Different weights of twins at 26 weeks. How to ensure adequate nutrition during pregnancy

For children

Finally, I found the time to write a long journey to my mother. The story begins with the fact that on August 7, 2013 at 5 am I became a mother. My sun, my life, my Ahma is a living dear, he survived no matter what, joy knew no bounds. She gave birth on her own without any tears or cracks and was immediately ready to go get a sister for my son. I have always wanted a very large family and especially children of the same age. But I, like her, thought about going for the second one no earlier than the eldest was 9 months old, especially since Ahma had health problems. We were on guard until I was 3 months old, and at exactly 3 months old in the morning I had a temperature of 39.8 and my chest hurt really bad, so I had to take antibiotics for a week. My son was on formula, but I didn’t pump regularly, but still. The doctor told us that if we are on breastfeeding, then pregnancy does not occur until 4 months, so we did not use protection. Having successfully completed the course of treatment, I again tried to switch to full guard. It was difficult for my son to grab milk all day long. My breasts hurt, but not so much that I couldn’t feed. A few weeks later, my son and husband were poisoned and vomited. I started to feel sick, I thought I was poisoned too. But every day it got worse and my stomach ached. I took a digital test in the morning, didn’t wait for the result and went for an ultrasound. And TAMMMMMM just awesome triplets, fraternal twins. I'm literally in tears, my dream is triplets. any girl could not simply dream of such happiness and here it is in me. It was very difficult for the older capricious one to not leave his side at all, and so I fed him for up to 6 months. One day I had a fever for three days and then spots appeared on my body, resulting in measles. At 12 weeks they told me that the babies were alive and there were two boys and a girl. but then at 14 weeks, a lot of blood started bleeding. As it turned out, there was a hematoma and because of this, one baby did not receive nutrition and did not develop, they had to be removed to save those two, they performed an operation and put 4 stitches on the neck. So I regret how hurt I am, my little angel, my baby. But I always have them in one pile. and a week later my son was admitted to intensive care with a fever. And again I put all my strength into saving my son. My belly was growing by leaps and bounds.

Exactly 26 weeks

And so it happened that at 10 am my water broke. Fortunately, we were in Moscow at that moment. But we were alone with our son. my husband was supposed to come in 2 days. But my little ones decided to be born. So I called an ambulance, quickly got ready and off we went. My hands were shaking, it was so offensive. I arrived there and looked and there was no dilation, but all the front waters had completely broken. They put in IVs and began to wait. They were preparing the babies for birth. And then at 3 o’clock in the afternoon I started having contractions. At the beginning I endured them, but by the end I was just bawling, rather out of resentment and fear. and now the hour is approaching, she begins to grieve. The operating room was ready nearby and suddenly we had to do a caesarean section. The first attempt gave birth to my first son at 18:45, he did not cry and was immediately taken to the intensive care unit. weight 820 and 36 cm. I didn’t even notice when I gave birth to my second one. I was tuning in to the second one when I could already hear his scream, I was so happy. weight 1085 and 39 cm. but he was also taken to intensive care. She gave birth without any gaps. the boys were on ventilators. They are so tiny, so small, so thin. My Dzhambulat and Dzhabrail. the children are alive and feeling well. The younger one is breathing on his own, the older one is still on a ventilator. We hope and wait. I really love my kids. You just live, they love you and wait for you.

this is how they lie.

The eldest son spent the whole day with the nurse and only in the morning his mother came and took him away. I think thanks to everyone who read it. There is a difference of 9 months and 27 days between my children. I am the happiest. And yes, I already go home to see the children twice a day, and I sit with the eldest. He lost weight again and I decided to breastfeed him. there is a lot of milk. my son is squealing with joy. First he looks at me, then at my tits and sucks my tits with a smile from ear to ear.

The 26th week of multiple pregnancy is a wonderful period for the expectant mother. The seventh month is already approaching!

The body of the expectant mother experiences significant changes. Now she just needs to take care of herself as carefully as possible and be attentive to her own health. The babies are growing, now they are more mobile and can cause some inconvenience to their mother.

What happens to the babies and mother

At 26 obstetric weeks, the small lungs of children are preparing to work independently, but the respiratory structures have not yet reached the required maturity.
Gradually, fat and muscle grow under the skin of the toddler. Their goal is to ensure proper temperature regulation after the babies are born.

The belly at this stage is already quite noticeable.

Many mothers try to determine the sex of the child by its shape. But it is not indicative in this case. The shape depends solely on the anatomical structure of the woman’s pelvis.

And no matter who “lives” there, the stomach will be rounded - this despite the fact that the pelvic bones are located quite widely. Otherwise it will be pushed forward.

Weight, height and development of fruits

The size of the fruit at the 26th week of the “interesting position” is already about 35 centimeters. And their weight is approximately 800-900 grams.

In girls, the formation of the vagina and external genitalia is completed. In boys, the testicles gradually descend into the scrotum, and after just three to four weeks they will “move” there completely.

The small lungs that were previously located in the chest during this period move to the left of the liver and to the right of the heart. From below, they will be separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. Now they look like a triangular pyramid, the top of which “looks” at the neck.

How can they lie

Babies at this stage of development are spinning all the time. Alternately they occupy either the pelvic or the head position.

