Pregnant tummy 16 weeks boy. What happens in the female body? Sense organs and nervous system



During pregnancy, the belly grows due to three factors - an increase in the uterus, amniotic fluid and fetal growth.

To understand how long does it take for the belly to grow, it is necessary to refer to the average indicator. Usually gynecologists point to the 16th week of pregnancy, that is, from 4 months.

A woman has always been worried about the question of when the stomach begins to grow strongly during pregnancy. Despite the average figure, at what time does the stomach begin to grow depends on individual characteristics. For many, it becomes noticeable to others only at 5-6 months, and some manage to hide it. until the end of pregnancy . Therefore, when the belly of the expectant mother begins to grow during pregnancy, it is very personal.
The expectant mother needs to pass the second prenatal screening and the triple extended test from 16 to
20 weeks pregnant . The triple extended test includes a blood test for AFP (alpha-fetoprotein), HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) ) and free estriol (unconjugated). Such a test makes it possible to understand the potential risks of having a baby with severe developmental anomalies, such as Down syndrome.

if the conducted studies revealed a possible pathology;

if parents are over 35;

if there are relatives with genetic diseases.

The amniocentesis procedure is controlled by ultrasound and local anesthesia. : the abdomen is pierced with a special needle above the uterus and amniotic fluid is taken. Then the fetal cells in the taken fluid are grown, their genetic analysis is carried out. It makes it possible to detect 40 infections and congenital malformations of the fetus . With this procedure, the risk of miscarriage is 0.5-3%.

16 weeks of pregnancy, or IV complete obstetric months have come to an end. Calendar date of your pregnancy is a little less than 4 months. Many changes have taken place in the child's body and in your body.


The 16th week of pregnancy comes and the expectant mother has new sensations. They are associated with an active increase in the uterus and an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. When 16 weeks of pregnancy are over, a rounded belly will be visible in the photo. After all, the amniotic fluid will already be at the rate of approximately 230-250 ml. During this period, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the implementation of Kegel exercises. and include some of them in your daily routine.

The following sensations are characteristic of the 16th week of pregnancy:

breast sensitivity increases due to increased blood flow;

sometimes on the chest begins to protrude venous pattern, and Montgomery's tubercles may appear near the nipple;

there may be constipation due to a weakening of intestinal motility;

pregnant women (repeatedly) can feel fetal movement , reminiscent of gas in the lower intestines.

If you do an ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy, you can see new changes that have occurred with the baby. 16 weeks pregnant means that the size of the fetus gradually increases and further development takes place:

he already holds his head straight, because the neck is well developed;

facial muscles are formed - grimaces, winks appear, the mouth opens;

the auricles are almost located in their place (previously they were close to the neck);

eyes are shifted to the center (previously they were on the sides);

the beginning of the formation of bones;

the girls' ovaries have already descended into the hip area from the abdominal cavity;

progress in the work of the bladder and kidneys - every 45 minutes it releases urine into the amniotic fluid;

legs lengthen, becoming more proportional to the body;

the appearance of nails;

improves coordination of legs and arms;

work sweat and sebaceous glands;

at 16 weeks of your pregnancy, the size of the fetus will be, by comparison, the size of an orange. On ultrasound at 16 weeks of gestation, the length of the fetus from the crown to the sacrum should be 108-116 mm, and the weight should be approximately 80 g.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks pregnant on the picture Gradually, a real person emerges.


HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone synthesized by chorion cells (embryo membranes). It is he who confirms the pregnancy.

It is important to know hCG levels during pregnancy, since a deviation from the norm may indicate pathological and physiological changes in the body.

3-5 days of delayed menstruation or 12 days after conception, hCG is already being analyzed when determining pregnancy. If hCG shows above 5 units, this will mean the onset of pregnancy. However, the level of hCG during pregnancy in the early period does not yet reach sufficient concentration. An analysis of hCG with the further development of pregnancy is prescribed 2-3 more times before the first ultrasound.

On the eve of the blood test for hCG, any physical activity should be excluded. He gives up on an empty stomach in the morning. And if at another time - there is nothing for 4-6 hours.

Abnormal hCG results can tell a lot about pregnancy. So, if the level of hCG is reduced during pregnancy, then this may mean:

misplaced gestational age ;

cessation of pregnancy development (missed pregnancy);

the threat of miscarriage;

ectopic pregnancy ;

fetal growth retardation;

dysfunction of the placenta;

delayed pregnancy;

fetal death (in the II and III trimesters).

During pregnancy, an increasing level of hCG is considered normal. In the first trimester, it doubles every 2-3 days. The highest level of hCG is at 10-12 weeks. Then it slowly decreases and becomes constant in the second half of pregnancy.

Elevated hCG

Often an increase in hCG levels is not a deviation from the normal course of pregnancy. . It may be accompanied by multiple pregnancy or severe toxicosis.

If other tests deviate from the norm with elevated hCG, this may indicate preeclampsia or diabetes mellitus. High hCG is sometimes observed when taking hormones. The combination of elevated hCG with low estriol and AFP indicates a high risk of having Down syndrome in a child.

Low hCG

A low hCG level often indicates:

fetal death;

delay in fetal development;

ectopic pregnancy;

the threat of miscarriage;

chronic insufficiency of the placenta;

overbearing a child.

HCG when an ectopic pregnancy is detected:

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy poorly studied. It can only be recognized by ultrasound. An analysis for hCG allows you to detect tubal or ovarian attachment of the embryo during an ectopic pregnancy. The level of hCG in such cases will either be somewhat reduced, or even remain normal at first. But then it drops sharply. But the pathology can be finally judged only after ultrasound.

HCG with a frozen or regressing pregnancy:

A frozen pregnancy means the cessation of the development of the embryo. The death of the fetus most often occurs in the first trimester, but sometimes it happens in the later stages, but there is no miscarriage. There is a false growth of the uterus and the preservation of signs of pregnancy.

HCG recorded during a missed pregnancy , starts to decrease rapidly. Express tests will give a negative result.


The gynecologist sets the gestational age, which exceeds the real one by 2 weeks. Why are obstetric weeks of pregnancy so calculated. This issue is always on the agenda when registering for pregnancy.

Pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube when the egg and sperm merge at the time of ovulation or a day later. Thus, the gestational age can be calculated from the onset of ovulation. This method is not accurate, as ovulation does not always occur in the middle of the cycle.

Obstetric weeks of pregnancy have been counting for a long time. Since the main sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation, the beginning of the gestation period is from the date of the last menstruation.

Modern gynecologists calculate obstetric weeks of pregnancy , determining that 280 days after the first day of the last menstrual period, a child should be born (9 full months plus 7 days). The obstetric period is a complete cycle of the birth, development and growth of the fetus. According to such calculations, the duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks, or 10 obstetric months. The obstetric week also contains 7 calendar days. Thus, it turns out that the obstetric gestational age is 2 weeks longer than the embryonic period.

9 months in terms of obstetric weeks:

2 months = 8 weeks 6 days
3 months = 13 weeks 2 days
4 months = 17 weeks 5 days
5 months = 22 weeks 1 day
6 months = 26 weeks 3 days
7 months = 30 weeks 6 days
8 months = 35 weeks 4 days
9 months = 40 weeks

Consider an example of determining the gestational age.

subtracting 3 months, we get February;
according to the obstetric term - May 1 + 7 \u003d 8th number. So the birth will be on February 8, 2014;
otherwise - May 1 + 9 months + 7 days = February 8, 2014
Later, the period should be clarified by ultrasound up to 12 weeks. But sometimes the embryonic and obstetric periods on ultrasound do not coincide, since on ultrasound the period is determined by the size of the fetus. A 1-2 week time difference is considered normal.

If the menstrual cycle deviates from 28 days or is irregular, it is difficult to determine the exact gestational age. In these cases, the results of ultrasound and the size of the uterus become a guideline.

Pregnant women are often confused in determining the timing. You can practice. So, the 6th week of pregnancy, if it is obstetric, will correspond to the 4th week from conception and the beginning of the second month in the usual months. 7 obstetric week of your pregnancy , respectively - 5 weeks from conception, from delayed menstruation - 3 weeks and the middle of 2 months of pregnancy. The 5th week of pregnancy, defined as obstetric, is consistent with the 3rd week from conception and the end of the first - the beginning of the second month according to the usual months.

Try to practice yourself in determining pregnancy . Take a piece of paper and write down what the 5th week of pregnancy means when it is obstetric, then do the same when it is the 7th obstetric week of your pregnancy. And finally, test yourself by writing what the 6th week of pregnancy is - obstetric.


Increased pressure, nausea and dizziness very often accompany pregnancy . But there is a drug - dopegyt, which will make life easier for pregnant women. Dopegyt tablets contain cellulose acetate, alpha-methyldop, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, starch and talc.

