A simple do-it-yourself cat toy. We make toys for the kitten with our own hands

For a wedding

The playfulness of kittens is so widely known that even those who have never kept cats at home know that little kittens need toys. Experienced pet owners can add at least two hard facts to this information. Firstly, grown-up kittens do not stop playing with everything that falls into the paws and / or is of interest. Secondly, if you do not make a toy for the cat with your own hands, he will find it himself, and it is possible that he will choose your socks, curtains or other items that are completely not intended for this for his games. Therefore, it is better to make a toy for the cat as early as possible, literally along with his appearance in the house.

Caring owners try to give their pet all the best, especially if they can afford to choose and buy a cat toy in a trendy pet store. But in 99% of cases, they will be disappointed: a four-legged pet will not show the expected interest in an expensive present. But he will enthusiastically drive the lid from plastic bottle, button or other worthless trinket. At the same time, homemade toys for cats are also good because they are safe, and you can not be afraid that the fluffy bastard will get hurt or swallowed. small detail. In a word, you definitely need a cat toy made at home.

Why do cats need toys? What are kittens playing with?
Kittens and other cubs, including human ones, do not play out of spoilage and by no means out of boredom. The game is one of the most complex natural mechanisms, “sewn” by evolution into nervous system mammals, and neither kittens, nor even you and me are no exception. The gameplay develops and shapes the psyche of kittens, and toys directly help this. They imitate the phenomena adulthood and from childhood they teach kids how to handle them, train dexterity, endurance and other necessary skills.

From the typical games of cubs, it is easy to understand what kind of lifestyle their biological species leads - all this is reflected in the toys that babies choose. A suitable toy embodies one or more behavioral rituals:
When making toys for a cat with your own hands, you have to take into account all these requirements, among which there are no unimportant or secondary ones. But the process of creativity, difficult and exciting, will make the toy for the cat correct and unique.

What to make a toy for a cat? Cat Toy Ideas
Now we know the types, properties, composition and rules for choosing toys for cats that are safe and effective. But the perfect toy should bring joy! And it is hidden in the little things: the material and details of the toys. Cats are, of course, not magpies, but they also love everything shiny, rustling and interesting. And in every house a lot of things correspond to these parameters:
If the listed items are in your house, then it will not be difficult for you to make a toy for a cat with your own hands. But there is another list, the components of which must be hidden away from pets. Remember that cellophane and foil in any form, Christmas decorations and tinsel nylon tights and socks and coils with sewing threads deadly to kittens and adult cats.

How to make a toy for a cat? Toy Making Instructions
If you have the opportunity to observe the habits of a cat, then pay attention to which toys he devotes more time to and make just those. If a kitten or cat is in your house for the first time, make any or more of the toys listed below so that he chooses a favorite for himself. In addition, a variety of toys will benefit the psyche and growth of the pet:
As you can see, even the most complex homemade pet toys are very easy to make. It is even easier to let the cat play with a rustling candy wrapper or tease him with a beam of light from a flashlight. In other words, attention and activity are important for the pet, and not the toy itself. And it is in your power to give him this attention, spending a little of your time. domestic cat needs toys, but he himself is not a toy and requires a responsible attitude towards himself. On the other hand, non-lazy owners know that a happy cat remains a bit of a kitten until old age and gladly supports offers to play and run around.

In your house, there is nowhere to go from the claws of a cat that climbs everywhere, tears up furniture and does not want to play with a boring candy wrapper?

You can build simple and cute toys with your own hands that will attract the attention of even the smallest and nimble kitten.

There is not a single cat in the world that would not like to catch a mouse. Even if it's not really real.

We will need:

  • Thick fabric - cotton, linen, wool
  • Sewing machine
  • Threads
  • Interlining
  • Holofiber or cotton wool for stuffing
  • Pattern, it is easy to find on the net, we offer our own version

We transfer the details of the pattern from paper to the main one, dense fabric. First, you need to cut out one lower and one side part of the body from the fabric. Then you need to rotate the template for the side part and cut out the second one. In order to make a tail for the mouse, cut out a strip of fabric 2.5x10 cm - it should not be rectangular, but with inclined edges, as in the picture, so that it is convenient to stitch.

The next step is the pattern of the ears. Attach the pieces of fabric prepared for making ears to each other with the wrong side, laying non-woven fabric between the pieces, and, following the manufacturer's instructions, iron with an iron. After that, cut out the blanks for the ears from the resulting double-sided pieces.

