The influence of the mother's condition on the fetus. Infections during pregnancy: list of dangerous infections, their effect on pregnancy and fetus

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Severe stress negatively affects a person’s mental and physical state. Acute shock affects the functioning of the immune system, and health and performance deteriorate. Therefore, it is extremely unfavorable during pregnancy. Not only the mother’s body suffers, but also the fetus.

Of course, for nine months you cannot completely isolate yourself from exciting situations, but it is the acute and prolonged stress factor that is dangerous. Powerful emotional trauma can cause the development of various pathologies, for example, missed abortion. But it's not all that scary. Scientists believe that small worries are even beneficial for the female body and the baby’s nervous system. Only constant stress and deep emotions cause serious damage. What consequences, besides missed abortion, can be caused by a long-term stress factor?

The effect of stress on the female body

Long-term chronic stress affects the condition of a pregnant woman as follows:

  1. Increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, breathing problems, tachycardia, dizziness. Some women complain of chest and abdominal pain and persistent migraines.
  2. In the first trimester, many women are plagued by toxicosis, and constant stress increases its manifestations.
  3. A pregnant woman is unable to cope with emotions, she may cry often, and is haunted by apathy and fatigue. does not allow the woman to relax, she is tense and in a state of anxiety.
  4. Decreased overall tone and strength. A woman constantly wants to sleep during the day, but cannot sleep at night. This behavior will subsequently appear in the baby.

Exposure to prolonged stress during pregnancy leads to depression, irritability, and dissatisfaction with one's situation.

Mental stress and the course of pregnancy

Regular use also affects gestation. How dangerous is a stress factor?

  1. Traumatic circumstances can provoke such an undesirable phenomenon as miscarriage. It has been proven that constant worry increases the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.
  2. Due to protracted emotional experiences, venting may begin prematurely amniotic fluid, and this is an unfavorable development of events for the baby.
  3. In the first trimester, the eighth week of gestation is considered the most dangerous period. At this time, the fetus is sensitive to stressful circumstances and a strong traumatic factor can lead to a missed abortion. In this case, the embryo stops developing. Additional causes of frozen pregnancy include alcohol abuse, infectious diseases, hormonal imbalance, heavy lifting, and previous abortions. But in some cases, doctors see no other reason for the appearance of a frozen pregnancy than nervous stress. Signs of a frozen pregnancy may appear in the second trimester, especially at 16 and 18 weeks.

Any deviation from the normal course of pregnancy aggravates the woman’s emotional state. And some pathologies, for example, the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage, have a strong impact on overall well-being.

Consequences of a stress factor for a baby

The mother's fetus is most susceptible. Stress during pregnancy negatively affects the baby for the following reasons:

  1. Medical experts say that during periods of strong excitement, the baby’s nervous system suffers greatly. If expectant mother experienced stress during pregnancy, then after birth the child may suffer from hyperactivity. Such children are susceptible to various phobias and have a reduced adaptive threshold.
  2. Stress in pregnant women also negatively affects the health of the baby. The fetus suffers from intrauterine hypoxia, and after birth the child is susceptible to allergic and asthmatic reactions.
  3. According to some data, in the early stages of pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, it can provoke the development of schizophrenia in the child. Researchers say the probability is seventy percent.
  4. The child needs the calm emotions of the mother. If a woman is susceptible negative thoughts, then the consequences of negative experiences affect the child’s psyche. A balanced mother can give her child health, both mental and physical. Some scientists believe that the manifestation of a frozen pregnancy should be looked for in the nervous excitability of the mother.
  5. The cause of enuresis, diabetes, and autism also lies in the stressful state of the expectant mother. Severe trauma is a factor in many adversities in the baby, for example, prematurity, or the non-viability of the baby.

Stress during pregnancy affects not only the woman, but also her future child. The baby suffers from the mother’s worries and worries. Stress during pregnancy is the cause of many problems. You should be wary of severe anxiety not only in the first trimester, but throughout the entire period of bearing a child. In this case, many negative aspects can be avoided, for example, the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy or rupture of amniotic fluid.

The child’s mental state begins to form not in, but from the first days of his existence in the womb. Whether the baby will be cheerful or stressed depends on the nine months of his life in his mother’s belly.

