Can a frozen pregnancy be an ultrasound error? How to determine this condition without ultrasound diagnostics? Frozen pregnancy mistake Wrong diagnosis of missed pregnancy in the early stages.

February 23

Frozen pregnancy (non-developing, ZB) is the death of the fetus in the womb. This trouble can happen at any stage of gestation, although it is most common in the early stages. The first 8 weeks of gestation are critical, because during this period the process of laying the main organs and systems is underway, and any negative factor can be fatal for the unborn baby.

A frozen pregnancy in the early stages has less deplorable consequences for the mother's body, both psycho-emotional and physical, than the death of a child after she felt him move. This moment must be experienced and be sure to decide on a new conception.

Causes of intrauterine fetal death

There are a number of reasons why a failure could occur, leading to a missed pregnancy. At the beginning of the gestation period, the expectant mother does not even always know that she is carrying a child and sometimes, consciously or not, is exposed to harmful factors. Therefore, it is conceived by nature in such a way that the embryo either tolerates their effects and develops normally in the future, or dies. The main causes of missed pregnancy are:

  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus;
  • infectious diseases of the mother during gestation;
  • immunological pathologies of the mother;
  • endocrine problems of the mother's body;
  • bad habits;
  • environmental hazard of the area of ​​residence and work;
  • physical and mental trauma.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the fetus is not yet well fixed in the uterus, so there is a threat of pregnancy fading. The reason for this sad event may be the flu and SARS of the expectant mother

The most common cause of death of the embryo is its non-viability caused by genetic abnormalities. The second most important factor is TORCH infections, as well as STDs (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonococcal infection), SARS, FLU, etc. These diseases lead to disruption of the mechanism of cell division and death of the embryo.

Immunological incompatibility of sexual partners can cause the death of their fetus (up to 12 weeks, as a rule). Diseases of the immune system of a pregnant woman can lead to the cessation of the development of the fetus. Lack or excess of hormones (progesterone, testosterone, prolactin) can lead to impaired fetal development and death. Thyroid hormone imbalance is also a risk factor. Chemical poisoning, smoking, alcohol intake, radioactive radiation, ongoing stressful situations have a significant impact on the development of the fetus, cause developmental anomalies and death.

Symptoms of the cessation of fetal development

The symptoms of a missed pregnancy are not pronounced. For several weeks, a woman may not even be aware of the cessation of fetal development. Therefore, you should be attentive to such manifestations as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen (a sign of myometrial hypertonicity);
  • discharge containing blood from the vagina (even in small amounts);
  • decrease in subjective sensations inherent in pregnant women (hypersensitivity to odors, changes in eating habits, drowsiness, toxicosis);
  • reduction of swelling of the mammary glands.

Firstly, not every pregnant woman experiences the whole complex of subjective sensations in a pronounced form. Secondly, their intensity decreases with the progression of gestational processes. Therefore, if a woman has not responded to changes in well-being and has not undergone an ultrasound procedure in the early stages, fetal death can be diagnosed after the onset of rejection (in a few weeks) and the appearance of spotting vaginal discharge.

If a woman does not undergo an ultrasound scan at an early stage, she may not even be aware of the fading life of the fetus for some time. A woman should listen very sensitively to the reactions of her own body: pain, discharge, fever or chills.

Methods for diagnosing an undeveloped pregnancy

  • examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • determination of basal temperature;
  • blood test for hCG.

The first two methods are the main ones. The last two are auxiliary. As a rule, an ultrasound examination is prescribed after an examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist. If fetal death is suspected, the woman is urgently sent for an ultrasound scan. If this happens in the early stages, it is better to confirm the results of ultrasound by other methods, including laboratory ones.

Ultrasound signs of a missed pregnancy and the possibility of a diagnostic error

Are there possible errors in diagnosing the ST? Yes, they are possible, because up to 5 weeks, it is very difficult to see the heartbeat of the embryo. But starting from 7 weeks, diagnostic errors are practically excluded, because. An ultrasound clearly shows the fetal heartbeat.

If the death of the embryo is diagnosed at a period of 5-6 weeks, a medical abortion is not prescribed until a second ultrasound. Because there is a chance that the vital functions of the fetus were not detected, for example, an error was made when setting the gestation period.