We take the tail and fold it in length, sew it, leaving an allowance of a few millimeters. At the end of the tail, leave a hole, do not sew it up.

After that, we sew the details of the body of the future mouse, but at the same time do not forget to leave a hole in order to fill our toys with filler later.

We turn the resulting blanks onto front side and carefully fill with holofiber or cotton wool. For this purpose, by the way, the usual long thin pencil. After this procedure is completed, we insert the tail into the hole, thereby the unstitched end, and sew everything together blind seam. To make the toy look provocatively, the tip of the mouse's tail can be tied in a knot.

The ears are carefully folded in half and sewn to the body. The toy is almost ready. Details - eyes, mustache, nose - can be drawn with cosmetics, but it is better to embroider them with a floss stitch.

catnip toy

Making a funny smelly accessory for a kitten, cat or cat is even easier than a stuffed mouse.

We will need:

  • Dense fabric, felt is best, but good cotton, linen will do
  • Cat mint
  • Threads
  • Scissors
  • Rustling shreds of packages or packaging film

We draw patterns, especially since it is very simple: fish, squares, birds, etc. Form and image - to your taste and color. For a kitten, cat or cat, the main thing in this accessory is the smell, because the toy will exude a wonderful aroma for the animal catnip. By the way, keep an eye on the animal so that it does not snatch the mint from under your nose while you are trying your best and making crafts for your beloved cat or cat.

Transfer the details of the pattern to the fabric, cut them out. Sew the two sides of the fish or other shape, leaving a small opening. Put rustling elements into it and directly catnip. You can again use such a handy pencil in needlework. After the filler is inside the toy, sew up the hole with a blind seam.

IMPORTANT: sew the parts very tightly, because it is clear that for a kitten, and even more so for an adult cat, breaking weak seams is a matter of technique and a couple of seconds of time.

Sewer pipe toy

Such a closed hollow system is sold in all specialized cat stores. Balls roll inside it, and the cat must, sticking its paw into the holes, catch them there. All this costs a lot. We propose to do expensive toy for a kitten from cheap plastic sewer pipes.


  • sewer plastic elbows - 4 pcs;
  • plastic flexible tube 1 m long, 5 mm in diameter;
  • tennis balls - 5 pcs;
  • insulating tape;
  • glue.

Work order

  • We cut two holes in each knee. They need to be made with a diameter of a little less ball and not only the thickness of the paw of a kitten, but also an adult cat. We make toys for cats with our own hands for growth.

  • We cut the plastic tube along and glue it around the perimeter of the holes, masking the sharp edges.

  • We wind the tape on the edge of the pipe. This must be done so that the fit is tight and our structure does not fall apart.

  • We glue the edges and connect all four parts together.

box toy

Approximately according to the same principle, you can make toys for cats with your own hands from ordinary cardboard boxes. It is enough just to cut holes in the walls, and then glue all sides of the structure tightly with adhesive tape. This must be done so that the toy does not fall apart after two days. Your mustachioed-striped one will drive it around the house with great excitement, turn it over, put its paws into holes, trying to pick out balls or a piece of paper from the inside.

soft, light toy, which can be done different ways. You can even use scraps of fabric or thread for it. The easiest way to make a pom-pom for a kitten:

  • collect a bunch of multi-colored fabric strips of about the same length;

  • fold it in half and tie tightly in the middle;

  • cut the strips at the fold;
  • Trim the pom-pom into a round shape.

A ball on a thread

Homemade toys for our furry pets can be made from the most different items. There is no kitten in the world who would not like to roll balls with knitting from a gaping grandmother. Wind unnecessary threads into a ball and fasten it so that it does not bloom. To do this, we will make several punctures with a needle and thread through each side. Fasten the thread and leave long end so that you can hang the ball.

Fishing rod

Of course, it is not proper for an adult to run around the rooms with a ball or pom-pom on a thread, entertaining his kitten. To do this, he has a special fishing rod, with which you can play with Barsik without getting up from the couch and without looking up from the TV. Making a fishing rod is easy and simple. You can buy ready-made in the store or cut a long rod and attach a thread with a toy to it.

simple mouse

  • The best toy for a cat is a mouse. It is not necessary for her to be eared, mustachioed and gray. You can make it from a rustling material that our Murziks and Murkis love to play with, for example, from foil.

