Dear friend, if you feel bad, come. Poem for my friend I miss you


I miss you, friend, I miss you.
Why is friendship given to us?
Since we are so easily separated,
And you can’t argue with separation?

No one will support you in a minute,
When I need it like that.
Our feelings will tell us about this.
I miss you so much.

Something is wrong with you, friend,
And it was as if the darling in me had cooled down.
I don't get bored often
Only without you, dear, I have no happiness.
I miss you so much that there are no words or thoughts,
Maybe we can meet and talk about life?

I miss you, friend,
Please come back soon.
A blizzard has settled in my soul again,
I'm so tired of losses.
Only you can console me,
I'll tell you about the pain,
Your advice is most valuable to me,
Come back and I will feel warmer.

My dear friend,
Oh, how I miss you.
And my heart aches with boredom
Just the thought that you are missing.

I remember we walked with you,
We trusted each other so much!
Come on quickly, dear,
See you later, I beg you!

Oh, my friend, you are faithful,
You're far away from me now
And now we speak according to time,
And we haven't seen each other for a very long time!

And so I need to consult with you,
Tell me about this melancholy
I don’t live, life only glimmers,
But I can’t change anything!

You will look with smart eyes,
And give me good advice,
You are dear to me, my friend,
And there are no other girlfriends.

I haven’t left the Internet all day,
I ran up to the window a thousand times,
And I moved my mouse across the page,
Dreaming of seeing your eyes.

But my sunny friend is not online,
And for some reason the phones don't ring.
I miss you, remembering all the achievements,
How do you live there without me?

You left so suddenly
Without even having time to say goodbye
But that doesn’t matter to me anymore.
Most importantly, don’t forget me.

I'll send you a postcard
With the signature of the entire yard.
And it will seem that you are so close.
It was as if she had never left.

You were planning to leave for a while.
For a month, or maybe two.
But now six months have passed,
And I can't wait for you.

We are always with you, friend
This is how we often whiled away the evenings.
And if suddenly the weather was bad,
We sat by the fireplace until the morning.

I remember our meetings more and more often,
And I look at the photo of where you and I are.
Do you remember how one day we were by the sea
We walked under the huge moon.

I miss you my friend
And I'm waiting for your return.
After all, without you, dear friend,
My whole heart is yearning!

Day after day passes without you,
Come quickly to your favorite city,
Your friend misses you,
And without you there is eternal cold here.

I have no one to wander around and chat with,
I don't go to stores without you,
I'm tired of discussing with the phone,
What new paintings did I buy?

How we see each other on an x-ray,
And from half a glance I understand.
You and I are together, my friend
Reading between the lines of the words.

But suddenly you had to move,
And everything went wrong.
And I can't believe that
I'm left without you.

I miss you a lot
And I notice behind myself,
That not a day goes by
So that I don’t remember you!

Without you the whole world is not interesting,
I don't even go to stores
I don't wear makeup anymore to be honest
I'm so sad for you!

Come back soon my friend,
Bring back beauty and joy to me,
Without you I feel sad, bad,
At least write a line or something!

We all know how painful breakups can be. Sleepless nights, tear-stained pillows and the feeling that this will drag on for the rest of my life. We assure ourselves that this will never happen again. We pray that these feelings will go away, and eventually they do.

But let’s admit honestly that sometimes there are breakups, after which you feel relief. And we are not necessarily talking only about love relationships, but also about friendly ones. We forget how we actively chose the people we let into our lives. And we forget that we also have the right to remove them from our lives if they begin to have a bad influence on it.

No one has to be our friend forever - that's okay. We need to take care of ourselves, our happiness, and sometimes that means narrowing our social circle. The truth is that sometimes friends don't act like friends, and if this happens all the time, then it's time to reclassify them as just acquaintances.

