Long service pension for the head of a municipality. How long does a municipal employee need to work to receive a long-service pension?

For teenagers

    Pensions for municipal employees are calculated not according to old age, but according to length of service. If an employee of this category has a different length of service (was previously employed in a country other than government agency), then he can additionally receive old-age payments.

    If a person on January 1, 2017 was a civil servant, had 15 years of service or more, received the right to an old-age or disability pension, he has the right to apply for a long-service pension at an earlier date. established standards, and not taking into account the new provisions. Let us consider in more detail in the material presented how this payment is calculated and who has the right to claim it.

    Who is entitled to a municipal pension?

    The main regulations governing the right of municipal employees to long-service pensions are:

  • Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in Russian Federation»;
  • Federal Law dated 02.03.007 No. 25-FZ “On municipal service in the Russian Federation”.

According to the previous legislation, officials could extend the service life from 60 to 65 years, but as of January 1, 2017, this opportunity was lost. An exception is made for the following category of workers - heads of civil services under the age of 70, subject to agreement with the authority that appointed them to this position.

Municipal pension amount

Order pension provision municipal employees, including the conditions for calculating length of service and its confirmation, are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2011 No. 1648n and Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 28, 2014 No. 958n. Each subject of the Russian Federation issues its own regulations regulating the process of assigning pensions to officials, taking into account the characteristics of their employment, the deadlines for submitting documents, and the procedure for their registration.

Calculation of pensions for municipal employees

The size of the pension for municipal employees depends on:

  • work experience;
  • the amount of deductions of insurance premiums as a percentage of the accrued salary.

The minimum pension value for this category of persons is 45% of salary for Last year minus the old-age pension, calculated in proportion to the existing individual pension coefficient (IPC), which is calculated from the length of service and the amount of contributions.

The maximum amount is 75%, calculated as follows: assigning 45% for 15 years of experience, adding 3% for each subsequent year, but not more than 75% in total.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 818, when calculating average earnings for calculating the amount of a pension, the following are taken into account:

  • salary;
  • sick leave and bonuses;
  • vacation pay, health benefits;
  • all types of allowances and surcharges.

Incentives, payments in connection with illness, untimely death of a close relative are not taken into account when determining the amount.

Benefits for municipal employees

Employees have the right to receive two pensions at the same time: for length of service - based on the length of service in the civil service and for old age - from the remaining total experience. If the amount is small, he has the right to refuse a long-service pension and receive only old-age payments, since the total number of IPC will be higher in this case, and the size of the pension will increase.

Supplement to pension

Monthly supplements to labor pensions paid to former municipal employees, the procedure for recalculating the amount of pensions and payments is approved by the Appointment Rules monthly supplement to labor pensions, which are accepted by municipal authorities. The rules adopted by the constituent entities of the Federation determine the conditions for acquiring the right to additional payment for length of service.

Municipal pensioners often go to court for additional payments to their pensions, since the district administration or other municipal body is in no hurry to comply with the law. Without a lawyer, it is almost impossible to obtain the payments due. We recommend that you seek legal support from our experienced specialists. Call us by phone or contact us through the form feedback for advice on any questions about municipal pensions.

2016 promises to bring many changes to the lives of Russians. They will affect the economic, political and social spheres. In particular, many are concerned about the question of what will be municipal pension from the beginning of 2016. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

Features of the pension system

In addition to basic pension payments, some Russian citizens are entitled to special privileges. For example, municipal employees can receive a social pension, various kinds allowances, as well as disability insurance payments. Supplements are provided only to those persons who left their place of work due to reaching retirement age and received benefits for social contributions. They represent permanent monthly payments , which are issued after compliance with certain rules. These include that social pensions are paid not to all, but only to some public sector employees. Also, a citizen applying for a pension must meet certain requirements set forth by legislation regarding the issue of pension provision for officials.

