How to have a fun Christmas: scenarios for celebrating the Nativity of Christ indoors and outdoors for all ages. Scenario of festive Christmas festivities “Carol has come to visit! Christmas festivities script for Christmas


Holiday scenario for Christmas

(A waltz from P.I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” sounds. Snowflake girls run out onto the platform in front of the Christmas tree and spin around in a dance. Gradually their movements become slower, and finally, one after another, they freeze in place in various poses.)

Girl: Slide "Home"

Under cover of soft, snowy

The Russian village is dozing,

All roads, all paths

Covered with white snow.

I'm flipping through the calendar, January creaks outside the window,

He waves at me, the stern one, with a spruce branch.

The heart skips a beat, There is purple in the air.

Christmas is a winter fairy tale.

At home there is a Christmas tree and gifts. In the temple - the light is shining bright Slide “Temple”

And the Christmas troparion flies from the choir to the altar.

Christmas troparion Slide “Troparion”

Girl: The snow is silver under the sun,

A clear light flows over him,

And the words sound: “Hello, holiday

Light, clear, majestic and beautiful,

Christmas holiday!

Girl: What is Christmas?

Leading: is a holiday that erases time boundaries, which turns adults, respectable people into mischievous boys and girls. This is one of the favorite holidays of all children. It brings light, joy, goodness and, of course, miracles.

Presenter: 2000 years ago Jesus Christ came to earth. He lived a short life on Earth, but showed people the most important thing - God’s great love for humanity. Hearts hardened by a difficult life, unbearable grief, despair and hopelessness to this day are thawed and reborn to a new life full of meaning, joy and peace, thanks to this love. And this miracle happened in the city of Bethlehem.

Boy: And I know this country! Music, slide “Country”

There are countries where people have not known for centuries

No blizzards, no falling snow,

There they sparkle only with unmelting snow

Tops of granite ridges.

The flowers there are more fragrant, the stars are larger,

Spring is brighter and more elegant.

And the feathers of birds are brighter there,

And the sea wave breathes warmer there.

Leading: In such and such a country on a balmy night Slide “Birth”

With the rustle of laurels and roses

The desired miracle happened firsthand:

The Christ Child was born.

Presenter: Do you want to know how it was? Let's go back in memory to that distant night. Do you see the emperor sitting there on the throne, so proud and majestic? Let's listen.

Scene “Population Census”.

Emperor (sits on the throne, then stands up). Call the messengers here!

They run inmessengers , kneel before the emperor.

Emperor (unrolls the scroll, proclaims): I, the Roman Emperor Augustus, command: to rewrite all people in the nations I conquered; register everyone in the city where he comes from. Those who disobey will be severely punished!

Messengers (running around screaming):Slide “Population Census”

The Roman Emperor is rewriting the population!

Everyone urgently arrive in the city of their birth!

The disobedient will be severely punished!

People of Nazareth, obey the order of Emperor Augustus!

Population census, population census!


Did you hear? Everyone is told to go to their hometowns so that we can be counted.

What about Joseph and Mary? After all, Maria is about to become a mother.

Yes, the path to Bethlehem is not close. They won't get there before the night.

And how many people go there! They won't be able to get into the hotel.

Readers. It was already late. Throwing in the darkness,

Evening fell, deaf and dumb,

When Mary and JosephSlide "Mary and Joseph"

We arrived in slumbering Bethlehem.

Among the crowded hotels,

They, having not found shelter,

We stopped in a mountain cave,

Where the spicy smell of herbs wafted

And the herds converged for the night.Slide “Nativity scene”

And here, in the shepherd's den,

The One was born, before Whom his face was

The sun is setting at sunset,

Who is vast and great.

Month. And in the den on a cold winter night,

Not in a downy and soft crib,

And in the hay in the manger, next to His Mother

The Lord Himself slept calmly and sweetly.Music

Reader. The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament

The southern stars are trembling.

Mother's eyes with a smile

Quiet people look into the manger.

The manger quietly shines in the eyes,

Mary’s face is illuminated...

The song “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert is performed.

Month. It was a great, mysterious night. She was also unusually quiet, and miracles were performed throughout the universe


Miracle, miracle! Water flowed from the stone!Slide “Miracle”

Miracle, miracle! The cloud shines brighter than the sun!

Miracle, miracle! The vineyard has blossomed!

Miracle! Miracle!

Month. The greatest miracles were two amazing miracles: the appearance of a brightly shining star to the wise men, which led them to the Baby, and the appearance of the Angel of the Lord to the shepherds guarding the flocks near Bethlehem.Slide “Two miracles”

Reader. In weary Bethlehem

All the lights have gone out,

Only in a distant field

The shepherds did not sleep.

Suddenly there was a gentle rustling sound -

The shepherds were overcome with trepidation,

And in snow-white clothes

An angel of God appeared to them.Slide “Angel”

Forget your worries, hectic world!


And there is peace on earth!

Leading. The first guests of the Infant of God were not kings and nobles, but simple shepherds to whom the Angel announced the Nativity of Christ!

Presenter . Shepherds at night

They burned a fire and by the fire

In honest conversations

They waited for the day to awaken.

