Mental illnesses in old and senile age. Aging and disease

For men

Modern look life leads to the fact that although we live longer than our ancestors, we begin to grow old much earlier. The aging processes of the body normally begin to develop after forty years, and now twenty-thirty-year-olds are prone to diseases characteristic of older age. This is due to environmental degradation, food quality, and a sedentary lifestyle coupled with bad habits. What ailments can be classified as diseases of older people? Let's talk more about this on the website

They are studied by a special branch of science – gerontology. Such research is aimed at reducing the number of such diseases and extending life span.

Often, all ailments in old age are explained by wear and tear of the body. Over time, all previously untreated ailments make themselves felt. Old people are characterized by the presence of a whole bunch of different ailments. Moreover, all of them can occur in young people, but over time they become chronic. Often one disease is dominant, and it is this disease that causes the most suffering and takes the longest period of time to develop. For example, atherosclerosis.

It is based on the deposition of calcium and cholesterol on the walls of the arteries, which leads to their narrowing. The more pronounced atherosclerosis, the worse the blood supply to the whole body. Thus, narrowing of the arteries can lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney and liver failure, and even dementia. The prerequisites for the development of this disease begin already in young people, only over the years leading to disastrous consequences.

Age-related diseases are most often atypical. They do not have classical manifestations, due to overlapping each other. Also, symptoms are often written off and not paid attention to. Often, even a doctor can attribute weakness to age, and a cough to being a smoker. Similar processes are characteristic of the development of cancer, anemia, tuberculosis or circulatory disorders. However, with a thorough examination and high-quality survey, all these ailments can be identified.

Elderly people are less susceptible to pain. This also leaves its mark on the diagnosis and course of various ailments. If patients are prone to memory impairment, they may simply forget to tell the doctor about all the symptoms.

Unlike a young body, over the years, rigidity to various infections and emotional shocks appears. Thus, diseases can develop asymptomatically, and stress, in turn, leaves an aggravating imprint. The nervous system of old people is unable to quickly process information and adequately respond to stimuli.

Also, the immune system works less over the years, which affects the number of antibodies. Therefore, infectious diseases and various poisonings can be fatal.

Even in some conditions where urgent surgical intervention is required, the body of older people may suppress symptoms or not respond to the disease at all.

As you age, special attention should be paid to preventing any ailments. This applies to optimizing your lifestyle, giving up bad habits, and moderate physical activity. At the same time, old people should pay attention to any symptoms and manifestations of ailments, systematizing them in detail, perhaps even in writing. To prevent dementia, it is worth constantly loading the brain with information, not allowing it to relax. The brain, like muscles, can be trained.

If you try to collect the diseases most characteristic of old people, they include: osteoporosis, cataracts, prostate adenoma, senile dementia or senile dementia, senile amyloidosis.

Osteoporosis is a consequence of bone loss and causes fractures that are difficult to heal.

Prostate adenoma in older people is caused by the enlargement of the prostate gland, which prevents bladder it is normal to have bowel movements.

Cataracts occur due to clouding of the lens and can lead to partial or even complete loss of vision.

Senile dementia can be expressed by personality changes and partial memory impairment.

Systemic amyloidosis affects the cardiovascular system and is attributed to atherosclerosis.

Local amyloidosis can be atrial amyloidosis - most often in women, or islet amyloidosis in the pancreas, which leads to diabetes mellitus. Amyloidosis of the aorta also occurs.

It should be remembered that the causes of death are not the number of years lived, but some disease that has developed unexpectedly. In older people, these are often provoked by atherosclerosis, a stroke, a heart attack, softening of the brain or heart failure. It is atherosclerosis that leads to thrombosis and complicated renal failure. Also common cause Cancer and pneumonia are considered fatal outcomes. And even any diseases of the elderly and senile age that could go away on their own in at a young age, against the background of general deterioration of organs, can cause death.

Old age is natural process. But why do some older people look good, be physically active, and generally participate actively in life? It's all about lifestyle and health. What age-related diseases are most common, and how to avoid their occurrence? What diseases can develop in old age? This article discusses diseases of old age or diseases in old age.

In many ways, lifestyle and nutrition provoke the appearance of certain diseases in old age. The first half of our lives we actively pour all sorts of nasty things into ourselves, and we spend the second half trying to get it out of the body.

Statistics say that today every sixth inhabitant on the planet is old man. The main symptoms of aging are the physiological transformation of the body, disorders mental state, decreased level of performance. According to WHO criteria elderly age It is customary to count from 60 to 75 years. But in fact, aging itself begins when the body stops growing and developing - already at the age of thirty, people experience a noticeable decrease in the efficiency of biological processes.

The rate of aging is determined various factors, and often depends on the body’s ability to adapt to living conditions and the environment.

Features of age-related diseases

Diseases faced by older people are characterized by a slow start and sluggish course. The first symptoms are difficult to identify due to their vagueness. The formation of many diseases usually begins at 35-40 years of age. But they often appear and clinically “bloom” only in old age.

