The adjustment period has passed. How long does it take to fully adapt staff


The period during which a person adapts to new ones, studies corporate rules and standards, is called adaptation.

Each company develops and implements its own methods and techniques that help in the speedy adaptation of a new employee. The purpose of these methods is to create conditions under which the adaptation process will take place much faster, after which a person will begin to work with dedication.

If this does not happen, the newcomer may experience immediately after being hired. The introduction of an adaptation program can reduce staff turnover, clearly present the employee with his professional tasks, and reduce the natural adaptation time of a new employee.

The adaptation process is a two-way process. On the one hand, an employee who gets a job takes responsibility for his decision. On the other hand, the enterprise, hiring a newcomer to work, assumes obligations.

Types of adaptation

The main types of the adaptation period include:

According to the types of individual perception by a beginner, the adaptation process can also be divided into several types:

  1. Negation. This happens when an employee disagrees with the values ​​of the firm. The standards and rules of the company go against his beliefs. In such cases, a person quits in the first month of work.
  2. Conformism. The newcomer accepts everything the company has to offer. These people form the backbone of the organization.
  3. Mimicry. The employee accepts minor norms and does not accept the main ones. Such people constitute a risk group, they are ready to quit at any moment.
  4. adaptive individualism. The employee accepts the main norms and rules, but moves away from some minor ones, while maintaining his individuality. Such employees work well and for a long time in the company.

Adaptation, which is competently designed and carried out, allows:

  • Reduce staff turnover by 30-40%
  • Raise an employee who understands his tasks and performs them perfectly
  • Build a cohesive and friendly team

In addition, with a properly designed system, the company's management can find out if there are problems in, and mentors and managers can form managerial qualities.

Techniques of an adaptable person

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Nina Sigitova
Adaptation period

Adaptation is the adaptation of the organism to the conditions. A child who comes to kindergarten for the first time encounters new, unusual conditions and rules. The child will have to get used to these conditions and adapt.

It is very difficult for children of any age to start attending kindergarten. And getting used to kindergarten is different for everyone. Indeed, in the life of a child, everything changes, this is the absence of mom and dad, a clear daily routine, a decrease in personal attention to the child. Many parents think that adaptation period passes very quickly.

In fact adaptation period three degrees: light, medium and heavy.

With mild adaptation children get used within 15-30 days, with an average up to 2-3 months, with a severe one up to 6 months or longer. Most of the children entering the preschool educational institution are experiencing moderate and severe adaptation.

IN adaptation period the child's emotional state changes, sleep is disturbed (the child can sleep for a short time, often wake up during the quiet hour, fall asleep badly). Appetite may be disturbed, the child takes less food.

IN during the adaptation period, children often get sick, this is due to the consequences of a stressful situation.

To make it easier for the child to adaptation period it is necessary to smoothly enter the conditions - for the first few days, bring the child for 2 hours, when the child gets used to leaving it a little until lunch, then leave it for the time of daytime sleep. And then for the whole day. The length of time a child spends in kindergarten is individual.

IN adaptation period educators try to provide an individual approach to each child.

The longest to get used to are children who have preserved harmful habits: suck on a pacifier, drink from a bottle, walk with diapers.

Educators strive to get as much information as possible about new children, about their habits and characteristics. Therefore, parents should not avoid conversations with the teacher, tell more about their child.

To make it easier for the child adaptation, parents should adjust child: talk about kindergarten, about the role of educators. At home, it is necessary to observe a daily regimen close to the kindergarten regimen.

the end the period of adaptation is considered the moment when negative emotions are replaced by positive ones. The child does not cry during the morning parting, willingly makes contact with the teacher, responds to his requests, follows regime moments.

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Good afternoon, dear readers. Today I will talk about how to set up the process of onboarding new employees so that they start working at full capacity as soon as possible.

Agree that any leader is interested in the fact that a new employee joins an existing team, performs assigned tasks, and does not quit after a few weeks.

But, as practice shows, most new employees leave the company within three months (therefore, by the way, the maximum trial period lasts 3 months).

Training and adaptation of a new employee in the organization- the process is quite costly, so it is desirable to train a new employee so that the knowledge invested in him will benefit the company in the form of profit. Agree, it is not effective to constantly spend time on training employees who change like gloves.

Let's see why new promising employees leave before they have even worked for a couple of weeks?