The shepherds enter.

1st shepherd. There was a miracle last night.

Do you see a bright star?

And the nativity scene seems to be on fire.

I'm going there to look

What shines there with a wondrous light,

Why does the star burn

Here, at the poor den,

Where do our cattle often sleep?

2nd shepherd. Tonight is an unusual night

I was also amazed

Miracle of wondrous greatness,

Captivated by the quiet song.

Hosts of Heavenly Angels

They sang that in the manger

Today lies the Savior of sinners

And He is wrapped in swaddling clothes.

3rd shepherd. So let's go and worship.

Hello, God who has come to us!

It was not without reason that the wondrous light shone,

Grace is there today!

Unfortunately, we don't have a gift.

For the born Christ.

I wouldn't regret anything

Yes, my bag is empty...

Let's bring some bread,Slide “Shepherds in the den”

Cheese, honey - the gift of the steppes

And let's take some hay

On the mat for the manger.

Dance of the Angels

Boy. Those were the times of miracles

The words of the prophet came true;

Angels descended from heaven

The star rolled from the east;

The world awaited redemption -

And in the poor manger of Bethlehem

To the song of praise

Eden's wondrous Child has shone...

Children's Christmas song - 1.

Mistress. Today is not an easy day,Slide "Carols"

Today is a holy day!

Christmas has come to us!

For two thousand years everyone has been celebrating the same holiday:

Christ the Son of God was born on Earth.

Welcome him, meet the holy -

Christmas has come - let's start the celebration!


A new year has begun

We gathered for carols.

1st child .

It's winter all around,

And the hearts of all Orthodox Christians are filled with warmth!

2nd child.

Full of goodness, full of joy, Christmas Day!

Christ was born, a day of celebration for all believers!


We invite everyone to our Christmastide!

Games and riddles await you,

Everyone is waiting for songs, dances, laughter,

There's enough jokes for everyone here


What are Christmastide?


This holiday is the longest.

It's fun and vintage.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat,

Various carols were sung,

They walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was awaited and loved.

So let's do it now

We will meet him here.

(Music sounds and the “Russian Dance” dance is performed)

Carolers (behind the stage).

Kolyada has arrived, open the gates!

Carols are sung.


Well done! On the table we have tea, gingerbread, cheesecakes

Come on, guys, sing some funny ditties for us!

Ditties are performed.


There will be a treat for you: candy and cookies!

2nd caroler.

We sow, we weed, we sow

Merry Christmas to everyone!


On the Holy Night of Christ's Nativity

In your soul you prepare a manger for the Baby

And invite the Innocent Child

To live forever in your heart...

Song "Angels in the sky..."

The fire of the soul, the fire of hearts to you, Christ, we turn,

We want to be cleaner in our thoughts and deeds! We glorify You, Christ!

Let the Star of the Nativity mark the New Year.

With the good news from the Father, let goodness bloom in the house.

Let evil forget the way to hearts, disappear like empty weeds,

And let faith in the Supreme Creator guard the spiritual temple.

Girl: I realized what Christmas is! This is a holiday that makes your soul feel warm and joyful!

Children's Christmas song-2.

The goal is to promote faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, to introduce children to the traditions and customs of folk culture.

(A. Malinin’s song “Christmas Rus'” sounds)

Presenter 1 and 2 come out:

1 - Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

This holiday is celebrated by millions of people around the world. They have one thing in common - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas has become an event for humanity. Now we count years from the birth of the Savior.

2 – At our holiday we will tell you the story of Christmas and introduce you to the culture of our ancestors. Of course, there is no need to idealize the past. But we still need to honor and respect the traditions and customs of our people, understanding that a person of that time was brought up by the environment and the way of life in which he found himself. Our ancestors had a lively Christmas tradition of waiting for and performing a miracle. And miracles really happened.

(they leave; the reader comes out)

Here comes the Christmas holiday -
The Christmas tree was cut down.
And in the clothes of the celebration
They dressed up magnificently.
There's a row of candles on the Christmas tree,
Twisted lollipop,
There are juicy grapes in the bunches,
Gilded gingerbread.
Suddenly there were fruits
Dark branches
The Christmas tree was brought into the room -
Have fun kids!
The mother works for the children,
He reads toys to them,
Remove the tree for them -
Busy day and night.

2nd presenter:

In the old days, preparations for the holiday began in the last week before Christmas. In the evening, the whole family glued toys and painted nuts on the Christmas tree in silver and gold.

Decorating a Christmas tree is the most enjoyable experience. We dress her up with bright balls, garlands, and rain. And earlier, just a few 200 - 300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with vegetables from the garden, which were previously decorated.

(decorate a small artificial Christmas tree, show the children how our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree).

What vegetable was hung on the Christmas tree?

Potato. At first these were silver-plated and gilded potatoes. Then they learned how to blow glass balls, and the art of making them was kept in the strictest confidence and passed down by masters. These balls were expensive and beyond the means of many.

Nowadays the good tradition of hanging sweets on the Christmas tree has already been lost, but it is much tastier and more tempting for children to remove sweets from the tree and eat them than to get them from the table.