People employed in this area include civil servants performing their professional duties on a regular basis. These can be either elective vacancies or other employees who carry out their activities on contractual terms (specialists, advisers, assistants, managers).

Also on special pension conditions The following persons can count:

  • those who were laid off;
  • employees who were dismissed after the liquidation of their workplace;
  • employees dismissed for health reasons;
  • employees who were dismissed due to the expiration of the employment contract;
  • those who have reached retirement age.

Benefits will be directly affected by criteria such as:

  • specific age of the employee;
  • minimum work experience;
  • specific indicator of the individual pension coefficient.

Today the privilege to receive additional allowance Can be obtained by women who have reached 55 years of age, as well as men whose age is equal to or greater than 60 years.

Individual pension coefficient came into effect in 2015 and was introduced specifically to implement an improved calculation method. Thus, the entire period of work of a civil servant can be assessed using certain points, which are subsequently summed up. The cost of each such point changes every year depending on indexation. To receive payments, civil servants must have an IPC of 30 points or more.

When calculating the number of payments, the following factors are taken into account:

  • seniority;
  • position held;
  • percentage of average salary.

Each region of the Russian Federation establishes its own calculation procedure. For example, in some regions the percentage is taken not from the average earnings, but from the salary of a civil servant. Average annual income is the adjusted income from which the amount of insurance payments is subtracted. Thus, minimum size the premium will be equal to about 45% of the average wages. Every year this figure increases by 3%. In such calculations, there is only one limitation, which makes it possible not to exceed the size of the pension of a Russian civil servant.

The legislation provides minimum experience, which is necessary when receiving payments to municipal employees, equal to more than 15 years.

The amount of the municipal pension from January 1, 2016

Since major changes are expected in the system pension savings from 2016, then municipal employees will also have to face with inevitable innovations.

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, the Government intends, first of all, reduce pension payments certain categories of pensioners to stabilize costs at the local and federal levels. If you believe latest news, then more radical measures will be adopted in 2016.

According to preliminary data, workers will face the following changes in accordance with the introduced bill:

  • Reducing the coefficient;
  • New maximum age limit for employees;
  • Restrictions on payments for working pensioners;
  • Raising the age to qualify for additional payments;
  • Cancellation of indexation for employed workers;
  • Increasing the minimum work hours in municipalities.

So, for example, if now to receive social charges If men need to reach the age of 60 years, and women - 55 years, then in the new year the Government intends to gradually increase the length of service. These numbers will increase by 6 months every year until they reach 65 years. It turns out that upon reaching a certain age, officials can only count for old age payments, and accruals for the years spent in public service will be paid to them much later.

Identical innovations will be applied to to the required period of work. From 2016, an employee will need to have an experience of not 15, but 20 years.

Among other things, the changes will also affect working pensioners who have every right to receive social benefits based on age. Since these payments are certain benefits that are given to an employee when he reaches age-related incapacity, from 2016 they will not be indexed for working pensioners. That is, if the official continues his labor activity After reaching retirement age, social benefits for him will be stopped.

Since 2016, an official can hold his position only until he reached 70 years old.

In addition, from the new year the coefficient for length of service will be reduced. If earlier it was equal to 2.8%, now will drop to 1%.

Features of the bill on municipal pensions

According to the bill, all municipal employees are entitled to the same social obligations as regular pensioners. This implies that they can count on all existing pension guarantees, which are provided for at the legislative level.

The basis for calculating payments is the following federal laws:

  • On the state civil service;
  • On state pension provision;
  • About municipal service.

It should be noted that the above bills defining the activities of civil servants contain only general provisions regarding the issue of employee pension payments. Since funds for this are allocated from local and regional budgets, other indicators are established by the legislation of specific constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Following the main bill, civil servants have the right to:

  • long service pensions;
  • additional payments appointed with the establishment of incapacity in connection with the performance of official assignments;
  • additional payments for family members, which are assigned as a result of the death of an employee, only if the death occurs while fulfilling official obligations.

