Artificial childbirth: types, indications and consequences. Conditions and methods of artificial childbirth

Other reasons

There are cases when pregnancy is desired, but at a certain period it turns out that the child is seriously ill or the mother cannot bear it. If it is too late to carry out a regular medical abortion, they resort to a method such as artificial birth.

Artificial delivery is carried out in a specialized medical institution that has an intensive care unit, since such a gross intervention in the female body can have serious consequences for health. Artificial induction of labor is performed using modern techniques and medications, the purpose of which is to reduce the risk of possible consequences, however, much will depend on the woman’s health condition and the severity of the existing pathology.

Up to 12 weeks, every woman can terminate an unwanted pregnancy of her own free will, and this is called. After this period, abortion is prohibited.

In the subsequent weeks of pregnancy, the term “induced labor” is used. Termination of pregnancy by artificial birth is carried out in late stages of gestation using premature delivery. To undergo this procedure, a woman must have strict medical or social indications.

No doctor will artificially induce labor without compelling arguments. This is due to both the legal ban on such practices and the ethical side of the problem.

With the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the fetus not only becomes human-like in appearance, but also has developed sensory organs. He experiences pain, so this procedure turns into real agony for him.


Artificial childbirth at home or only at the request of the woman is prohibited by law. This medical procedure is prescribed in individual crisis situations. Before it is carried out, the woman undergoes a full examination, and the doctor weighs the pros and cons, taking into account the patient’s health condition. Based on the clinical picture obtained, the specialist makes a decision in favor of artificial delivery and obtains the woman’s consent.

Medical indications for artificial childbirth are:

  • chronic pathologies incompatible with pregnancy, i.e. the woman is physically unable to bear and give birth to a child;
  • abnormalities of fetal development identified as a result of ultrasound diagnostics or during specific laboratory tests;
  • fetal chromosomal abnormalities detected through genetic testing;
  • serious illnesses suffered by a woman in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy that can adversely affect the formation and development of the fetus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels, oncology, the treatment of which requires the use of strong medications, radiation and chemotherapy;
  • diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, tuberculosis, syphilis, rubella;
  • mental disorders pronounced during pregnancy;
  • cessation of fetal growth;
  • early pregnancy - up to 16 years;
  • alcoholism or drug addiction of both parents;
  • dysfunctional state of the placenta;
  • uterine bleeding;

In addition to medical ones, there are also social indications for artificial childbirth:

  • antisocial behavior in society;
  • pregnancy resulting from rape;
  • death or disability of a spouse during pregnancy;
  • stay of one of the spouses in prison.

Modern medicine makes it possible to carry out artificial delivery in a short time, without pain and serious complications for the woman’s health.

Methods of inducing artificial labor

The question of how artificial childbirth is done worries every woman who has decided to undergo this procedure.

There are several methods for carrying it out, as a result of which the fetus dies or is born and requires care:

  1. The use of prostaglandins is the most common method of inducing labor before 20 weeks. Special drugs have a softening effect on the cervix, promote its opening, and also cause contraction of the myometrium, provoking contractions. Prostaglandins are available in the form of tablets, suppositories or gels. They are injected repeatedly directly into the vagina, often combined with drugs that promote more effective dilatation of the cervix - Papaverine, No-shpa, etc.
  2. Puncture of the amniotic sac is usually used as an additional way to stimulate artificial labor.
  3. Caesarean section - can be performed from the 2nd trimester, when the fetus is not yet viable. In this case, the operation is called a minor caesarean section. It is practiced less frequently, only when the patient is in serious condition.
  4. Initial killing of the fetus in the womb followed by expulsion.

Time limits established for artificial childbirth

Induced childbirth is usually carried out from 14 to 23 weeks of pregnancy. Before this period, termination of pregnancy is called abortion, later - premature birth. In most countries, the practice of induced childbirth is prohibited. In Russia, this procedure is carried out according to the strictest social and medical indications.


Having learned how artificial childbirth is done and how long it lasts, a woman understands the stress her body will have to endure. The consequences of an induced birth can seriously affect her health. Doctors try to prevent this unwanted procedure by performing it under extreme circumstances, and social workers agree to it only in a desperate situation.