I have collected several signs that it is time to reconsider your friendship with a certain person:

  1. You often quarrel. Yes, there are misunderstandings and conflicts between all friends, but if almost every meeting you meet ends in a quarrel, this is a sign that you are incompatible. Friendship should be a joyful experience, not a stressful one.
  2. Envy and competition. If you feel the need to constantly prove something to a friend, you will feel exhausted rather than comfortable. Friendship is support and encouragement, not a race to get ahead of who is better.
  3. If this friendship brings nothing to your life. Let's be honest: if someone wants to be a part of your life, it shows. Just as guests come to your home with some kind of treat, a friend brings something new and useful into your life. Maybe he always supports you. Maybe he always knows how to make you laugh. And he just knows how to listen.
  4. Friendship should be mutual, as should the efforts made in it. If you are constantly trying to get a friend to go out, but he always doesn’t have time, or he never calls first, then you should think about whether you should chase after someone who doesn’t chase you? Stop wasting energy on those who don't value it.
  5. Control or manipulation. If you don't feel like yourself in this friendship, leave it. Some people like to be the boss of a group or have a friend as their own servant, errand girl, wannabe, and so on. Well, like the friendship of many girls at school. When there is a leader and everyone else trying to match her. For some, this continues into adulthood.
  1. Tell me who is your friend... Is your friend a good person? If you doubt it for even a second, then think about how his reputation reflects on you? Most likely, people perceive you the same way as your friend. And you yourself may even adopt his bad behavior. Be selective in your friends because you are associated with them.
  2. You spend more time thinking about the past than the future. We all have friends from school or university. But you shouldn’t continue to be actively friends with them just because you have a common past. People grow up and that's normal. And some turn into ones we no longer like. You shouldn't stay in a relationship simply out of respect for the past.
  3. Friendship negatively affects your self-esteem. Friendship is about helping each other survive in this world, not poking our noses at how wretched we are. If this friendship makes you feel worse than that same friend, you should break up with him.

My dear friend,
I miss you very much!
You and I know each other through and through,
And without you I’m like without hands, friend.

I have no one to ask for advice,
And there is no one to chat with about this, about that,
In a cozy cafe there is no one to drink tea with,
I miss you very much.

I miss you, my dear friend,
For our days.
I miss you a lot, my dear,
Can't put it into words.

During our walks
Over evening conversations,
Joint purchases
Behind the wonderful gossip.

How lucky we are with you!
May our friendship be eternal
Always and for everyone's sake!

My beloved friend,
I couldn't find a truer friend.
Fate brought her together by chance,
And I miss you so much...
After all, you don’t blame me,
You know all my secrets
And you never give it away
Even though sometimes you shed tears.
Long time girl talk
We didn't start with you.
My soul is sad, my heart is sad,
I want to see you, friend.
I miss you so much
And I'm looking forward to it.

I miss you, my friend,
My heart is so tight
That I don't want anything anymore -
But just look you in the face.

I want to go to a cafe with you,
And chat a little.
Tell me over a cup of tea,
It was so boring and lonely.

Then we'll laugh for hours,
We will remember the guys with you.
Now you're far away - and I'm so sad
Come back soon, my friend!

My dear friend,
It's so lonely without you.
I miss you every day
Nobody makes me happy.

But why does this suddenly happen?
Separation separates us all.
And my soul is so anxious -
Nothing makes me happy anymore.

Girlfriend, I ask you to come back,
Please respond quickly.
Then my blues will go away -
Then I will make everyone happy!

Hello friend, how are you?
I haven't seen you for a long time.
I very often notice
That I miss you so much.
I'm missing a little
Our conversations about everything
Always laughing for no reason
A completely crazy idea.
I hope everything is great with you,
May the sky be clear for you!

You, me, you and me
Don't spill water on us,
My dear friend,
How, remembering, I miss
From those distant times
When we were having fun,
Walking all night long
It was great! And so -
The cities separated us
But you are always in my heart!

Hello friend, we can remain silent about many things,
To understand the innermost at a glance.
You will remain silent with your eyes and I will understand
And I will take all the sadness upon myself.

I'm close to you, as always,
You were given to me by fate itself.
When I'm far away, I miss you
But even after kilometers I understand.

My dear friend,
You are my sister and mother.
You will encourage me with advice,
You'll understand me when you're stubborn
I repeat unnecessary words
And I convince you that this is pure nonsense.
You say, grief is not a problem.
And give your sincere advice.
I've been missing you for a long time!
Kilometers separate us.
But our life is like a movie:
It often has sad moments...

Without you, everything loses its colors,
You are my friend forever,
After all, food tastes better with you,
And no need for smiling masks.

There's no fun without you,
And cry into your vest without a chance,
You will understand the delight and nuances,
This is a proven fact.