Currently, many regions of the Russian Federation have adopted a special bill defining the amount and terms of payments. Differences are provided both for certain standards and for methods of receiving paid funds. So, for the correct calculation of cash security, you should study legislative framework specific subject local government in which the citizen worked. At the official level, additional payments to the labor pension for service in municipal bodies were approved the following regions of the Russian Federation:

  • Moscow and Moscow region;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Krasnoyarsk region;
  • Khabarovsk region,
  • The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
  • Voronezh region;
  • Smolensk region;
  • Novgorod region.

In other regions of the Russian Federation, calculation of payments is based on basic bills about employees and pension guarantees.

Pension payments for long service to municipal employees

Pension system in our country has quite long-term structure and is aimed at providing financial support for every citizen in need once he/she achieves of a certain age or any special circumstances.

The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that a long-service pension is calculated depending on from some conditions which a citizen must comply with at the same time:

  • the right to receive government payments upon reaching a specific age;
  • right to material support in connection with the acquisition of disability;
  • having a minimum work experience;
  • availability of minimum acceptable length of service when replacing.

Service in local government bodies should include the following operating periods:

  • in state and municipal positions;
  • for those vacancies that are determined by the legislation of a particular region.

In order to have the right for additional charges, is required to serve in a local government body for a period of 15 years or more. If you are filling a position in a municipality, you must have at least one year of regular work before claiming additional payments.

Size social payments is directly related to the monthly salary, which is established for the employee on the day of acceptance for a position or on the day of dismissal in connection with reaching retirement age. This amount is 45% of the average salary for 15 years of civil servant service. This value increases by 3% for each additional year of service. True, the amount received in the end cannot exceed 75% of the average salary of an official.

If the employee becomes disabled directly related to the fulfillment of official obligations, then he can count on additional payments regardless of his length of service. In this case payments will be:

  • 75% of the average salary for the position held at the time of dismissal (only if disability groups 1 and 2 are established);
  • Half of the average salary (if disability group 3 is established).

If an employee’s life is interrupted during the performance of official obligations, then his relatives in this case can count on payment long service pensions, which is not related to the accrual of social benefits due to the loss of a breadwinner. The legislation provides for the limits of these payments - no more than 50% of the average earnings of a civil servant in the position he held until his death.

The average earnings, which influences the size of the long-service pension, are calculated based on the following criteria:

  • monthly salary;
  • monthly bonus;
  • salary according to the employee’s grade;
  • academic degrees or honorary titles;
  • special conditions services;
  • long service accruals;
  • work with information related to state secrets.

A municipal employee can count on additional financial support only after leaving the service. To receive such payments, he must contact the city administration, the Department of Labor and Social Security. The long service pension will be suspended if the citizen held the following positions:

  • municipal service;
  • civil service;
  • elective positions;
  • government positions;

In some cases provision is made for the recalculation of the long-service pension:

  • increasing seniority;
  • increase in average earnings.

Required length of service for a municipal pension

Seniority, necessary for further payments of a municipal pension, is a certain time period during which the citizen worked in a particular organization. According to Russian legislation, this period provides many advantages for those employees who have remained in the service of local governments for a long time.

Achieving privileged status is possible only through permanent job in a municipal position. Subsequently, based on given length of service the employee will be provided with appropriate benefits, allowances, pensions and vacations.

The total duration of service in local government bodies is divided into the following periods:

  • work in all municipal positions;
  • work in law enforcement agencies;
  • work in all government positions;
  • work in the state civil service;
  • service in military units;
  • work in other positions stipulated by the legislation of specific constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the Presidential Decree contains list of civil service jobs, which can also be included in the citizen’s total work experience.

The presence of such production is not only strengthens work positions employee, but can also significantly affect the amount of his further payments for service in municipal bodies. This municipal length of service, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, serves as the basis for crediting a pension for long service as a percentage:

  • 15 years = 45% of the monthly salary of a municipal employee;
  • 16 years = 48%;
  • 17 years old = 51%;
  • 18 years old = 54%;
  • 19 years old = 57%;
  • 20 years = 60%.

