Causes of intestinal colic in early, late pregnancy and what to do to treat the disease? Intestinal colic during pregnancy.

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The main "hormone of pregnancy" progesterone changes the body future mother from conception to childbirth. Its excess can cause cysts or bleeding, and its deficiency can cause inflammation and threats of miscarriage. But the most common complaint of pregnant women is pain in the intestines, caused by the work of the hormone in the body, discomfort, disruption of the stomach, intestines and others. internal organs because progesterone relaxes the walls of this organ.

Pain in the intestines during pregnancy easily confused with abdominal pain, which is why women often panic about it.

Pain in the intestines, symptoms

  • Pain in the bottom of the abdomen indicates spasms in the intestines. Character pain- strong or less intense, constant or increasing. Spasms are very similar to intestinal colic.
  • Cramping and diarrhea will indicate irritable bowel syndrome, or warn of dysbacteriosis due to a viral infection. But the doctor can make a final diagnosis only after the necessary laboratory diagnostics.
  • Bloating, flatulence, combined with intestinal spasms can signal irritable bowel syndrome. If the pains recur for several months, the diagnosis is confirmed: this is IBS.
  • Abdominal cramps may be accompanied frequent urges to a bowel movement. With the reduction of the large intestine, there is discomfort and a desire to go to the toilet.
  • Spasms accompanied by nausea are characteristic of dysbacteriosis and gastritis, but can also be irritable bowel syndrome or colitis.
  • Another reason when stomach pain during pregnancy- False feeling of unfinished defecation. Spasms in this case are a sign of the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Cramping and bleeding during bowel movements, accompanied by pain in the anus - a sign of hemorrhoids, tumors or polyps on the walls of the intestine.

intestinal colic

If a woman has a painful stomach with a sharp urge to defecate, she most likely has intestinal colic. The pains are concentrated below, in the area of ​​​​the intestines and are similar to muscle cramps, may be accompanied by an acute urge to go to the toilet.

Causes of intestinal colic can be:

  • an instant reaction of the intestines to changes in the food habits of a pregnant woman (sometimes she wants cold and salty, then she suddenly wants sweets),
  • progesterone hormones negatively affect the intestines: it slows down motility and stagnation of food processing products is formed,
  • the uterus increases in size and presses on the intestines.

In order not to aggravate the predisposition during this period to gas formation and cramping pains in the intestines, expectant mothers must strictly observe the diet and diet - eat regularly, in small portions, exclude pickles, smoked meats, sweets and spices from food for a while. Good for work gastrointestinal tract hiking, minor physical exercise and positive emotions. You can relieve acute pain with a warm heating pad.

Causes of diarrhea during pregnancy

Future mothers often complain: constipation and stomach pain during pregnancy. A description of such an ailment is presented above, but here liquid stool diarrhea is extremely rare
a phenomenon throughout all 9 months, but the main harbinger of an infection or other threat. If diarrhea is excluded as a result of poisoning on stale or poor-quality foods eaten the day before, then the reasons may be the following:

  • worm infection,
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • changes in the microflora of the stomach,
  • lack of enzymes
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • crashes nervous system,
  • intestinal infection,
  • infectious disease.

It hurts the intestines during pregnancy what to do

  1. Many panic - every change in the body of a pregnant woman can be a threat not only to her health, but also to the life of the baby. Increased anxiety, ambition and irritability are the norm for all pregnant women: “hormones play”. First, cool down your emotions!
  2. The movement of food residues in the intestines is under the strict supervision of the nervous system. Therefore, stress and anxiety only exacerbate the situation - the pain intensifies. Again, you need to calm down!
  3. Contact your doctor and share your concerns. Sometimes a telephone consultation can explain the cause of the pain.
  4. If diarrhea was provoked by an intestinal infection, then it does not stop for 2 or more days. The infection is always accompanied by nausea, vomiting, elevated temperature body. In addition, the expectant mother will wake up at night to go to the toilet. If so, urgent hospitalization. In other cases, this is not a disease, but a temporary change in the body.

During pregnancy, a woman may experience not only pain in the intestines, but also pain in the upper part of the stomach, read more about this, so quite often a pregnant woman cannot correctly determine the nature and focus of pain.

