Easter decorations. How to decorate the interior of the house for the bright holiday of Easter? DIY home decoration for Easter


Easter is considered the biggest and brightest holiday for both Orthodox and Catholics. Many traditions are associated with its celebration, but those that do not change from year to year and are considered the most important are painting eggs for Easter, baking Easter cakes and festively decorating the house.

Home decoration for Easter begins with the Great, or as it is also called, Holy Week. Until Thursday, called Great or Pure Thursday, the house is completely cleaned, windows are washed, curtains, carpets are washed, dishes are polished to a shine. Then the house is decorated with Easter decorations and attributes of this bright holiday. And only after that they start baking Easter cakes and other Easter pastries, painting eggs and preparing festive dishes.

Before you start decorating your home for Easter, decide what Easter arrangements and decorations you can make yourself or buy from a store.

These can be crafts on an Easter theme in the form of decorative eggs made of fabric, beads, paper and other Easter paraphernalia. You can decorate a house for Easter with eggs in this way: form nests from branches or straw, put decorated eggs and a bird figurine in the middle. You can decorate the Easter nest with bright flowers, ribbons, feathers. Also used in decorating the Easter tree, Easter wreaths and bouquets. The Easter tree is usually decorated with paper Easter eggs or decorative shell eggs, as well as ribbons, figurines of birds, hares and other animals sewn from fabric.

Those who managed to sow oat seeds in pots in early spring lay an Easter egg on the germinated grain - this decoration has been used by housewives since ancient times.

Decorating the house for Easter - windows

Orthodox Easter is always celebrated between the beginning of April and the beginning of May. This is the time when the spring sun is already shining and warming in a special way. It's time to change the heavy winter curtains for light, airy, bright colorful curtains. It can be organza or transparent tulle, or it can be curtains made of light-colored fabric with floral patterns.

Before Easter, curtains can be decorated with beautiful garlands of green branches and decorative Easter eggs.

On the glass windows, you can draw Easter drawings with paints or cut them out of self-adhesive film.

Arrange flowerpots or baskets with daffodils dug directly from the ground on the windowsills - these are traditional Easter flowers, decorate them with decorative Easter eggs, animal figures. There, on the windowsill, you can put hand-made nests with beautiful eggs and figurines of birds.

We decorate the house for Easter - a balcony

If your house or apartment has a balcony, don't leave it undecorated for Easter. Open or glazed, balconies offer plenty of room for imagination. Easter or balcony can be decorated with the following Easter decorations:

  • inflatable animals (traditional Easter bunnies, sheep, chickens)
  • Easter tree in a flower pot
  • Easter decorations made of straw and vines
  • pots and flowerpots with lush greenery (for example, pre-sown grains of oats or wheat in early spring)

Your balcony should remind all passers-by that Easter is celebrated here.

Decorate your front door for Easter

The best decoration of the front door for Easter is a decorative Easter wreath woven from dry branches and decorated with ribbons, feathers, eggs, flowers, greenery.

Also, the doors can be decorated with garlands made of straw, colorful ribbons, multi-colored feathers. Thus, allowing your imagination to run wild, you can create original decorations not only on the front door, but also on.

Easter decor ideas can be applied to decorating the festive table. Serving the Easter table helps to create an atmosphere of an unusual holiday - the Bright Sunday of Christ.

The tablecloth for the Easter table should be new and smart, preferably lace napkins, light or bright colors. Arrange animal figures on the table, symbolizing the spring holiday - Easter. Among different peoples, these are rabbits (or hares), sheep, chickens and chickens.

Easter tableware can be decorated with paper napkins by cutting chickens, hares or flowers out of them. Such decorations can even be glued to transparent glasses so that during the whole holiday its atmosphere does not fade away.

Flowers must be mandatory on the festive Easter table. Vases with tulips and daffodils, pots with spring crocuses and sprouted grains - place all this on your table for Easter.

In the center of the table you can place a basket with colored eggs. Put dry branches at the bottom of the basket. If you want to put Easter eggs on a dish, put red beans or lentils in it, and put eggs on top, it will turn out very original.

