Surgical removal of an ingrown toenail. Review of surgical methods for treating ingrown toenails

For children

Ingrowth of the nail plate into surrounding tissue is called onychocryptosis. In the early stages, treatment can be carried out using conservative and even traditional methods of treatment, but in advanced cases, when complications develop, the nail must be removed. How is ingrown toenail removal performed surgically, and what are the main methods used? We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

The process of nail ingrowth into soft tissue is a serious problem and in some cases can pose a health hazard. The fact is that many patients try to treat or cut off an ingrown toenail on their own. But the problem cannot be solved by simple circumcision, since the main cause of the disease is a change in the direction of growth of the nail plate, which occurs for a variety of reasons.

Among the main reasons are wearing uncomfortable shoes, flat feet, fungal diseases, and heredity. Attempts to treat the disease without eliminating the causes can lead to serious complications - purulent inflammation of the phalanx of the thumb (gangrene) and its subsequent amputation.

Surgical removal of an ingrown toenail has strict indications and is performed only in cases where the disease is advanced and the disease cannot be cured using conservative methods. The patient may complain about the discharge of purulent or sanguineous contents from the site of ingrowth, especially if there is an overgrowth of soft tissues.

That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor when the first signs of an ingrown nail appear. If this is not done, removal of the nail plate cannot be avoided. But surgery does not stand still - if previously the main method of treatment was the traditional removal of the entire nail (surgically), then modern medicine has advanced and latest surgical techniques, when the cause is eliminated and the nail is corrected at the same time.

For ingrown toenails, surgery is not performed in the following cases:

  • taking certain groups of medications that affect the blood clotting process (for example, aspirin and its analogues);
  • diseases of the endocrine system (for example, severe diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases of the vascular system and narrowing of large vessels of the legs.

Below are the methods of surgical correction:

  • surgical removal (full or partial) of the nail using a scalpel;
  • laser nail correction;
  • nail correction using high frequency radio waves.

Advantages and disadvantages of various methods

How to choose a surgical method so that it is optimal, and with its help it is possible to radically solve the problem? The main difference between all methods is the method of processing tissue - be it a scalpel, a laser beam or radio waves. The final verdict on which method to choose is decided only by the doctor during the examination of the patient. But, nevertheless, each method of operation has pros and cons.

Surgical method

Surgical removal of an ingrown toenail can be complete or partial (resection). Partial resection is performed if the nail fold is thickened (granulation) and the nail itself has not caused signs of suppuration. Complete removal of the nail is carried out in cases of soft tissue suppuration.

Laser correction

It is used often, as the method has many advantages. In this case, there is no need to damage the growth zone or completely remove the entire nail. Using a laser, both the granulation part of the nail fold and the ingrown nail itself are evaporated.

Radio wave method

The operation to remove an ingrown toenail using this method is performed using high-frequency radio waves.

How is nail removal performed?

Without exception, all operations are performed on an outpatient basis. The method of pain relief is local, with a solution of lidocaine or novocaine. The operation time is only 20-30 minutes, during which the doctor has time to administer anesthesia, remove the ingrown plate and apply an aseptic bandage.

30% of people on the planet have at least once encountered the problem of an ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis).

The disease begins with deformation of the plate and its subsequent inflammation. In severe cases, suppuration occurs in the soft tissues located around the damaged area.

To combat pathology, various methods of surgical intervention are used: resection, laser and radiosurgery.


The surgeon prescribes removal of an ingrown toenail in the following situations:

  1. In case of serious damage to the plate by a fungal pathogen. Some types of fungi are not completely destroyed with the help of medications.
  2. Nail injury. In case of severe damage to the toe, the plate may detach, changing its original external characteristics. To prevent suppuration of soft tissues, patients are offered surgical intervention.
  3. Partial or complete onychocryptosis. The problem manifests itself with clear clinical signs - acute pain when walking and significant swelling of the soft tissues.

    This problem can cause infection of the nail plate with fungal pathogens or lead to a more serious complication - infection of bone structures.