Special diets for pregnant women or what to avoid

To get rid of soreness of the intestines, only a correction of the diet or diet is sufficient.

So if you're worried bowel pain during pregnancy:

  • Must be used in enough fiber (fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes), which contributes to the rapid release of intestinal food debris.
  • Baked potatoes, bread and cereals, bread with bran increase the volume of the intestines and soften its walls.
  • With caution, you can take nutritional supplements: they are effective for the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Helps reduce abdominal pain and remove nausea pectin (orange, grapefruit, papaya, currants, plums, rose hips, but viburnum is impossible: it can provoke a miscarriage).
  • Getting into intestines during early pregnancy milk also creates pain. This product irritates the intestines and brings little benefit to the whole body. It is better to opt for fermented milk products.
  • Liquid helps move food in the intestines, every day you need to drink up to eight glasses of water.
  • Do not abuse caffeine: it accelerates peristalsis, stimulates bowel movements. Drinks contain caffeine - coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cola.

Why constipation is terrible

As mentioned above, the level of progesterone in the body of pregnant women increases and, as a result, the intake of fluid from the intestine increases. This leads to constipation and intestinal pain. Often, constipation does not pose a threat to the fetus, but they cause discomfort to the expectant mother, and can cause serious complication. Against this background, hemorrhoids develop, bleed from the rectum, and rectal fissures form. If constipation is accompanied by bloody stools, or if stools do not occur within a few days, you need to visit a gynecologist.

With a tendency to constipation, pregnant women, unfortunately, already in the period of 4-6 weeks will learn how bowel pain during early pregnancy. But in the first trimester is minimized drug treatment and should only be used when the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. It is strictly forbidden to use drugs that relax the intestines, they also weaken the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to involuntary abortion.

Pregnancy calendar and intestines

Depending on the period of the ongoing pregnancy, not only the fetus grows in the mother's womb, but also changes occur in the woman's body. The main attention is how the uterus grows, which accordingly pushes all the internal organs. Suffer here, first of all, adjacent organs. Depends on the location of the uterus, its growth rate and compliance with developmental standards, can the intestines hurt during pregnancy.

1-2 months. At an early stage, the uterus is located in the small pelvis, it is impossible to probe it through the abdominal wall, only through the vagina. The growth of the uterus does not interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system.

9-10 weeks. There is a noticeable stretching of the uterus, the height of the bottom is 10 cm, the placental system is actively working, the embryo begins to move, in connection with this, metabolic processes in female body intensify. Increased needs are provided to the most important organs.

12-13 weeks. - the uterus becomes softened and spherical, its bottom reaches the pubic plexus. In nearby organs - the uterus and intestines, the muscles are relaxed, so the pregnant woman may be disturbed by strong gas formation and frequent stool. Toxicosis increases due to changes in the position of internal organs and stretching of the uterus.

14-16 weeks. In the embryo, almost all organs are already formed, the uterus grows up to 14-15 cm. Especially often during this period, women complain: bowel pain during pregnancy symptoms The same.

17-18 weeks. Formation period ends placental system. The embryo is already taking on a human form. On the head, which is very large in comparison with the whole body, eyes, ears, and nose begin to stand out. Bulges are formed on the torso - these are the future arms and legs. The length of the uterus reaches 18-19 cm. The gastrointestinal system suffers during this period: a woman suffers from heartburn. Abdominal cramps are accompanied by a feeling of incomplete defecation - this is the uterus pressing on the large intestine.

20-21 weeks. The centimeter scale of the bottom of the uterus is equal to the gestational age: 20 weeks - 20 cm. The uterus increases by about 1 cm every week. At 21 weeks, its bottom is fixed 3 cm below the navel. A pregnant woman is worried about intestinal colic and constipation. Correct Mode nutrition and adequate drinking regime eliminate bowel pain during pregnancy symptoms. At the "equator" of pregnancy, you should discuss with the gynecologist the need for taking vitamins. The expectant mother should eat up, but not eat "for two." Hunger and thirst can be quenched with fruits and salads.

22-24 weeks. The embryo has sufficiently developed muscles and bones, the pulmonary system is already being formed. The fetus weighs 500-600 gr., and puts quite a lot of pressure on the organs. The bottom of the uterus stopped at the level of the navel (about 24 cm in height). Pregnant women also complain about cramps in the lower abdomen.