And do not forget about the most important thing - Easter cakes. Put the largest Easter on a dish and overlay the most beautiful eggs.

Remember, the more beautiful and festive you decorate the house for Easter, the more fun and sincere the preparation for the holiday and its celebration itself will be. Christ is Risen!

It's hard to believe, but Easter 2019 will be pretty soon! And there is so much to do in these few days. If you haven't already, our ideas on how to make DIY Easter decorations will help you create a cozy and festive atmosphere.

Make decorations for Easter with your children, it will bring you all many pleasant and unforgettable moments, and decor for Easter will be special, because children do everything in their own way.

So, we offer you 35 ideas on how to make decor for Easter at home with your own hands.

Easter Decor: Easter Decoration Ideas

For Easter decor, flowers, tree branches, figurines of Easter rabbits, chickens, blown out are usually used.

Flowers are a universal thing as home decor for any holiday. And Easter is no exception. Make an original bouquet: put the flowers in a vase that will be filled with empty Easter eggs, or hide the plant stems in a bunch of carrots.

Instead of flowers for decoration for Easter, you can use tree branches. If the time of year permits, then flowering branches of cherry or apricots. If it's too early for flowering trees, take the branches of any other trees and decorate them with small pompoms from the craft store.

An easier option for decorating your home for Easter is to put a few empty pysanky eggs in a tray and place a flowerpot on top. Or take a pot of grass (fresh grass can be purchased from pet stores) and put empty eggs inside.

Such Easter decorations for Easter are very easy to make with your own hands. Take fresh flowers: hyacinths, daffodils, snowdrops. Fill the bottom of a large clear vase or jar with drainage stones, place flowers, and cover the roots with moss or decorative shavings. You can add an Easter bunny or empty eggs to the composition. This decor can be placed on the windowsill or in the center of the festive table.

Easter door wreaths are a great home decor idea for Easter. You can use vine wreaths by adding Easter eggs, flowers or ribbons to them.

The decor of the festive table for Easter can be done on a plate. Here are some ideas for DIY home decorations for Easter. Hyacinths in paper forms for cupcakes, eggshells instead of flowerpots, empty quail eggs, candles, a willow nest, Easter bunny or sheep figurines.

An Easter basket can be not only filled with food, but also with decor. Take live plants (grass, ivy, etc.), place them in a basket, add lanterns and figurines of rabbits or chickens. That's all. DIY Easter home decor is ready.

An Easter tree to decorate the house for Easter can be of any shape. You can make a topiary, or just decorate a large tree branch with empty Easter eggs.

If you don't have room for large Easter decorations in your home, you can decorate the windows of your house with holiday decorations. For example, hang empty eggs on a cornice, or make small flowerpots with flowers from the shell and hang them.

Another Easter home decor idea that kids will love is giant paper Easter bunnies. For a detailed description of how to make this decoration with your own hands, see the link "Origami Easter Bunny".

Keep an idea of ​​how to make DIY home decorations for Easter from empty eggs. To begin with, do not throw away the tray from under the eggs, you will need it as a stand. Now choose what interests you. From empty eggs, you can make flowerpots (fill in some earth and plant flowers), candles (fill the thread with hot paraffin), or small flower vases (just add water, and put cut flowers).

Easter garlands can be used for Easter decor not only at home, but also in kindergarten or school.

Flowerpots in the shape of papier-mâché eggs are very easy to make with your own hands to decorate your house with them for Easter. You will need a balloon, paper and PVA glue. Inflate the balloon, then use glue and squeeze it onto pieces of paper in several layers. When the glue dries, the ball needs to be pierced.

Also, to decorate the house for Easter, you can make an applique on textiles with your own hands: on decorative pillows, kitchen towels or blankets. It can be Easter bunnies, Easter inscriptions or Easter eggs.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to make decorations for decor for Easter with your own hands. And decorating the house for Easter with the whole family is also a good tradition that unites relatives and makes the family even stronger.