The maximum effect of dopegit taken during pregnancy reaches 4-6 hours after administration. The duration of its action is one to two days.

Dopegyt is prescribed during pregnancy strictly according to indications. It does not negatively affect the child in the II and III trimesters. Dopegyt lowers blood pressure by 10-20%. If the required pressure reduction does not occur, the drug is prescribed together with heparin, reopolikglucin, etc.

Dopegyt as a safer drug for fetal development during pregnancy , prefer to actually antihypertensive drugs in the first trimester.

Before using dopegyt during pregnancy, carefully read the instructions.

Pregnant women tolerate dopegyt well due to its mild action.

Dopegyt during pregnancy, according to the instructions, in terms of its pharmacological action belongs to antihypertensive drugs of central action.

Dopegyt is taken before or after meals by mouth. The dosage is set individually. The maximum daily dosage is 2 g. When taken with other drugs the maximum dose per day cannot exceed 500 mg.

When a stable result is achieved, the dose should be slowly reduced. In the first days of taking dopegit causes drowsiness, lethargy, lethargy.

ALWAYS consult with your doctor before taking the drug!

By the 16th week, pregnancy becomes noticeable to others, especially if it is not the first time for a woman. The tummy is rounded, the sensations of the expectant mother become more intense. Some may feel fetal movements. If in the first months there was a risk of abortion, by the 16th week the situation will stabilize. During this period, the size of the fruit can be correlated with the size of an average apple.

The condition is stabilizing even for those expectant mothers who experienced serious discomfort in the first weeks of the “interesting situation”.

Main positive changes:

  1. Completely passes toxicosis (with the exception of pathological cases).
  2. Reduced pain in the chest.
  3. Due to the increase in blood volume, the woman has a slight blush.
  4. The frequency of urination is normalized - the expectant mother is not afraid to go for a long walk.
  5. Appetite and general condition are stabilized.


With the active growth of the fetus, the size of the uterus and the volume of amniotic fluid increase. at 16 weeks, a woman herself can feel the uterus by placing her palm on her lower abdomen - about 7 cm below the navel. In general, the uterus occupies half the distance to the navel, its height reaches 17 cm. The volume of amniotic fluid is about 250 ml.

The uterus enlarges so much that it begins to put pressure on the intestines. The likelihood of constipation is increased. Bloating appears more often, a woman can take the movement of gases for the movements of the baby. For some, the first movements really begin at this time, but they are very weak, and only an experienced mother can notice them during 2-3.


With increased production and accumulation of melanin (which is responsible for the appearance of age spots), the darkening of the areolas becomes more noticeable. The chest fills up even more. This is especially pleasing to the owners of small breasts.

Spider veins may appear - this is due to increased blood flow to the mammary glands. Also, a woman can grope for nodules and tubercles. It is also associated with an increase in volume.

Important! Often, at the 16th week of pregnancy, colostrum begins to stand out for the first time, so it's time to stock up on bra liners.

At this time, you need to start taking care of your breasts. Light massage, rubbing in oils will help maintain the skin's moisture level. This will further minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Be sure to consult your doctor.


It starts to grow rapidly. By this time, it is already noticeable that the woman is expecting a baby. In the first pregnancy, it is slightly rounded. If a woman has already given birth, then in subsequent pregnancies it increases significantly: the muscles stretch faster.

Due to the increase in volume, the center of gravity shifts slightly, and when walking, the woman bends her lower back slightly, a characteristic gait of pregnant women appears.

As a result, lower back pain may occur.

A dark pigmented strip usually forms along the line of the abdomen by this time, which will come off after childbirth.

Important! By week 16, a woman needs to wean herself from sleeping on her stomach. Sleeping on your back is also undesirable: the load on the spine increases. The best option is the position on the side.


By the end of the 4th month of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge in a woman changes slightly: they become thicker, turn white. Many expectant mothers mistakenly confuse these discharges with thrush. The difference is simple: with thrush, the consistency of the discharge is liquidish, or curdled, heterogeneous, with a sour smell. Additionally, itching and burning appear. With these symptoms, you need to see a doctor. If there are no accompanying symptoms, there is no reason to panic.

It is important for a woman to carefully observe intimate hygiene and observe the nature of the discharge. If they change color to yellow, greenish, pink or brown, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

What about the fetus?

By this time, the future baby already looks like a little man. But most importantly, he has already formed facial muscles. The baby can frown, smile, open his mouth and even suck his thumb - all these movements can be seen during an ultrasound.

The body of the crumbs during this period is covered with a thin fluff, the vascular pattern on the limbs becomes noticeable.

Baby development

The nervous system of the child is actively developing: every second 5,000 neurons are formed in the brain. The head of the fetus is disproportionate to the body. The child can hear sounds, voices, feels bright light.

Therefore, the mother needs to be especially careful to adhere to the sleep and wakefulness regimen, to avoid exposure to bright flashes of light. It's time to start talking to your baby, reading to him and listening to melodic music.

By the end of the week, the pituitary and adrenal cortex are almost fully formed in the baby. The baby's body begins to independently produce hemoglobin and some hormones.

Important! By this time, the child's genitals are fully formed. But the testicles in boys are still in the abdominal cavity, so it is not yet possible to accurately determine the sex.

The urinary system begins to work, which removes the remnants of swallowed amniotic fluid from the baby's body. A child's heart can pump up to 25 liters of blood per day. Also at this time, it is already possible to determine the blood type and Rh factor of the baby.

What does the future baby look like?

The fetus looks like a fully formed but very small human. The limbs, fingers and even the skin pattern on them are clearly visible. The head and torso ratio is approximately 1:2.

Weight and height

The height of the child varies from 11 to 16 cm. If the height exceeds the specified value, the child will be large. The size of the head is slightly over 3 cm. The circumference of the abdomen and chest varies from 3 to 4 cm. The size corresponds to the size of an average apple or avocado.

The baby weighs from 75 to 115 grams. Together with amniotic fluid, the weight of the uterus reaches 360-400 g.

Changes in the mother's body

In general, the expectant mother feels well: toxicosis has already passed, shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness have not yet appeared. This period is great for walking more and doing yoga for expectant mothers.

It becomes noticeable to others: a rounded belly appears, age spots. Due to more active blood circulation, a blush is noticeable, facial contours become clearer, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Weight gain reaches 3 kg (normal), but some women gain 6-7 kg by this time.

Important! Excessive weight gain can complicate childbirth. To control body weight, the expectant mother needs to eat more vegetables and fruits, eat small portions of at least 5-6 times.

The immune system, which was weakened in the first weeks, is activated. It no longer poses a danger to the fetus, and begins to fulfill its main function - protection against pathogens. The woman feels more cheerful.

Of the unpleasant moments - constipation and rhinitis of pregnant women may occur. In the first case, adjusting the diet and drinking regimen will help, in the second case, washing the nose with saline.

Attitude towards sex

For many women, sexual desire increases. The blood rushes to the genitals more intensively, the level of hormones stabilizes, and in general the expectant mother feels better.

Those couples who have limited themselves in intimacy because of the risk of miscarriage may return to love pleasures.

The stomach does not interfere with intimacy yet. But you need to select more comfortable postures in which there will be no pressure on the lower abdomen. For this period, a measured pace is suitable: it is better to postpone fast and aggressive sex for several months.


After a peak increase at the end of the first trimester, the hCG level gradually declines to what it was at about 7 weeks.

The normal value range is still large (6140-103000 mIU/mL). A sudden increase or decrease (by more than 10%) should alert you, especially if it goes beyond the permissible values.

An increase may indicate the presence of genetic pathologies:

  1. Down's disease.
  2. Anencephaly.
  3. Developmental disorders of the spine.
  4. Craniocerebral hernia.

A sharp decrease indicates a frozen pregnancy, placental insufficiency and fetal death.


The growth of the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus, the tone of its muscles depends on the level of progesterone. Also, this hormone is involved in the weight gain of the expectant mother. An analysis for progesterone is not mandatory, but is prescribed if there are violations, deterioration in the condition of the mother and fetus. You can also pass it for complacency: if the level of the hormone is within the normal range (46.75 +/- 5.06 nmol / l).

A decrease in progesterone levels indicates a fetal growth retardation, missed abortion and a threatened miscarriage. An increase is often associated with a violation in the formation of the placenta, an increase in the adrenal glands, or kidney failure.


The thickness of the endometrium increases from the first weeks of pregnancy, and by the 16th it reaches several centimeters.

