Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 364 on wearing a uniform. What do shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations look like and how should they be sewn? Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies


IV. Submission of information by citizens applying for positions in the federal civil service in the EMERCOM of Russia, and by federal civil servants of the EMERCOM of Russia filling positions appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation

10. A citizen or a federal civil servant of the Russian Emergencies Ministry applying for a federal civil service position in the Russian Emergencies Ministry, appointment to and dismissal from which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, as well as a federal civil servant of the Russian Emergencies Ministry filling such a position, submits information to the Personnel Department policies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to send them to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for combating corruption.

Updated information submitted by citizens or federal civil servants referred to in this paragraph shall be sent to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Combating Corruption within five days after they are submitted to the Personnel Policy Department.

11. A citizen or federal civil servant of the EMERCOM of Russia, applying for a position in the federal civil service in the EMERCOM of Russia, appointment to and dismissal from which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, shall provide information on income in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Procedure.

12. The federal civil servant of the EMERCOM of Russia, who fills the position of the federal civil service in the EMERCOM of Russia, the appointment and dismissal of which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, shall submit information on income and information on expenses no later than March 15 of the year following the reporting one.


*(1) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 557 "On approval of the list of positions in the federal civil service, in the course of which federal civil servants are required to provide information about their income, property and obligations of a property nature, as well as information about income , on the property and property obligations of their spouse (spouse) and minor children" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, N 21, Art. 2542; 2012, N 4, Art. 471; N 14, Art. 1616; 2014, N 27, article 3754; 2015, No. 10, article 1506).

*(2) Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 22, 2011 N 135 "On Approval of the List of Federal Public Service Positions in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, upon appointment to which citizens and upon the replacement of which federal civil servants are obliged to provide information about their income, property and property obligations, as well as information about income, property and property obligations of their spouse (spouse) and minor children" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 15, 2011, registration N 20519).

1. A list of the main regulatory legal acts and guidelines in the field of fire safety, civil defense and protection of the population from natural and man-made emergencies used by the supervisory authorities of the EMERCOM of Russia in the course of their activities.

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".

4. Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”.

5. Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation".

6. Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”.

7. Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ "Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation".

8. Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”.

9. Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures".

11. Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies”.

12. Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”.

13. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Federal Law of December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ).

14. Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of December 18, 2001 No. 174-FZ).

15. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ).

16. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 820 "On State Fire Supervision".

17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2007 No. 305 “On approval of the regulation on state supervision in the field of civil defense”.

18. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2005 No. 712 “On approval of the regulation on state supervision in the field of protecting the population and territory from natural and man-made emergencies, carried out by the Russian Emergencies Ministry”.

19. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 944 “On approval of the list of activities in the healthcare, education and social spheres carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, in respect of which scheduled inspections are carried out at regular intervals.”

20. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2010 No. 489 “On approval of the rules for the preparation by state control (supervision) bodies and municipal control bodies of annual plans for scheduled inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”.

21. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 No. 272 ​​“On the procedure for conducting fire risk assessment calculations”.

22. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2009 No. 304 “On Approval of the Rules for Assessing the Conformity of Protected Objects (Products) with the Established Fire Safety Requirements by Independent Fire Risk Assessment”.

23. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2009 No. 584 "On the notification procedure for the commencement of certain types of business activities."

24. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2006 No. 625 “On licensing activities in the field of fire safety”.

25. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2009 No. 241 “On approval of the list of products that, in order to be placed under customs regimes that provide for the possibility of alienation or use of these products in accordance with their purpose in the customs territory of the Russian Federation, is subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".

26. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 517 dated 01.10.2007 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters for the Performance of the State Function of Supervising the Implementation of Federal Executive Authorities, Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation , local governments, organizations, as well as officials and citizens of the established fire safety requirements.

27. Order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated February 16, 2009 No. 65 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief for the Performance of the State Function of Supervising the Implementation of Federal Executive Authorities, Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, local authorities, organizations, as well as officials and citizens of the established requirements in the field of protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

28. Order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated February 16, 2009 No. 66 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief for the Performance of the State Function of Supervising the Implementation of Federal Executive Authorities, Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, organizations, as well as officials and citizens of the established requirements in the field of civil defense.

29. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated October 20, 2008 No. 627 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief for the Performance of the State Function of Licensing Activities in the Field of Fire Safety”.

30. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated January 26, 2009 No. 28 “On Approval of the List of Officials of the Central Office of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, territorial bodies of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences natural disasters, authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses.

31. Order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated January 26, 2009 No. 29 “On Approval of the List of Officials of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters authorized to exercise state supervision in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies ".

32. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 22, 2009 No. 364 “On Approval of the List of Officials Authorized to Exercise State Supervision in the Field of Civil Defense”.

33. Order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated February 6, 2006 No. 68 “On Approval of the List of Officials of the State Fire Supervision Bodies of the Federal Fire Service Authorized to Draw up Protocols on Administrative Offenses”.

34. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 16, 2007 No. 141 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for agreeing on deviations from fire safety requirements, as well as additional fire safety requirements not established by regulatory documents."

35. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 24, 2009 No. 91 “On approval of the form and procedure for registering a fire safety declaration”.

36. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 20.11. 2007 No. 607 "On approval of the Procedure for voluntary accreditation of organizations operating in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territory from emergencies and ensuring fire safety."

37. Order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated February 13, 2008 No. 67 “On approval of the Regulations on the commission of the EMERCOM of Russia for accreditation of organizations operating in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territory from emergencies and ensuring fire safety”.

38. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 30.04.2008 No. 166 “On approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Concept of a unified system of state supervision in the field of fire safety, civil defense and protection of the population and territories from emergencies”.

39. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 No. 141 “On the Implementation of the Provisions of the Federal Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control”.

40. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 16, 2007 No. 139 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for harmonizing regulatory documents that are adopted by federal executive authorities and establish or should establish fire safety requirements.”

41. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 16, 2007 No. 140 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for the development by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations of regulatory documents on fire safety, their entry into force and application”.

42. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 16, 2007 No. 141 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for agreeing on deviations from fire safety requirements, as well as additional fire safety requirements not established by regulatory documents."

43. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 561 dated October 29, 2007 “On the Implementation of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2007 No. 178 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Approval of Drafts of Spatial Planning Schemes of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Drafts of Spatial Planning Documents of Municipalities”.

44. GOST 12.1.033-81 “SSBT. Fire safety. Terms and Definitions".

45. GOST 12.3.047-98 “SSBT. Fire safety of technological processes. General requirements. Control methods".

46. ​​GOST 12.1.004-91* “SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements".

47. GOST 12.2.037-78* “SSBT. Fire fighting equipment. Safety requirements".

Documents valid for operated facilities

48. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 18, 2003 No. 313 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 27, 2003 No. 4838.

49. Fire safety standards (NPB 110-03) "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms."

50. Fire safety standards (NPB 104-03) "Systems for warning and managing the evacuation of people in case of fires in buildings and structures."

51. Fire safety standards (NPB 105-03) "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations in terms of explosion and fire hazard."

52. Fire safety standards (NPB 88-01) “Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Norms and rules of design».

53. Fire safety standards (NPB 103-95) “Trade pavilions and kiosks. Fire safety requirements.

54. Fire safety standards (NPB 111-98 *) “Gas stations. Fire safety requirements.

55. SNiP 21-01-97* "Fire safety of buildings and structures".

56. SNiP 2.07.01-89* “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.

57. SNiP II-89-80* "General plans for industrial enterprises".

58. SNiP II-97-76 "General plans for agricultural enterprises".

59. SNiP 30-02-97* "Planning and development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures".

60. SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings and structures".

61. SNiP 31-05-2003 "Public administrative buildings".

62. SNiP 31-03-2001 "Industrial buildings".

63. SNiP 21-02-99 * "Parking".

64. SNiP 31-04-2001 "Warehouse buildings".

65. SNiP 2.11.03-93 “Warehouses for oil and oil products. Fire regulations.

66. SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-apartment residential houses".

67. SNiP 2.04.01-85* "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings".

68. SNiP 2.04.02-84* “Water supply. External networks and structures”.

69. SNiP 2.04.08-87* "Gas supply".

70. SNiP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems".

71. SNiP II-26-76 "Roofs".

72. SNiP II-35-76 * "Boiler plants".

73. VSN 01-89 "Car maintenance enterprises".

74. PUE "Rules for the installation of electrical installations".

75. VUPP 88 "Departmental guidelines for fire design of enterprises, buildings and structures of the oil refining and petrochemical industries."

