Abortion for medical reasons. What to do


Termination of pregnancy at the request of a woman can be carried out only up to the 13th week of gestation. Abortion on later allowed only for social or medical indications. The later such an intervention is performed, the more likely complications are to occur. Are there any contraindications for surgery? How to prepare for it and protect your body as much as possible from negative consequences?

Indications for late pregnancy termination

Late abortion is considered to be the removal of the fetus, carried out from 12 to 20 weeks. Some doctors shift the period to 28 weeks, which corresponds to the third trimester. Later intervention is called induced labor. In order to terminate a late pregnancy, only the mother's desire is not enough. Since 2012, only one social reason for abortion has been identified - conception as a result of rape. Previously the list was wider. The list was legislatively reduced due to severe consequences for women's health.

Medical indications are approved by a medical commission. Factors under which doctors recommend abortion include:

  • late detected fetal pathologies (genetic diseases, abnormalities in organ formation);
  • illnesses of the mother in which bearing a baby threatens her health ( diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, genitourinary system, poor clotting blood);
  • influence of the pathogenic environment on the embryo (physical trauma amniotic sac, chemical, radiation exposure);
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • severe illnesses suffered during pregnancy (carcinomatosis, rubella, tuberculosis, syphilis), treatment with cytostatics, antibiotics;
  • somatic and psychiatric diseases of women.

The doctor alone does not have the right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy. The consultation should include at least a gynecologist who monitored the pregnant woman and the head physician of the antenatal clinic. The impossibility of further pregnancy is confirmed by the documented results of tests, ultrasound, and screening tests. The final decision remains with the pregnant woman. Without her consent, an abortion is possible only if there is a threat to her life.

Contraindications to abortion

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Due to the fact that termination of pregnancy after 12 weeks is associated with a threat to the woman’s health or pathologies of fetal development that are incompatible with life, existing contraindications are considered individually. Common factors include:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • sexually transmitted and other STDs;
  • acute inflammatory process of the genitourinary system;
  • taking corticosteroids and hormonal drugs for a long time;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Rh conflict in previous pregnancies.

If there are contraindications, a woman can still insist on surgery. The gynecologist's task is to explain possible consequences procedures. Some contraindications become a reason for postponing the abortion to a later date.

Preparing for surgery

Since late pregnancy termination is carried out for medical reasons, the pregnant woman must be fully examined. Besides gynecological examination, you will need a conclusion from a specialist: geneticist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

Preparation includes standard tests such as clinical and biochemical analysis blood, urine, testing for HIV, syphilis, presence of antibodies to hepatitis. A smear is taken to determine the microflora of the genital tract, STDs; collecting material for bacterial culture discharge from the urethra, cervical and cervical canals. Full examination will allow you to assess the patient’s health status.

For late abortion, additional diagnostic measures may be needed - cardiography, ultrasound examination internal organs, urography, fluorography. If genetic pathologies are suspected, the amniotic sac is punctured for puncture. amniotic fluid. The woman signs consent for the operation before entering the hospital.

Methods for terminating pregnancy in later stages

In later stages, abortion is performed only in specialized medical institutions, where conditions for stationary stay are provided. Depending on the timing, there are several options for surgical intervention.

At the end of the first - beginning of the second trimester, the cervix is ​​forcibly dilated and the fetus is removed with forceps. The remaining tissue is removed with a vacuum tube. The operation takes about half an hour.

From the 18th week, curettage (curettage, abrasion) is performed. A woman is put into a state general anesthesia. Tools or medications dilate the cervix. Possible introduction chemical substances to stop the fetal heartbeat and soften tissue. The fertilized egg is scraped from the walls of the uterus, sometimes cut into several parts with a surgical instrument. The curettage procedure is quick and takes about 20 minutes. However, complications such as infections are likely mechanical damage uterus, tubes, Bladder.