Mom's weight gain and uterine size

Pregnancy at this stage increases the weight of the expectant mother by nine to ten kilograms. The uterus has already managed to rise six centimeters above the navel and now reaches a height of approximately 30-31 cm.

Since the twins have also grown (one of them weighs at least eight hundred grams), the uterus in this situation almost completely filled the abdominal cavity. A large belly slightly prevents the expectant mother from moving freely, as before.

Large body weight can bring certain inconveniences and requires a woman to exercise significant control over her own condition:

  • Since the expectant mother weighs more than usual, she gets tired faster. Therefore, long walks can be cancelled. But small ones - half an hour, for example, are very useful.
  • In order to alleviate the condition, you need to wear one that will support your stomach and there will be much less discomfort while walking.

Feelings and well-being of a pregnant woman

The 26th week of pregnancy with twins is marked by swelling and noticeable enlargement of the mammary glands. Many expectant mothers notice some heaviness in the chest and pain. At this stage this is normal.

There is no need to prepare nipples for feeding children - this can increase the tone of the uterus and premature birth. But performing air baths for the chest is very useful.

Most pregnant women experience back pain. This occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity, as well as due to the fact that the stomach has grown and weight has increased. There is a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Convulsions or periodic numbness of the limbs may begin. To avoid such sensations, simply change your position or lie down.

Some mothers have restless sleep at night and do not get enough sleep. They dream quite vividly or about childbirth. The reasons for such dreams include very active movements of the fetus or an uncomfortable position of the body of the expectant mother. The children “urge” her to roll over.


We are 26 weeks pregnant with twins, and the twins are now moving quite actively. This is how they learn to understand the world. It is with their movements that certain sensations of their mother are associated. In the vast majority of cases, they are very pleasant and set the woman up for a positive wave.

Children's physical activity has a very important diagnostic value. By every movement of the babies, by the number of their movements, they judge how correctly the children are developing. By a significant increase or decrease in the active movements of the babies, the mother and the doctor can understand that something is happening to them that is not as it should be.

It is clear that every child is an individual, even during intrauterine development. And periods of rest and wakefulness can last differently for different babies.

What can be seen on an ultrasound

At the 26th week of waiting for a new addition to the family, using an ultrasound machine, you can see how the babies behave during their active phase. Their movements are already quite independent.

They are able:

  • suck fingers, developing the sucking reflex;
  • when they turn over, their heels gently push away from the walls of the uterus; their legs are pressed to the body all the time;
  • the kids learned to bring small hands to their faces and touch them;
  • when they turn over, they alternately occupy either the head position or the pelvic position.

If mom is lucky and finds her babies in the active phase, then the ultrasound machine will show her their achievements.

Possible problems

Features of multiple pregnancy include a large number of complications - for example, this may be early breaking of waters (or their waters) and premature birth.

Pulls the lower abdomen, back and lower back

Perhaps all expectant mothers have gone through similar sensations.

  1. Stomach ache in most cases, they are due to the fact that the internal ligaments have already stretched. They usually appear after the pregnant woman has made some sudden movements. If the pain is not severe, then there is no need to worry too much. It will be enough to purchase a special pillow for pregnant women and from time to time make yourself comfortable on the bed with it.
  2. Pulling sensations in the lower back and back usually begin due to a redistribution of the center of gravity. A maternity bandage will come to the rescue.
  3. If the expectant mother experiences periodic tension in her abdominal muscles, this indicates that the tone of the uterus is increased. The sensation is painless and passes quickly enough. But this is also clear evidence that the uterus is beginning to prepare for childbirth by conducting similar training contractions.

If she tenses often enough and there is discomfort in the abdomen, this situation can pose a danger for babies. Since muscle pressure occurs, the blood vessels of the placenta are compressed, therefore, children receive less oxygen and nutrients than they need.

Swelling of legs, arms, face

First of all, those pregnant women who have concomitant diseases - obesity, hypertension, pyelonephritis, etc. should pay attention to edema. Because of them, the risk of gestosis increases many times over. This disease is very serious, even fatal. And its first manifestations are swelling.

The water has broken or is leaking

If during this period the amount of watery discharge and mucus increases, you should immediately consult a doctor. Indeed, in this case, leakage of amniotic fluid cannot be ruled out. The doctor will send them for research in order to, if possible, exclude the onset of labor.

In the normal course of pregnancy, rupture of water occurs no earlier than 38 weeks. This is clearly visible, because about half a liter of liquid immediately drains. Consequently, labor begins. But it happens that amniotic fluid is released long before this period, and in small quantities - a few drops. The expectant mother herself will not understand what is wrong, although sometimes specialists will not be able to detect this during an examination.

If a woman has any suspicions of leakage, she needs:

  • Empty your bladder, wash thoroughly and dry yourself well, lie down on a clean diaper for about twenty minutes. If a wet spot appears on the diaper, you need to call an ambulance or go to your gynecologist.
  • You can purchase a special test or test pad at the pharmacy in advance to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. A change in its color to dark (in accordance with the instructions) is an indication for urgent contact with the perinatal center.

If water leaks at this stage of pregnancy, this indicates that for unknown reasons the amniotic sac has become thinner or its integrity has been compromised. And because of this, the fetus may become infected, a miscarriage may occur, or premature labor may begin.

Very strong kicks below

At this stage, twins are quite active: they still have enough space in the uterus, but a little more and they will move less. This is absolutely normal.

