Applique car made of colored paper for boys. Applications for the little ones from colored paper and cereals


Every boy loves to play with cars; he will not soon assemble a metal structure on his own, but teaching a child to make paper models is very easy. Parents will need a little time, paper, glue and scissors. You can create such machines using the origami technique or 3D design; for each method there are the necessary materials, instructions and recommendations.

How to make a car from waste material?

The older the boy gets, the more interested he will be in complex models, including those made from paper. Parents can only suggest which creativity is more exciting, provide the necessary materials and a good mood to complete the task. For boys, among all the models, it is cars that enjoy great prestige, and buying different designs every day will cost parents a pretty penny. After a while, the child will lose all interest in these beautiful cars, so it is more interesting and useful to make the design yourself. It does not require large financial expenditures; all you need is desire and time.

You can create cars not only using ready-made diagrams, but also using available materials, for example, cardboard and matches, wooden sticks and colored paper. For example, take several cardboard cylinders left over from toilet paper and cover each one with colored paper. After the fake has dried, it is necessary to cut a rectangular hole on the surface of the cylinder, leaving a little space on one side so that it can be bent and thus make a seat for the driver.

The design can also be decorated inside using felt-tip pens or a marker; to create a steering wheel, you should cut a circle out of white paper and glue it opposite the seat. The machine can be additionally decorated with applications made of colored paper, choosing different shades. If the car is a racing car, you can put a number on it; if it is an ambulance or fire model, then you can also cut out the corresponding signs or draw them. To secure the wheels, use small bolts or plastic bottle caps.

Volumetric 3D paper cars

To complete the work, you need to prepare a printer, a sheet of paper, scissors, cardboard material, as well as glue, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

The instructions are very simple; you can assemble a paper machine without any special skills or knowledge. First, you need to print out a model of the machine you like on paper, then glue the sheet onto cardboard to make the structure durable. The image is cut out along the contour; this is another advantage of this technique of creating a paper machine.

Important ! All the lines are already marked on the sheet, so it will be easy for the child to fold the model, just bend it along the contour and hide the remaining wings of the workpiece inside.

These white ends must be glued together so that the structure does not fall apart, and if the cardboard is strong enough, then you can use super glue rather than stationery PVA. After that, the most interesting thing for the boy is to decorate the car at his discretion.

A simple way to create a paper car

Paper cars are just as fun to play with as metal or plastic ones, you can arrange real races, and you can also build a garage by decorating all the structures with felt-tip pens, and use a toothpick to make a flag.

To create a paper machine you will need a square piece of paper; it should be folded in half, then unfold the edges and bend them in the opposite direction towards the middle of the sheet. Then, fold the edges again in the opposite direction and fold the sheet of paper in half. Draw the outline of the car onto the material; to do this, fold the top corners, then tuck them inward; two corners will peek out from below. They are also folded inside, after which you need to make wheels for the car.

Bend the lower corners back, rounding them a little, thus creating wheels; in front, to make headlights, the corners must be laid inward. Do the same on the back side of the car; all the details of the vehicle can be drawn, for example, wheels, headlights, doors or the driver behind the wheel. 15 minutes of time and a beautiful paper car is ready.

Origami machine

This is a unique art that involves the creation of unusual paper figures, including cars. To work, you just need to stock up on colored paper and patience, it’s very easy, so you not only can, but also need to involve children, together you can create a whole fleet of cars. Or you can make a car out of a banknote and give it as a gift to a friend.

To create, for example, a sports car, you need to take a rectangular sheet, as a rule, the aspect ratio should be 1:7. The work begins by bending the upper right and left corners, thus creating all the necessary folds. The next step is to fold the top of the sheet, along with the folded corners on the left and right. Small triangles will remain sticking out, which should also be folded towards the middle of the sheet of paper.

Next, you need to fold the sides of the leaf, fold the bottom part, follow the same algorithm that was performed when folding the top part of the paper. All that remains is to fold the structure in half, tuck in the triangles that are peeking out and that’s it, the machine is ready.

Making crafts with a small child is a pleasure. There are many options and materials, you just need to choose the right ones and use your imagination. In addition, crafts develop finger motor skills and the baby’s imagination. On the Internet you can find many ideas and recommendations for choosing crafts, as well as step-by-step master classes. They will certainly help you decide on an application that both the child and the parent will like.