What sweets were used to decorate the Christmas tree in Rus'?


Previously, children in Rus', even in rich families, did not eat sweets randomly and almost every day, but received them for the holiday, in a little bag. Sometimes sweets were hung on the Christmas tree, and then the children received them as a prize.

First, they hung ruddy apples on the tree, then tangerines, then gilded and silver nuts, crackers and, of course, gingerbread cookies.

What is the main toy of Christmas? Or is it also called the good news of Christmas?

Of course, an angel. It was very expensive to buy this toy in a store back then, so they made it themselves. Literally everything was used: cotton wool, silk, tulle. paper, fluff, feathers.

New Year and Christmas cards also have their own history. The postcard first appeared in Russia a little over 100 years ago (1898). Money from the postcards sold went to charity. Artists tried to make them not just beautiful, but sometimes real works of art. It was covered with gloss, velvet, and the snow was made from boric acid and was surprisingly similar to the real thing. The themes of the drawings were different: these are cheerful children sledding down the mountains, young people caroling with the Star of Bethlehem, funny little animals, angels, candles on Christmas trees.

There was a time when the Soviet government banned the production of Christmas cards. She did not recognize the holiday of Christmas, and only very recently cards appeared with the joyful inscription: “Happy New Year!”, “Merry Christmas!”.

Do you know the first biblical Christmas tree decoration? Name it.

This is the Star of Bethlehem. It was a special joy to make the Star of Bethlehem, which was to crown the forest beauty. The legend says: “When the Divine Child was born, everyone around rejoiced, everything rejoiced. At the entrance to the cave where Christ was born, there were 3 trees: a palm tree, an olive tree and a fir tree. They also wanted to offer their gifts to Christ.

The palm tree laid a luxurious leaf at the baby’s feet, the olive filled the cave with a fragrant aroma. One tree has nothing to give. Out of embarrassment, she bent her branches low to the ground. But suddenly a thousand multi-colored stars descended on the branches of the Christmas tree. She became so elegant and beautiful that when the baby woke up, his eyes fell on the beautiful shining Christmas tree. He smiled and extended his hands to her.

An angel descended from heaven and said to the tree: “Let this be your reward for your humility. You will always be clothed in evergreen, and every year you will glorify Christmas with the brilliant stars that will adorn your branches.”

Sprouted grains of rye (zhita) were also placed under the tree along with gifts - a symbol of new life and a generous harvest.

1st presenter: (against the background of folk music)

The day before Christmas was called Christmas Eve (January 6). By January 6, that is, Christmas Eve, the huts were thoroughly cleaned, the floors were polished with juniper, and the tables were covered with clean tablecloths. Until January 6, we observed fasting and ate only kutya with honey and juice. Only in the evening, with the appearance of the first star, did the fast end. People kneaded pies, made pancakes, kneaded dough for donuts. The festive table was being prepared. So that the baby Christ could look into the house, all kinds of toys were placed on the window.

The stove was well heated in the house. The stove played a major role in the house. There was even a saying: “dance from the stove,” that is, start from the main thing. The stove was used for heating the room and cooking. They slept on the stove, stored things, dried grain, onions, and garlic. In winter, poultry and young animals were kept near it. According to popular belief, the Brownie lives under the stove or behind it - the soul of the hut, the patron of the hearth, kind and helpful, if there is harmony and love in the house. In the old days he was affectionately called “master” or “grandfather.” And they imagined him in the guise of a little man with a gray beard. The main responsibility of the brownie is to look after the household and help with housework.

Diagonally from the stove in the hut there is a red corner. It was a holy place - icons were placed in it. That is why the place was called “holy”. In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important undertaking began.

They tried to keep the red corner clean and decorate it elegantly. The name “red” means beautiful, good and bright.

There was also a table in the red corner. All significant events of family life were celebrated in the red corner; there were benches and benches along the table. All this was festively decorated for Christmas with Christmas tree branches.

Angel: A golden star has lit up in the sky, this star is not at all easy!
I bring you great joy that will be for everyone!
Today the Savior of the world Jesus Christ was born. Do you see the light?
He brought love into the world. And each of you felt it in your heart.
God wanted to become a man in order to die for us. To say with this: “I am. I love you".

Star: (dances to the music)

My path is long. The sun will rise -
I will merge with the heavens.
I'll wait for the night - I'll light up again
Before human eyes.
(sings the song “Christmas”)

That night the earth was in turmoil...
The light of a big strange star
Illuminated all the mountains and villages, cities, deserts and gardens.
And in the desert the lionesses watched how they were full of wondrous gifts.
The chariots moved silently, camels and elephants walked importantly.
And in the brow of a large caravan, with his eyes fixed on the sky
Three kings in intricate turbans were riding to bow to someone.
And in the cave, where the torches did not go out all night, blinking and smoking
There the lambs saw a beautiful child sleeping in a manger.
That night the whole creature was in commotion.
Birds sang in the midnight darkness, announcing goodwill to everyone.
The coming of peace on earth.