It may be noted that upon reaching 15 years of service, for each additional working year accrued 3% each to the base rate of 45%.

Some regions of the Russian Federation establish their own minimum work experience to receive municipal pension payments, stipulated by Federal legislation, which regulates issues pension accruals. There are also such subjects of the Russian Federation, which reduce this period:

  • Moscow region - the minimum length of service for women is 10 years, for men - 12.5 years;
  • St. Petersburg - for both men and women, the minimum experience is considered to be 10 years.

If a municipal employee acquires a disability of 1, 2 or 3 groups, then his length of service will not affect the amount of the pension paid. It will be:

  • 75% for disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • 50% for disabled people of group 3.

Officials at the municipal level are interested in what the municipal pension will be from January 1, 2017; municipal employees should really prepare for certain changes that await the pension system in relation to civil servants. Let's look at this in more detail.

Municipal pension from January 1, 2017

Municipal pension from January 1, 2017, along with the pension for civil servants, it begins to change. Finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, government officials regarding pensions for absolutely all Russians, in addition to the lack of funds to increase pensions, are currently faced with a long-standing systemic problem. The fact is that despite the enormous unpopularity of such a decision, there is objectively a need to raise the retirement age in the state.

The number of pensioners in the state is rapidly approaching the number of working citizens, and soon it will even exceed their number, unless something starts to change. In principle, this problem exists not only in Russia, and the same thing is happening in developed European countries, where they have long ago come to raise the retirement age. The Russian authorities understand that sooner or later they will have to do this; they just need to prepare the necessary ground and accustom the population to such an idea.

The best way in this matter is to start with yourself, so for civil servants, starting in 2017, a gradual increase in the age at which they can retire begins. As a result, over the next few years, this age will be raised to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. By the way, the formula for raising the age is such that it will always be higher than the national level. Therefore, if there is an increase in the retirement age for the bulk of Russians, then for municipal employees it will be pushed back even further.

In addition to raising the retirement age, the required length of service will also increase. From January 1, 2017, the municipal pension will no longer be available to those who have worked in the municipal service for 15 years, and along with the retirement age, length of service will be increased to 20 years in the near future.

Of course, all innovations will be introduced only for those who have not yet retired. According to the constitution, a law that worsens the situation of citizens cannot have retroactive effect.

These are the main changes that the municipal pension will undergo from January 1, 2017; municipal employees, as representatives of the class of government officials, should come to terms with them and treat them with understanding

What will the new municipal pension give the state from January 1, 2017?

The municipal pension from January 1, 2017 will help you start saving budget resources, and the budget will receive about 600 million additional rubles annually. This money could also be used to increase pensions for all Russian pensioners.

An additional advantage for the state may be that, thanks to the measures taken, the most effective and experienced municipal employees will be able to continue working, which should benefit the management of the country at the local government level.

And, of course, starting with officials, the government will eventually be able to move on to optimizing the pension system in the country as a whole.

Of course, all such measures, even taking into account the understanding of their objectivity and inevitability, cannot but cause regret. The pension system in the country must be stable and unchanged for decades. This is the only way citizens can have confidence in it and desire to more actively participate in the formation of their own pension. When does the state begin to frequently change the rules, take away savings part pensions for working citizens, calling it a “freeze” when it cannot specifically say whether it will increase retirement age, all this undermines trust in pension system, and to the state as a whole. A huge disadvantage of the political system in the country is the complete lack of public discussion of all such issues. All decisions are made by the authorities in a kind of vacuum, and only final decisions reach us. But this is a slightly different topic, more related to the issue of political and civil culture in the country, which requires time and the ability to work on oneself, without waiting for orders and taking the initiative for changes in the country into one’s own hands.