The first reason is high expectations in relation to a new workplace.

The second reason is the difficulty of its integration into the team. If the company has a high turnover of staff, most likely, the process of adaptation of new employees is poorly established.

You need to understand that every company, every workplace has its pros and cons, positive and negative points. Everyone knows the proverb: "It's good where we are not," therefore, at the very beginning of work, a new employee must understand what balance of positive and negative exists in this company. A separate office or a large room in which several employees work, the working day, the frequency of meetings with management - everything is of great importance for comfortable and fruitful work. Not everyone, for example, can concentrate if nearby employees are talking on the phone.

The same working conditions for one person may seem unbearable, and for another - ideal.

One of the most important conditions for successful adaptation is that a newcomer should not be left to himself, he should have a mentor who will supervise, answer questions, and help a new colleague enter the work rhythm of the company.

Basically, we will talk about the adaptation of the seller in the new team. Therefore, let's agree that, for simplicity, we will call the seller and the sales assistant, and the sales manager, and the sales specialist, and other employees associated with sales. As a rule, people of all these professions are intermediaries between the store and the buyer. In this case, that's the main thing.

Many people think that anyone can become a seller. What is difficult here? Stood behind the counter - and you are already a seller.

Yes, not so. First, the seller of the seller strife. A confectionery salesman, a clothing salesman, a furniture salesman, and a luxury real estate salesman must have completely different knowledge and skills to be successful. And it's not just that a loaf of bread costs 20 rubles, and a mansion in the suburbs costs 20,000,000 rubles. We are talking about different specifics of working with each client. For competent work, of course, knowledge is needed. This knowledge and skills are transferred from the mentor to the new employee.

The program of adaptation of a new employee in the organization

To facilitate the complex process of adaptation of a new employee, certain efforts and specialized programs are needed. The adaptation program lists the specific activities that the mentor responsible for the newcomer conducts.

First you need to determine what knowledge and skills the new employee already has, evaluate his work experience, and find out character traits. After that, an individual adaptation program is developed for each newcomer. Its content is determined by the head of the department in which the new employee will work, since each department has its own methods of work, its own characteristics and algorithms for solving the tasks that the newcomer must learn. The internship program is approved by all employees who participate in the training.

The adaptation program for a new employee is usually divided into general and special. The general adaptation program includes getting to know the company as a whole, its image. At this stage, the new employee develops pride in being part of the team. This is facilitated by participation in corporate rituals, acquaintance with the motto, the anthem, and the presentation of uniform work clothes. "Corporate spirit" is brought up through familiarizing the employee with the tasks and mission of the company. In its formation, the role of experienced employees is important.

After the new employee has studied the general adaptation program, you need to move on to the next stage.

A special (specialized) program covers a range of issues that are associated with a particular unit or workplace. At this stage, direct and higher managers and employees explain to the new employee the specifics of the work and the specific tasks facing the unit.

An approximate plan for a special onboarding program for a new employee

Unit functions:

  • Goals and priorities
  • Organization and structure
  • Direction of activity
  • Interaction with other divisions of the company

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Detailed description of current work and expected results
  • An explanation of the importance of this work for the company as a whole, how it relates to other types of work in the unit and in the company as a whole
  • Standards for the quality of work performance and the main criteria for assessing the quality of its performance
  • Duration and schedule of the working day
  • Additional responsibilities (for example, replacing an absent employee)

Procedures, rules, regulations:

  • Types of help that can be given and how to ask for it
  • Relations with local and national regulatory authorities
  • Rules specific only to a certain type of work or a specific department
  • Safety regulations
  • Informing about accidents and accidents
  • Sanitation and Hygiene Standards
  • Rules for relations with employees of other departments
  • Rules of conduct in the workplace
  • Responsibility for violations
  • Breaks at work (smoke breaks, lunch)
  • Telephone conversations of a personal nature during business hours
  • Equipment use
  • Monitoring and evaluation of performance.

Be sure to include activities in your onboarding program that will help overcome the barriers of alienation between employees. We offer the following options for getting to know the company:

  • Place announcements on the stands with information about new employees
  • Send a greeting card to the relatives of the newcomer in connection with his employment in the company
  • Give out a booklet that contains the following information:
    • branch history, organizational structure
    • inner order rules
    • list of administrative group members with internal phone numbers
  • Introduce the newcomer to the employees of the department
  • Take a tour of the office and utility rooms

It is advisable to fix all issues related to the adaptation of new employees in the "Regulations on Adaptation".