In some countries, women 6-8 months pregnant undergo a partial birth operation, in which the fetus is removed from the womb after being killed. The fertilized area is sucked out with a vacuum. The moral and ethical aspect of the procedure causes a lot of controversy. This method is prohibited in Russia.

From 20 to 27 weeks, a so-called saline abortion, or early artificial birth. This is painful for the mother and very dangerous procedure. IN amniotic fluid a concentrated solution of salt with glucose is introduced. The fetus dies inside the womb from dehydration, chemical burn. After 1-2 days it starts labor activity. Stillbirth removed from the uterine cavity.

If the life of the pregnant woman is at risk, a minor caesarean section is performed at a gestation period of more than 25 weeks. The operation consists of cutting the abdominal and anterior walls of the uterus. The fetus is removed through the incision and the walls of the uterus are scraped out.

Consequences of abortion

The later the gestational age at which the fetus is removed, the more difficult the operation is tolerable. Curettage of the uterine walls can negatively affect a woman’s future reproductive abilities. As a result of artificial dilatation of the cervix, injuries occur on it. In subsequent pregnancies, they will need to be sutured. Damage to endometrial tissue leads to scarring and disruption menstrual cycle.

The infection causes adhesions. It's dangerous for infertility, ectopic pregnancies in future. Aggressive scraping with surgical instruments may end up puncturing the uterine wall. If there is significant damage, the uterus may be removed. During the second and subsequent abortions, the uterus contracts poorly. This causes severe internal bleeding and large blood loss.

Complications are unpredictable and can occur in the postoperative period, even with a professionally performed procedure. Late-term abortion is difficult to cope with psychologically. Usually a woman is already expecting a child, but is forced to terminate the pregnancy for medical reasons.

A month and a half after the operation continue bloody issues from the vagina. During this period you should not take hot bath, visit a sauna or bathhouse. Heat may cause bleeding. It is advisable to limit sexual intercourse until the menstrual cycle normalizes. Significant physical activity should be avoided for several weeks.

You can support your body by taking vitamin complexes. You should increase the amount of protein you consume. To prevent infection, you should not use tampons or swim in open water. The doctor may prescribe antibacterial and hormonal drugs. At least six months after an abortion, the woman’s genitals are not ready for new pregnancy. Reliable methods of contraception should be used.

In case of chromosomal abnormalities or fetal death, you will need genetic testing before planning conception. For those who have had an abortion, it is important to monitor their health, visit the doctor regularly and follow his recommendations.

Medical abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy, which is carried out in a specialized institution by qualified specialists. Choosing a method artificial interruption depends on the stage of pregnancy and is carried out with the written consent of the woman, having previously completed the appropriate documentation. Medical abortion is performed according to various reasons. A woman can terminate her pregnancy by at will for up to 12 weeks. For social reasons, abortion is possible up to 22 weeks. For medical reasons, such an interruption is possible at any time.


A woman decides to terminate a pregnancy for reasons that may negatively affect the birth and future fate child and mother (change in personal life, absence of the father of the unborn child, financial difficulties, lack of living space). You can have an abortion at your own request up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

For medical reasons, abortion is performed in two situations:

  • diseases in which pregnancy and childbirth can significantly worsen a woman’s health and become a threat to life;
  • severe fetal developmental abnormalities.

Termination of pregnancy is carried out according to the conclusion of a gynecologist, the head of the institution and specialists of the relevant profile (oncologist, therapist, surgeon). This termination is carried out regardless of the stage of pregnancy after a written application from the woman, reviewed and signed by a commission specially created for this purpose. For non-medical reasons, abortion occurs with the participation of a lawyer.

By social indicators pregnancy is terminated in the following situations:

  • rape;
  • disability or death of the husband during pregnancy;
  • a woman's stay in prison;
  • deprivation of parental rights.

The issue of abortion for social reasons is decided by a specially created commission, which gives an opinion with full registration legal documentation.

An overview of the timing and methods of abortion is presented in the table

Pre-abortion examination

Tests are taken immediately before the procedure. Depending on the test results, the appropriate method of operation will be selected, which suitable for a woman according to her health indicators.

