloth).

A conspiracy when applying for a job, if the interview scares you.
Before entering the room you must say:
"I'll come in like a deer, roar like a lion, sing like a nightingale"
Before starting a conversation, mentally say:
"Honey on my lips, birch bark on my head,
I open your ears, look into your hearts"
Conspiracy for successful work
Before starting a new job or service in any institution, organization or individual, do this: at sunrise on the first working day, bow to the east, then to the west, then to the south and north, saying:
"Let the sun shine and the winds drive away!
These forces themselves know what to illuminate and what to drive away!
Let it be so!"

Work is an integral part of every person's life. It is at work that you can earn money to ensure a decent standard of living, realize your ambitions, and gain satisfaction from your activities. But what if things aren't going well at work? How to make sure you get financial wealth and enjoyment from work? One of the effective ways is a conspiracy to work.

Work in our life

How to find a good job

Looking for work

Medicine men emphasize that attracting good work is a great thing. After all, you can’t count on salary increases and promotions everywhere, and favorable relationships with management and staff also play a significant role. Therefore, you should read the conspiracy to find a job. Just to get started, you need to meet the following conditions: on the day of the new moon, you should purchase a new and beautiful handkerchief. It is on this handkerchief that the following words should be spoken seven times:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (say my own name), to succeed on the journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”

This simple conspiracy to get hired allows you to get the desired position. True, the enchanted handkerchief should always be carried with you. Only then will he begin to act. And one more thing: it is not enough to read the conspiracy to find a job and then not take any action. Despite the conspiracy to get a job, you should make an effort to find a “hot” place: send out your resume, go to interviews, look at vacancies on websites, etc.

Conspiracy of a famous healer

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

Stepanova’s conspiracies for work are also effective. The healer recommends that anyone looking for a profitable job read the spell three times when applying for a job before going in search of a new place:

“I’m going to the boyars, so as not to work for nothing, I’m going to get a contract, to make the owner fall in love with me. All so that they would be touched by me, the owners would smile affectionately, pay me well, feed me well, not scold me in vain or beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. God help me. Lord, help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

How to make a good impression at work

A spell for a good impression

Education, skills and work experience certainly play a significant role in employment. But it’s still a good idea to bring luck to your side. For example, when going for an interview, you should read the plot three times to get hired.
The words of the conspiracy are:

“I go as a fisher, I come in as a merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox - everywhere there is a ladder for me. Some are lower than others, but I am always higher than others. Everyone would love me, respect me, and invite me to a high position. All my words be molded and strong. Amen".

This is an effective spell for a new job, which should be read every time you are going for an interview.

How to win favor and gain respect

Gaining respect

When applying for a job, as well as already at work, everyone wants to be treated well and attention. Therefore, you can carry out a certain ritual, cast a spell for success at work, which will improve relations with your superiors and create more comfortable conditions.
So, you should take sugar or honey. In front of the boss's door, you should scatter a little sugar or smear the floor with a small amount of honey. At the same time, it is necessary to speak a conspiracy so that people are respected at work:

“Sugar (honey), which brings sweetness and pleasure to everyone, may I (say my own name) be pleasant to my boss (say the boss’s name).”

Such a strong conspiracy for work should be read during a full or waxing moon. It is even more effective if the conspiracy is pronounced on Friday or Sunday.
This plot can also be used as a spell against troubles at work. Only then will it need to be repeated several times.

How to get promoted

Moving forward

Those who want to move up the career ladder need to cast a spell for promotion at work. This should only be done on a waxing moon; the optimal days are Wednesday or Thursday.
A special ritual will be very effective. You should plant grape seeds in a pot. When the shoots appear, you need to say the following words:

“Like this growing grape, occupying all space, clinging to everything, so let me grow and cling in service, occupying higher and higher levels, increasing my power.”

