Why is there a baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy? Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

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The 38th week of pregnancy is approaching - this is already 9.5 obstetric months, and if we consider the months we are used to, then it turns out to be exactly the middle of the 9th month. The baby is almost ready to be born and can’t wait for this event, just like the future parents.

All the baby's systems are ready to function outside the womb. The heart actively pumps blood, which becomes more and more every day. New nerve cells and connections are constantly formed in the brain, impulses are transmitted and brain centers are improved. The furrows and convolutions are already sufficiently formed.

The pancreas continues to produce insulin to break down glucose and other digestive enzymes necessary for normal digestion: lipase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, lactase, maltase. The liver performs a detoxification function, accumulates iron and is still involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

The genital organs of girls are already fully formed, and in boys the testicles have descended into the scrotum; they are already clearly visible on an ultrasound. There is now about a liter of amniotic fluid, it is transparent in color because it is renewed every hour.

Despite the fact that the child’s skeleton becomes stronger every day, the bones of the skull remain soft and are connected by cartilage. This is necessary for the free passage of the head through the woman’s birth canal. After birth, all the sutures of the skull are fused.

And only the lungs are not yet working at full capacity, but this does not mean that they are not ready for childbirth, they just do it in their own way: they have already accumulated quite a special substance - surfactant a, which, when the baby takes the first breath, will help the lungs open .

There is almost no lanugo fluff left on the baby’s body, except in the folds, but the baby himself has become more plump and has cheeks! An individual design has already appeared on the fingers, which will last a lifetime. Pigment accumulates in the hair on the head, which will determine the color of the hair, however, it is not yet final. But eye color usually develops after childbirth; there is still very little pigment there, so almost all babies are born blue-eyed.

Fetus and belly size

The baby is getting stronger every day, this week his height is 49-50 cm, and his weight is -3100. There is less and less space in the uterus, so the baby no longer moves so actively in the tummy, but his movements are very clear, which sometimes brings extraordinary discomfort to the mother. The baby's head is already pressed tightly against the entrance to the pelvis, which indicates that the baby is completely ready for birth.

At week 38, the uterus rises above the symphysis pubis by 38 cm, and if measured from the navel, then by 17 cm. The girth of the abdomen reaches its maximum size - 92-95 cm.



The closer the birth is, the worse the woman’s sleep; in addition, panic sets in not only in dreams, but also in reality, especially if it is the first birth. As before, constipation and heartburn can be tormented, the cause of which is the growing uterus, which puts pressure on the digestive organs. In addition, it can put pressure on the diaphragm, so women often complain of shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air. It is increasingly difficult to fall asleep, as a growing belly complicates the task of finding the optimal position; in addition, it is important to remember that pregnant women are not recommended to lie on their back: this can lead to dizziness, even fainting. And the culprit is compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus.

The 38th week of pregnancy is an aching pain in the lower back, because the muscles of the spine are now under such a huge load, and the baby does not stop growing, but on the contrary, it is only increasing the pace of development, so the load is only increasing every day. Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of such pain, but it is possible to alleviate and relieve tension. To do this, you need to use a bandage for pregnant women, which will remove some of the load from the spine, and also do special gymnastics for pregnant women, but only with the permission of a doctor. Not only the muscles get tired, but also the legs; many people notice swelling at the end of the day, and painful spasms of the calf muscles at night. Therefore, every evening it is recommended to do a relaxing massage and cool foot baths, which will help relieve tension and fatigue from the legs. And during rest, place a pillow under your feet, this will improve blood flow. Also, you should not neglect nutrition, and especially dairy products rich in calcium, because it is because of its deficiency that these painful spasms of the calf muscles occur.

However, some women at 38 weeks suddenly feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, they begin vigorous activity: cleaning up the house, doing gardening and other household chores. And the whole point is the hormone oxytocin, which is produced before childbirth, so such activity is nothing more than a harbinger of labor. In addition to this unusual and rather unstable precursor, there are others, for example, petrification of the abdomen, periodic abdominal pain, and stretching in the back. But these symptoms can be pronounced in some people, while in others they can be completely erased. Summarizing the above, the following precursors of childbirth can be identified: abdominal prolapse, slight weight loss, temporary hardening of the abdominal surface and increased uterine tone. If you suddenly find yourself with all these symptoms, don’t worry, it’s still too early, childbirth at 38 weeks is going well.


As before, the most dangerous complication is late gestosis, which can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, liver, nervous system, as well as visual impairment. This disease is also dangerous because very often a woman feels quite healthy, well, she feels dizzy, who doesn’t? And then the symptoms begin to rapidly increase, reaching the point of convulsive syndrome. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to note the slightest changes in her condition, because this complication is dangerous not only for her, but also for the baby: fetal asphyxia occurs, which can lead to a delay in the physical and mental development of the child. Symptoms of gestosis include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increased blood pressure, swelling and a sharp increase in body weight. These symptoms do not all have to be present; one or two are enough to sound the alarm and consult a doctor.

Another complication may be the umbilical cord entangling around the fetus. If the umbilical cord is long, then the baby often does not experience any discomfort, but if it is short or normal, fetal hypoxia may occur. Often, experiencing discomfort, the baby manages to extricate himself. A more dangerous situation is when the blood flow between the mother and the fetus suffers due to entanglement in the umbilical cord; in this case, specialist intervention is necessary. Problems associated with the entanglement of the umbilical cord, if it is short, may arise during childbirth. A short umbilical cord can slow down the progress of the fetus along the birth canal or lead to placental abruption.

