Agate wedding: traditions, signs and rituals for a happy family life. fourteen years of marriage


A couple celebrating 14 years of marriage is worthy in our time special respect. Most marriages break up in the early years, unable to withstand the banal "grinding of characters", some come together only until the birth of their first child, others celebrate a decade of marriage and still decide to start life anew.

A union that has gone through joy and sorrow together, raised one or even two or three children, and overcome the main years of crisis, can rightly be called indestructible.

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The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything ;)

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Psychological features of the period

During this period, usually the spouses have already reached compromises in everything, and minor omissions or quarrels are less and less common. A lot of time and attention should be given to children: help with school homework, start preparing for adulthood, make sure that yesterday's kids do not contact bad company.

Meanwhile, spouses spend less and less time with each other, they begin to take each other for granted. However, it was during this period that the time has come to consider the partner again: after all, time does not stand still, and 14 years later you see in front of you another, more mature person with extensive life experience.

Our wise ancestors called this anniversary an agate wedding for a reason. Agate is semiprecious stone, which is a variety of quartz and is characterized by a very beautiful, layered structure and banded color distribution. Often called agate and stones without obvious stripes, but having an unusual layered pattern. Looking into it, everyone will see something of their own, new, what the imagination suggests. It is believed that if the spouses, looking at the agate, see the same image, then their union is already perfectly united, and the level of mutual understanding has reached incredible heights.

During this period, it is important to look at each other, as in beautiful stone with an intricate pattern, looking for new, interesting facets of character and continuing to develop relationships, discovering new common interests and hobbies.

Gifts for an agate wedding

In order to expand the spectrum possible gifts By the 14th wedding anniversary, you can remember the traditions of other countries. So, in the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries, such a day is symbolized by lead, in England, Germany and France - ivory, and in the USA - gold jewelry. Thus, very symbolic gifts will be:
  • agate jewelry;
  • a bowl or goblet decorated with agates;
  • any products made of stones - from dishes and interior items to jewelry;
  • gold jewelry;
  • ivory Chinese sticks (if the family reveres oriental cuisine);
  • various stylish ivory souvenirs;
  • ivory decor items;
  • various figurines made of lead;
  • jewelry boxes made of stone or wood.

Traditionally, spouses give each other jewelry with agate, and not in a box, but putting it on the recipient with their own hands.

Agate wedding: traditions

Since ancient times, agate has been considered a talisman stone that removes all evil, protects the family from troubles and adversities. Therefore, the family that celebrates this anniversary can be sure that from now on their life will get better and better.

Traditionally, the morning of the spouses began with the presentation of gifts: the husband put elegant agate beads around his wife's neck with his own hands, and she, in turn, presented him with agate cufflinks or a talisman stone.

Then the couple peered into the charming patterns of gifts: it was akin to fortune-telling on coffee grounds. In bizarre lines, everyone sees something of their own: for some it seems that the pattern is similar to a flower, for others - with a miniature cloud or a house. Each image seen was symbolically interpreted: the flower was a harbinger of the heyday of a happy period, the house - prosperity in the family, the road - a joyful journey, the insect - an easy and have a good time. Any patterns were interpreted according to the principle of associative links or symbolism. It was considered the most successful if the husband and wife, without saying a word, saw the same patterns in the stone.

Another tradition involved the purchase of a pair of stone goblets or goblets decorated with interspersed stones. The couple solemnly drank wine from them as a sign of family well-being and deep mutual understanding. At the end, the couple should kiss each other tightly as a sign that the passion between them has not yet died out.

How to celebrate an agate wedding?

fourteen year olds life together- not a short period, but grand celebration worth saving for next year when it's time to celebrate a more "beautiful" date. An agate wedding is recommended to be celebrated in a close circle, but the choice is always yours.

Fun for the whole family.

If there are two or more children in the family, such a holiday can be very dynamic. However, if you wish, even the three of us with one child can have a lot of fun. Prepare a competition program in advance: for example, who will come up with maximum amount associations to the number "14" (this is both an agate wedding and a flourishing transitional age, and taken twice magic number"7", etc.), competition for the best family portrait or quatrain about the best family in the world (of course, yours!).