Easter is a holiday of purity and renewal. On the eve of Easter, nature dresses in rich colors. The sun shines brighter, saturating everything around with blessed light. High spirits are in the air. Bright Sunday of Christ brings kindness and warmth after a cold gray winter.

Before the holiday, on Holy Week, especially on Maundy Thursday, a general cleaning is carried out. The house is cleaned of unnecessary things, dirt, washed and windows are opened, letting in light and fresh spring air. A clean, bright, elegant house attracts not only welcome guests, but also good luck, prosperity, wealth, love and kindness. People believe that the more positive changes are made before Easter, the better life will be in the future. .

Various symbols are used to decorate the house for Easter: holiday pastries, flowers and greenery, figurines of birds, hares, eggs in nests - as the personification of new life.

Today we made a plan of 13 main points and collected the most interesting Easter ideas for holiday decoration at home. You can bring something of your own to them or show your imagination and make your home different from others and unique.

1. Window decor

Windows are the first to give us a sign of what is happening in the world. They protect from the cold on a gloomy day and wake up with the first ray of sunshine when the weather is good. Of course, the windows washed to a shine look elegant on their own, but by decorating them with Easter symbols, we additionally attract all the best and brightest into our home.

Decorate the windows along the cornice with spring attributes: green twigs with interweaving of colored ribbons, threads, flowers and leaves, garlands of colored eggs or cute animal figurines. On the windowsill you can put candles in elegant candlesticks that will look symbolic: more light - more joy. In a glass vase or a glass, a multi-colored Easter assortment is collected. You can also hang a small wreath on the window that does not interfere with daylight, or attach positive sayings that create a festive mood and hope for success.

2. Front door decor

The door at first sight will tell a lot about the house and its inhabitants, so you need to approach the decoration of the door with all responsibility. The atmosphere of the holiday should be felt already on the threshold.

A wreath is traditionally used to decorate the door. The richer and richer the wreath is decorated, the more it speaks of the status and wealth of the owners. On Easter, a combination of blossoming twigs with spring flowers and decorated eggs, as well as sprigs of evergreens - myrtle, boxwood, fir, is ideal for a wreath. To enhance the effect, you can decorate the doorknob with a small similar composition. A cup containing cute Easter trinkets looks very original and unusual as a decor. Elegant beads, pebbles, coins, remnants of fabrics - you can use everything that your imagination has enough for.

3. Fresh greens as a symbol of renewal

The incomparable spring aroma of fresh greenery and thawed earth is used in the compositions of expensive perfumes. So why not bring it into the house - the smell of fresh grass is uplifting, and rich colors are pleasing to the eye!

On Easter Eve, bouquets of flowers, willow branches and grass are placed everywhere. Dried aromatic herbs and berries are also suitable for flavoring the room - they will evoke pleasant emotions and create a festive atmosphere.

In spring, birds create families and make nests in a tree. Everything connected with the birth of a new life is the symbolism of Easter. An Easter tree can be the most beautiful holiday decoration for your home. There are a lot of options for its manufacture, and it’s not difficult to “grow” it. The easiest way is to take a flower pot and fill it with pebbles, earth or sand. You can simply lay plasticine on the bottom or glue a piece of soft foam, and then stick everything that your creative thought tells you into the pot. Live branches with blossoming leaves must be prepared in advance, but if they are not there, it is enough to decorate ordinary branches with fabric flowers, beads, ribbons, and decorative figurines.

On a tree, you can build a real nest with eggs and birds - because they bring spring on their wings.

5. Egg as an art object

The egg is a symbol of new life and the main symbol of Easter. It is customary for Orthodox Christians to paint eggs for the festive table. The easiest way to decorate eggs is with heat-shrinkable shells with a pattern: a boiled egg is dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and the shell tightly fits it. It takes a little more time to stain with ready-made food paints.

But if you have the time, desire and craving for creativity, you can make a real art object out of an egg, a masterpiece of man-made art. To do this, they do not use the eggs themselves, but the empty shell, because you want to keep a unique copy for a long time. To get an empty shell, a raw egg is shaken well, then holes are made with a thin needle in a rotational motion at the top and bottom. The contents are gently shaken out (blown out), and the shell is dried - the blank for creativity is ready.