This type of social security is assigned based on length of service. It complements the old-age pension and is designed for employees of local authorities - administrations of cities, districts and rural settlements. Payment amount in in this case calculated as a percentage of the existing official salary, but should not exceed a certain amount.

Municipal employee status

The defining features of this type of professional activity of citizens are set out in legislation. The differences between municipal service and other types of employment are:

  • work on a permanent basis in positions in local government structures;
  • financing from the local budget.

Like civil servants, local government employees have the opportunity to receive an additional pension. At the same time, municipal employees do not include persons who ensure the work of local administrations with the help of various technical means(for example, cleaners, security guards, electricians, etc.). Subjects of the Russian Federation independently establish lists of positions that serve as the basis for drawing up staffing schedules. The table shows options for classifying workers in accordance with the following registers:

The basic legal framework defining pension provision for municipal employees is set out in federal laws. This includes:

  • No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001. This legislative act is considering general principles calculation of pensions for citizens of the Russian Federation and the emergence of the right to this type social support.
  • No. 25-FZ “On municipal service in the Russian Federation” dated 03/02/2007. This law explains relevant concepts and terminology. Here the circle of persons who are municipal employees is designated and their rights are determined.
  • No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions” dated December 28, 2003. Here we consider the general provisions for the appointment of state benefits in old age, for example, at what age the right to these social benefits becomes available.

Regional legislation complements and specifies the basic regulations, for example, determines the specific amount of payments. Federal Law No. 166-FZ sets the minimum pension at 45% of the average monthly wage (AMS). Local laws may increase this figure. Thus, in the Moscow region the standard amount of such deductions for municipal workers equal to 55% COT.

Types of pensions

Rights and benefits for municipal employees are established by federal and local legislation. The state support defined by him contains:

  • Long service pension. It is financed from the regional budget. In addition to officials, representatives of professions associated with risk to life - military personnel, rescuers, test pilots, etc. - have a similar benefit for length of service.
  • Insurance payment due to disability or old age. This subsidy has federal funding and is assigned to general principles.
  • Various surcharges. It is necessary to have the right to receive them, so they are not paid to all pensioners.

The municipal long-service pension supplements the state old-age or disability benefit up to a certain limit. In general, the total amount of the two payments should not exceed 75% of the average monthly salary for the last year worked. In this form, it is fair to consider municipal payments not as an independent state benefit, but as an additional payment to the existing one (insurance or disability).

Long service pension for municipal employees

State provision of this type acts as compensation for increased loads when performing work duties. By current legislation, the long service pension of a municipal employee is due to all officials of local administrations if they have specialized experience, the duration of which is determined by law. The period of work in the municipality is also taken into account when determining the employee’s right to additional payments to his pension.

Conditions of appointment

In order to qualify for a municipal pension, it is not enough to be an employee of the local administration. You can receive this government payment only if you fully comply with the requirements set out in Law No. 25-FZ. The table shows the conditions, upon fulfillment of which the citizens are assigned state payments:


Federal legal requirements

Municipal service experience

In 2019 – at least 16 years (with the requirement to work in one position for 1 year or more). This gives the right to payments of 45% of the average monthly salary (if more high values not established by local legislation). For each year worked above the standard, the amount of state benefit increases by 3%, but the maximum allowable amount is 75%.

Specific reasons for dismissal

To receive state benefits based on length of service, dismissal from work must be:

  • for health;
  • upon liquidation of the local administration;
  • to reduce the number of employees;
  • upon reaching the maximum permissible age for service;
  • upon retirement in old age.

Last place of work

For the last 12 months, the person must be employed in the municipality and from here his dismissal based on length of service must occur. If this condition is violated (for example, taking another job), the citizen loses the right to state pension payments for length of service in municipal work.