25-28 weeks. The uterus has stretched to a height of 28 cm. The blood supply to the uterus increases. The woman feels a lack of fresh air and feels thirsty. Nighttime urge to go to the toilet becomes habitual.

29-30 weeks. Because of large sizes fetus, possibly increased blood pressure, stagnation of food processing products in the intestine is formed. Pregnant women complain of flatulence. You can restore the intestinal biocenosis by adjusting the diet.

31-32 weeks. The uterus is located at a level of 32 cm, this is the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the chest.

36-40 weeks. Last month of pregnancy. Simultaneously in the last month. Child weighing 2000-3000 gr. and ready to be born at any moment. The uterus rapidly descends and strongly presses on the stomach and diaphragm. In pregnant women in the 9th month, food is slowly digested, nausea is possible, heartburn appears. Pregnancy is full-term, and all difficulties remain in the past.

In eating, pregnant women should focus on low-fat foods and dairy products. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cereals, bran, vegetables and fruits will reduce discomfort, help the stomach and intestines.

All the above symptoms is not a reason for hospitalization, but a doctor's consultation and balanced diet necessary for every pregnant woman. There is a myth that with subsequent pregnancies, intestinal problems disappear by themselves. This is impossible and individual: conception, pregnancy and the birth of a child change the female body and certain time brings trouble.

The waiting time for a child is a happy time. It's such a joy to know that another one will be born soon little man, mom's and dad's happiness and joy. But, unfortunately, the time of bearing a child does not always go smoothly and cloudlessly: sometimes the peace of the expectant mother can be disturbed by all sorts of things. pain symptoms. Among them are colic, which pregnant women have a chance to face.

Colic is a sudden contraction, a sharp attack of pain. It can be caused by diseases of the organs abdominal cavity, and the location of the baby in the womb and its rapid growth. Colic occurs as a result of prolonged muscle spasm.

The first colic can visit a woman already on early stage pregnancy. So, on the 6-8th day after fertilization, when the egg is "transplanted" inside the uterine wall, this may be accompanied by mild colic. They may also be related to the action of hormones that cause the uterus to expand to prepare for the growth of the fetus. In this case, colic is similar to contractions, dullness may be felt, and light bleeding or sprinkling is also possible. The best way to combat such symptoms - rest. But if colic does not go away and worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor. To help with cramps during pregnancy, warmth can help: you just need to place a heating pad in the lower abdomen. However, you should be careful, because in no case can you overheat the uterus. You can also use antispasmodics, but only after consulting a doctor.

The most common colic among pregnant women is intestinal. They happen if a woman does not adhere to a special diet, she empties irregularly. Intestinal colic also appears when eating indigestible food, carbonated water. In this case, it may be accompanied by bloating, a feeling of fullness or. In this case, it is recommended to follow strict diet- without fried, starchy, spicy, spicy, and in general avoid food that is heavy for the stomach. You should also avoid carbonated water. With spasms, you can take or, and in case of constipation, you should drink plenty of fluids.

Renal colic during pregnancy is usually the result of an exacerbation of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. It is characterized by pain in the right side of the abdominal cavity, radiating to the hips. If symptoms appear, you should urgently consult a doctor, because an attack of renal colic increases, which can cause. the main task doctor with the appearance of renal colic - the elimination of spasm and removal pain syndrome. Antispasmodics will help in this, including baralgin, noshpa, papaverine. But warming up in case of renal colic is contraindicated, as well as painkillers narcotic drugs. There are also situations during pregnancy when renal colic cannot be overcome by conventional means. This happens if the pain is caused urinary stones covering the lumen of the ureters. Then doctors resort to percutaneous puncture urine diversion or surgical removal stones.

