Wonderful pictures to congratulate Catherine on her birthday. Wonderful pictures for congratulating Catherine on her birthday Warm countries with azure shores

February 23

The name of Catherine belongs to a legendary flower, shrouded in secrets, sung in poetry and parables, nicknamed the royal, divine flower - the lotus.

There is no more beautiful and amazing miracle on earth - a snow-white, fragile, and pink-scarlet lotus in the sunset light. This is a symbol of purity, peace, a symbol of life itself. This is probably why you rarely see Catherine with an ordinary appearance. This woman is truly beautiful and fresh, like a lotus, and retains her beauty until old age. As a rule, Catherine’s goals and thoughts are noble. She is proud, but knows how to hide this trait of her character. She is selfish, but she is able to overcome her selfishness, and not everyone dares to do this. Naturally, Catherine is often everyone’s favorite.

We don’t even have to talk about the myriad of Catherine’s fans. She knows how to be tactful, but she is always firm and makes her choice herself. A plucked lotus instantly withers. So Catherine can get bogged down in everyday life and problems, forgetting about herself. The partner should take care of her and diversify their life together.

Look how beautiful and varied the “Katya, happy birthday!” pictures are. Among the cards on our website, you can easily choose and download for free the one that will suit the birthday girl with the beautiful name Ekaterina the most.

Beautiful pictures with congratulations

The name Catherine is of Greek origin. It can be interpreted as “pure”, “immaculate”. It totally sounds regal. Associations immediately arise with the Great Empress Catherine II, Catherine de Medici and other persons of noble origin. The diminutive and endearing forms of the name are gentle and funny: Katya, Katyusha, Katyunya, Kat.

Life brings many surprises to a woman named Ekaterina. She is strong, direct and honest, open to people, sometimes vulnerable and somewhat sentimental. She seems to be absolutely confident in herself, but this is just a façade. In fact, Katya is very dependent on the opinions of others; she waits for approval from family, friends and others.

The birthday holiday is special for Katyusha. She's waiting to be marked. Sincere congratulations, gorgeous flowers, expensive and necessary gifts are what she wants most. If you don’t want to disappoint your girl, hurry up and congratulate her: call her first thing in the morning or send her a beautiful personalized card online. Katerina will appreciate both the original picture and the congratulatory text on it.

Cool and funny cards

Girls and women named Katya rarely have a good sense of humor and sometimes get offended by seemingly harmless jokes. If you want to congratulate Kat with a cool and funny postcard, choose on our website and download for free a bright cartoon image, a picture with cute animals.

By the way, you can send one of these funny greeting cards to a little birthday girl named Katya.

With flowers

A girl named Katerina is pleased to receive flowers, especially on her birthday. And who said that the bouquet should be real and expensive? Today, more and more often, an elegant card with flowers and an original congratulatory text is used as an alternative.

Little Katyusha or adult Aunt Katya will delight in a picture with roses, delicate tulips or proud daffodils. By the way, the totem plant for a woman named Catherine is the lotus, which symbolizes purity and purity. Find a card for Katya with white flowers, delicate and beautiful, like herself.

Congratulation poems for Catherine

If you are worried that Katya will not have access to the Internet on her birthday, congratulate her in the old and proven way - by SMS with a short, beautiful poem. We offer you several universal options to choose from.

Happy birthday video cards

If you know how to work with applications for creating videos and slide shows, we’ll give you an idea: download all the cards that we offer you, select suitable photos of the birthday girl Katyusha, beautiful music and make your own congratulatory video. Don't want to waste time? Congratulate Ekaterina with a ready-made video, for example, this one.

You can congratulate little princess Katyusha on her birthday with such a bright video.

There are days of the year when you want to be special and unique, when it seems that everything around you is smiling and happy: the Sun gives its warmth and the birds sing their songs just for you. One of these days is a birthday, the most unusual holiday. The day when the world appeared for you, and you for it. And I would like to celebrate this holiday in a joyful mood, brightly, with an unforgettable scenario. And you should start by going to our website and congratulating yourself by giving Katya happy birthday pictures, positive and kind. And we will help you feel comfortable with us and receive more wonderful gifts.

Each of our guests will receive much more than they expect, warmth and kindness. After all, all the pictures are plots of some very good story, and you have a certain role to play here. For example, you can: receive flowers; or you will be treated to sweets; Cool cartoon characters may come to visit you; or maybe you will go to stay in warm countries with azure shores; but what exactly awaits you is a romantic evening; and fluffy funny kittens and dogs will surround you with touching games and wagging tails.

And that is not all. After all, each image contains congratulatory text. Sometimes the words in the inscriptions are so warm and cheerful that over time you want to re-read them. And this brings a sea of ​​positivity and sincere smiles.

Let's talk about each postcard theme on our entertainment resource.


Probably, flowers are the most traditional, and at the same time, the most original and pleasant gift that a girl so wants to receive, and Katenka is no exception. And we have prepared luxurious bouquets, roses and forget-me-nots, lilies and tulips, gerberas and lilies of the valley. Everything that decorates our lives so much.


How can you not please yourself with treats on this day? How not to give yourself your favorite candy, cake or the most delicate dessert. And we will be happy to help you with these little pranks. We will give Katyushka everything her sweet tooth desires!

Cool cartoon characters

Once again, we can predict exactly what will bring joy to Catherine on her special day. Of course, this is a meeting with her old friends from childhood, with the characters of her favorite fairy tales. So today they came, but not empty-handed, but with congratulations, as cheerful and kind as they themselves.

Warm countries with Cote d'Azur

Katyusha, your dream has come true! You are carefree and you feel good on the shore of the ocean, which sparkles with its blue. You are in the company of someone dear to you, seeing off the sun and meeting the moon and the first stars. At such moments, it seems that time has stood still for a while so that you can enjoy your happiness.

Or a romantic evening... The clink of glasses filled with playful champagne greets you to congratulate you on your wonderful birthday. This evening is special and it deserves to be the only one. And the best thing to do is to spend it with your loved one, wrapped in his tenderness.

Fluffy funny kittens and dogs

That's where it's always fun and interesting, so in this section, where the fluffies live. Katerina, they are all trying to please you now. And indeed, I just want to get acquainted with the entire collection of pictures with cute pets, because they are so natural and so spontaneous.


Here, only the best and most beautiful wishes await you. Words retain warmth, conveying not only the essence and meaning, but also sensations. It’s as if someone loved and dear is telling them, hugging them with their offer-hands. And all you have to do is accept this sincere warmth and become even happier, not only today, but always.

The name of Catherine belongs to a legendary flower, shrouded in secrets, sung in poetry and parables, nicknamed the royal, divine flower - the lotus.

There is no more beautiful and amazing miracle on earth - a snow-white, fragile, and pink-scarlet lotus in the sunset light. This is a symbol of purity, peace, a symbol of life itself. This is probably why you rarely see Catherine with an ordinary appearance. This woman is truly beautiful and fresh, like a lotus, and retains her beauty until old age. As a rule, Catherine’s goals and thoughts are noble. She is proud, but knows how to hide this trait of her character. She is selfish, but she is able to overcome her selfishness, and not everyone dares to do this. Naturally, Catherine is often everyone’s favorite.

We don’t even have to talk about the myriad of Catherine’s fans. She knows how to be tactful, but she is always firm and makes her choice herself. A plucked lotus instantly withers. So Catherine can get bogged down in everyday life and problems, forgetting about herself. The partner should take care of her and diversify their life together.