You need to carefully care for the plant, while imagining your own successful career growth.
By the way, situations are different. If some use conspiracies to find a job, others use conspiracies to get fired from their jobs. Moreover, some seek to help a relative who is stressed out by work, while others want to eliminate a promising employee from the service. Therefore, the words in these situations will be completely different. You can put your desires into words in any form. It is also advisable to take a photo of the person where he is at work, and start drawing on it with a felt-tip pen, as if crossing out the person from the team. After a while, he will have problems at work, there is a high risk and layoffs.

For all people, work is a way to earn money, and for some it is the meaning of their whole life. Therefore, many people want to find a highly paid and prestigious job in a company and a significant position. At the same time, when going for an interview, during the job search, many do not think about how to increase their chances of being accepted for the position they are looking for. But there is such a possibility. To do this, you need to call for help on conspiracies and rituals that are carried out before going to an interview or after passing an interview.

For spells to work effectively, the following points should be observed:

Choose the right time to read the plot or perform the ritual. The right time for job search rituals is the waxing moon. Days of the week – Saturday, for work in the profession and for the desired high-paying position. Wednesday - for promotion through the ranks or for an increase in salary.

Sincere faith in yourself and your strengths, as well as faith that the conspiracy is valid and working. The main thing is not to doubt yourself and believe, not only that everything will work out, but also that the conspiracy really works.

Confidentiality - you should not brag and say that you are going to make a conspiracy or have already done it, this can bring envy from others and bad energy on you. Also, after the conspiracy has worked, you shouldn’t tell anyone how you achieved success in such a short time.

Below are some conspiracies that anyone can carry out.

A ritual for finding a job with a handkerchief.

If you have been trying to find a job for a long time and are unable to do so, use the following plot.

On Wednesday or Saturday, buy a new white handkerchief, without any patterns or borders. On the same day, upon returning home, it is worth speaking to the scarf with the following spell:

“I whisper - I whisper, God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in his work. Wherever I go, I’ll find work. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!"

The plot is read three times in a row, after which the scarf must be carried with you. The conspiracy begins to take effect and within a month the problem with finding a job can be solved.

After you have compiled your resume, published it on websites with vacancies, responded to vacancies or called places that interest you, a waiting period begins, at which time you can call on luck on your side and start reading the prayer every day at dawn:

“God help me, Jesus save me! Help me solve my problem, find a job, get money! Improve my life and achieve success! Amen!"

Since dawn happens twice a day. In the morning before sunrise and in the evening before sunset, the prayer is read twice, morning and evening. You can track sunrise and sunset using a calendar, or use smartphone apps or the Internet. This prayer is read until you find a job.

When an employer invites you for an interview, in order to increase your chances, you can use the spell and read it before leaving home for the interview and during the entire journey to the interview location.

Don’t forget that before going to an interview you should put yourself in order; a neat and well-groomed appearance always inspires confidence. Also consider your behavior and what you will say. Be calm and balanced, don’t worry and believe in yourself. At the same time, you should not think about the rituals performed and rely on them. Without your desire and participation, nothing will happen. Magic does not help those who prefer to sit back and want a lot out of nowhere.

Ritual for work

When you need to find a job quickly, but you realize that you are at a loss and don’t know where to start, start with a job search ritual. For the ceremony you will need holy water, which you can take on Sunday morning in church after the service.

When you come home, take holy water and a glass, retire so that no one distracts you or disturbs you. Pour a full glass of holy water, concentrate on your desire and say the following spell:

Repeat the words of the spell three times and then drink water, the whole glass to the bottom. After the ceremony, you will feel a surge of strength, your thoughts will fall into place, clarity will appear, and in the near future you will get a job, in the desired position with a salary that suits you.

You can also use meditation to get a job. Every person, company and even object has its own egregor. In order to tune in to this egregor, you need to be alone with yourself. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and imagine how bright rays of pure and warm energy are coming into you, then, having overflowed, you give these rays of warmth back to the Universe. At this moment, imagine the desired company, position and people working in this company. You approach the gate of the facility, mentally say hello, send warmth and joy from your egregor to the egregor of the company, and ask to be accepted into his friendly team.