In the tender warm palms of the earth
The City of David sleeps peacefully.
And from afar the wise men brought gold, incense and myrrh.
The stars of Bethlehem echo the rays of angels in the wondrous scherzo
A quiet motive, like an echo, sounds in a pure shepherd’s heart.
Night reigns, dawn is still long, the sky is like the belly of a vessel.
And light pours out from the manger - a miracle uncovered by darkness.
Herod suffers from insomnia. Fear writhes in the velvet of folds.
And a child in his mother’s arms has a serene and sweet sleep.
And to this day the signs of his visit are clear to everyone
Sleeps like a baby wrapped in dreams
The world is in the cradle of forgiveness.

Wanderer: (against music)

I will tell you a story that happened more than 2 thousand years ago. This is the story of how the son of God Jesus Christ was born on earth. His mother was the girl Maria. Even before her birth, Mary’s parents made a vow to dedicate the girl to serving God. When Mary was 3 years old, according to tradition, she was brought into the temple for the first time. From a young age until her girlhood, Mary should have lived at the temple. She was raised there for 12 years. Having reached adulthood, the girl had to leave the temple. The priest, as expected, chose a “betrothed” for her - an elderly widower, in whose house she, keeping her vow, would run the household. The choice fell on Joseph of Nazareth. After the betrothal, Mary settled in Joseph's house, where an event took place that the church honors as one of the greatest holidays - the Annunciation. An angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the Son of the Most High.

Jesus was born a simple man and grew up in an ordinary family. Christ was born to atone for the sins of all people. He brought goodness and light into the world. Jesus healed suffering and illness: the blind began to see, the deaf began to hear, and the lame began to walk.

Jesus wanted people to become better people, so that we could become like God.

(song “Christ is born”)


All Orthodox Christians celebrate the biggest holiday on earth - Holy Christmas.

What is the divine meaning of this holiday? The first people were immortal and pure until they committed original sin. People have forgotten God. The world has plunged into evil. But the star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky. The Lord sent His Son for our salvation. People again became sons of God. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins with his death. This holiday is called the mother of all holidays in the world. He teaches us to believe, educates our hearts so that we learn to forgive, sympathize, understand each other, tolerate the shortcomings of others - in a word, so that we learn to love the people around us. Every person will definitely come to faith, but everyone has their own path. Faith grows from the very depths of human nature. A person cannot live without faith, without support. His world must necessarily include a sense of faith: in God, in salvation, in happiness. To goodness, to yourself. And if there is no faith, a breakdown occurs in the soul. A person becomes bitter, angry, and cynical.

From time immemorial, our people have been distinguished by their strong faith. He was close to God.

2 presenter:

The 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany are called Svyatki - holy days. The first week, from Christmas to New Year according to the old style, was spent in sheer joy, there were festivities, people went to caroling. Our ancestors believed that in the cold of December the sun dies and then returns again.

Kolyada was the celebration of the reborn sun. Children and youth gathered, went from house to house singing carols, and the hosts treated the guests. According to custom, carolers must be greeted with food and given generously. There is such a sign: the better the treat, the better the year.

(there is a Russian hut on stage, the owner is at the table.

Carolers enter with a star)


Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas!
Give me the cow, the oil head!
And God bless whoever is in this house!
His rye is thick, his rye is tight!
He gets an octopus from an ear of grain, and a log from a grain of grain.
Half-grain pie. The Lord would grant you
And life, and being, and wealth!
And may the Lord create even better things for you!

You are a good uncle! Give me money for the passage!
If you give me away, you won’t give me away, we’ll wait, stand at the gate!
Golden head, silk beard!
Give me a pie for the sake of the holiday of Christ
A pie - at least fresh, at least sour, and even wheat!
(they help themselves and leave)

The children put everything that was given in the houses into a bag and then ate it together. This is how we had fun from January 7 to 14, according to the new style.

The kids will dress up in whatever they want: beggars, old people, they’ll take a basket and go home, they’ll go into a house and let’s dance, praising the owners.

(carolers come in)

1 caroler:

Kolyada! Kolyada! Holy carol!
We walked, we looked for the holy carol.
We found a carol at Ivan's yard.
Ivan's yard on 7 pillars, on 8 versts,
The pillars are turned and gilded.
The lady lived here, the empress lived.
She served us some pie.
Serve me a pie - a whole yard of my belly,
If you don't serve me the pie, I'll drive you out of the yard!

2nd caroler:

Carols - carols, the snow is flowing sharply,
An early star rises and lights up the Christmas trees.
The snow crunches under the windows, the ice is smooth,
If you are not greedy, you will be full: serve carols
Sweet Christmas Eve!
The ancient wisdom is holy and glorified in carols:
If there is kindness in the heart, there will be more in the bins!
Carol - carol! The cold is no problem with you!
Conjure a Christmas carol for a wedding.
May the Lord send you a fruitful year.
Yes, bread on the table and peace on earth!
(they bow, eat and leave)

Our ancestors believed that words have a special mysterious power. If you come to a house and sing a song to the owner calling for happiness and harvest, then these wishes will certainly come true. It happened that the owner was greedy or did not give anything, then the carolers sang mischievous carols with comic threats:

1 caroler:

If you don't give me the pie, you'll make an enemy.
If you don’t provide kvass, you’ll make yourself sad.
If you don’t blink, there will be poverty for centuries!
Serve, don't break, don't bite!
If you don't give me the pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!
(the caroler quickly leaves; the owner leaves the stage)

1 presenter:

There is no other holiday in Rus' that is accompanied by such a rich set of customs, rituals and signs as the Christmas holiday.