Professor Grigory Brekhman claims that the fetus has emotional perception and memory. The impressions that a child receives during the embryonic (before) and fetal (from 9 weeks to childbirth) periods affect his thinking, lifestyle and behavior. Emotional perception and fetal memory and their impact on later life are studied by prenatal and perinatal psychology.


The nervous system of the embryo begins to emerge even before the start of cardiac pulsation. The formation of neural plates begins on the 18th day of conception. And the nervous system takes part in development internal organs and sense organs. The fetus can show its first emotional facial reactions at 8-14 weeks. And at the beginning, the fetus already perceives information with all its organs and can react to it.

While in the womb, the baby remembers the most emotional experiences of his mother. If he receives positive information, this helps to develop the inclinations and talents laid down by his parents. And negative impressions can later manifest themselves in the form of mental problems. Therefore, knowledge about prenatal memory will help the mother take care of the psychological and physiological health baby even before he is born.

Having analyzed the work of scientists, Professor Brekhman argues that prenatal memory really exists and in later life it remains at the level of the unconscious. And it affects a person’s thoughts, behavior, reactions and emotions.

  • Stanislav Grof believed that the child remembers the birth process itself. Child psychology also says that babies born naturally, have a stronger character.
  • Athanassios Kafkalides studied the effect of mother's stress on the child. He argued that the fetus reacts to the emotional state of the mother and remembers the most vivid impressions throughout pregnancy. Both negative and positive emotions are taken into account.
  • Frank Lake considered the most important. Of particular importance is how the expectant mother reacts to the news of pregnancy - whether the child is desired or not.


The emotional state of a woman affects. If the expectant mother is often nervous, maybe breech presentation. And if there was a place for socio-psychological conflict in her life - extension presentation heads and transverse position fetus The information that the fetus remembers may result in other deviations.

  • Tendency to depression develops in a child if the mother herself was pregnant during pregnancy. Children of such women often cry, are restless and irritable. In the future, children will be exposed to smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.
  • Attention deficit disorder and(ADHD) develops in children if the mother is prone to anxiety at 12-.
  • may develop if the mother experienced severe stress at age 21. Moreover, experiences at 25 are especially dangerous.
  • The stress of a pregnant woman can also cause phobias and .
  • Psychosomatic disorders in the form of asthma, migraines, stuttering, can also be consequences of prenatal stress.
  • Sexual deviations a child is born in the womb. Often such consequences can arise when a mother wanted a girl, but a boy was born, and vice versa. On an unconscious level, the child may remember this and will feel uncomfortable in his body. It also depends on his mother’s attitude towards sex. Negative experiences can affect the baby’s sexual function in the future.
  • The child may be uncheerful, touchy and have low self-esteem if the pregnancy was unwanted for his mother. Such children urgently need recognition and they achieve it by any means.
  • Also, some psychologists believe that children whose mothers mentally rejected them or even tried to have an abortion develop aggression and tendency to violence.

It is believed that complexes and fears arise in childhood. But the prenatal period of a baby’s existence also affects his future life. Trauma sustained during fetal development is very deep in our unconscious. They can be restored and “cured” with the help of a psychologist. This will help solve urgent problems mental problems"sick".

Unfortunately, the life and health of a woman and her child are threatened by dangerous infections during pregnancy. To prevent troubles, doctors suggest taking tests at the stage of planning conception or in the early stages of fetal development. This post discusses a list of hidden infections that affect pregnancy negatively.

The most dangerous bacterial infections during pregnancy


Causes disastrous consequences during pregnancy bacterial infection called Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the pathogen is most often transmitted through sexual contact. Symptoms of acute or chronic illness may take 3-7 days to appear or may never occur. Pathogenic bacteria of the Gonococcus series progress on the mucous membranes of the urogenital system. Female carriers have purulent or mucous discharge from the genitals, they are bothered by pain and burning in the urethra, urination is frequent and painful. The child becomes infected in utero or during childbirth. It is known that the effect of infections on the fetus is expressed in such diagnoses as ophthalmia of the newborn (causing blindness), vulvovaginitis, otitis and chorioamnionitis. The appearance of gonococcal sepsis is possible, and sometimes arthritis and meningitis develop.

