Winter solstice. solstice

February 23

Solstice is an important date that has both astronomical and energetic significance. December 21st represents a special day when another “new” winter begins.

December 21st is an important date for the ancient Celts. This people celebrated the New Year on the day of the winter solstice. The holiday was called Yule. On the night of December 20-21, all words that people utter are perceived by the Universe more strictly, according to the Celts. Yule begins the so-called Wheel of the Year - a series of 8 Celtic holidays.

New beginning of winter

As the sages said from ancient times, winter first comes in the soul of every person, when he is ready psychologically and morally for the cold and for change. The second step in the onset of winter is the immediate cooling and snowfall. When the earth turns white, visible winter begins, which has a special energy. Then calendar winter comes, when December 1 seems to speak of something important. On this day you understand that the end of the year is approaching, that it is time to start changing yourself from the inside. The arrival of winter ends with the astronomical winter, when on December 21 the night dominates the day.

On this day, the black cold of space envelops the northern hemisphere of the Earth for as long as possible. Afterwards, the day will begin to grow, but before it begins to recover, it will suffer complete and unconditional defeat. In the eastern calendar, the winter solstice also plays a decisive role, since the date of the New Year depends on it. Unlike the Celts, the Chinese and adjacent peoples choose a date based on the lunar calendar. The New Year traditionally comes, in accordance with their rules, on the second new moon after December 21st. In 2016, this date will be January 28, when the Fire Rooster comes into force.

Astronomy and astrology about the Solstice

In astronomical terms, the Solstice is not a whole day, but the moment when the Earth passes the fourth and final point of the ecliptic around the Sun. In 2016, Moscow time, the Earth will pass this “winter” point of its orbit at approximately 13 hours 41 minutes.

Psychics have never stood on the sidelines, talking about how the December Solstice changes us. In their opinion, people are charged with positive energy on such days, because changes are good from an energetic point of view. The world does not stand still - literally and figuratively.

Astrologers also say that the Solstice is positive. It is especially positive on the waning Moon and the New Moon. This time, December 21 will be the day of the waning of the lunar disk. The Moon will be helped by Libra, a sign that loves change more than any other. Try to devote this day to changing your appearance. Go shopping, visit the hairdresser or simply allow yourself to wear something extraordinary.

Increase your energy on this day. On December 21, astrologers and psychologists advise planning things for the future. Don't miss the chance to buy gifts for your loved ones. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Solstice is an important date that has both astronomical and energetic significance.

Winter solstice, solstice.

2016: Winter Solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0° of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight hours increase and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun in the sky is the lowest. From this day the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at its smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the Earth’s approach and distance from the Sun are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of solstice is a critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy; this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any time of transition, it is intended for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material matters. It greatly promotes God-centeredness, not self-centeredness. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of a new sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of a new one, renewal, rebirth, the transition from an old life to a new one. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

During this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, and be reborn, just as the renewed Sun is born again.
In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything that is outdated, disturbing, unnecessary (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, make donations favorably, and pay off debts. It is better to enter a new life lightly.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.
And in a clean place (you first need to clean the area, get rid of trash, debris and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps and incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. This is a dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It’s good to sum up the past year and thank God for everything He gives. It is important to free yourself from worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth and ascension. It is very important to be God-centered, to step away from the bustle, and turn inward.
Prayer and meditation at this time will have great power, as well as your good intentions and goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time greatly contribute to this. The power of the regenerating Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

It is auspicious to meet the sunrise, express your respect to it, congratulate it on its birth, and thank it for its gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If you do this consciously (discard the negative, the outdated and create the intention to acquire the bright), then there really is a bright path of revival and growth ahead.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy flow to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth and improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intention. Is it worth missing out on this chance?