Control of the process of adaptation of a new employee

Control the process of adaptation of a new employee for a sufficiently long time. If the company is small and does not have a staff training specialist, a head of direction and a mentor from among experienced employees should work with new employees.

The success of the adaptation of a new employee in the team largely depends on how colleagues treat the newcomer. Employees who have been working in the company for a long time (“veterans”) are experienced, know a lot and can become real mentors for a newcomer, establish communication and interaction from the first days and receive real help from him. You just need to properly motivate them and increase self-esteem. "Hazing" in a commercial company is unacceptable - it leads to losses.

Company leaders should emphasize the prestige of mentoring, position it as a step in career growth, encourage morally and financially. Indeed, a month of practical work in real time with an experienced and knowledgeable employee of the company will be much more useful for a beginner than refresher courses and trainings, which, as a rule, are conducted by theorists, not practitioners.

Consider the position for which you hire a new employee - the approach to adaptation also depends on this. If we are talking about a leader, he should not look confused even in the first days of work in a new place - this can lead to the loss of his authority among colleagues and subordinates. Therefore, a newcomer to a managerial position should get as much information about the company and his job responsibilities as possible before he starts work.

The period of adaptation of a new employee in the workplace depends on his personal qualities and the success of the adaptation measures. In order to assess the effectiveness of the adaptation of a beginner, he must pass a test for each topic passed and a final assessment at the end of the adaptation period.

The amount of remuneration of mentors (managers) who worked with a new employee depends on the results of the final certification (it makes sense to develop a mentoring incentive system in advance and familiarize potential mentors and leaders with it).

A specialist in the personnel department must daily monitor the process of entering a new employee into a position, talk with him to find out how satisfied he is with the work, how he is accepted by the management and the team, whether there are difficulties in interacting with them, whether there is psychological discomfort.

The HR specialist also regularly talks with the mentor of the new employee, takes the necessary measures in a timely manner if there are any problems during the adaptation.

One of the effective ways to get feedback from newcomers is to hold so-called "round tables", in which a HR specialist, a mentor, a department head, a new employee take part.

"Round tables" are held twice during the adaptation period - immediately after graduation and passing the final certification, and after three months of work. When holding a round table, it is very important to create a trusting atmosphere so that each participant can frankly express his opinion on all issues.

After the "round table" is held, the HR specialist analyzes its results and introduces the conclusions to the head of the unit and mentors. Based on the results of the meeting with the management, an action plan is drawn up to eliminate the reasons that prevent the employee from successfully adapting to the workplace, if they have been identified.

To assess the level of socio-psychological adaptation of a newcomer in the team, it is advisable to conduct a survey. This gives each employee the opportunity to be heard, to feel the significance of their work.

Meetings of mentors (managers) of all divisions of the company on the issues of the quality of teaching, during which each participant can express their opinion about the content and forms of training, about what qualities newcomers who have completed training should have, have proven themselves very well. Opinions of mentors, analysis of the results of the work of employees who have passed the adaptation program, help to adjust the learning process, identify new needs, and develop additional programs.

Each company has its own strategies for presenting its products and services, showing their benefits and advantages for consumers. But not everyone is also thoughtful about retaining promising employees who have passed through the “sieve” of selection, and therefore capable of making a profit.

High staff turnover is always the result of a series of mistakes. But it is better to prevent errors than to correct them. The system of adaptation of new employees, built for specific business tasks, combined with competent selection of personnel, makes it possible for both the new employee and the company to win.

How does your company handle the onboarding of new employees? Please tell in the comments.

The adaptation period for a new employee on site is a time that plays an important role not only at the beginning of work, but also for subsequent cooperation.

The terms of this period can be very different and the faster the employee joins the team and gets into the work, the easier it will be for him and those around him. We will talk about what an adaptation period is, why it is necessary and how to properly bring a new employee up to date in today's article.

What is an adaptation period?

The adaptation period is a certain time period during which the employee performs a number of tasks in order to simplify and maximize the automation of work in the future.

Usually the adaptation period coincides with. The duration of this period is usually 3-12 months. In some cases, a longer period may be required, or vice versa, the employee will get used to it earlier.