Video master class: How to blow an egg

There are many ways to decorate eggs:

  • In the old days, eggs were dyed with onion skins. and other methods were not known or not used. But even in this case, it is possible to make each egg unique: before painting, fix some leaf or twig on the shell, and when the paint dries, remove them. So you get a natural floral ornament.
  • Painting eggs with paints - the occupation is very exciting and even children and everyone who does not have the talent of an artist can do it. Paint eggs with asymmetric patterns, try the technique of dot painting and spray painting, use an airbrush - in general, fantasize!
  • sequins- excellent material for creativity. With their help, you can create beautiful patterns, decorate egg halves or make them completely shiny and very glamorous. It is very simple to use sparkles: generously sprinkle them on the areas smeared with glue, wait for drying and shake off the remnants.

  • Long cords or yarn can also be used as decor for eggs: pre-lubricate the shell with glue, and then carefully lay out the threads in a circle or in any desired pattern. This decoration method is suitable if the eggs do not need to be eaten, so it is better to use wooden, foam and other blanks.
  • Faberge eggs" Who hasn't heard of them? You can create your own unique masterpiece with the help of the simplest beads. Paraffin wax is the best way to work with beads: you need to melt the candle and dip the egg in hot paraffin several times to form a good layer, while each new layer must be allowed to cool. When the last layer of paraffin has dried up, you can start laying out the pattern with beads: they take it with tweezers or a special hook (a more convenient way), heat the candles in the fire for 1-2 seconds and stick it on the egg. There are two options for laying beads on wax: flat or edgewise. By combining these two methods, you can create a very interesting decor on any surface, be it an Easter egg or a jewelry box. You can stick beads already strung on a thread, but this is a different, more subtle and complex type of work.

Video master class number 1: Beaded mosaic on wax flat

Video master class number 2: Beaded mosaic on wax on the edge

In addition to all kinds of decorations, there are many ideas for preparing not only outwardly beautiful, but also edible eggs. The most interesting, and most importantly, delicious idea is sweet jelly eggs. Colorful jellies will appeal to both children and adults, diversify the Easter table and add colors to the holiday.

Video master class: How to cook jelly eggs with your own hands

6. Chickens as a symbol of wishes that come true

What is Easter without chickens? After all, where there are eggs, there are chickens! Round yellow lumps will bring tenderness to anyone. So we plant these cute chicks on home grass and admire the yellow sunny colors against the backdrop of fresh greenery. Chickens for Easter decor are easy to make from pompoms of bright yarn or from papier-mâché, painted in the boldest colors.

And their fluffy feathers symbolize the lightness of being and the flight of thought, so the house for Easter must be filled not only with chickens, but also with their feathers. Feathers are suitable for decoration both by themselves and as part of Easter compositions. By the way, there is a belief that if you find a feather, this is an angel flying, and you can make a wish - it will certainly come true.

7. Bunnies as a symbol of fertility

The Easter Bunny (or Bunny) came to Christianity from pagan traditions. Hares and rabbits are very prolific animals, and in ancient times the hare was revered as a symbol of the goddess of spring and fertility.

Easter eggs, according to legend, in addition to bright colors, have magical powers, so they cannot be carried by a simple chicken. Initially, this ability was attributed to different animals: a rooster, a fox, a stork, a cuckoo, a hare. For some unknown reason, it was the hare that established itself in this role everywhere.

It is believed that the hare has a modest and timid character, so he brings gifts secretly and hides them under the bushes. In some countries, chocolate eggs and sweets are hidden in the garden at Easter, and children look for them with excitement. Adults are also interested in this activity.

Video master class: How to make an Easter rabbit from yarn

8. Basket for gifts and decor

Children look forward to gifts from the bunny and traditionally make a nest out of branches, grass or other materials, which they leave in a secluded place on the evening before Easter. Instead of a nest for this purpose, in extreme cases, your own hat or wicker basket is also suitable. In the morning, the first thing you need to run in search of treasures - gifts from the Easter Bunny.

