What is needed for a good urine test? How to collect a urine test? Cytological examination of urine

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Diagnosis of urine is considered one of the main laboratory research which you have to take many times throughout your life. A reason to see a doctor may be common cold or other diseases.

There is a stereotype that there is no need to follow the rules to carry out the procedure; such an irresponsible attitude can lead to incorrect diagnosis and false diagnoses.

Many people are interested in how to properly take a urine test and whether preparation is needed.

Following following rules will help increase the reliability of the analysis:

  • compliance with the usual drinking regime;
  • exclusion from the menu of spicy and salty foods, alcohol and toxic substances;
  • avoiding physical overexertion, as this increases the possibility of uncharacteristic changes in metabolic processes;
  • refusal to take antibiotics, uroseptics and other drugs;
  • container - preference should be given to containers made of darkened glass; a container specially designed for this purpose, which is sold in a pharmacy, is suitable;
  • collection time - exclusively in the morning immediately after waking up, at night the functioning of the kidneys changes, the concentration of urine increases;
  • careful hygiene before collecting urine;
  • average portion of urine, 100 ml is enough;
  • Urine delivery should be carried out no later than 2 hours before delivery; it is not recommended to shake it.

Compliance the listed rules allows you to obtain the most accurate information, which will allow you to diagnose diseases in the early stages.

How to choose a container

The container must be clean, the ingress of washing powders and gels is excluded; a plastic container made of tinted glass is best suited, which is recommended to be disinfected first.

A special container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is ideal for these purposes.

In the case of an adult child, the situation is greatly simplified; it is important to prepare the baby in advance and adjust the diet and drinking habits.

In the morning, the baby must be washed and dried; it is recommended to collect urine in a special container purchased at the pharmacy, which minimizes the likelihood of distortion.

Where is the analysis taken?

In large cities there are a large number of private centers where you can get tested at any time, and not just strictly from 8 to 9 am, as in a public hospital.

To carry out the analysis, you must provide a referral from your attending physician. The cost in the latter case may be higher, it all depends on the capabilities and individual preferences of the patient.

Norm and results

Absence good results indicates the identification of components uncharacteristic of the normal state - cylinders, red blood cells, proteins, etc.

An excess of red blood cell volumes indicates the development of diseases such as renal sclerosis, blood clotting disorders, and kidney inflammation.

With an increase in the concentration of leukocytes, infection of the urinary organs and kidneys, urethra is observed, and exacerbations of urolithiasis may also occur.

If cylinders larger than normal are detected, a renal dysfunction is diagnosed; if such inclusions are found in a pregnant woman, there is high probability development of gestosis.

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Or OAM, this is a standard laboratory test. The patient receives a referral for it during inpatient or outpatient treatment, as well as when undergoing a planned medical examination. Correct decoding of indicators helps the doctor in making a diagnosis. A general urine analysis allows you to assess how physiological processes occur in the body, detect inflammatory processes in the ureter and kidneys, as well as make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapeutic treatment.

Preparatory activities

The results will depend on careful preparation, on the basis of which, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy.

Every patient should know how to properly donate general analysis urine. For getting reliable results you need to prepare for it:

  • the day before urine collection, switch to dietary food;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • If possible, refuse to take medicines And vitamin complexes;
  • exclude from the diet foods that affect the color of urine;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • refuse procedures that lead to dehydration of the body (visiting baths and saunas).

Before the urine collection procedure, it is very important for both women and men to thoroughly wash their genitals. Otherwise, mucus may get into the container, and the accuracy of the analysis results will be impaired. From detergents it is advisable to use only baby soap. Women should wash themselves from front to back.

General urine test: how to collect it correctly?

Biomaterial is collected immediately after sleep, in the morning, since at this time urine contains all the substances that the body released during the night. The results obtained in this case will most fully reflect the patient’s health status. The day before, you need to purchase a special jar for collecting urine from a pharmacy and pour boiling water over it. An average portion of excreted urine is taken for analysis. Do not immediately collect urine in a container. The first few seconds you should urinate into the toilet, then into a jar and the rest back into the toilet.