It is always worth remembering that a pregnant woman should be wary of viral infections, because the baby’s immune system is very vulnerable now. Measles, rubella, and hepatitis are infections during pregnancy that you should be wary of, especially hepatitis E, which is especially difficult in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Keep an eye on the discharge, if it has become greenish in color, with admixtures of pus and an unpleasant odor, consult a doctor immediately, most likely this is an infection that threatens to infect the amniotic fluid and the child himself.

Stomach ache

A mild pain, most often occurring when turning sharply or rising from a chair and goes away if the woman lies down for a while, is usually associated with tension in the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and, as a rule, is not at all dangerous. To avoid it, you can wear a special bandage and try not to make sudden movements, walk slowly and carefully. However, if such pain becomes intense, radiating to the lower back, you should go to the hospital, perhaps this is the beginning of labor.

By the 38th week, training contractions have already become habitual for a woman, but one must not lose vigilance and, if suddenly such contractions become regular and are accompanied by intense pain, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance - these are also symptoms of the onset of labor. But, as mentioned above, there is no need to worry, childbirth at this stage is going well.

Abdominal pain that is sharp, cramping in nature and accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract is also a reason to urgently consult a doctor; there is a risk of placental abruption.

Mom's nutrition

In the last stages of pregnancy, when a woman begins to move less and energy losses are very small, it is advisable to prefer a low-calorie diet. But at the same time, it must fully satisfy the needs of the woman and child for the necessary substances. You can make your diet low-calorie:

Firstly, by eliminating fried and fatty foods, flour products and sweets.

Secondly, meals should be fractional. You need to eat often - 6 times a day, but in small portions; it is better to avoid snacking on dry milk; if you suddenly want a snack, give preference to low-fat cottage cheese or natural yogurt.

Thirdly, the method of preparing dishes is of no small importance. The most preferred methods are boiling and steaming.

In addition, in the first half of the day, try to give preference to long-digesting dishes - meat and fish, and in the second half of the day - vegetables and dairy. The last meal is at least 3 hours before bedtime.

What do we have to do

At 38 weeks you will have a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic. A standard set of procedures awaits you there: measuring blood pressure, weight, tummy size, and assessing the baby’s heartbeat. In addition, you will need to donate blood and urine for analysis. You will also find a familiar study - cardiotocography (CTG). This method is intended to analyze the cardiac activity of the fetus, as well as to determine its general condition. The doctor may order a Doppler test. This method allows you to evaluate the direction and speed of blood flow in the vessels of the fetus and uterus. You will be able to ask any questions you may have regarding childbirth. Don’t be shy and be interested, ask what you think are the most stupid questions, because childbirth is just around the corner, which means you should be fully prepared!

After visiting the consultation, you can fully devote yourself to preparing for the upcoming birth. Check again whether the list of things needed in the maternity hospital is sufficient, check the documents. When these troubles are over, devote yourself to your baby: sing him songs, tell him fairy tales, or just talk to him. This will help strengthen your connection with him. Try not to be nervous, because the baby feels everything, it’s already 38 weeks of pregnancy! Therefore, spend the last weeks of pregnancy in a calm environment, take a walk, breathe fresh air, get plenty of rest, don’t forget about naps during the day and establish contact with your baby, because very soon you will see him!

What does the belly look like?

At the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, the belly is very large. There are still a couple of weeks left!

Belly photo

38 obstetric week may be the last in bearing a child. During this period, the woman, at her request, is routinely hospitalized in the maternity hospital.

For those for whom this is the second pregnancy, labor often begins at 38 weeks. Women who are pregnant for the first time can remain pregnant for another 2-4 weeks. A baby born at 38 weeks is not considered premature. He is completely ready to leave his mother's womb and come into the world.

Fetal size and development at 38 weeks gestation

Thirty-eighth week pregnant baby fully formed. His face is no different from what you will see after giving birth. The skin has a soft pink color and is completely smoothed. Hair may well have grown on your head.

Weight and height close to the indicators of a newborn - about 3 kg and 50 cm. These indicators are very average, it is better to focus on the data of the parents. If the height of mom and dad is not even 1.60 m, and they were born very small, then it will be strange to expect the child to weigh 5 kg and be 60 cm tall.

Body condition baby at 38 weeks:

  • all organs and tissues of the child are formed and are in working condition;
  • the lungs are ready to open so that the baby can take his first independent breath at birth;
  • hair and nails grow slightly;
  • meconium (original feces) is formed in the intestines;

Child behavior. Since the baby is already quite large, there is not enough space in the uterus. The number of movements at 38 weeks is significantly reduced. The child feels cramped and pushes less. But his movements are not chaotic - the baby has complete control over his arms and legs. The child has well developed various reflexes. For example, sucking and grasping, which can be noticed after childbirth.

Fetal position. There are two options for the position of the child - pelvic and head. Breech presentation means that the baby lies feet down. Normally, the baby's head should be in the lower part of the mother's pelvis.

Unfortunately, if by the 38th week of pregnancy the baby has not taken the correct position, then it is unlikely that he will be able to turn his head down. But if the fetus is not large, then it can turn over even before the birth itself. So don't despair. It is necessary to do special exercises.