How is it calculated

When calculating the amount of state support for length of service, you need to take into account that according to the law, the amount of labor and municipal pensions should not be higher than 75% of the employee’s average monthly salary for the last year. In this case, in order to find out the amount of payments that a citizen will receive in hand, you need to calculate full size benefits, and subtract from it the amount of state old-age benefits. The calculation is carried out using the formulas DSP = PVL – RSP and PVL = SMZ x PS, where:

  • DSP is an addition (supplement) to the insurance pension.
  • VSP – the amount of the insurance pension (fixed part and bonuses).
  • PVL – long service pension. By law, this value (or the value of DSP + RSP) is limited to 75% of the SMZ and should not exceed the official salary by more than 2.3 times.
  • SMZ – average monthly salary.
  • PS – interest rate set depending on length of service. Her base size is equal to 45% (unless otherwise established by local legislation), which means that the minimum value of municipal-type state pension provision is equal to SMZ x 45%.

For example, you can find out the amount of payments for length of service to an employee with 20 years of specialized experience, in the last year of work he had a salary of 20,000 rubles, an average monthly salary of 60,000 rubles and received state old-age payments in the amount of 32,000 rubles. The calculations look like this:

  1. This employee has worked 5 years in excess of the required rate, which means that 3% is added to the minimum rate determined by the state for each year worked: PS = 45% + 3% x 5 years = 60%.
  2. PVL is calculated = 60,000 rubles. x 60% = 36,000 rubles. This value does not exceed the maximum values ​​​​established by law (60,000 rubles x 75% = 45,000 rubles and 20,000 rubles x 2.3 = 46,000 rubles).
  3. The result is a supplement to the labor pension: DSP = 36,000 rubles. – 32,000 rub. = 4,000 rubles.

Insurance pension

Obtaining labor-type pensions for municipal employees does not differ from the generally accepted procedure. Matching basic requirements, an official can receive an insurance pension by completing the required municipal experience. The table shows the assignment conditions different types state provision, according to Law No. 400-FZ:

Types of insurance pension

Terms of service

By old age

Simultaneous compliance with the specified requirements (data are indicated for 2019, in the future they will increase to the limit established by law):

By disability

Appointed when an employee receives disability I, II or Group III(regardless of the reasons). An indispensable condition for the appointment is the presence of insurance experience (if it is completely absent, a social pension is assigned).

Pension insurance for local government employees is subject to the requirement of Law No. 400-FZ on mandatory indexation. Every year, the amount of payments is equal to the inflation rate for the second quarter of the previous year, so on January 1, 2018, this type of state benefits increased by 3.7%.

Long service bonus

Local authorities may introduce additional payments to municipal pensions. This is done in cases.

From 05/27/2003 "About the system civil service Russian Federation" civil servants are divided into:

  • Federal government employees- these are citizens who work in a federal government structure and receive remuneration from the federal budget. Persons holding federal government positions include employees:
    • apparatuses of federal legislative bodies;
    • federal executive authorities
    • federal judicial apparatus;
    • other federal government bodies (prosecutor's office, Investigative Committee, Accounts Chamber, etc.)
  • Civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation(municipal employees) are citizens working for civil position and receiving remuneration from the budget of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The civil service positions themselves are determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 N 1574, and their pension provision is determined by law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”.

Types of assigned pensions

For civil servants, according to Article 7 Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 provides for pension payments both for length of service and an insurance pension (in accordance with Law N 400-FZ of December 28, 2013), if the conditions for its accrual are met.

  • Pension accruals based on length of service are provided for federal civil servants (this also includes municipal employees) who have reached retirement age and a certain length of service in government positions. Payment based on length of service is made from the budget of the Russian Federation, region or municipality.
  • If a citizen also worked in non-state structures and insurance contributions were deducted for him, then he has the right to receive an old-age (disability) pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

A pension for long service is granted only simultaneously with the insurance pension by age (or due to disability).