Required list of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • coagulogram;
  • Rh factor analysis and blood group determination;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • flora smear;
  • consultation with a therapist.

Interrupt methods:

  • medical abortion;
  • surgical abortion: vacuum aspiration ovum and curettage of the uterine cavity;
  • termination of pregnancy with medicines;
  • minor caesarean section.

Surgical method

The surgical or instrumental method is the termination of pregnancy by curettage of the uterine cavity. This method not safe for a woman’s future reproduction. However surgical method has undoubted advantages. Initially, it guarantees almost 100% interruption with complete removal of the fertilized egg and membranes. Surgical intervention carried out only in a specially equipped hospital.

For pain relief, intravenous anesthesia is mainly used, which requires the presence of an anesthesiologist. After the administration of anesthesia, the cervix is ​​dilated mechanically. Then the gynecologist cleans out the uterus with an instrument, removing the inner layer and the embryo with the membranes. A medical abortion in this case lasts 15-20 minutes. After the operation, the woman remains in the ward for some time under the supervision of medical personnel. This procedure is included in the list of free services under the health insurance policy.

Vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration, or mini-abortion, is a simple operation performed in many medical clinics. They perform a mini-abortion in the early stages, up to 6 weeks from the date last menstrual period. A mini-abortion has practically no consequences, but there are cases when the vacuum-aspiration method of terminating a pregnancy may be incomplete, then it is necessary to repeat the operation or perform curettage of the uterine cavity.

Before the procedure, the woman is given an anesthetic and an antispasmodic to dilate the cervix on its own. The procedure is carried out using an instrument that is inserted into the cervix and uses electric suction to create pressure inside. The doctor very carefully circles the uterine cavity with an instrument and pulls out the detached fertilized egg through the hole into a special container. The operation takes a few minutes.

Medication method

Medication method is an abortion using pills. Pharmacological termination is carried out up to 6 weeks of pregnancy. The method consists of using medications to suppress the secretion of hormones in the body and enhance contractile activity uterus. The medication method is optimal for nulliparous women.

Interruption with drugs

At 14-22 weeks, the following means are used for abortion:

  • prostaglandins;
  • hypertonic solutions.

The use of prostaglandins leads to an increase in uterine tone, which provokes cervical ripening, detachment of the ovum and stimulates artificial labor. If hypertonic solutions are used, fetal death occurs and labor develops. In all these situations, a dead fetus is born.

Minor caesarean section

The operation is performed at 13-22 weeks and only in cases where other methods are found to be ineffective or unsafe. The procedure is also indicated if a woman decides to undergo surgical sterilization after an abortion. The technique of performing the operation is similar to conventional caesarean section. After completion of the procedure, antibacterial therapy. In later stages, drugs to suppress lactation are used.

Complications after medical abortion

The most common complication is retention of the fertilized egg in the uterus. The main symptom of this complication is heavy discharge with blood clots that for a long time don't stop. If remnants of the fertilized egg are detected, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist and repeat the procedure in a hospital setting.

Please note: if medical abortion was performed unprofessionally and with remains of fetal parts in the uterus, this can lead to disastrous results. The development of bacteria will immediately begin in the uterus, since the remains of the fetus are a favorable environment for their reproduction, which contributes to the development of various purulent diseases.

If the following symptoms occur, you should consult a gynecologist:

  • heat;
  • copious discharge with blood clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • appearance unpleasant odor discharge;
  • dizziness, vomiting, fainting.

What to pay attention to after a medical abortion:

  • After an abortion, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist about the use of contraception.
  • It is not advisable to use a bath or hot shower, but daily personal hygiene is necessary.
  • Maintaining sexual rest, which is required to prevent and prevent infection from entering the uterus. Resumption of sexual relations is recommended no earlier than after 14 days.
  • Going to the toilet regularly to empty your bowels and bladder: this has a beneficial effect on uterine contractions.
  • Monitor body temperature daily, avoid hypothermia and physical activity.
  • Maintain proper nutrition.
  • Give yourself more attention.