This is a great time to improve, change what needs changing; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

Cleansing from negativity

Traditionally, cleansing of negativity is carried out using the five elements. First, we will need incense - incense, thyme, St. John's wort or incense sticks. Incense is a symbol of Fire. Secondly, water. Ideally, spring water or any untouched water: for example, drinking water purchased in a store is suitable, but provided that it was purchased specifically for the ritual. Next, we will need a feather or fan - symbols of the element of Air. The embodiment of the Earth will be ashes from incense or herbs. And finally, the fifth element is the action itself, the ritual itself and sacred words as a manifestation of spiritual energy. So, start the morning of December 21st with general cleaning. Wipe off dust and reflective surfaces properly, get rid of everything unnecessary, outdated and, of course, broken. Say goodbye to things that bring up bad memories or are simply associated with something unpleasant.

At sunset, we place everything necessary for our ceremony on the table, which you will free from unnecessary things in advance, turn your face to the east - because it is from the east that there is a constant flow of energy, light incense, bring it to your heart, and from your heart we raise our hands up and say : “In the name of the Most High Lord, Creator of all, Preserver of all, Destroyer of evil, I ask you, Spiritual powers of the Universe, accept this incense as a sign of respect before you! I ask you to cleanse me and my living space from all negative things.

Let it be so!" Then smoke yourself from the top of your head to your feet and, holding incense in your right hand, approach the threshold. Moving clockwise, go around the entire apartment. I recommend staying longer in the corners: this is where the maximum amount of negative energy accumulates. In addition, during this action, you must constantly visualize how everything bad leaves your home, how you literally push black energy out the door, how it disappears and dissipates. When you complete the circle and find yourself at the threshold again, open the door and symbolically drive away the negativity, while saying: “Let all the bad things leave my home! Let it be so!"

Next, we take a vessel with water (preferably a wooden or ceramic bowl), fumigate it with incense, bring the water to our heart, lift it up and in the same way ask for help from the Spiritual forces of the Universe. Using the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand, we sprinkle the top of your head and the space in front of you three times (don’t forget that you are facing east). After this, we go to the front door again and walk around the apartment clockwise, sprinkling the room, imagining how everything bad goes underground along with the water, leaving your home and your life forever. After completing the circle, open the door and sprinkle the area near the entrance. Then pour the water down the drain.

You will go through the third circle with a fan or feather in your right hand (not forgetting to first ask for support from the Spiritual forces of the Universe and cleanse yourself of negativity: to do this, you need to move the fan or feather over the top of your head, imagining that you are shaking off the negative energy that has accumulated over a whole year)."When walking around the house, make movements as if sweeping away negativity. To enhance the effect, you can take a bell and ring the whole apartment. And finally, when the incense burns out, take a little ash with the ring finger and thumb of your right hand (ashes from incense are a symbol of pure earth) and touch the top of your head or between your eyebrows - this way you will cleanse yourself. And to cleanse the house, take the remaining ashes and, following from the front door clockwise, sprinkle a little in the corners.

Now all you have to do is thank the Spiritual forces of the Universe for helping you carry out this ritual and free yourself from everything bad and unnecessary. Try to have a good rest: tomorrow you will have a new, no less important job.

Coins for good luck

On December 22, the first day of the year according to the solar calendar, the foundation for the next 12 months is laid on both the subtle and material planes. And since the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn, you must first of all concentrate on the material side of life, namely on your career and money. This day is ideal for making a money talisman that will increase your benefits. As the Sun grows, so will your well-being: this is the main idea of ​​the talisman.

