Travel and pregnancy. Travel and pregnancy Will health insurance help?

For a wedding

Summer is approaching - the season of vacations and travel. I don’t want to deny myself the pleasure of enjoying a long-awaited vacation in the company of my beloved husband, especially now that the baby is about to appear and there is no time for travel at all. What to do? Is it possible to decide to move, fly, or change the climate?

First of all, you should remind yourself that the course of pregnancy is a purely individual thing. And if one of your friends climbed Goverla in the eighth month or went on a speleological tour through the part of the Marble Caves in Crimea closed to tourists, flew to South Africa or made a pilgrimage to Tibet, this does not mean at all that you can repeat everything her exploits. Even if your sentence is shorter, you are younger and feel (being at home) just fine. You need to start preparing for your vacation by consulting a doctor. Discuss with your gynecologist the possible route, means of transportation, duration of travel, climate change. The specialist will be able to give you all the recommendations, relying not on the experience of a friend, but on the results of your own tests. Perhaps you don’t even suspect that, while feeling great in your native climate, you can harm yourself and your child when you find yourself thousands of kilometers from home!

So, tell the doctor your hopes: where, for how long, what kind of transport, and even in what company (husband, parents, alone) you would like to go. Based on the results of the examination and current test results, the doctor will be able to recommend you a whole list of precautions, including a ban on certain types of exercise and means of transportation. If there is no danger, perhaps he can still prescribe you an antispasmodic, so that there are no contractions, and will recommend a list of drugs that you will need to have on hand. You will need to have your medical card with you, it is also advisable to ask the doctor to make an extract from your medical history. Find out in advance the address of the clinic closest to your vacation spot - upon arrival, it would be best for you to also undergo an examination, and in case of any ailments, do not wait until you return, but seek medical attention right on the spot.

So, your trip is a done deal. Don’t take on too many responsibilities for organizing your trip; it’s better to entrust this to relatives or a tour operator. Yes, perhaps such a service will cost more, but now the most important thing is your nerves, health and good mood! Get ready calmly, make a list of the things you need in advance and follow it. Don't fuss, don't worry, don't worry - whatever you forget, it can be found on the spot.

It’s also a good idea to check the weather forecast in advance for where you’re going. Not even very accurate forecast 2-3 weeks in advance can warn you about possible pressure changes and temperature changes, which is also very important to take into account in your situation.

If your pregnancy is already over 7 months, don’t plan long trips, since the risk cannot be completely eliminated premature birth. Think about your vacation schedule in advance if you want to visit tourist attractions and take local excursion trips. Think about making sure your days aren't too busy and give yourself some time to just relax and do nothing! It will be especially important not to make the first days after arriving at your holiday destination particularly busy - you will need to come to your senses after the move. You should not book excursions that involve sitting on a bus for many hours or walking for too long.

It is best for you to travel in maximum comfort. From this point of view, the train is always better than a car, a plane is better than a train, and a bicycle is not welcome at all.

  • As soon as your belly is rounded, it is better for you not to think about traveling by bicycle, especially over rough terrain: this is fraught with shaking and falling.
  • Intercity buses are good if the trip takes no more than two to three hours. Stay in sitting position without the opportunity to walk, stretch, lie down more long term no longer desirable.
  • By car you can travel longer than by bus, since you can stop and get out at any time, give yourself a rest, and stretch your limbs. Try not to speed, do not drive on bad roads To avoid shaking, do not remain the only driver in the company! You should always remember about seat belts: do not fasten them across your stomach, but pass them under it.
  • To travel long distances, we choose the train. Here you can move freely, lie down when you want to sleep, here you can sit with maximum comfort compared to a car or bus.

Airplane travel for a pregnant woman

Air travel is most recommended for a pregnant woman. You can fly safely in the second trimester of pregnancy, if your doctor allows you, up to 7-8 months of pregnancy. During the flight, eat moderately and drink plenty of water. At high altitudes, your feet may swell, so make yourself as comfortable as possible, take off your shoes, do some exercises to relax, and walk down the aisle at least once an hour to increase circulation in your feet.