1. Joint damage

Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by wear and tear of a person’s joints. Primary damage occurs at the age of 20-30, and in old age almost every person suffers from this disease. The joints most affected are the hands, neck, knees and spine. The most pronounced symptoms of the disease are pain in the area of ​​the affected joint and stiffness of movement.

In the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis, regular physical exercise and therapeutic exercises. Losing excess weight also has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. The key to recovery is keeping the body in good shape, an active lifestyle, a positive life position and dosed exercise.

2. Osteoporosis

As bones age, they lose their strength and elasticity, and the content of microelements in them decreases markedly. Scientists attribute this to biochemical, structural and biological changes. In this case, the metabolic processes of calcium, magnesium and fluorine, which are the basis of bone tissue, are disrupted.

Osteoporosis All bones of the human skeleton are affected without exception, but the maximum changes leading to the destruction of bone tissue occur in the femur and vertebral bones. Moreover, even a barely noticeable injury can provoke a fracture, and the vertebrae can be damaged even without external influence - a compression fracture can develop under the weight of its own weight.

Women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men. According to statistics, every fourth woman after 60 years shows signs of bone fragility. This is explained by changes in hormonal status during the postmenopausal period, when the level of estrogen production decreases.

To prevent the loss of these microelements, a balanced diet and regular intake of medicinal complexes containing magnesium, calcium and B vitamins are necessary.

3. Cardiovascular diseases

Heart disease vascular system - the leading position among them is occupied by atherosclerosis. Often this disease is the cause of coronary heart disease - angina and heart attack. They provoke atherosclerotic plaques and the development of thrombosis of the blood vessels of the brain.

4. Mental disorders

A significant decrease, as well as complete loss of memory, is the main symptom of Alzheimer's disease and other types of senile dementia. If memory loss is diagnosed in people over 60 years of age, you should pay attention to this and begin treatment as quickly as possible - after all, this symptom is prone to progression over time, which causes trouble for both the patient and his family and friends.

At this age, partial or complete memory loss may develop. With complete amnesia, the patient loses all his memories, but this may also be a temporary symptom. With partial amnesia, the patient does not lose all memories, but only part. At the same time, the memory can store some vague images and fragments of important life events. Impaired spatial-temporal perception is a common condition in partial amnesia.

5. Metabolic disorders

Hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus- These are diseases characteristic of old age. The process of regulating blood sugar levels is quite complex. Every year the body finds this task more and more difficult, and as a result, diabetes mellitus occurs.

Age-related diseases

Diseases of old age

I am very glad to see you, dear guests and readers of the blog “”, on this page. The topic of today's article is diseases of old age. Sooner or later, each of us will step into that period of our lives called old age.

Together with it we will face many diseases. But I really want to live longer, to nurse my grandchildren, to please my dear wife and children, to enjoy life.

The entire article is devoted to diseases that beset people at the end of their lives. Here you will find best recommendations candidate for the treatment of senile diseases medical sciences, Chairman of the Association of Herbalists and Traditional Healers of Tajikistan – Mullozuhura Tohiri .

Age-related diseases. For those who have had a heart attack

● Many elderly people, due to a number of circumstances and due to their advanced age, suffer myocardial infarction. IN medical institution they receive modern qualified care, and after discharge they are prescribed a large number of medications, which can often cause more harm than good.

Despite the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in the world, not a single one has yet been created medicinal product without any side effects.

● There are cases when a patient who had suffered uncontrollably took various pills for, after which he began to have problems not only with, but also with other internal organs.

● Of course, you cannot do without these medications during the rehabilitation period of a patient with a heart attack. But when the crisis has passed, and you still complain of certain pains (for example, headaches), do not indiscriminately take painkillers and antipyretics.

Be attentive to the contraindications of the medications you take so as not to worsen your situation. Take the tablets with plain (non-carbonated) water, but in no case with juices, coffee or tea.

● After you have taken the medicine, do not run to bed, otherwise the ingredients in some medications tend to irritate the esophageal mucosa. Sit for a while or walk in the air for 15-20 minutes.

Below are several recipes to boost immunity and reduce harmful effects chemicals, removing waste and toxins from the body.

● Grind and mix 4 green apples, not peeled, grated on a coarse grater, one cup chopped walnuts and 500 grams.

● An old body needs calcium like air: without it, bones, heart, etc. cannot be healthy. This trace element is found in fish, peanuts, cottage cheese, and cheese.

Lean on foods containing vitamin E: peas, vegetable oils, sprouted wheat grains, nuts. These products contain substances that slow down aging and cell destruction.

● It would be right if you completely eliminate smoked, salted, spicy and smoked cigarettes from your diet. canned food. As a last resort, sharply reduce their consumption.

Rule four - optimal physical activity. To be sure to “escape” from old age, not only running, but also walking at a brisk pace for one hour every day will help you. Start with a small dosage (tempo), gradually moving to a faster pace.

Rule five - the last one - rational sleep. It is very important for an old (elderly) person to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Sleep inhibits metabolism, slows breathing and heartbeat, lowers blood pressure, stabilizes the release of hormones into the blood, cell renewal and restoration occurs. In your sleep, you and your internal and external organs rest.