After you have completed these simple steps, say thank you for the company’s egregor listening to you, you can bow to him and leave. If you did everything correctly, the HR manager from this company will contact you and invite you to an interview or directly to accept business and work. But remember, this ritual should be performed only after you have declared yourself to the company in the real world. For example, you posted your resume on a site with vacancies, contacted them and left your contacts, sent your resume, or were at an interview. Without any of your real actions, the ritual will not work; the company’s egregor will have nothing to cling to.

Conspiracy with candles

You can enhance the effect of rituals with meditation with conspiracies that relate not just to finding a job, but to accepting a certain position.

If you want to find a job for a specific position, you can do the following ritual.

Buy a church candle. Come home, light it and read the plot over the flame of the candle:

The plot can be read only from memory, without spying, so it is worth learning it in advance. The plot is read without stopping until the candle itself goes out, that is, it burns out. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a thinner candle, otherwise you will read the plot for a very long time.

Ritual for finding a high-paying job.

You will need:

Plant or bush.

Earth, flower pot.

This ritual can be performed both in open areas and at home.

Take the plant you want to plant, choose a convenient location, or just grab a flower pot. Dig a suitable hole for the plant and plant it there. While doing all these steps, read the plot:

“I plant soot, I bless it to turn green. Bloom and grow for you, bring good to me. So that my new business flourishes and grows in prosperity.”

Once planted, the plant will need to be constantly looked after and monitored to see how it behaves. So choose wisely where you plant and what you plant. The plant directly reflects your state of affairs. If it withers and dies, then you need to plant a new one, doing the whole ritual all over again.

Runes of work

You can also call on runic magic to help.

Runic formula for quickly finding a job and getting the desired position.

Dagaz + Mannaz + Feu + Dzhera + Dzhera + Thurisaz

If you draw a formula combined, superimposing one rune on another, then other runes may appear in the background. Be careful and careful that these runes do not overlap the desired action.

Dagaz - changes in the right direction, job search, all search methods are activated.

Mannaz is a person looking for a job and his place in society.

Feu – the financial side of the issue.

Feu and Jera are the desired salary.

Jera - a successful outcome of the case.

Turisaz - clears the road and leads in a straight line to the goal.

Disclaimer for the formula: “This formula helps me find the job I want with decent pay and an activity that brings me pleasure.”

Runic formula for finding a job.

Ansuz + Gebo + Feu + Soulu + Vunyo + Nautiz + Raido.

Ansuz – sets up a search and increases your chances of finding a device.

Gebo – creates partnerships.

Feu - remuneration, payment for your work, the financial side of the position.

Soulu is the joy of finding a job, solar energy that helps highlight exactly those vacancies and offers that are interesting to you.

Vunyo – joy from what you find.

Nautiz - need for work.

Raido is your path along which you walk towards success and achieving your goal. It also symbolizes your job search path and the path of someone looking for an employee. So that these two paths coincide.

The agreement must be clearly formulated, focusing on your desire and the end result.

Runic formula for those who want to get a well-paid job.

Kano + Laguz + Uruz + Mannaz + Feu + Inguz + Dzhera + Algiz + Kano

Double Kano – appearance of work, coverage of all suitable options. You will receive offers only those that meet your requirements. What doesn't fit will be intuitively brushed aside.

Laguz – fills a person with the energy necessary to fulfill the requirements set by the employer, helps the seeker find strength and adapt to the created conditions.

Uruz is the driving force of the formula. Represents thoughts and provides opportunities.

Mannaz is a man looking for a job.

Feu is the personification of work and reward for this work.

Inguz - bestows income and profit.

Dzhera - continuation of Inguz - these are the results of activities - wages.

Algiz - speeds up the job search process and gives impetus to action.

For some, this position will work quickly, for others it will take time to scan the position and identify suitable vacancies.

Runic formula for keeping a job.

Isa + Nautiz + Evaz + Raido + Teyvaz + Berkana + Rvido + Evaz + Isa + Nautiz

Isa - freezes your position in this job.

Nautiz - the need for this work, in this particular place.

Evaz and Raido are a favorable position for you.

Teyvaz + Berkana - the real state of affairs, your willpower, calmness and confidence that everything is fine.