We will need spring or untouched water and two coins, but they must be obtained on this particular day. In the morning, go to the store, buy a good drink and tasty food (as a symbol of a prosperous life), get change - from it you will take the necessary coins, preferably ten rubles. Pay attention to one important detail: before buying food, whisper so that no one hears, say: “I dedicate this food to increasing material wealth for myself and my family.” And then buy. When you come home, put the food on the table, pour the drink into a bowl, pour water into another container and take two coins. Stand facing east, light incense and contact the Spiritual forces of the Universe in any form. Ask for help to cleanse yourself before performing the ritual and to carry out the ceremony itself, aimed at increasing the well-being of your family. Now, using incense, fumigate yourself from head to toe, food, drink and coins (coins - especially carefully). After this, fumigate the water. Sprinkle yourself, food, coins with water (again, with special care) - this will wash away any negative energy deposits. Take a cup of drink, bring it to your heart and in your own words turn to God, to the Spiritual forces of the Universe with a request to accept this drink as a sign of respect. Now, with the thumb and ring fingers of your right hand, sprinkle the food with this drink three times. Then we rotate the bowl clockwise, saying: “As the Sun grows, the good, happiness, wealth of me and my family grow. Let it be so!" We do this three or nine times.

We perform exactly the same actions with food. Then we take the coins, put them in our left hand, and with the ring finger of our right hand we touch the drink, and then each coin, on both sides. At this time, we will say: “I dedicate this talisman to increasing money and material wealth for me and my family. Let it be so!" We place the coins between our palms and from the bottom of our hearts, in our own words, we thank God and the Spiritual forces of the Universe for their support and help.

Now these coins are your talisman. Place them in your wallet separately from other money (so you don't accidentally spend them), and throughout the year they will attract positivity, wealth and prosperity to you.

By the way, two coins mean a doubling of capital. So you can fully expect to become twice as rich in the coming year.

After the ritual, arrange a small feast of the same foods and drinks that were used in the ritual. Share this food with your friends and family so that not only you but also your loved ones will be recharged with the energy of well-being.

All Vedic holidays are mystical, special days. The Earth, Moon, and Sun are at this time in special positions relative to each other, the center of the Galaxy, and other celestial objects. The sky opens, the Gates open and a huge flow of energy flows to Earth.

Holidays, depending on the time when they occur, have different meanings, but all these days are mystical, they are intended for spiritual work. These are the best days for spiritual practices, meditation, prayer. They are not meant for worldly affairs. It is no coincidence that the ancient sages prescribed certain rituals on these days.

The sages divide the year into two halves - the divine day and the divine night. The period from the winter solstice (December 21-22) to the summer solstice (June 21-22) is day, and the period from the summer solstice to the winter is night. The beginning of each of these periods is marked by a holiday and calendar ritual actions.

The sun is revered and deified by all nations. Solstice days were used to improve the quality of life; it was the starting point of a new life. The days of the equinoxes are also important - these are the most important astronomical events, special energetic times, these are the central points connecting the earth's seasons.

Winter solstice, solstice.

2016: Winter Solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0° of the zodiac sign Capricorn

Winter solstice, solstice, one of the most important, special days of the year. Starting from this day, daylight hours increase and night decreases. On this day, the height of the sun in the sky is the lowest. From this day the Sun begins its northern path of growth. At this time, the Earth is at its smallest distance from the Sun. Life on Earth largely depends on the Sun, so the Earth’s approach and distance from the Sun are the most important astronomical events.

The moment of solstice is a critical moment of transition. About 3 days before and after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy; this is a magical, sacred time of transition. Like any time of transition, it is intended for spiritual practices. It is believed that this time is not for material matters. It greatly promotes God-centeredness, not self-centeredness. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the astronomical new year. This is a holiday of rebirth, the birth of a new sun.

From this moment a new cycle of time begins. The moment of the solstice, the end of long nights - this is the mystery of the birth of a new one, renewal, rebirth, the transition from an old life to a new one. This is the mystery of renewal, the day of laying hopes, a solid foundation for a bright future.
This is both death and resurrection, the mystery of the rebirth of old age into youth.

During this energetically special, charged time, you can burn your sins, change your destiny, and be reborn, just as the renewed Sun is born again.

In the coming days before the solstice, it is favorable to get rid of everything that is outdated, disturbing, unnecessary (both in the house and in terms of personality, habits, relationships, etc.). It would be good to let go of grievances, leave quarrels, resolve conflicts, make donations favorably, and pay off debts. It is better to enter a new life lightly.