The consequences of artificial delivery are:

  1. Bleeding. A woman's uterus looks like a huge wound, but if the birth is on time, a protective mechanism is activated that prevents the risk of serious bleeding. During artificial birth, this protection simply does not exist, so bleeding occurs quite often.
  1. Placental polyp. If during childbirth a patch of villous membrane remains, it can grow with connective tissue and turn into a placental polyp. The consequences are serious: bleeding and heavy periods after artificial birth, iron deficiency anemia. Repeated curettage of the uterus is necessary.
  1. Infertility. A new pregnancy after an artificial birth can occur only after specific, expensive treatment. Often it turns out to be ineffective, and the woman is permanently diagnosed with “secondary infertility.”
  1. Inflammation. Acute and chronic inflammatory phenomena are not uncommon during artificial delivery. Inflammation can affect not only the uterine cavity, but also other pelvic organs - fallopian tubes, ovaries. As a result, this process can result in consequences such as ovarian dysfunction, ectopic pregnancy, hormonal problems and much more.
  1. Abscesses. Appear against the background of an advanced stage of inflammation in the abdominal cavity. The purulent process in the uterine cavity and beyond is dangerous for a woman’s life, as it is fraught with complications such as peritonitis and sepsis.
  1. Cervical rupture. This complication becomes a clear threat to pregnancy in the future. The risk of miscarriage or premature birth after artificial birth becomes high for a mother who once failed.

Before deciding to have an artificial birth, you need to think carefully about everything and make a positive decision only if there really is no other option.

Artificial childbirth is carried out for various reasons and consists of: medical abortion at 20 weeks, stimulation of labor after 41 weeks, and caesarean section. Many people believe that artificial childbirth has a lot of disadvantages, however, this is not entirely true, because the doctor will not prescribe this procedure unnecessarily.

What is artificial childbirth

In many countries, artificial childbirth is carried out solely for medical reasons, and in some countries this procedure is generally prohibited, since there are many different contraindications. However, it is worth noting that there are quite strong indications for carrying out such a procedure.

This procedure is carried out at the 20th week of pregnancy from the moment of the last menstruation, and also, according to indications, artificial stimulation of labor can be carried out after the 41st week of pregnancy or if there are indications for cesarean section. Doctors referring a woman for artificial childbirth must carefully consider each specific case.

A woman can be referred for the procedure at 20 weeks by a special commission consisting of::

  • The gynecologist who observed the pregnant woman;
  • Chief physician of the hospital;
  • A highly qualified specialist in the area in which problems were identified.

After an urgent consultation, the patient receives official documents certified by the seals and signatures of the commission members. A woman who is referred for an artificial birth needs to undergo a consultation with a psychologist, since in a stressful situation the body may experience an unexpected failure.

Pregnancy after artificial birth

Artificial childbirth is not only a physical, but also a severe psychological trauma for each individual woman, which is why there is no need to rush into the next pregnancy, it is necessary to give the body a good opportunity to rest and recover. Often, after the intervention, a woman may experience infertility.

To avoid this you need:

  • Carry out the procedure only in a specialized clinic;
  • Follow all doctor's recommendations;
  • Undergo periodic inspections.

If complications are detected in a timely manner, it is possible to preserve reproductive functions and fully restore health. The menstrual cycle is usually restored after a month, however, as a result of hormonal imbalance, there may be some delays.

Next time doctors recommend getting pregnant no earlier than in a year. It is imperative to undergo a preliminary examination, pass all the required tests and consult with a geneticist regarding pregnancy planning. Often, women cannot become pregnant for a long time after the procedure.

Urgent artificial birth for medical reasons

Induced childbirth is the process of terminating a pregnancy, which is carried out after 12 weeks. Such a procedure is prescribed only in exceptional cases and only the doctor makes such a decision, taking into account the presence of medical indications for this procedure.

Such indications include:

  • Chronic diseases that are a contraindication for pregnancy;
  • Physically impossible to bear a fetus;
  • Defects or dangerous underdevelopment of the fetus;
  • In case of frozen pregnancy;
  • The presence of chromosomal abnormalities;
  • Serious illnesses suffered by a woman in the 1st trimester;
  • Cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

In addition, pregnancy is terminated in the event of cessation of fetal growth, uterine bleeding, alcoholism and drug addiction of the parents. Such an intervention is also done when the fetus is postterm, after 41 weeks of pregnancy, or when labor is weak. Assessing the clinical picture, the doctor makes a decision and obtains consent from the patient.