You should contact a doctor if the children have completely stopped moving, or if there is a discharge - mucus interspersed with blood (this may be the beginning of placental abruption), or a greenish discharge begins, similar to a curd mass (most likely, an infection has occurred).

There is no need to worry about pain caused by babies moving or kicking: after all, now they are active and they like to move. If mom is not particularly pleased, then to reduce the sensitivity of sensations, it is better for her to lie down or take a different position.

She may also feel pain caused by babies lying with their heads low in the stomach. If everything is normal, the doctor will advise you to start wearing a special bandage. And one more thing: mothers need to remember: when babies move, they need space, and it is shrinking day by day.


If at 26 weeks a woman feels hot and dizzy, there is a chance that her blood pressure has risen.

In tandem with severe swelling, this may be evidence that eclampsia is approaching. If the expectant mother has all this, she must be under the daily supervision of obstetricians.

During pregnancy, the network of pelvic vessels develops, because both future children and the uterus need intense blood flow.

If in a normal “non-pregnant” state only two percent of the body’s total blood is sufficient for circulation in the uterus, then in the last months before childbirth the uterine blood flow is twenty or thirty percent.

To ensure such a volume, the body tries to synthesize blood cells with great energy, the heart begins to work with increased efficiency in order to maintain the necessary circulation. Because of this, blood flow to the brain and other organs is weakened.

As soon as a pregnant woman shows signs of dizziness, she needs to:

  • Lie down and raise your legs a little - blood will flow to the brain. You can sit down with your head between your knees. This will improve the condition.
  • Go out for at least 10 minutes to get some fresh air if a woman is in a stuffy room and feels dizzy. If such a situation occurred on public transport, there is no need to be shy. Just ask to give up your seat.

What you need to know and what to pay attention to

The most responsible and difficult period is the third trimester.

The expectant mother is obliged to change the way of life that is more familiar to her in everyday life. She should rest more, change her habits and pay great attention to her well-being. All this should preserve the pregnancy until the due date.

What is the probability of childbirth?

Almost ninety percent of multiple pregnancies end in premature birth.

Abortion of pregnancy occurs due to strong pressure on the cervix and overstretching of the uterine muscles by two babies.

As a preventive measure, doctors can prescribe Utrozhestan suppositories, advise not to be stressed and spend more time in bed.

Early premature birth is usually associated with various reasons:

  • infectious lesions of the genital tract and intrauterine infection that develops against this background (this is one of the most common causes);
  • exposure to damaging factors such as substance abuse, alcohol and smoking;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • fetal malformations or genetic abnormalities;
  • complications of pregnancy that do not depend on the behavior of the expectant mother.

Forecast of children's health at birth at this stage

Childbirth that occurs at 26 weeks of pregnancy is considered too early. They often occur due to illness or poor lifestyle of the expectant mother. But it happens that labor begins on its own, when there are no provoking factors. Of course, the expectant mother needs to do her best to prevent such a situation. This can be done if you follow all the doctor’s advice and recommendations.

If delivery does occur, there is no need to panic: there are many cases where doctors were able to deliver even such tiny children.

The respiratory system of babies is not yet quite ready for life separately from their mother, and this somewhat reduces their chances of survival. If children have managed to gain weight more than 800-900 grams, then their chances increase markedly.

It is possible for such babies to emerge due to the fact that they already have their own surfactant - a special substance produced by the alveoli in the lungs, and is necessary so that the lungs do not collapse when inhaling, and expand sufficiently when exhaling. But children still have very little of it, so doctors must administer special drugs, for example, Exosurf.

Twins still have imperfect development of many systems and organs, especially the nervous system. Therefore, if they pass through the birth canal, they may be injured. Doctors try to use it (if there are no contraindications).

Children who were born at this time, due to the incomplete intrauterine development of the central nervous system and sensory organs, can later:

  • have poor hearing and vision, and sometimes these senses may be absent;
  • have cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), which is clinically similar to an adult stroke, intellectual function may be reduced.

To prevent such complications as much as possible, long-term neurological treatment will be needed.


If there is no threat of premature birth, then the doctor will not prohibit sex during this period of pregnancy.

Physical activity

It is undesirable to spend most of your time sitting in one place. At the same time, there is no need to overwork.

When the expectant mother is on the move, fluid stagnation in the legs decreases. In turn, tissue swelling will be reduced and numbness will decrease, as well as other, not very pleasant, sensations in the muscles.


Almost all expectant mothers often experience heartburn. This is a rather unpleasant factor, but it still happens. Heartburn is quite active in the second half of pregnancy. ,

To completely eliminate its sensation or at least minimize it a little, you need to exclude fatty and fried foods from your diet and eat less sweets, in particular chocolate. You should eat smaller meals, eat less, but more often, and add fiber to your diet. Milk can also help.

If you approach your diet correctly, adhering to these simple recommendations, it is absolutely easy to minimize the manifestations of heartburn. It is important not to give in to your own weaknesses and not to overeat.

What tests need to be taken

During this week of pregnancy, as a rule, expectant mothers undergo the following tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • Glucose tolerance test to detect possible gestational diabetes.

A pregnant woman should also undergo another ultrasound scan between 24 and 26 weeks.