  • Take ordinary knitting waste yarn. By the way, you can cut an old rag into strips.

Do-it-yourself toy for a cat - excellent and inexpensive gift pet. You can make it in 1 evening using improvised materials: pieces of fabric and fur, ropes, laces. Homemade gizmos are reliable and safe, they will last a long time, and after accidental damage they are easy to replace. Not only kids love to play with mice, balls and other accessories, but also quite adult cats, so you should not limit yourself to 1 toy.

A do-it-yourself cat toy is an excellent and inexpensive gift for a pet.

Mouse for a cat

The simplest and practical option- soft stuffed toy. To make a charming mouse you will need:

  • dense fabric (gabardine, drape, felt, faux fur);
  • interlining;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for stuffing;
  • threads.

You can make a pattern yourself or use a ready-made stencil, which is easy to find in needlework magazines. The mouse does not have to be impeccably beautiful. It is much more important to choose a fabric that the cat will like. Pets prefer dense fleecy materials, as well as natural and artificial fur. To make the product durable, it is better to sew it on a machine, but if it is not there, you can work by hand, laying small and frequent stitches. It is more practical to use extra strong synthetic threads that the cat cannot tear or pull out.

You can make a pattern yourself or use a ready-made stencil, which is easy to find in needlework magazines.

Understanding how to make a soft toy is not difficult. The most simple pattern- oval, narrowed at one end. You will need 2 blanks with a seam allowance. 2 semicircles are cut out for the ears (2 parts are needed for each). Another 1 piece is cut out of non-woven fabric, which is placed between 2 layers of fabric. Details of the torso and ears are sewn along wrong side, a small part should remain unwired. Products are turned inside out and carefully straightened.

The body of the mouse is stuffed with cotton wool or interlining. For even distribution, it is convenient to use a pencil, after dividing the filler into small pieces. Holes are sewn up with strong double stitches. As a tail, you can use a strong lace or a strip cut from the main fabric. The ears are sewn on from the side of the muzzle, the tail is attached at the back of the body. For greater decorativeness, the eyes and nose can be embroidered on the mouse. Buttons and beads should not be used, the cat can swallow them. Some owners recommend putting a little dried catnip inside, so the mouse will be more attractive to the pet. Soft toy can be fastened on a thread, the cat will be happy to run after it in all rooms.

If the kitten does not have toys, he will scratch the furniture, gnaw on the owner's things, and so on. It shouldn't become a habit. You can go to the store, but it is cheaper and more practical to make toys for kittens with your own hands. We will make toys from the simplest, inexpensive materials. The kitten doesn't care homemade toy or store bought. This is what we will use.

What toys does a cat need

Let's start by answering the question - with what objects do little kittens like to play? Kittens love everything small, rustling, bright, furry.

Let it be a ball of thread, a ribbon, a rope, a piece of paper on a rope, paper bag(do not confuse with cellophane, a cat can suffocate in cellophane). Kittens, like most babies, only accept toys and items to play with while it's new. One or two days later they get tired of playing with one toy.

Don't buy expensive toys for your kitten. You can buy an inexpensive toy or make it for kittens with your own hands from available materials.

A home-made toy, if it is made with skill, will keep your pet busy as well as a store-bought one.

What items will be useful for your pet to play:

  1. Ping pong balls. It is better to choose balls made of durable plastic so that the cat does not bite through the ball.
  2. Carton boxes. Any will do: flat and rectangular, large and small. It is enough to make several holes in the lid with scissors, and the kitten is busy with business.
  3. A small ball of crumpled paper or aluminum foil.
  4. Corks from wine bottles. They are from natural material, large and light. Kittens love to chew on them and roll them on the floor.
  5. Pencils. Throw a pencil to the kitten, let him run after him.
  6. Empty spools of thread. They roll well on the floor.
  7. Any pompom (fur, from woolen threads). The pompom is sewn to a string and tied to a chair.

We have already told how it is done. Our task today is to make more simple ones. It takes quite a bit of time and effort to make a set for a pet. different toys. For the set we need:

  1. Food foil (not to be confused with the other).
  2. Feathers or Christmas decoration.
  3. Box from under the centimeter.
  4. 2 any covers.
  5. Small .

We put round vitamins (fish oil) inside the box in case the kitten opens it. We need a rattling or rustling toy - so the cat will be more interested in playing. You can close the cut of the box with a piece of tape, but not necessarily.