Important! Before undertaking an induced birth procedure, it is important to think carefully and rethink everything.

Reviews: artificial birth at 20 weeks

Reviews from those who have undergone artificial childbirth are ambiguous, since for some this process is almost unnoticeable and painless, but for some the consequences can be very serious. Modern medicine has the latest technologies, which is why artificial childbirth takes place with virtually no consequences. Complications are possible only in the presence of pathologies or an incorrectly performed procedure.

Artificial childbirth can cause such consequences as:

  • Severe prolonged bleeding;
  • Formation of placental polyp;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • Infertility;
  • Menstruation irregularities;
  • Blood poisoning;
  • Changes in hormonal levels.

If hospital care was provided and the procedure was carried out correctly, then artificial induction of labor is completely safe, however, in any case, it is necessary to take into account all available indications and contraindications.

How artificial childbirth is done

Every woman naturally wants to know how the process of artificial childbirth occurs, in what month this procedure can be performed, how long it lasts and how painful it is. It all depends on which method of artificial termination was chosen by the doctor. This largely determines how much artificial childbirth costs.

There are several methods for carrying out an artificial interruption, in particular, such as:

  • Taking prostaglandins;
  • Taking Mifegin;
  • Saline abortion;
  • Transabdominal method.

Taking prostaglandins is considered the most outdated method, which involves taking the hormone prostaglandin. This drug provokes contractions and ensures gradual dilatation of the cervix. This procedure is quite long and very painful. With the help of these hormones, labor is induced at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, and the child is born non-viable.

Another way is to take Mifegin. Such an abortion is often carried out at a later date.

Initially, the patient is given Mifegin, and after 36-48 hours, she needs to take Misopristol, a prostaglandin analogue. Unlike the previous method, it is considered safer and almost painless. When a medical abortion is performed at a later stage, the child sometimes survives, however, he is born with very serious pathologies and dangerous complications.

Given this, the patient is given potassium chloride, which causes cardiac arrest in the fetus or cessation of the flow of nutrients through the umbilical cord. Due to such consequences, it is recommended to carry out artificial delivery no later than 5 months of pregnancy.

Saline abortion means that amniotic fluid is pumped out with a special long medical needle, and a saline solution is injected in its place.

The fetus dies as a result of excess sodium concentration in the blood plasma, as well as from loss of water. 24-48 hours after such an injection, the frozen fetus is urgently removed from the uterine cavity. Prostaglandins are used to stimulate artificial labor.

If there are contraindications to any intravenous administration of solutions, the method of dilation of the cervix with the help of medical instruments is used, and then the amniotic sac is opened. The transabdominal method is used quite rarely, since it is quite difficult to survive and can have serious consequences. These consequences include cervical rupture, infection, or prolonged labor.

Depending on the chosen technique, artificial labor lasts from 12 to 48 hours.

Artificial birth (video)

Artificial childbirth is a very complex process that provokes various complications, which is why they are carried out exclusively for medical reasons.

In this article we will talk about a procedure that helps save the lives of pregnant women or deprives them of the right to have a child for one reason or another. We will talk about artificial childbirth - what the procedure is, in what cases it is carried out and whether the consequences are serious, what are the chances of having children in the future.

What it is

Artificial birth is the termination of pregnancy after or artificial stimulation of labor after, when the child is considered post-term.

In fact, artificial childbirth is just a different name, but this identification is correct only in the case when the child is born non-viable. In the case of artificial birth after the 40th week, this process is most often called precisely.

Indications for artificial childbirth

Such births are carried out only for certain indications, and this does not always depend on the wishes of the woman herself.

Important!If a doctor performs an artificial birth without good reason, he may be given a real prison sentence.


This procedure has a different name for a reason. If the consent of the woman carrying the child is sufficient for an abortion, then an artificial birth requires a compelling reason, most often a threat to the life of the mother.