The adaptation period as a whole may include the following tasks:

  1. Acquaintance with the team;
  2. Mastering the culture and ethics of the team;
  3. Mastering the skills and methods of work;
  4. Acquaintance with the internal regulations of the organization;
  5. Study of partners and clients of the company;
  6. Exploring career opportunities;
  7. Learning other skills needed in the job.

Thus, the adaptation period allows you to study the company, the team, the specifics of work in as much detail as possible, as well as decide for both the employee and the manager whether it is possible to continue cooperation immediately after the probationary period.

If we divide the adaptation period according to the methods of approach, then we can distinguish the following aspects:

  1. Psychological method - infusion into the team, establishing friendly and respectful relations, setting the level of subordination with management, and so on;
  2. Professional - obtaining basic skills for work and mastering the principles of the company's policy as a whole;
  3. Organizational method - the study of the network of interaction with other companies, departments, branches. Obtaining career development skills;
  4. Regime - a method that allows you to get used to the new rhythm of work and the pace of tasks.

Based on the above, adaptation time is a way to quickly teach an employee the basic principles and methods of work, introduce them to the team, understand the basic rules of corporate culture and ethics, as well as build relationships with others, become an integral part of one team.

Therefore, the correct adaptation training is the key to the rapid adaptation of the employee and the qualified performance of his duties.

Who should carry out the adaptation

The right adaptation program allows the employee to quickly get comfortable.

Adaptation work with an employee can be carried out by any member of the team. Usually a mentor is appointed from the most active and conscientious employees of the company. But if we are talking about a large corporation, then in this case, the work of a newcomer can be entrusted to several people at once.

Here is an example of the distribution of adaptation work:

  1. Head - prepares all job descriptions for the employee, organizes a comfortable workplace for him, deals with all documentation issues, brings the employee up to date;
  2. Personnel employee - notifies the employee about the date of going to work, collects documents for the manager, provides the new employee with everything necessary for work (stationery or tools), introduces the employee to the team;
  3. A mentor is a person who at this stage is the main guiding employee. It is on how the relationship with the mentor develops, on his competence and knowledge that the speed of adaptation of the employee and his professionalism, as well as his entire future career, will depend.

In general, the adaptation process usually goes well enough if the manager makes all the necessary efforts for this. Competent managers always try to fully provide a new employee with all the necessary conditions for proper and timely adaptation.

Properly carried out adaptation of the employee allows:

  • establish harmonious relations in the team;
  • unleash the full potential of the employee;
  • allow the employee to take a convenient place in the hierarchical system of the company;
  • increase the possibility of developing a specialist in the professional field;
  • get a close-knit and responsible team;
  • significantly increase labor productivity;
  • increase the responsibility of employees and punctuality, as well as solve many other problems.

In addition, it is important to remember that improper adaptation, or its complete absence as such, is a sure way to apathy, depression, employee bad mood and many other problems. In addition, unimportant or even worse hostile relations in the team are a direct path to the collapse of the company.

Bad relationships between employees lead to constant quarrels, poor quality work, lack of responsibility, as well as lack of initiative among employees. Therefore, timely and competent adaptation is the key to success not only for a new employee, but also for a manager.

It is important to understand that for each person, due to his psychological and psychophysical characteristics, the period can be very different. Therefore, it is not worth setting a rigid framework for adaptation.

Usually, the adaptation period ends with an assessment of the possibility of working in the company, both by the employee and the employer. And if the employee is happy to work, then the boss did everything right.

If everything went wrong

You need to carefully monitor the employee during the adaptation period.

Often there are situations when the employee can not get used to the work and the team. The following may signal this:

  1. The unwillingness of the employee to perform new tasks;
  2. Apathy towards work in general;
  3. Relations in the team become strained, the newcomer is biased;
  4. Clients or partners complain about the incompetence of an employee;
  5. The employee and the manager cannot find a common language in any way.

In addition to these reasons, there are many others, but all of them are aimed exclusively at the negative - the work of the employee is not a joy and brings only negative consequences for the company.

This can happen for two main reasons - the adaptation of the employee is incorrectly carried out, or the specialist himself is incompetent in his field. In both cases, the manager should take action to correct the situation.

For example:

  • openly talk with the employee about the current situation and their dissatisfaction, listen to the employee’s point of view;
  • offer the employee to undergo training in the specialty;
  • change the tactics of adaptation of new employees;
  • conduct conversations with the team and so on.