Panacea for aging diseases - castor oil

● For many diseases of old age castor oil has positive effect. Many older people suffer from various origins, most often due to and relieve the result of inflammation after insect bites.

After a long time have a hard day Your legs are swollen and starting to hurt. Rub your feet castor oil, put on woolen socks and in the morning there will be no trace of swelling and pain.

● It is common knowledge that aging affects more than just appearance. Lethargy, heaviness in the body, loss of interest in life, sad thoughts are clear evidence of withering of the body. I recommend stopping this process with this tonic drink.

● Mix dry lavender and sage leaves in equal proportions. Pour 50 grams of the mixture with a liter of dry red grape wine. Let sit in a dark place for two weeks, shaking occasionally.

Filter and squeeze out the raw materials. Take 30 ml of tincture in the mornings and evenings half an hour before meals.

Be healthy, and may the Lord God help you in this!!!

From this article you will learn:

    What are the features of diseases in old age

    What diseases are most common in old age?

    What mental illnesses can appear in old age?

Aging of the human body is an inevitable physiological process that depends on many factors, but by familiarizing yourself with the main symptoms of diseases, you can recognize in advance and prevent the development of diseases of old age.

Features of diseases of old age

In old and senile age, the manifestation and course of diseases are characterized by a number of features:

    IN human body The aging processes of organs and systems do not occur simultaneously, as a result of which older people experience a combination of diseases that developed in different periods life.

Several diseases occur and develop simultaneously, including chronic ones: atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis, obesity, diseases digestive system, coronary heart disease, etc. Acute infections, such as pneumonia, are often final.

    Diseases of old age are not easy to diagnose. During this period, people's symptoms of diseases decrease (the so-called “silence of symptoms”). Inexpressive temperature reactions are observed, the threshold increases pain. For example, such sharp inflammatory processes, like abscesses of the abdominal or pulmonary cavity, can occur against a background of weakness and low-grade fever.

Such symptoms create difficulties for timely diagnosis, in particular, of diseases such as senile cholecystitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, appendicitis, inflammation skin. Decrease in number obvious signs diseases are observed with different forms depletion of the body's immune system (with traumatic exhaustion in patients with prolonged suppuration of wounds, with vitamin deficiency, in cancer patients, etc.).

    With weak body resistance (hypergia), the activity of the central nervous system decreases, metabolic processes and vasomotor reactions slow down, as a result of which monotony and sluggishness of the course of the disease is observed.

    With age, there is a decrease in the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, which leads to a decrease in the formation of regenerating cells. As a result, regenerative processes in the body are weakened. For example, in people under 20 years of age, compensatory hypertrophy of the kidney is clearly expressed; at the age of 35 – only noticeable; at 45–50 years old – slightly noticeable; in people over 50 years of age it is not detected. The healing processes of a clean wound 20 cm long at 10 years of age require 20 days; at the age of 20 years – 31 days; 30 years – 41 days; 40 years – 55 days; 50 years – 78 days; 60 years – 100 days.

    In older people, there is a decrease in antibody production and low resistance to viral infections - this is a consequence of decreased reactivity of the nervous system, atrophy of lymphoid tissue, weakening of barrier systems and phagocytic activity, age-related involution of the thymus, decreased production of T-lymphocytes, increased primary immune response of B-lymphocytes .

The body's defense system cannot ensure the rapid development of humoral and cellular immunity and the course of energy processes. In this regard, people of mature age experience rapid depletion of all body systems, low level fight viruses and infections.

For example, the risk of tuberculosis or cancer in older people increases 4–5 times, and mortality from pneumonia is 4–7 times higher than in young people. Diseases of elderly and senile age also develop due to a decrease in the reliability of self-regulatory mechanisms and limited adaptive capabilities.

The most common diseases of elderly and senile people

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Elderly people are often diagnosed with diseases such as:

    myocardial infarction;

    cardiac ischemia;


    chronic heart failure;

    atrial fibrillation;

    a lot others.

The most common diseases among the Russian population are of cardio-vascular system, they rank first in mortality. For early diagnosis of diseases of old age and monitoring the dynamics of their development, ECG, cardiac echo and other related studies should be regularly monitored.

Vascular diseases of the brain

Brain function directly depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. For example, patients with atrial fibrillation are at risk for high probability development of stroke. With constant elevated blood pressure the likelihood of cerebral vascular rupture develops.

Patients are diagnosed and develop the following diseases of old age:

  • Alzheimer's disease;

    senile sclerosis;

    cerebral atherosclerosis;

In order to ensure that the functioning of the brain functions of the elderly is not impaired, the development of cardiovascular diseases should be prevented, psychotraumatic situations should be excluded, and a proper diet should be observed (reduce the consumption of cholesterol-containing foods, adhere to dietary table No. 10 according to Pevzner).

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop slowly, gradually hindering a person’s movements. It is because of them that many elderly people move with the help of a cane or become bedridden.