If the expectant mother begins to have back pain, swimming is good for her. If a woman doesn't already wear a brace, now is the time to try one on. It will support your growing belly and there will be less strain on your back.

If the expectant mother begins to sleep restlessly, she will need a special pillow designed specifically for pregnant women. It is a C-shaped, U-shaped or other shaped roller. A woman can wrap her arms and legs around him while sleeping. This way you won’t feel the strain on your back muscles and will support your stomach.

Thanks to such a pillow, the expectant mother will not experience discomfort while sleeping.

When to go to the doctor

Pregnant women who are expecting twins need to see a doctor at least once every ten days (for comparison, if the pregnancy is singleton, this is done once every two weeks) until the 28th week. And later - one visit a week to monitor the condition of the woman and her babies.

If pain in the lower back and back is not particularly bothersome, then everything is within normal limits. But if these pains are sharp and sudden, consultation with a gynecologist is required. It is forbidden to lift heavy things so that the pregnancy is not interrupted by negligence.

It is also necessary to go to the doctor if the pain comes accompanied by bloody discharge, or if this discharge appears suddenly, and there are no accompanying signs.

If twins are born at 26 weeks of pregnancy, then the children's chances of survival are much higher than they would have been just a few days ago.

According to statistics, the probability of survival of such babies is 85 percent. Of course, no one canceled serious health complications in the future.

In this case, mother and toddlers will have to remain under medical supervision for some time. If everything is okay, they will be discharged home.

The expectant mother should not forget to eat right, take a walk before bed, and near the bedroom you can take a sachet with soothing herbs - lemon balm and mint.

The 26th week of pregnancy is the end of the 6th month or the end of the 2nd trimester

The 26th week of pregnancy indicates that the eyes of the child in the womb are already fully formed and have a certain color, although their full opening has not yet occurred. With the help of taste buds on the tongue, he senses the taste of food. According to the results of research by doctors, it turned out that at this stage the baby prefers sweet foods rather than foods that have a bitter or smoky taste.

Despite the fact that the baby’s adipose tissue stops growing, this does not have a negative effect on its formation. Using ultrasound, you can see not only eyelashes, but also the arch of the eyebrows. The baby’s reaction to external changes in the environment is great, therefore, the mother needs to provide the child with a comfortable feeling by communicating in a gentle voice and listening to calm musical compositions.

The woman clearly feels pain in the ribs and back, which depends on the increase in the baby’s weight, which by this time is 850 grams, and his ability to make strong movements. In order to smooth out the pain a little, it is worth purchasing a special mattress for pregnant women, the choice of which should be made after a medical consultation with a specialist. To prevent the baby's blows from being felt by the mother while she sleeps, you need to lie on your side.

The second week of the seventh month or the second week of the third trimester is the 26th week of pregnancy. During this period, a woman’s expectations of a baby become more and more impatient, since the first two trimesters have already passed.

Ultrasound and tests at 26 weeks of pregnancy

During the normal course of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes ultrasound examinations only three times. At week 26, the gynecologist prescribes a second planned ultrasound examination, the main purpose of which is to assess the development of the fetus, identify pathologies or defects in the development of the skeleton, genital organs, urinary tract, heart muscle, the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid, the placenta and its place of attachment.

The gender of the baby is already known during this period and the doctor can inform the parents about this, depending on their wishes. In addition to performing an ultrasound, the doctor will prescribe other tests, including a clinical analysis of urine and blood. In order to prevent the development of diabetes in the baby, the mother needs to donate blood for a clinical analysis, which is used to determine the level of glucose in the blood.

Unfortunately, mild diabetes mellitus occurs in 2% of pregnant women. Although this disease is not very common, consultation with an endocrinologist is still necessary, since excess glucose in the mother can cause low blood pressure in the baby and excess weight. In order to maintain blood sugar levels at a normal level, you should adhere to a certain diet until the onset of childbirth.

The presence of iron deficiency anemia and the hemoglobin content in the blood of a pregnant woman are determined through a blood test. In case of any deviations from the norm, the mother is encouraged to use iron-containing medications or an adjusted diet containing foods containing iron.

Whether a hidden inflammatory process is present can be determined using a urine test, which will show the presence of protein and leukocytes in the blood, as well as the ability of the urinary system to bear increased load.

Ultrasound at 26 weeks

Belly changes at 26 weeks

The abdomen bulges forward, rises and becomes round. The growth of the abdomen provokes the appearance of stripes on it, which will later turn into stretch marks. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to properly care for the skin of the abdomen with the help of special gels and creams that prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, which are rubbed into the skin in the hips, chest and abdomen after water procedures 1-2 times a day. If such products are not available, then heated vegetable or olive oil can replace cosmetic products for stretch marks.

Photo of the belly at 26 weeks

Condition of the uterus at 26 weeks

The closer the baby is born, the more carefully you need to control changes in the body. For example, the dimensions of the uterus at 7 months are 24 cm in height and 16 cm in width from the pubic area, with a distance from the navel 6 cm higher (and this is already a lot!). The uterus will be raised by 1 cm every week, therefore, its newly acquired size will put pressure on the organs located in the abdominal cavity, which contributes to the appearance of constipation, bloating and heartburn in the third trimester.