Children's applications from colored paper and cereals are fun and enjoyable to make with a child: a truck and a passenger car, a powerful KAMAZ, a horse and a goldfish, a traveling frog - the motives for creativity are simply inexhaustible. The applique turns out voluminous and looks cute and funny. If the child is very young, perhaps it is worth simplifying the process - download and print the stencil for such an application from the Internet, and an older child can draw it himself.

Children who do not yet know how to cut out complex parts and cannot choose a craft on their own, can use the following ideas:

  • fish in an aquarium;
  • autumn/spring/summer/winter landscape;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • butterfly;
  • flower meadow;
  • house;
  • car.

Applications for children consist of geometric shapes. You can use colored paper, cardboard, self-adhesive paper, foil, cereal and other interesting materials. To make your child have fun, it is best to turn the work process into a game. After the fake is ready, you can use it to decorate one of the walls or your child’s desk.

Application "Car" made of colored paper

For this simple but beautiful machine for little ones you will need:

To make the car look colorful, it is best to choose bright paper colors: yellow, red, blue, green. For this applique we will use blue and yellow colors for the body and black for the wheels. To make such a simple craft You won't need to print the template.

  1. On a sheet of blue paper, draw a square (3.5x3.5 cm) and a rectangle (4x6 cm).
  2. On a sheet of yellow paper, draw a small rectangle for the window (1.5x2 cm) and a large rectangle (4.5x10 cm).
  3. Cut out round wheels (two parts) from black paper. A child of primary school age can cope with the drawings on his own, but for a child of preschool age it is better to prepare all the details and then hand him the finished components of the application.
  4. Coat a large yellow rectangle with glue and place it horizontally on a white base sheet.
  5. Place the blue rectangle vertically next to the yellow one.
  6. Glue a yellow window onto the blue rectangle.
  7. Glue the blue square to the blue rectangle.
  8. Add wheels under the structure. The car is ready!

Gallery: applications made of colored paper and cereals (25 photos)

How to make a “Mushroom” applique from cereals

One of the most common materials that kids like is cereal. It could be buckwheat, semolina, rice, etc. For this craft we will need:

  • buckwheat grain;
  • semolina;
  • glue stick;
  • white base sheet;
  • simple pencil.

To get a beautiful applique, you just need to prepare a template. The child himself can glue the sheet and sprinkle it with cereal.

DIY “Horse” applique

This craft is fun to make from different materials: felt, corrugated paper, foil, etc. You can use several materials at once to get a beautiful texture. The “Horse” application does not require ready-made templates.


  • blue, green, pink, black and yellow corrugated paper (velvet paper is also suitable);
  • white cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • plastic eyes;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • sequins or beads.

To make an amazingly beautiful applique, you need:

There is no shame in putting such an application in a frame and decorating your desktop with it.

Application "Aquarium" for the little ones

This craft consists of geometric shapes: circles and triangles. Creating an application does not require much effort and time.

It is very difficult to captivate boys, especially preschoolers, for a long time. And when it comes to needlework, parents are often faced with the child’s complete reluctance to do “girly things.” And in this case, you have to resort to a trick, for example, inviting the child to make crafts on the theme of his favorite toys. Boys especially like to draw, sculpt and paint a variety of models of cars. In the master classes below you will find several variations of service cars using the appliqué technique.

This small MK is suitable for teaching with children in the middle group. Here it is important to cut out all the details correctly, and this can be done using pre-prepared templates, from which children will simply transfer the contours onto colored paper. To make work go faster, you can use self-adhesive paper.

Step-by-step description of the lesson:

Video tutorial on making a fire truck

Three-dimensional fire truck made of colored paper

In addition to the applique, you can offer the children to make a three-dimensional model of a fire truck. This activity is suitable for older children in the preparatory group:

With such three-dimensional models, the whole group will be able to play in the future.

Paper police car

For children in the younger group to master the basics of needlework, applications from pre-printed templates and pictures are well suited.