Christmas time is a mixture of pagan and Christian rituals. The pagans of Ancient Rus' glorified Kolyada, the god of feasts and peace. During Christmas time it was customary to dress up in various costumes and wear masks. This tradition has been preserved to this day: going from house to house and singing carols. Similar rituals were carried out three times during Christmas time: on Christmas Eve, on New Year’s Eve and on the eve of Epiphany.

Well, on the night from the 13th to the 14th the Orthodox New Year begins. This holiday is usually celebrated with dumplings, but not simple ones, but with surprises. “Surprise” is a prediction of the future. It was important to chew the dumpling carefully so as not to swallow the surprise. If an owl gets into the dumpling, it means intelligence, wisdom; heart - mutual love; barbell - strength, health; thread - road, grain - wealth; flower - happiness; button - renewal; sugar - sweet life; pepper - spicy sensations; salt - quarrel.

Well, of course, who doesn’t want to know their future? And although this is not encouraged by the Christian religion, on the night of January 13th to 14th everyone was guessing.

From time immemorial, fortune telling has been an integral part of the culture of rituals, part of the most ancient ritual culture. The most suitable days for fortune telling were Monday and Friday; Thursday was known as the day of the Sabbath of all evil spirits. According to legend, on Black Thursday the demonic council decided to destroy Jesus Christ. The ancient Slavs used circles to tell fortunes. They painted wooden mugs black and white. They threw it on the ground and saw what color the circle would be.

There was also such a sign: whoever sneezes on New Year will live a great year. On this day we tried not to drink wine or swear. After all, it was believed that how you spent New Year’s Day would be like that for the rest of the year.

2 presenter:

Here's another fortune telling. On this day, they brought a sieve with snow into the hut and put as many marked spoons on it as there were people in the family. Then they filled the spoons with water and took them out into the cold. In whose spoon the water freezes evenly, he will live a long time. On New Year's Day it was not customary to borrow or lend, and chickens were not fed. They looked for grains under the table - if they found them, then this meant a good life, a bountiful harvest.

They often told fortunes on a platter. The young people, who wanted to know what awaited them next year, took a large dish. They poured water into it and threw rings. They sang in chorus, and one person, without looking, took someone else’s ring out of the cup. What was being sung at that moment was what awaited the owner of the ring. After telling fortunes on a platter, the girls ran out into the yard and threw the shoe over the fence. Where he points, in that direction is the house of the future husband.

Yes, there are a lot of fortune telling in the world. Here’s the simplest thing: go out the gate and ask the first person you meet for their name. Whatever name he gives, that’s what the groom will have. They told fortunes on Christmas time alone. The girl put a basin of water in front of her and launched 2-3 boats: one with her name, the others with the names of the grooms. Whose boat catches up with her will be the groom.

And at midnight the most terrible fortune telling began. A girl sits in front of a mirror, candles are burning on the sides. And he sits, doesn’t move, peers carefully into the darkness. Will someone else's image be reflected? If he appears, you need to quickly cover the mirror with a handkerchief, otherwise, according to legend, someone will hit you hard.

(scene with fortune telling)

1 presenter:

In the villages there was such a fortune-telling: before going to bed, a girl would put 4 splinters of wood, folded in the form of a quadrilateral, under her pillow. This was called “putting a well under your head.” At the same time, she says the usual phrase: “The betrothed is a mummer, come, water the horse!”

They often told fortunes in the baths. This is the only place where there are no icons. They sat in front of the mirror, lit candles, froze in fear, peering until they fainted into the mysterious darkness. They also told fortunes like this: they brought a chicken, put a mirror, a ring, a piece of bread, and water in front of it. If she started drinking water, it meant that the husband would be a drunkard; if she looked in the mirror, then the husband would be a dandy, and if a chicken pecked at a piece of bread, it meant that the husband would be a good master.

Leaders 1 and 2.

1: But everything, as they say, comes to an end. With the arrival of the Epiphany holiday, the fun with mummers and fortune-telling ends at the ice hole called Jordan. The ice hole cools down the heated ardor and washes away all sins. Houses, buildings, and gardens were sprinkled with holy water, driving away all evil spirits from them.

According to legend, Jesus Christ was baptized at the age of 30 by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The rite of Baptism - washing with water symbolized the beginning of the feat of Jesus Christ in the name of the salvation of mankind.

2: During Baptism, as the Gospel testifies, the Savior prayed to his Heavenly Father. During the prayer, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Savior in the form of a dove and a voice was heard: “Behold, my beloved son.” This is how the appearance of the Heavenly Father Jesus Christ took place - the Epiphany. Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany. It is believed that if a person is baptized on the feast of Epiphany, he will be happy and will be protected by the Mother of God.

1 presenter:

Once again, happy holiday to you! Happiness to you, joy!