The following diseases are most often diagnosed in older people:

  • rheumatism.

To prevent diseases of old age, small amounts of physical exercise, since due to low mobility in muscles and joints they can develop congestion, and this threatens loss of mobility.

Old people are also more susceptible to developing cancer. According to statistics, mortality from cancer ranks second in Russia. Cancer diseases predominantly develop in older people (this is due to the fact that throughout life the body is affected by various harmful factors, and in old age it is already difficult for defense systems to fight carcinogens).

Diseases of the respiratory system

Organ diseases respiratory system in older people they have their own characteristics. So, the older a person is, the more difficult it is to diagnose pneumonia. In most elderly patients, temperature reactions are mild or absent, and there is also no stabbing chest pain or chills. The patient's clinical history shows loss of appetite, general weakness, passivity, disorientation and other signs of intoxication of the body.

When diagnosing pneumonia in elderly patients, one should rely on the following signs: blue discoloration of the skin of the face, frequent shallow breathing, general weakness, passivity, previously suffered from ARVI. But the main informative studies are x-ray chest and general clinical analysis blood. The following factors contribute to long-term treatment of pneumonia and its transition to a chronic form: reduced immunological reactivity, chronic bronchitis, obstructive emphysema, changes in the vascular system of the lungs.

Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the digestive system in elderly and senile age are often accompanied by functional and age-related changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach ulcer(or senile ulcer) occurs in elderly people due to vascular dystrophic disorders in the gastric mucosa. Such pathologies develop against the background of anti-sclerotic changes in the vascular system of the stomach, as a result of which its blood supply deteriorates and the intensity of biochemical processes decreases.

Exacerbation and complication of peptic ulcer disease occurs much more often in old people than in middle-aged people. Also, in old age, the risk of degeneration of ulcerative erosions into malignant formations increases. With age, especially in women, the likelihood of developing cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis and colitis, and hemorrhoidal inflammation increases.

Metabolic disorders

Diseases of old age such as hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus, diagnosed in patients with increased level blood sugar. The process of regulating blood sugar depends on the B cells of the pancreas, which produce insulin; its deficiency contributes to the development of the disease.

The most common mental illnesses in old age

Deviations in the development of the body associated with its aging (involutional)

Mental illnesses of old age associated with involution of the body do not lead to dementia; they can be cured with drug therapy. Such deviations include:

    paranoid disorders;

    manic state;


    anxiety disorders;


Paranoid disorder is a psychosis characterized by obsessive delusions that greatly complicate the lives of not only the elderly themselves, but also those around them. Also, during the course of the disease, auditory and tactile hallucinations may occur, the patient is in a melancholic or irritable mood, distrust of others arises, and feelings of jealousy worsen.

Depression is characterized by a deterioration in mood, loss of the desire to live and enjoy life, and carry out everyday activities. During illness, many patients are visited negative thoughts, fear for your life and anxiety. Often, the symptoms of depression are similar to signs of acquired dementia (dementia): memory impairment and a decrease in other mental functions.

The symptoms of anxiety disorders are similar to those of depression. They are characterized by constant fear, loss of strength, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Often such feelings in the patient are caused even by household chores, communication with relatives, trips to public transport. Elderly people become restless and fussy. Strong internal tension combined with anxiety leads to severe neuroses.

Mania is a serious mental illness of old age, which is accompanied by euphoric excitement, uncontrollable talking and an unnaturally cheerful state. Elderly people who suffer from this disease do not understand the consequences of their actions. The high mood is suddenly replaced by anger or aggression. People rarely come to specialists for help on their own, although they desperately need it.

Organic personality deviations

Irreversible mental personality disorders in older people usually arise due to dementia.

Dementia - senile dementia - does not occur immediately; the disease develops gradually. The first symptoms are not always noticeable, but over time the disease progresses. Dementia is divided into two main types: total and lacunar. With total senile dementia, the patient experiences complete damage to various body systems, which leads to the complete destruction of the personality. With lacunar dementia, patients partially lose memory, likely mental disorders, but this does not prevent them from adequately assessing themselves; their personality is preserved.

Dementia results in organic diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease.

Alzheimer's disease occurs when the central nervous system is damaged. At the same time, the cognitive functions of the body decrease, individual character traits are lost, and behavior changes. The first symptoms of the disease: memory loss, which manifests itself in the fact that it is difficult for the old person to remember past or current events.

With various lesions of the frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebral cortex, an elderly person develops Pick's disease. Already in the early stages of this mental illness, a very rapid destruction of a person’s personality can occur. Intellectual abilities The patient’s abilities are still preserved for quite a long time: he remembers names, events, counts tolerantly, speech and vocabulary remain almost at the same level.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 full and dietary meals a day.

    1-2-3-bed occupancy (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crosswords, walks).

    Individual work psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions (well-equipped country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, elderly people will always be helped, no matter what problem worries them. Everyone in this house is family and friends. There is an atmosphere of love and friendship here.

From this article you will learn:

    Where do mental disorders come from in older people?

    What types of mental disorders can occur in older people?