To conduct research, you will need no more than 100 ml of urine. Close the jar with a lid and place in the refrigerator. After collection, it must be submitted to the laboratory within 1-2 hours. It is not recommended to freeze it; it must be transported at above-zero temperatures, without shaking. Violation of recommendations may lead to erroneous results.

What should you not do when collecting urine?

When collecting a general urine test in adults, it is not recommended:

  • Collect urine in an untreated container: a pot, plastic bag.
  • Submit urine that has been stored for more than three hours to the laboratory.
  • Use a catheter to collect analysis when it is not necessary. Its use is possible in bedridden patients, as well as patients with certain cancer diseases. All these cases are agreed upon with the attending physician.
  • Get tested during inflammation genitourinary system, vagina and dermis near the urethra.
  • Collect urine immediately after defecation, sexual intercourse, or during menstruation.

Indications for testing

A general urine test in adults and children is standard procedure to make a diagnosis and check your health status. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • annual medical examination;
  • with unsatisfactory functioning of the urinary system and kidneys;
  • visiting a doctor for illnesses internal organs;
  • research before any operation;
  • diagnosis of prostate diseases;
  • after suffering from tonsillitis and scarlet fever;
  • examinations to monitor the therapy.

By deciphering a general urine test, the doctor can diagnose bladder diseases, various diseases kidneys, ailments with the prostate gland, pathologies of internal organs, when there are no obvious symptoms of the disease.

Physical indicators of OAM

These include:

Each indicator is entered by the laboratory assistant into the research form.

Decoding the results

Interpretation of the results of a general urine test in adults is carried out according to the content of organic substances in the test material.

Most often, urine is tested for protein and glucose content. Sometimes the doctor prescribes an extended analysis, which requires indicating the presence of ketone bodies, bile pigments and bilirubin. The listed substances are not present in the urine of a healthy person.

  • Protein. Its appearance in urine in the form of traces - normal phenomenon. This may be a consequence of eating salty or spicy foods before taking the test. Protein also appears in the urine after physical or emotional stress.
  • Glucose - an increased content indicates a high consumption of carbohydrates on the eve of the delivery of biomaterial or acute pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma, nephrotic syndrome. Normally it should not be present.
  • Urobilin is a consequence of liver failure, sepsis, and intestinal inflammation.
  • Ketone bodies - their detection in urine indicates a violation of metabolic processes in the body: thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, alcohol intoxication.
  • Bilirubin - appears as a result of liver damage, severe toxic poisoning, hemolytic disease.
  • Hemoglobin - indicates significant destruction of red blood cells. It is detected in urine during myocardial infarction, kidney injuries, malaria, burns, and intravenous blood infusions.
  • Leukocytes - with inflammation of the urethra, leukocytouria is observed.
  • Red blood cells - a high level of them indicates bleeding. In addition, the cause may be glomerulonephritis in the chronic stage, cystitis, urolithiasis disease. Increased level red blood cells are also detected during a general urine test during menstruation.

Examination of urinary sediment

To identify sediment, urine is centrifuged. It is placed on a glass slide and examined under a microscope. For standard analysis, the following inclusions are determined and counted:

  • Epithelium. It can be flat, renal and transitional. Flat epithelium should not exceed 3-5 pieces. A large amount of it is observed in women who neglect the toilet of their genitals. In this case, the analysis must be retaken. The presence of renal epithelium signals a pathology of the kidneys, and transitional epithelium in the urine is the norm.
  • Mucus - it should not be present in urine.
  • Bacteria - their presence indicates abnormalities in the body: infection urinary tract.
  • Salt crystals - for a healthy person, the content of oxalates, urates and tripelphosphates is considered normal.
  • Leukocytes - for men greatest number should not exceed three cells, and for women - five. If, when deciphering a general urine test, the indicators are higher than normal, then this is a sign of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, bladder, prostate or urethra. Often, an increased content of mucus and leukocytes occurs due to a poorly performed toilet, before collecting urine, and the genitals.
  • Red blood cells - high level in the urine indicates pathology of the urinary system and kidneys, possibly bleeding. For men they should be in a single quantity, and for women - no more than three.
  • Cylinders - their presence occurs in renal pathology. At high blood pressure, pyelonephritis may be present hyaline casts. The presence of granular, waxy, erythrocyte, and epithelial casts in the urine indicates pathological changes in the body.