Twins at 38 weeks. In multiple pregnancies, childbirth generally takes place as planned. This means that the woman is already in the hospital. At 38 weeks, it is very likely that the babies will ask to be born, if they did not do this at 36-37 weeks. The weight and height of twin children is slightly less than that of a child with a singleton pregnancy. But don’t worry, after giving birth they will quickly catch up.

What happens to mom at 38 weeks

Belly growth and weight gain

Mom's tummy already big and causing more and more discomfort. On average, its circumference at 38 weeks reaches 90-95 cm. This week the abdomen begins to descend, the height of the uterine fundus is about 35 cm. When it finally descends, the uterus will no longer rest against the ribs - the woman will immediately breathe easier. Above you can see a photo of the mother's belly at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Weight gain at 38 weeks it is minimal, and may not occur at all. In total, a woman should have gained about 14-15 kg starting from 1 week of pregnancy. Many mothers at the end of pregnancy not only do not gain weight, but also lose it. Due to the fact that the stomach drops and the mucous plug comes out, the expectant mother may lose about 1-2 kg in weight. This should not be a cause for concern.

Sensations, movements, pains at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Before giving birth, many women begin to feel uncomfortable. On the one hand, she is already tired of the heaviness of her stomach and all the other unpleasant companions of pregnancy, the woman wants to give birth as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the approaching hour “X” is frightening.

My chest leaks at night. A huge belly causes a lot of inconvenience. It interferes with sleeping, walking, and sitting. Due to the highly stretched skin, the stomach is constantly itching. Plus they add to all this. Braxton Hicks contractions do not lead to childbirth, since they do not contribute to the opening of the uterus. They only train the body before the most important moment.

In addition to training contractions, the woman is worried about lower back pain, which have already become habitual by the 9th month. Back pain occurs due to excessive stress on the spine caused by a displaced center of gravity. In addition, discomfort in the lower back is caused by relaxation of ligaments and joints. This is how the body prepares for the birth of a baby.

There is also good news - the uterus drops and stops pressing on various organs, so heartburn and belching disappear, digestion returns to normal. In addition, you just have to be patient a little and all other unpleasant sensations will disappear.

At week 38, every mother notices that The child's activity has noticeably decreased. This should not cause concern. The baby has grown a lot, the amount of amniotic fluid has decreased, and therefore it simply became too small for the child to live an active life in the mother’s belly.

During this period it is very important control every movement your little one. In addition to the fact that the last weeks have begun, when you can enjoy this amazing feeling that life is growing inside you, this is also important from the point of view of monitoring the child’s condition.

The mother should feel at least 10-15 fetal movements per day at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Strong deviations from the norm, up or down, indicate the suffering of the child in the womb, which can lead to the death of the fetus or. In this case, the woman is better off consult a doctor. Perhaps it is better to give birth now, rather than wait for its natural beginning.

False contractions

During this period they make themselves felt false contractions. They differ from Braxton-Higgs contractions in that they appear only in the last days or weeks before labor and can be accompanied by severe pain and stiffness in the abdomen at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Sometimes, it is impossible to distinguish false contractions from real ones and women go to the maternity hospital, where upon examination they are told that the time has not yet come.

But still there is a number of differences between false and real contractions. If it is too early for the expectant mother to go to the maternity hospital, then contractions:

  • pass when changing activities;
  • felt up to 4 times per hour;
  • the intensity of contractions does not increase;
  • the gap between them does not decrease;
  • felt only in the front of the abdomen.

Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy

The discharge at 38 weeks should not differ from the discharge that was throughout the entire pregnancy. They should remain uniform in consistency, milky in color, and not have an unpleasant odor. More about allocations...

Small amounts of mucus with small splashes of blood may appear. This is because this is how the mucus plug comes out.

Signal for the release of amniotic fluid serves to change the nature of the discharge. They become liquid and cloudy. Amniotic fluid can drain in two cases:

  • it's time to give birth;
  • the fetal membrane becomes thinner.

In any case, this process should be supervised by a doctor.

The appearance of discharge greenish color, a change in their smell indicates the occurrence of an infection, which should only be treated by a gynecologist.

Psychological condition

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, a woman’s psychological state is not the best - it affects extreme fatigue.

Moreover, in recent weeks there may depression appears. Her companions are:

  • irritability;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • sense of anxiety.

Coping with depression the woman should be helped by loving relatives. The expectant mother should surround herself with only positive emotions, and the family should try to come to terms with the temporary riot of the pregnant woman’s hormones and remind herself and her more often that everything will end soon.

Almost all mothers experience symptoms at the end of pregnancy. "nesting instinct". A huge amount of energy appears in the body and the desire to move mountains, as well as change the wallpaper, repaint the ceiling, buy a new chandelier, cover the floor with laminate, clean the house that even operating rooms would envy - this means that the hormone oxytocin is raging in the body.

Tests, examinations and ultrasound at the 38th week of pregnancy

In the last months before giving birth, a woman needs visit an obstetrician-gynecologist every week. The 38th week of pregnancy is no exception.

At the appointment, the doctor will the following studies:

  • determination of the size and position of the fetus;
  • measuring the height of the uterine fundus;
  • listening to the baby's heartbeat;
  • Analysis of urine.

CTG carried out at 38 weeks in order to study the baby’s cardiac activity and the frequency of his heart contraction. With its help, the fetus's reaction to uterine contractions is monitored. After which you can draw a conclusion about the condition of the fetus and track possible deviations from the norm. about CTG...