A mucus plug fills the cervical canal of the uterus, which will begin to drain when the baby is born. This moment is a kind of signal for the start of labor. Also, this period is characterized by the appearance of periodic contractions in a pregnant woman, the name of which is Braxton Hicks or training contractions.

Usually, pain does not occur from such contractions and they do not occur often. The 26th week of pregnancy is marked by the danger of periodic contractions of the uterus, accompanied by pain and watery discharge, so the help of a doctor in this case is simply necessary.

Heavy discharge may occur when a mucus plug forms. The norm for such discharge is the presence of white or gray color and its uniform consistency. If the discharge is green, curdled or purulent, which is accompanied by a burning sensation in the genitals or itching, then immediate medical attention is required. If the expectant mother has any infectious disease, then she needs to undergo treatment, since its absence can lead not only to infection of the fetus and damage to the membranes, but also negatively affect the growth and development of the child.

Calling an ambulance is necessary when a pregnant woman experiences bleeding, accompanied by pain in the lower abdominal cavity, which may be a sign of an abnormal location of the placenta or its abruption. The presence of moderate watery discharge, even in small portions, which occurs due to leakage of amniotic fluid without any special symptoms, also poses a danger to a pregnant woman, so consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is also necessary.

What happens to the baby at 26 weeks of pregnancy

The presence of such individual features in the baby as eyebrows and eyelashes is quite noticeable at the 26th week of pregnancy.

Also, the formed ears, slightly protruding from the head, are already in their place. The structure of the inner ear is approaching the final phase of its formation, as a result of which the baby can distinguish sounds from the outside world, therefore reading fairy tales, listening to classical music, singing lullabies, and affectionate communication with the baby are necessary at 26 weeks of pregnancy. Many believe that a baby is capable of different voices, so joint communication between parents and the baby can best influence his perception of the surrounding and unknown world in the future, after birth. Since the gradual opening of the eyes also occurs during this period, mommy should not be near bright light.

The 26th week of pregnancy indicates the completion of the formation of the respiratory system: the position of the lungs in the body is determined and their final form is acquired. Also, the bone tissue is strengthened and the rudiments of the baby’s permanent teeth ossify, since the milk and molar teeth are already formed. The baby's skin is smoothed and gradually acquires a certain color.

Wrinkles are formed on the elbows, legs and arms are rounded. The baby's heart rate beats at a frequency of 135 - 160 beats per minute. The blood is saturated with nutrients and oxygen as it circulates through the placenta, which enters the baby’s body through the umbilical vein. At the 26th week of pregnancy, the baby’s brain performs one of the main tasks: it establishes its connection with the adrenal cortex, thanks to which the pituitary gland produces its own hormone and others. The height of the fetus during this period is 35.5 cm with an approximate weight of 750 g. At this time, the baby is almost always asleep, his sleep can last from 16 to 20 hours, he makes active movements only while awake.

Fetal arrhythmia

Uneven beating or irregular rhythm of the baby’s heart is a common occurrence during this period, which is called fetal arrhythmia. An uneven heartbeat in a baby occurs as a result of his constant growth and development. After the final formation of the heart, the arrhythmia will disappear. By contacting an ultrasound specialist or perinatologist, you can learn more about this phenomenon. If the arrhythmias go away before the birth process, then you should ask doctors to monitor the baby’s heartbeat during the birth itself. If arrhythmia is discovered during labor, then it is better to organize the presence of a pediatrician in advance, who will be able to take appropriate measures in case of complications.


At the 26th week of pregnancy, all the movements of the baby are fully felt not only by the mother, but also by members of the household, who can also “feel” them by placing a hand on the pregnant woman’s belly or by placing an ear on the belly, then the beating of a small heart will be heard.

The fetus in the womb can behave differently: be in both a passive and active state, depending on its individuality. Some babies behave calmly throughout the entire period of being in the stomach, others carry out constant movements. Therefore, how a child behaves during pregnancy often determines his behavior in the postpartum period.

It also happens that the baby’s movements are unnoticeable for a long time, but this happens because the mother is busy with various things, but as soon as she lies down on her side, you can feel his presence. If anxiety and excitement about this does not go away, you should contact a specialist who will listen to the baby’s heartbeat and confirm its successful development.

Painful sensations at 26 weeks of pregnancy

Painful sensations may occur due to the child’s kicks, since the tightness in the abdomen becomes more and more noticeable day by day. Pain in the lower abdomen and under the ribs can arise from the pressure of the enlarging uterus, which affects the internal organs of the pregnant woman. Also, hormones can provoke pain, the action of which is aimed at softening ligaments and joints. Lying on your side can prevent or reduce pain, since this position helps reduce the pressure of the uterus on the organs. Leg cramps and headaches quite often accompany the third trimester, so rest is the best remedy for emerging ailments.

In order to take the load off your legs, you should use a pad that is placed under your limbs while in a supine position. A ventilated, cool room with dark lighting will help with headaches. Pain in the lower back and back arise from the action of hormones and the gradual shift of weight, so the back must be periodically unloaded by avoiding heels when walking, doing yoga for pregnant women or gymnastics, and also by purchasing a back support bandage.


Constantly increasing weight can cause pain, so careful control of weight during pregnancy can ease the suffering. Weight gain should be 300-500 g every week. Eating healthy and nutritious food in accordance with the prescribed diet helps keep the pregnant woman’s body in great shape.