During an ultrasound, the doctor evaluates not only the thickness of the inner lining of the uterus, but also its uniformity. The formation of thickenings and tubercles - signs of inflammation, are an alarming sign.

ultrasound baby photo

Ultrasound examination will help to control the dynamics of the increase in the growth and weight of the fetus, to notice the movement of facial muscles.

At this time, you can take the first photograph of the future crumbs and place it in a family photo album.

Second screening

At this time, a second screening can be performed to detect pathologies in the development of the fetus.

It is not obligatory for everyone, it is carried out at the request of the woman, and also in cases where:

  1. On the previous ultrasound, violations in the development of the fetus were noticeable.
  2. The expectant mother had the flu, SARS or other infectious disease.
  3. The pregnant woman was diagnosed with any tumors.

As part of the screening, an ultrasound examination is performed, which reveals the progress in the development of the fetus. Bone formation, heart function and other important indicators are assessed. The doctor also carefully examines the placenta to make sure that it provides the fetus with nutrition and oxygen to the fullest.

A biochemical blood test helps to more accurately determine the condition of the mother and fetus, to exclude the presence of serious pathologies. In order for the result to be as reliable as possible, a couple of days before donating blood, you need to limit the use of seafood, citrus fruits and chocolate - they can distort the results of the study.


In the absence of serious pathologies, the expectant mother feels good.

A woman may be disturbed by moderate pain:

  1. In the waist. They are associated with an increase in the load on the lower part of the spine.
  2. In the abdomen, associated with the active growth of the uterus. If the muscles of the uterus and abdomen are inelastic, discomfort increases.
  3. In my head Headaches are associated with high hormone levels. During this period, some women experience migraine for the first time. If the pain is severe and debilitating, you should not take the usual painkiller: you need to consult a doctor and choose the safest and most effective drug.

During this period it is recommended:

  1. Physical activity - light sports, yoga for pregnant women, swimming (provided that there is no threat of miscarriage, hypertension and other pathological conditions).
  2. Hardening of the body, thorough protection against SARS.
  3. Proper nutrition to maintain intestinal motility (it decreases under the influence of progesterone). Fruits, vegetables and berries will help saturate the body with vitamins.
  4. No stress and proper rest.
  5. New pleasant experiences. If you are planning a trip, now is the time to travel. At this time, the woman is still allowed to fly (provided there are no pathologies of pregnancy).

Important! Swimming in the pool is good for the baby. A slight cooling of the abdomen will give the baby new sensations. And mom will help relieve back pain.

Required studies and analyzes

At week 16, you can pass:

  1. Ultrasound, during which parents can see the baby, and if you're lucky, find out his gender.
  2. "Triple test" - analysis for hormones.

Gestational diabetes may set in. Usually a glucose tolerance test is carried out for a period of 24-28 weeks. But if there are signs of the disease, the gynecologist can send for this study earlier - at 16-17 weeks.

Amniocentesis, or amniotic fluid analysis, can diagnose serious abnormalities, but is a rather risky procedure. It is resorted to only in the presence of weighty evidence.


The task of the expectant mother is to ensure that all the necessary substances enter the body. She especially needs B vitamins and trace elements that take part in the functioning of the nervous system and the formation of nerve cells.

The diet should include:

  1. Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber.
  2. Nuts are a source of magnesium and fatty acids.
  3. Cereals.

The pressure on the intestines increases, its motility decreases. If a woman had chronic gastrointestinal diseases, they can cause serious discomfort. Therefore, by the 16th week, it is worth completely switching to boiled and steamed food, abandoning fried, fatty and spicy foods.


If there are no contraindications for health reasons, you need to move more. Even normal walking is useful: it helps to increase the amount of air pumped through the lungs. The baby feels calm and falls asleep under the measured steps of the mother.

Do not deny yourself travel, recreation, activity. You can do gymnastics, swim. The main thing is not to be in one position for a long time: this can provoke blood stasis. A sedentary lifestyle should also be said “no”: it is the main cause of constipation and other troubles.

What is banned?

Even for an absolutely healthy woman at this stage of pregnancy, there are several strict “no”:

  1. Sleep on your stomach.
  2. Wear high heels.
  3. Do contact sports.
  4. Contact with toxic materials (varnishes, paints, concentrated household chemicals).
  5. Wear tight belts.
  6. Take medication without a doctor's prescription.
  7. Going to the cinema to watch movies with dynamic graphics and noisy concerts: Loud sound and bright lights can cause stress in a child.

Taking vitamins

The need for vitamins in women and babies is increasing. Therefore, even those mothers who feel well, are active and eat well, require an additional intake of vitamins.

The exact composition is selected by the doctor, focusing on the results of the tests. Most often, there is a need for vitamins of groups B, D and some trace elements.

It is impossible to choose a drug on your own. If you or your relatives succumbed to a moment of weakness and bought a multivitamin for pregnant women, do not start taking until you show them to your gynecologist.

Do you wear a bandage?

Active abdominal enlargement begins at 15-16 weeks of gestation, so doctors advise wearing a support bandage at this time. It is important that it is in size, does not squeeze or rub, and allows the skin to breathe.

Bandage is not for everyone. If a woman does not have back pain, she does not have difficulty walking, the purchase of a bandage can be postponed until 18 or even 20 weeks. If there is pain in the lower back, a bandage is necessary: ​​it will help to do without painkillers and prevent the negative consequences of the load on the spine.

What do doctors prescribe?

Medical appointments depend on the results of previous examinations, the condition and general well-being of the pregnant woman.

The main medical appointments concern:

  1. Additional examinations if indicated (second screening, amniotic fluid sample).
  2. Taking multivitamins.
  3. Painkillers for migraines.
  4. Preparations for maintaining pregnancy (if there is a threat of miscarriage).
  5. Correction of the diet and drinking regimen in order to prevent constipation and swelling. Additionally, agents may be prescribed to reduce gas formation in the intestines.


On the one hand, the 16th week of pregnancy proceeds calmly, if there were no risks and complications before. Sudden deterioration does not occur, except that those pathologies that appeared before 14-15 weeks develop.

The first signs of gestational diabetes and varicose veins may appear, often chronic gastritis makes itself felt.

Abdominal pain

Moderate spasms are a variant of the norm. They are associated with stretching of the abdominal muscles and the rapid growth of the uterus. During the first pregnancy, a woman may mistake pain and cramps in the intestines for uterine cramps.

If the pain is severe, accompanied by high fever, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. Even ordinary food poisoning at this time can have negative consequences.

Lower back pain

It occurs due to the increase in weight and shift in the center of gravity. More severe pain is experienced by women with diseases of the spine, overweight. Unpleasant sensations occur with prolonged sitting or prolonged walking. A bandage will help reduce the load. And light physical activity will help strengthen the muscles of the back.


The placenta is already fully formed, so the chance of breakthrough bleeding is zero.

The most common causes of bleeding are:

  1. Softening of the cervix and vasodilation. Some bleeding may occur after intercourse. It is not a reason for panic. But during the next visit to the gynecologist, it is worth reporting this.
  2. More intense bleeding is often a sign of placenta previa.
  3. Placental abruption is usually accompanied by pain. But even in this case, the pregnancy can be saved.
  4. Uterine fibroids, or thickening of its fibrous layer. Ideally, it should be treated before pregnancy. But many women with fibroids manage to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

If bleeding is associated with a miscarriage, it is accompanied by severe pain. The day before, the woman notes a decrease in the signs of pregnancy. But a miscarriage at 16 weeks is quite rare.


If its value does not exceed 37.4 degrees, this is a variant of the norm. The immune system and the whole body of a woman react differently to pregnancy and related hormonal changes. A slight increase in temperature is not dangerous, especially if it stays at about the same level throughout pregnancy.

An increase to 37.8-38 indicates an acute inflammatory process. Most often it is SARS or food poisoning. But with such a temperature, inflammation of the female organs, appendicitis and other diseases dangerous for a woman can occur. When the temperature rises, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Normally, toxicosis disappears after the formation of the placenta - by 12-14 weeks. But there are two more scenarios:

  1. By week 16, the woman had signs of toxicosis.
  2. A couple of weeks ago, toxicosis stopped, but returned again.


Nausea may be a sign of:

  1. late toxicosis.
  2. Food poisoning.
  3. Exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal disease.
  4. stress.
  5. infectious process.
  6. Started miscarriage.

The first thing a future mother needs to do is to put aside the panic, calm down, drink a few sips of water, lie down if possible. If the discomfort passes, everything is in order. If nausea increases, vomiting, abdominal pain or other symptoms are added to it, urgent medical advice is needed.

Colds (ARVI)

Less dangerous to the fetus than in the first trimester. But it still has negative consequences, and can lead to impaired intrauterine development.

It is important not to self-medicate - this also applies to folk methods. Some decoctions of herbs can provoke an abortion, so it is better to postpone experiments with "grandmother's" methods until you give birth and finish breastfeeding.