The desire to be a mother is natural for every woman. However, life makes its own adjustments, sometimes quite difficult and unfair. Some women expecting a baby may find it necessary to terminate a very wanted pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy before 28 weeks is called abortion, after this term - premature birth. Experts distinguish between early abortion (before the 12th week) and late abortion (at 12-28 weeks). Let's consider the main indications for termination of pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons

Abortion for medical reasons is carried out if the further course of pregnancy threatens the health and life of the woman. Another reason for it is the presence of fetal malformations that are incompatible with its life.

Abortion for medical reasons is performed regardless of the stage of pregnancy. Required condition– the operation should be performed only in stationary conditions.

There are the following medical indications for termination of pregnancy in the early stages (up to 12 weeks):

  • Severe vices of cardio-vascular system, for example, pathologies of the myocardium, pericardium and endocardium, congenital and rheumatic heart defects, vascular diseases, disorders heart rate, hypertonic disease;
  • Infectious diseases such as rubella, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • Acute infectious processes with severe damage to the internal organs of a woman;
  • Malignant neoplasms chest And abdominal cavity in which the use of radiation or chemotherapy in the pelvic area is necessary;
  • Malignant diseases of the organs of vision;
  • Diseases endocrine system, metabolic disorders: Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, prolactinoma (pituitary tumor), acromegaly (dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland), hyperparathyroidism (chronic endocrine pathology), diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases nervous system(catalepsy, epilepsy and narcolepsy);
  • Some diseases of the pelvic and genitourinary systems, connective and musculoskeletal tissue.

The above pathologies in the expectant mother often lead to miscarriage, contribute to the appearance of defects incompatible with life in the baby, and are dangerous to the health and life of the woman.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons in the late stages is associated with the condition of the mother and child.

Indications on the part of the woman include pathologies that pose a great risk to her health and life if the pregnancy continues. These include:

  • Heart defects;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver with a significant decrease in their functions;
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • Syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • Mental illnesses in which a woman is considered incompetent.

Indications for late pregnancy termination on the part of the child are such health conditions that are incompatible with life or are severe genetic pathologies. Namely:

  • Complex heart defect;
  • Developmental anomalies (missing or extra body parts);
  • Pathologies of muscle and bone-connective tissue (their absence or abnormal development);
  • Deformations of the internal organs and skeleton of the fetus (missing organs, fused limbs);
  • Chromosomal disorders, including Down syndrome;
  • Death of the fetus (frozen pregnancy).

Medical indications for late pregnancy termination are established by a special commission in inpatient or outpatient clinics. The commission usually includes an obstetrician-gynecologist, a medical specialist whose area of ​​expertise relates to the disease of the pregnant woman, and the main head of the health care institution.

It should be noted that according to the law, a woman has the right to continue her pregnancy, despite the diagnosis given to her and the recommendations of doctors. But in that case medical staff is not responsible for the health of the mother and child.

Social indications for termination of pregnancy

Indications for termination of pregnancy according to social reasons V different times were different. Today, as stated in the legislation, there are situations that provide for the possibility of an abortion:

  • Pregnancy resulting from rape;
  • Deprivation or restriction of the mother in parental rights relative to other children;
  • The woman is in custody;
  • Death of a spouse during a woman’s pregnancy;
  • The husband has a serious illness with loss of ability to work (disability of the first group).

Social indications for termination of pregnancy after the 12th week are established in licensed medical institutions (territorial antenatal clinics). To do this, a special commission considers the written application of the pregnant woman, medical documents, documentation confirming the presence of indications for abortion for social reasons.

It is very difficult for a woman who is carrying a desired baby to hear about the need to terminate her pregnancy. However, she must understand that such a decision is sometimes necessary in order to preserve her health and even life. A woman needs to believe that she can give birth healthy child and become a mother, albeit a little later.