2 presenter:

Love, patience, peace!

(participants come out and bow).

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Christmas scenario for children

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Christmas party in English

Christmas evening in English for 8th grade students. Christmas poems and songs in English. Characters: angels (preferably 12), Santa Claus, boy Johnny, three kings, Maria, Befana, Madeleine (all roles were played by students). What is needed in preparation: songbooks for guests reading in English, sparklers, costumes, mangers, hay, animal figurines.

Script "A Christmas Play"

Scenario for Christmas. Poems about Christmas. History of the holiday Christmas. Characters: boy, grandmother, angel, Mary, reader, Joseph, innkeeper, shepherds, servant, Herod, wise men. What is needed in preparation: stage decoration, costumes for the characters, music. It is necessary to learn songs in advance for general performance.

Script for the scene “The Night Before Christmas”

The script for the scene “The Night Before Christmas” in a modern interpretation. Characters: Oksana (Sandra), Head (Mayor of Paris), Solokha (actress Solange), Her son Vakula (Vakulio, Vakuldo), Sexton (Padre), Devil (Lucifer, Diabolo), Jennifer Lopez, Kum Pana, Chub. Ukrainian girls, French and Latin American dancers, evil spirits. What is needed in preparation: you need to create an impromptu film set on stage where Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas” is filmed.

Script for the scene “The Dream Before Christmas”

An interesting script for the scene “The Dream Before Christmas.” Christmas scene for children. Characters: 3 angels, wise men, 3 shepherds, 3 wise men, grandmother, granddaughter, girl, brother, youth leader, choir director, youth choir leader, group of believing youth. What you need in preparation: a stage equipped like an apartment, angel costumes, Christmas music.

Script for the skit “Come to Me for Christmas”

Script for a funny scene “The Dream Before Christmas.” Christmas skit for adults and children. Characters: Dasha, Glasha, mother of Glasha and Masha, Kuzma, Anton and Grigory. What is needed in preparation: stage design, chairs, stage props, musical accompaniment, costumes for the characters.

Scenario "Christmas Journey" for students in grades 4 - 6

Christmas script for students in grades 4-6. Merry Christmas greetings, poems about Christmas. Characters: the presenters are a boy and a girl. 30 children dressed in costumes of the peoples of the world: Latin America, Africa, the East, England, Russia. What is needed in preparation: music from different countries, costumes for participants, room decoration.

Nativity of Christ - scenario for older preschoolers

Scenario for Christmas for senior schoolchildren. Christmas traditions, poems about Christmas. Christmas holiday at school. Characters: Adults: presenter, shepherd, one of the eastern sages, master and hostess. Children: shepherdesses, angels (girls), oriental wise men (boys), Herod, stars and Candles (girls). What is needed in preparation: costumes for children, room decoration, nativity scene and other holiday props, music.

Christmas script for the school theater “Bethlehem Night”

Script for the scene "Bethlehem Night". Christmas scene for school. Characters: Simon, the innkeeper, Martha, his wife, Sarah, Simon's niece, an orphan, Merchant, 3 shepherds. What you need in preparation: props for the stage, costumes for the characters, Christmas music, a screen in the background of the stage.

Scenario for a Christmas party in kindergarten

An interesting scenario for a children's party in a kindergarten for Christmas. Christmas for kindergarten. Christmas carols and games for children. Characters: presenter, owner, barkers, Varvara, Dunya, carolers, boy and girl. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the characters, decoration of the hall, music. It will be necessary to learn songs and dances with children.

Scenario for kindergarten “Christmas time”

Scenario for Christmas for kindergarten “Christmas time”. Christmas scenario for older children. Poems and songs, riddles for children about Christmas. Characters: presenter, children - readers, owner, hostess, grandmother, animals, carolers. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the characters, decoration of the hall, music.

Carols in kindergarten - Christmas scenario

Christmas carols, poems and songs. A Christmas scenario for a kindergarten, in which mostly adults take part. Characters: adults - mummers (Goat, Bear, Crane, Baba Yaga, Gypsies, etc.) What is needed in preparation: costumes for the mummers, music, hall decoration. It is necessary to learn carols and songs with children in advance.

Christmas script "Carols of Mother Winter"

Christmas script for children. Christmas carols and songs. How to carol before Christmas. Poems for Christmas. Characters: presenter, Nikolai, Arina, hosts. What is needed in preparation: learn songs and carols, make improvised village houses, prepare costumes for carolers.

Scenario for the children's holiday “Under the Christmas Star”

Christmas script for children. Christmas poems, songs and carols. Characters: The Sorceress Snowstorm and the Sorceress Purga are the hosts of the holiday. Snowflakes, magic horses, Magpie, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Goblin, Two Forest Robbers, Gerda, Snow Queen, Fox. Biblical characters, forest animals - dolls from a puppet theater. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the actors, music, decorations and props for the stage.

Scenario for Christmas “Christmas festivities”

Script for the Christmas scene “Christmas festivities.” Christmas scene for school. Poems about Christmas. History of the holiday Christmas. Characters: 2 readers, 2 presenters, Solokha, boy. What is needed in preparation: stage decoration, costumes for the actors, Christmas tunes.