You should know! Ingrowth of the nail plate into the surrounding tissue can be one or two-sided.


Treatment of onychocryptosis is not allowed for everyone. The following conditions are contraindications to therapy:

  • blood clotting disorder;
  • some types of diabetes;
  • damage to the upper layer of the epithelium;
  • allergic reactions to drugs used for pain relief.


If the surgeon’s help is not timely, onchocryptosis provokes a number of serious complications:

  • infection of the lymphatic system;
  • infection of soft tissues with the development of swelling and inflammation in them;
  • infection of the bones of the foot;
  • irreversible necrosis.

With the latter complication, it is often necessary to amputate the toe. In advanced cases, the disease causes foot deformity.

Preparing for surgery

Before carrying out the intervention, the specialist determines the extent of the problem and, based on the situation, prescribes a suitable method for removing the ingrown toenail.

The specialist also identifies the cause of the disease. In case of fungal infection of the plate, patients are prescribed the following tests:

  • blood analysis– to identify the inflammatory process in the body and assess blood sugar levels;
  • bacteriological research– to identify the type of pathogen and assess its resistance to various groups of medications.

Important! X-ray examination is required if inflammation of bone structures is suspected. If a bone infection is detected, the patient will be prescribed medication before surgery.

Professional ways

There are several ways to deal with the problem:

  • surgical resection of the nail plate;
  • laser surgery;
  • radiosurgical method;
  • use of special patches.

The prescribed method of therapy will depend on the financial capabilities of the patient, the degree of neglect of the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Surgical intervention

Plate resection is the traditional way to deal with the problem. With the advent of new technologies, surgical methods for removing problem nails have become less popular. It is used when drug therapy and laser removal are ineffective.

Resection is carried out in stages:

  1. Anesthesia of the treated area. Removal of the plate is carried out only after the freezing has fully taken effect.
  2. Tamponade of an ingrown element. It is performed only when there is suppuration of the soft tissues surrounding the plate. The essence of the procedure is that soft materials impregnated with antibacterial compounds are placed under the nail. After cleansing the skin of pus and remnants of necrotic masses, the operation itself is performed.
  3. Finger skin incision for more convenient access to the affected area.
  4. Elimination of an ingrown element. The doctor performs the operation using a scalpel. During the procedure, part of the nail matrix is ​​removed to prevent recurrence of the problem.
  5. Treating the wound with antibacterial agents.

If the pathology does not respond to standard treatment, then the doctor decides to perform marginal resection of the plate, selective removal of the problematic element, complete removal of the nail or phenolization of the element:

  1. Wedge resection represents an excision of part of the plate at an angle of 45 degrees.

    To prevent relapse, removal is carried out on both sides, regardless of the fact that the ingrowth appears unilaterally. The growth zone is treated with phenol. The disadvantage of intervention is the high probability of relapse.

  2. The meaning of selective resection consists in the elimination of a fragment of the plate and matrix responsible for the formation of the nail. The stratum corneum is removed by approximately 1/5, removing all defects. This method provides a minimal risk of relapse – 2%.
  3. Complete removal– the fastest and easiest method of surgical intervention. After pain relief, the nail is completely removed, and the resulting wound is treated with antiseptics and drained.

    This method is considered the least acceptable of all available due to severe pain in the postoperative period and the high risk of recurrence of the problem.

  4. During phenolization matrix is ​​removed. After this type of intervention, the nail plate does not grow back. The decision to permanently remove the nail is made in case of chronic ingrowth of the element

Laser removal

Laser treatment an effective and painless way to deal with the problem. Therapy is possible only after the patient undergoes a set of diagnostic measures.

The procedure is performed in stages:

  1. Local anesthesia.
  2. Laser correction of the plate. Therapy of the site of suppuration is performed with a scanning device. Thanks to the laser, the problem area is evaporated without damaging healthy tissue. Laser treatment not only disinfects the treated areas, but also eliminates inflammation.
  3. Laser cleaning of renewed epithelium. Thanks to the procedure, the wound regenerates faster.