Termination of pregnancy after the 15th week is referred in the following cases:

  1. Diseases that make it physically impossible to bear a healthy child.
  2. Fetal underdevelopment or serious genetic mutations that lead to the birth of a non-viable child or a child with a disability.
  3. and other deviations in the set of chromosomes.
  4. The mother has cancer or serious cardiovascular diseases, the treatment of which involves strong medications or chemotherapy. A child after such drugs or procedures will be born sick or with deformities.
  5. Mental disorders in the mother.
  6. Alcoholism or drug use.
  7. when the mother's body rejects the child.
  8. Diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, syphilis, rubella.
  9. Weak labor.
  10. Age up to 16 years.

Please note that in all cases, further pregnancy directly or indirectly threatens the life of the mother, therefore artificial childbirth is a last resort measure that helps save the woman’s life. In all other cases, the doctor will either refuse or require a compelling social reason.


Social indications for termination of childbirth are a way out for girls and women who do not simply abandon the child, but consider the very fact of pregnancy to be a serious problem. We are talking about those cases when the child either does not receive proper care or is hated by his parents.

Social indications:

  1. Pregnancy due to sexual violence.
  2. Deprivation of mother's parental rights.
  3. Mother's antisocial lifestyle.
  4. The death of the child’s father or his receipt of I-II degree disability.
  5. Imprisonment during pregnancy.

Important! In some cases, artificial termination of pregnancy can be performed without the mother's consent.

How the process works: stimulation methods

There are several options for terminating a pregnancy, each of them has its own specifics.

Taking prostaglandins

In fact, this is a medical abortion, which is based on the introduction of the hormone prostaglandin.

In this case, the hormone is administered both in the form of liquid and as part of suppositories. Its main task is to cause the cervix to dilate.

Prostaglandin causes pain, during which the woman experiences severe pain, and the entire procedure lasts quite a long time. Sometimes it takes multiple injections of the hormone to get the uterus to fully open.

Given the pain and duration of the procedure, this method is not currently practiced. As a last resort, the hormone is administered along with the intake. It is important that the hormone is administered specifically to terminate pregnancy, and not to induce labor.

Taking Mifegin

Medical abortion involves taking the drug Mifegina. This method can be used no later than the 5th month of pregnancy.

The woman takes the drug, after which, 36-48 hours later, she is given Misoprostol (an analogue of the hormonal drug described above). After this, an injection of potassium chloride is administered. This is done in order to kill the child, because often the child is born alive, but with such pathologies that he cannot survive.

It is important to understand that this whole procedure is on the border between what is permitted and what is prohibited, so if a child is born with serious complications, then doctors do not have the right to kill him, as this will be classified as murder.

Therefore, in the event of a live birth, the child will be provided with medication until the organs fail due to their underdevelopment.

Did you know? Abortion in ancient times was an extremely dangerous procedure, since the woman was either injected with iodine or glycerin into the uterus, or the fetus was pierced with a sharp object. In Rus', they practiced taking ergot infusions or steaming in a bathhouse at the highest possible temperature.

Saline abortion (filling)

This method also cannot be called optimal, since the child can still be born alive, which puts an end to the abortion procedure itself.

The procedure involves removing about 200 ml of fluid from the membranes with a long needle, which is inserted through the peritoneum. After this, the same volume of 20% aqueous salt solution is injected into the fetal bladder. As a result of sodium poisoning, as well as dehydration, the fetus dies within a day or two.

After the fetus is killed, the woman takes a prostaglandin analogue to help the uterus open. Saline abortion is not very different from a normal birth, however, the fetus is small in size, so the pain and duration itself are somewhat shorter.

Transabdominal method

In fact, this is the surgical removal of the fetus directly from the uterus without the use of drugs that kill the child or stimulate labor. The transabdominal method is used if the methods described above can harm the woman’s health.

During the operation, instruments are inserted into the vagina to open the cervix and then rupture the amniotic sac. Next, the baby is mechanically removed from the uterus.

Although this method seems to be the most optimal, it carries serious risks to the mother’s health. When the uterus is expanded with instruments, a tear may occur, followed by infection. Also, the process itself can take a long time, which will affect the woman’s health.

Possible risks and consequences

In fact, serious consequences and complications occur extremely rarely, since all operations are performed exclusively in a hospital under the constant supervision of several doctors.

Consequences arise if a woman already has serious illnesses, or she seeks help after the 5th month of pregnancy.