Documents valid for newly designed facilities

76. SP 1.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits.

77. SP 2.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Ensuring the fire resistance of objects of protection.

78. SP 3.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Fire warning and evacuation control system. Fire safety requirements.

79. SP 4.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protected facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions.

80. SP 5.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Norms and rules of design».

81. SP 6.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. Fire safety requirements.

82. SP 7.13130.2009 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements.

83. SP 8.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire water supply. Fire safety requirements.

84. SP 9.13130.2009 “Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers. Operating requirements.

85. SP 10.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements.

86. SP 11.13130.2009 "Locations of fire departments".

87. SP 12.13130.2009 "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations in terms of explosion and fire hazard".

88. National standards.

Reference materials

89. SP 31-110-2003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings"

90. MDS 21-1.98 "Prevention of the spread of fire (Manual to SNiP 21-01-97 *" Fire safety of buildings and structures ")".

91. Handbooks on fire resistance and fire hazard of building structures, fire hazard of building materials and fire resistance of engineering equipment of buildings defining limits. VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia.

92. SO153-34.21.122-2003 “Instruction for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications.

Note No. 1: This list contains the main regulatory documents in force as of September 1, 2010 and is subject to adjustment when new regulatory documents are introduced that reflect the requirements of fire safety and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the state fire supervision.




07/03/2008 Moscow N 364



In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2006 N 789 "On uniforms, insignia and norms for supplying clothing property to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences natural disasters, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system with special ranks of the internal service" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, N 1, art. 251; N 35, art. 4324) I order:

Approve the attached Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, who have special ranks of the internal service.

Minister S.K.SHOIGU


to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

dated 03.07.2008 N 364







I. Fundamentals

1. The rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, who have special ranks of internal service, apply to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters. disasters (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), as well as citizens dismissed from service from units, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with the right to wear uniforms.

2. The uniform is worn strictly in accordance with these Rules. The uniform is subdivided into ceremonial (for building and out of order), everyday (for building and out of order), and each of these forms - into summer and winter.

Formations are carried out both in the form of clothes for formation and out of formation.

When employees perform specific official tasks, they are required to wear special clothing.

3. Citizens dismissed from service from units, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with the right to wear a uniform are allowed to wear the uniform established at the time of dismissal.

4. The uniform and, if necessary, the name of items that supplement or clarify it are announced to employees daily or for the period of specific events by the heads of departments, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, based on the requirements of these Rules, taking into account the specifics of performing official tasks, for example: "Summer everyday uniform out of order clothes."

5. Employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia wear full dress uniform: when taking an oath; upon appointment to the guard of honor; on the days of annual holidays of divisions, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; when receiving state awards; when serving as sentries for the protection of the Banner of a unit, body or institution of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; at official events.

It is allowed to wear full dress uniform on weekends and holidays, as well as during off-duty hours.

Employees wear everyday uniforms in all other cases, including liquidation of the consequences of emergencies, fires, rescue operations, combat duty (service), participation in exercises, in the classroom.

6. The transition to summer or winter uniforms is established by orders of the heads of regional centers for civil defense, emergencies and disaster management (hereinafter referred to as the regional center), the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, divisions, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia.

When switching to summer or winter uniforms, the heads of departments and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia conduct drill reviews, at which the appearance of employees and the condition of uniform items are checked.

7. During the temporary stay of employees in another regional center, one should be guided by the uniform for the season established in the regional center.

8. Employees wear uniforms with sleeve insignia of the established sample with the symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, departments and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Employees of the variable composition of short-term courses (schools) and training camps wear the uniform in which they arrived at these courses (schools), training camps.

Employees sent to study in educational institutions or courses for retraining and advanced training wear the uniform that they wore before being sent for training.

Sportswear is allowed to be worn in sports halls and on sports grounds during sports activities and competitions.