Proper nutrition

At week 26, a pregnant woman’s nutrition should be correct and complete in order to provide the baby with all the vitamins necessary for its development. Allergenic products such as orange berries and fruits, eggs, milk, honey, chocolate, cocoa should be limited in consumption. Forbidden foods during this period include various smoked foods, fast food, carbonated water and fried foods.

Products must be consumed boiled or baked or steamed with limited addition of salt, which, by retaining water, contributes to the development of edema.

The rapid weight gain of the fetus and mother occurs due to the consumption of confectionery and sweets, which contribute to an increase in glucose levels due to the rapid absorption of carbohydrates, as a result of which the pregnant woman may develop diabetes mellitus, and therefore the unborn baby. Moderate consumption of sweet foods will keep both mother and child healthy.


At the 26th week of pregnancy, accelerated breast enlargement is noticed, so it is necessary to take care of the nipples, i.e. prepare them for feeding the baby. This process is carried out by wiping the breasts with cool water, taking air baths, and wiping the nipples with a hard towel. To avoid contractions of the uterus, these procedures should be performed carefully.

Sex at 26 weeks pregnant

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, it is recommended to have sex in the absence of various medical contraindications. This is due to the presence of a woman’s constant orgasm during sexual intercourse, which contributes to a beneficial effect on the entire body of the pregnant woman due to the increased sensitivity of the genital organs, with active blood supply and increased orgasmic sensations.

Also, during the test orgasm, there is a positive effect on the child due to the activation of the placenta function and the produced hormone of happiness - endorphin, the presence of which contributes to the feeling of joy in the baby. The main thing is that when having sex at 26 weeks of pregnancy, pay special attention to the choice of position so that pressure does not arise on the pregnant woman’s stomach. There are a huge number of positions in which having sex will not only be safe and beneficial for the health of mom and baby, but will also add variety to the sex life of both parents.


At 26 weeks of pregnancy, quite often a woman experiences various ailments:

  • high blood pressure and headaches, which can lead to vision problems;
  • the occurrence of painful sensations due to the baby’s movements in the mother’s belly as he grows and develops;
  • the occurrence of pain in the lower back and spinal region, as well as the occurrence of pain in the legs and their swelling.
  • preventing varicose veins is helped by wearing an elastic bandage or corset;
  • eating only healthy food, communicating with the baby;
  • a positive attitude associated with the choice of the baby’s name and other positive aspects at birth;
  • attending courses for pregnant women.

Twins pregnancy at 26 weeks

At 26 weeks pregnant with twins, a woman feels doubly uncomfortable. Although most of the pregnancy has already passed, the rest is very difficult. The fundus of the uterus rises approximately 30 cm or more from the pubis. Now it occupies almost the entire volume of the abdominal cavity.

The organs are compressed. The lungs no longer have room to fully expand, so women pregnant with twins often experience shortness of breath. But not only the digestive and respiratory organs experience discomfort, but also, of course, the heart. It works to the limit. Due to the increase in blood volume, the heart works overload.

The weight of each baby at week 26 is 800 grams. It becomes cramped not only for the organs, but also for the twins. Despite this, they still toss and turn and can change presentation. Cesarean section is often prescribed due to improper diligence in multiple pregnancies. Some try to change the not very pleasant state of affairs with the help of certain gymnastics, but this does not always help.

The second trimester is considered the golden period of pregnancy, but it is about to come to its logical conclusion, and very soon - the long-awaited meeting with the baby.

At the 26th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus rises to a distance of about 4-6 cm above the navel. You may still experience heartburn. The average weight gain is 9 kg, including amniotic fluid - 600-800 g, placenta - 300 g. The rate of weight gain during this period is from 5 to 8.6 kg. A characteristic vertical stripe appears more clearly on the abdomen.

The thickness of the placenta at this stage should be from 21 to 35 cm. The degree of maturity of the placenta in the second trimester remains zero. If the placenta has a different degree of maturity, this is a reason for closer monitoring of the pregnant woman. The length of the cervix is ​​3.5-4.0 cm. With a short cervix, the risk of premature birth increases by 20%. To clarify the length of the cervix, the doctor may do a transvaginal ultrasound. But in most cases, this type of ultrasound diagnosis of the cervix is ​​not used during pregnancy. In general, the uterus at the 26th week of obstetrics reaches dimensions of 24 cm vertically and 16 cm horizontally. The interpretation of the ultrasound at the 26th week of pregnancy should be done by a doctor; if something worries you or there are any doubts, it is better to additionally consult with a specialist.

Also, during an ultrasound at 26 weeks, the doctor checks the amount of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). The amniotic fluid index (AFI) during this period is 147-233 mm, moderate oligohydramnios during pregnancy at 26 weeks is considered to be in the range of 89-97 mm, while values ​​below 88 mm are a sign of oligohydramnios. If you are diagnosed with “moderate oligohydramnios,” you should not worry too much; in this case, the pregnant woman will simply need more careful monitoring. Fortunately, pregnant women rarely suffer from oligohydramnios.

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A woman can already begin to feel training contractions at week 26. If the pregnancy is going well, then they are absolutely harmless and completely painless, but they can be scary if you are not used to them. Therefore, if you suddenly have any doubts, fears or changes in your health, it is better to contact the antenatal clinic and check if everything is in order, especially with various discharge, feelings of severe pain, tone, and the presence of low placentation.