The woman has already completed 3 mandatory screenings, so at 38 weeks it is prescribed as necessary. An ultrasound examination before birth may be necessary to exclude or to accurately determine the position of the baby.

We invite you to watch a video of an ultrasound of the fetus at 38 weeks of pregnancy, and also look at the photo of the child above.

Possible deviations from the norm

  • – oxygen starvation of the fetus. If diagnosed late, it causes serious consequences.
  • Preeclampsia– late toxicosis. May cause death of mother or child.
  • Premature placental abruption– one of the most dangerous conditions at 38 weeks. Requires medical intervention.
  • Malpresentation of the fetus—by week 38, doctors should have already decided whether you will give birth naturally or be given a date for a cesarean section. But the baby still has a chance to change position, especially if he is not very large.

Many women prefer go to the hospital early. In this case, there is absolutely no risk of giving birth at home or in an ambulance.

But if the mother decided to wait for the main moment of the entire pregnancy in a cozy home environment, then the question of how to understand that it is time to get ready for the maternity hospital is quite important.

at 38 weeks of pregnancy:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid, even if contractions have not yet begun;
  • contractions appeared, and they:
    • do not disappear when changing location;
    • at first the contractions are weak, and the interval between them is large;
    • The intensity of contractions increases, and the time between them decreases.

If real contractions begin, it is necessary to count the interval between them. In primiparous women, contractions can last about 12 hours; in multiparous women, the period of contractions is usually half as long - about 6 hours. When the frequency of contractions reaches 1 time per 10 minutes, it is time to head to the maternity hospital.

Over time, each mother develops a comfortable posture and feeding technique. But it is important to follow the general baby feeding rules:

  • the child’s head, shoulders, and hips are on the same line;
  • The baby does not need to be pulled to the nipple. That is, you need to put the baby to the breast, and not the breast to the baby;
  • the child should grasp the nipple completely, and not its tip;
  • The mother should not experience pain during feeding.

Mom's diet at 38 weeks

Much has been said about mom's diet in the description of the previous 37 weeks. But before giving birth it is necessary stick to a special diet. You should not eat simple carbohydrates, sugar, sweets, salt, fats. Avoid coarse cereals, legumes, and mushrooms. Lean on fruits, vegetables, white meat, lean fish, and dairy products. Drink juices, fruit drinks, compotes and forget about strong tea and coffee.

It is better to eat more often, but in small portions.

Sexual relations at 38 weeks

In the absence of contraindications at 38 weeks of pregnancy. The benefits of sexual relations at the end of pregnancy are tangible:

  • a joy hormone is produced that improves mood;
  • blood circulation improves, so the fetus is better supplied with oxygen;
  • sex stimulates labor;
  • After giving birth, you will have to abstain from sex for some time.
  1. Try to surround yourself with positive emotions.
  2. Don't forget to keep things simple.
  3. Write to your husband what needs to be done when you are in the hospital.
  4. Find out how breastfeeding should work.
  5. Remember what mothers were taught in school: how to behave during childbirth, how to breathe, and more.
  6. Think about how you will get to the maternity hospital.
  7. Check if everything you need is included in the .
  8. After giving birth, don't forget about dad.
  1. Ignore your wife's mood swings.
  2. Support your spouse in arranging her home, remember that she should not overexert herself.
  3. After childbirth, a difficult period of adaptation will begin for a woman. She will need your help. Believe me, your spouse will appreciate your behavior after the birth of the baby and will be very grateful for it.

Video about 38 weeks of pregnancy

We invite you to watch video guide at 38 weeks of pregnancy. A breastfeeding specialist at a perinatal medical center will give important recommendations about feeding your baby. Will tell you about how to properly attach a baby to the breast, as well as what the wrong feeding technique leads to. You can see possible feeding positions in this video.

Are you ready for childbirth? What is one of the final weeks of pregnancy like? What is your condition? Tell us what's bothering you. And share with other mommies, what things you have prepared for the trip to the maternity hospital.

At week 38, there comes, one might say, a “turning point”: now mommy can give birth at any minute. Moreover, it is more likely that childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy ends in the birth of girls, while boys like to “sit” longer in their mother’s tummy, waiting for the allotted 40th week.

And yet, childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy is highly likely, especially for women giving birth repeatedly. Thus, only about 5% of those pregnant with their second child “finish” all 40 weeks. Childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy occurs according to the standard pattern, in three periods. The first stage involves contractions, during which the cervix thins and stretches. In the second stage, efforts are required - for the baby to come out and be born. The third, concluding period is the birth of the placenta, or placenta, after which the woman becomes a happy mother.


An ultrasound at the 38th week of pregnancy is usually no longer performed - three planned ultrasound examinations are already a thing of the past, and the woman is preparing to become a mother with a calm soul. An ultrasound at 38 weeks of pregnancy may be needed only for some special indications, for example, to accurately exclude entanglement in the umbilical cord, to confirm the correct location of the baby in the uterus.

Belly at 38 weeks pregnant

The woman, of course, can’t wait to meet her beloved baby. And not only because she has been carrying the baby for 9 long months, but also because her stomach is already causing understandable inconvenience. At the 38th week of pregnancy, the belly seems to have increased to a huge size; it is uncomfortable for mom to walk with it and find a comfortable position for sleeping. The skin on the abdomen is very stretched, sometimes dry and itchy.

The navel, which used to be a neat “button,” has become flat, and for some it even turned outward. There is no need to worry too much about this: after childbirth, the navel will return to its “original size.”