The main signs of the termination of the development of the embryo during the procedure of ultrasound diagnostics are:

  1. in the early stages- damage to the embryonic egg, its location (in the lower part of the uterus), uneven contours;
  2. in the late period- inconsistency of data on the gestation period obtained during ultrasound diagnostics and calculated from the last menstruation, as well as the absence of a fetal heartbeat.

These are mandatory, but insufficient justifications for the diagnosis of "missed pregnancy", since the development of the embryo does not always correspond to the gestational period calculated from the last menstruation. The reasons for this may be cycle disorders, ovarian cysts, hormonal pathologies, extreme psycho-emotional stress, etc. The difference can be about 4 weeks. In this case, after 1-2 weeks, the ultrasound procedure should be repeated. If there is no change in the size of the fetal egg, and there is no way to see the embryo, therefore, it is dead.

A gynecological examination reveals a suspicion of pregnancy fading, however, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis before ultrasound diagnosis. Only ultrasound visualizes the embryo and provides its characteristics to determine the exact picture.

Manifestations of fetal death during examination by a gynecologist

When examining a woman carrying a baby, the doctor evaluates the size of the cervix, cervical canal, uterus, assesses their condition and compliance with the expected gestation period. If he finds any inconsistencies, he prescribes an ultrasound scan to confirm / refute the diagnosis of a miscarriage.

Ultrasound is a necessary element of diagnostics, since in some women a smaller volume of the uterus is an aspect of the physiological norm, or there are violations that caused discrepancies in the gestation period for the fetus and the estimated period for menstruation.

Additional studies (hCG, basal temperature)

In the early stages, a blood test for hCG is an informatively significant procedure. Considering that up to 5 weeks it is still impossible to determine the fetal heartbeat using ultrasound, and up to 7 weeks there is a significant risk of a diagnostic error, a blood test for hCG in dynamics can resolve doubts about the preservation of the vital functions of the embryo. Since with the normal development of the baby, the level of the hormone per day increases almost 2 times.

Basal body temperature (BT) measurement is just an auxiliary method. It is not an accurate instrument as the results are influenced by both internal and external factors. BT is measured in the morning, immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed, at the same time for several days in a row. The thermometer is placed rectally. Under the influence of the hormone that preserves gestation (progesterone), the temperature will be slightly elevated (37.2-37.5 C). In case of fetal fading, progesterone is not maintained at an elevated level, and the basal temperature will be 0.3-0.5 C lower.

Non-developing pregnancy in late gestation

If the embryo survived the first 7-8 weeks, unfortunately, this is not a guarantee of its viability in the future. The fetus may stop developing in any trimester. The symptoms largely coincide with the manifestations of a missed pregnancy in the early stages (painful, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, spotting). They are joined by the lack of movement of the baby. In this case, you can not wait 1-2 days until the situation clears up, you need to urgently visit a antenatal clinic. The obstetrician-gynecologist will examine the woman and listen to the movement and heartbeat of the baby in her womb. In case of suspicion of cessation of fetal development, the woman is sent for an ultrasound scan.

Unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy can manifest itself not only in the first trimester, but also later. As soon as a woman notices sensations or pain that are atypical for herself, she urgently needs to visit a specialist.

Therapeutic and rehabilitation measures with a confirmed diagnosis

First of all, the woman is sent to the hospital. With the death of the embryo at the beginning of gestation, one-stage extraction of the fetal egg (embryo and its membranes) is possible. If little time has passed since conception, as a rule, the procedure is carried out by vacuum aspiration. This is the most sparing method for a woman's body. In a later period, this method is not applicable, in which case curettage is performed, with preliminary preparation of the cervix. Both procedures are most often performed under general anesthesia. In the early stages, the waiting method with the use of medical abortion is also practiced. It is also a gentle method of interrupting gestation.

After an abortion for medical reasons, both the body and the psyche of a woman need rehabilitation measures. Firstly, this is the use of oral contraceptives for at least 3 months, in case of detection of pathology of the genital organs and infectious lesions, as well as hormonal disorders, their treatment and recovery. Secondly, this is a change of scenery, avoidance of a stressful environment, in case of difficult experiences - a consultation with a psychologist. With the right selection of rehabilitation measures, the consequences for the reproductive functions of the female body are minimal.