Before collecting the analysis, the patient needs to familiarize himself with how to take a general urine test. Obtaining unreliable results may depend on improper storage of the container with the collected material. We must remember that room temperature promotes the development of microorganisms; you should not place the jar on sunlight.

OAM during pregnancy

In OAM, chemical, physical properties and microscopic examination are examined. The first includes:

  • acidity;
  • bilirubin;
  • protein;
  • glucose;
  • urobilinogen;
  • ketone bodies.

Studying physical properties:

  • transparency;
  • density;
  • colors.

Microscopic examination:

  • red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • salt;
  • epithelium;
  • mushrooms;
  • cylinders;
  • bacteria.

Before every doctor's visit antenatal clinic a woman carrying a child undergoes a general urine test:

  • in the first three months - once every four weeks;
  • in the second and early third trimester - once every two weeks;
  • starting from week 35 - every seven days.

To ensure that the doctor does not make mistakes when making a diagnosis, the procedure must be treated responsibly. Every pregnant woman should pay attention to her diet before donating biomaterial. Avoid fatty and sweet foods, as well as foods that can change the color of urine. Your doctor will tell you how to properly take a general urine test.

Purpose of the study

During pregnancy, the kidneys have a double load. They remove metabolic products not only from the mother, but also from the fetus. The ever-expanding uterus puts pressure on all organs abdominal cavity, and the kidneys and bladder are no exception. This can cause stagnation of urine, swelling of the kidneys, and infection. Due to the restructuring of the body’s functioning, a woman’s immunity is significantly weakened, which can also provoke an infectious process in the bladder and kidneys or cause an exacerbation chronic pathologies urinary system.

In addition, a general urine test helps the doctor not to miss a disease such as gestosis. It is very dangerous for the fetus and mother. OAM is often prescribed to women in interesting position in connection with:

  • early diagnosis pathological changes in the urinary system and other internal organs;
  • monitoring the dynamics of the health status of the woman in labor;
  • monitoring the course of the existing disease and assessing the effectiveness of the treatment.

In deciphering the results of a general urine test, a pregnant woman should not include:

  • Protein - proteinuria. Its detection can be caused by stress, physical activity, and consumption of protein foods. Pathological proteinuria signals emerging gestosis.
  • Ketone bodies. Their identification indicates anemia, early toxicosis or diabetes.
  • Glucoses - glucosuria is possible with gestational diabetes mellitus.
  • Bilirubin, the detection of which indicates the presence of obstructive jaundice or hepatitis of viral origin.
  • Fungi, bacteria. Bacteriuria signals pyelonephritis or absence intimate hygiene.
  • Cylinders, their detection indicates kidney disease. All other indicators must be within the acceptable range. If any abnormalities are detected, hospital treatment or additional examinations are recommended.

Changing results

Distortion of the results of a general urine test is observed in cases of violations committed during the preparation and collection of biomaterial:

  • Mucus and white blood cells found above permissible values ​​indicate poorly washed external genitalia in both men and women before collecting urine.
  • A large number of microorganisms is associated with errors in nutrition or the use of a non-sterile container for collecting urine, storing it at room temperature, which provokes the active proliferation of bacteria, as well as the lack of hygiene procedures.
  • In the absence of signs of bleeding, an elevated red blood cell count indicates that the urine was collected during menstruation.