I miss you mercilessly
I value our friendship like a gnome,
Only with you I am such a strong friend,
Only your understanding is gratifying.

Statuses about your best friend with meaning will definitely be useful for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit. short statuses about a friend with meaning can move you to tears, because they contain the most pleasant, gentle and affectionate words that you can find to describe a truly strong friendship.

Statuses about your best friend with meaning

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored. Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express a variety of emotions, presented below.

When talking to your best friend, it is very difficult to seem normal. Because, besides laughing endlessly at every word, We don’t do anything else.

There can never be too many girlfriends, but there is a real one who never leaves you

Best friends will never quarrel for the rest of their lives, and even if this happens, after a while they will make up again.

What is more important to you: your boyfriend or your best friend?
- If a friend is the best, then she will understand that he is loved.

I was normal. Honestly. Until I met this psychopath, whom I call my best friend!

A sister can't always become a friend, but a friend can always become a sister.

A friend knows how to console: “Bitch, you’ll cry again, fuck!”

A friend is like a bra - always near the heart and supports.

Someone has love, a relationship... and I have a great friend over there

Your friend forgot about you and she has a boyfriend? Set the status to “Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend..."

Only with a real friend can you walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, and then talk to her on your mobile the whole way.

Only a true friend can be told to her face: “You piss me off.” And at the same time, do not be afraid that she will be offended.

It happens that a sister does not become a best friend, but a friend, on the contrary, becomes a sister.

Even if I post a photo on VKontakte with my friend, where we are sleepy, hungover, with a madhouse on our heads, there will still be unique people who will write in the comments: “You are so cute”

Five girlfriends gathered together, but there was nothing to talk about. Because everyone has gathered.

Two friends are talking on the phone: “My friend came drunk last night, yelled at me, yelled at the children and went to the whores. Don't you have it?

There's nothing stupid that my friend and I haven't thought of

I'm waiting for my friends for tea, wiping my glasses.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems because she understands that yours are much more serious.

My friend knows so much about me that I'll either have to kill her or be friends with her to death

Only your closest and best friend can come straight to your house, calmly open your refrigerator, take out a chocolate bar from there and, turning around, ask: “Will you?”

Your best friend is a person who you don’t even need to tell anything, she can see in your eyes what an idiot you’ve done.

A friend is the one who will always be with you in difficult times and, as always, in the most hilarious moments.

Are you the only one who is so crazy?
- No, I still have a friend.

The best friend is when you have such words, hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you're idiots.

If you call a girl and she doesn't pick up, then most likely she's just dancing to the bell with her friend.

Whatever one may say, life is not life without a best friend!

My friend is a miracle. I tell her: “Let’s take a taxi!!!” And she: “Let’s deliver the champagne quickly!!!””

Quotes about your best friend that will make you cry with meaning

Quotes and sayings with meaning from the life of best friends. Statuses about strong female friendship and mutual understanding. Please write words of gratitude to your best friend to the point of tears.

We can only send our friends 100 times a day, laugh at their embarrassment, and they will not be offended, but will say: “Fuck you” and will laugh with you

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then you miss her the whole evening.

Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center

Your sister may be your best friend, and it takes a lot of effort to get rid of her.

I respect those men who: are faithful to the end to their spouse! He gives his whole soul to his family, he was not devoted to another friend. Who today, as always, extols his wife above everyone else, and who asks God every day for health for his beloved!

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend.

My friend and I are so similar, one is sick, the other is shell-shocked.

Anyway, when we were kids, we all wanted to live in one big house with our best friend. Although I still want to.

I love her ass, and she loves my tits. Who is she? My best friend.

Two friends of the same friend will always find a common language.

How am I doing? For everyone: “normal”, for him: “the best.” And only for best friends: “Devkii, this is fucked up!”

When you're feeling down, even your best friend can't help you like music!

Girlfriends are those people who know what a bastard you really are, but are still friends with you

They say your best friend is your mother... yeah, tell her right now. Dad's second girlfriend will already know everything in the morning.

You are my friend We are friends You are such a fool Just like me.

You don’t have to tell your man about your shortcomings; your friends will happily do this!

The best friend is the one in front of whom you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

Status about friendship of girlfriends with meaning in VK

A strong friendship is always filled with different events. It is statuses about friendship with meaning that will help you reflect on your page all the emotions and sensations, all the joy that you experience from communicating with your close friends.

