What time can you start your baby? Early sitting

With your own hands

The long-awaited event when a newborn child appears in a family is associated with great joy and a lot of worries. A newly born baby lies down in the first months of its life. Since he begins to recognize his parents and explore the world around him. Over time, his body and muscle corset begin to strengthen, the child becomes more active and mobile, begins to try to sit up, crawl, and then takes his first steps. It is quite logical for many parents to ask when they can sit down boys, how to do it correctly, how long a child can sit at first, and what the consequences may be for the health and further development of early or incorrect sitting down of boys.

This question can be answered correctly only by knowing the features of development infants, anatomy of the musculoskeletal system of the newborn, as well as taking into account individual characteristics an individual child.

This question is very common among parents, especially young and inexperienced ones. Very often they do not have the proper knowledge regarding at what age it is correct to start sitting a boy down, how long he can sit, whether he needs help or rely in this matter entirely on Mother Nature and the natural course of events.

Due to its anatomical features, the child’s muscular corset and his musculoskeletal system begin to strengthen by 5-7 months. It is this age that is optimal for sitting down.

During this period, most babies begin to independently try to occupy the floor. sitting position. This usually occurs from a lying position or from a position on all fours.

As soon as the baby manages to take a vertical position for the first time, he will try to repeat it again and again, because learning the world in this position it is much more interesting. No matter how much his parents try to put him down, he will still try to sit up. Very often this happens spontaneously at 4 months, when the baby, while playing, can lean on a pillow and take a half-sitting position and stay in it for a few seconds.

Early sitting down of children should not last more than 1 hour a day.

At the same time, it can be unequivocally stated that It is not recommended to artificially sit up a boy, no matter how long this process takes, since in in this case The child's spine may not yet be ready for such a load. This can provoke a number of problems in the future, the development of scoliosis, etc. Orthopedists and pediatricians are categorically against this, at least until 6 months of age. On the other side, If the child has not started sitting up by 9 months, you should contact your pediatrician and find out if the baby has any health problems.

In this case, there is no clear answer to the question of when boys can be seated, since each baby is unique with its own biorhythms. Someone can without outside help take a vertical position at 4-5 months, and for some even later than at six months of age. Some children first sit down, others do the opposite, sitting perfectly without support by the age of 6 months. At the same time, by contacting a specialist, parents can completely close the topic that concerns them in terms of developmental and health problems.

An experienced doctor will be able to assess the overall health of the baby and determine whether there are any deviations from the norm. If the boy’s health is fine, but he has not sat down by 6 months, parents should wait a little. Usually, weakened children or those who were born prematurely begin to sit up later, respectively. It is recommended to plant them later.

As for the children who for a long time it is not possible to take a vertical position, and the issue of boys is already losing relevance for parents; there is a possibility that such children have weak and inelastic muscle tissue. Parents should help them in this case by consulting with a specialist.

How to help a child who does not sit down for a long time

First of all, the child should be shown to a specialist who can accurately determine that the cause of late sitting down is precisely muscle weakness, and not any serious problems. Parents of such children will be recommended the following activities aimed at developing and strengthening the muscular corset of the abdomen and back:

  • a set of exercises aimed at tensing individual muscle groups of the abdominal and back muscles;
  • a massage session that you can perform yourself at home or entrust to a professional massage therapist;
  • laying the boy out on his tummy while simultaneously placing a colorful and bright object in front of him that will arouse interest;
  • swimming and exercise in the pool.

All of them will help bring closer the joyful moment when the baby can sit down for the first time.

How can parents tell when their baby is ready to sit down?

Many parents are so attentive to their infants that record literally every change in their behavior, facial expressions or movement. Some mothers have boys who are prone to displaying phlegmatic behavior. They do not take it well when they are placed on their tummy, they become indignant about this, or even cry, be reluctant, or perform other movements. In such children, the bones, spinal trunk, and muscles do not receive the proper load and, thus, develop and strengthen more slowly. As for such boys, then it is not recommended to plant them earlier than six months of age.

More active boys, who constantly perform various acrobatic tricks, are able to independently roll over very early, turn their heads to the sides, diligently move their legs and arms, and can begin to sit up a little earlier, for example, at 5 months. This is especially important if the child is trying to sit up on his own. This means that his muscles, spine and bones are already strong enough, and he can easily practice new poses.

Parents who decide to start sitting down should take into account that the change from horizontal to vertical position should not happen quickly and abruptly.

This is unacceptable and can provoke a number of undesirable consequences and even spinal injuries. It is also not recommended to cover a sitting baby with pillows on all sides, as this will deprive him of the opportunity to change his position when he gets tired. The first attempts to take a sitting position should be short-term, just a few minutes, and not exceed half an hour a day. It is necessary to gradually increase the time the child remains in an upright position. Thus, parents will be able to help their boy master a new position for perceiving the world around him and will avoid problems with the child’s health in the future.