In addition, decoding of a general urine test in adults and children will be unreliable if the storage conditions of the container with biomaterial are violated. For example, ultra-violet rays have a destructive effect on bilirubin. Urine that has been stored for a long time (more than two hours) will not be suitable for research.

It is important to remember that the assessment of the functioning of organs and systems, the detection of infectious or inflammatory processes. And in order for the doctor not to make a mistake in making a diagnosis based on the results of laboratory tests, the individual needs to know how to correctly take a general urine test. This will serve as an additional guarantee against incorrect diagnosis and, accordingly, treatment.

We all, one way or another, have to get tested. Moreover, this often concerns not only sick people, but also healthy people. It is unlikely that there is at least one person who has never undergone a medical examination in his life (for the military registration and enlistment office, obtaining a certificate for a swimming pool or insurance, before traveling abroad, when applying for a job) or medical examination.

Ideally, each of us should have a personal doctor who will tell us what and how to do when taking tests. However, the reality is that most often we communicate with a therapist from the district clinic, who does not explain anything. Meanwhile, when handing over a referral for even a banal general blood and urine test, the patient should be told about preparations for the study. But they don’t tell... However, the fault here is not only the unprofessionalism of doctors or their reluctance to work, but the operating conditions of the native healthcare system. The time spent on seeing a patient, according to the standards, should be seven minutes for the patient and about five if the person came for a certificate or for a medical examination. In such conditions, we would have time to write out all the directions, where to clarify why it is needed and how to take tests.

A clear illustration of “analytical” illiteracy are the results of a small survey that was informally conducted by employees of one of the laboratories. Based on its results, it turned out, for example, that most of the line with jars was not aware that before collecting urine it was necessary to wash the causative area. No less indicative are patients who had x-rays and injections done immediately before donating blood. To the question “how can this be?” the answer is almost always the same - “nobody told us...”

Of course, to talk about the details of preparing for the collection of all existing tests, you will have to write a thick, thick reference book. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to the most important ones, which we hand over almost every year and mandatory. An educational program on “banal” analyzes will not hurt anyone.

Blood analysis

The requirements for a general blood test apply to all tests, except for very specific ones - for the latter, additional restrictions are simply added.

General rules for donating blood

  • strictly on an empty stomach (no earlier than 12 hours after the last meal): dinner the day before should be light and early, and the entire previous day (ideally even 2-3) should abstain from fatty foods;
  • 24 hours in advance, any alcohol, thermal procedures (bath and sauna) and physical activity are excluded (it is better to postpone the gym and chopping wood at the dacha);
  • tests are taken before procedures (X-rays, injections, massages, etc.) and taking medications;
  • if repeated studies are necessary, it is advisable to take the sample at the same time of day;
  • You need to rest for 5-10 minutes in front of the laboratory door (this is the justification for the queues).

When donating blood for glucose in addition to this, you should not brush your teeth or chew gum, and morning tea/coffee (even unsweetened) is completely contraindicated.

Even if you can’t live without a morning cup of coffee, endure it. It will dramatically change your glucose levels. They will also be affected by contraceptives, twenty drops of cognac in evening tea, diuretics and other medications.

Blood chemistry

For the reliability of biochemistry, it is advisable to refuse dinner. When prescribing this test, the doctor must, even under torture, extract information about how to adjust the diet and how to take medications on the day before donating blood.

For example, when studying bile pigments, the picture is distorted by foods that cause coloration in the blood serum - pumpkin, beets, carrots, citrus fruits. Eating a pork chop the day before will increase the level of potassium and uric acid in the blood. And this is one hundredth of what can affect biochemistry.

Donating blood for hormones

Unless the doctor advises otherwise, a month before the study, refuse all hormonal drugs. When donating blood to determine the level of sex hormones, you will also have to abstain from sex (in any form) and sexual arousal for at least 24 hours. Otherwise in best case scenario you will have to retake an expensive test, and in the worst case, receive inadequate therapy.

Determination of hormone levels thyroid gland requires the exclusion of drugs with iodine and refusal of iodized salt.