    What are the symptoms of mental disorders

    What treatment is used for reversible and irreversible mental disorders

    How can you prevent mental changes?

    How to care for an elderly person with mental disorders

A favorite of family, friends and colleagues, 60 years old elegant lady congratulated you on your anniversary. To the phrase “We wish you everything that life is rich in...”, she reacted like this: “I don’t expect anything, because what else can you find after 60, except Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?” This approach is very wrong. Of course, older people are much more likely to mature age or young, mental illnesses are detected. Unfortunately, immunity to mental disorders does not exist. It is impossible to say with certainty who will be affected by this problem and who will avoid it. All that remains is to pay special attention to your elderly relatives, to yourself, to know general signs mental disorders in older people and seek medical attention in a timely manner.

Where do mental disorders come from in older people?

There are people for whom old age suits them: their hair may be gray, but their eyes glow with peace and wisdom. Yes, the body of older people loses strength, bones become thinner, blood vessels become thin, slow blood circulation does not nourish the skin, it becomes dull and withers, muscles are not strong, and vision is not pleasing. But these people find strength in themselves and adapt to the changes that have occurred. Some do exercises to maintain muscle tone, others make it a rule to take daily walks for fresh air and saturate the body with oxygen. There are many vitamin complexes for the health of an elderly person. All the measures used are often aimed only at maintaining physical strength; we not only forget that the psyche requires increased support, but we don’t even realize.

In old age, there is a process of decline in vital functions not only of the physical body, but also of mental strength. There are a few optimists among older people from whom we need to take an example. They maintain fortitude, control their will, are not afraid to change something in their lives, and encourage others. The majority resign themselves to the fading of their strength, their gaze is directed only back to the past, they do not want to see the future, pessimism evokes thoughts of death, of life without them, the strength of older people simply melts away with such thoughts. Constant anxiety provokes the emergence of mental disorders and mental health problems in general.

Mental illnesses of late age are divided into:

    Reversible, which do not lead to dementia (they are also called involutional functional);

    Irreversible, these are organic psychoses, they arise from a destructive process in the brain and can be accompanied by severe intellectual impairment.

How will involutional (reversible) mental disorders manifest in older people?

1) Neuroses. Widely known neuroses. What happens to an elderly person? He complains of heaviness, noise in the head, in the ears, ringing is disturbing, and due to dizziness, staggering is possible when standing up suddenly or walking. An elderly person gets tired quickly, so he needs periodic, unscheduled sleep. Night sleep is disturbed, impatience, irritability, and resentment increase. Irritated by bright light loud noise. Mental health treatment is required, but it is done on an outpatient basis.

2) Depression. No one is immune from a bad mood; in old age you need to learn to avoid it. If a depressed, melancholy state lasts for weeks, you need to sound the alarm, most likely it’s depression. Anxiety gives way to emptiness, sadness and sadness manifest themselves in apathy, the meaning of life is lost. An elderly man feels sorry for himself in his own uselessness to anyone. Eating, walking, everything is done through strength. Unpleasant pain and sensations aggravate the mental state. Our old people are brought up by life in such a way that emotional experiences cannot be a disease. Only consequences such as exhaustion due to loss of appetite, or frequent illnesses, due to decreased immunity, may draw the attention of relatives or neighbors to the problem of an elderly person. Observe the elderly and show your participation if he: has become withdrawn, has changed his lifestyle, cries often, does not get out of bed for no reason. Do not ignore doctor's orders if you are diagnosed with depression. This is a serious psychological illness; now the meaning of this word is somewhat distorted, calling any decrease in mood depression. This is wrong. If depression is not treated with medication using psychotherapy, it can cause more serious mental illness in older adults. And they will bring a lot of troubles and troubles to the patient himself and his environment.

3) Anxiety. Anxiety is a common state of any person, but if anxiety interferes with life, especially for older people, it should be talked about as a mental disorder. Constant anxiety is difficult to bear and is aggravated by excessive smoking, drinking, and excessive use of medications. A number of diseases, such as diabetes and angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, strokes are also associated with the manifestation of severe anxiety. Of course, anxiety in the elderly may be a character trait that has intensified with old age or under the influence of life conditions. Again, if you look at the situation from the other side, it becomes clear that older people, losing physical strength, security, and social activity, really face a lot of alarming situations. These are serious illnesses, loss of contact with adult children, financial difficulties. It should be remembered that Anxiety in older people often occurs with other mental disorders. It often accompanies mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's dementia, depression, and is similar to symptoms of delirium or the “sunset effect.” It is important not to overlook the onset of more severe forms of mental disorders. Before treatment, you need to eliminate coffee, alcohol and heavy smoking from your life, adjust the intake of existing medications, and consult a psychotherapist. Sometimes this is enough to overcome a mental disorder such as anxiety in an elderly person.