Starting from the seventh month of pregnancy, travel restrictions apply. a whole series restrictions. You should not fly late in pregnancy if you have pregnancy diabetes, increased blood pressure or problems with the placenta. Such travel is also not recommended for mothers pregnant with twins. In any case, you will need to provide documents from your attending physician authorizing you to fly (this issue must be clarified with representatives of the airline you are flying on.) Here are the requirements of some airlines regarding the transportation of pregnant women:

  • You can fly on Ukrainian airlines before (first pregnancy) or before (not first pregnancy). You will need a certificate from the airline's medical department authorizing the flight.
  • KLM, Northwest Airlines They don’t carry women with longer sentences.
  • British Airways- if the period is longer, a certificate from the attending physician is required, you also need to sign a declaration that you are aware of all the risks and do not impose any liability on the airline.
  • Lufthansa— if the term is longer, a doctor’s certificate is required confirming the absence of contraindications to flights and (the expected date of birth).
  • EasyJet, British European, Air New Zealand- they require a certificate before, but at a later date they are not allowed to fly.
  • United Airlines, Delta, Alitalia, Swissair, Air France- require a certificate for a period of more than .
  • Virgin- if the period is longer, it is permissible to fly with a doctor.
  • Air New Zealand— flight is not allowed during multiple pregnancy.
  • Iberia- does not impose any restrictions.

Traveling abroad during pregnancy

It should be remembered that changing time zones, climate, and nutrition require adaptation efforts from the body and tire a woman. Therefore, traveling to remote countries carries a certain danger. You should be especially wary of tropical countries: the yellow fever vaccine, which is required for entry into many of them, is contraindicated during pregnancy. Malaria is also dangerous for the expectant mother due to the risk of bleeding, and for the fetus due to the danger or premature birth. Diarrhea, leading to dehydration, which affects most tourists in exotic countries, can hardly be prevented. Before you venture to Africa, Asia or South America, learn about endemic diseases in these countries.

Safety rules when traveling during pregnancy

It is best to travel by taking some precautions:

Having taken care of your safety and comfort in advance and observing simple rules safety, you will have a great rest! Have a nice trip!

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Pregnancy proceeding without complications is not a contraindication to travel, however, you should still discuss this issue with your obstetrician-gynecologist in advance. The doctor will give the woman recommendations on standards of conduct while traveling, choosing transport, and will also make a list of necessary things for the road and rest.

Information Most favorable time for traveling is the second trimester. In the first months of pregnancy, powerful changes occur in a woman’s body. hormonal changes, which adversely affects her well-being; toxicosis often occurs at this time. In the third trimester long trips are also undesirable, primarily due to high risk premature birth.

Rules for choosing travel during pregnancy

  1. You should not choose tours to distant countries: in this case, the journey will take a long time and will cause fatigue in the woman;
  2. You should not travel to third world countries due to low level medical care in them;
  3. Travel to tropical countries is not recommended due to high risk infectious diseases(many vaccinations are contraindicated during pregnancy);
  4. Travel to countries with dramatically different climates is not recommended. in connection with low level acclimatization;
  5. Travel to countries where communication takes place in a language you do not know is not recommended.(or there should always be a person nearby who knows the local language well).

Choice of transport

  1. Automobile. Traveling by car is preferable for short trips (no more than 2-3 hours), because the pregnant woman will be forced to be in only one position, which has an adverse effect on blood circulation, or she will have to make constant stops to rest. In addition, you can get motion sickness, so you should take care of your choice in advance. safe means against motion sickness. When using a seat belt, you need to make sure that it does not put strong pressure on the stomach;
  2. Aircraft. Contraindicated during pregnancy at any stage. Customs officers should be warned in advance about your situation so that they do not conduct an inspection with a scanning device (has radiation effects). In addition, many airlines have special requirements when transporting pregnant women (certain deadlines, a doctor’s certificate, etc.), so this issue must be resolved in advance;
  3. Marine modes of transport. Liners are a fairly favorable mode of transport, but we should not forget about the possibility of developing seasickness;
  4. Train. The advantages of this type of transport are obvious: a woman does not have to sit in one position, she can move around while driving.

Contraindications to travel for pregnant women

  1. , threat of miscarriage;
  2. or ;
  3. Anemia;
  4. Infectious diseases;
  5. , late gestosis;
  6. Acute form or exacerbation of the chronic form of extragenital diseases;
  7. Tendency to allergic diseases;
  8. Bleeding.

Precautions when traveling during pregnancy

  1. Participation in active recreation (mountain climbing, cycling, scuba diving);
  2. Find out in advance about the location of the nearest medical center, in case of emergency assistance;
  3. Maintain proper nutrition. You should avoid eating unfamiliar or exotic foods. Drinking raw water and eating unwashed vegetables and fruits are strictly prohibited;
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. You should sunbathe only in the shade, covering your stomach;
  5. Avoid swimming in crowded places or unfamiliar bodies of water. It is preferable to swim in prepared and cleaned pools;
  6. It is strongly recommended that you take out health insurance in advance.