For example, you can invite children to cut out and glue together parts of a police car like this: But this machine can be used as a stencil for appliqués:
Applique can be made not only from paper. This is what, for example, a road patrol car made of plasticine looks like:

Making a truck out of colored paper

The easiest way to applique a truck is to use simple geometric shapes. This lesson is ideal for children in kindergarten:

You can offer such an experiment for children. Add applique elements to the most ordinary drawing:

A few more templates for trucks and special equipment:

Video: Making a car out of paper

Application "Ambulance"

You can also create an ambulance out of paper with your own hands. To do this, just follow the step-by-step instructions:

4. The last two details are the blue windshield and the orange siren.
This lesson is suitable for young children in pre-kindergarten.

Video: Machine using applique technique

Ideas and templates for applications with cars

Paper applications

The applique gives enormous scope for children's imagination. We offer you the most interesting ideas for making cars using this technique.

Such templates are very convenient, because in this case, for applique it is enough to cut out the blanks and glue them step by step onto the base. For beginning needleworkers, this practice will be very useful.

Greetings, dear friends. Today I will tell you and show you how to make an applique of a truck with children from colored paper of preschool age. My children love cars very much (my daughter, despite the fact that she is a girl, is also partial to transport), so the topic of today’s lesson was received with delight.

Preparing for the lesson will not take much time, for example, it took me no more than 5-10 minutes, despite the fact that I made all the details in duplicate - for my daughter and son (I will write the dimensions of the colored paper truck templates below).

Well, after the application is ready, you can read (teach) poems about a truck for children and watch a cartoon.

Colored paper applique car truck for children

We will need:

  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • Pencil
  • White A4 sheet (or album, as in our case)

How to make a truck applique from colored paper for children:

That's all, our colored paper applique of a truck for children is ready.

Applique templates made from colored paper car truck for children

You and your children can make other appliques of cars from colored paper, for example, using these templates.

Poem about a truck for children

Serious little truck!
Perhaps he is more important
Than a passenger car
(Even the biggest one).
The cargo is carried by a truck -
He's not used to being lazy.
Loaded, lucky, buzzing:
"Get out of my way! Move away!
Fits a lot of cargo
In my big spacious body.
I'm in a hurry to deliver them on time!
If only someone could help..."

The truck puffs in the garden:
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
I'm bringing you apples
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo.
A truck is humming in the field,
Protects grain from rain.
And he collects potatoes,
Delivers to stores.
The truck is at work everywhere.
Carrying the cargo is his concern.
Rides at night, rides during the day,
Rides with the sun, in the rain.
You, baby, will understand later:
You can't live without work.


Multicolored truck
Directly on the road
Everything goes on and on all day
And he brings toys to the children:
Doll, teddy bear,
Ball, cubes and book.
By the lace through the carpet
The truck is driven by a driver,
He's not afraid of work
Even though he is only three years old!


Once upon a time there lived a truck
In a room with a balcony,
He's used to carrying loads
In a green body.
I took the crybaby doll this morning
New pillow
Well, I’m wet with tears
I took it to dry.
He took the soldiers with him
And ammunition.
I took it under the table to where the battle is
At the military base.
It was difficult to pull out the tank
From under the stool
I brought a house for the dolls,
And cutlets for the cat.
Checkers, cubes, watermelon,
And a plate of plums
Loaded various cargo
He is hardworking.
And when I looked out the window
A timid month from the sky,
Truck, tired of business,
Fell asleep in a box.


I have a truck
He is neither small nor big.
He is carrying cereal for Masha,
So that she cooks porridge.
Feed all the animals
In my children's room.
And then my truck
He will bring me a stack of books.
So that I can read
Before I go to bed.
Well, when summer comes,
He'll bring the sand,
To do for friends
I managed a couple of cakes.
Yes, one would have so much to do
I wouldn't be able to do it.
Well, thank you, my friend,
My nice truck!

Cartoon about cars for children

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My children love making homemade gifts for loved ones. For the New Year, we prepared a whole sea of ​​New Year's cards and appliqués of snowmen, which we presented to my grandmother for her birthday.

But for the birthday of our relative and another who really loves cars and travel, we decided to make applications from colored paper with a car and road theme.

© Galina Shefer, site “Grafomanim for two”, 2013. Copying text and photos is possible only with the written permission of the author. All rights reserved.

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