Feelings of a woman at 26 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, the pregnant woman begins to hear the baby's kicks more and more clearly. Moreover, the tremors can sometimes become painful, especially when they occur on the bladder, liver or ribs; sometimes these pains are quite sharp and unpleasant. But this only means that the child is active and developing well. The future father can also hear the baby moving without any problems if he puts his hand on his wife’s belly during the period of the baby’s activity.

At 26 weeks the uterus begins to grow even faster, because the baby is gaining weight well at this stage. Here it is also worth paying attention to the nutrition of the expectant mother and switching to lighter foods. This will help make the skin and muscles more elastic, and childbirth easier. The amount of meat in the expectant mother's diet should be reduced; this will also help reduce the occurrence of heartburn. You should talk to your doctor about how to better and more correctly choose a diet that will contain the most necessary and nutritious food for a pregnant woman, including in order to gain excess weight.

The fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy already has almost all fully formed organs, now they are in the stage of active development. The baby is already beginning to hear the world around him well, so experts advise talking more actively to the tummy, listening to pleasant music and even singing lullabies. The baby's sucking reflex improves.

The belly itself at 26 weeks of pregnancy resembles a watermelon (although there are cases when the belly is still almost invisible). Many expectant mothers wonder what the size of the baby is at different stages, at 26 weeks it is about the size of a coconut or melon, now it weighs about 800-900 grams, its height is 23-30 cm.

By this stage of pregnancy, most babies are already in a head-down position. But don’t panic if the doctor has stated that the baby is in a breech position (when the pelvic end of the baby is located near the entrance to the woman’s pelvis), at this stage babies still often turn over and stop being in a breech position, changing it to the cephalic position and again to pelvic. Just as entanglement can appear and disappear. It is worth observing more closely the presentation and entwinement starting from the third trimester. There are also many exercises that will help the child change from breech presentation to cephalic presentation. But only a doctor can find out exactly how the baby is positioned with an ultrasound examination. In the case of a breech baby (which occurs in only 3-4% of all pregnancies), the likelihood of a caesarean section increases significantly.

The doctor also checks where the placenta is located, because it can change its location and shape as the baby grows. By the way, the way the placenta is located does not particularly affect the development of the child. Moreover, the placenta even has the ability to migrate into the abdominal cavity; doctors even have a term “placenta migration.” An ultrasound is also necessary to rule out placenta previa. This happens in situations where the placenta is very low and blocks the internal os. This position means that the placenta is in full presentation. There are cases when the placenta, although located very low, does not block the pharynx.

The participation of the future father, as well as other relatives, from the end of the second trimester until the birth of the baby becomes indispensable, because it is increasingly difficult for a pregnant woman to put on her shoes on her own and do some chores around the house. In addition, not everyone gets rid of toxicosis by this period, just as heartburn cannot be avoided; in some cases, they completely go away only after childbirth. But you can also help yourself get rid of heartburn in some simple ways with a properly selected diet, eating foods rich in fiber.

Although now the woman’s health in terms of nausea and sensitivity to smells is becoming easier compared to previous weeks. at the same time, fatigue and drowsiness begin to increase again, a lot of irritating factors appear, so you want to rest more, although you still need to wait four whole weeks before maternity leave.

When working sedentarily as a pregnant woman at 26 weeks, it becomes difficult to stay in one place for a long time and it is no longer so easy to find a comfortable position, and sometimes it is difficult to breathe fully. It is also difficult to sleep at night. In such cases, you should think about purchasing a special pillow. It will not only help you get comfortable while sleeping, but will also be an indispensable thing after the birth of the baby during feeding, playing or as a fence on the sofa.

Examinations and tests at 26 weeks of pregnancy

This week, a pregnant woman usually takes blood and urine tests to rule out inflammatory processes, and also to check how well the body copes with the increased load. A blood test is also important to monitor hemoglobin levels, since in pregnant women it is often low and must be replenished through iron-containing foods or medication.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to have sex at 26 weeks of pregnancy? If there are no direct contraindications in the form of risks of spontaneous abortion, uterine tone, short cervix, then sex during pregnancy even has a positive effect on the woman, including the placenta, increasing blood flow, allowing the baby to eat better.

Almost all pregnant women often encounter such an unpleasant factor as heartburn. Heartburn begins to bother you especially actively in the second half of pregnancy. In order to eliminate or minimize the feeling of heartburn, you should exclude fried and fatty foods from your diet, and reduce the amount of sweets, especially chocolate. It is also important to stick to fractional meals, eat less, but more often, and add fiber. Milk also helps with heartburn. With this approach to nutrition, it will not be difficult to minimize the manifestations of heartburn, the main thing is not to give in to weaknesses and, especially, not to convey them!

Pregnancy with twins at 26 weeks

Pregnant women with twins or more should see a doctor at least once every 10 days (for a singleton pregnancy, this should be done every 2 weeks) up to 28 weeks, then one visit per week should be allocated to the doctor to monitor the woman’s condition and her twins.
A short cervix at 26 weeks of obstetrics with twins is an indication for hospitalization and careful observation. The weight of twin babies at 26 weeks is not very different from that of a singleton; one by one they would weigh the same 800-900 grams. The larger the babies become, the less weight they will gain compared to a singleton pregnancy. And they are usually born with a little less weight.