Will be useful for parents.

The horizontal position of a newborn's body during the first months of his life is considered the most favorable for the proper development of organs.

Many mothers are interested in the question: at what months can boys be placed on their butts and how to do it correctly.

Over time, the child tries to sit up on his own, grabbing the back of the crib, but caring parents stop such attempts.

Let's figure out at what age it is necessary to start placing babies on their butts, in walkers or jumpers, and also find out what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about this.

The age at which a baby first sits down depends on correct formation spine lines.

During each stage of spinal development, the baby learns to hold his head up, sit and stand independently with the help of his mother.

Early sitting down entails negative consequences, so in order to protect the baby from pathologies, let’s figure out at what age it is allowed to sit on boys’ bottoms.


  1. The baby spends the first 2-3 months of his life in a lying position on his back: this way the spine remains in a certain state and is formed according to age.
  2. At 3-4 months, the baby already holds his head in a supine position. This stage is marked by the formation of a physiological arch of the cervical vertebrae.
  3. From 6 months, the baby begins to sit on his butt independently, which is his favorite position. It is from this age that it is recommended to start sitting the baby down.

To determine the baby’s physiological ability for a new skill, by the specified age he must have crawling skills, hold his head well, lift his upper part chest.

Also, the baby should be able to grab onto his mother’s fingers and try to sit on his butt on his own.

Jumpers or walkers, kangaroos: video of what to choose for sitting down a boy

After your baby has learned to sit up on his own, try sitting him down special devices. Kangaroos, walkers, and jumpers are suitable for this.

A training video will tell you how to do this correctly, and below are tips for sitting in different devices:

  1. Walkers. It is recommended to use this device only from 6 months.

    At the same time, doctors say that spending a day in a walker should not exceed 10-30 minutes.

    There are also prohibitions on the use of walkers for boys. They cause compression of the perineum, which affects the health of the child’s reproductive system.

  2. Jumpers. There are 2 types of devices: with and without armpit support.

    Support is a priority - it ensures that pressure on the spine is relieved. It is allowed to put babies in such jumpers from 6 months.

    The second type of product is without support and can only be used after 1 year of life.

  3. Kangaroo. This device is used by parents to move freely around the city.

    This is very convenient: the child is always in sight. However, such a device ensures that the baby’s movements are constrained.

    When choosing a kangaroo, make sure that the child can sit there without hindrance. For long walks it is better to use a stroller.

Doctors say that placing a boy on pillows at six months is highly discouraged. In this position, the baby's spine takes on an irregular shape.

Let's turn to Dr. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky has his own opinion about sitting down boys. He talks in detail about the features of the first sitting down, as well as the consequences early education this skill.

Note! When babies don't want to sit on their own, there is no need to force them.

Each child’s body is individual, so you should not chase the children of experienced friends whose babies have been sitting since an early age.

In order to properly develop the spine, the doctor recommends first learning to sit in a semi-sitting position.

Usually this skill comes at 5 months, which allows parents to start sitting down the boy from six months.

A little man has appeared in your family. But he is still so tiny and defenseless. Naturally, you want him to grow faster, and at this stage development, you are interested in how many months you can put boys in, no matter what harms his health and does not disrupt natural development? We will help you with the answer.

It is good that you are interested in choosing the right moment to start sitting the boy down. This means that you understand that in the development of a child there are certain stages. And each subsequent stage of development is possible only after the completion of the previous one.

All children are born with an incompletely formed spine. He unable to bend like an adult. Besides, back muscles should

  • maintain posture
  • and do not allow the spine to bend too much.

A newborn baby does not have this kind of muscle development.

If a boy tries to sit down prematurely, his spine may be damaged, and the uncontrollable weight will put pressure on the internal organs, disrupting their work and development.

The boy's muscles strengthen over several months of his life. No matter how insignificant you may think

  • movements of arms and legs
  • attempts to raise and
  • and turning over from tummy to back (or vice versa),

But all this strengthens the muscular system and prepares the baby for the first attempts to sit down.

Contrary to popular belief, Early sitting down of a boy does not affect the development of the genital organs. Many people claim the opposite, but when writing this article, I consulted with a practicing pediatrician and she confirmed to me that reproductive system doesn't have any effect. It can only affect if the weight of the child puts pressure on the internal organs, including the organs of the reproductive system.

At what age can a boy be imprisoned?

Generally, boys and girls can be placed at the same age. When determining how many months you can sit your son down, maybe Only the presence of excess weight of the baby can affect. In boys excess weight occurs more often, since “a man grows up in a family, and he has to eat a lot.” But this is a topic for another article. When overweight better to wait a little with the child sitting down (add 2- to the times indicated below).