I'll give my friend in marriage! I'm not healthy enough to walk with her so much!

She's my best friend. She thinks I'm slim and I think she's a natural blonde.

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

Meet my friend, we have been fools since childhood.

I can call the most wonderful moment in my life the one when I realized that I had a friend, a like-minded person.

For women's tears we need a pillow for women's holidays - flowers, but for me I need a girlfriend as cool as you!

A girl can drink a bottle of whiskey, beat a guy with her purse and walk home along a dark street alone, but she will go to the toilet with a friend.

That's what they are - friends. You fight, make up, and then, as usual, together forever.

I realized that I grew up too late. Most of my friends got married, friends got married...

Every time I look into my friend’s eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

Better to have a few best friends. Than a chicken coop of suckers shitting on each other behind their backs

Appreciate a friend who has become like a sister. there are few of them.

You trusted her alone, she was your sister. And you swore an oath to each other - You cannot betray your friend! But this is how man works, our cruel current age. Your friend let you down, She divorced you from your boyfriend.

My friend is like my sister, brother, mother, and boyfriend all rolled into one. And sometimes even a grumpy granny at the entrance.

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

How nice it is to have a daughter! She may be just like her dad, but she’s beautiful and smart, and that’s my fault. She and I are like best friends! And every day I pray into the night: “Thank you, Lord, for your daughter!”

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! Then he will take you aside and say that you were wrong!

I’m always very worried when a friend doesn’t answer the phone, suddenly she was kidnapped and raped... But I’m not.

A best friend is a person with whom you walk down the street and make the whole neighborhood laugh, and you don’t care about the opinions of others, you both feel good

Girlfriend is the eighth wonder of the world

Every year I become convinced that my friends also have an expiration date.

It’s wonderful when your man combines such qualities as a husband, lover, provider, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel

Women's happiness - bald friends

The best statuses about girlfriends with meaning - cool words for a friend

Best friends are distinguished by their ability to laugh at the ridicule we make at them, and it’s unlikely that anyone else can be sent to hell with impunity and cheerfully without spoiling the relationship.

Scold your friend privately, but praise her in public.

A woman doesn’t need many friends to be happy, just one is enough - bow-legged, cross-eyed and bald.

Take care of your best friends, close friends, it sucks when you have no one to go to the toilet with or just call while you go to the store.

Except for the most extreme cases, which are actually very rare, do not say unpleasant things to your friend - let her enemies open their eyes to her - they will do it willingly and much better than you

Years go by, our heads turn grey, wrinkles grow, but my friend and I like the same men!

Your best friend is your first enemy!

If you want to know a girl's flaws, praise her in front of her friends.

A best friend is the kind of person with whom you can quarrel, argue, but she will never be offended.

Your best friend is the one you call and she's busy. And you freak out terribly, but it turns out that she called you.

A beautiful word - “girlfriend” - it has many qualities! A friend is more faithful than two friends! A friend has pride and honor! A friend will help with a problem, a friend will give valuable advice! A friend and I are solving topics that have no solution!

It’s terribly infuriating when you tell your friend about your problems, pour out your soul... and she abruptly turns the topic to her troubles and you understand that she doesn’t care.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t tell anyone, because you’ll have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she’ll get there!

Love is when you look at your sleeping friend and think: “I would kill the reptile!” And you put everything off until tomorrow, until tomorrow...

A friend is someone who has seen you without makeup, but still thinks you are beautiful.

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best one is already mine.

A friend does not have to be perfect; it is enough that she is there in difficult times.

If you have gained 5 kg again in a week, then this diet was recommended to you by your best friend.

Never leave your best friend alone with her boyfriend - it could end in their marriage.

My friend and I have different parents, but we consider ourselves sisters.

A friend is the best person in life, she will support you and understand, but if she offends you, it will be the worst pain!

That’s why I love my friend, because we never had LAFFKY, CHMAFFKY, HUGMAFFKY, only “STUPID FOOL” only hardcore.

A friend is the person who will never be offended by your joke and will always understand your sadness. A laugh with a friend is better than any medicine. You can laugh for hours at some stupid joke, in the opinion of others, and discuss statuses on social networks. You can talk to each other for hours about your personal life.

New funny laughing statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, the best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching sayings with meaning for VK and classmates.