Nests and baskets look great as Easter decor on a table or mantelpiece, hung on a wall or displayed on a windowsill.

9. Easter green slide

The traditional Easter green hill (clearing) was made from sprouted green oats or other rapidly sprouting grain. For growing greenery, a cone-shaped shape was made, which was covered with fabric, foam rubber or cotton wool. It was moistened and seeds were laid out, which had to be constantly watered. When the seeds germinated, a green fluffy slide was obtained. This is an old attribute of the festive Easter table. She was placed in the center of the table, decorated and surrounded by eggs. Sweets from a bunny were put on a hill or a clearing for children.

Easter slide game

In the old days there was a game that both old and young loved to play. It was also called "Katalochki", and to play it - "roll the eggs." If someone wants to diversify Easter leisure, then this game is ideal for any company.

It is easy to make the game yourself from ordinary cardboard and enjoy laughter and fun with your children.

Scheme: khow to make a slide for rolling eggs out of cardboard with your own hands

Video master class: Rules of the game "Easter Hill"

Every housewife tries for Easter, if not to bake, then to buy the most delicious and most beautiful Easter cake. Easter cakes are exchanged, they boast about successful recipes, they are taken as a gift to guests and leave the guests with the same gift in return.

A beautifully decorated Easter cake is placed in the center of the table, surrounded by the same elegant eggs, and it is customary to eat it after consecration in the church. Kulich originated from ritual Slavic bread, which was baked in the spring before sowing to attract a good harvest and livestock offspring.
Easter cake is decorated with sugar or protein fondant and patterns of colored millet, sugar, chocolate, caramel, candied fruits.

11. Gingerbread as a delicacy and original decor

Easter baking is not only Easter cake. For Easter, they prepare a wide variety of pastries. It is made in the form of various figures and decorated with colored glaze. Children take part in these pleasant chores with pleasure and delight. Multi-colored gingerbread cookies can be used as a decor, treat guests with them and give them to friends and relatives.

12. Holiday table decor

In the morning after the Easter service, a family breakfast is sure to follow. The table is laid festive, decorated, with Easter cake and eggs in the center. The table setting must contain the attributes of a bright holiday: a light tablecloth, beautiful dishes, bright symbolic decor.

You can choose any color scheme of textiles and accessories. On the table there should be figurines of Easter animals. Napkins folded in a special way, for example, in the form of a hare's face, will give the table originality. An Easter wreath hung horizontally above the table looks very unusual and stylish. And, of course, candles are simply necessary on the festive table.

Video master class: Bunnies from napkins

13. The final touch - pin your luck

The task seems so responsible, but even small children can handle it. Such a banal item as a clothespin, in addition to its intended purpose, can do a lot. It remains only to turn on the imagination, and everything will work out - and luck is in the hands, and beauty is before your eyes!

From clothespins, you can create candlesticks, festive garlands (for example, hang bunny figurines on clothespins), or even create a basket for eggs and gifts.

Of course, today it is not difficult to buy ready-made decor for every taste and budget, but the secret meaning of Easter is different - there is nothing more precious than time spent with loved ones. Easter brings the family together, and creating Easter decor with your own hands is a great occasion for joint creativity with children, the exchange of ideas and the joy of communication. Crafts created together will be much more interesting and valuable than the most expensive standard jewelry from the store. In the soul there will remain bright memories, and in memory - sweet little things dear to the heart.

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One of the most ancient and revered holidays of Christians is Easter. It is celebrated annually by millions of people around the world. For believers, this is the feast of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who took upon himself all the sins of mankind. On this day, adherents of Christianity gather in churches in order to pray and see a miracle - the descent of the Holy Fire. According to legend, he is able to heal both physical and mental ailments.

For most people, Easter is a bright spring holiday, when it is customary to give cute gifts, bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and decorate the house with spring attributes. But doing the same thing every year is boring, so we offer to diversify the preparation for your favorite holiday with fun and beautiful crafts that you can easily and quickly do with your own hands.