Most pharmaceutical drugs are contraindicated. From allowed - plentiful drink and rest. If you feel very unwell, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe drugs approved for pregnant women.

ARVI usually goes away in 3-5 days on its own. A bacterial infection is more difficult to treat.


It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. There are drugs that should not be used in any case. There are antibiotics that have less dangerous side effects, and are allowed if the infection poses a great danger to the life of the mother and baby.

A doctor should prescribe an antibiotic and select a dosage, and only after he is convinced that it is really necessary. If a pregnant woman has a serious infection (tonsillitis, pneumonia, severe poisoning), antibiotics and treatment in general are best done in a hospital.


Drinking alcohol is undesirable throughout pregnancy due to its high toxicity. Some doctors say that a couple of sips of good red wine no more than once a week can even be beneficial, especially for women with a tendency to anemia. But this benefit has not been scientifically proven.

You should refrain from drinking any doses of alcohol: since the baby’s nervous system is actively forming, and any toxic effect can cause irreversible disorders.


This is one of the most stable periods. Miscarriages at this time are extremely rare.

Main reasons:

  1. Genetic disorders in the fetus.
  2. intrauterine infection.
  3. Pyelonephritis in the mother, provoked by high levels of progesterone.
  4. Taking strong laxatives for constipation.

A miscarriage at this time can lead to complications, so at the first sign (severe pain, bleeding), you need to urgently seek medical help.

Possible dangers and complications

During this period, women often experience fluid retention in the body, which is fraught with the appearance of edema. They are not dangerous, but additional control of the doctor leading the pregnancy will not hurt.

Excess weight

Being overweight and having high blood pressure increases the risk of preeclampsia. This is an additional reason for consulting a doctor and a more thorough examination.

Vitamin D deficiency

With a deficiency of vitamin D, there may be disturbances in the development of the fetus. For the same reason, the expectant mother develops varicose veins. If you do not take action, this disease will remain with the woman for life, and may be complicated by the formation of hemorrhoids.

Frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy, diagnosed during an ultrasound examination, is interrupted in a hospital setting. Be sure to clean and preventive antibacterial treatment. After its completion, the woman needs to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the pathology. Most often, these are hormonal disorders, infections and the consequences of previous abortions.


What changes occur to a woman and a child during the 16th week of pregnancy can be found in the video:

This is the period when a woman is still quite active. It's time to get new pleasant experiences, listen to relaxing music and actively communicate with the unborn baby.

The period of 15-16 weeks of pregnancy is considered the best time of pregnancy. The woman feels well, rejoices at the upcoming motherhood. At this time, the belly is not yet very noticeable, especially under clothes. Although its slight increase is obvious. To ensure a positive attitude for yourself, and a harmonious development for the baby, you can make a musical selection of pleasant melodies and listen to it periodically. Both classical music and instrumental compositions, jazz or funny children's songs will do.

15-16 weeks of pregnancy: mother's condition

The uterus continues to grow actively, pressing on the intestines, so some women may notice that their stomach is pulling. In addition, by the end of the 16th week, the expectant mother may feel fetal movements. Such sensations are due precisely to the growth of the uterus and its approach to the walls of the abdominal cavity. Especially often at this time, fetal movements are felt by women who have already given birth. Sometimes the gentle pushing of the baby can be confused with intestinal motility.

Weight gain by the end of the 16th week of pregnancy is about two to three kilograms.

In the period from 15 to 18 weeks pregnant, it is desirable to do a second biochemical screening to determine the level of alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and free estradiol. Based on the results of such a “triple test”, a conclusion will be made about the risk of developing genetic abnormalities in the fetus. But even if the indicators turn out to be not too good, you should not panic, since the test only makes it possible to determine whether a woman falls into a high-risk group. Therefore, a consultation with a geneticist and further examination will be mandatory.

Also, at 16 weeks, another ultrasound is scheduled.

Fetal development

At a period of 15-16 weeks, the network of blood vessels in the child's body grows, and the mass of the brain increases. The body of the child and his legs grow most intensively. The skin still has a reddish tint, but the fluff on the head noticeably thickens, the appearance of pigment is noted - the hair acquires the color with which the baby will be born. The circulatory network is clearly visible through the skin of the child. This is due to the fact that a layer of adipose tissue has not yet been formed. The size of the fetus is about 90 grams, and its length is 16 centimeters.

The amount of amniotic fluid increases markedly. The baby begins to swallow them more and more intensively, but after an hour allocates water back. It should be noted that the amniotic fluid is sterile, as it is constantly updated.

At this time, the bones of the fetus are strengthened. And the beating of a small heart can be heard with a regular stethoscope.

The second trimester of pregnancy is traditionally considered the most calm and joyful period of life for the expectant mother.

This is the time to start thinking about updating your wardrobe. From the 15th to 16th week of pregnancy, your belly will begin to gradually increase, habitual clothes can cause discomfort, therefore, as far as possible, it is advisable to replace it with one in which both you and your baby will feel comfortable.

The emotional and psychological state of many pregnant women in this trimester allows you to engage in special physical exercises. If you do not feel unwell, you can do special gymnastics without risk to your own health and the health of your baby. In no case do not engage in hard physical labor, do not lift weights. Try to observe the regime of work and rest.

Is it worth talking about the need for regular walks in the fresh air? This will help your body cope more easily with the increased need for oxygen. At this time, it is advisable to attend a school for young mothers, where they will help you acquire valuable knowledge.

Close attention during this period should be given to a balanced diet. In the second trimester, your body needs vitamins and trace elements as badly as in the first, since not all fetal systems have fully formed. However, you should not overeat, because this will inevitably lead to weight gain.

Following the above tips will help you avoid possible pregnancy complications.

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16 weeks pregnant

At the sixteenth week, everyone knows that a woman is pregnant and, of course, a lot of advice regarding lifestyle, nutrition, and even raising an unborn child cannot be avoided. It is very difficult in some situations to maintain moral balance. However, try not to be nervous, because this will negatively affect the baby, who is not to blame for anything.

What does the baby look like

The child looks like a person, his head is no longer pressed to his chest, and nails grow on his fingers. The movements of the limbs are more coordinated, he can easily reach his mouth with his hand. The skin is covered with fine hairs and a lubricant that protects it from the external environment. Higher nervous activity is already developed so much that the baby begins to worry when the mother is nervous. Most likely, he picks up her heartbeat and voice.

Interestingly, by this time the vocal apparatus has already been formed, so that the baby is able to make sounds. He will need this skill a little later, when he announces his birth with the first loud cry.

The kidneys secrete about half a liter of urine per day, due to which the amniotic fluid is completely renewed. The reproductive system of girls is practically formed, but in boys, the testicles are in the abdominal cavity and will descend much later.

Fruit size: the weight of the crumbs reaches 100 g, and the height is 20 cm. Many women, especially those who have already given birth, feel movements that can sometimes be confused with intestinal motility.

Photo of the fetus at 16 weeks pregnant

What has changed in the body of a woman

At this time, subcutaneous veins may protrude on the enlarged chest and abdomen. This is due to the redistribution of blood in the body. Do not worry, after childbirth and the end of the lactation period, they will disappear without a trace.

Allocations from the genital tract at 16 weeks is usually not abundant, transparent or whitish. The appearance of red or brown streaks is an alarming symptom that may indicate placental abruption and the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Another danger may be uterine hypertonicity, which is manifested by pulling or cramping pains in the lower abdomen, it becomes hard to the touch. This leads to intrauterine hypoxia of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid traumatic situations and, if necessary, take no-shpu. Remember that the treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Second trimester screening

It's time for your second trimester screening. You can make it from 16 to 20 weeks, but the optimal period is 16-17 weeks. It includes:

  1. Ultrasound, in which the doctor carefully examines all the internal organs of the child and his limbs, measures the circumference of the abdomen and head, assesses the condition of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid. During the study, the specialist determines the expected date of birth, but do not think that it is final. Only a small number of babies are born right on time.
  2. In a biochemical blood test, the level of hCG, AFP, estriol and inhibin A is determined.
  • The level of chorionic gonadotropin at week 16 is normally 10,000-58,000 mU / ml, with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, its concentration begins to decrease. Deviations from the norm upwards may indicate not only chromosomal pathologies (Down and Klinefelter syndrome), but also multiple pregnancies, diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia. With a reduced level of hCG, the risk of Edwards syndrome increases.
  • The concentration of alpha-fetoprotein begins to increase from the 14th week of pregnancy. Its norm at week 16 is 15-95 units / ml. If the level of AFP is elevated, then this may indicate a risk of anomalies in the development of the central nervous system or a multiple pregnancy. If the concentration is below normal, then there is a possibility of Down and Edwards syndrome.
  • The level of estriol is determined by the work of the adrenal glands of the fetus and may change when taking certain medications (glucocorticoid hormones, antibiotics). At low concentrations, the likelihood of Down and Edwards syndrome increases, at high concentrations, fetoplacental insufficiency, underdevelopment of the adrenal glands and the brain in a child are often observed.
  • The concentration of inhibin A is affected by the age, weight, smoking of a woman, so this indicator should be evaluated only in conjunction with the rest.