Assignment of long-service pensions to civil servants

In order for a long service pension to be granted, several conditions must be met:

  • reaching retirement age (as of 2018, women are 56 years old, men are 61);
  • The length of service in a public position must be at least 16 years;
  • continuous experience civil service - at least 12 months before dismissal (only for federal civil servants);
  • the dismissal of the employee occurred by agreement of the parties, in connection with changes in the terms of the contract, reduction or liquidation of a government agency, or the achievement of the maximum age of civil service.

It is possible to receive a pension before retirement age; in this case, the length of civil service must be at least 25 years and continuous work experience in the civil service must be at least 7 years. Also, if a state organization is liquidated or the organization’s staff is reduced, it is possible to receive a pension without fulfilling the condition of working for 12 months.

If you have work experience in the public service at least 15 years an employee can count on a pension payment in the amount of 45% of average monthly earnings minus the insurance pension.

For each year of work experience over 15 years, the payment increases by 3%, but in total total payout cannot exceed 75% from the average salary of an employee.

The right to an insurance (labor) pension

Federal civil servants have the right to a share of the insurance (labor) pension in accordance with Article 19 of the law “About insurance pensions” with an insurance period of 15 years, which includes the period of civil service, if you have the required number of points and have reached retirement age.

The insurance period includes the following periods:

  • periods of activity for which contributions under compulsory pension insurance were paid;
  • length of public service;
  • other periods specified in Art. 12 laws “About insurance pensions”.

Insurance pension provision is calculated based on the accumulated amount pension points, multiplied by their cost in the year of appointment (from January 1, 2018, 81.49 rubles). For civil servants such a pension is paid excluding fixed payment.

If a citizen continues to work after retirement, for which contributions to the Pension Fund will continue to be paid, then his pension provision will be subject to recalculation. Thus, the share of the old-age insurance pension is subject to recalculation according to the data individual accounting with an increase in the sum of the coefficients, which depends on the amount of insurance contributions not taken into account when calculating the insurance pension when it was assigned. Recalculation occurs annually from August 1 without the pensioner filing an application.

Law on raising the retirement age from 2017

On May 11, 2016, a law proposed by United Russia member Valery Trapeznikov was adopted, on the basis of which the gradual increase in the retirement age of civil servants for women up to 63 years old, and up to 65 for men.

The law of May 23, 2016 No. 143-FZ comes into force on January 1, 2017 and will involve an increase in the retirement age for six months annually until it reaches the set level. For men this will happen by 2026, and for women by 2032.

The period of service for receiving a pension has also changed: if previously it was 15 years, now for civil servants will need to work for 20 years. Minimum experience for length of service, like the retirement age, will also increase gradually and reach a final increase by 2026.

This law also increases the term of duties for deputies State Duma and members of the Federation Council for calculating a bonus based on length of service, it will now be 5 years instead of the previously established year.

Calculation of state pension for federal employees

The calculation of the amount of state pension payment for length of service for federal civil servants depends on the average monthly salary of length of service and the amount of accrued old-age (disability) pension, and is calculated using the formula:

P = (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St,

  • P- the amount of pension for long service;
  • NW- average salary;
  • JV- amount of old-age (disability) pension;
  • St- over 15 years of experience.

The calculation does not take into account the amount of increases in fixed payments to the insurance pension and the size of the share of the insurance pension.

The law also sets size limits. maximum payout pensions. So the amount of service pension and insurance pension cannot exceed 75% average monthly salary of a federal civil servant.

Earnings from which the pension is calculated

The amount of the long-service pension depends on the average monthly earnings for the last year (12 months) of service preceding retirement. To determine the amount of this earnings the following payments are taken into account civil servants:

  1. official monthly salary;
  2. monthly salary assigned to the employee according to class rank;
  3. long service bonus;
  4. bonus for special conditions of the federal state civil service, added to the official salary;
  5. bonus for working with information constituting state secrets;
  6. monthly bonus;
  7. bonus for completing particularly important and complex tasks;
  8. one-time payment for annual paid leave and financial assistance.