What to expect with the next pregnancy?

In most cases (up to 90%), women who had a missed pregnancy in an obstetric history are capable of re-conceiving and carrying a normal baby. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • plan conception no earlier than 6 months;
  • identify and treat existing diseases;
  • prepare psychologically for bearing a baby.

If a repeated case of a missed pregnancy occurs, a deep examination should be carried out to identify the causes of this phenomenon, since only a serious pathology leads to recurring problems with bearing.

The fetus froze - this is perhaps one of the most terrible words from a doctor for a couple who dream of children. You can hear them for various reasons at the very beginning of the development of a new life (the most dangerous are from 3 to 4, from 8 to 11 and from 16 to 18 weeks from conception). Sometimes the diagnosis is made at a later date, but the likelihood of hearing it is much lower. An analogue is the development of an empty fetal egg: in this case, fertilization has occurred, but the embryo does not develop. Pathology occurs spontaneously, maybe several times in a row throughout a woman's life. From it, unfortunately, no one is immune. However, it is better to know the causes and signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages in order to take action in time and consult a doctor, as well as prevent the development of pathology before conception. Anything can influence the development of a small life. And the worst thing about it is that it’s not so easy to notice the changes.

Read in this article

Reasons why pregnancy does not develop

Why is there a frozen pregnancy in the early stages? This question excites and frightens young mothers. There are actually quite a few reasons:

  • Genetic deviations occupy a leading place. They are diagnosed in 70% of cases for up to 8 weeks. They are associated with many factors, including hereditary diseases, as well as the result of taking drugs by one of the partners. That is why it is important not to refuse screenings and other examinations proposed by a geneticist and gynecologist.
  • Excessive use can also provoke developmental arrest. It is especially dangerous if the mother cannot give up bad habits after conception.
  • Medications can also provoke the development of abnormalities. That is why the doctors themselves strongly recommend to refuse any medication. An exception can only be serious diseases, the treatment of which with folk remedies is simply impossible. It is worth noting that for up to 10 days and after 8-10 weeks, when the fetus becomes partly protected by the placenta, the effect of the drugs is not so significant. As for herbs, they also need to be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, because some of them can provoke a breakdown or stop in the development of the embryo.
  • The causes of a missed pregnancy in the early stages may lie in the mother and child. If a woman has had abortions before, then the chances of a happy development are not so great. Antibodies produced by the mother's body in relation to the child accumulate over time. And after several abortions, it is very difficult for a conceived baby to resist such an attack.
  • Infections of both the genital organs and viral (flu) are a serious threat at the very beginning of the birth of life. The mother’s body is already weakened by the new situation, so it’s not at all difficult to get sick. But the consequences of a high temperature, a viral attack can be very severe. Rubella is a formidable enemy, in the event of which pregnancy not only freezes, the fetus may develop severe anomalies. And already in this case, the mother will have to decide whether she can raise a special child or is it better to terminate the pregnancy.

Consequences of congenital rubella for a child
  • Hormonal disorders. Moreover, an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages, the causes of which lie precisely in this factor, can freeze both due to a lack of prolactin and an excess of testosterone. If a woman has regular disruptions of the menstrual cycle, then it is imperative to be examined during planning, as well as regularly check the state of the hormone after conception.
  • Harmful factors at work, diabetes, weight lifting, stress - all these factors can also cause the development of pathology.

Women who have a higher risk of developing pathology

But not only this lies the answer to the question of why early pregnancy freezes. Doctors identify a certain risk group, which includes:

  • old-timers or expectant mothers over the age of 35;
  • in the presence of multiple abortions in the past;
  • if during a previous pregnancy were ectopic;
  • in the presence of a congenital anomaly of the uterus.

In the presence of one or all factors, the woman will be under constant medical supervision.

Expectant mothers who do not want to visit a gynecologist in the early stages also fall into the risk group. There can be many reasons for such a decision, but the result will be a serious threat to the health of not only the woman, but also the child.

What are the signs of a missed pregnancy?