9. It is forbidden:

wearing uniforms and insignia of unidentified samples;

wearing soiled or damaged items of clothing;

mixing uniforms with civilian clothing.

Workers are provided with protective clothing, complete with special footwear and equipment. Until 2006, this unified uniform had several options and was issued to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for experimental wear. In 2006, the Department of Logistics and Armament, together with the manufacturer, subjected a special set of employees of this department to modernization. In the production of workwear, membrane materials began to be used, due to which the form is not blown through, does not get wet, does not interfere with air circulation and keeps heat for a long time. The introduction of new types of overalls occurred gradually, as the old stocks were used up. The modern form of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was presented at the exhibition "Integrated Security" and is 30 types of clothing suitable for various situations.

Form types

Employees are equipped with special clothing, which happens:

  • front door. This form is intended for combat and out-of-combat wear. It can be winter and summer.
  • Casual. The approved Rules for wearing uniforms and clothes No. 364 dated July 3, 2008 allow the use of this uniform, like the front one, in the ranks and out of formation.

What else is indicated in the Rules for wearing uniforms and clothing?

According to the order of the Federation of 2008 No. 364, depending on the ranks, insignia (plates and stars) are established for employees, the basis for which are shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergencies. The ranks of the internal service in the Russian Federation are identical to the signs. The rules have a detailed description of each element of the form. In addition, the document spells out at what distance from each other the insignia should be located and how they are sewn onto the shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergencies.

What are shoulder straps?

Shoulder strap is a product of rectangular shape with insignia located on it. These signs are:

  • stripes;
  • gaps;
  • stars;
  • chevrons.

Insignia can be located on the collar (buttonholes), on the sleeves (sleeves).

It is easy for an inexperienced person to confuse shoulder straps with epaulettes. Their difference from each other lies in the fact that the shoulder strap is a product of a rectangular shape and is sewn at one end to the shoulder seam, and the other is fastened with a button to the collar. The epaulette is a circle with a fringe. Its fastening to the form is carried out with the help of a special valve and a counter strap.

Where are they used?

Shoulder straps in many states are indicators of the rank, position, official affiliation of the owner to law enforcement agencies, paramilitaries, departments and organizations. Today, many state structures, in addition to the Armed Forces, use shoulder straps: the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, the tax and environmental services. Remembering the location of the decals is easy. The ability to “read” shoulder straps will allow you to correctly address a soldier.

Shoulder straps EMERCOM of Russia

Employees of this ministry are equipped with special clothing of the established sample. The summer and winter kits have symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for foremen and sergeants of the internal service are distinguished by the location of insignia on their surface. The sergeants have epaulettes - with plates-strips located perpendicular to the longitudinal center line. Shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of elders are equipped with plates that stretch along the longitudinal center line. It also provides for the presence of metal emblems that have a golden color. Emblems are placed along the center line. Their distance from the button should be 0.5 cm.

What do cadet epaulettes look like?

No insignia is provided for enlisted personnel. Shoulder straps of a cadet of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are equipped with golden longitudinal galloons along the edges. They stretch along two edges, with the exception of the top and bottom edges. The letter "K" is a mandatory attribute that the cadet shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have. The photo below shows the design features of shoulder straps of cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Where are epaulettes worn?

For wearing epaulets by cadets, winter and summer uniforms of the Ministry of Emergencies are provided. Shoulder straps can be:

  • Sewn on. They are used in winter form: tunics (jackets), coats and jackets. These shoulder straps are a gray-blue field, along the edges of which there are golden longitudinal stripes.
  • Removable. Used in summer uniform: jackets, shirts and blouses. In its design, this type of epaulette is identical to the sewn-on one.

Insignia of junior commanding staff

Shoulder straps of a sergeant of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have a golden color (regular). False shoulder straps are represented by products of a metallic shade. On the shoulder straps of sergeants of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in accordance with the Rules for wearing uniforms and clothing, there are golden plates (stripes).

For wearing shoulder straps, the junior command staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation provides for full dress and field uniforms. A tunic and a coat are considered parade. They are sewn on blue shoulder straps with maroon edging on the sides. The dress shirt uses similar epaulettes. They differ in that removable shoulder straps are sewn onto the shirt. In addition, they do not have a maroon edging. The field uniform for sergeants provides for the presence of false shoulder straps with camouflage color.