Scenario for children “Christmas gatherings”

Christmas script for children. Poems about Christmas, Christmas songs, round dances, folk signs, Christmas carols. Characters: two girls, a gypsy, a devil, a landlady. Carolers. What is needed in preparation: learn carols and songs, prepare costumes. Room decoration, Christmas music.

Quiz for Christmas

Quiz about Christmas, Christmas riddles, history of Christmas, interesting facts about Christmas. Games, competitions for children at Christmas. An interesting scenario for Christmas. Actors: presenter who will ask questions. What you need in preparation: apples, a basin of water, other props for competitions, Christmas music, interior.

Christmas script for children

An interesting Christmas scenario for children. Poems about Christmas. Children about Christmas. Characters: presenter, two shepherds, two wise men, two children - readers. Characters: presenter, shepherds, angels, wise men. What is needed in preparation: costumes for the heroes, decorating the room with stars, gifts for children.

Games for children at Christmas

Fun Christmas games for kids. Riddles, competitions, quizzes, poems about Christmas. How to celebrate Christmas with children. Characters: presenter, carolers, hosts. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions and games, prizes for winners, gifts for children, costumes for heroes, music for games and competitions.

Script for the scene “A Christmas Tale”

The script for the humorous skit “A Christmas Tale.” Christmas skit for adults. Characters: Author (voice-over), he, she, Christmas, hut on chicken legs, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, pharmacist, girl Tanya, Christmas fairy. What is needed in preparation: costumes of the characters, stage design, music.

Scenario for Christmas for a group of friends “Yuletide fortune-telling”

An interesting Christmas scenario for a group of friends. Yuletide fortune-telling for Christmas. How to tell fortunes for Christmas. Fortune telling for Christmas with friends. Characters: presenter (mistress of the house). What is needed in preparation: select suitable fortune-telling and prepare the props necessary for each fortune-telling. Treats for friends, music.

The script is a parody of “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva

A funny Christmas script for those who love to sing and have fun. A parody of “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva. Characters: presenters, Alla Pugacheva, musicians. What is needed in preparation: costumes and make-up “like the stars”, musical instruments and microphones, knowledge of songs, styling the room for a stage, concert.

Christmas is a family, kind and quiet holiday. But you can meet him not only with your family, but also in the company of noisy friends. To make the holiday truly unusual, it is important to think through the Christmas scenario in advance, as well as prizes and gifts for guests.

How to organize a Christmas party so that it is fun and unusual? We bring to your attention several entertaining ideas for celebrating one of the most important church holidays of the year.

Christmas scenario - let's celebrate the holiday brightly

It’s not customary to celebrate Christmas with a big, noisy group, but it doesn’t matter if you make an exception. Perhaps you have a large, cheerful and friendly family, or maybe you want to invite friends and have a special holiday, because the opportunity to get together does not come often.

Preparing a house or apartment

According to tradition, the main attribute of the New Year and Christmas holidays is the Christmas tree. You can get by with a composition of fir branches. For Christmas, you need to decorate your house with candles, themed compositions, souvenirs, buy or make your own nativity scene. Snowflakes, garlands, and colorful lights will not be out of place. In general, it’s a matter of imagination and the effect you want to achieve.

You should hang the Star of Bethlehem on the top of the Christmas tree or composition, and add biblical heroes to the branches. You can make them from cardboard or buy them in a store. This decision will allow you not just to celebrate another holiday, but to plunge into the history of Christmas and create a strong friendly atmosphere.

Weave a wreath of fir branches (can be replaced with bay leaves), place candles in the center of the composition. Electric lighting on this night can be completely replaced with candles. Next you need to create a Christmas script.

What is needed for this and how can you organize a holiday?

  1. Prepare costumes. The role of the Virgin Mary will be played by the hostess. Children will play the role of wise men. You will need a star, a manger, a doll. The star on the tree will do, but you can hang another one on the ceiling. The doll is Jesus born to Mary. Rehearse with the children in advance how the wise men, having seen the star, went to Bethlehem.
  2. Prepare gifts for guests. You can bake cookies with wishes and give them along with a postcard and a small themed souvenir.
  3. The attribute of the holiday is a rich table. Mandatory dishes are baked goose, duck or turkey, as well as kutya. Let each guest bring food with them.
  4. When the guests arrive, you need to light the candles, change clothes and prepare for the performance. Let the small scene become a real Christmas miracle for your guests. The rest of the holiday is worth spending in costumes.
  5. Congratulations follow. Let adults and children tell carols, for which they will receive cookies with congratulations. If someone cannot remember the carol, let them congratulate the guests on the holiday. The best and funniest carol, according to the guests, should be awarded a valuable prize, maybe a joke one.
  6. This is followed by a feast, competitions, games, and entertainment. You should also think through the games in advance and choose those that are suitable for the guests of the holiday.
  7. Get positive emotions and a boost of energy by watching a Christmas movie or comedy.