Another factor, which influences how many months you can start placing a boy, is baby's character. No matter how strange it may sound, it is true. At such a young age, the child is already showing character, and an attentive parent will notice this. If your baby is reluctant

  • moves
  • turns over
  • and it’s more pleasant for him to just lie quietly on his back,

then his muscles will strengthen and develop more slowly, and his spine will take longer to strengthen.

In more mobile babies, all of the above development processes occur faster. Active boys can be imprisoned already. But, of course, everything is individual and you need to carefully monitor your baby to determine whether he is ready for this or not.

Signs of readiness for sitting

You can definitely sit your baby if:

  • He confidently and independently rolls over from his tummy to his back. and in the opposite direction.
  • Baby, lying down on a horizontal surface, can independently raise your head and hold it for a while.
  • Sonny persistently tries to sit up on his own, looks for support in surrounding objects, or asks you for it.
  • But as we said earlier, if your baby is overweight, then it is better to wait a little, even if all the signs are observed. When making your first attempts, you need to take into account some points, which we will tell you about.

What to consider when first planting a boy

If the child is not yet ready, but you are impatient to do this, then place him on your lap in a reclining state, and his legs should be straightened. But it is not recommended to do this before 3 years of age.

If the baby does not show all the signs of readiness described above, do not try to sit him down under any circumstances.
  • Gymnastics in the first few months of a child’s life
  • massage
  • and encouragement to move

will speed it up and improve development. The child needs to be taken care of!
Perform the first tests on your knees. This way the tailbone will not rest and will not cause any problems.

Doctor Komarovsky: when can you imprison your little son?

  • If it's a boy doesn't want to sit down
  • starts crying
  • resist
  • and resist

That no need to force him. He himself will tell you in what months you can plant it, when it is ready. Everything has its time, you just have to wait a little!

Closer to 6 months, parents think about when they can begin to sit the child. This question quite controversial. It has long been believed that everything should happen by itself, and completely depends on the level physical development baby. Therefore, this fact was not given much importance.

All children sit down and start different time. The optimal moment, according to doctors, is when the baby is 4 months old - then you can start placing the child. However, before you begin this process, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician. In some cases, you can start placing a child when the baby turns full, but for a short time.

What is the importance of the degree of development of the musculoskeletal system?

As you know, maintaining a person in an upright position is carried out thanks to the work of the musculoskeletal system. The muscles of the back, lower limbs and abdomen are involved in the process of sitting. The latter bear a special load when lifting the body. It is with their participation that the body transitions from a horizontal to a vertical position. And it is precisely by the development of these muscles that the time when an infant can be seated is determined.

If these muscle groups are not sufficiently strengthened, the entire load will be transferred to skeletal system, especially the spine. This is fraught negative consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to seat the child only when the pediatrician, after examining the baby, allows the mother to do this.

How to help your child learn to sit independently?

Mom should not be afraid that when she first tries to sit her child up, he will fall a little backwards or to one side. The task of parents is to teach the child to support his body with the help of his hands, which in this case play the role of support.

In order to teach a child to sit up independently, the mother needs to make a lot of effort. To strengthen his muscular system, you need to work with your child. Great for strengthening baby's muscles, the following: exercise.

To begin, place the child in front of you, placing him on the edge of the sofa or bed. At the same time, get on your knees and use them to secure the baby’s legs, bent along the edge of the sofa. Take one of the baby's hands at the wrist, tightly enveloping it with your palm. Secure the second handle in the area of ​​the elbow joint with your hand. Gradually, slowly lift the baby by the hand, trying to make sure that the second one rests on the elbow area. In this way, the child will help himself, and over time he will learn to sit down on his own.

You can start this type of activity from 3 months.

When can girls be imprisoned?

Quite often, the mother whose child is a girl thinks about the question of when is the best time to plant her. These doubts are due to the fact that there is a false belief that early attempts to sit down girls can result in a pathology of the reproductive system for them. It must be said right away that such a pathology as a bent uterus has nothing to do with early attempts to sit down babies. Therefore, you can place a girl child at the same time as a boy, i.e. starting from 4 months.

Thus, you need to start seating your child when he is already . However, all actions of the mother must be approved by the local pediatrician, who will give his advice only after examining the child. In no case should you get ahead of events and try to make sure that the child learns to sit as soon as possible. This can negatively affect his health and lead to poor posture, and in severe cases, curvature of the spine.

The child spends some time after birth exclusively in horizontal position, most favorable for its proper development. Around the middle of the first year of life, most infants become more active and strive to explore the world, trying to grab onto mother's hands or crib rails and sit down. Many parents stop these attempts for fear of harming the health of the baby, especially if it is a girl. The question of sitting down male babies often remains open. At what months can boys be placed without causing harm to their health? Let's try to figure it out.