A woman in position may encounter hepatic colic if there is a long-standing cholelithiasis or. Symptoms of hepatic colic will be sharp aching pains in the right ribs, radiating to the back. They occur, as a rule, due to a violation of the diet (after eating fatty, spicy, smoked foods). May be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is recommended, despite the pain, to walk barefoot: this is how the soles are stimulated, and this helps to relax the muscles of the gallbladder and duct. It is also necessary to take antispasmodics (noshpa, spazmolgon, etc.); you can also resort to the help of nitroglycerin - this medicine has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the gallbladder. Painkillers for hepatic colic are undesirable, as they will be an additional burden on the liver. After relieving pain and getting rid of hepatic colic, it is necessary with the help of a doctor to review the diet. For the first few weeks, animal fats, meat and eggs should be excluded from the diet, replacing them with boiled fish, vegetable oils. It will not be superfluous to increase the amount of boiled vegetables in the diet.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Abdominal colic during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints that obstetrician-gynecologists have to listen to from their patients. Arising in the intestines of the expectant mother, colic gives her tangible physical and psychological discomfort. It is very difficult to avoid during the period of bearing a child, because they are formed as a result of physiological and hormonal changes in the female body. But if a pregnant woman eats right and follows the recommendations of her doctor, she will be able to minimize discomfort.

1 Colic in early pregnancy

Intestinal colic is a spasmodic pain resulting from the tension of the muscles of the colon. Their appearance is usually associated with chronic diseases of the digestive system and the use of products that cause the fermentation process in the intestines. However, colic occurs during pregnancy for other reasons. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, the expectant mother can feel already a few days after the onset of pregnancy. In the early stages, their appearance is explained by an increase in the level of progesterone, a hormone responsible for the processes of conception and bearing a child. An increase in progesterone in the body leads to relaxation of the intestinal walls, which causes a woman to have cramps in the lower abdomen.

Colic in expectant mothers in the first weeks of bearing a baby has the following symptoms:

  • recurring;
  • increased gas formation, accompanied by swelling, rumbling and seething;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

These symptoms are usually mild, but malnutrition, during nervous tension and with insufficient motor activity they can intensify. If colic during pregnancy negatively affects the well-being of a woman and bothers her constantly, she definitely needs to inform her doctor about this.

2 Late bowel problems

Colic during pregnancy appears in expectant mothers not only in the first trimester, but also in recent months before childbirth. At a later stage, the baby growing in the mother's womb greatly increases in size and begins to put pressure on the woman's internal organs, causing their temporary deformation and displacement. By pressing on the mother's intestines, the child prevents the natural discharge of gases and timely emptying. This is what causes colic. At the same time, the woman is concerned about the same symptoms as in the first trimester, but often they are more pronounced and are accompanied by general weakness and dizziness.

Abdominal cramps during late pregnancy occur periodically and last from several hours to several days. During an attack, there is a sharp aching pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back, peritoneum or groin. In some cases, with colic, expectant mothers often begin to go to the toilet to urinate, and this process is accompanied by burning and painful sensations in them. Similar phenomenon occurs due to excessive pressure on the swollen intestine bladder and goes away on its own after the attack ends.

Long-lasting intestinal colic is not a normal condition during pregnancy. They are able to provoke an increase in blood pressure in a representative of the weaker sex, due to which it slows down placental circulation and the baby begins to experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients. In order to avoid unfortunate consequences, frequent occurrence a colic woman should seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist or a gastroenterologist who observes her during pregnancy.

3 Therapy and nutrition

Treatment intestinal colic consists in prescribing a drug by a specialist, the action of which is aimed at relieving spasms and pain in the lower abdomen. For these purposes, the doctor may prescribe No-shpu to the pregnant woman. This drug relieves sharp and eliminates excessive gas formation in it. Although No-shpa is considered safe for expectant mothers, it should only be taken as prescribed by your doctor and at the recommended dosage.

You can remove excess gases during colic during pregnancy with the help of the drug Espumizan. Studies have shown that when taken orally, this drug is not absorbed into the patient's blood and does not penetrate through placental barrier. This allows you to use it in pregnant women who are at any period of gestation. Espumizan, like other medicines, should be prescribed to the expectant mother only by the attending physician. Self-medication during this period is prohibited.

Women who are concerned about colic during pregnancy need to follow a special diet aimed at reducing gas formation.