1.At what stage of pregnancy can you travel? Obstetricians consider the first and second trimesters to be the most favorable for travel. Toxicosis is behind, morning sickness and acute reaction to stuffiness and odors; at the same time, the birth is still far away. Of course, you should consult your doctor before traveling. Contraindications for long-distance travel are exacerbation of any chronic diseases, problems with the formation of the placenta, the threat of uterine bleeding, and a history of miscarriages.

2.Which country should I choose to travel during pregnancy? Choose countries with a temperate climate: not too hot, not too dry, not too humid. It’s better to avoid exotic countries (Africa, Cuba, Mexico, etc.) for a while, because they are in a different climate zone, and you don’t need any problems with acclimatization right now. The best destinations are those that can be reached in 2-5 hours by plane: southern Russia, Crimea, Croatia, France, Spain, Switzerland, the Baltic countries.

3. When purchasing a tour, please note that medical insurance usually does not include cases related to pregnancy and. Just in case, have a credit card with you so that in case of unforeseen expenses you will not find yourself in a difficult situation. The level of medical care in the selected country should be quite high. Just in case.

4. You should avoid countries where daytime temperatures rise above 40°C. It is also not recommended to go high into the mountains while waiting for the baby, because the higher the altitude, the less oxygen, and the baby needs air for normal development.

5. All inclusive can be bad for you: it can lead to overeating and the inability to choose the most suitable dishes. It is best to eat in cafes, restaurants or cook yourself (if you rent a villa or apartment).

6. Find out from your obstetrician-gynecologist. Usually the most favorable time for flying is the second trimester, from 14th pregnancy. On an airplane, try to move as much as possible. Sitting in one position for a long time can impair blood circulation, and this is undesirable for you and your baby.

7.If you travel by train during pregnancy, choose the lower berth. The trip itself should ideally last no more than 15 hours, maximum – a day. There is not enough air on the train, there is little opportunity to move and there are no doctors, although it must be admitted that this is the most safe look transport during pregnancy.

8. When going on a long trip by car, keep in mind that during pregnancy it is harmful to stay in one position for a long time and become overtired. Every 200 kilometers you need to stop and get out of the car; a 15-minute break will help restore blood circulation. Be sure to think about where you will stop for the night and have something to eat. For long journeys by car, it makes sense to buy a special seat belt for pregnant women.

9. It is best to relax on the beach in the first half of the day before 11 o’clock and in the evening after 16 o’clock, when the sun is least active. Sunbathing for a long time during pregnancy is not recommended, because... there is a possibility of overheating and causing age spots on the skin. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun for expectant mother may be fraught with uterine bleeding, overheating, fainting, and varicose veins.

10. It is possible, but no more than 15-20 minutes. First, you may not feel tired, which can lead to low blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting. Secondly, expectant mothers should not become overcooled. The water temperature must be at least 22°C.

IMPORTANT! Provide yourself with everything you need during your trip.

What to take with you (list):

  • Medical policy.
  • , a note indicating your blood type and the phone number of your husband or close friends (if you are traveling alone or with children). If you are flying abroad, exchange card worth translating into English.
  • A certificate from a gynecologist with permission to fly (Aeroflot requires this already at 36 weeks of pregnancy).
  • A travel first aid kit with medications approved during pregnancy. Please note that abroad many drugs may have different names or be very expensive. It is better to have with you what may be useful.
  • Sunscreen cosmetics with a protection factor of at least 30SPF.
  • Disposable toilet seat covers, wet wipes, disinfectant hand gel.
  • Still drinking water, dry biscuits.
  • Comfortable shoes, light clothes made of natural “breathable” fabrics, headdress.
  • Travel pillow for the neck.

Of course, every pregnant woman should take care of her health, as well as proper development future baby. Now you will have to give up a lot so as not to harm your unborn baby. But many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to combine pregnancy and travel. Let's try to figure this out. Of course, there are no specific contraindications for this, and it all depends on your ongoing pregnancy. In this matter, it is worth taking into account the prescribed recommendations of your doctor; if he does not see any threat in going on a trip, then, as they say, have a good trip!

So, traveling during pregnancy is not contraindicated in cases where your pregnancy is progressing normally, without any abnormalities.

If you are still planning to go somewhere, then you should consider some recommendations.