4) Hypochondria. Everyone has met elderly people in hospital corridors who, as if on duty, go from one doctor to another. In the offices they complain about bodily ailments, incessant aches, twisting, and exhausting pain. Doctors do not find confirmation either in test results or in x-rays. That's right, because it is not physical diseases that need to be treated, but mental disorders - hypochondria. The age of an elderly person, due to aging, will give signals of malaise if the elderly person’s fixation on bodily ailments becomes obsession, we need to start treatment. Self-medication is dangerous here. Hypochondriasis is characterized by a person's excessive fixation on their bodily sensations. and can lead to deep confidence in an elderly person about a fatal disease.

5) Manic state. A mental disorder that is dangerous not in itself, but as a result of its manifestation - manic state. An excited mood, excessive boasting, and inadequate self-aggrandizement are replaced by aggressive outbursts of anger in an elderly person. Fussy, always coming up with problems for relatives and friends, annoyingly talkative people, often elderly. Their conversation jumps from one topic to another, you don’t have time to insert a word, and it’s not necessary, the patient is busy with narcissism. It is not difficult to guess that such people most often end up in unpleasant situations, caught by scammers. Without feeling at all like a patient diagnosed with a mental disorder, he will not go to the doctor for a long time. The result in old age will be a leapfrog of severe depression with attacks of manic excitement.

6) Delusional state. The following type of mental disorder is often used in films to show a negative character, often an elderly neighbor. The phrase “What kind of nonsense are you talking about!” is a prophetic diagnosis: delirium. And in life, we often meet older people who start a scandal over every little thing. Delusional ideas are the main manifestation of chronic delusional disorder, a mental illness that often occurs in old age. Patients talk about sabotage, theft, and infringement of their rights. At first we somehow react, deny, try to explain what was wrong, then we simply try to ignore, but the flow of accusations, often without any basis, becomes more and more. The story of a family of three and a neighbor with a manifestation of mental delusional disorder formed the basis of the plot of one film. An apple that fell from a child and rolled across the floor seemed to the person living below to be moving furniture. The neighbor saw wet cleaning of the stairs in the entrance as a way of setting up an accident, because it was damp. The attempts of a non-conflict family to establish contact by treating them to hot cakes in the eyes of an elderly neighbor turned into an attempt at poisoning; calling an ambulance for a brawler turned into an attempt to illegally enter the apartment. We won’t retell the whole film, but the family had to look for another apartment. The new residents did not stand on ceremony with the sick elderly man, and he had to seek refuge with his recent “enemies” - former neighbors who convinced the elderly man of the need for treatment and supported him in difficult situation. Our audience needs such films to see the problem of a sick person from the inside. He really hears other people's voices, sounds, steps, smells suspicious smells, and is surprised by the change in the taste of familiar food. This is his problem. Depressive experiences are added, and the person himself suffers for years and torments those around him. The only question is proper treatment mental illness, but for this the patient needs to be convinced, and this is very difficult to do. Your concern again transforms into a delusional idea to “heal” him.

After adequate treatment older people with manifestations of delusional disorder return to a normal lifestyle; in case of relapses, they are not afraid to return to treatment.

What are organic mental disorders in older people?

As a result of dementia, organic personality and behavior disorders occur. These are serious, irreversible diseases. More often this happens in adulthood.

Dementia (dementia) does not arise suddenly, the development of a mental disorder occurs slowly, from minor manifestations to a severe deterioration of the mental state. Dementia can cause two types of disease: total and lacunar. Total speaks for itself: it is a complete defeat of all body systems. An elderly patient loses his personality, does not understand who he is, does not retain information, is helpless and inadequate. Lacunar dementia is characterized by milder losses: memory is lost, but partially, the person does not lose his “I”.

Degenerative dementia is represented by: organic mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease and senile dementia.

1) Senile dementia

With this mental disorder, there is a complete (total) loss of intellectual capabilities. The patient's behavior is unpleasant: constant irritation, grumbling, suspicion. Memory fails, and what happened is clearly remembered for a long time, but the events of yesterday are erased. Interestingly, the gaps are subsequently filled in by fantasies, which causes delusions. Mood swings, inappropriate behavior of an elderly person, a complete lack of analysis, no prediction of actions. The patient pours hot tea on the floor and brings an empty mug to his mouth, expecting a cold drink. Instincts manifest themselves frighteningly clearly: either a complete loss of appetite, or overeating with impossible satisfaction of hunger. Sexual instincts increase sharply.

What can be done to help a patient with senile dementia? Only with patient care. There is no cure for this mental illness.

2) Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease develops gradually.

It is necessary to pay attention to the decline in the memory of an elderly person for long-standing and close events. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, confusion in past and present affairs are the first “bells” of mental illness. The sequence of events is disturbed, it is difficult to navigate in time. A person changes, and not in better side: becomes selfish, intolerant of objection. Prolonged depression, sometimes delirium, and hallucinations are also symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

As Alzheimer's disease progresses, signs of dementia become clearly visible. An elderly patient is disoriented in time and place, confuses names, does not remember his address, often gets lost on the street, and has difficulty determining his location. Patients are unable to name their own age and confuse the main points of their lives. There is often a loss of real time: they see themselves and speak on behalf of the child, they are sure that their long-dead relatives are in good health. Normal skills are impaired: patients lose the ability to use household household appliances, unable to personally dress or wash. Concrete actions are replaced by chaotic wandering and collecting things. A person has difficulty counting and forgets letters. Speech changes. First, the vocabulary is significantly impoverished. Current actions in a conversation with an elderly patient are replaced by fantasy stories. Over time, speech becomes more meaningless, the patients' expressions consist of fragmentary words and syllables. In advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease, patients completely lose the ability to exist without outside help, no meaningful speech, physical activity chaotic or suspended.