If, as a result of screening, an increased risk of congenital or chromosomal abnormalities is established, the woman is referred for a consultation with a geneticist, who determines the indications for invasive diagnostics (amniocentesis).

  • Second trimester screening should be performed, which includes ultrasound and blood chemistry.
  • Women who already have children can feel the first movements of the baby.
  • There is a risk of placental abruption and uterine hypertonicity. In case of any deviations from the norm, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Maintain a good mood and physical fitness, attend group classes for pregnant women.

Photo of belly at 16 weeks pregnant

Click to enlarge the photo of the tummies. If you want to see your photo here, write to [email protected].

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16 weeks pregnant, description of fetal development

How the baby grows, the size and weight of the baby at 16 weeks of gestation

With a length of 11-11.5 cm and a weight of 80 g, at 16 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is the size of an avocado. In the next 3 weeks, he will make a serious breakthrough, doubling his weight and significantly increasing his height. The lower limbs became much more developed, and the neck raised its head higher. The eyes and ears are already close to their final location. At 16 weeks pregnant, the heart pumps about 25 liters of blood daily. Although closed, his eyes can move slowly, and nails have begun to grow on his feet. As for the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, progress is also being made here - almost every 45 minutes the baby makes a “contribution” to the composition of the amniotic fluid.

The liver begins to become a digestive organ, and the red bone marrow gradually takes over the functions of hematopoiesis. In the blood of the fetus, it is already possible to detect all the cells characteristic of the blood of an adult, and it is possible to determine its group and Rh factor. The stomach, intestines and gallbladder begin to perform their specific functions. But for now, their work is just training. In the intestines of the fetus, the first contents appear, consisting mainly of bile. This is meconium - the original feces - dark green or black-green in color.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at week 16, you can see the movements of the fetus on the monitor screen. Perhaps you already feel them. And if not, don't worry. Usually, the first movements, or movements, of the fetus occur between the 16th and 20th weeks of pregnancy: it is different for all women. In addition, one child may be more active, and the other less. Even in one mother with different pregnancies, the timing of the first movements is different.

How do you change, the sensations in your body

Have you been told how wonderful you look at 16 weeks? During pregnancy, a woman really "shines" due to the increased volume of blood flowing to the skin. Now, hopefully, you yourself like yourself, thanks to subsided hormones and receded toxicosis. The feeling of confidence is added by the fact that your pregnancy is already more than 14 weeks old, and this is another period after which the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced!

Six weeks ago, the uterus weighed 140 g, and now its weight is about 250 g. The volume of amniotic fluid in which the baby swims increases to 250 ml. At 16 weeks pregnant, you can feel your uterus at a distance of 7.5 cm below the navel.

This week you need to donate blood to determine the levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE).

In some disabling diseases (for example, Down's syndrome, craniocerebral hernia, anencephaly, splitting of the anterior abdominal wall of the fetus, etc.), the levels of these substances in the blood of pregnant women may deviate from the norm. According to the results of the study, it is possible to suspect or exclude the presence of these defects in the fetus.

Sauna and bath during pregnancy

Is it possible to visit a sauna or bath during pregnancy? Your baby needs to maintain a certain body temperature. Research has shown that if your body temperature remains elevated by several degrees for several minutes during critical periods of a child's development, this can harm the fetus. So it is better not to risk with a bath and a sauna. Hang on for a few more months. Science does not know how the mother's stay in the solarium affects the growing fetus. Until certain results are obtained on this issue, it is also better for you to refrain from visiting the solarium.

What to do at 16 weeks pregnant

Organize some kind of romantic evening with your partner ... When the baby is born, it will be quite problematic to find time to be alone. Do not miss the current opportunity to be together, and do not put it off for later. After all, it is quite possible that in the third trimester you will become much lazier and more difficult to get out somewhere ...

Question 16 weeks pregnant:

At what gestational age is a child considered viable?

This is an ambiguous question. There is no fixed time frame, although experts disagree. The survival rate for babies born after 23 weeks increases with each week of pregnancy. Babies born before 23 weeks of gestation have a very low survival rate and require long-term intensive medical care, including the use of various life-support devices. Very immature infants are at risk for cerebral palsy, intraventricular bleeding, and necrotizing enterocolitis.

From the book by W. and M. Sears "All the necessary information for a future mother from the birth of an idea to the birth of a child"

Bleeding gums (pregnancy gingivitis). Have you already guessed the reason? The same pregnancy hormones that act on the lining cells of various organs in your body also cause changes in your mouth. You should be prepared not only for increased salivation, but also for the fact that your gums will become sensitive, swollen and easily damaged while brushing or flossing your teeth. At about the fourth month of pregnancy, a visit to the dentist should be made. Your dentist, oral hygienist, or periodontist can help you avoid inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) or various infections that changes in your mouth can cause. Because pregnant women are at increased risk of tooth decay and gingivitis, dental visits and good oral hygiene should be an integral part of medical care during pregnancy. Whether you need a dental cleaning, dental X-ray, or local anesthesia, don't worry. All this will not harm the child. (If you are or suspect you are pregnant, be sure to inform your dentist, and you will be given a protective apron to cover your belly when you x-ray the tooth.) If you need to take antibiotics before and after your procedure due to heart valve problems, inform the dentist that you are pregnant—even though the antibiotics used in such cases are usually safe for pregnant women.

Here are some home remedies to help prevent gum changes that occur during pregnancy from getting worse and worse.

Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. Foods high in calcium are also good for teeth.

Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic several times a day. After rinsing, spit out the liquid instead of swallowing it.

Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that won't cause your gums to bleed.

Brush your teeth more often, and be sure to brush your teeth after every meal. Carry a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse.

Floss your teeth regularly (at least once a day).

Consider using an ultrasonic toothbrush, which is more effective than a regular toothbrush in removing plaque from your teeth. In addition, it spares gums that have become sensitive.

Give up viscous caramel and other similar sweets. Butterscotch, figs, and other sticky foods gather in the cavities of swollen gums, so try to satisfy your sweet tooth with less sticky foods.

Note: Tiny nodules may form on the gums that are sensitive to touch and bleed when brushing teeth. These nodules, called "pyogenic granulomas" (or "tumors of pregnancy"), should not cause you concern; they disappear shortly after birth. If they make you uncomfortable, your dentist may drain or remove them.

If at the 16th week of pregnancy the stomach pulls or hurts, see your doctor so that he can rule out a possible uterine tone. Drawing pains at 16 weeks pregnant can also mean that you should avoid exercise. Keep in mind, at the 16th week of pregnancy, the discharge may become more pronounced. This is quite typical for the beginning of pregnancy, and before the birth itself, it can be water - be especially careful. On page 16 week of pregnancy, photos of the fetus will help you understand at what stage of development the child is.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, blood will need to be tested to make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy. In addition, we recommend that you monitor the change in the level of hCG and compare it with the normal value at the 16th week of pregnancy. We also recommend visiting our pregnancy forum, which will help you get more information about the development of the fetus and your body at 16 weeks from the moment of conception.


  • Frozen pregnancy

16 weeks pregnant - how many months?

According to the obstetric calendar, the 16th week of pregnancy falls on the fourth month of the "interesting position" of the woman. The second trimester is in full swing, and if everything goes on as usual, a woman blossoms more and continues to prepare for the inevitable motherhood.


Feelings at the 16th week of pregnancy, if it proceeds favorably and in accordance with all norms, are not overshadowed by any painful or unpleasant manifestations. Toxicosis is a thing of the past, frequent urination is also. The breast, preparing for lactation, continues to increase, but at the same time, the soreness, as a rule, already disappears. Against this background, the expectant mother seems to “come to life”: the hormonal background has been established in comparison with the early stages of pregnancy, therefore the woman becomes balanced and calmer, full of new strength and joy.

Starting from the 16th week of pregnancy, a woman often begins to feel how her appetite has increased. This is especially true for those mothers who at first suffered from toxicosis: now it’s time to catch up and eat tasty and full, but at the same time watching the weight.