Koch stick

The dangerous pathology is designated as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is transmitted by airborne dust. At risk are pregnant women who have previously had tuberculosis or women who are carriers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The pathogen is dangerous because it causes destructive processes in the tissues of the lungs.


It is believed that the pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is present in the body of 40% of all female representatives. The most common diagnosis is urethritis (inflammation in the urethra); there are also diseases such as pelvioperitonitis, bartholinitis and salpingitis. Endometritis and endocervicitis can be diagnosed. In advanced cases, when adhesions and tubal obstruction have already developed, the pathogen is the cause ectopic pregnancy And early miscarriages. If a woman is not treated correctly, the fetus' development is delayed or it dies. Complications also include conjunctivitis, pneumonia and pharyngitis. After illness, bronchitis, proctitis, urethritis and vulvovaginitis can be diagnosed.


Bacteria belonging to group B Streptococci can exist as a representative of the vaginal microflora without causing illness. It has been observed that Streptococus agalactiae has a negative effect on pregnancy. There are no vaccines against this infection; sometimes it does not cause pathologies, but in some cases it provokes complex conditions in women, for example, fasciitis, sepsis and infection in urinary tract, endometritis. There are also consequences: endocarditis, meningitis and abscess. The streptococcal pathogen affects children, causing stillbirth, meningitis, respiratory problems, and sepsis.

Pallid spirochete

Treponema pallidum, a sexually transmitted infection that poses a danger to children, is widespread today. If pregnancy proceeds without medical supervision, then the probability of the appearance of a pale spirochete (the second name is treponema pallidum) in children is 89%. Intrauterine infection of the child through the placenta or during childbirth is possible, which is fraught with congenital syphilis, which always leads to complications.


Amazingly, 180 million patients are diagnosed with Trichomonas vaginalis per year. The pathogen belongs to the group of STDs, as it passes to a person through sexual contact. The pathology often progresses in conjunction with fungi, gonococci, chlamydia and ureaplasma. Affected women suffer from endocervicitis, vaginitis, urethritis and vulvitis. If a child receives bacteria during childbirth, he may be diagnosed with urethritis and vulvovaginitis.


Doctors say that the gram-positive rod bacteria Listeria can have a negative effect on children, as they are able to penetrate the placenta. If the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is detected, then most often pathologies occur in the child’s body.

Ureaplasma and mycoplasma

The common pathogens Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis lack a cell wall, so they cannot be destroyed by taking antibiotics. Many authoritative sources suggest considering them separately from protozoa, bacteria and viruses. Women with mycoplasma may be diagnosed with endocervicitis, vaginitis and urethritis. Infection in acute form often causes developmental delays, reactive ureaplasmosis, miscarriage and various fetal pathologies. A woman in whose body a ureaplasma infection is progressing notices transparent discharge, abdominal pain, inflammation of the uterus and tubes.

Gonorrhea, tuberculosis, chlamydia, B-streptococci, treponema pallidum, trichomoniasis, listeria, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, toxoplasma, candida, malaria, chickenpox, rubella, hepatitis, CMV, HIV, herpes simplex, ARVI are dangerous for women and children.

Fungi and microorganisms as sources of infections in pregnant women


A huge number of women are faced with Toxoplasma gondii infection; it is dangerous because it easily passes through the placenta to the child. The sad consequences of such infection is the death of the fetus in utero or after birth. If the child survives, congenital pathology develops into complex lesions of the nervous system, abnormalities in the retina and choroid of the eyes. Be careful, this infection can be transmitted from cats to humans.

Candida albicans

Immunodeficiency due to HIV, treatment with broadly effective antibiotics, and diabetes mellitus can be a breeding ground for the development of the pathogenic fungal environment Candida albicans. Of all pregnant women, about 36% of women have this fungus; it is believed that it cannot cause defects in the child, although it becomes infected during childbirth.


Plasmodium Falciparum can cause significant harm if the body is not yet familiar with the infection and the woman becomes pregnant for the first time. The condition of the patients is serious, often leading to death.

Viral infections during pregnancy


One who has suffered from the disease childhood, receives natural immunity. In pregnant women, the infection can cause death. We also note that the virus penetrates the placenta. It provokes pathologies or causes a frozen pregnancy.