Usually at the end of pregnancy, a woman feels that her stomach has dropped down. This is a natural phenomenon, which is explained by the lowering of the baby and pressing its head to the pelvic floor. Thus, the baby is preparing to travel and meet the new world.


The fetus at the 38th week of pregnancy is already completely ready for birth, all its organs and systems are perfectly adjusted and functioning. If the pregnancy continues further, no significant changes other than weight gain will occur. At this stage, the baby has “impressive” parameters compared to the early stages of pregnancy: weighing 3 kg or more, and having a height of about 50 cm.

The baby’s skin has already smoothed out and acquired a pinkish tint, the original lubricant has disappeared, and with it the lanugo has practically disappeared. By the 38th week of pregnancy, the original stool meconium has also formed - the baby’s intestines will get rid of it after birth. True, it may happen that the baby is “freed” from meconium even before birth, then the amniotic fluid acquires a characteristic greenish tint, and the baby itself is born covered with greenish mucus.

If a boy is preparing to be born in the womb, then by the 38th week of pregnancy his testicles should have descended into the scrotum. If this does not happen at the time of birth, the boy may have difficulties in the future, which is why at birth the doctor always checks whether the testicles have descended into the scrotum.

Weight at 38 weeks of pregnancy

The mother primarily owes her significant weight gain throughout her pregnancy to her baby. The normal weight at 38 weeks of pregnancy, if its course is favorable, should be approximately plus 14-15 kg to the initial weight. If the weight at 38 weeks of pregnancy exceeds the recommended one by several kilograms, the woman should be prepared for a more difficult birth.


Regardless of whether a boy or a girl grows in the mother’s tummy, the sensations at 38 weeks of pregnancy hardly change. So, the mother notices that the baby has become much less active than a few weeks ago: he has grown to such a size that there is simply not enough space in the uterus for intense movements. So, at this stage the baby can only turn or move slightly, because the cephalic presentation greatly limits his movements. But the woman still feels the kicks and movements of the baby, and it is also necessary to monitor them now. Normally, the baby usually moves at least 10 times a day. If movements are felt less frequently or are not felt for quite a long time, you should urgently consult a doctor - the absence of movements may indicate problems in the baby and even a possible threat to his life, which can be eliminated with timely medical intervention.

In general, the sensations are characterized by agonizing anticipation of childbirth and fatigue from bearing a baby. A woman who is burdened by clumsiness and bulkiness impatiently awaits the start of contractions. Therefore, at the moments when the stomach begins to pull, one increasingly hopes that childbirth will occur right now.

At the same time, the mother’s well-being due to the prolapse of the abdomen is somewhat improving. Due to the decrease in pressure from the uterus on the internal organs, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, digestive problems, belching and heartburn disappear, which is definitely good news.


Pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy can occur quite justifiably. Let's say, pain in the lower back - as a result of relaxation of the ligaments and joints that prepare the mother's birth canal for the baby to pass through it. Pain at the 38th week of pregnancy, sometimes even very severe, is a consequence of the same softened ligaments and joints and a significant shift in the center of gravity due to the growth of the baby.

Now the baby has already pressed his head against the pelvic floor, which increases the load on the pelvic bones. This is why pain also occurs at the 38th week of pregnancy in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis. Painful sensations in the sacrum and back of the leg almost up to the knee are explained by compression of the femoral nerve, which runs next to the uterus. It is likely that pain in the calf muscles will appear at 38 weeks of pregnancy as a consequence of calcium deficiency.

Pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by false contractions. False contractions are not Braxton-Higgs contractions at all; the difference is that they are more frequent and more painful. To distinguish false contractions from true ones, just change your body position and walk around the room: usually in such a situation, false contractions subside, unlike labor ones.

The norm is considered to be slight swelling at 38 weeks of pregnancy, not accompanied by a deterioration in the mother’s well-being. If the swelling is severe, does not go away for a long time, and in parallel with the swelling, headaches and dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and double vision are observed, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such signs indicate the manifestation of preeclampsia - gestosis with impaired cerebral circulation.


Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy is quite common. Discharge of a milky hue, uniform consistency and a slight sour odor can be considered normal. Since by the end of pregnancy the cervix softens and slowly opens, it is quite possible for some mucus to appear in the discharge. However, if the discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy generally looks like mucus interspersed or mixed with blood, or mucus colored pinkish, you should prepare for an early birth - such discharge indicates separation of the mucus plug.

It is urgently necessary to consult a doctor if the discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy is cheesy, flakes or pus appear in it, and the discharge has an unpleasant odor. Most likely, in this case, there is an infection that requires mandatory treatment.

You should also call an ambulance as an emergency if spotting appears at 38 weeks of pregnancy. They usually indicate abruption of a normally located placenta or its presentation, although the latter is usually excluded during preliminary examinations during pregnancy. Placental abruption is a threatening condition for the health and life of the baby, and even if the bleeding is insignificant, at any moment the quantity can take on alarming proportions.

If liquid and cloudy discharge appears, most likely it will be a case of rupture of amniotic fluid. Their effusion indicates either the likelihood of an early onset of labor, or the depletion of the membranes. A doctor can determine exactly what is causing the rupture of amniotic fluid (if it is accompanied by contractions, then so can the woman, of course). In any case, there is no need to hesitate - it is advisable to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

The possibility of intimacy at 38 weeks of pregnancy is a rather controversial issue. On the one hand, sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy can be extremely beneficial for the mother, because it brings her pleasure and promotes the production of joy hormones. In addition, sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy improves blood circulation, which means the baby receives more oxygen through the placenta.