With gratitude to God, with pure thoughts, pure intentions and wishes for happiness.
And in a clean place (you first need to clean the area, get rid of trash, debris and dust on the physical plane as well). It is very favorable to light lamps and incense.

The night before this day is the longest of the year. This is a dark, feminine, magical time. This night opens the door to a new life. It’s good to sum up the past year and thank God for everything He gives. It is important to free yourself from worries, anxieties and enter a new life in a harmonious state.

At this time, together with the sun, all living things begin their path of growth and ascension. It is very important to be God-centered, to step away from the bustle, and turn inward.

Prayer and meditation at this time will have tremendous power, as well as your good intentions and goals for the future. The rhythms of the Universe at this time greatly contribute to this. The power of the regenerating Sun, the powerful energy of creation will fill them.

It is auspicious to meet the sunrise, express your respect to it, congratulate it on its birth, and thank it for its gifts. It is important to feel this transitional sacred period, the turn from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from death to immortality. If you do this consciously (discard the negative, the outdated and create the intention to acquire the bright), then there really is a bright path of revival and growth ahead.

At this time, the sky opens, strong flows of energy flow to the Earth. This is a time of Hope and Opportunity. It is very important to use it for your growth and improvement. This is a time of meditation, prayer, a time of good intention. Is it worth missing out on this chance?

This is a great time to improve, change what needs changing; get rid of what gets in the way; lay a solid foundation for growth.

This day is celebrated in the culture of every nation. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is fire - these are candles, lamps, bonfires.

In the Slavic tradition, Christmastide was celebrated.

Like the ancient Slavs, the inhabitants of central and northern Europe performed symbolic actions with fire during the winter solstice, celebrating Yule.

In the Zoroastrian tradition, these days celebrate the Festival of Mithra. Mithra is the God of justice, the all-seeing eye of Asha (Truth). Mitra is associated with the Sun, monitors the observance of dharma and order. On this day, 21 candles are lit.

In Holland they celebrate St. Thomas's Day. This is the last day of classes before the Christmas holidays. On this day, it is very important not to be the last to arrive at school, otherwise they will be teased as “sleepy Thomas.” On this special day, even children should not sleep long

Solstice is one of two days a year when the height of the sun above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. There are two solstices in the year - winter and summer.

On the day of the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, when the shortest day and longest night occur. The moment of the solstice shifts annually, since the length of the solar year does not coincide with calendar time.

In 2016, the winter solstice begins on December 21. The Sun, moving along the ecliptic, at this moment will reach its most distant position from the celestial equator towards the South Pole of the world. Astronomical winter will begin in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, and summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

On this day, at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of less than 11 degrees.

During these December days, the polar night begins above the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north latitude), which does not necessarily mean complete darkness for the entire day. Its main feature is that the Sun does not rise above the horizon.

At the North Pole of the Earth, not only the Sun is not visible, but also twilight, and the location of the star can only be determined by the constellations. The picture is completely different in the area of ​​the Earth's South Pole - in Antarctica at this time the day lasts around the clock.

On December 21, the Sun crosses the 18 o'clock meridian and begins to rise up the ecliptic, beginning its journey towards the spring equinox, when it crosses the celestial equator.

For thousands of years, the winter solstice has been of great importance for all the peoples of our planet, who lived in harmony with natural cycles and organized their lives in accordance with them. Since ancient times, people have revered the Sun, realizing that their life on earth depends on its light and warmth. For them, the winter solstice symbolized the victory of light over darkness.

Thus, in Russian folklore, a proverb is dedicated to this day: the sun is for summer, winter is for frost. Now the day will gradually increase, and the night will decrease. The winter solstice was used to judge the future harvest. In the old days, on this day they noticed: frost on the trees - to a rich grain harvest.