Important! If the wound does not heal for a long time, then after laser nail removal, patients are prescribed medications.

The advantages of laser removal techniques include:

  • sanitization of the nail plate from bacterial and fungal pathogens;
  • high performance;
  • painless treatment.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is the long wound healing period.


The most accessible method of combating the disease is the use of a keratolytic patch. The method is used for home treatment of nail fungus. The patches can be purchased online.

The product is used according to the following scheme:

  1. First, healthy tissues are sealed with a regular adhesive plaster in order to protect them from the effects of the active substance of the drug.
  2. The adhesive mass is applied in a thick layer to the affected area and fixed for several days.
  3. The patch is removed along with particles of the damaged nail. Then the plate is treated with antifungal drugs.

The use of the patch is continued until the symptoms of the pathology completely disappear.

Radio wave method

Radio wave treatment allows you to painlessly but effectively cope with the problem. The main principle of the procedure is to remove the nail, which is the source of infection. During the operation, the matrix and growth zone are also processed.

The procedure itself lasts about 15 minutes. The recovery period lasts from 3 to 5 days.

The advantages of the radio wave method include:

  • painlessness;
  • low percentage of injuries;
  • rapid wound regeneration.

The main, but quite significant, disadvantage of the radio wave method is the high rate of relapse.

The process of removing an ingrown toenail using the radio wave method is presented in the video.

Fighting fungus

The surgical operation to remove a plate damaged by a fungus is carried out according to the same procedure as removing an ingrown nail.

First, local anesthesia is performed, and then the problem area is removed. In this case, removal takes place from the side of the nail fold or the edges of the plate - it all depends on the location of the damage.

Important! At an advanced stage of the pathology, surgical treatment is supplemented with the prescription of medications.

If simple removal does not produce results, then doctors resort to matrixectomy, a procedure in which the nail plate is completely destroyed.

Nail fungus is treated chemically. First, the doctor covers the skin around the affected area with a special material, then the surface of the plate is treated with ointment, the main component of which is urea.

Removal of the affected area is performed after 7-10 days, after it has completely softened under the influence of the ointment.

It is possible to cope with fungal nail infections using hardware pedicure. During the procedure, the problem area is cut down layer by layer.

After this, the treated area is treated with antifungal drugs that can penetrate deep into the tissue. The doctor’s actions are not accompanied by discomfort.

Rehabilitation period

Patients are interested in how long it takes for a nail to heal after removal. The rehabilitation period after surgery takes about 2 weeks. The plate grows back completely 4 months after the intervention.

After the operation, for 2 weeks, you must:

  • change dressings with Levomekol twice a day;
  • protect the site of injury from bruises;
  • transfer the weight of the body to the healthy leg when walking;
  • wear socks made of cotton materials;
  • take painkillers if postoperative pain occurs;
  • adjust your diet and include cereals, dairy products, seeds and fresh vegetables in your diet.

During the recovery period it is prohibited:

  • wet the injured leg;
  • wear tight shoes and high heels;
  • exercise;
  • take long walks;
  • cover the skin with nail polish


Relapses after surgery are common, especially when it comes to wedge resection. After the problem reoccurs, the doctor prescribes invasive intervention.

The essence of the procedure is to destroy the nail bed. The surgeon applies tourniquets to the ingrowth area and then makes deep incisions in this area. The wounds made by the doctor require further suturing. After this method of intervention, scars and scars may remain on the skin.

If invasive surgery fails, a complete matrixectomy is recommended to prevent recurrence.

The essence of the surgical intervention is to remove the plate and treat its matrix with chemicals, for example, phenol. After matrixectomy, nail growth stops completely.