The saddest thing is the fact that the symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the early stages are not pronounced. Therefore, the expectant mother may not even be aware of a change in the condition of the fetus. Only a qualified doctor, after examining and prescribing an additional examination, can state the absence of embryo development.

You should not look for symptoms of an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages and, even more so, ask for advice from friends or on forums. In each case, everything goes purely individually and depends on many factors.

Symptoms of an approaching disaster

At a later date, it is easier for a woman to navigate, because she already feels the baby move. This is very difficult to do early on. A frozen pregnancy, the signs in the first trimester of which may be similar to less serious abnormalities, manifests itself as follows:

  • passes;
  • no more ;
  • lowered;
  • cramping pains began to appear;
  • smearing appeared (discharge during a frozen pregnancy in the early stages has just such a consistency and a red-brown color);
  • increased overall body temperature.

If any of these symptoms are detected, a woman should immediately consult a doctor! If the signs of pregnancy have disappeared, then this should also alert mommy and become a reason to visit a specialist!

What does a pregnant woman feel during the development of pathology

Feelings during a frozen pregnancy in women are very different. They are even affected by the fact whether this happened for the first time or whether a similar situation has happened before. Fatigue, apathy, fever - all this in any case should alert the expectant mother.

It is worth noting that all the symptoms that indicate the development of pathology may turn out to be false! No need to immediately set yourself up for the approach of a disaster. Quite often, they turn out to be similar to less serious ones, or the body is simply reconfiguring.

Diagnosis of the fact of fetal fading

Only a doctor knows exactly how to recognize a missed pregnancy at an early stage. To do this, he will do the following:

  1. , evaluate the state of the secreted mucus, ask to measure the basal temperature.
  2. If there is a suspicion of a deviation from the norm, the doctor will send the pregnant woman to pass. However, it is worth noting that hCG during a missed pregnancy in the early stages can be completely within the normal range for several weeks after the death of the fetus. And yet, more often, a urine test will show an underestimated level of the hormone, which is uncharacteristic for the first trimester.
  3. The final stage of examinations will be an ultrasound. With the help of an ultrasound examination, it will become clear whether the heart of the embryo is beating or not.

Tellingly, a test with a frozen pregnancy in the early stages can show all the same two stripes. This is again related to the level of hCG in the urine.

After the specialist makes sure of the diagnosis, he will choose the necessary set of procedures for the mother, and also in the future will help her prepare for a new pregnancy.

What do doctors do if the fetus froze

Depending on how a frozen pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages, as well as directly on the number of days from the moment of conception, the doctor will choose the most alternative method of treatment. After all, when establishing such a diagnosis, we are already talking about saving the life and health of the mother. There are two main methods of treatment:

  • With the help of drugs that provoke. Applies up to 8 weeks.
  • (vacuum aspiration). Under anesthesia, the woman is cleaned of the uterine cavity, using a vacuum suction.

In any case, professional help will definitely be required, since in order to avoid adverse consequences, it is necessary to clean the uterine cavity (the remains of the amniotic egg, which the ultrasound will indicate).

There is a third option, in which even the woman herself does not have time to realize that she was pregnant. This is a spontaneous abortion. If the fetus froze almost from the first days of life, then the body can reject it like a foreign body. In this case, a woman will simply notice a delay in menstruation. Sometimes doctors prefer to observe the patient's condition, waiting for a spontaneous abortion, so as not to interfere with the body once again.

Why is it so scary not to see a doctor in time

Sometimes a woman does not fully realize how difficult the consequences of a missed early pregnancy can be for her. But the body itself does not always reject the fetus. If an embryo that has stopped developing is in the womb for a long time, then intoxication is likely to develop. In this case, not only the temperature rises, the woman begins to suffer from acute pain and weakness, it is quite possible to delay the time until the blood becomes infected with the elements of fetal decay.

If the gestational age is more than 6 weeks, then in this case the woman has every chance of earning disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The danger is that the blood loses its ability to clot. As a result, a woman can die from bleeding.

How to prevent fetal fading during pregnancy

A couple, regardless of whether they are preparing to become parents for the first time or have children, must undergo an examination. It is he who will be able to reduce the risks and give an answer on how to avoid a missed pregnancy in the early stages in their case. The doctor will offer to pass several tests: hormones, genetic examinations, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, blood for infections and other additional ones that will be prescribed taking into account the anamnesis of the parents. It is also recommended to refrain from conception for up to six months after diseases such as SARS, influenza, chicken pox.