Easter eggs

Remember how our grandmothers dyed eggs with onion skins? The shell turned out uniformly red. This, of course, is a tradition, but you want something unusual.

Let's start with color.

We paint eggs with natural materials

As the grandmother did - boil the onion peel for half an hour and let the resulting mass stand. Then we put raw eggs in it and cook until cooked. The saturation of the color depends on the amount of husk in the decoction. Here you can use eggs even with yellow shells. Do not forget to hold the already prepared eggs under cold water so that the skin easily leaves.

For later options it is better to use eggs with white shells, then the color will be clearer.

Green color obtained by using a decoction of nettle. Some advise adding spinach for saturation, but the color does not always turn out beautiful.

brown shade gives black tea or coffee. For more delicate flowers, use walnut shells.

yellow sun color an egg will gain if it is boiled in turmeric.

Pink color obtained from a decoction of cranberries. Only after cooking will you have to leave the eggs in the solution for a short time so that the color is brighter.

blue tint can also be obtained without resorting to chemical dyes. All you need is hibiscus tea.

Purple a little difficult to get, because you have to dye them in an infusion of violet flowers. Flowers should be poured with hot water, allowed to stand and boiled eggs soaked in it overnight. To get a fresh lavender shade, you should add lemon juice to the infusion.

simple easter egg decor

There is another easy coloring method. To get interesting patterns on the shell without using artificial dyes, we need:

  • Parsley or dill;
  • Threads of various thicknesses;
  • Rubber bands;
  • Various cereals or small pasta (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • Onion peel;
  • Stocking.

Everything is simple here. We apply any of the materials to a wet egg, wrap it in a stocking and cook in any dye indicated above. Leaves will give beautiful natural patterns, threads and elastic bands - a geometric ornament, specks will turn out from cereals, and funny abstract stains from onion peel. You can combine colors and decorating methods to get a beautiful result.

To make the eggs shine beautifully, you can rub them with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Silk dyeing of Easter eggs

One of the most beautiful ways of dyeing eggs is the so-called "silk dyeing". This method is now very quickly gaining popularity. One minus is that it is not entirely safe, so if there are cracks on the shell and the paint gets into them, it is better not to eat such an egg. For this we need:

  • Pieces of natural silk with an ornament;
  • Eggs with white shells;
  • Threads;
  • Vinegar;
  • Saucepan;
  • Water.

We take a piece of silk, wrap it around an egg, fix it on top with threads (you can use a plain non-shedding fabric) and cook in a saucepan with the addition of vinegar.

Egg wrapping

To do this, you need to prepare the egg, because this method is more suitable for decoration. You need to make two small holes on both sides of the egg and “blow out” its contents.

In order for the paint or glue to lay down evenly, it is worth wiping the shell with alcohol. Now you can create. We cover the entire surface with glue and dip, for example, in sparkles. We get an incredible iridescent decoration for any Easter basket. You can also use sprinkles for Easter cakes, rhinestones, small pasta, buttons, ropes, ribbons, gold leaf, sequins, colored sand and everything that comes to mind.

"Cosmic" beauty

We make a fashionable "space" egg with our own hands. For work you will need:

  • Acrylic paint: black, white, blue, purple, gold (you can add more shades if desired);
  • Sponge;
  • Wide brush;
  • Fine brush;
  • Wand.

We take an empty shell, insert a stick into the hole - it's easier to hold the egg when painting. We apply black paint to the entire surface with a sponge. While the paint is not dry, apply blue color to part of the egg with a brush or sponge.

We immediately make spots in purple on the still wet paint so that the edges are not clear. Shade a little. We apply a little gold and other shades to the desired result.

We dip a wide brush in white, remove excess paint with a napkin. Run your finger along the brush and gently sprinkle on the egg. Here come the stars.

With a thin brush, you can add stars to make constellations.

More Easter egg decorations

Easter crafts

Colored eggs are already familiar, what else can be built from improvised materials?

felt egg

Such cute decorations can be used as decor throughout the house. If you attach ribbons to soft toys, you can hang them on a cornice, make a garland, decorate baskets with sweets, or simply give them to friends.