The following problems arise:

  1. Heavy bleeding.
  2. Formation of a placental polyp, which leads to the loss of large volumes of blood.
  3. Inflammatory processes caused by infection in the reproductive organs.
  4. Inability to have children.
  5. Blood poisoning.
  6. Problems with hormonal levels.

Mental disorders also often occur as a result of the action of hormones, as well as under the influence of the situation itself. For this reason, many women require long-term rehabilitation even if the procedure was successful.

Is it possible to have children after artificial birth?

One of the possible complications is infertility, but it cannot be said that after an artificial birth you cannot have children. It all depends on your health and the progress of the abortion operation.

With all this, nothing concrete can be said, since there are many factors that directly or indirectly affect the future possibility of becoming pregnant.

Here are some of them:

  • age;
  • mental condition;
  • the presence or absence of inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • hormonal background;
  • chronic or acute diseases of the genital organs;
  • the presence of diseases of organs that receive double load during pregnancy.

As you can see, not all factors directly affect the ability to get pregnant, but if, for example, chronic kidney disease is diagnosed, then the successful bearing of a child is called into question, because this organ can fail during pregnancy, which is why doctors will have to perform an abortion again.

Did you know? Most children are born with a blue or gray-blue iris. This is due to the lack of pigment. After 6 months, if there is a lot of pigment, the eyes will turn brown or green. Pigmentation is set at the genetic level.

Artificial termination of pregnancy is an analogue of late-term abortion. Despite the level of development of medicine, such a procedure greatly affects a woman’s health. At the same time, it helps save the life of the mother, and also eliminates the birth of children who either are not needed by their parents or will not be able to survive after childbirth.

Most women dream of experiencing the joy of motherhood. But things don't always go smoothly. It happens that a woman has dreamed of a child for a long time, and now the long-awaited pregnancy has arrived. But something went wrong, and the fetus cannot develop further in the mother’s womb. This brings deep disappointment to parents, but this is how nature ordered it. When problems occur in the early stages of bearing a baby, they suggest an abortion, but if the term has already reached the second trimester, then an artificial birth is performed in order to avoid complications from a non-developing pregnancy.

What is induced childbirth?

Induced childbirth is a procedure to terminate a pregnancy after the first trimester. When it is necessary to interrupt the process of bearing a child before 12 weeks, the woman is offered abortion intervention. A girl has the right to have an abortion if she wishes. But after 3 months it will not be possible to terminate the pregnancy so easily; there must be serious indications for this. Usually these are social or medical reasons.

Attention!Terminating a late pregnancy solely at the woman’s request is prohibited by law, so no doctor will agree to this.

The reason for an artificial birth can only be serious problems with the health of the mother or fetus

Also, the concept of artificial childbirth includes stimulation of the process during post-term pregnancy.

Stimulating labor over long periods carries with it certain risks for the health of the fetus and mother, so this procedure is carried out only in specialized medical institutions by qualified workers. Such institutions must have all the necessary equipment to take immediate life-saving measures in the event of an emergency.

The decision to carry out an artificial birth is made by a medical meeting consisting of a gynecologist who observed the woman in labor throughout pregnancy, the head of the medical institution and a highly specialized specialist in the area where the woman was found to have disorders. After the decision is made, the woman receives an official statement with the seals of the institution and the signatures of the commission members.

At what period is artificial childbirth used?

If a woman has reached 41 weeks and labor still does not begin, then artificial delivery is indicated. In this case, the labor process is stimulated with medications, or a caesarean section is performed.

If the mother has indications for artificial childbirth due to a medical or social factor, then an abortion is performed up to 3 months, and an artificial birth procedure is prescribed from 3 to 6 months. The best option is to perform an artificial birth at 20 weeks.

Most often, artificial birth can be performed for a period of 3 to 6 months.

Indications for artificial childbirth

Only the woman’s desire to stimulate the birth process will be sufficient in the early stages of pregnancy; in later stages, reasonable indications for artificial childbirth should arise. Such indications are carefully examined by a medical commission, and an informed decision is made.

Such indications are divided into social and medical factors.

Social ones include:

  1. An accident with the husband of a pregnant patient, which resulted in the death or disability of the spouse.
  2. Inappropriate behavior in society.
  3. Sexual violence resulting in pregnancy.
  4. Serving in prison for one or both spouses.
  5. Deprivation of a woman's right to perform parental responsibilities.