As we know, the analysis for torch infections includes rubella, which is dangerous because 65% of women giving birth for the first time face complex developmental disorders or death of children. Probability negative consequences for the fetus decreases as the period increases: when infected in the first trimester, the risk of fetal disease is 80%, infection at 13-14 weeks implies a risk of 70%, 26 weeks - 25%. It is believed that infection in women after 16 weeks often does not affect children, but in rare cases hearing is lost. Congenital rubella in the first weeks it may manifest as low body weight, enlarged spleen and liver, bone pathologies, meningoencephalitis and lymphadenopathy. As they grow, they are diagnosed with deafness, heart defects, microcephaly and mental retardation, glaucoma and cataracts, diabetes.


With hepatitis, the liver and other parts of the body suffer greatly. The most common are hepatitis B, D, C viruses. It is known that the D virus variety progresses along with the others, aggravating their picture. You can be a carrier of hepatitis B without having symptoms; the chronic form is fraught with exacerbations, carcinoma, and cirrhosis. Scientists know little about hepatitis C in children, but it is believed that liver enlargement, failure, or tumors may occur with this pathology.


As a rule, from cytomegalovirus infection the fetus suffers as deviations appear in its development. Often the diagnosis of congenital CMV is associated with hearing loss. Probability of diagnosis cerebral palsy as a consequence of the progression of cytomegalovirus - about 7%. In addition, we will name other consequences: microcephaly, enlarged spleen, enlarged liver, chorioretinitis, thrombocytopenia. About 10% of all children are born with CMV, but half of them experience a particularly severe course of the disease.


Children with HIV infection are special; they experience characteristic symptoms from an early age. In a quarter of patients, infection develops into AIDS. Sadly, HIV progresses faster in children than in adults. Thanks to modern medicine, it is often possible to minimize or completely avoid infection of the child from the mother.

Herpes simplex

The causative agents of the disease are herpes simplex viruses of the first and second types. The disease can develop latently. The likelihood of transmitting genital and other types of herpes to the child during childbirth is high. Rarely, the virus enters through placental barrier, this mainly occurs in the 3rd trimester. The first herpes virus is different in that it comes without symptoms or in mild form without consequences. Herpetic infection the second type is the cause of complex neurological pathologies in a child, for example, encephalitis.


Respiratory infections are hidden under the familiar term ARVI. Viruses can significantly complicate bearing a child or cause developmental abnormalities. Influenza is especially dangerous. When the virus enters the body in the first trimester, severe defects develop. It is interesting that when infected before the 12-week period, there are 2 options for events - a spectrum of disorders will occur that cause death, or all pregnancy parameters will remain normal and the child will not suffer at all. When the infection takes hold in the body after 12 weeks, the risk of problems is minimal, but it still cannot be ruled out that the likelihood of early birth, oxygen starvation, fetoplacental insufficiency. Many women experience ARVI, most of them do not encounter any difficulties and give birth to healthy children.

Pregnancy and infections

If you are planning a pregnancy, first find out what tests are done for infections. Most mothers are prescribed a blood test to identify infectious pathogens from the TORCH group (this includes herpes, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, other examinations can be added at the discretion of the attending physician).

also in mandatory diagnostics of sexually transmitted infections is carried out (this category includes the considered chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, papilloma virus and trichomoniasis).

The blood is tested for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis and HIV. Each pregnant woman gives urine and a series of smears, which entails a lot important information about the state of health. It is important that for the birth of children without pathologies and preservation own health, lead healthy image life, both partners should be treated and examined on time.

In addition to the disorders discussed above, pregnant women often encounter a number of other problems that can affect the child. For example, intestinal, kidney, rotavirus, staphylococcal pathogens or the bacterial infection Gardnerella enter the body.

Self-medication and use folk remedies unacceptable. The interpretation of tests and the choice of medications is the responsibility of the attending physician. It is advisable to tell him about all the ailments so that he can adequately assess the condition of the body.

If you are an expectant mother and you are scheduled to undergo tests, then take this matter as seriously and responsibly as possible. Doctors know very well what the threat of a particular disease is, so they strive to detect the infection in a woman’s body as early as possible and select effective and safe treatment (suppositories, tablets, IVs, injections) so as not to provoke complications in the mother and fetus. If you need to go to the clinic and buy expensive drugs, you can’t skimp on your health.