On the other hand, since the cervix is ​​highly sensitive towards the end of pregnancy, and the birth canal is already open, sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy can cause some damage to the cervix and cause light bleeding.

And sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy is one of the methods of stimulating labor. Many women who are already tired of pregnancy practice sex as a natural way to induce labor. True, it is better to resort to it after first discussing this topic with the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

She has arrived, which means the expectant mother should carefully monitor her weight, because extra pounds guarantee problems with stretch marks on the skin and can cause heartburn and swelling.

  • 37th week of pregnancy
  • 39th week of pregnancy

Let's find out in more detail what changes will occur in the body of a pregnant woman at this stage and how the baby will develop, because the cherished day of birth is already close.


Some expectant mothers say that the 38th week of pregnancy is the most difficult of the entire “special situation” period. are inevitably approaching, but the pregnant woman still cannot quite understand whether she wants to delay this frightening process or meet her baby as soon as possible, regain her former slim form and the ability to move normally.

Every time the expectant mother begins to feel a tug in her stomach, she, with bated breath, tries to intuitively understand whether the birth process is beginning or whether these are still training contractions and she can relax for a while.

We advise you to focus less on your condition, especially if there are no medical reasons for this, and try as much as possible in the last weeks before giving birth. prepare to meet your baby: purchase all the necessary things for the baby, sign an exchange card, choose a doctor, collect everything, complete current repairs and all other necessary things. The expectant mother has a period ahead when she needs to be focused and strong, and not be distracted by various everyday annoying little things.


At the 38th week of pregnancy, she begins to slowly age, her blood vessels become empty, as a result of which she loses her former plethora. Its thickness decreases, cysts and calcifications form. In connection with this factor, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the baby through the placenta is limited, which leads to inhibition of its growth processes.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the baby takes its final position before moving along the birth canal, and in connection with this A pregnant woman's belly gradually drops down. The height of the fundus of the uterus this week is about 34-35 cm. Due to the fact that the stomach drops, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe, but she will definitely have to run to the toilet more often, the uterus begins to put pressure on the woman’s bladder and intestines.


If the baby is born at the 38th week of pregnancy, then it will be absolutely full-term, and the birth is considered urgent, that is, one that occurs at the appointed time. The child's dimensions are also close to the classical canons: length is about 50-51 cm, and weight is approximately 3000 - 3200 g.

The baby's head now has a circumference of 34-35 cm, with two fontanelles visible on it. The size of the anterior fontanel is on average 2.5-3 cm, the posterior one is up to 0.5 cm, and the head itself is about ¼ of the total body length. The internal systems of the body are actively working, reflexes are formed, and the external genital organs are developed. So, in boys, the testicles are most often already in the scrotum, in girls, the labia majora cover the labia minora, and the genital slit is closed.

At the 38th week of pregnancy, the child’s subcutaneous fat layer is already well developed, the skin is pink and velvety, in some places covered with vellus hair (lanugo), the muscles are in a state of necessary tone.

On the baby’s chest, circles have already been formed around the nipples, each about 1 cm in diameter, the cartilages of the auricles are developed and quite elastic, dense nail plates completely cover the fingers, the soles are striated by 2/3.


The downward displacement of the fetal head also leads to increased pressure on the pelvic bones. They appear in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis, in the sacrum and the back of the leg up to the knee. The cause of such pain is compression of the femoral nerve by the enlarged uterus.

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body is actively preparing not only for childbirth, but also for the upcoming one. A woman’s mammary glands become engorged, her nipples become sensitive, and a network of small veins appears on the surface of the skin. When pressing on the nipple, colostrum may be released. The expectant mother can also participate in preparing for feeding the baby, for example, the nipples can be massaged with a towel, pouring a contrast shower over the breasts, and rubbing anti-stretch marks into the breasts using massage movements. In the female body, everything is interconnected, so irritation of nipple receptors increases the tone of the uterus and stimulates the development of labor, and therefore is a means of natural prevention of post-term pregnancy.

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, a pregnant woman may experience sleep problems: It’s difficult to get comfortable in bed because of a big belly, it’s difficult to choose. The expectant mother's sleep is sensitive; insomnia, bouts of hunger, or the need to frequently visit the toilet cause discomfort.

The pressure of the uterus spreads to the sciatic nerve; in addition to pain in the legs and lower back, this fact can provoke appearance in a pregnant woman. To prevent the appearance of varicose veins, you need to rest more often, raise your legs off the floor, wear compression garments if necessary, and change your body position more often.


A few weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother is advised to exclude products, which difficult to digest: red meat, legumes, mushrooms, grains such as barley and brown rice. This will cleanse the intestines and prepare the pregnant woman's digestive system for the serious process of childbirth.

At this time, the woman has already gained enough and if there is a need for control, you can arrange fasting days once a week. In general, it is better to eat often, 5-6 times a day, in small portions, not to overeat, focusing on light, low-calorie foods.

However should not be followed, at 38 weeks of pregnancy should be high in calories so that the expectant mother can gain strength before giving birth.

For example, you can increase the amount of protein in your diet through dairy products, eggs and fish. Don’t forget about dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, kefir are an excellent source of essential calcium and potassium.