Text: Galina Goncharuk

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Try to calm down and not panic. Screening alone does not prove anything. The equipment malfunctions, the doctors put misdiagnoses. Especially in the early stages, when the child’s internal organs have not yet fully formed. You have hope, just forget about depression for a while and turn on the “Cool Head” mode.

Join the group hometown and ask mommies which specialist is best to contact to get it done 100% correct ultrasound. You may have to travel to a metropolis or go to private center. Make an appointment with a paid gynecologist or even find contacts of a medical luminary. Believe me, women will definitely help, share information and support. Sometimes on the Internet you can come across relatives of talented doctors who will arrange a consultation with a gynecologist sister.

Yes, modern medicine I have achieved a lot, but mistakes still happen. And so that you don’t cry at night and think that the specialist deceived you or made a false diagnosis, you need to consult with several people. And only then make the final decision.

Don't worry if your child is completely healthy, frequent ultrasound examinations they won't harm him. Will not lead to mutations or risk of miscarriage. The main thing is to be less nervous until the experts make an accurate verdict. After all, stress negatively affects the embryo and the health of the mother.

Ray of hope

Not all terrible diagnoses are incurable. If your child has been diagnosed with heart defects or other internal organ defects, you may be offered surgery. Surgery is a last resort. More often, doctors think about this scenario if:

  • the woman is closer to 35-40 years old;
  • this is the first pregnancy for a mature lady;
  • the patient had to resort to IVF;
  • she will have no more chances to become a mother;
  • the defect can be corrected.

Young girls are given referrals for abortion. Doctors believe that the twenty-year-old patient still has a lot of time left to conceive a healthy child. In addition, intrauterine operations to eliminate defects are not carried out in all clinics. Domestic surgeons and gynecologists do not have enough qualifications and do not have the appropriate equipment. If you want to take a risk, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort searching for a qualified specialist and a hospital.

How does all this happen? The woman is given anesthesia and the abdomen and uterus are cut open. Then the child is operated on without removing him from the mother's womb. The fetal fluid is replaced with solutions that create an ideal environment for the development of small life. And they help the mother carry the baby to due date.

Things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes complications occur for the mother or baby. And then you still have to resort to abortion or artificial childbirth. Therefore, be prepared for any outcome, even a sad one. But still believe in the best.

Difficult decision

Not all pregnancies can be saved. The mother may be diagnosed with diseases that are incompatible with bearing a child. For example, malignant tumors, encephalitis or meningitis. In such situations there is only one way out. Unfortunately, this is an abortion.

Medical indications for abortion include genetic abnormalities in the embryo. For example, Down syndrome. Yes, some vices are compatible with life. More precisely, existence. Children with genetic diseases are born disabled. They develop slowly, cannot move and are completely dependent on those around them.

If the pregnancy does not threaten the life of the mother, then the woman is given the right to choose. Save the embryo or have an abortion. And this is the most terrible moment, because the patient thinks that she with my own hands kills a child. If you are haunted by gloomy and depressive thoughts, then think about the future of your baby.

Imagine that the child was born on time. And immediately ended up in intensive care. You stayed at home for several weeks, and then went back to the hospital, because a baby with defects needs constant care. medical care. Your whole life will turn into continuous drips, passing commissions that should assign you a disability pension. Search for specialists, regular examinations and expensive treatment.

But that's not the worst thing. The main nightmare is the child’s complete dependence on you and your husband. What happens when you get old? And you won’t be able to care for a disabled person. Or will you leave this world? And the child will be left completely alone. Perhaps he will end up in a shelter where the nurses don't care about the sick.

When the baby is in the womb, you don't want to agree to an abortion. It seems that the world will collapse and the meaning of life will disappear. But try to think not only about the present, but also about the future. But it will turn out to be gloomy and unpromising. Do you want your son, doomed to a miserable existence, to hate his mother? In addition, no one guarantees that a child will live to adulthood.