A woman pregnant with twins, unfortunately, very early begins to feel pain in the back and lower back, as well as in the pelvic area. If the pain is not very disturbing, then such sensations are the limit of the norm. To support the abdomen and provide greater comfort, you should wear a special bandage. But if the pain begins to become sharp and sudden, you need to consult a gynecologist. Under no circumstances should you understand difficult things, so as not to inadvertently terminate the pregnancy.

The activity of twins at this stage is quite strong, because they still have plenty of space in the uterus, but soon they will move a little less - this is normal. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if the babies stop moving at all, or if there is a discharge in the form of mucus with bloody spots (the placenta may be exfoliated) or a greenish discharge in the form of a curd mass (the likelihood of infection).

If your stomach hurts at 26 weeks of pregnancy and the pain is similar to what a woman experienced before during menstruation, and there is an increase in watery discharge and mucus, you should also not delay a visit to the doctor - this may be leakage of amniotic fluid, they must be sent for research, to exclude the onset of labor.

Pregnant women with twins may experience contractions earlier. They manifest themselves in the form of spontaneous contraction of the abdomen, and a feeling of stiffness appears. But if the stomach is constantly rocky, this means that the uterus is toned, which is also an indication for hospitalization during pregnancy with twins. The presence of pain in the hip joints if a woman is expecting twins is also not uncommon.

As for the presentation of twins, at the obstetric period of 26 weeks the children are most often already positioned heads down, although breech presentation of both one and both children is also common. In the first case, a natural birth is possible, in the second, the expectant mother will most likely be scheduled for a cesarean section. If the head of one of the babies is low, then this is also an indication for a cesarean section. But even twins at this stage have many chances to roll over and become breech.

But the risk of oligohydramnios with twins increases significantly, since twins take up more space, and accordingly the amount of fluid decreases.
By the way, pregnancy with twins is not that uncommon these days. Every 80 married couples become parents of twins.

Risks at 26 weeks of pregnancy

You should immediately consult a doctor if there are no fetal movements at 26 weeks of pregnancy, especially if they were there and suddenly stopped abruptly. At this time, experts advise counting movements throughout the day, and if there are less than 10 movements in 12 hours, then you should also inform your doctor about this.

You should always listen carefully to the sensations, especially if sudden pain appears. In general, the uterus enlarges, the child grows, which means there is less and less space for him, the body of the expectant mother begins to ache due to numerous changes and rearrangements. But if the pain appears unexpectedly or is very severe, you should immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to worry about pain if it is caused by kicks or movements of the baby, who is becoming stronger and more active. To reduce the sensitivity of these unpleasant sensations, you need to take a different position or lie down.

Pain may also be felt if the baby's head is low in the womb, and when the baby begins to move, this can create additional discomfort. If everything is normal, then most likely the doctor will simply recommend wearing a special bandage. We must not forget that when a child moves, he requires space, which is becoming less and less.

If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, or the discharge suddenly appears without any additional accompanying signs, then this is also a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth remembering about discharge during pregnancy - it increases as the due date approaches, but it should not have a strong odor, and the color should be whitish or transparent. All of this discharge occurs during the formation of a plug, and the mucus that comes out is part of this plug to close the cervix.

By the way, the 26th week of pregnancy is a very suitable period to do a 3D ultrasound and see what the baby looks like. After all, his appearance has already been formed, and his skin ceases to be wrinkled and begins to smooth out. And then the ultrasound photos of the baby in the tummy will remain as a keepsake - in fact, the first full-fledged images.

In addition, you can do a themed photo session and keep the pictures as a souvenir. After all, 26 weeks of pregnancy is an excellent time when the tummy is not very big yet, but is already clearly visible. You can also look at the belly of others in the photo at 26 weeks of pregnancy; it’s surprising how different everyone’s sizes are! In addition, expectant mothers love to share pictures of their touching bellies with loved ones.

Threat and possibility of abortion at 26 weeks

If the uterus is hypertonic, there is a risk of spontaneous abortion. Other symptoms that may indicate a threat of miscarriage: pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of cramping spasms, the presence of bloody discharge - at this stage the placenta may detach, hormonal disorders, low progesterone levels and other factors. To avoid spontaneous abortions, you must immediately contact (call an ambulance) a doctor, and the doctor may also issue a referral for hospitalization and preservation.

Fetal pathology may be an indication for termination of pregnancy. As a rule, during the second screening, which is carried out from the sixteenth to the twentieth week, pathologies such as Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome and neural tube defects can be identified. Parents with identified pathologies of the fetus, after weighing all the factors, can decide to terminate the pregnancy or undergo lengthy examinations (analysis of amniotic fluid through a puncture).

The protocol does not provide for separate screening at 26 weeks. As a rule, screening studies at this time are not informative. Screening is especially recommended for women over 35 years of age.

Abortions after 26 weeks without medical indications are unacceptable. Termination is possible only for medical reasons, including a threat to the health and life of the woman. At 26 weeks, late spontaneous abortion is considered miscarriage, after 28 weeks - premature birth.

Medical indications for late-term abortion: tuberculosis, cancer, which requires an x-ray, severe heart defects, severe diabetes, encephalitis, meningitis, fetal viability and some others. Such indications for termination of pregnancy help save a woman’s life.