If the expectant mother is prone to edema, then at 38 weeks of pregnancy it is recommended to monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted, limit the amount of salt in the diet and avoid eating hot, spicy, smoked, and pickled foods.


Due to the fact that the uterus begins to descend and put pressure on the bladder and intestines, the expectant mother may feel pain and imbalance in the intestines, bloating, and the urge to frequent urination.

Sometimes the prolapse of the abdomen does not occur gradually, but rather abruptly, within 12 hours. Of course, the skin of the expectant mother cannot adapt to such changes and redness and itching appear on the skin. Unfortunately, this physiological fact cannot be foreseen or delayed in any way; at this stage it is important to simply relieve the uncomfortable and painful skin condition, if any.

Of course, the concept is quite relative; labor can begin at 38 weeks. Not all expectant mothers give birth strictly on time; a deviation of one or two weeks is absolutely normal. However, it is important to understand that if a pregnant woman experiences uterine contractions and pain, it may be as follows: Braxton Hicks, and the immediate beginning of labor. Unlike labor contractions, false contractions are quite rare and irregular, and also not so painful. You can relieve the unpleasant sensations of false contractions with a walk or a warm bath, but prenatal contractions only intensify over time.


At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother can visit the doctor who will deliver her baby. The doctor will do this, and this is not just a precautionary measure or a stage of getting to know each other - at this stage it is necessary to understand what the condition of the uterus is, because labor itself can already begin at 38 weeks.

Do not forget that visiting a doctor in the third trimester of pregnancy is a weekly necessity. Just like the fact that get tested The expectant mother will also have to do this quite often, because each of them will help the doctor see and prevent serious diseases during pregnancy. For example, a decrease in the number of red blood cells in blood test results indicates the onset of anemia, and a decrease in the number of platelets indicates a clotting disorder. Poor urine tests may indicate a possible threat of developing diabetes mellitus - this is the case if the glucose content in the urine is increased, an increased level of protein is a signal of problems in the kidneys, and an increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the development of an inflammatory process.


An important task at this stage of pregnancy is to maximize reduce. Read as much related literature as possible aimed at the positive. After all, childbirth is not pain, childbirth is a physiological process, work, muscle tension. Of course, this is not an easy process, but the uterus tenses just like any other muscle in our body, for example, during running, shaping, swimming.

By the end of pregnancy, the uterus becomes the largest and strongest muscle in the female body and therefore its contractions are so powerful, of course, an unprepared body is not yet familiar with such intense muscular work. Our habitual passive-sedentary lifestyle weakens and reduces the body's endurance, and when the body, accustomed to constant rest, encounters the force of contractions, it panics, assuming danger, and recognizes hitherto unknown sensations as pain.

Of course, giving birth will be more difficult for a woman whose life does not include regular physical activity, and such are the majority of us. Therefore, the entire pregnancy should pass under the sign. Of course, no one requires special strength exercises, but correct and proper gymnastics, yoga, and water aerobics will help make the process of childbirth easier and painless.


The 38th week of pregnancy is the time when birth is expected any day now. Contractions may begin today or tomorrow, or they may linger for several more weeks. Most often, childbirth occurs at 38 weeks if a woman is expecting a girl or twins. The second and third births also usually take place at 38-39 weeks. Try not to be alone for a long time during this period and make sure that your phone is always charged.

The 38th obstetric week of pregnancy is the 9th month of pregnancy, third trimester. Labor can be expected any day now.

What happens to the baby at 38 weeks?

Intrauterine development of the fetus is completely completed by the 38th week of pregnancy. Now the baby is ready to be born and exist independently in the outside world. His systems and organs are formed. The digestive system is fully functional, although the baby still receives nutrients through the placenta. The baby swallows intrauterine waters, which pass through the gastrointestinal tract, and the intestines already produce the first feces. The lungs are ready for the first breath. A fully formed heart makes an average of 120-160 beats per minute. The baby learned to make breathing, swallowing and sucking movements.

The fetus is already large, its size and weight at this stage depend on individual characteristics (height and weight of the parents). The child's weight is in the range of 2.8-3.8 kg, but can be more than 4 kg. The baby's height reaches 50 cm.

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, boys' testicles descend into the scrotum. The layer of original lubricant, which previously covered the child’s entire body, becomes thinner, and sometimes the lubricant remains only in the folds.

The placenta is aging; after a few weeks it will no longer be able to fully perform its functions of delivering oxygen and nutrients to the baby. But before this happens, the child is already born.

Women diagnosed with premature aging of the placenta need to be more attentive to the sensations in the abdomen. If the baby moves noticeably less, it is better to consult a doctor and get checked. It is very important to prevent fetal hypoxia, which can begin due to premature aging of the placenta.

At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is in the position in which it will be until birth. A cephalic presentation is considered correct: head down, face turned toward the mother’s back. If the baby remains in the breech position, this should not be a cause for concern. In this case, childbirth also takes place naturally; obstetricians will help the child to be born.

Fetal movements at 38 weeks become less active, but more coordinated. The baby is already moving his arms and legs more consciously. There is now very little space in the uterus, and most of the time the child prefers to sleep, and movements during wakefulness are now more like rolling than pushing and kicking.

What happens to mom at 38 weeks?

The woman's body again undergoes hormonal changes that prepare the body for the upcoming birth. Under the influence of hormones, the pelvic bones soften and diverge, which is why the pregnant woman experiences unpleasant and painful sensations in the perineum, the pelvic bones hurt and ache.