Prevention of the problem

To prevent the nail from growing back, you must:

  • choose the right shoes (they should have a small heel and a spacious toe);
  • wash your feet daily with warm water;
  • change socks regularly;
  • trim the plate so that there are no strong roundings;
  • wear orthopedic shoes for flat feet;
  • get rid of fungal infections of the feet in a timely manner;
  • Contact a surgeon at the first sign of an ingrown toenail.


The cost of the operation will depend on the characteristics of the disease (depth of plate ingrowth, degree of soft tissue swelling, how old the problem is).

The method of surgical intervention proposed by the doctor will also depend on these characteristics. Treatment of onychocryptosis with modern methods is paid, so patients should familiarize themselves with the approximate cost of the procedures:

  1. Average price of treatment with keratolytic patch varies from 300-3000 rubles. This method of dealing with the problem is used only in the initial stages of the pathology.
  2. Laser removal will cost 3,000 rubles (in the regions) and 8,000-9,000 rubles (in large cities).
  3. Surgical removal price plates range from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles.
  4. Approximate cost of radio wave treatment 3500-4500 rubles.

From the video, learn about the causes of ingrown toenails and how to prevent the problem.

An ingrown nail (onychocryptosis) is a disease in which the lateral edge of the nail plate grows into the tissue of the periungual fold, most often on the big toe. The pathology is accompanied by pain and swelling.

Causes and symptoms of ingrown nail plate

The main causes of ingrown nails into the periungual fold

  1. Injuries to fingers and nails. After an injury, deformation of the nail plate may occur, which leads to its abnormal growth.
  2. Incorrect trimming of the nail plate. If you cut your nails too short or cut off the corners, the nail may grow into the soft tissue.
  3. Flat feet and other structural disorders of the foot. With this pathology, improper distribution of body weight along the foot occurs. If there is constant pressure on the thumb, this can lead to ingrown nail plates.
  4. Fungal diseases. When the nail plate is infected with fungus, its shape changes, which can sometimes contribute to the nail growing into the tissue.
  5. Uncomfortable shoes. Shoes that squeeze the toes put pressure on the nails, and blood circulation in the toes is disrupted. All this can lead to an ingrown toenail.
  6. Incorrect structure of the nail or periungual fold. This may be a congenital pathology, or it may appear as a consequence of certain metabolic diseases.

Ingrown nail plate is accompanied by pain, redness, swelling.

Happens very often infection injured area of ​​soft tissue, formation of pus. Without timely and adequate treatment, the infectious process can spread to the surrounding soft and bone tissue.

At the initial stage of the disease it is prescribed conservative treatment. In the absence of effect from conservative therapy and with severe ingrown nails, it is indicated surgery.

All modern methods of surgical treatment of ingrown toenails

Depending on the degree of ingrowth of the nail plate, the course of the disease (infection, discharge of pus, etc.), whether this is the first case of the disease or a relapse, one of the methods of surgical treatment is selected.

  • Resection (partial removal of the nail). The part of the nail plate that has grown into the skin is removed. The operation is performed under local infiltration anesthesia on an outpatient basis. There are two types of resection: marginal wedge resection and selective resection of the matrix (growth zone). Without removal of the matrix, relapses very often occur, and repeated surgical interventions are necessary.
  • Avulsion surgery (complete removal of the nail). The operation consists of complete excision (tearing off) of the nail plate without damaging the soft tissue along the edge of the nail bed. Therefore, over time, the nail grows back. It is most often carried out during the development of an infectious-inflammatory process. This type of surgical treatment of onychocryptosis is traumatic, and frequent relapses are observed after it.
  • Vandenbos operation (removal of skin at the base of the nail). The operation is performed under local anesthesia and involves removing the skin along the edge of the nail and does not affect the nail plate. After surgery, relapses are very rare. But such surgical intervention is traumatic, after which the healing period is quite long. for Vandenbos surgery, it speeds up the healing period and reduces the number of complications.
  • Operation Saima (complete removal of the nail matrix). This type of surgical intervention consists of removing the nail matrix, transplanting a skin flap and partial osteotomy of the phalanx. This technique is outdated and is practically not used at present.
  • Phenolization (cauterization of the matrix with phenol). After administering a local anesthetic, the edge of the nail that has grown into the soft tissue is removed. After which the matrix of the growing part of the nail plate is cauterized. Therefore, this operation is also called partial matrixectomy. After this manipulation, the nail at the site where cauterization was performed does not grow back and becomes narrower, so relapses are not observed.