To do this, you need to exclude from the diet fatty and fried foods, spices, spices, sausages, legumes, white cabbage, yeast pastries, confectionery, sparkling water. Instead of these products, a woman should eat foods rich in dietary fiber. Its sources are buckwheat, oatmeal, apples, pears, grapes, raspberries, pumpkins, carrots, beets, dried fruits, whole grain bread, nuts, flax seeds, etc. When choosing meat and fish, it is necessary to give preference to low-fat varieties and use them boiled or steamed. Fermented milk drinks will bring invaluable benefits to a pregnant woman. Their daily use allows you to normalize the intestinal microflora and prevent the formation of gases in it.

What to do if colic in pregnant women is accompanied by constipation? Doctors categorically forbid women to do enemas or take laxatives while carrying a child. To normalize the stool, experts recommend eating foods with a laxative effect (boiled beets, prunes, baked apples, kefir). It is also important to constantly remember the full drinking mode. For the normal functioning of the intestines, a woman should drink at least 8 glasses of liquid per day.

4 Traditional medicine recipes

If a woman does not want to take any medication during pregnancy, intestinal colic will help her eliminate folk methods. To relieve bloating, you can use freshly squeezed motherwort juice. 1 st. l. juice must be mixed with 100 ml of water and drunk during meals. The remedy should be used every time discomfort in the intestine.

Colic during pregnancy can be relieved by taking an infusion of chamomile flowers. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 40 minutes. When the specified time has elapsed, the infusion is filtered and taken one medium sip every 2 hours until the spasms in the intestines completely disappear. In the same way, you can brew and take yarrow, fennel, thyme or marjoram.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy is pain that has an antispasmodic nature. Usually they are associated with the fact that the muscles in the large intestine swell and tighten. Colic during pregnancy in the abdomen can occur in cases where a woman has previously had disorders in digestion and intestinal motility. In addition, the problem may be present if there were gastritis or simply against the background of fermentation processes.

Colic during pregnancy can be completely different: intestinal, renal, gastric, lower abdomen. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the problem in time in order to avoid complications of the condition and not endanger your health and the health of the child.

Intestinal colic: how to prevent

Most cases of abdominal cramps during pregnancy are in the intestines. There is a sharp spasm and contraction of the intestinal wall. The situation is exacerbated by increased production of progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the intestinal wall. Accordingly, processed food stagnates, and increased gas formation begins. That is why intestinal spasms during pregnancy become extremely strong and painful.

  • non-compliance with the diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Colic in the abdomen during pregnancy does not appear in all women, so you should not expect that such an unpleasant condition will definitely make itself felt. Although in some cases on later dates colic in the abdomen during pregnancy, the growing uterus can put pressure on the entire intestine, respectively, this causes certain inconveniences and spasms.

If spasms during pregnancy are weak, then the best option their elimination is rest. When spasmodic pains manifest themselves after taking certain foods, then such foods should be discarded during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. When the cause is unclear, then it is better to contact a gastroenterologist who will prescribe the necessary medications and procedures. Colic in the intestines during pregnancy can be eliminated by enzymatic preparations, antispasmodics and an appropriate diet.

But in no case should you "prescribe" medications for yourself, as this can be dangerous for the child.
Many expectant mothers are concerned about this question - is it possible to use a heating pad during pregnancy? to take off sharp pain, this method is welcome. But keep in mind that the heated container with water should be minimally hot, and preferably warm. Often the prevention of colic is very simple. Enough to walk fresh air and eat more often, but little by little.

Renal colic during pregnancy

Renal colic during pregnancy is quite dangerous symptom which does not bode well. Spasms can appear only if there are pathologies genitourinary system. During pregnancy, there is an increase in circulation. Accordingly, the load on the woman's body becomes much greater. That is why exacerbations of certain diseases can develop, including the increased load on the kidneys.

Renal colic during pregnancy is manifested by a sharp and very bright pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the hips and genital area. It is not possible to stop such spasms during pregnancy in the early stages with antispasmodics or when changing the position of the body. The pain occurs very quickly and sharply, and it can provoke uterine tone and even premature birth.

That is why if cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy become unbearable and do not stop after taking antispasmodics, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Prevention of such conditions is prevention and timely diagnosis. And the harbingers may not be very good analyzes urine containing blood.

stomach cramps

A common occurrence is stomach cramps during pregnancy. Most likely to occur if present chronic gastritis, or there is a problem with insufficient functionality of the stomach. Usually, such colic during pregnancy appears only after eating any food. The source of their appearance may be the intake of products that can greatly irritate the gastric mucosa. Also, the cause may be an excessive portion size.