Avoid traveling to exotic countries with a very hot climate. Of course, a trip to the sea will be best choice, but choose resorts with a suitable climate, habitat, cuisine and other things that are familiar to you. During pregnancy, you should avoid such extreme types of recreation as diving, rafting, horse riding. alpine skiing and other similar options. Give preference to a calm and relaxing holiday.

What type of transport should you choose to go on a trip without risking your health and the health of your unborn baby? In principle, in the early stages of pregnancy you can choose any type of transport, unless, again, there are contraindications from your doctor. Traveling by car during pregnancy will also be normal option in order to go somewhere.

If you are going, don’t forget to stock up on a map of the area, emergency phone numbers, and necessary documents, which may be useful (for example, a birth card, which provides all the information about your pregnancy).

But on latest dates During pregnancy, it is better to completely avoid air travel and trips to railway transport. Now labor activity can begin at any moment, and while you are traveling, you most likely will not be able to receive timely medical assistance.

So, traveling in the early stages of pregnancy is not dangerous if there are no special contraindications from your doctor. Remember that it is better to avoid traveling to distant countries. On later Traveling anywhere during pregnancy is not recommended. Do not forget that proper and complete rest will bring health, as well as unforgettable emotions and impressions.

Some women are used to spending weekends or vacations traveling. They do not want to change long-standing traditions, even being in “ interesting position" And yet, responsibility for two causes them to doubt the advisability of traveling. What do doctors advise in such situations? How do they feel about expectant mothers moving? What recommendations do you give for long trips?

When can you travel?

Obstetricians and gynecologists do not recommend expectant mothers to travel far in the first trimester of bearing a baby. The reason is simple - during this period, the organs and systems of the baby are formed, and sometimes there is... Therefore, climate change and prolonged sitting in a sitting position during the trip itself can negatively affect the well-being of the pregnant woman and the development of the baby in the womb.

The best time for expectant mothers to travel is the second trimester, 14-26 weeks of pregnancy. This time is behind early toxicosis and his morning sickness, a reaction to smells. The immune system is no longer so weak, and the body has managed to adapt to the new situation. It is also convenient that the woman’s belly is not yet so large and does not interfere with movement. But in the third trimester, doctors do not advise planning long trips. There is a risk at this time. And certainly no woman would want her child to be born on a train, plane, or car.

By the way, it would be useful to know that cases related to pregnancy and childbirth are not covered by health insurance.

In any case, before going somewhere, even if the distance is short, you should discuss this with your gynecologist.

About travel bans

  1. Exacerbation allergic reactions and chronic diseases.
  2. Low position placenta. It causes a risk of uterine bleeding.
  3. Nephropathy and gestosis.

If a woman experiences such conditions, then it is better for her to be at home or under the supervision of a doctor in the hospital.

Gynecologists’ recommendations also apply to the choice of country that the expectant mother is going to visit. Experts do not advise planning trips to countries in Africa, Asia, Cuba, or Mexico. It is quite far away, and the climate there is completely different. And expectant mothers do not need stress on the body due to acclimatization. Yes and specific ones infectious diseases those countries are an additional risk for women.

Preference should be given to the Baltic countries, France, Croatia, Spain, and Switzerland.

What transport to travel

The plane is the most quick view transport. However, it must be taken into account that during takeoff and landing the atmospheric pressure changes sharply. For a pregnant woman this is fraught with best case scenario contraction of blood vessels, and in the worst case - . If you still choose an airplane among other types of transport, then try to change your body position and do leg exercises to avoid stagnation.

The train is a good option. But it is better to buy a ticket in a compartment or SV. The expectant mother's shelf is the bottom. For the road you need to stock up sufficient quantity disinfectant wipes. The good thing about a car is that you can stop periodically and change your body position. It is better to do this every 200 kilometers. It is recommended for a pregnant woman to sit on back seat. There you can take a horizontal pose if desired. You need to place a pillow under your back.

Seat belts should not compress the stomach when sitting. In the car, a cooler bag with drinking water or other drinks and snacks will be useful.

Whatever transport you choose for travel, once you get to your destination, you need to have a good rest, sleep, and lie down. It would be nice to measure blood pressure and pulse. You need to listen to your well-being throughout your vacation. It is important to communicate with your attending gynecologist.

So, the choice of mode of transport depends on the duration of the trip. It is necessary to think through all its details in advance in order to be able to truly enjoy the sun, sea, mountains, fresh air for the benefit of yourself and the baby.