In addition to social reasons, artificial childbirth can be prescribed for medical reasons:

  1. Chronic diseases in which bearing a child is contraindicated.
  2. Genetic disorders in the fetus identified as a result of ultrasound or special screening.
  3. Mental illness of the mother.
  4. Death of the fetus inside the womb.
  5. Infectious diseases that occur in a woman during pregnancy, which can affect the development of the child.
  6. Serious pathologies in the mother requiring treatment with potent drugs.
  7. Cessation of intrauterine growth of a child.
  8. Pregnancy at too young an age.
  9. One of the parents has an addiction to alcohol or drugs.
  10. Uterine bleeding.
  11. Non-functioning of the placenta.
  12. Conditions that threaten the mother's life.

These factors provide compelling reasons for artificial intervention.

The decision about artificial birth can only be made by a doctor after a complete examination of the mother and fetus.

Methods of artificial childbirth

Artificial childbirth is carried out using different methods, depending on the indications. This could be a medical interruption, or it could be a surgical intervention.

When choosing tactics for artificial childbirth, all indicators that can affect the development of possible complications are assessed, and the condition of the mother and fetus is taken into account.

Artificial birth is carried out in a specialized hospital, with all the necessary equipment available to monitor all indicators of the mother, and if the survival of the fetus and its condition is possible.

When deciding to stimulate the birth process, the following techniques can be used:

  • Use of hormone therapy.
  • Drug stimulation of labor.
  • C-section.
  • Puncture of the bladder shell.

Each method may carry certain risks, so doctors approach this issue with the utmost seriousness.

Hormone therapy

This procedure is quite unpleasant and painful for women.

It is the most widely used method of inducing labor. This method involves administering the prostaglandin hormone intravenously, and when this is not possible, the drug is injected directly into the vagina using special suppositories or tablets.

Hormonal drugs lead to the onset of labor. After their insertion, the cervix begins to open, resulting in contractions.

If the fetus is expected to remain alive, then this method is safe for it, since the drugs do not penetrate to the child. But this technique will be very painful for the mother, since the procedure is quite long and painful.

Drug stimulation

In this case, the drug Mifegin is used, which promotes the death of the fetus inside the womb and its subsequent expulsion. In rare cases, the fetus remains alive in the womb, then additional hormonal drugs are administered to kill the baby, since after this method the child will not be able to exist normally in society.

The drug Mifegin is used to induce artificial labor


Can be performed starting from the second trimester. This is a surgical procedure that involves cutting the woman’s reproductive organ for subsequent removal of the child. This procedure is prescribed mainly when a woman requires surgery on the internal genital organs for medical reasons.

Also, such an intervention is carried out if a woman carries the pregnancy to term or if serious complications arise with the mother’s health during pregnancy.

Replacing amniotic fluid with saline solution

The most cruel method of terminating the life of a fetus. The child inside the womb dies in severe agony and pain.

The doctor pumps out the volume of amniotic fluid, then injects a saline solution into its place. After 1-2 days, the fetus dies in extreme pain, then the child is removed from the uterus.

If in some cases the baby remains alive, he will be born with serious complications and pathologies.

Replacing amniotic fluid with saline solution

Puncture of the bladder shell

This method is used mainly as an additional stimulation of labor. It leads to an acceleration of the birth process, but can provoke infection into the baby’s womb or a lack of oxygen supply to the baby.

Possible risks and consequences

Any intervention in a woman’s body can bring serious complications. An exception is not artificial childbirth. Due to the serious consequences of this method of abortion, experts try to use it only in the most extreme cases that threaten the life and health of the mother or child.

The consequences of stimulation of labor may be as follows:

  • Uterine bleeding. When childbirth occurs as a natural process, a woman's reproductive organ is able to recover as nature intended. But if a woman’s body is forcibly interfered with, then the protective functions do not work, which can lead to bleeding.
  • Placental polyps. Formed as a result of incomplete cleansing of the uterus during artificial childbirth. These remnants grow into the tissue of the organ and form a growth, which is dangerous due to heavy bleeding. It may appear in the form of copious scarlet discharge during menstruation. In this case, repeated cleansing of the uterus using instrumental methods is indicated.
  • Inability to have children in the future. With artificial intervention, the patient is prescribed potent restorative therapy, which may not give the desired results. In this case, the woman may be diagnosed with infertility.
  • Purulent inflammatory processes in the peritoneum. The inflammatory process in a woman’s reproductive organs can spread to the abdominal cavity, which can lead to blood poisoning and other serious complications.
  • Hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities.