Hormonal levels are unstable and depend on many factors, so if the result of a hormone test is suspiciously off the scale, it is better to repeat the study several times in different laboratories. The pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but given the effect of hormonal therapy on the body, you should not neglect rechecking.

Analysis of urine

General urine analysis most common in medical practice, along with a general blood test. But, despite this, most patients are not aware that before peeing in a jar, they need to wash the external genitalia (always towards the anus, and not away from it) and wipe dry with a clean linen napkin.

Neglect of hygiene, along with the use of dirty dishes or utensils made of unstable plastic, are the cause of the most common errors in analysis results.

As with a blood test, it is not possible to correct the test result. better side Diet and medications can. After some medications or foods (for example, beets, vitamins), the color of the urine changes (who will tell the laboratory assistant about this?), and alcohol 24 hours before the test is strictly contraindicated. There is a known case when a patient who forgot to report alcoholic libations was sought to be taken to the hospital with suspected liver disease. The guy, who was sunbathing in Sochi at the time, became very nervous before the situation became clearer.

For general analysis use the first morning portion of urine (the previous urination should be no later than 4-6 hours). Even if you forget to pee in a jar for the twentieth time when you are asleep, you cannot fill it in the evening, otherwise the results will surprise not only you, but also the doctors.

The first few milliliters are drained past the container, the rest into a clean container, but not into a pot or vessel, the sterility of which cannot be guaranteed. In this case, you do not need to bring a liter jar to the laboratory for general analysis - laboratory assistants do not indulge in urine therapy, and 50-100 ml of urine is enough for analysis.

Collection of daily analysis

All urine, except morning urine, goes into a dark glass container; if there is none, then the material for analysis should be stored exclusively in a dark, cool place. Again, only 50-100 ml of liquid is sent to the laboratory, however, it is important to record its total amount.

By the way, incidents often happen with daily urine. So, pregnant women came to one laboratory more than once to check their sugar with urine for a routine analysis, after standing for 24 hours. The girls were firmly convinced that this was daily urine.

Research on Nechiporenko

The middle portion of morning urine in the amount of 25-50 ml is analyzed, the first and last are poured into another container. This study requires particularly careful hygiene - it is prescribed when kidney disease is suspected and any “foreign” impurities can be misinterpreted. Mucus with leukocytes from the genital organs will end up in the jar, and the patient will be treated, for example, for pyelonephritis.

Stool analysis

Here you can briefly dwell on what is not recommended to be done before collecting material:

  • you should not send stool for examination after enemas and x-ray examination of the stomach;
  • three days before the test, the doctor must stop medications that affect secretion, increase intestinal motility and change the color of stool (laxatives, enzyme preparations, barium, bismuth, iron, kaolin, Activated carbon and other sorbents, rectal suppositories);
  • if the diet is not specified separately, then it is not necessary to follow it, however, holidays with feasts are not welcome

All these recommendations are only suitable for routine examinations. If the situation is urgent (for example, the patient was brought by ambulance to the hospital), then, if possible, you just need to tell the doctor about what may affect the reliability of the tests.

If the patient, for his part, has done everything that depended on him, then it’s up to the laboratory. And we cannot help but add a warning that has set our teeth on edge: the result of the analysis is not a diagnosis, it can only be determined by the attending physician. He knows better how and with what to treat the patient. In addition, laboratories also contain people who can make mistakes. If the eye of a specialist will most likely notice an obvious discrepancy, then when trying to self-medicate, such a mistake can be costly.

Can be used in different laboratories different methods research and units of measurement. In order for the assessment of the survey results to be correct and the results to be acceptable, it is advisable to conduct research in the same laboratory , at the same time.

Urine donation should be done after thorough toileting of the external genitalia so that the number of red and white blood cells is not artificially increased. The urine test should be taken in a disposable container. It is advisable to use a medium portion of urine. During menstruation, women are advised to refrain from taking a urine test.

General urine analysis

For a general urine test, it is preferable to use “morning” urine, which collects in the bladder during the night.