Surprisingly, but at the same time, it is pleasant that the sensations at the 16th week of pregnancy can be enriched by the first movements of a very tiny baby. Women who are pregnant again are more likely to feel the first movements of the baby: fetal movements in this case often occur 2-4 weeks earlier than during the first pregnancy. Often, the expectant mother does not even realize at first that these were the very first tangible movements of her beloved child: many women compare them with a slight flutter or sensations from air bubbles.

But, even if mom listens sensitively to her feelings, but does not feel any movements, you should not be upset about this. After all, some mothers have a more active baby, some have a calmer one, even with the same woman in different pregnancies, babies begin to noticeably move differently.


But, even if the woman does not yet feel the movements of the fetus, she can observe them during an ultrasound scan at the 16th week of pregnancy. When conducting an ultrasound examination, the monitor clearly shows how the baby moves, and even complements his movements with active grimacing. An ultrasound at the 16th week of pregnancy will show: the baby's facial expressions are unusually active - the baby is already frowning, grimacing, winking. And, besides, it becomes clear who is “building muzzles” in the mother’s tummy: ultrasound at the 16th week of pregnancy is quite capable of determining the sex of the baby.

fetus at 16 weeks pregnant

It’s a boy or a girl, but the fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy already reaches “decent” sizes: it is 11 cm long from the coccyx to the crown of the head, and weighs about 100-120 g.

The bones of the baby continue to strengthen - the legs become more developed, the nails are almost fully formed. The baby already holds the neck straight, can turn the head from side to side. At the same time, ears and eyes are getting closer to their “designated” location.

The baby's heart works at its maximum, pumping up to 25 liters of blood daily. Digestive functions are now performed by the liver, which was previously responsible for hematopoiesis. But gradually, the stomach, and with it the intestines, and the gallbladder, begin their functions, while still only carrying out "training" work. In the intestines of the fetus, for example, the first contents appear, which so far consists practically of bile. This is the original feces, meconium, which has a dark green or black-green color. Both the kidneys and the bladder of the crumbs are already fulfilling their purpose: every 45 minutes the fetus urinates.

From now on, the baby's bone marrow is responsible for hematopoiesis, and the composition of the blood is also fully formed. Now she is characterized by all those cells that are in the blood of an adult, the blood group and the Rh factor of the fetus are determined. At the same time, there is still a place in the blood for a special substance called fetal hemoglobin, or newborn hemoglobin. However, ordinary hemoglobin is already beginning to appear in the blood, only it will completely replace fetal hemoglobin only six months after the baby is born.


Week 16 is a crucial period for a woman who will now have a somewhat extended list of tests. In addition to the traditional urinalysis, pressure measurement, weight control, listening to the fetal heart, tests at week 16 are also desirable, which will detect or refute the presence of severe fetal developmental defects. More precisely, one test: a blood test that allows you to assess the levels in the woman's body of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and unconjugated estriol (NE).

The study of the levels of these substances in the body of a pregnant woman makes it possible with a high degree of probability to assume that the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities and gross developmental defects. So, deviations of AFP, hCG and NE from the norm may indicate the possibility of a baby having Down syndrome, craniocerebral hernia, anencephaly, and malformation of the spine. However, unfavorable tests at the 16th week of pregnancy can by no means be a reason for making a final diagnosis, but they become a good reason for additional studies and analyzes. For example, for amniocentesis.

Amniocentesis is an examination that involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid to study their composition. An analysis of amniotic fluids, the puncture of which is taken when a needle is inserted into the uterus under ultrasound control, makes it possible to diagnose about 40 congenital malformations. At the same time, amniocentesis can provoke quite serious complications of pregnancy - up to its termination and premature birth. Therefore, this test should be carried out exclusively by a highly qualified specialist, explaining to the woman on the eve of all the dangers of the procedure. A woman, in turn, can always refuse such a procedure at will.

16 weeks pregnant photo


Despite the fact that toxicosis has already passed by the 16th week of pregnancy, and in general a woman feels better than the first weeks of pregnancy, some painful sensations can sometimes bother her. For example, complaints of pain at 16 weeks in the lower back are common. As a rule, they arise due to the increased load on the spine of the expectant mother. Given this, you should abandon the heels and, if possible, give the spine a rest as often as possible. Also, it will not be superfluous to choose a suitable position for sleeping. It is now impossible to sleep on the stomach a priori - pressure on the stomach must be excluded. But now you can’t sleep much on your back either: such a position can provoke pain at 16 weeks in the lower back. From now on, the most preferable position for sleeping is on the left side, with one knee slightly pulled up to the chest.


The uterus at 16 weeks of pregnancy continues to increase due to the constant growth of the fetus: now its weight can reach 250 g. During the examination, the doctor always measures the height of the uterus, which at 16 weeks already reaches the level of half the distance to the navel. Such measurements are necessary to ensure the normal course of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus. A woman can also already feel the "house" of her baby: the uterus at 16 weeks of pregnancy is palpable at a distance of about 7-7.5 cm below the navel. Gradually increasing in size, the uterus inevitably begins to put pressure on the intestines, which can provoke bloating, heartburn and constipation.

Belly at 16 weeks pregnant

Along with the increase in the uterus, the stomach also increases at the 16th week of pregnancy: at this time, the stomach already clearly protrudes forward. Moreover, if the pregnancy is the first, then the belly does not protrude as much as in repeated pregnancies - the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen and uterus are still in good shape and not stretched.

As the belly grows, a dark stripe can appear more and more clearly on it, which stretches down from the navel, dividing the belly into two halves. This is a consequence of the accumulation of melanin pigment in the skin, a temporary phenomenon that will pass on its own after childbirth. By the way, age spots can also occur on the forehead, on the cheeks, around the eyes and even on the bridge of the nose throughout pregnancy. They will also disappear after the baby is born - along with the brown stripe on the abdomen.


The nature of the discharge at this time may change somewhat: discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy may be somewhat plentiful and have a whitish color. Do not be afraid: this situation is normal if the discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy has a uniform consistency, is not accompanied by itching and burning, and does not cause pain in the abdomen. It is enough just to keep the perineum and genitals clean and resort to regular hygiene procedures to prevent the development of infection.

Which will be indicated by a changed color (greenish, gray, with an admixture of mucus), consistency (heterogeneous and curdled, bubbling discharge) and an unpleasant smell of discharge. If the discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy has any of these signs, you should definitely consult a doctor: changes in discharge may be due to the appearance of thrush, colpitis or vulvitis. In this case, the pregnant woman will definitely be prescribed appropriate treatment.

Also, the alarm should be sounded if, at the 16th week of pregnancy, bloody or brown discharge suddenly appears, accompanied by a pulling sensation in the abdomen. Such signs indicate an increased risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Sex at 16 weeks pregnant

The second trimester is perhaps the most suitable time for the revival of the intimate life of the spouses, if it was interrupted due to the woman's poor health in the first weeks of pregnancy. Sex at the 16th week of pregnancy, in the absence of any contraindications, is absolutely safe and can bring many new and vivid sensations to future parents. That's just when having sex, it is imperative to exclude pressure on the mother's stomach, choosing the most suitable positions for sex at the 16th week of pregnancy.

Weight and nutrition

Weight at the 16th week of pregnancy already usually exceeds the “initial” weight: in general, a woman often gains about 2.5 kg during this time. And in the future, weight must be monitored in a mandatory manner in order to avoid its excess by the end of pregnancy and difficult childbirth for this reason.

Among other things, proper nutrition will help in this - the choice of food during the bearing of a baby should be approached with special attention. Nutrition at the 16th week of pregnancy, as in previous weeks, must be complete, with the optimal ratio of all nutrients and nutrients. If this has not been done before, it is advisable to develop a diet at the 16th week of pregnancy, which in the future will have to be strictly adhered to. The most optimal diet: 3-5 times a day in small portions, but the most nutritious and healthy food. Breakfast is a must, as is the first course at lunchtime, but dinner should be lighter. Snacking between main meals is best avoided - they affect unwanted weight gain.

It also makes sense to think about the additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes: the need for nutrients has now increased significantly. Calcium and vitamin D are especially needed at this stage - you need to take one or another vitamin-mineral complex after discussing this step with your doctor.

Frozen pregnancy

Frozen pregnancy, which is more common in early pregnancy, can still overtake a woman in the second trimester. Moreover, just a period of 16 weeks, more precisely, the interval of 16-18 weeks, in this regard, is the most dangerous.

A frozen pregnancy at 16 weeks becomes a tragic event in the life of a woman who is already cherishing dreams of meeting her unborn baby. Pregnancy fading - intrauterine death of the fetus and further non-development of pregnancy - can occur for many reasons: this is intrauterine infection of the fetus, and chromosomal abnormalities that have formed in it, and the Rhesus conflict of the mother and baby, and the impact on the fetus of negative factors. Pre-fertilization abortions provoke intrauterine death of the fetus and the fading of pregnancy - such interventions lead to a significant change in the hormonal background, injure and often infect the cervix.