Games for Christmas

  1. You can hold a table competition according to traditions. Prepare questions and multiple answer options in case guests can't answer correctly.
  2. Hand out pieces of paper and a pen. Let everyone list the Christmas stories they know, including fairy tales, foreign and domestic films.
  3. Make a list of famous Christmas stories and prepare pictures for them. Let the guests of the holiday try to guess what story is depicted. As a hint, you can name the main and secondary characters.
  4. Crossword. On a large piece of paper, write the word "Christmas" in the center. Next, guests, divided into two teams, must continue the crossword puzzle, taking into account certain rules: the words must be Christmas-themed; vertically and horizontally you cannot write close to the previous word, the distance should be one letter.

At the end of Christmas, you can go outside. Let the final note be fireworks, fireworks and just a good mood. You can walk around the city and congratulate passers-by on the holiday.

Christmas scenario for youth

Young people love active pastime. Therefore, games, songs and carols can be included in the Christmas script. Costumes and masks must be prepared in advance. Traditional characters - Goat, Baba Yaga, Fox. You also need to take care of a big homemade star and learn funny carols.

Texts of carols

Kolyada, Kolyada

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even a ruble

Even a nickel

Let's not leave home like that!

Give us some candy

Or maybe a coin

Don't regret anything

The bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ is revered by Orthodox Christians. Adults love it for its grandeur and the end of the Nativity fast, and children look forward to it no less reverently than the New Year, because Christmas for them is a continuation of New Year's celebrations and festivities with interesting games and sweet gifts. And if you spend this holiday not just at the table with kutya and other delicacies, but play out a whole Christmas scenario, then the Savior’s birthday will be remembered for a long time.

Christmas scenario: celebrating on the street

On a frosty and quiet evening, you should not sit exclusively at the table. You can go outside and act out an interesting scenario there. Many people can take part in such mass celebrations: neighbors, residents of the neighborhood, etc., especially since it is never too late to revive the tradition of going from house to house with carols and nativity scenes. If the celebration is really massive, then it is better that it be a large area with a Christmas tree installed and a platform that will serve as a stage for acting out the skit.
It is better to start the performance with the ringing of church bells and a Christmas carol. It can be performed by both children and adults. For outdoor scenes, outfits using bright scarves for women and girls, hats and sheepskin coats for men and boys are suitable. The song sounds like “Joy has come to everyone.” Next come the words of the presenters with congratulations on the holiday, poems about Christmas.

Carols are an obligatory element of mass celebrations on the street. A group of adults and children in colorful costumes, which can be scarves, gypsy skirts, satin belts for men, begin to sing carols. An important attribute of this process is the Christmas star. You can make it out of paper and place it on a long stick. Such a star is decorated with an icon and multi-colored ribbons. With carols, you can go from the place of celebration to neighboring houses, attracting more and more people to your fun.

Christmas scenario: indoor celebration

If the weather doesn't allow you to go outside, you can create an interesting Christmas scenario for indoors. The most important thing is to choose a place with plenty of space. It would be better if it was some kind of hall with a stage. Sometimes scenes are staged indoors on purpose, but not because there is no opportunity to go outside. Such scenarios are more serious, and their main goal is to convey the essence and depth of the Christian holiday.

To achieve this, it is better to create a script based on a scene depicting the biblical story of the birth of Christ. To do this, you need to make a barn as a decoration, in which the savior was born, cover the floor with straw, and also put up models of animals - sheep, lamb. It is imperative to light the Christmas star above the stable, which notified the world of the birth of the Savior. To perform the scene, the following characters are required in appropriate attire:

  • Mary and Joseph are the parents of the baby;
  • angels;
  • shepherds;
  • Magi.

Next, the skit is played out according to the biblical scenario. First, Mary and Joseph find a stable, then Christ is born, and the Christmas star lights up. Angels announce this in poems or songs. Then shepherds and wise men come to look at the baby and give him gifts. The performance ends with a Christmas song.

Christmas script for children

From childhood, any child should know what the holiday of Christmas symbolizes. But this needs to be presented in a playful way. Most expect something fun from Christmas, and not scenes with a nativity scene, so for the little ones you can organize a holiday that will include outdoor games with Christmas or New Year's attributes. Of course, you shouldn’t completely exclude Christmas motifs. You can take angels as hosts, decorate the venue with a Christmas star, set up a nativity scene, and in between games read poems and sing songs about Christmas.

But the main emphasis in this scenario is not on skits, but on games. Here are some options for outdoor fun that will appeal to children of senior preschool age and primary school students:

  • Game of freezing. When the music sounds, you need to move according to the direction of the leader. The presenter will periodically name a part of the body that should freeze and not dance. You need to continue moving only with those parts of the body that have not yet frozen.
  • Quiz. You can have a quiz. Choose questions for her related to Christmas. For more excitement, it is better to divide the children into teams.
  • Decorate the Christmas tree. Dividing the children into two teams, each needs to be given unbreakable Christmas tree decorations made of rain or plastic. Everyone must run up to the Christmas tree and hang a toy on it. The team whose Christmas tree is decorated first wins.
  • If the event is held outdoors, you can arrange snow darts by throwing snowballs at targets.

There can be a lot of options for having a fun and active Christmas celebration. Everyone can show their imagination and create their own unusual Christmas scenario.