As you know, stress is harmful to everyone - especially pregnant women. However, the consequences of modern stress medical science Not everything is known yet. According to a recent study by American scientists, “new” mothers who experienced chronic stress during pregnancy are at risk of not experiencing the emotional joy of motherhood. On the contrary, in such women the birth of a child is often accompanied by depression.

Benedetta Leuner, the leader of the study at Ohio State University in Columbia, said that scientists were able to detect an increase in the so-called dendritic spine in the brains of new mothers. membrane outgrowth on the surface of the branching process of a nerve cell, capable of forming a synaptic connection (connections between brain neurons). Ostensibly, this increase is associated with improved cognitive function in solving problems that require appropriate behavioral flexibility.

Essentially, this increase makes it easier to perform many tasks at once (i.e., improves multitasking). In general, dendritic spines literally cover brain cells like hairs and used to exchange information between neurons. In new mothers, these spines in an area of ​​the brain associated with learning, memory and mood increase by 20 percent, Luner said. However, the situation is somewhat different for those mothers who experienced stress during pregnancy.

The researchers used experimental rats as a study model. As it turned out, the brain characteristics of rats that were exposed to regular stress during pregnancy were no different from the brain characteristics of those animals who never laid offspring at all. Luner explained that in rats that gave birth and were not exposed to stress during pregnancy, there was an increase in neural connections in the brain.

“This was not observed in mice exposed to stress during pregnancy., said Benedetta Luner. – So we think it's stress that makes expectant mothers more vulnerable. Their brains lose the ability to adapt to new conditions unlike those who were not exposed to stress. Somehow this has an impact on their susceptibility to depression.". It seems that another motive has emerged to protect pregnant women from stress, since unnecessary worries affect not only the health of the unborn baby, but kill the joy of motherhood in a young mother and cause depression.

The effect of stress on pregnancy

The state of emotional dissatisfaction forms a stress complex in the form of increased irritability, sleep disturbances, frequent fears and family worries. Psychological factors such as anxiety, suspiciousness, impressionability, egocentrism and fear of pain contribute to the emergence of emotional stress during pregnancy, which is ultimately perceived as a negative psycho-emotional state that complicates the course of pregnancy and childbirth and preparation for the role of mother. In the first trimester, for a woman, her new condition can be unexpected: it can cause joy, bewilderment or grief. That is, pregnancy is associated with a woman’s new social status and can cause a state of psychological maladjustment. The main factor influencing the diversity of women's reactions to pregnancy is the families in which they live. Much depends on how those you can count on and who can support you react to pregnancy. The age and health status of the woman herself are of great importance.

Emotional stress is the main cause of negative health problems in the mother and fetus. There is evidence of cases of the development of neuroses in children as a result of antenatal psychogenic factors. Moreover, in girls, maternal stress extends to a greater number of antenatal and perinatal abnormalities than in boys. That is, girls’ bodies respond more diversely to mother’s stress. At the same time, boys are more likely to have developmental deviations caused by maternal stress. A.I. Zakharov (1998) proves that emotional stress during pregnancy negatively affects not only the subsequent health of the child, but also the course of childbirth, giving rise to various difficulties for both the mother and the child. Prenatal stress contributes to the formation of intrauterine pathology. In women who have experienced severe emotional stress during pregnancy, such as physical violence and aggression or family conflicts, boys are born much more often with manifestations of homo- and bisexual behavior in mature age. There are known cases of reversal of sexual orientation in women whose mothers took it during pregnancy. hormonal drugs, having even weak androgenic activity. These facts confirm the theory of hormone-neurotransmitter imprinting of the brain (Reznikov A.G., 2004), according to which, as a result of the influence of hormones, neurotransmitters and cytokines of the mother on developing brain a certain type of nerve connections is formed, the level of excitability of neurons and their susceptibility to the activating effects of mediators. In case of inadequate influence in prenatal period hormones and other physiologically active substances in the child subsequently form pathological conditions and illness.

Thus, the experience of stress affects the course of pregnancy, the course of childbirth and the future life of the child.