There are a lot of methods for correcting the situation, and the outcome of the case depends on how proactive each side is.

In general, if both parties behave apathetically, then sooner or later this will lead to termination.

The employee should behave correctly.

In order to correctly and successfully go through the adaptation period and, you need to follow some universal recommendations.

Here are just a few examples of “correct” behavior in a new job:

  1. Friendly attitude towards colleagues;
  2. Lack of bias in any situation;
  3. Polite and correct communication even in conflict cases;
  4. The maximum increase in the level of professional qualifications;
  5. Punctuality;
  6. Subordination;
  7. Accurate performance of work in any case;
  8. Positive attitude towards life in general and work in particular.

Remember, there are no universal recipes for the successful adaptation of a beginner, there is only a desire to make the adaptation period as short and productive as possible.

And depending on how much both the employee and the manager want to realize all their professional skills, the result of their joint work depends.

From this video you will learn everything about staff adaptation.

Question form, write your

But adaptation occurs in all other family members. Not only for the mother in her new role, but, of course, for the father of the child, and for the older children in the family, and for the grandparents.

The neonatal period is a crisis for the family system.

Just like, remember, I told you that stress comes not only from negative events in life, but also from positive changes, also here - even though great happiness happened in the family, everyone will shake.

And it's ok:

  • you may be scared, insecure, hurt, angry, lonely, desperate, helpless, or have mood swings;
  • a feeling of disappointment in oneself or one's loved ones, the state of the victim - "no one helps me, no one understands me";
  • the feeling that “I can’t cope, I’m a bad mother, why did I even go for all this ...”;
  • it’s normal not to get enough sleep, to lose oneself in the space of coordinates (my sacramental question after I spoke with tears in my five minutes on the phone with a close friend-sister, issuing a report on the day with three babies, the youngest of whom was 5 days old, and the eldest 5 years, to say: “In general, I cope with children, but it’s not clear to me, but where am I in all this?”).

It is important here - to be careful about yourself, to allow yourself to feel what you feel, to organize a system of help and support for yourself.

It is normal that the husband suddenly turns from a broad-winged protector of the family himself into an infantile boy who shirks his lessons and tries to hide behind his ailments, increased work, or some kind of emotional alienation. Everything that happens to him is also new and unusual, responsibility, as it seems to most men, and, in general, legitimately, he has increased, at least in terms of material support, this can cause fear. Although in fact this responsibility grows as the child grows, not everything immediately falls on the shoulders, but it seems that now, already!

The husband, too, seems to lose contact with his wife behind all this everyday fuss, may not fully understand what he is good for, be tired or irritable, because new anxieties appear, because a collision with many new and unknown things especially frustrates a man, he it is important to be a leader, to be a support, and then how to rely on him when he himself is at a loss. Yes, and such a high social expectation, like pressure, that he should especially support his wife now. That's the way it is, but he also needs a resource from where to get these emotional forces.

It is important here to give your husband the opportunity to recuperate, so that he has the strength to support you. Men often need to “look at the fire” as an anti-stress, a long-proven fact - in the modern world it is computer games, fishing, beer with friends. Give him a chance to recover, but not in such a way that he goes headlong into it and doesn't come back.

It is normal for grandparents to become extremely stubborn due to unfulfilled parenthood ambitions or, conversely, due to an attempt to correct the mistakes they made, in their opinion, in raising and caring for you as a child. Normally increased number of grievances on their part due to feelings of non-recognition or uselessness of their care, etc.

It is important here to build boundaries with the older generation and find exactly your, harmonious point in accepting help and at the same time not being trapped in the stealing mother syndrome, when your grandmother eagerly “squeezes” your child and the joy of motherhood. Look for boundaries in listening to advice and at the same time having the freedom not to follow them and choose for yourself, according to your values, for the first time only groped and carefully worked out in the mother's soul.

And, of course, this is completely normal - when older children go into regression and all their potentially weak “points” come out: whoever wrote under stress and fatigue begins to write, although this has not happened for half a year, or even a year, who is inclined to tantrums - now rolls on the floor, who is the aggressor - becomes simply unbearably stubborn and angry. And most importantly, almost all the elders turn into babies - they suddenly suddenly cease to be able to do what they have been able to do for a long time, they are asked to carry them on their arms, or even give milk from the chest. It's all right.