Be sure to prepare tempting prizes for the winners - this can be a discount coupon for your favorite cafe, gift card to some store or something that is equally desirable for the whole family - even a box of Raffaello and the right to eat it without sharing with the rest!

Holiday with friends.

Surely there are many familiar couples in your environment - it is unlikely that all of them have known you for a long time, but you can have a great party together with them. If there are a lot of people, you can choose someone as a toastmaster or invite a professional - novice specialists charge not so much for their services. The main thing is that you will remember the holiday, and other couples, perhaps, will also become infected with your example and begin to celebrate anniversaries magnificently - which means that there will be more holidays in your life!

Holiday alone.

After 14 years of marriage, it is already difficult to remember how passionate the first months of falling in love were: too much experienced together, too much time is spent on children. However, the children will grow up and build their own nests, and you will be alone for the rest of your days, and you should not forget to invest in your own relationship.

The ideal option would be a trip together to the nearest suburban sanatorium for at least 2-3 days. Change of scenery and memories of the beginning of a relationship can be so captivating that you won't want to go back!

If the wedding took place in the summer, instead of a sanatorium, it is quite possible to leave with a tent for nature, preferably in the mountains (after all, agate is a stone, and your trip will be more symbolic). The main thing is that the chosen option inspires both of you. Spend your time the way you used to, when you were a couple in love, not burdened by children and household obligations. Such a weekend will perfectly update the relationship and make it more interesting.

Fourteen years spent together makes a relationship like a beautiful layered stone: each part of it retains its individuality, but they are inextricably linked. Such a union is not afraid of anything, and if you do not forget about tenderness and affection not only in relation to children, but also in relation to each other, then the pattern on the stone of love will be more and more bizarre and beautiful every year!

Fourteenth wedding anniversary - agate wedding. Every year, family relationships take on new colors, family hearth ignites with precious fire.

Agate has been endowed since ancient times magical properties: he is able to protect from danger, protect marital happiness and fidelity. Name wedding anniversary says that family life is already firmly established, but still as beautiful as luxurious stone agate.

Agate is a wonderful stone, in the depths of which you can see many intricate and amazing patterns that develop into magic pictures. So the spouses who lived to the fourteenth wedding anniversary, and, it seems, have long guessed each other, can now discern in each other new features, previously completely unknown to them sides and qualities.

Agate is a talisman that protects and protects marriage. Spouses understand, respect and protect each other, take care of each other. It is believed that during the period of an agate wedding there should be no resentment and anger, because marriage is guarded by a talisman - agate, which helps a person to react to any things calmly and impartially. Marriage after 14 years can be safely called strong and mature, he is no longer afraid of any trials and problems.

Agate Wedding Traditions

According to the custom, on the day of this wedding anniversary, spouses must confess to each other the most intimate, so that there are no secrets between them.

On this day, the couple carefully looked at the stone. If both of them managed to consider the same drawing, it means that they have reached mutual understanding and can guess the thoughts and most secret desires each other. See what your agate talisman shows. If you see the road, it means that a pleasant journey awaits you ahead, if a flower means that soon you will find out some good news. Perhaps these unusual images will be able to predict your happy future.

Congratulations on the agate wedding

agate wedding- a considerable milestone that the spouses crossed, holding hands tightly. On this day they take touching congratulations and wishes. A lot of beautiful congratulations with an agate wedding in verse and prose you can find here:

What to give for an agate wedding?

14th wedding anniversary gifts should be directly related to the talisman stone. For a wife, these can be jewelry with agate:

  • earrings,
  • rings,
  • pendant,
  • beads,
  • bracelets.

For a man, you can choose such gifts:

  • agate cufflinks;
  • lighter with agate;
  • tie clip.

Guests can present the spouses with a decorative bowl or vase decorated with agate. the perfect gift will become a picture or a panel of natural stones, as well as all kinds of souvenirs with agate.

The wedding day is the birthday of the family, so it is customary to celebrate the anniversary of this every year. significant event. Moreover, each holiday will be different from the other, since the symbol of the holiday changes every year.