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Pregnancy The next day, grandfather was not at home. In the morning he went to his institute for lectures. Nastya and Dima were waiting for him in his office, looking at the drawings. “It’s not for nothing that I printed them out for you this evening?” Are you mastering yesterday's material? - Grandfather asked from the doorway,

How does stress affect pregnancy?

Stress is a complex of psychomotor reactions to the manifestation of any irritating factor external environment. In medicine, there are several stages of stress. The first two of them are generally considered to have a beneficial effect on the body. The person, having overcome the obstacle and independently found a way out of the current situation, became stronger and more emotionally stable. Only the third stage of stress, with prolonged exposure to an irritating factor and the inability to quickly resolve the problem, is dangerous. Prolonged stress can trigger a number of serious mental disorders.

But how does stress affect pregnancy? This is a special state of a woman, in which not only transformations occur in the method of metabolism and the nature of the functioning of organs. Pregnancy is also characterized by a person’s unique psycho-emotional background. A woman not only becomes especially susceptible to irritants outside world, a number of negative factors directly related to the state and course of pregnancy: restrictions on freedom of action, fast fatiguability, irritability, fears for the health of the fetus, etc.

Pathologies caused by stress in pregnant women

A number of scientific studies devoted to the mechanisms of stress during pregnancy and its consequences have a general conclusion that a number of diseases and disorders arise under the influence of reactions to stimuli. The latter can affect both mother and fetus:

  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen supply to the fetus. Hypoxia can cause serious deviations in the process of pregnancy and pathology in the newborn. An extreme form of oxygen starvation is suffocation (asphyxia);
  • disturbances of the placental blood supply - provokes improper metabolism between the organisms of the mother and child. This can cause prematurity and developmental abnormalities;
  • disorders in the correct mechanism of labor;
  • distortion of ancestral forces;
  • for the mother's body - increased fatigue, anxiety about the outcome of pregnancy and family relationships, both current and postpartum, general unsatisfactory health, severe anxiety, irritability. These manifestations of stress can lead to depression and contribute to the development of neuroses;
  • Often anxiety causes a distortion of the normal pregnancy cycle. For example, experiences can contribute to premature onset childbirth in girls (and even miscarriage), as well as an increase in gestation period in boys. In addition, a newborn boy may have problems with the appearance of postpartum cry. An unsatisfactory emotional state can cause premature emptying of amniotic fluid, which can be dangerous for the fetus. The effect of stress on the fetus is detrimental.
  • As we can see, stress directly proportionally affects the course of pregnancy, the nature of fetal development, and also affects the well-being of the mother.

    Causes of stress in pregnant women

  • low confidence in the strength of the family;
  • tense interpersonal relationships with a spouse;
  • systematic sleep disorders and fatigue as a result of pregnancy;
  • great stress at work or school;
  • states of dissatisfaction, need for something.
  • Severe stress during pregnancy is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, primarily for the health of the fetus. As a rule, severe stress occurs against the background of prolonged constant exposure to some irritant. In other words, microstresses have already been passed and they did not provide the body with the opportunity to develop defense mechanisms. The effect of stress on pregnancy is detrimental. In this regard, it is necessary to combat the first signs of emotional dissatisfaction and worries.

    What to do when stressed?

    To strengthen the body, it is recommended to use a set of simple techniques. Unfortunately, such strong irritants as a drinking spouse or a tense relationship cannot be quickly eliminated. The following techniques will only help strengthen the body from destabilizing factors:

      1. Immunomodulation through a course of fortification. Stress vitamins such as C and E should always be in a pregnant woman’s daily diet. Remarkably strengthening the immune system, these elements rejuvenate the body and prevent nervous system disorders. Scientists have proven that increased doses of vitamin C effectively inhibit the mechanisms of stress formation. Besides, nervous system will protect B vitamins, which fish is rich in.
      2. Due to limitation physical activity For pregnant women, it is vitally important for them to find something they enjoy. Favorite quiet hobbies, reading, knitting, greatly contribute to peace and tranquility.
      3. Favorite music for stress can also help. Calm, classical melodies are recommended.
      4. If worries do not go away, you should not put up with them. There is stress counseling that can help.