Prevention of ingrown toenails in children and adults

What are the main measures to prevent nail ingrowth into the periungual fold?

Particular attention to the prevention of ingrown toenails should be given to people with flat feet and other structural disorders of the foot, as well as patients with metabolic disorders.

Rate -

Wearing tight shoes, standing on your feet for long periods of time and walking long distances can cause such problems as. This phenomenon is quite painful, causing discomfort, and threatening serious complications.

Signs of this pathology include:

  • painful sensations at the site of ingrowth, aggravated while walking;
  • swelling and redness;
  • purulent discharge.

If the above symptoms occur, you should contact a specialist who will choose the best option for fixing the nail. There are several ways to get rid of this problem, such as removing the ingrown toenail.

Need to know:

Self-removal of ingrown toenails

If the nail has just started to grow in, you can try to deal with this problem yourself:

  1. First you need to steam the problem area with the addition of furatsilin. Along with softening the nail, this procedure will have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is important to remember that the water temperature should not be higher than 37 degrees.
  2. Then you need to cut the nail, but not very short. The cut must be smooth, without roundings or corners.
  3. The last step is to apply a compress with healing ointment.

In order to avoid re-ingrowth, a bandage or cotton pad moistened with any vegetable oil is placed under the raised edge of the nail.

Inflammation will also be helped by lotions with fir oil, which are applied to the sore nail for several days. They will not only relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process, but also prepare the nail for further cutting, softening it. After removing the problematic nail, you should refrain from wearing tight high-heeled shoes. If people do not know how to remove an ingrown toenail, they need to seek expert advice.

Surgical removal of the nail

If the ingrown toenail cannot be removed at home, you should consult a surgeon. By performing a simple operation, a specialist will get rid of this problem. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, which makes removal of an ingrown toenail completely painless. Afterwards, a disinfecting bandage is applied to the nail, which must be renewed within several days. This is the most common method of dealing with the problem presented.

Unfortunately, this publicly available method has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. Danger of re-ingrowing nails.
  2. Long recovery process.
  3. Complete removal of the diseased nail, which is quite unaesthetic.
  4. Danger of infection.
  5. Quite severe pain that occurs after the anesthesia wears off.

The video shows surgical removal of an ingrown toenail in detail.

Recently, many people faced with the problem of ingrown nails prefer more progressive methods of solving it. Laser and radio wave operations are carried out in private clinics and, accordingly, you need to pay a certain amount for them. But the guarantees given by specialists are worth these costs.

Need to know:

Radio wave method

Modern clinics often offer the service of removing ingrown toenails using the radio wave method. This method is the least traumatic of all presented. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and is painless. After removing the “wrong” part of the nail, the growth zone and nail matrix are treated with radio waves.

If necessary, the same method can be used to get rid of excess soft tissue that appears as a result of an ingrown nail. After all the manipulations, an antiseptic bandage is applied to the finger, which must be changed during the first days. If a person knows how to remove an ingrown toenail, then they can do it themselves, or entrust this process to a specialist at the local clinic. Nail removal using the radio wave method can be carried out both in the initial stages of the disease and in the presence of complications. The operation does not require further hospital stay and the patient can return home immediately after the operation. The postoperative period does not require special conditions, which allows the person to return to their normal rhythm of life literally the next day.

Advantages of the radio wave method:

  • painlessness;
  • guaranteed absence of relapses;
  • the nail plate is only partially removed;
  • fast healing;
  • absence of inflammatory complications;
  • no seams.

Need to know:

Laser method

Laser is another modern means of getting rid of the problem of ingrown toenails. This operation is completely painless, as it is performed using local anesthesia.