What do we do with these items? We take out the thread from the ball (tail). Cut off a piece of foil and wrap around a ball. Wrap it tightly so that the kitten cannot unwind it immediately. is also wrapped in foil, leaving its “tail” of thread. Sew or tie a thread. Inside the wrapper you get a soft little mouse. If there is no knitted item at hand, wind 2 balls of yarn, a large one and a smaller one - this will be the body of the “mouse”.

A toy of two lids: in one lid we make a hole with scissors, thread a thread, tie a knot inside. Inside we put vitamins (you can pieces of food). Cover the top with a piece of tape. Here is a simple set for the game. We hope you find our ideas helpful.

Such toys do not require human intervention. The kitten can play this game on its own. For example, from a flat cardboard box. A pizza box, from a parcel, old boots, and so on will do. The kitten should try to get the item inside the box with its paw.

For work you will need:

  1. The box is cardboard.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Pieces of cardboard.

Small ping pong balls or whatever.

We make holes in the box with scissors: 2 pieces from the sides and 6-8 pieces from above. Inside, we glue a cardboard jumper with tape so that the box does not flatten.

We close the box and seal all the corners with adhesive tape on the sides:

Surely, cat owners have often noticed that their pets are more willing to play with items found by chance in the apartment than with toys from the store. The reasons for this behavior of animals are inexplicable, but the fact remains. Therefore, instead of in Once again spend money on toys for cats, it is better to make them with your own hands from improvised materials. Share simple ideas who will tell you how to entertain your pet simple and fast.

1. Play station for furry explorers

Glue rolls from toilet paper in different positions on a thick piece of cardboard. Inside them, put little things that attract the attention of the cat - for example, large buttons, beads. The cat will try to get them.

2. For a few pennies

In the base of the toilet paper roll, make several holes in a chaotic manner. Pass through them cocktail tubes, bright shreds or pompoms. Such a toy will take the animal for a long time.

3. From your favorite cardboard box

Everyone known fact that cats are not indifferent to cardboard boxes. Use this feature of theirs and make it out of the box game station. Inside the box are small items, and on top are bright cords that will also attract the attention of the cat.

4. Mini tangle with protection

Letting your cat play with regular balls or spools can be dangerous as he can choke on the thread. Therefore, we propose to slightly modernize this option for entertaining a cat. Roll the yarn into a ball of medium density, leaving one end free. Then wrap the ball with plain foil. Cats love its rustling and soft sheen.

5. The second life of the remnants of water pipes

From the remains of water pipes, you can make a toy for a cat with your own hands. It is only necessary to connect them with the help of corner elements, which are sold in any hardware store. You will also need to cut holes in the pipes a little more than the paws of cats, and put various little things inside. The cat will try to get them.

6. Soft pom-poms

Pompoms on a string are a favorite toy of many cats that does not bother them. for a long time. Finished toys can be hung on door handle so that the cat tries to get them.

7. Making a sommelier out of a cat

Cats love to play with wine corks because they are light. You can just give the cat a cork, but if you have some free time, do more complex toy. For example, crochet it or attach bright feathers, ribbons.

8. For needlewomen who are friends with a needle

sew simple toy for a cat, a person who knows how to handle a needle can do it in a couple of minutes. We recommend choosing fabrics of sufficient density, such as wool or felt.

9. From a T-shirt that gathers dust in the closet

To make such a toy for a cat with your own hands, you will need an old knitted t-shirt. Cut it into thin strips, put them together and tie in a knot. To make the cat more interesting, we recommend using T-shirts different colors and differing in the density of knitwear.

10. Recycling corrugated board

Corrugated cardboard, from which large boxes are made, is useful for creating toys for a cat. Cut out a lot of circles from it, in each of them make a small hole in the middle. Then string them on a piece of lace, tying it into knots.

11. Bright shreds for the cat

Cut into shreds square shape. To fill them, foam rubber, fabric scraps, threads are suitable. In order for the bag to arouse increased interest of the cat, you can put a little catnip inside it.

12. If a baby sock is left without a pair

In the way described in the previous paragraph, it will turn out to make a toy for a cat with your own hands from baby sock. Just fill it with something soft and tie it in a knot.

13. Cat rod

Thin wooden stick, strong thread and flat fine fabric- that's all you need to make a cat fishing rod. Fold the fabric with an overlap, use a needle to thread a thread through the strips. Tie the free end of the thread around the stick.