So, the fourteenth wedding anniversary is called agate. This interesting and beautiful stone was chosen as a symbol of the holiday for a reason. Agate is a multi-layered stone, with many-sided and intricate pattern. So the relationship of spouses who managed to live in peace and harmony for fourteen years can hardly be called simple and unambiguous.

On the one hand, the couple is still quite young and they still have a lot of interesting events, on the other hand, they have been together for quite a long time and are well aware of not only the advantages, but also the shortcomings of each other. Moreover, these shortcomings do not prevent them from loving each other tenderly.

Agate is a very beautiful gem, it is used to make a variety of souvenirs and jewelry. Therefore, when deciding what to present for an agate wedding, it is worth choosing products from this stone.

Spouses gifts

Spouses can celebrate the fourteenth anniversary of their wedding magnificently, inviting many guests. Or spend a holiday only with your family, inviting only your closest ones to visit. But in any case, the husband and wife should give each other gifts to emphasize the significance of this date.

As a rule, on such a day, the husband gives jewelry to his beloved wife.

When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention that natural agate can be different shades in addition, it may have a uniform color or have a natural pattern. Such a variety will allow you to choose a gift that your wife will surely like, and she will wear it with pleasure.

It can be:

  • Agate earrings. Depending on the preferences of the spouse, you can purchase small "carnations" or pendant earrings.

  • Pendant or necklace. Agate pendant looks stylish because the stone has a layered structure. You can choose the shape of the pendant according to your taste, it can be both geometric and made in the form of a flower, symbol, etc. An agate pendant is sometimes set in yellow gold, but it looks more stylish in combination with white metal. Agate beads will look no less elegant. This gift is very symbolic, since it is believed that if the wife wears agate beads, then the spouses will live in harmony until their advanced years.
  • Hairpins, hoops and other hair accessories with agate inserts. They look very impressive and sophisticated.

  • Bracelet. beautiful decoration can be made from one type of stone, but you can choose bracelets that combine several types of gems.

Husband to this significant holiday, also, it is worth choosing a gift from agate. If he prefers business style clothes, cufflinks and an agate tie clip will come in handy.

A good gift can be a fountain pen with agate inserts or an office stand for stationery made of stone. Perhaps the husband will like such an accessory as an agate rosary. Sorting through the beads, you can calm your nerves, relieve stress.

Gifts from relatives

Parents and children of spouses celebrating 14 years of marriage will definitely want to give them a gift, even if the heroes of the occasion do not plan to celebrate the anniversary.

Parents traditionally give their children things for home comfort. These can be vases or glasses made of agate, or any items for decorating the interior, inlaid with a gem.

The children of the spouses can also present gifts to mom and dad on such an important day. Parents will be pleased to receive from the kids homemade postcards or drawings. If the children are old enough, they can (perhaps with the help of their grandmothers) bake a simple cake, make cookies, or prepare a creative gift for the heroes of the occasion.

With your own hands, you can make a family wall newspaper or a home-made magazine in which photographs illustrating the life of the family will be placed and written good wishes from children.

Gifts from friends

Having received an invitation from friends to share the celebration with them, you should think in advance what you can buy as a gift for an agate wedding. Of course, it is best that the gift is symbolic.

One of the gift options is an amulet on family happiness. Agate is considered a mineral that is able to harmonize the situation, set people in a benevolent mood. Therefore, a souvenir or a talisman from this stone will not be superfluous in every home.

When choosing amulets, it is worth considering the properties of the stone:

  • white agate - protects from negative energy impact ill-wishers;
  • gray - considered a stone of justice, eliminates anger, helps to take the position of another;
  • blue - brings peace and love to the house;
  • gray-brown - attracts money to the house;
  • brown - protects from troubles and troubles;
  • reddish - a stone symbolizing a happy marriage;
  • black - provides from all misfortunes.

As a gift, friends can buy both a common family amulet that fits in the house, and individual amulets, but always paired, the same for husband and wife. Such amulets should be small, as they must be constantly carried with you.

If the heroes of the occasion do not believe in the magic of stones, then gifts for an agate wedding anniversary can be quite practical. It is unlikely that someone will refuse such things as:

  • Agate box. This is very beautiful thing, as in the manufacture of craftsmen they try to emphasize the natural beauty of the stone. In addition, the box is useful for storing various small things.