In modern conditions of artificial intervention, serious complications rarely occur.

Induced childbirth can have some unpleasant consequences for a woman

Pregnancy after artificial birth

Recovery after an artificial birth will be very long.

Important!A woman will be allowed to raise the issue of re-pregnancy after 6-12 months. With early planning for subsequent conception, the situation may repeat itself.

All consultations in this regard should be obtained from your attending physician.

Often women after artificial childbirth are faced with the sad diagnosis of infertility. Therefore, you should undergo a full examination to identify the cause of the failed pregnancy and eliminate it. If you approach the recovery period and subsequent conception planning correctly, a woman will be able to find the joy of motherhood.


So, artificial childbirth in most cases brings deep disappointment to a woman. An unsuccessful pregnancy sometimes even drives a woman into depression. Of course, doctors are also not happy to carry out this procedure, but when the question of life and death seriously arises, experienced specialists will save the mother. After such a procedure, it would be better for parents to have both of them fully examined in order to plan and implement a successful conception in the future and give birth to a long-awaited healthy baby.

More recently, artificial birth in late pregnancy could not help save the child's life. Little by little, medicine has found a way to reduce this risk, but it still remains. The first and most common complication is considered to be bleeding. There are cases where women died due to bleeding or remained infertile. This is largely caused by exposure to a variety of drugs that are not at all beneficial to the body. It is possible that a placental polyp may occur due to the fact that the placenta is very firmly attached to the uterus. This can cause long and heavy bleeding, as well as iron deficiency anemia. If after childbirth doctors suspect the presence of this complication, they immediately begin to scrape the uterus.

Quite often, after artificial childbirth, women experience various types of inflammation. Most often, they begin to actively develop in the genital and pelvic areas. Initially, the source of infection may be the uterine cavity, and then adjacent organs such as the ovaries or fallopian tubes. This will also affect the woman’s ability to become pregnant in the future. This will be impossible because the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

Placental polyp after childbirth

When a woman’s ovaries become inflamed, her hormonal levels change dramatically. The menstrual cycle also gets disrupted, which prevents a new pregnancy. In addition, if there are inflammatory processes in the tubes, then this can even cause an ectopic pregnancy, since the risk is very high. And the fact that the embryo is not in the uterus will become clear already at 8-10 weeks. During this period of pregnancy, the embryo has already reached a fairly large size and can easily rupture the fallopian tube. Then the woman will experience very heavy bleeding, which can be fatal for the woman.

If an inflammatory process is detected, then you should not delay treatment. After all, it can lead to more severe complications such as ulcers. This is very dangerous, because there are known cases when ulcers also spread into the abdominal cavity, reached the surface of the body and infected other organs. Sometimes they may discharge pus. It is these cases that doctors call the most severe, because blood poisoning may well begin. And since the blood flow is very fast, the infection will very quickly spread to all corners of the body.

We must remember that. That artificial childbirth can only be performed by a specialist and only if there are really serious reasons for the operation. These may be diseases incompatible with life in a child: malformations of the cardiovascular system, problems with the central nervous system. They lead to severe pathologies that can threaten a woman’s life. According to the law, the procedure for artificial childbirth can only be carried out until 20-22 weeks of pregnancy. If the period is longer, then it is already called infanticide. Therefore, you need to think very carefully before deciding to take such a serious step. Weigh the pros and cons. After all, from the first minutes of pregnancy this is a living person and he has every right to life and no one has the right to decide whether he should live or die without even seeing the world.

Therefore, weigh the pros and cons before the doctor sends you for artificial birth and also think very carefully about the consequences, which will be very difficult for you. And this applies not only to the physical side, but also to the moral side. After all, as statistics show, many have many women. Those who experienced artificial childbirth as prescribed by a doctor, and not of their own free will, cannot improve their mental state for a long time.