If a woman works in a children's team, then she will be asked to get preventive vaccinations. Additional will need to adjust the hormonal background. Do not ignore a visit to a geneticist. A healthy lifestyle will only increase the chances of becoming parents. In the first months, it is recommended to refrain from flights, a sharp change in climate and prolonged exposure to the sun.

If the previous pregnancy ended in a halt in the development of the embryo - do not give up! With proper planning, the chance of carrying out and giving birth normally is 80% -90%. And how to prevent a frozen pregnancy at an early stage will be prompted by a gynecologist involved in the management of a couple.

Pregnancy after fetal arrest

Doctors predict good chances of conception only on the condition that the couple does not ignore visiting specialized specialists, undergoes a course of treatment, and also refuses to think about a child for the next six months after an unsuccessful experience. On average, such a period is necessary not only for a detailed examination and finding out the cause of pregnancy fading, but also for the physical recovery of the mother's body.

Sadly, but with 100% certainty, it is possible to say exactly about the reasons for stopping a pregnancy in quite rare cases. However, parents do not need to despair! Try to avoid stress, harmful factors, and don't forget to get tested - and let everything work out for you, and the baby will be born healthy and happy!

I have already written my story, but I will write it again. I didn’t have ST and I wasn’t given such diagnoses, but it was different.
At 6 weeks, I started to have a spotting, the doctor advised me to go to the hospital, but since I have an older child, I couldn’t do this, then they prescribed me medication and told me about bed rest. I lay down for 6 days almost without getting up and taking medication, and everything went away for me. I'm very. rejoiced at this and the next. After a day of resting all the places for myself, I started cooking in the kitchen. To celebrate, I made so many dishes that I don’t even remember everything =)) But I spent almost half a day in the kitchen on my feet. The evening ended happily, we ate and went to bed. At night, when my daughter woke up and asked to go to the toilet, I got up and my legs began to flow heavily. I was frightened and ran to the bath, I began to bleed heavily. I called an ambulance and packed my bags. The doctor came and looked at him and said that he needed to be hospitalized urgently. While we were driving in the car, she reassured me and said that I had many chances that everything would be fine. When I was brought to the hospital it was 6 in the morning, a kind old woman received me and called the doctor. We have been waiting for the doctor for over 30 minutes!!! Even the doctor from the ambulance began to swear. After 40 minutes, the doctor came, a terrible bitch on her face. She let the doctor out of the ambulance and started yelling at me!!! "Why haven't you undressed yet?" "Why are you sitting?" The old woman who received me stood up for me saying that she had to sit naked for 40 minutes? (it was January in the yard) I quickly undressed, then there was a command "go to the toilet" I refused, she yells again. I went to the toilet, stood there like a fool and said that everything (actually nothing happened) =)) She put me on a chair and began to examine me very painfully, climbed with her hands a hundred times. After that, there was a verdict "very heavy bleeding and urgently for cleaning right now" I have a very long-awaited pregnancy and I was so upset that I started yelling at the whole hospital, the doctor got scared of me))) I started screaming that I would not go anywhere without an ultrasound, and that in general, I don’t want to talk to you anymore, you are a filthy doctor and you need to kill such people))) She left and they took me to the floor. They said to wait 9 am and on the ultrasound. I cried and waited for the uzist. At 9 am I had an ultrasound. They said that the fetus corresponds to the terms, the heart is audible and that there is detachment, but not such detachments were preserved. I spent 10 days in the hospital and on the 4th day everything stopped and the spotting and bleeding stopped. I was discharged at 8 weeks. Now we are already 40 weeks without two days, I am waiting for the appearance of my daughter) We went to ultrasound with my husband, everything is fine with us, we are very hairy, etc. There were some thoughts to give birth to a daughter and bring that bitch to the doctor to show who she almost killed because she was not allowed to sleep. Later it turned out that she indiscriminately sends everyone for cleaning and that many agree because they don’t know how to behave in this situation = (It’s a pity that not everyone fights to the last for their masks (
Sorry it's so long.