  • Chess or backgammon from agate. This gift will become a real decoration of the interior, in addition, it can be used for its intended purpose, that is, for the game.

  • Agate bowl. This gift is a tribute to tradition. An agate bowl must be placed in front of the spouses so that they drink from it in turn throughout the holiday. According to beliefs, after such a ceremony, disagreements will never arise between the spouses.

  • Agate tea cups. Such cups are a real work of art, in addition, it is believed that drinking from such dishes is very healthy.

  • Panels, cameos and paintings from agate. These things can become the central decoration of the interior.

  • Agate candlesticks with candles. This thing will be very useful when organizing romantic evenings, because it is important for spouses to periodically be alone with each other.

  • Tree of happiness. This is a symbolic souvenir, for the manufacture of which gems are used, including agate.

Other gift options

Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to give things made exclusively from agate. You can give spouses any things on the fourteenth anniversary of their marriage. This may also be intangible gifts. For example, you can pay the heroes of the occasion a trip or buy them tickets to the theater or to a concert of their favorite performers. You can donate and universal gift”- money in a beautiful envelope.

And to emphasize the symbolism of the holiday, you can buy, in addition to the main gift, a small souvenir with agate or another beautiful gem. For example, a keychain or cell phone pendant.

Larisa Tsareva

The tradition of celebrating each year spent together in marriage came to us from ancient times. Here we will tell you what kind of wedding is called agate and how it is customary to celebrate it.

After how many years is an agate wedding celebrated? Agate anniversary is celebrated after 14 years of marriage. Why is the 14th wedding anniversary called agate? This means that in 14 years the family union has become as strong as a valuable mineral.

The agate stone is multicolored and decorated with intricate graceful patterns. They are as unique and inimitable as every family. There is a long tradition- the spouses should look together at the agate presented to them, and if in the ornate lines they can see a similar image (for example, the waves of the sea or the wing of a butterfly), then the couple really became one during the years they lived together. Such a union is not afraid of any difficulties, and agate will become a talisman for them and will keep their marriage for all subsequent years.

It is believed that agate softens the heart of its owner, making a person more kind, sympathetic and merciful.

Feb 13, 2018 at 10:23 AM PST

How to celebrate the 14th agate wedding anniversary

It is customary to celebrate fourteen years of family life in the circle of the closest people. The celebration can take place at home, in nature or in a restaurant. It is important for spouses to dedicate the whole day to this date, and not just the evening. Ancestors passed on to us a number of traditions that are recommended to be observed by the perpetrators of the event.

The festive scenario for 14 years of marriage can be anything, calm and romantic or comic and cheerful. The main thing is not to forget about ancient rituals aimed at the strengthening and well-being of the family.

Rites of an agate wedding for family happiness

A woman should, on the eve of a significant date, bake a pie (any) with her own hands. Husband and wife wake up on a momentous day just before sunrise. After washing, they join hands, and when the sun begins to emerge from the horizon, they bow to him. During the bow, both think cherished desires. The ceremony can be performed standing at the window or in the courtyard of the house. After you need to substitute the baked pie under Sun rays. At the end of the day, when the dough has absorbed all the energy of the sun, the cake is cut, and the husband and wife must definitely eat a piece, then their wish will surely come true. The rest can be distributed to guests.

The festive 14th anniversary has another interesting ritual to call for peace and tranquility in the family. Spend it at any time of the day. For the ceremony, you will need a new broom and coarse salt.

The wife sweeps the whole house with a broom, and the husband follows her and scatters a few grains of salt in the corners. Collected litter must be immediately removed from the house. It is believed that the ritual cleans all negative energy in the house, and henceforth the spouses will quarrel less.

beautiful agate stone

To renew their feelings, the two halves can devote some time to good memories, resurrecting touching and romantic moments of their life together. A day trip to memorable places will be a great idea to spend this day. The couple should thank each other for their patience, support and care.

No quarrels, conflicts and disputes are allowed on this day.

How to invite guests

In the days of our ancestors, there were no postcards; guests were invited with ordinary verbal invitations. To this day, an invitation to the celebration of 14 years married life has no special rules. It is acceptable to distribute invitation cards to potential guests or notify them directly. Not worth it invite people you don't want to see to the celebration. Nothing on this day should overshadow the joy and happiness of a married couple.