To make this charm is simple: cut out two identical oval bases from felt of any color. We decorate according to your taste with ribbons, buttons, embroidery, sequins, bows. We sew with a decorative seam with thick bright threads and stuff the toy with padding polyester or scraps of the same felt.

By the way, in the same way you can make little animals or birds and complement your home decor.

Easter wreath

A very fresh solution for Easter would be to create a delicate spring flower wreath. But it will fade quickly, you say. Now you will see how to quickly and easily create an artificial wreath that will not fade and can please the eye for a long time.

For work, we need quite a bit:

  • Several empty egg cartons;
  • Glue (possible PVA);
  • Brush for glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Corrugated paper thread (such is used by florists and decorators);
  • Little things for decor (artificial flowers, ribbons - optional).

We cut out pimples from the egg packaging so that we get blanks that look like flowers.

We will need quite a lot of them (depending on the size of the wreath), so we will have to be patient. The blanks must be nested in each other.

From corrugated paper thread makes stems and leaves. We put leaves, ribbons, artificial flowers, or whatever you want to use into each cardboard blank that we have made before. We fix everything with glue and connect the elements in a circle.

You can decorate the resulting wreath with ribbons, rhinestones, or whatever you want. Such a cute little thing will freshen up any interior.

Wreaths can be made from anything, they look very advantageous both on the festive table and in the interior.

Easter garlands

We are all used to the fact that a garland is something New Year's. But don't be embarrassed. This colorful Easter themed decoration will perfectly fit into your interior. Now we will see how to make a beautiful garland with our own hands.

We will need:

  • Thick paper with a beautiful pattern (you can just like your favorite colors);
  • Ribbon or thick thread;
  • Scissors;
  • Pompoms.

We make a stencil, for example, with a bunny. Cut out a few pieces of thick paper. We make holes for the tape, thread it. Glue pom-poms on bunnies.

We tie our beauty to the wall or cornice and enjoy.

Bunny vase

Another option for using empty eggshells is to make vases out of them for small flowers. In this way, you can decorate the Easter table in an original way. By the way, you can make other forest dwellers in the company of hares. To create a baby vase, we need:

  • egg shells;
  • Black felt-tip pen (or paint);
  • White felt-tip pen (or paint);
  • Red pencil (or paint);
  • White paper;
  • Decorative tape with a pattern;
  • Small branches and flowers.

Thanks to the preparations for the holiday, there will be no shortage of empty shells, you just need to carefully break them - cut off only the top, leaving the main part of the egg intact. The workpiece must be thoroughly rinsed so that there is no unpleasant odor later, and dried.

Draw eyes, mouth and nose with a black marker. Highlight the cheeks with a red pencil. We make wool with a white marker.

We cut out a narrow rectangle from paper a little longer than an egg (about 6x2 cm), fold it in half and round it on one side. The inside can be painted over with a red pencil. It turned out a rabbit ear. We make him a couple in the same way. To keep the ears on the bunny's head, you need to make a rim. To do this, cut a strip of paper about 11 cm long and 6 mm wide. We turn it into a ring and fasten the ears with tape. You can wrap the bezel itself with tape with a funny print. We fix the rim on the top of the egg. We also make small coasters for paper vases (width 3-5 mm). They can also be decorated with tape. We put the rabbits on stands, fill them with flowers and twigs. Ready!

Easter tree

The Easter tree looks very impressive in the interior. You can hang handmade toys on it, decorate with ribbons, attach postcards or small gifts.

It does not take much effort to acquire such beauty. In a flower pot or small bucket, put flower foam or polystyrene, insert various branches, they can be painted in some delicate color. Cover the base with pebbles or decorative sand. You can also use live branches, and instead of a bucket, use a vase of water.

Various variations on the theme of wreaths and garlands in the trendy colors of the season.

Create a unique holiday atmosphere using unusual decor materials. Candles, glasses, fresh flowers - and this is only a small part of the ideas for a wonderful Easter holiday.