A frozen pregnancy is determined at 16 weeks when monitoring the growth of the uterus, and is confirmed during an ultrasound examination. So, ultrasound makes it possible to accurately establish the absence of a fetal heartbeat: at week 16, the baby does not always make itself felt with tangible movement, therefore an accurate confirmation of the absence of a heartbeat is necessary.

Unfortunately, a diagnosed missed pregnancy at 16 weeks must be terminated in a hospital and on an emergency basis. Otherwise, dangerous complications are possible - infection of a woman (a dead fetus provokes inflammation in the uterus), bleeding due to detachment of the fetal egg, which are difficult to stop. After a planned cleaning, a comprehensive and thorough examination will be needed to identify the cause of the pregnancy fading, as well as some time for the rehabilitation and recovery of the woman. It is not recommended to plan the next pregnancy for another half a year after the forced medical intervention due to the fading of the pregnancy.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 22 minutes


This record was checked by a gynecologist-endocrinologist, mammologist, ultrasound specialist.

The age of the child is the 14th week (thirteen complete), pregnancy is the 16th obstetric week (fifteen complete).

The sixteenth obstetric week is the 14th week of fetal development. The second trimester countdown has begun!

This period is rich in sensations. The cheeks and lips of a pregnant woman turn pink due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood. The fetus continues to grow actively, and the mother is getting better.

Feelings of a pregnant woman at 16 weeks

  • Women who have already had children begin feel. Expecting first-borns will experience these feelings later - at 18 weeks, or even at 20. The fetus is still small, so its turns and points are not perceived by a woman. The first movements are similar to the sensations of the movement of gases along the digestive tract;
  • The general well-being of a woman improves significantly;
  • Increasingly, the expectant mother experiences joyful excitement;
  • As the baby grows, so does the mother's appetite;
  • The usual clothes become cramped and you have to switch to more spacious ones, although clothes from the store for expectant mothers are not yet suitable;
  • Many expectant mothers are possible at this time changes in skin pigmentation which usually disappear after the birth of the baby - the nipples and the skin around them darken, as well as the midline of the abdomen, freckles and moles;
  • The belly of a pregnant woman begins to noticeably round, and the waist gradually smoothes out;
  • There is fatigue in the legs. The center of gravity of the body shifts, weight gains - the load on the legs increases significantly. It is at 16 weeks that a woman develops a characteristic “duck” gait.

Forums: What do women say about well-being?


And I have been wearing maternity clothes for a long time! The tummy is rounding right before your eyes! And the breast size has increased by one and a half. The husband is delighted!))) The mood is cool, the energy is in full swing!

Hm. I have also been wearing maternity clothes for a long time. It is already unrealistic to hide the stomach - everyone congratulates in droves.)) Joy - over the edge, in fact, as well as indifference to work.))


Gained six kg. 🙁 Looks like my night crawls to the refrigerator are affecting. The husband said - put a lock on him. 🙂 Already with might and main I use all sorts of creams for the prevention of stretch marks. Everything has grown, like by leaps and bounds - buttocks, chest, tummy. 🙂


We are 16 weeks old! 🙂 Gained only 2 and a half kg. It's annoying that you can no longer wear your favorite panties in close-fitting. I eat everything in a row - from sandwiches to meat, since the belly-maker wants it, then you can’t deny yourself this. 🙂


I don't want to sleep at all now, girls! Vimes! The mood is great! The pressure is low, of course, you will have to “crack” intravenous glucose. There are problems with underwear - elastic bands interfere, everything is uncomfortable, only the husband's "parachutes" sit normally. 🙂 I wear them! 🙂

What happens in the mother's body?

  • The uterus expands and the amount of amniotic fluid is already in the volume of about 250 ml;
  • The active work of the mammary glands begins, the breast becomes sensitive, swells. due to increased blood flow a venous pattern appears, and Montgomery's tubercles appear;
  • By the period of 16 weeks, the expectant mother is gaining about 5-7 kg weight;
  • Appearance changes - possible stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, chest and thighs;
  • The uterus in the 16th week is located in the center between the navel and the pubic bone, causing stretching and thickening of the ligaments as it grows. This can cause pain in the abdomen, back, groin and hips;
  • Also, this period is characterized numbness and tingling of the hands- carpal tunnel syndrome, itching in the abdomen, feet and hands;
  • Swelling of the fingers, face, and ankles is no exception to this period. But you should be careful about gaining weight too quickly - it can be a symptom of preeclampsia;
  • Urination is normalized, which cannot be said about the work of the intestines - its work is complicated by the lethargy of the muscular wall. Constipation poses a threat of miscarriage - you should pay more attention to the issue of nutrition and regular bowel movements;
  • Sometimes women in the 16th week may experience pyelonephritis, provoked by the hormonal influence of progesterone and causing a threat of premature birth.

Fetal development at 16 weeks

  • For 16 weeks baby is holding his head straight, his facial muscles are formed, and he involuntarily winks, frowns and opens his mouth;
  • Calcium is already enough for the formation of bones, joints of the legs and arms formed, and the process of hardening of the bones began;
  • The body and face are covered with fluff (lanugo);
  • The baby's skin is still very thin, and blood vessels show through it;
  • It is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child;
  • The baby moves a lot and sucks his thumb, although a woman may not feel it yet;
  • The fetal chest makes respiratory movements, and his heart beats twice as fast as his mother's;
  • The fingers are already acquiring their unique skin pattern;
  • Marigolds are formed- long and sharp;
  • The bladder is emptied every 40 minutes;
  • The weight of the baby reaches from 75 to 115 g;
  • Height - about 11-16 cm (about 8-12 cm from head to pelvic end);
  • The movements of the child become more coordinated. The baby can already make swallowing movements, suck, turn your head, stretch, spit, yawn and even fart. And clench your fingers into fists and play with legs and arms;
  • The umbilical cord is strong and elastic, capable of withstanding a load of up to 5-6 kg. By the 16th week of pregnancy, its length is already 40-50 cm, and its diameter is about 2 cm;
  • Neurons (nerve cells) are actively gaining growth. Their number increases by 5000 units every second;
  • The adrenal cortex makes up 80 percent of the total mass. They already produce the right amount of hormones;
  • The pituitary gland begins, the control of the nervous system by the baby's body becomes more noticeable;
  • In girls for a period of 16 weeks, the ovaries descend into the pelvic area, the fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina are formed. In boys, the external genitalia are formed, but the testicles are still in the abdominal cavity;
  • The baby is still breathing through the placenta;
  • Digestive function added to the already existing functions of the liver;
  • The fetal blood contains erythrocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes. Hemoglobin begins to be synthesized;
  • The baby is already responding to the voices of loved ones, hears music and sounds;
  • The auricles and eyes are located in their place, the eyelids are separated, drawn nose shape and already eyebrows and eyelashes appear;
  • The subcutaneous tissue is not yet fully developed, the baby's body is covered with a white lubricant that protects it until the very birth;
  • The heart works at a frequency of 150-160 beats per minute.

The size of the fetus for a period of 16 weeks:

Head size(fronto-occipital) is about 32 mm
belly diameter- about 31.6 mm
chest diameter- about 31.9 mm
Placenta thickness reaches 18.55 mm by this time

Ultrasound at the 16th week, photo of the fetus, photo of the mother's abdomen, video

Ultrasound at 16 weeks

Woman's belly at 16 weeks

Video about the development of the baby at the 16th week of pregnancy

Nutrition of the expectant mother at the 16th week

  • Vegetarianism o, which is very fashionable today - not a hindrance to bearing a child. Especially when vitamin-mineral complexes are included in the diet. But strict vegetarianism and the absolute refusal of a woman from animal proteins deprives the baby of essential amino acids. This can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus and cause complications;
  • strict diets, fasting and fasting for pregnant women are categorically contraindicated;
  • The diet should include foods that fully satisfy the needs of mother and child in vitamins, minerals and nutrients;
  • Protein Sources- meat, dairy products, fish, legumes, nuts, cereals, seeds. Chicken, beef, rabbit and turkey are the healthiest. Fish should be included in the diet at least twice a week;
  • Complex carbohydrates are preferred that do not cause weight gain and are digested for a long time - wholemeal bread, bran, whole cereals, fruits and vegetables along with the peel; see .
  • There should be more vegetable fats than animal fats, and salt should be replaced with iodized salt and used in a minimal amount;
  • You don't have to limit yourself to liquids. The amount of fluid you drink per day should be 1.5-2 liters.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

What did you feel at 16 weeks? Give your advice!