Urine should be collected after thorough toileting of the external genitalia (failure to comply with this rule may result in detection of increased amount erythrocytes and leukocytes in the urine, which will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis) into dry, clean, well-washed dishes from cleaning agents and disinfectants - Disposable containers must be used.

All urine can be collected for analysis, however, inflammatory elements may enter it urethra, external genitalia. Therefore, as a rule, the first portion of urine is not used. The second, middle, portion of urine is collected in a clean container, without touching the body with the bottle. The container with urine is tightly closed with a lid.

Urine collected for general analysis can be stored for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours (necessarily in the cold!). Long-term storage of urine at room temperature leads to changes in physical properties, cell destruction and bacterial growth.

You should not collect urine during menstruation.

On the eve of the test, you should exclude alcohol, marinades, smoked foods, and honey.

Collection of daily urine for biochemical analysis

Daily urine is collected over 24 hours at normal drinking regime.

In the morning at 6 - 8 o'clock the bladder is emptied (this portion of urine is poured out), and then during the day all the urine is collected in a clean wide-necked vessel with a tight-fitting lid, with a capacity of at least 2 liters.

In this case, the container with urine must be kept at all times in a cool place (optimally in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf - at 4 - 8 C), preventing it from freezing.

The last portion is taken exactly at the same time when the collection began the day before (the start and end times of the collection are noted).

If not all urine is delivered to the laboratory, then the amount of daily urine is measured with a measuring cylinder, part is poured into a clean vessel in which it is delivered to the laboratory, and the volume of daily urine must be indicated.

Before submitting urine for analysis, it is undesirable to use medicinal substances, since some of them (in particular, ascorbic acid, which is part of the complex vitamin preparations) influence the results of biochemical studies of urine; diuretics can significantly distort test results.

On the day of urine collection, you should avoid physical activity(they may cause protein in the urine), urine collection should not be carried out if infectious disease With elevated temperature body, with a significant increase in blood pressure.

Zimnitsky test

Excessive fluid intake is not allowed; avoid diuretics on the day of the study. The test is carried out with the patient's usual drinking regimen and nutrition. Eating spicy and salty foods is not recommended.

Urine is collected throughout the day, every 3 hours (8 servings), including at night.

At 6 am the patient empties the bladder, this portion is poured out.

Then, exactly every 3 hours, all the urine that has accumulated during this time is collected in a separate, clean, dry container. It is necessary to collect urine at 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 3 and 6 hours. Each container is placed in a cool, dark place.

Each container must indicate the portion number, the volume of urine excreted and the time of collection.

Urine collection ends at 6 am the next day.

according to Nichiporenko

Immediately after sleep (on an empty stomach), collect an average portion of morning urine with free urination. When urinating, men must completely retract the skin fold and release the external opening of the urethra. Women should spread their labia.

Urine collection is carried out using the “three-glass” sample method: the patient begins to urinate in the first glass, continues in the second, and finishes in the third. The predominant volume should be the second portion, which is collected in a disposable container (without touching the body).

The collected medium portion of urine (20-25 ml) is delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after it was collected.

Bacteriological culture of urine

Urine for research is collected in the morning, or after 2-3 hours of abstaining from urination, after toileting the external genitalia, into a sterile disposable container.

Traditionally, the middle portion is collected (for this, the first amount of urine excreted (15-20 milliliters) is passed, and the middle portion of morning urine is placed in a sterile container).

Collected before a course of antibiotics or 2-3 weeks after it.

Urinalysis for 17-KS

It is necessary to collect urine for 24 hours with normal drinking regimen.

48 hours before urine collection and on the day of collection, you should not eat beets and carrots, exclude bananas, pineapples, tomatoes, eggs, chocolate, cheese, and food products containing vanillin. It is advisable to exclude spicy and salty foods. It is necessary to limit as much as possible the intake of products containing caffeine and other stimulants (tea, coffee, cocoa, Coca-Cola). If possible, avoid taking medications 1-2 days before the study, except those used for health reasons.