To stop the pain, you need to rest a little. To do this, lie down in a comfortable position. If rest does not help, you can take weak antispasmodics. Such spasms in the early stages of pregnancy do not threaten anything, so you should not be afraid of such manifestations. But still, it is better to consult a doctor to find out the exact cause of colic.

Colic in the lower abdomen

Cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy sometimes occur at a fairly early date. They may be due to the fact that an already fertilized egg joins the wall of the uterus. In addition, cramps in the uterus in early pregnancy may indicate that hormonal changes are taking place. Under the influence of hormones, the uterus expands, and this also leads to pain. Such pains are aching in nature and are of low intensity. Such colic in the abdomen during early pregnancy is easily removed with a heating pad. But again, it will be warm enough, but not hot at all.

Cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are distinguished by the fact that they are natural in nature, therefore, a special specific prevention does not exist for them. But if spasms during pregnancy in the early stages become more intense or become protracted, then you need to urgently go to the doctor. At the same time, antispasmodics cannot be taken without a doctor's prescription.

It is impossible to panic when a spasm appears. Episodic spasms in the uterus in early pregnancy are quite normal phenomenon, which is stopped at home and without the use special procedures and drugs. If colic appeared in the right side during pregnancy, then most likely the problem is related to the kidneys. And it can be solved only with the help of special medical preparations, consultations and observations of a nephrologist. At the same time, in most cases, hospitalization will be required, and it is impossible to refuse it under any circumstances.

Pregnancy is long-awaited and happy news. The process lasts 9 months, this is a period associated with changes, and there are no guarantees that there will be no periodic health problems for the expectant mother. The load on the internal organs during gestation increases as the child grows inside the abdomen. The article discusses what difficulties arise on the way to the maternity hospital.

Painful symptoms during the period of expectation of a child are found in every woman. This is due to the restructuring of the body at the hormonal level, the internal organs are rebuilt. It can also be a symptom of an increase in uterine tone.

Weak spasmodic phenomena are permissible to simply lie down, the pregnant woman needs to relax and rest. Sharp pains require a serious attitude and mandatory medical care.

Spasms in the early stages

Many women, being in the first trimester of gestation, complain of a painful sensation in the abdomen. There are situations when urgent hospitalization is necessary, and there are situations when you can not rush to see a doctor. You should pay attention to how intense the pain is, where the source of pain is located, where it gives off.

Cramps during pregnancy can pierce suddenly, be sharp or constant. Sometimes spasms resemble contractions - they increase, decrease or do not stop. Depending on the area where the pain comes from, it is possible to approximately determine the area of ​​attention. The stomach or pancreas hurts at the top of the abdomen, and the intestinal tract signals in the navel area.

Spasms in expectant mothers who are in the first trimester are conditionally divided into two types: safe and dangerous. The first type of pain is temporary, associated with the natural course of the process of bearing a child. The fetus grows, the organs are slightly deformed, the hormonal background changes. The latter are associated with serious diseases and cause abortion or infection of the fetus.

Safe spasms

According to doctors, pain associated exclusively with the growth of the fetus inside and accompany women who have experienced painful menstrual cycles, attempts to get pregnant or miscarriages, miscarriage. But doctors do not consider the spasms mentioned to be dangerous for a woman and for her unborn child.

Adhesive processes

Pain is associated with the appearance of adhesions in the uterus and ovaries. The formation of adhesions occurs due to the connective tissue, which, by its protective functions, connects to the place where it occurs. inflammatory process or had surgery. It seems to stick together with the focus of inflammation and prevents the spread of infection throughout the body. When the inflammation subsides, then at the place of gluing, the tissues fuse and adhesions form.

Reasons for the formation of adhesions:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • after surgical measures, for example, to remove the appendix;
  • proliferation of the mucous membrane outside the uterus or endometriosis;
  • blood in the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of adhesions during gestation is limited in the choice of drugs. The expectant mother should refrain from eating foods that promote gas formation, meals should be taken in portions - up to five times a day, in small volumes. Painkillers should be carefully selected by a doctor, gymnastics should be performed.