The feelings of a woman at 38 weeks of pregnancy cannot be called pleasant. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, some experience simply unpleasant sensations, while others feel debilitating pain. At this stage, the stomach often becomes hard, the lower abdomen pulls, the lower back ache, the back and pelvic bones hurt.

At 38 weeks, women often complain of sleep disturbances. If you have trouble sleeping, try drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed every day, and try to fall asleep on your left side.

Edema is now becoming a problem for almost all pregnant women. For some, only the legs swell; for others, the upper limbs and face may also swell.

To reduce swelling of the legs, it is not recommended to stand or sit for a long time; you should completely exclude from your diet foods that retain water in the body: salty, spicy, smoked, fried, fatty and sweet. In this case, the volume of water consumed should be at least 1.5 liters per day. It is now better to replace juices with unsweetened fruit drinks. When resting, place a pillow under your feet to keep them higher. In case of severe swelling, consult a doctor, he will help you cope with the problem.

The belly reaches its maximum size at 38 weeks of pregnancy. The skin is stretched and itches from time to time. This can be prevented by daily lubricating the tummy with fatty creams against stretch marks or oils. Olive and almond oils, as well as wheat germ oil, are very helpful in preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach. You can mix them in equal proportions, or use one that you like best in terms of fat content and smell.

At 38 weeks the breasts are quite heavy and need reliable support. Bras with wide straps made from natural fabrics are great for this.

Signs of approaching labor

At 38 weeks, signs of labor appear in both multiparous and primiparous women. These primarily include false contractions, which become more frequent and more painful every week. During them, a woman can feel how her stomach turns to stone, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

If you are pregnant for the first time, and you cannot understand whether contractions are false or real, get up and walk around the room a little, if the contractions disappear, then they are false, and if not, then it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

For most women, the belly drops at 38 weeks of pregnancy, which means that childbirth is very soon. After the stomach has dropped, the uterus is located 12 cm above the navel, and the woman can again breathe easily and freely, which is not something to be happy about.

Unfortunately, there is no exact time interval between the moment the belly drops and the moment labor begins. It is generally accepted that the belly drops 1-2 weeks before the baby is born.

The mother’s body is already ready to reproduce a small miracle. If at this time the stomach becomes hard, discharge sometimes appears, the lower abdomen hurts, the back is strained - all this indicates that Day X is approaching. Some mothers hardly feel these symptoms, while for others they are simply exhausting.

Precursors of labor also include the loss of the mucous plug. It looks like a clot of pinkish-yellowish mucus, often with blood spots and streaks. Heavy mucus discharge for several days may also indicate that the mucus plug has come off.

The body of the expectant mother is in full swing preparing for the upcoming birth. The body slowly but surely gives signals indicating that labor is approaching. Usually these signs are similar for everyone:

  • temporary, but often hardening of the stomach;
  • there is a feeling of tightness;
  • the tone of the uterus increases;
  • peculiar discharge appears;
  • weight decreases slightly.

Another precursor to childbirth is the so-called “nest syndrome.” In most expectant mothers, the mistress wakes up at 38 weeks. With great pleasure and frantic zeal, mothers begin to do cleaning, cooking, washing, ironing, and some may attempt to start repairs. For some reason, mothers think that now is the time for this, and they are able to do everything. This activity can be explained very simply - there is a release of oxytocin, a hormone produced immediately before childbirth.

If you have such a zeal for household chores, give yourself pleasure and start cleaning, but without fanaticism, because hard work is not good for a pregnant woman.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: 38 weeks of pregnancy, how do you know when to give birth?

A: If you are already 38 weeks, it means that you have already experienced training contractions more than once. Real contractions occur with approximately the same sensations; some women compare this pain with pain like during menstruation. If training contractions are short and pass quickly, then real contractions occur over certain periods of time, gradually becoming more frequent and becoming more painful. The loss of amniotic fluid also means that it is time for labor.

Q: 38 weeks of pregnancy, why are there no precursors of labor?

A: Everything happens individually for everyone. For some, signs of labor appear 2 weeks before it begins, for others - 1 week, for others - a few days before. As a rule, in multiparous women, signs of labor appear just a few days before the onset of contractions; this, although extremely rare, also happens in women with their first pregnancy.

V.: Got a cold (38 weeks). What to do? Is it dangerous?

A: A cold at 38 weeks is not dangerous for the baby. He already has his own immune system, which protects him now and will protect him after birth. If you have a fever, you can bring it down with a compress with vinegar or paracetamol. For treatment, it is better to use traditional methods and medications prescribed by your doctor.

Childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy

The birth at this stage is full-term and timely, from a medical point of view. As noted earlier, this is quite a good time for childbirth. If you have been prescribed a planned caesarean section, now is the time for hospitalization and examination. At the beginning of the 38th week, the doctor should already set a date for the operation.

The first birth is usually protracted and takes about 15 hours. Women with their first pregnancy will have to be patient. The main thing is not to give in to panic and fear. Once contractions begin, remember how to breathe correctly. Proper breathing will reduce pain and feel better.

The second and third births occur more quickly than the first. If you are pregnant for the second time, then be prepared for the fact that labor may occur suddenly this week. Second children are born faster and much easier, although sometimes the pain is worse.

Be optimistic, be sure that childbirth at this stage will be quick and easy, and most importantly, painless and without complications.