In the 16th century in Rus', an interesting ritual was associated with the winter solstice. The bell ringer of the Moscow Cathedral, who was responsible for striking the clock, came to bow to the Tsar. He reported that from now on the sun has turned to summer, the day is increasing, and the night is shortening. For this good news, the king rewarded the headman with money.

The ancient Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year on the day of the winter solstice; it was associated with the deity Kolyada. The main attribute of the festival was a bonfire, depicting and invoking the light of the sun, which, after the longest night of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher. The ritual New Year's pie - loaf - was also shaped like the sun.

In Europe, these days began a 12-day cycle of pagan festivals dedicated to the winter solstice, which marked the beginning of a new life and renewal of nature.

On the day of the winter solstice in Scotland there was a custom to launch the solar wheel - “solstice”. The barrel was coated with burning resin and sent down the street. The wheel is a symbol of the sun, the spokes of the wheel resembled rays, the rotation of the spokes during movement made the wheel alive and similar to a luminary.

The winter solstice was determined earlier than all other seasons in China (there are 24 seasons in the Chinese calendar). In ancient China it was believed that from this time the male force of nature rises and a new cycle begins. The winter solstice was considered a happy day worthy of celebration. On this day, everyone - from the emperor to the commoner - went on vacation. The army was put into a state of waiting for orders, border fortresses and trading shops were closed, people visited each other and gave gifts. The Chinese made sacrifices to the God of Heaven and their ancestors, and also ate porridge of beans and glutinous rice to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. To this day, the winter solstice is considered one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

There is sun in every person. Just let it shine. Socrates

The time of the Winter Solstice can be called the beginning of the New Year. December 21, 2016 the shortest day and the longest night of the year is December 20. December 21st is a day that neither decreases nor decreases; this is the time of the winter solstice. From December 22nd the day begins to arrive again.

These days, the “old” Sun “dies” in order to be reborn and begin a new cycle with new strength. In Jyotish, the Sun symbolizes a person's vitality, personality, mind and spiritual component. Each person is a reflection of the processes occurring in space - these days our own energy is renewed, so this day (December 21) is important for some simple rituals that will help you “recharge” with new energy for the next year.

So, the period of the winter solstice is the time of completion of the old, the period of summing up and forming a program for the next year. December 22 (when the sun begins to rise) - can be used to make plans for the future and form intentions that will be realized over the coming year.

If you haven't done this yet, now is the time to decorate your Christmas tree! It is better to decorate the green beauty with balls of yellow, gold, red or orange, as they symbolize the solar disk, bringing wealth and prosperity to your home. After the 22nd, you can add toys of a different shape and color.

Sum up the year before December 22nd. To do this, you need to choose a quiet time and remember the whole past year. What did you want to achieve in the past year? What goals did you set for yourself? Did you manage to realize what you wanted? You can write down all the negative experiences and failures, and then burn the piece of paper, symbolically getting rid of everything old and unnecessary.

On December 22, 2016, the day when the Sun begins to rise again, you can “recharge” with new energy and start planning. What would you like to achieve this year? Write a wish list! Perhaps you dream of meeting your soulmate, why not! Form an intention and write a plan to implement your plan. The energy of the solstice will definitely help you fulfill your plans. Perhaps you are a spiritual seeker and dream of meeting your teacher. Be sure to write down your wish and place it under the Christmas tree, and on the 22nd, burn the piece of paper, sending a prayer to the Higher Powers with a request to fulfill it.

From December 20 to 22, it is recommended to do general cleaning. Look into your closets and sort out your clothes - give away everything you no longer need, thereby freeing up space for new things. To cleanse the body and psyche, you can practice the following exercise: “”

If you have experienced unfavorable events this year and you still have things that remind you of this - photographs, letters, little things - it’s time to get rid of these things. Allow something new to come into your life.

On December 21, even if the day is cloudy, be sure to ventilate the entire room, inviting new energy. Ventilation must be carried out before sunset.