A common injury that occurs in early pregnancy is that each muscle is stretched and sprained. This is due to the restructuring of the muscles of the uterus, other muscle groups located in the abdominal cavity, vascular system, hormonal background of the body. Everything is getting ready for the next birth. The process is associated with discomfort, especially if, before the position, the woman did not go in for sports or other types of maintaining the body in physical form. For unprepared muscles, the period of gestation is associated with overstrain and pain.

The body of the expectant mother is rebuilt to support the life of the woman and the fetus. Basically two organisms in one. The circulatory system creates an additional circle blood vessels, the heart enlarges to be able to pass more blood flow.

Restructuring of the hormonal background

Simultaneously with the organs, the hormonal system of the body is rebuilt. During the period of gestation, the content of the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, progesterone, increases. A woman's character changes, gastronomic preferences change, even the position of internal organs changes. The number of tantrums may appear or increase, this is a temporary phenomenon. When the baby is born and a period will pass feeding, the woman's body will return to normal again and the hormonal background will become the same as before the change began.

Flatulence and constipation

The course of pregnancy does not pass calmly and without excesses. Many women suffer from increased gas formation and, accordingly, there are painful sensations. The reason for this may be a change in the position of internal organs and a change in hormonal background. Increased production of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the uterus, causes muscles in the intestines and stomach to relax. These organs are not so active in performing their functions, which causes incomplete digestion of food, stagnation of waste products in the rectum, and weak peristalsis of the organs. Stomach cramps during pregnancy are also related to hormones.

To exclude such unpleasant and painful sensations during pregnancy, you should exclude from the diet or use small amounts of foods that contribute to increased gas formation. To help the intestines in releasing digested food residues, do a light self-massage. Appointment medicines should only be handled by the attending physician.

Dangerous spasms

In addition to the natural pain that accompanies pregnancy and does not pose a threat to either the mother or the unborn child, unfortunately, there is another kind of spasms. involuntary contractions muscle tissue of the organs often leads to pathologies of the fetus, threaten the health of the mother and lead to termination of pregnancy.

Placental abruption

The process of placental abruption is a diagnosis in pregnant women leading to miscarriage if left untreated.

The pillow-like placenta is a connective tissue. Through it there is a connection between the mother and the unborn child, he receives the necessary nutrients. Placental abruption is detachment from the wall of the uterus. The fetus begins starvation, including oxygen.

Ectopic pregnancy

The egg is not fixed in the uterus, but outside it. An ectopic pregnancy is not viable, it poses a threat to the health and life of a woman. The cause of the incident lies in the pathology fallopian tubes. Treatment ectopic pregnancy lends itself only surgical intervention. Left unchanged, the situation leads to death for the woman.

Cramps in late pregnancy

Being in the third semester, the body prepares directly for childbirth. To prepare, he conducts a kind of teaching for the woman. The former feel intense pain, the latter do not feel anything.

It is said that the cervix decreases in length, and the cervix opens, ready to release the baby into the world. But not all pains prepare for childbirth. Spasms are known, indicating the difficulties that have arisen in the body, threatening the fetus and a woman.

Non-dangerous spasms

Improper nutrition can cause spasms in the organs involved in the process of digesting food. Dinner, insufficiently fresh food, too fatty - can provoke pain in the abdomen - dysbacteriosis, colitis.

Sprains also cause pain. The abdominal muscles are under constant tension. In order for such pain to go away, you need to lie down and rest.

To relieve symptoms of intestinal obstruction, follow water balance, without exceeding the norm of water consumption, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. If you want to boil and bake vegetables, avoid fried and canned foods.

Dangerous spasms

Pain symptoms occur in last term pregnancy with a threatened miscarriage. The pain is aching in nature, not subsiding, reminiscent of contractions. There is a discharge from the genitals of a woman. In such a case, applying for medical care performed immediately!

Less common are pains in the lower back, when the uterus seems to turn to stone. This false contractions are dangerous for periods less than 37 weeks. When the interval between spasms shortens and the pain in the lower abdomen increases, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or premature ejection of the fetus. Need emergency medical help.