Children with serious pathologies and genetic disorders die early. But first they suffer for a long time in hospitals. And you suffer with them. When you look at a tiny body with IVs and tubes sticking out. When you listen to intermittent breathing. When you try to explain to a three-year-old what death is. And when you choose the coffin intended for him.

You know, sometimes abortion is not a punishment, but a salvation. Not just for you, no. First of all, for the child. He will not even feel anything and will not face pain, torment and real life, in which, alas, there is often no room for the disabled. And if you chose this path, then don’t blame yourself. Just remember that you did not kill the child, but did him a huge favor.

Late abortions

It is much easier for a woman to come to terms with early pregnancy termination. When an embryo looks more like a frog embryo, it is not associated with a baby. But some defects are discovered too late, at 16 to 22 weeks. When the mother develops a noticeable tummy and the fetus begins to actively move.

It is very difficult for a woman to decide to have an abortion, even if she understands that the newborn will live no longer than a few days or hours. Hysterics and prolonged depression - natural reaction to the situation. But you still have to make a decision.

If doctors ordered an abortion because the fetus was frozen, surgery cannot be avoided. But if the child develops normally, he was simply diagnosed serious pathologies or genetic mutations, you have the right to leave it. In both the first and second cases, you will have to endure contractions and attempts. Surgical abortion in later stages is contraindicated. A woman in labor is induced into labor using oxytocin and special algae that dilate the cervix.

Some parents who know that their child has a fatal pathology still refuse to terminate the pregnancy. This usually happens in religious families. They decide to carry the fetus to term and spend at least a few hours with the newborn. And then bury according to all the rules.

Late abortions are a terrible experience for every pregnant woman. And you have the right to be depressed. You can cry for several days in a row. Don't talk to relatives. Hate everyone around you. Screaming, swearing and breaking dishes. Release the emotions that are choking you. Don't try to hold back your grief so as not to traumatize others. The choice rests solely on your shoulders. And no one else in the world will be able to understand your feelings.

At first it will be very painful and difficult. Women want everything that happened to them to turn out to be a terrible dream. They dream that they will open their eyes in the morning and see a growing belly or a peacefully snoring baby. Or they will realize that they have become victims of a nightmare, but in fact there was never a second line on the test.

What they fear most is not physical, but heartache. When you can’t look at photographs of children, and pregnant girls walking around the city make you hysterical and want to run away to the ends of the world. But gradually the aching feeling in your chest will subside. All that will remain is a chronic longing for a miracle that never happened. Although it will pass one day.

Acceptance and humility

If you had to give up your dream of becoming a mother, give yourself time to grieve. In the first weeks or months, you should not be cheerful and cheerful. And she is not obliged to console her spouse. Or pretend that nothing terrible happened.

Don't try to suppress your grief. If you hide it in the depths of your subconscious, it will not disappear, but will only hide for a while. And when the test shows the second line again, it will break free and turn your life into hell. For the pain to disappear, you need to cry it out. Suffer and then put aside old memories that prevent you from moving on.

Try to undergo psychotherapy. It doesn't matter at what stage you had an abortion. Interrupt long-awaited pregnancy- a tragedy that needs to be worked through with a specialist so that it does not cross out your future.

Healing begins with accepting what happened. And forgiveness. Do not blame yourself. No woman is immune from a terrible diagnosis. Even healthy couples have sick children. Only nature and chance are to blame.

No, you're not a killer, but good mom, who wanted only happiness for the child. If you are a believer, then consider that abortion has become your test of strength. And you took sin on your soul in order to save a little life from torment and suffering, therefore you deserve forgiveness and respect for your courage.

Care and concerns

Don't punish yourself. Self-flagellation will not change anything. Will not return the child, but may undermine your health. And then you definitely won’t be able to become a mother. If you want to try again, then surround yourself with care. First, follow the gynecologist's recommendations. Take antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, buy vitamins and get checked regularly. Maintain sexual rest in the first 1–2 months after an abortion so that the body has time to recover. And also don’t forget about contraceptives. Of course, some women want to get pregnant as quickly as possible, but it is better to wait at least six months.