The problem is that early signs of mental disorders and illness (weakened memory, changes in character) often go unnoticed by the doctor. Relatives attribute them to approaching old age. It's no secret that treatment started on early stage Alzheimer's disease, most effectively. Thanks to modern medications, this mental disorder can be significantly alleviated.

3) Vascular dementia It can be caused by pathology of cerebral vessels, manifests itself in impaired cognitive functions, and rapidly progresses. Suffering social adaptation. The symptoms of this mental disorder are very similar to those of Alzheimer's disease, but are mild. Memory impairment, errors in a person’s awareness of time and space can be abrupt and change throughout the day. The distinction between these two diseases must be made as early as possible, since the approaches to their treatment are fundamentally different.

4) With damage to the brain, loss of a person as an individual, it makes sense to talk about Pick's disease. The capabilities of the intellect remain unchanged; the patient is able to count and remember dates, events, and facts. He speaks well and uses his vocabulary, which has remained unchanged. What was damaged? An elderly man began to be bothered by anxiety, constantly being in stressful situations, irritability, does not calculate the consequences of actions.

Treatment and disease progression for this mental illness directly depend on the location of the affected lobe of the brain. The disease has no cure. With the help of medications, the course of the disease slows down.

5) Parkinson's disease

Symptoms of the disease become noticeable to others when all early stages of treatment are missed. The disease can live in the human body for several years without showing itself. Everyone has experienced hand tremors; if you add to it anemia of the limbs for a long time, then it is better for an elderly patient to make an appointment with a doctor. If this is not done, then there will be a lack of coordination when moving, a decrease in reaction, and movements will become slower. Sudden changes in pressure cause fainting, depression ends in severe depression. What is characteristic is more often mental capacity of a person suffering from Parkinson's disease are not damaged. This, in turn, has its downside. Elderly people, seeing the progress of the disease, their helplessness, and the futility of treatment, usually fall into a severe form of depression. The quality of life of elderly patients, of course, deteriorates, but this is not the main thing. With modern medications, the patient lives a long time, but the danger lies in uncoordinated movements, leading to fractures, falls, and difficulty swallowing food. Caring for an elderly person with a mental disorder must be extremely sensitive so as not to aggravate depressive moods. So that your troubles do not cause the elderly patient to feel guilty, it is better to find an opportunity to treat such a patient in specialized clinics.

Why do mental disorders occur in older people?

Health problems in old age are common, so it is not possible to calculate a particular mental disorder or disease.

The cause of involutional disorders can be depicted as a formula: weakened mental health plus negative thoughts, stress and worries. Not every nervous system can withstand neuroses and stress, constantly being in tension. Mental disorders are often superimposed on concomitant physical abnormalities.

Organic disorders have different causes. For example, lacunar dementia occurs against the background of lesions of the vascular system, infectious diseases, alcoholic or drug addiction, tumors, injuries. The causes of degenerative dementia are different, but it is known for sure that Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease are a consequence of damage to the central nervous system. Carefully study your pedigree, because having relatives with mental disorders increases your risk significantly.

How mental disorder manifests itself: symptoms in older people

Involutional (reversible) disorders

A huge responsibility in recognizing mental disorders in older people lies with local therapists. Patients come with psychosomatic disorders, somatic complaints are often of an uncertain nature. The doctor needs to recognize hidden depressive disorders. Something like: tinnitus, heaviness in the head, dizziness, increased fatigue, staggering when walking, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia. Patients with mental disorders are prescribed outpatient treatment.

Great attention should be paid to the signs of depression; it is a symptom of many mental illnesses.

Organic disorders

These diseases are characterized by mental disorders functions and memory.

Early signs Dementia should include disorientation in time and space, absent-mindedness, and forgetfulness. Memories from the past dominate, although this is natural for old age. In this regard, one must pay attention to unrealistic additions, delusions and hallucinations.

Elderly people with mental disorders get lost, forget their address and telephone number, and sometimes do not remember their name.

Mental disorders often lead to speech impairment. Lexicon melts, phrases are constructed meaninglessly, then only sounds remain.

In later stages people with dementia are dependent on their caregivers. They cannot move or eat on their own. Such patients with mental disorders are monitored for 24 hours.

Unfortunately, dementia cannot be cured. Although, if at the first signs you consult a doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment, you can slow down the development of mental illness and make the life of the elderly patient and those around him easier.

Can mental disorders in older people be cured?