Hello dear readers! Literally a few weeks left before the main Orthodox holiday - the Holy Resurrection of Christ! There is a lot of work ahead: thorough cleaning of the apartment, dyeing eggs, cooking delicious dishes and traditional Easter cakes, and while there is still time, you can think over the decor of the house for Easter!

To begin with, you should think about what is the symbol of Easter? In Russia - colored eggs and Easter cakes; in Germany - an Easter bunny, multi-colored eggs; in England, America - Easter wreaths, rabbits, colored and chocolate eggs.

As we can see, the traditions of different countries are united by a single symbol - a painted egg, respectively, on its basis, you can think over the decor for Easter.

In addition, you need to think about the color scheme of the Easter decor, despite the fact that it is the red tone that is considered the traditional Easter color (Mary Magdalene presented the emperor with an egg that turned red before his eyes), but still the light pastel color scheme looks the most advantageous, symbolizing spring awakening. Therefore, it is better to select all decorative elements in soft pink, light blue, pale green and unobtrusive yellow shades.

Easter decor ideas

Egg decor

In this case, fantasy is welcome, there are a huge number of decor options: openwork knitted cases, wrapping with colored threads, using special stickers, hand-painted decorative painting, using sweet marzipan, pasting with rhinestones, decorating with seeds, decorating with simple twine or bright ribbons.

Separately, I would like to note a simple but effective way to decorate eggs with an ordinary floral print napkin. The napkin pattern must be carefully cut out, cover part of the egg with PVA glue, you can use starch diluted with water, and carefully attach (glue) the cut fragment to this place. After drying, the finished product looks just great!

miniature vases

We break the chicken egg on top (not necessarily carefully), remove the yolk and protein, rinse the inner walls of the shell with soapy water, go to the flower bed, pick small flowers (you can also use homemade flowers), pour some water into the shell, put freshly picked flowers in our impromptu vases and enjoy the result!

Easter nests

And why not decorate the house with impromptu bird nests, for this you should stock up on small, thin branches and weave such an unusual decor item.

Easter trees

To make such trees, you need to remove the egg white-yolk from the eggs, for this, the selected eggs must be immersed for about an hour in a saturated water-salt solution (for 1 cup of plain water, about 3 tablespoons of coarse salt), this technique will give the shell greater strength . After that, the eggs need to be removed from the saline solution and punctures are created above and below with a knife, then slowly blow the egg white into a specially prepared container, rinse the inner walls, rinsing with plain water, which should be carefully poured into the holes formed. After washing, the product should be dried.

On improvised trees, prepared whole shells can be fixed with glue, as well as hung on elegant ribbons or threads. In the case of pendants, we take a thick thread, tie a knot, thread it into the hole in the shell, cover it abundantly with glue or “stick it up” with plasticine. A few alternative tricks can be seen below.

Decorating the house for Easter - windows

We draw simple pictures by hand - images of Easter bunnies, bunnies, chickens and other cute animals, cut them out and stick them on the windows using transparent tape. Examples of Easter templates can be viewed below, if you have a printer, you can simply print them! By the way, various paper garlands are also welcome, we considered them in the article "".

Easter table

To begin with, the table should be covered with a themed tablecloth, then prepared Easter trees and miniature shell vases should be placed. Bowls in the shape of bunnies, dishes arranged on wicker napkins, stands, baskets of flowers, candles in the shape of eggs, and a festive cake in the center of the table will look appropriate here.

As for ordinary napkins, they can be given an original look by folding them in the form of a muzzle or rabbit body, the diagram below. Spoons and forks can be wrapped in bright orange napkins, tied with green thread, thus making wonderful decorative carrots.

Topiary for Easter (video):

A floating cup for Easter (video):

How to paint eggs for Easter in an original way:

These are the Easter decor ideas that we reviewed today, I hope you choose something interesting and suitable for yourself. Friends, do you celebrate this holiday and decorate your house for Easter, share your answers in the comments?! By the way, you can read a new article on Easter decor. Dear readers, do not forget to subscribe to site updates, only the most interesting is ahead of you!