The operation consists of three stages:

  1. Administration of an anesthetic by pricking a finger (single or several).
  2. Cutting off the overgrown part of the nail to its natural width.
  3. Laser exposure to the inflamed area.

Under the action of the laser, the ingrown part of the nail evaporates. This ensures that the treated nail will grow correctly. The laser also closes injured vessels and disinfects, thereby eliminating the effects of inflammation. After all the above manipulations, a bandage impregnated with an antiseptic is applied to the finger. The entire operation takes about 30 minutes, after which the patient can go home almost immediately. The next day, the bandage is removed, the operation site is washed with warm water and bandaged. The wound left from the operation heals in about a week, leaving no visible scars.

Advantages of the laser method:

  • high efficiency;
  • no relapses;
  • preservation of healthy tissue and nail plate;
  • minimum rehabilitation period;
  • getting rid of fungal infections;
  • the shape of the nail does not change;
  • no scars.

Before removing an ingrown toenail, many patients are interested in the possibility of recurrence of the pathology. The return to the problem of ingrown nails after laser surgery is minimized. Statistics show that only one percent of patients who have undergone laser removal are forced to fight this disease again. Probably, most often people who are faced with an ingrown nail are interested in the question: “Is the removal procedure painful?” The operation itself is performed using local anesthesia, which guarantees an almost complete absence of pain. After the anesthesia wears off, minor pain may occur, which can be easily relieved by taking painkillers, such as analgin. But the pain that an ingrown toenail brings is much more difficult and dangerous to endure. Therefore, the question about the pain of the procedure can be answered like this: “It is better to suffer a little pain after the operation than to suffer without taking any measures.”


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Surgery to remove an ingrown toenail is the most effective solution to the problem. An ingrown toenail can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. After all, this means pain and bleeding when walking, discharge of pus and an unaesthetic appearance. But in practice, people more often come to the clinic with an already advanced case, when the finger begins to fester.

Ingrown toenail: some statistics

In medicine, the ingrowth of a nail into the skin (into the lateral edge of the nail fold) is called onychocryptosis. The disease is accompanied not only by unpleasant symptoms, but also by functional disorders. It occurs more often in men under 30 and in women after 40 years. Only 5-10% of the population consult a doctor or cosmetologist when this problem is detected. The rest are trying to cope on their own. Few manage to do this successfully, so in the end almost everyone becomes a patient of a surgeon or podiatrist - a specialist in the treatment of diseases related to the feet.

By the way! 95% of people suffer from an ingrown toenail. Moreover, the inner side suffers more often. Exceptions include onychocryptosis of the little finger and intermediate fingers. Nails on the hands also grow in very rarely.

Onychocryptosis is chronic. Many people live with it for many years, getting used to constant pain and not noticing the progression of the disease. Among purulent-inflammatory infections, onychocryptosis ranks 2nd. But this is due to the fact that people do not seek medical help on time. Because there are a lot of methods for treating and removing ingrown toenails.

Degrees of ingrown toenail

Onychocryptosis is never asymptomatic. Even the first stage of the disease immediately makes itself felt. In total, there are three degrees of development of an ingrown nail.

Onychocryptosis can be cured at any stage. But it is better to do this as early as possible to avoid suffering and prevent complications.

Why is it so important to treat ingrown toenails?

Timely surgery to remove an ingrown toenail is necessary not only because the disease is painful
(after all, some people get used to it and don’t pay attention to the discomfort). A neglected process can lead to serious complications. One of them is lymphadenitis. This is an inflammation of the lymph nodes closest to the site of infection. In the case of an ingrown toenail, these will be the popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes. They can become inflamed and greatly increase in size. Lymphadenitis requires long-term medical treatment, although surgical removal of the inflamed nodes is not excluded.

Other types of complications lead to amputation of the phalanx or the entire toe. This may be due to osteomyelitis or gangrene. If there is necrotization or purulent inflammation of the tissues, there is no point in continuing treatment. And even removing the nail plate will not help.