Treatment depends on the mental illness. People with involutional disorders have a fairly high chance of successful treatment. These diseases are reversible. For example, depression, hypochondria, stress, paranoia can be successfully corrected by a psychotherapist in combination with drug treatment. Sedatives, anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants prescribed by a doctor will help cope with mental illness. In cities there are group sessions with psychotherapists, this is a good reason to join forces for results.

Organic disorders based on any kind of dementia are irreversible. There are many techniques and therapies that are aimed at maintaining an adequate standard of living for as long as possible. The main thing is to preserve the consciousness and cognitive functions of a person suffering from mental disorders; various drugs are used for this. A huge problem lies in the early diagnosis of these diseases, since dementia is often given out and mistaken for signs of senility and treatment is delayed.

How to prevent mental disorders in older people

Old age brings with it many diseases that we cannot insure ourselves against in our youth. Although there are ways to prevent involutional deviations. It is impossible to limit oneself to organic personality disorders in old people. But there are methods of prevention. To help your loved one maintain mental clarity for as long as possible, you need to understand the main factors that can be a stressor. In this regard, it is recommended:

    Find new social circles, get involved in handicrafts, feasible physical education;

    Prevent loneliness of an elderly person;

    Help to cope with the loss of loved ones;

    Prepare in advance for retirement, look for like-minded people, more options easy work, or hobbies;

    Help an elderly person maintain their standard of living.

The main thing in old age for the prevention of mental disorders is communication with peers who have found their place in life in retirement. Health groups, dance studios, universities of the third age - there are many places where loneliness is not remembered. Grown-up children also need to remember their elderly parents and, with their presence (in person or by telephone), constantly support the vitality of their elderly parents.

One of the most severe stressors is loneliness. For a lonely elderly person, time stands still. He watches the celebration of life and realizes that he is thrown out of this rhythm. Seeing the indifference of people, and especially loved ones, an elderly person comes to the conclusion that he is useless, which causes complex emotional experiences and anxiety. This provokes the emergence and development of mental illnesses . Marvelous , but older people who live with relatives are more likely to feel useless and unnecessary. How is this possible? It is not enough to place an elderly relative in your home; it is important to take time every day to listen to him, encourage him and show his importance to your family. Ask him for some simple help, do not refuse what he himself offers.

What care should be provided if mental disorders are diagnosed in older people?

In ordinary life, we do not notice efforts aimed at self-care. Going to the grocery store, cooking lunch, washing your face, turning off the stove, closing the front door - all this becomes problematic for older people suffering from mental disorders. Providing the elderly with essentials life needs falls on the shoulders of caring relatives.

From experience with older patients with memory loss or impairment:

    To better understand each other, instructions should be given in short and simple sentences.

    Communication for a patient with mental illness should bring positive emotions, be friendly and at the same time confident and clear.

    Information must be presented repeatedly, with reverse action, you must be sure that the patient understood everything correctly.

    Reminders, assistance in remembering dates, specific places, names should always be patiently provided.

    Always remember that a patient with a mental disorder is not able to remember instantly or respond to an answer in seconds; be patient in the dialogue.

    Senseless bickering and discussions have a negative effect on an elderly patient; if you cannot distract the patient, make adequate concessions, at least partially.

    Reproaches and discontent will be constant, you need to be prepared for this, perceive it easily and with an understanding of the situation.

    Patients with mental disorders respond better to praise, become withdrawn, and stubborn if faced with criticism. Say a kind word, touch gently, smile encouragingly if the patient fulfilled your request correctly, tried, and made an effort for the result.

The organization of care must be correct. Compliance with the following points is mandatory:

    Exact daily routine for the patient, changes are undesirable;

    The diet is balanced, the drinking regime is correct, exercises, walks are required;

    Protozoa Board games, crosswords, learning simple rhymes - forced activation mental activity must be discreet and motivated;

    Concomitant diseases should be diagnosed and treated;

    A thoughtful, functionally safe place of residence for an elderly patient;

    Clean body, clothes, bed - prerequisites minimal comfort;

    Optimal time to sleep.

Who should care for a patient with mental disorders? If a relative does this, the elderly patient feels more comfortable. But if this is not possible, then we're talking about about the nurse. Moreover, with some mental illness, the patient does not recognize his relatives. A nurse (usually with medical education) must be familiar with the course of a specific illness, mental disorder, be prepared for inappropriate actions of elderly patients, be patient, friendly, carry out medical procedures as prescribed by the doctor and care for the patient in everyday life. In a sense, by hiring a caregiver, you are providing your sick relative with more care and support, so there is nothing strange about this. They will give advice on selecting nurses in hospitals, clinics, and special agencies. Another form of care for older people with mental disorders is boarding houses and nursing homes. For example, assistance in caring for diseases of vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease, mental activity serves as a boarding house "Autumn of Life". Round-the-clock care from professionals, high-quality qualified assistance from doctors, provision of useful leisure time - everything that your loved ones who find themselves in a difficult situation need.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 full and dietary meals a day.

    1-2-3-bed occupancy (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crosswords, walks).

    Individual work by psychologists: art therapy, music classes, modeling.