When calculating average monthly earnings excluded from calculation periods (accrued benefit amounts during this time are not taken into account):

  1. employee leave without pay;
  2. maternity and child care leave upon reaching the age established by law;
  3. period of temporary incapacity.

The amount of average monthly earnings is calculated by dividing the total amount of payments by 12. If vacations or sick leave are recorded in the billing period, then the total amount of earnings is divided by the number of days actually worked and multiplied by 21 (the average number of working days per year).

The average earnings cannot exceed 2.8 of the official salary or 0.8 monetary reward established for the employee in the pay period.

Indexation of pension provision for civil servants

Annually, the long-service pension may be subject to increase through indexation. In accordance with Resolution No. 346 of May 31, 2005, it is carried out:

  • at increase in official salaries federal civil servants - by the index of increase in such official salaries;
  • at increase in other cash payments included in the maintenance of federal civil servants - by the index of increase in such payments (weighted average).

An increase in the amount of payments also occurs in the following cases:

  • change in the amount of old-age pension;
  • increasing the length of service in public service.

Indexation of old-age labor pensions is carried out annually on February 1 to the inflation level of the previous year. However, this legislative provision was suspended until 2017 and in the current 2016 the increase was only 4%. After such a low indexation, the government decided to pay additional 5000 rubles to all pensioners as compensation (January 1, 2017).

Increasing the amount of payments

In addition to indexation of pension provision, according to Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001. No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, an increase in the amount of payments is provided in the following cases:

  • For every full year experience over 15 years at 3% of average monthly earnings. At the same time, the total amount of pension and fixed payment should not exceed 75% of average monthly earnings.
  • Residents of the districts Far North, an area equated to it, as well as citizens who previously worked in such areas, a coefficient is established for the entire period of time spent there, in accordance with the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. When a citizen leaves this area for permanent residence, the size pension benefit will be calculated without taking this coefficient into account.

Registration of pension and necessary documents

A citizen has the right to submit an application for a pension after the right to a name arises. Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia, at any time without time limit. The application must be submitted to the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center either independently or through a legal representative, or by mail. When sending an application through the post office, the day of application will be considered the date indicated on the stamp from the place of departure.

The application is considered within 10 days from the date of submission of the application or provision of missing documents.

The following must be attached to the application: documentation:

  1. passport (original and copy);
  2. a certificate of average monthly earnings in the civil service for the last full year before leaving;
  3. a certificate of position, confirming the length of service in public service;
  4. certificate from the department Pension Fund, about the established labor pension for old age or disability and the amount accrued;
  5. a copy of the work book;
  6. a copy of the order of dismissal from public service;
  7. a copy of the military ID;
  8. documents confirming activities that are included in the civil service experience.

The procedure for payment and calculation of pension benefits

The payment of state pensions is established from the 1st of the month, in which the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to it arose.

Benefits are transferred monthly through an organization chosen by the civil servant. A citizen can also use a trusted person as a recipient; in this case, in order to receive benefits, it is necessary to register power of attorney.

Possible methods of delivering pension benefits:

  • Russian Post- receiving benefits is possible both at the post office at the place of registration and at home. The date of receipt is set according to the delivery schedule.
  • Bank- through a bank cash desk or by card for withdrawing funds from an ATM;
  • Benefit delivery organization- in this case, receiving a pension is possible through the organization’s cash desk or at home.

To approve the delivery method, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund, in which the pension benefit was issued.

Termination of payment upon continuation of service

Long service pension payments may be suspended in the following cases:

  • While holding a public office. In this case, the citizen is obliged to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within five days of the resumption of service. When a position is vacated, pension payments are resumed on the same terms at the request of the citizen.
  • When assigning a monthly supplement to a labor pension or other additional lifelong financial support. Payment for length of service ceases from the date of assignment of these payments;
  • For the period of work in interstate bodies, in positions for which long-service pensions are assigned and paid.

Payment of the insurance pension does not stop during the period of work.