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the most severe and addictive toxicosis should stop, as if someone turned it off. The baby under the mother's heart continues to grow at a rapid pace.

Confidence and stability

The second trimester is a time of peace and confidence. The threat of losing a baby arises only in the most acute and difficult situations: a serious illness, a traffic accident. The fattening figure does not irritate, but pleases. The main thing is that the weight gain is normal, that is, up to 400 g per week. Mood swings are now remembered with a smile and thoughts like “Was that me?”


They can still be very individual for each woman. In addition to emotional instability, painful sensitivity of the breast and / or nipples may now completely disappear.

  1. Appetite is noticeably better. Food whims may persist, but they are not so acute. For example, you may want to eat a scoop of ice cream. But this desire will not bring you to tears. You can calmly wait until you can go and buy what you want.
  2. The uterus slightly presses on the diaphragm. Sometimes this makes it hard to breathe. Just make sure that when you suffocate, your hands do not get cold, your fingertips do not turn blue, and there is no feeling that you are about to faint.
  3. The physiological runny nose of pregnant women may not go away until the very birth. Do not use vasoconstrictors. Carry a small aerosol can of sea water with you.
  4. Carpal tunnel syndrome may appear, that is, pain and numbness of the wrist.
  5. Another specific sensation is itching in the palms and feet.
  6. Hands, feet, and face may swell slightly. It is safe if it happens only occasionally and passes quickly.
  7. Constipation almost always occurs, it is only a little bit to weaken the regimen of proper nutrition.

And the most important thing! Thin moms, especially those who have not the first pregnancy, can feel the first movements of the baby! Be sure to check your feelings, because light, barely noticeable tremors of your crumbs can be confused with manifestations of flatulence. In any case, the doctor of the antenatal clinic will certainly ask if you are not mistaken. Are you sure the baby is moving? Write down the date, it's important.

It also happens differently. Moms are worried and complain to the doctors: “It’s been almost four months now, but I don’t feel any movement.” It's just normal. The practice of obstetrician-gynecologists shows that most often the first fetal movements are felt at 20 weeks in women who are expecting a baby for the first time and at 18 weeks in subsequent pregnancies.

What can hurt

Quite a bit, without interfering, almost everything hurts from time to time:

  • lower back - due to the restructuring of the body;
  • ribs - if you have been sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • legs - after a long walk on foot or standing for a long time;
  • stomach below or on the sides - with a sharp change in position;
  • head - in case of overwork, any experience.

If the pain, even small ones, almost never stops, tell your doctor about it. Do the same for severe pain.

What does your body look like

You are beautiful! Do not look for flaws in yourself and do not think that you have become unattractive. Yes, the body changes noticeably, but this is the norm.


She looks fuller. You feel its weight. The skin around the nipples must have darkened, and yellowish-white bumps are visible on it. Under the skin of each breast, dark veins may clearly appear. Make sure there are no stretch marks. For their prevention, use any special cream or good olive oil.


Your waist is rounded, and your tummy is visible in any tight-fitting clothing. You should already have comfy maternity pants and maybe special blouses and sweaters. Depending on the season and climate in your area, special tights may be required. And in the heat, choose beautiful and comfortable sundresses.

During pregnancy with twins, the belly grows faster and becomes noticeable earlier.


A thin strip between the border of pubic hair growth and the navel is still clearly visible. Pigmentation spots may appear. But often you can just be amazed at how amazingly soft the skin becomes all over the body. Due to the increase in blood volume, it can acquire a special pink hue (instead of the original light).

Photos of tummies:

What's going on inside of you

Your body, if you are healthy, copes well with the load. The heart pumps the increased volume of blood, the muscles and spine adjust to the weight gain.

The uterus has grown so much that it weighs a quarter of a kilogram. Interestingly, about the same weight is in the amniotic fluid.


To properly judge your vaginal discharge, wash yourself every morning and then check the condition of your underwear. If you feel wet, the discharge is more abundant than it should be. If at the same time an unpleasant odor, yellow color or cheesy consistency of discharge appears, be examined by a doctor.

Do you feel like water is coming out of your vagina? It could be an amniotic fluid leak. Have your doctor do an additional check. Pharmacies have special pads that change color depending on the nature and composition of vaginal discharge. They can be quite expensive.

The most unpleasant thing is brown smears, an admixture of blood or real bleeding. See a doctor urgently.

Expectant mothers often ask the question - do I need a special product for intimate hygiene? Decide for yourself. If you are used to something specific, there is no point in changing hygiene habits. Trying something new is hardly worth it - during pregnancy, unusual hygiene products can be poorly tolerated by the skin, especially sensitive.

Colostrum may come out of your nipples - a clear, whitish or yellowish liquid, the future nutrition of the baby. Do not express drops and use special bra inserts.

Do you wear a bandage?

On the Internet you can find this advice: wear a bandage for lower back pain, but only if the child is positioned correctly. There is some truth and error here.

Is it true: The bandage will really help support a growing tummy. Especially with multiple pregnancies. Due to this support, the load on the back is also reduced.

Misconception: at the 16th week it is still impossible to talk about the correct or incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus. The baby inside you is not at all crowded yet, and he can even turn around more than once during the day. The problem of the incorrect position of the child occurs after 32-36 weeks of pregnancy.

What doctors prescribe

Your doctor will prescribe laboratory and other medical tests according to your general condition. For example, if there is reason to suspect the development of pathologies, it is possible to check the amniotic fluid. It is taken under local anesthesia through a puncture of the abdominal skin above the uterine cavity. The sample is examined in the laboratory. In this way, up to forty potential defects and infections are detected.

The procedure is not 100% safe. In very rare cases, it provokes a miscarriage of the fetus.

Ultrasound is prescribed according to special indications. Dopplerometry may be done for you. This study is a test of blood flow in the umbilical cord. If it is broken, then the child does not have enough food. Then the doctor will identify the causes of poor circulation and prescribe treatment.

Fetal development

Now the baby is actively growing from head to heels. Besides:

  • the skeleton is actively ossifying;
  • the legs are lengthened;
  • all muscles are improved;
  • some systems work quite “in an adult way”: for example, a baby swallows amniotic fluid, it turns into urine and is excreted;
  • the heart beats about twice as often as that of the mother, and pumps blood well;
  • in the blood of the baby, all new blood cells are formed, a special fetal hemoglobin begins to be produced;
  • the genitals develop, and if the baby successfully turns during ultrasound, an experienced doctor will tell you whether you are waiting for a girl or a boy;
  • the eyelids have almost completed their development and are ready to open;
  • the child moves his limbs, sucks his thumb and grimaces.

Frozen pregnancy

Under adverse conditions, the fetus may die in the uterus. Main reasons:

  • infections;
  • severe developmental anomalies;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • other negative factors (unhealthy lifestyle, unfavorable environment).

When pregnancy fades, the dead fetus remains in the uterus and poses a threat to the woman's life. If the development of pregnancy stops, the doctor will write a referral to the hospital. There, with the help of special preparations, an artificial birth will be induced.

Women who have experienced a missed pregnancy are not recommended to plan conception within the next year.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, follow the same principles of nutrition:

  • frequent;
  • in small portions;
  • a hearty breakfast, but a light dinner;
  • 30% from vegetables and fruits;
  • meat - lean, but fatty fish (for the sake of important organic acids);
  • porridge - every day;
  • choose bread with bran, whole grain.

Nutritionists are now advising to abandon soft and processed cheeses because of the food additives in them. Exotic, new and unusual products are not recommended. All food must be fully prepared: no Japanese cuisine with raw fish, steaks with blood and drinking raw eggs.

Other tips:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes that do not rub or press anywhere. Linen - only from natural fabrics.
  2. Wash your breasts with cool water and leave naked for 1-2 minutes. It is good for skin and muscles.
  3. Try to avoid smoking areas. Your own habit of cigarettes, if you ever had one, should have been abandoned long ago.
  4. Sleep on your side with a pillow under your belly. This is the best sleeping position.
  5. Forget about heels for the coming months.
  6. If you have ever had kidney problems, be careful. It might be worth further investigation. Pyelonephritis (kidney disease) sometimes occurs during pregnancy.
  7. Monitor your blood pressure. When it is lowered, the baby may receive less oxygen, and when it is increased, you may feel bad.
  8. Even if you feel well, do not visit the sauna and / or bath.
  9. Walk every day when the weather permits.
  10. During the hot season, do not stay in the sun for a long time.
  11. For sex, choose positions in which you can control the depth of penetration yourself.
  12. If you are still forgetful and distracted, start a diary.

In the sixteenth week, you can fully experience how strong, beautiful and happy you are.

Video guide: 16 weeks pregnant feeling in the stomach, what happens to the baby, movements, weight gain, stretch marks