In the morning at 6-8 o'clock you need to empty your bladder (this portion of urine is poured out), and then during the day you must collect all the urine in a clean wide-necked vessel (jar) with a capacity of at least 2 liters. The last portion is taken exactly at the same time when urine collection began the day before. The amount of daily urine is measured using measuring cups and poured a small amount of into a jar (approximately 100 ml) and delivered to the laboratory.

Be sure to indicate the volume of daily urine.

Take tests constantly in the same laboratory - and your doctor will approximately know your personal normal values ​​and any deviation from the norm will be immediately noticed by him.

Collecting urine for general analysis in a container with a preservative

At the medical office, obtain a container with a built-in adapter, as well as a vial of preservative.

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to perform a thorough hygienic toilet of the genital organs. Women are not recommended to take a urine test during menstruation. Collect approximately 50 ml of morning urine in a container. To properly conduct the study, during the first morning urination, release a small amount of urine (the first 1 - 2 seconds) into the toilet, and then, without interrupting urination, place a urine collection container into which to collect approximately 50 ml of urine.

Immediately after collecting urine, close the container tightly with a screw cap. Place the test tube with the rubber stopper down into the recess on the lid of the container, and the test tube will begin to fill with urine. After urine stops flowing into the test tube, remove the test tube from the punch (Fig. 1 and 2). Invert the tube several times to better mix the urine with the preservative (Fig. 3).

The test tube with urine must be delivered to the medical office during the day (according to the biomaterial reception schedule until 17.30). If it is not possible to immediately deliver urine to a medical office, then the test tube with urine should be stored at a temperature of +2...+8°C.

Collection of 24-hour urine for biochemical analysis

Urine is collected over the course of a day. The first portion of urine in the morning is removed. All subsequent portions of urine excreted during the day, night and morning portion next day collected in one container, which is stored in the refrigerator (+4...+8°C) during the entire collection time (this necessary condition, since at room temperature the glucose content decreases significantly).

After completing urine collection, accurately measure the contents of the container, be sure to mix it and immediately pour it into a small jar (no more than 5 ml). Bring this jar to the medical office for examination. You don't need to bring all the urine. On the referral form you need to indicate the daily volume of urine (diuresis) in milliliters, for example: “Diuresis 1250 ml”, also write down the patient’s height and weight.

Before 10 am (1st or 2nd morning urine sample), a urine sample is taken to determine DPID.

Collection of urine for the analysis “Catecholamines in urine”

Collecting urine for the analysis “Catecholamines in urine”, “metabolites of catecholamines in urine” and “metanephrines, fractions”, see instructions for collecting urine in the corresponding tests - No. 151, No. 152, No. 950, No. 1166.

Collection of urine for research to determine psychoactive substances

Obtain a CCM container (sterile container with lid, 30 ml) from the medical office. Urine should be collected in a clean, unused container. Impurities of hypochlorite, detergents and other substances can distort the result.

Attention! Immediately after collection, urine should be placed in a container with a tight lid to prevent evaporation and oxidation. The urine collection container should be filled completely to prevent evaporation under the lid.

The container must be delivered to the medical office within a day. If it is not possible to immediately deliver urine, then the container with urine should be stored in the refrigerator at +2...+8°C (no more than 36 hours).

Urine collection for urine culture (with antibiotic susceptibility testing)

To collect urine, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedure. Unscrew the cap and remove the applicator with the tampon. Dip the sponge swab into the urine sample for 5 seconds until the sponge is completely saturated with urine or directly urinate on the swab. Return the applicator with the swab to the test tube and close it tightly.

Label the sample on the label located on the tube. Store material at room temperature. Attention! Do not wring out the sponge in the test tube. Do not urinate directly into the test tube.

Remember to make up optimal program laboratory examination and only the attending physician, who has the opportunity to observe the patient’s condition and explain the need to prescribe certain tests, can evaluate the test results.