It is important for older children to leave some symbols of the fact that in their lives, although much has changed, but not all. A vivid symbol of this phenomenon was how, on the eve of the birth, I read a book about the Moomin to older babies, and in the evening of the next day - between which the birth of the third happened - I continued to read the same book, the next chapter. Preserve a ritual in which the child would feel close to you, which means contact with you.

And it is also important to allow the child to feel everything that he feels, to pronounce it, to express it. And to allow him to be small and weak - not to raise an eyebrow straight, as if he really is a baby who needs milk. Everything will stop on its own soon, even the biggest fool, really.

Three mantras of the adaptation period

Three thoughts I kept in my head when it became especially difficult, three pillars that helped me to stand in my positive maternal state, I will share them with you.

This will pass

Don't get carried away by the difficulties of the transitional period, as if it were a fixed picture of your family madhouse, this is a very plastic period, like when tea leaves were stirred up with a spoon. Now they need to sink to the bottom somehow anew, do not consider this storm in a glass to be eternal. As I wrote to myself in those difficult days: “I am not me now, Roy is not Roy, Yura is not Yura.” Now everything is out of whack.

It's temporary

It takes a maximum of a year to stay in such a tough regime. A year in relation to the whole life - well, in general, is nonsense. The period of diapers and sleeplessness, milky rivers and colic is very short - a maximum of three months, but it is in it that all the sweetest things happen, which will never happen again in life.

This is a contribution

This period is worth living steadfastly. This is a contribution to the strength of the family, to a close relationship with the eldest child and his uninjured, finally a contribution to the youngest.

A sort of dividend, when you invest a lot in affection and intimacy at the beginning, it is further easier than if you sort out the already grown lump of unmet needs for love, acceptance and care in the family, especially with younger ones.

And yes, by the way.

Who is the youngest now? Or about juggling during the adaptation period

I am very proud of the capacity of this issue.

Many are looking for an answer to this question, or maybe they are immediately perplexed: of course, the youngest in the family is a baby, and then how should the priorities line up in line for attention and the contribution of forces?

Someone says that the husband should come first, and then the child, someone says that the child is small now, so his interests should now outweigh everything, but what if there are still children in the family, and what they got older, didn't make a 2-3 year old baby in the blink of an eye an adult child? And someone will say that, first of all, you should be in the first place in yourself - and how to keep the line with selfishness here?

It seems to me that it is simply unreasonable to answer this question once, it is like becoming non-plastic, immune to reality, to living life (sorry for the tautology).

Priority concerns not only family members, but also areas of responsibility - the house, for example, is also included here.

Prioritization should happen at EVERY moment in time, not just once. Not always children, not always a house, not always a husband in the first place. All these things are first.

But at every moment of time, some of them need more support and attention, and someone else is able to endure on the previous charge of energy. Hence the image of juggling was born: we catch those balls that will soon fall, although those that are higher in the air must also be caught.

Every morning I woke up and asked a funny but important question: who is the weak link in our family today? Who needs a mom the most? Mom in this case is not me, as a person, and in general it may not be me as such, mother is a whole concept, “mother”.

Baby because he has colic? Yes, definitely. Or here he lies, gurgles and smiles, and everything is fine with him, but the older child is depressed, in the morning he is clearly not in the mood, tearful and irritable - he doesn’t need to start suggesting that he now has a younger brother or sister, so he must be patient - take the little one under your arm and go play with the elder. He is now "younger".

But a husband may also need a “mother”, and then you need to turn your attention and strength to contact with him, to nourishing him, this is “taking him in your arms”.

But the most important thing in this whole story is not to forget that you yourself can be the smallest today. And then the world will not collapse, the child will not be injured, the connection will not be destroyed if you live in a more relaxed mode for just one day, but giving yourself the opportunity to recover, so that later you can feed the one who turns out to be the youngest the next morning.

This needs some attention. Do you know how in the system of restoring order in everyday life - a fly lady - there is such a thing - a “hot spot” - something that you need to pay attention to constantly and take preventive measures before an explosion of disorder happens in it? Also here - one of the family members can become a hot spot, it's just possible and important to track.

And all together at the same time "to take on the handles" will not work - technically they will not fit, even on virtual, energy "knees", but to overstrain so that then there will be an explosion - unfortunately, it is possible.