    Mother influences child

    Mother influences child this has already been proven. All mother's emotions influence the child, both during pregnancy and after. And this connection is very strong while the mother is breastfeeding.

    The fact is that the child completely reads her from her mother emotional background. This is how dogs feel when they are afraid, and this is how children feel about their mother. You are at least a little worried, but the child has already sensed it, and let yourself worry, but even more than you, because he does not know anything about the reasons for your anxiety, he simply has an alarming background from you. And then he also ate milk with your stress hormones, and again he gets nervous.

    If you go back many centuries, to cave times, people lived nearby, crowded together, in caves. The mother was at arm's length from the child, and she responded to any of his signals, picked him up and gave her breast. But if suddenly it happened dangerous situation- earthquake, or mammoths have come. The alarmed mother quickly, silently, took the child in her arms and they ran away somewhere. And for centuries this mechanism has been embedded in the human genotype - in times of danger there are only two options for action - either hit or run, otherwise you will not be saved. In modern times, as soon as childbirth began to take place within hospital walls (and earlier this was done by midwives, and this happened in the house of the woman in labor), the very atmosphere of the maternity hospital, and sometimes the attitude of the medical staff towards the mother, initially acts as stress, and then even more. They start to scare the mother with various diagnoses, or like, he’s hungry, there’s not enough milk, if you don’t take the formula, we’ll take him to an IV, or even to the intensive care unit. And mom’s stress goes through the roof, milk disappears, and this causes even more stress! Can you imagine how much mother influences child, both emotionally and physically.

    But the child does not know where he was born - in a cave where mammoths walk nearby, or in a perinatal center! His genotype dictates information, and when a child is born, he really knows how everything should be, he has certain expectations regarding his mother - she will protect, feed, warm and be there. And what happens in the end - often the mother is not nearby, she is not the one who feeds, and no one protects! And then, when mom comes, she is completely stressed. And the child triggers that ancient information from the genome - the mammoths have come! And if the mother grieves or cries over the child, the mammoths do not leave at all! They are just 24 hours a day! And the child doesn’t understand why we don’t save ourselves if it’s so dangerous. And only mother can drive away the mammoths! Explain to your child that you are in a safe cave, that you are nearby, that nothing threatens you with him. And this will only work if mom calms down herself.

    That’s how everything gets sad in the kids’ heads, and the most important thing is that they have no sense of time. The child doesn’t know when the mother’s stress will end and that’s why the mother is nervous—it’s called “more dear to herself.” Think about the child, he is more scared. Therefore, the baby can hang on the breast - often and for a long time, but not because the milk is “bad”, but because it wants to calm down.

    But tell me how not to be nervous when diagnoses pour in from doctors. Well, firstly, a final diagnosis can be made only after six months, and before that a lot is simply compensated for by breastfeeding and quality care. Secondly, if something really needs to be treated, then you just need to accept it, accept it without conditions, we need healthy child! This is how the sun rises in the morning, and you accept it, no matter how much you want to sleep more, so here, the disease and its treatment you just need to accept, without conditions, and not tear your heart out with the desire to go home when you and Lyalya are in the hospital . Life continues within the walls of the hospital, and the child needs a calm, confident mother here and now, then there will be no mammoths or earthquakes, and everyone will have strong nerves and a healthy psyche.

    1. Bathing a child 2 Bathing a child. It should happen in a diaper - up to 3.
    2. Stress during pregnancy and its impact on the health of the expectant mother and child

      Toxicosis, headaches, fatigue and other “companions” of pregnancy are not all the difficulties that you and your child will have to overcome in 9 months. As you know, a pregnant woman is very irritable, too emotional and vulnerable. Thus, frequent stress accompanies expectant mother almost throughout the entire period. And your spouse, relatives and friends do not understand what this “behavior” is connected with. The answer is simple: when a woman is expecting a child, significant changes occur in her body. Therefore, the unstable physiological state of a pregnant woman also affects her mood.

      Stress is a person’s normal response to external stimuli that disrupt the psycho-emotional balance. However, anything can throw a pregnant woman off balance: heat, cold, noise, rudeness, improperly brewed coffee or under-salted soup.