Secondly, do things that bring you pleasure and calm you down. Some women escape from depressive thoughts by knitting or beading. Others watch TV series or read books for days. Still others try not to be alone. They meet with friends, go to work immediately after an abortion, or even sign up as volunteers.

If you haven’t given up on the idea of ​​becoming a mother, then try to undergo a comprehensive examination with your husband. Be sure to visit a geneticist. It is this specialist who will help you figure out why the child developed the defect and will tell you how high the likelihood of the situation repeating is. Thanks to genetic research you can conceive a healthy baby. Or even several.

To help your body and mind recover faster, try to avoid traumatic factors. For example, in the first months, do not meet with friends who are expecting a child or have recently become mothers. Protruding bellies and rosy-cheeked babies will make you think that you, too, could walk with a stroller, rock your baby and show off the new booties you knitted yourself.

The main thing is to remember that you are not alone. Thousands of women have faced abortion for medical reasons. And they were also able to survive this difficult period. Try talking to these girls. Find them on forums or in social networks. Women who have gone through the same thing quickly find mutual language. Perhaps it is support and similar stories that can dull your pain and give you hope.

Confession helps some women. If you believe in God, try going to church and talking to the priest. An adequate clergyman can replace a psychologist if you do not have the opportunity or desire to go to a doctor. The main thing is that your mentor does not try to convince you that you are to blame for what happened. Otherwise, he is not trustworthy.

Biggest fear

Women facing abortion for medical reasons are afraid repeat pregnancy. No, on the one hand they dream of a second stripe. But on the other hand, they fear that the situation will repeat itself, and they will have to relive the whole nightmare again.

Discuss your fears with a psychologist and gynecologist. Treat chronic diseases and strengthen your immune system. And don't set yourself up for negativity. Remember that after children with fatal pathologies, healthy babies are born who do not even get sick with a cold. But you must approach conception responsibly.

You will not be able to completely get rid of your fears. Young mothers are afraid of the first and second screening, waiting with bated breath to see what the test results will show. And then every night they listen to the newborn sniffle. Unfortunately, the memories of the nightmare lived in the memory for decades. But they don't stop you from being happy.

Dear reader, no one will understand the pain a woman experiences when she is forced to have an abortion. And neither your husband nor your relatives are able to find words that could console you. Only time and an adequate psychotherapist can cope with grief. Don't be afraid to reach out to experts and ask for help. And don't give up. For the baby you lost.

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that woman walking for termination of pregnancy. In some situations, termination of pregnancy is forced and is associated solely with medical reasons. You will learn about the indications for termination of pregnancy from the article.

On what grounds can you terminate a pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be terminated for three reasons:

  • for medical reasons (indications);
  • for social reasons;
  • at the request of the woman.

Let us note right away that in any case, the woman must give voluntary consent to the interruption. This is a necessary condition to terminate pregnancy through medical intervention. One of the main conditions is also the absence of medical contraindications (such as acute inflammatory processes, acute infectious diseases).

Another important point. The issue of motherhood is solely within the competence of the woman herself. In fact, this means that a woman has a presumption of making a decision to terminate or continue her pregnancy.

By general rule a referral for artificial termination of pregnancy is issued by an obstetrician-gynecologist or general practitioner.

In the following sections of the article we will look in more detail at the indications and grounds for termination of pregnancy.

When and how to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons

Medical indications mean that if the pregnancy is not terminated, there will remain risks associated with both the diseases of the woman herself and the pathology of the fetus. Below we will look at the medical indications in more detail.

Termination of pregnancy for medical reasons in a woman

For medical reasons, pregnancy can be terminated at any time, regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

It is important to keep in mind that illegally performing an abortion operation entails administrative or criminal liability provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

— Informed voluntary consent to perform an artificial termination of pregnancy at the request of the woman