The newborn's spine is a straight line. Natural curves characteristic of the posture of an adult are formed in several stages:

  1. At 3-4 months, when the child begins to hold his head in a position lying on his stomach, cervical lordosis appears - a physiological forward bending of several upper vertebrae.
  2. By six months, as a result of gaining the ability to sit, thoracic kyphosis is formed: the middle part of the spine gradually bends backward under the influence of gravity.
  3. At about 9-10 months, when the baby learns to stand on its feet and takes its first steps, lumbar lordosis forms.

However, the age of the baby is not the determining factor for achieving certain skills: each organism is unique and can change at its own pace. Therefore, experts do not give an exact answer as to how many months boys can be started. Most orthopedists recommend adhering to generally accepted standards of physical development, adjusted for the characteristics of a particular child, his health, physique and temperament.

The boy is ready to sit down

How to determine a baby’s physiological readiness for a new skill? You can start sitting a boy down without fear if he:

  • knows how to easily roll over from back to stomach and back;
  • holds his head well and raises his upper chest when lying on his stomach;
  • willingly crawls on all fours, reaches for toys;
  • Grasping the adult’s fingers, he pulls himself up with his arms and tries to sit on his butt on his own.

A healthy and active child who is not overweight usually makes his first attempts at mastering a new skill by six months. Phlegmatic big boys most often they begin to sit a little later - at 7-8 months. You should not be persistent if the baby does not want to change position or is capricious. In this case, orthopedists recommend encouraging active crawling on all fours for as long as possible to strengthen the muscle corset.

How to sit your baby down correctly

Having found out when it is possible to sit down boys, let’s try to understand the question of how this should be done correctly. The ability to sit, like any other skill, must be developed gradually so that the baby’s spine has time to get used to the increasing load. During classes with a child it is prohibited:

  • use artificial support in the form of pillows, rolled blankets and other devices;
  • leave the baby in a sitting position for a long time;
  • putting the boy in a jumper, walker or swing;
  • Continue sitting down if the baby’s back bends too much back when changing position.

Physical exercises with a baby should be carried out when he is full, alert and in a good mood. You can sit your baby down in different ways:

  1. On the lap of an adult in a reclining position, with the baby sitting facing you or leaning his back against his stomach.
  2. Lying on your back on a hard surface (floor, crib, sofa, changing table). To do this, you need the baby to grab hold of the thumbs moms. While lightly holding your son's wrists, you should carefully lift him by the arms and return him to his original position.
  3. Some babies prefer to sit up on their own from a standing position on all fours, leaning on their outstretched arms and moving them along the floor. In this case, you need to lightly hold the baby by the back so that he does not fall on his side and hit himself.

The first sit-ups should be regular and short-term: no more than 15-30 seconds per approach. Gradually, the time the baby spends in the new position can be increased. To make it easier for a fragile spine to adapt to stress, it is recommended to install the back of the stroller, car seat and chaise lounge in which the baby is located at an angle of 45°. You can place a boy in any of the devices with a straight back, starting from 8-9 months, when he learns to sit well on his own.

The danger of sitting down early

Most parents want their child to learn to roll over, sit up and walk before others. However, there is no need to rush things, as early sitting down may cause the development serious complications, such as:

  • curvature of the pelvic bones and lower extremities;
  • spinal deformity;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • squeezing internal organs, leading to disruption of their work.

The child begins to sit up independently when his spine and muscles are ready for this. But some kids are in such a hurry to explore the world that they strive to change their usual position long before the deadlines set by specialists. From how many months can boys start sitting down and should they prevent them from learning a new skill?

Most experts agree that the gradual adoption of a vertical body position should be carried out no earlier than 5 months. You should not force the baby to lie on his back or stomach; it is best to distract him with a bright toy or switch his attention in any other way. To prevent premature attempts to sit up, you do not need to help the baby and place him away from the sides of the crib or changing table, making it impossible for him to grab onto them.

What to do if the child does not want to sit down

If the child does not begin to sit down due date, you need to contact a neurologist and orthopedist to rule out the presence possible violations. In the absence of diseases and developmental abnormalities, it is necessary to stimulate motor activity crumbs by any of the following methods:

  • swimming;
  • carried on hands in a vertical position;
  • crawling on all fours;
  • physical exercises (flips, turns from side to side, “bicycle”, active swings of arms and legs with the help of an adult).

It should be remembered that premature and weak babies develop, on average, with a delay of 2-3 months compared to infants born on time. In this case, sitting down must begin later, paying attention proper development muscle corset and strengthening of the spine.