Guests must bring presents to the heroes of the occasion. What to give friends and family married couple for the agate anniversary, read. The spouses themselves should also exchange gifts.

Traditionally, husband and wife give each other agate jewelry. A husband can choose beads, earrings, a ring, a bracelet, a brooch or a set for his wife. jewelry. The wife selects for her chosen one a ring, a tie clip, a bracelet, cufflinks or other items inlaid with agate. It is desirable that the spouses put jewelry on each other. To make your present even more vivid and symbolic, the wife can complement the gift with a postcard, and the husband with flowers.

Silver cufflinks with black agate, Okami(price link)

Gold earrings with agate and diamonds; Golden ring with agate and diamonds, all SL (prices on links)

What should be on the table

14th wedding anniversary menu ideas are also off the charts. The family chooses whatever they want as treats. It can be a national cuisine, such as Italian, Russian or Asian, or a mixture of dishes. When celebrating a celebration in a restaurant, it is quite acceptable to order buffet table or allow guests to order their own meals of their choice.

Agate is a noble stone, so alcoholic drinks are chosen to match it: champagne, wine, cognac

And here is what must be present on holiday table regardless of its format, so is this cake. It is he who will a symbol of the feast.

A beautiful cake for the 14th wedding anniversary can be ordered or baked by yourself. It is decorated with the symbolic inscription "14 years together".

When the guests gather at the table, the time will come for toasts and congratulations. It is advisable to prepare a toast or verbal status about an agate wedding in advance in order to beautifully congratulate the happy couple.

Holiday without guests

It is not necessary to celebrate an agate wedding in a company. It should be remembered that this is primarily personal holiday. The modern pace of life leaves little free time. In the cycle of monotonous everyday life, romance is inevitably lost in long-term family relationships.

Mark significant date spouses can only be together to refresh their feelings and enjoy each other. Dinner by candlelight, trip to the country, renting a hotel room for two - great ideas how to spend the day.

If a couple has some kind of long-standing dream, for example, to ride horses, visit an amusement park, swim together in a boat or fly in a wind tunnel - this is also lovely way how to celebrate an anniversary. Such a pastime only brings people together and strengthens the marriage.

Parents or friends will certainly agree to sit one evening with the children

Approaching the next milestone of their family life, two people need to understand that the festival itself will not make life smoother and more prosperous. It all depends on the relationship, and if there is mutual respect, love, trust between the couple, then no difficulties will destroy the family, and the spouses will always be able to find compromises in any disputes and disagreements.

February 13, 2018, 20:11

After fourteen years together, the spouses have already managed to get used to and accumulate a decent joint baggage. It is this period of married life that is usually called "agate". On the anniversary, it is customary to give souvenirs and jewelry from this mysterious and spectacular stone. Consider what you can give for an agate wedding from pleasant things and more useful gifts.

Gift for husband for an agate wedding

Let's start with how many years you need to live to celebrate an agate wedding. Agree that fourteen years is the period when most of all habits, shortcomings and preferences have become open. In addition, this is the passed stage when the family has already managed to reach a certain level and implement part of their plans.

The first thing you can give your spouse for an agate wedding is one of a number of useful or memorable gifts. Cufflinks or tie clip if he is an office worker or an executive. If the spouse is clearly not a jewelry lover, select useful gifts for an agate wedding. It can be a keychain for car keys or smoking accessories. Moreover, such a souvenir does not have to be the main present at all.

Agate wedding: what to give a wife?

The most frequent and popular option for giving an agate wedding to a wife comes down to acquiring jewelry. A variety of shades and an intricate pattern on the cut allow you to choose the most various decorations: , beads or . Colors range from red and orange to white and blue-blue. Surely you have already looked after something similar for your girlfriend, it remains only to carefully find out her attitude in this stone.

Gifts for an agate wedding should also be useful. For example, boxes or other small hiding places for small items or jewelry. After 14 years of living, an agate wedding should be a real celebration. And the most suitable gift for the celebration - goblets for wine, decorated with stones.