      Of course, like any other person, stress does not benefit a pregnant woman. During stress, the body begins to produce glucocorticoid hormones, and then catecholamines. With prolonged psychological stress, such processes can lead to impaired blood circulation in the placenta, which, of course, can negatively affect the health of the entire body.

      Scientists have long established a connection between emotional state pregnant woman, childbirth and the health of the unborn child. But experts still cannot agree on whether stress is beneficial or harmful for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

      British scientists observed the pregnancies of 123 women and their children under the age of one and a half years. It turned out that the stress experienced by the mother during pregnancy affects brain development and can also lead to various emotional and mental disorders in the child. This is especially true in the first trimester, when the so-called “protective filter” between the fetus and the mother’s body has not yet been formed. But scientists do not say that stress will necessarily affect the baby's development, but it does significantly increase the risk.

      As a rule, the immune system of any person, including a pregnant woman, suffers from stress. This makes your body more susceptible to various types of infectious diseases, dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child. Also, a stressful situation is usually accompanied by a large release of adrenaline, which in turn reduces blood flow to the umbilical cord, which, of course, jeopardizes its proper development.

      American scientists believe that moderate stress during pregnancy does not harm the health of the mother and fetus, but, on the contrary, improves the development of the child in the first years of life. The reason for this “behavior” of the body, according to researchers, is that the hormone cortisol, which is secreted by the mother’s body during stress, has a positive effect on the fetus; it is necessary for proper development. On the other hand, this may also be explained by the characteristics of those women who participated in the study. But that would be a big coincidence.

      Any person knows how to deal with stress: this requires the release of accumulated energy (screaming, crying, swearing). Thanks to this, a person can avoid undesirable consequences for your body, but thereby your mental health may be impaired. So try to eliminate the possibility of stressful situations: take care of yourself so that you like yourself, surround yourself with loved ones, smile more often, do what you love. To avoid unnecessary frustration, ask your spouse and family to take care of “problematic” matters that can throw you out of balance.

      Do not forget that a healthy lifestyle is important for a pregnant woman. Are walks beneficial for you? fresh air, normal sleep and balanced balanced diet. Physical exercise will also help cope with stress: sign up for special fitness classes for pregnant women or yoga. Aqua aerobics and swimming classes - in your position, they will slightly reduce the load. And finally, the irreplaceable “recipe” for getting rid of stress is, of course, rest. Listen to relaxing music, find time to calmly relax from the difficult everyday problems and worries. And your family should surround you with attention and care.

    , physical and […]

    Hyperthermia is a physiological protective reaction of the body. During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, when organs are being formed, it can adversely affect the baby.

    The degree of exposure of the fetus to elevated body temperature of a pregnant woman is determined by three factors. These are the numbers to which it rose, the gestational age, and also the duration of hyperthermia.

    The most critical period in this regard is considered to be the period from 4 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. As early as possible when exposed to any damaging factors, including elevated temperature, embryo death and miscarriage occur. In this case, the woman may not even know about it and mistake the bleeding for menstruation. If the fetus is not damaged, it then develops absolutely normally.

    Hyperthermia can cause various fetal malformations. The reason for this is a violation of protein synthesis. Defects of the limbs, central nervous and cardiovascular systems may appear. Deviations in the formation of the facial skeleton are also possible, for example, cleft palate and micrognathia, or the occurrence of microphthalmia - underdevelopment of the eyeballs.

    Hyperthermia can cause blood clots, which sometimes causes intrauterine death fetus, or undeveloped pregnancy. Also heat helps increase contractility of the uterine muscles, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

    After 14 weeks, elevated temperature does not have such a detrimental effect on the fetus, because the laying of tissues and organs has already been completed. The only dangers of hyperthermia at this stage are hypoxia and premature termination of pregnancy, because in this state of the body the blood circulation is impaired.

    What to do if your temperature rises during pregnancy

    The first thing you need to do is see a doctor. He will conduct an examination expectant mother, which will help determine the cause of the temperature increase. It is possible that consultation with more specialized specialists will be needed.

    Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This can cause irreparable harm to both the baby and the mother. Only a doctor can select the right drug. If a pregnant woman’s condition worsens sharply, nausea, vomiting, and pain appear, it is necessary to call an ambulance.