If you want to realize your wishes in the New Year, make them more specific. If you want to find a job, buy yourself a new bag or diary. By absorbing the renewed energy of the Sun, these objects will work like “batteries”. If you want to meet your loved one (only if you are not yet married) - buy heart-shaped trinkets and place them around the house, or heart-shaped jewelry and wear it next year; or buy your future lover a gift that you would like to give him for the New Year. If you want to study, buy a pen that will help you pass your exams. If you want to travel, create a vision board and put photos of the places you would like to visit on it. There is always room for a small miracle in our lives if we believe in it.

On December 21, you can start the practice of “Surya Namaskar” - it harmonizes the energies of the Sun in the subtle and physical you of a person.

These days you can start practicing Upaya to harmonize the energy of the Sun. Prepare for your loved ones

Exercise “Sun Energy”

According to legend, the Sun darkens in the evening because it sees the sinful deeds of man. After sunset, it sinks into the sea, where it washes itself, washing away everything negative, so that the next morning it can rise again into the sky clean and clear.

Perform the exercise either at dawn or at noon. It is not recommended to practice it after sunset. Sit up straight in a position that is comfortable for you. Take three deep breaths in and out. You can chant your favorite mantra or read a prayer. Close your eyes…

Imagine that you are sitting in a clearing or in a park, or on the seashore flooded with pleasant sunlight. Feel the light and warmth. Relax. Take a slow breath in through both nostrils. Hold the air inside, exhale slowly and hold your breath again. Try to feel how the solar energy and its rays permeate our entire physical being with every breath you take, absorb the vital force of the Sun. Continue breathing as long as necessary, filling yourself with renewed energy.

If you practice visualization or have a developed imagination, imagine how the sun's rays permeate, charge and renew every cell, your thoughts, your feelings. Your intentions are charged with new energy. If you have chosen an object to set your intention for the next year, keep it nearby while doing the exercise, filling it with new energy.

There are many who argue that only a few can recite the mantra and that others do not have the right to do so. It is not right. This false conclusion was reached because they do not know the Truth. It came about because of erroneous beliefs. The Gita does not mention this group or that group. Krishna declares 'whoever', Gita VIII - 12,13, without any qualifying words limiting it to one class or gender.


OM— Parabrahman
BHUR— Bhu loka (physical plane). It also refers to a body made of 5 Pancha Bhutas (5 elements). These 5 elements constitute Prakriti (nature).
BHUVA— Bhuva loka is the middle world. Also, Bhuva is Prana Shakti. Of course, in reality the presence of Prajnana allows Prana Shakti to animate the body. It is for this reason that the Vedas declare “Prajnanam Brahma” (Continuous All-Encompassing Awareness is Brahman).
MATCHMAKER- Svarga loka (heaven - land of the Gods)
TAT— Paramatma, God or Brahman (lit. “That”).
SAVITUR- The one from which all this was born.
JAM- Worthy of worship, desired.
BHARGO— Radiance, Spiritual Radiance, Light that gives Wisdom.
DEVASYA- Divine Reality.
DHIMAHI- We are meditating.
DHYO- Buddhi, spiritual mind.
YO- Which.
NAH- Our.
PRACHODAYAT- It will enlighten.
The Gayatri mantra can have numerous translations. One such translation is given below:

We meditate on Spiritual Radiantness. This Delightful Supreme Divine Reality. Source of the Physical, Astral and Celestial Spheres of Existence. May That Supreme Divine Essence enlighten our minds so that we can realize the Supreme Truth. Also the last line can mean: Awaken my Discrimination, O Lord, and guide me.

Materials about the Gayatri mantra from the book: “The Power and Power of the Gayatri Mantra”

"Mahamrityujaya mantra"

Mantras for Surya (Sun)

If you can’t watch the sunrise, then imagine it. Let this mantra become as familiar to you as your morning bath. This mantra mobilizes the body's defenses, improves immunity and promotes rapid recovery.