Methods for treating an ingrown toe

Diagnosing the disease is not difficult. External signs unmistakably let the doctor and the patient understand that this is onychocryptosis. But it is important to find out whether there is a pathological condition, so the surgeon or podologist also sends a general blood test to assess the severity of inflammation. Additionally, blood sugar levels are measured to rule out diabetes and to gain an understanding of how to further treat the ingrown toenail.

Correction with special devices

This type of therapy is used in the first or second stages of ingrown nails. A protector in the form of a bracket or plate is put on the finger. It supports the edge of the nail plate, relieving the pressure on the periungual fold and eliminating pain. You have to wear corrective devices for several months until the nail begins to grow normally without damaging the skin.

Classic method for removing ingrown toenails

This operation can be performed directly in the clinic. First, the patient receives local anesthesia (a finger injection). Then the doctor excises the nail fold and eliminates the ingrown nail segment. Some of the nail matrix is ​​also removed to prevent the overgrown nail from growing into it over the next few weeks. The wound is treated with antiseptic agents, and the finger is bandaged. For the next 5-6 days, the patient undergoes dressings, then receives further treatment at home on his own using prescribed ointments and following a gentle foot regimen. After a month, the wound is completely healed.

Radio wave treatment method

This is a very effective and modern way to remove an ingrown toenail. The technique is considered low-painful and low-traumatic. When performing the operation, radio waves are used, with which the doctor processes the nail matrix and periungual ridges.

The process takes 3-6 minutes. No stitches are required: an antiseptic bandage is applied to the treated area, and the patient is sent home. You will need to change the bandage yourself every day. Complete healing occurs after a week and a half. Such an operation will cost 2-5 thousand rubles.

Laser technique

Laser removal of ingrown toenails is one of the most modern methods of treating onychocryptosis. The laser beam allows you to remove both the ingrown area of ​​the nail plate and injured tissue. The advantage of the technique is that the laser simultaneously serves as a scalpel and a coagulator.

Those. in the process of cutting skin tissue, it immediately seals the resulting wounds and disinfects them. Blood loss is minimal, healing occurs much faster than with the classical method. The patient needs 5-7 days to fully recover.

The cost of an operation to remove an ingrown nail with a laser varies from 2 to 8 thousand rubles. It all depends on the complexity of the procedure and the size of the affected area.

Removing the nail plate using a patch

Often, due to inflammatory processes with an ingrown toenail, a fungus also develops. The nail changes: it becomes thinner, covered with scales, and peels off. In this case, it would be advisable to use a keratolytic patch to remove the affected nail, because conventional surgery to eliminate a segment of the nail plate will not help. This patch contains special substances that slowly corrode and soften the nail. After a few days he goes away on his own.

How to prevent ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail is a problem that can recur many times. And even after successful removal of an ingrown toenail with a laser or radio waves, onychocryptosis often returns. To prevent this, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your nail plate on your big toe and consult a doctor at the first suspicion of ingrown nails. There are also rules of prevention that will help avoid onychocryptosis.

  • Do a pedicure correctly. Under no circumstances should the edges be cut or rounded. Although some people do this on purpose: they push aside the side bolsters and get there with scissors or tongs. If you do this, the nail will soon begin to grow in with almost one hundred percent probability.
  • Choose the right shoes. Fashionable shoes with tapered toes are beautiful, but harmful for the foot and big toe nail. Excessive tightness provokes its growth into the skin.
  • Treat the fungus in a timely manner. Onychomycosis leads to changes in the shape of the nail plates: they can curl or thicken, resulting in them growing into the skin.

Foot hygiene is also very important. Many bacteria accumulate under the toenails, which can trigger an inflammatory process. And then, at the slightest damage to the skin, the wound quickly becomes infected, the tissues swell, and an ingrown nail forms. Therefore, you should wash your feet regularly, and if necessary, also take baths with soapy water.