Depending on the season, the uniform of a sergeant of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation can be winter and summer.

How are shoulder straps sewn on?

The form must always be impeccable and meet all the requirements of the charter. Particular attention when bringing uniforms into proper form should be given to sewing on shoulder straps. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Emergency Situations is considered a non-army structure, in this department, as well as in the army, shoulder straps of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are of great importance. How to sew them to the tunic? This issue is often faced when it is necessary to equip outerwear with insignia.

The process of sewing shoulder straps is simple. This work will require the necessary materials and knowledge. The presence of the necessary tools and phased implementation guarantees an impeccable result.

What tools will be needed?

  • Ruler.
  • Needles with thimble. The presence of a thimble will protect against injury to the fingers with a needle.
  • A thread. It must be durable and match the color of the running edge.
  • Pliers or tweezers. These devices are useful when pulling a needle with a colored thread from a shoulder strap.

Completing of the work

The procedure for sewing shoulder straps consists of several stages:

  • Shoulder strap preparation. The work consists in attaching insignia (asterisks, badges) on a non-sewn pursuit. When it is already sewn, this procedure becomes more complicated.
  • The location of the shoulder strap on the form. It must be placed in such a way that, with its side farthest from the button, it rests against the seam connecting the shoulder with the sleeve in the tunic. From above, the edge of the shoulder strap by 10 mm should overlap the seam running along the shoulder. Thus, it is very important to move the shoulder strap forward by 10 mm.
  • Fastening the shoulder strap to the tunic. This procedure can be completely performed using a thread of a different color (at the end of the work it is easy to remove it). The shoulder strap is attached in three places: in the corners, at the point of contact with the sleeve seam and in the center. Pins can also be used for temporary fastening. This will prevent a possible displacement of the shoulder strap on the tunic.
  • Shoulder strap sewing. Work is done around its perimeter with stitches. This stage of work should be carried out very carefully, so that barely noticeable points from piercing with a needle and thread are visible on top of the shoulder strap. The thread itself must pass from the inside out. In this case, it will not be visible, even if it is a different color than the shoulder strap itself. Each stitch should have an optimal length, which is 10 mm. To facilitate the process, it is recommended to place the shoulder straps on the tunic in such a way that their lower parts correspond to the seams with which the sleeves are sewn. This will allow the needle to be inserted into the existing seam holes. Sewing should be carried out along the line connecting the edging and its main part.

You can quickly cope with this work if the tunic is prepared in advance. During the process itself, it is recommended to use a thimble, even if it works well without it. Those who have extensive experience in this matter note that it is difficult for a sewing needle to pass through shoulder straps. You can correct this state of affairs using pliers or tweezers. With these tools, you can, like a thimble, push the needle through, or grab one of its edges and pull it out through the shoulder strap. Using this technology, shoulder straps of various structures are sewn on: by police officers, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Air Force and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Remove epaulettes only from summer uniforms. The winter version does not provide for this, since shoulder straps are sewn onto the tunics, which are non-removable.

How to sew shoulder straps to a uniform shirt?

Before putting on a shirt in the summer, you need to prepare it. A uniform is considered ready for wear if the shoulder straps corresponding to the rank are sewn to it. It is not difficult to deal with this procedure. The work of sewing shoulder straps should be done carefully and consistently. The process consists of the following steps:

  • Uniform summer shirts are equipped with belt loops and loops for attaching shoulder straps and buttons. There are loops and loops on the shoulders. With the help of loops, buttons are attached, and with the help of belt loops - removable shoulder straps. One button is included with each shoulder strap. Using it, as well as one ordinary button, you can create a removable design that allows you to quickly remove insignia from your shirt if necessary.
  • Fasten the button from the kit over the shoulder strap. The usual, purchased outside the kit, the button is located under it. Both buttons are sewn to the shoulder strap.
  • With the help of a dense strip of fabric located under the shoulder strap, fasten it to the shirt. This is done by threading this strip into special loops.

The principle of operation of this removable design is carried out with the help of a large linear button that comes with the kit, and a regular one purchased in a store. These buttons, fastening and unbuttoning, allow you to quickly attach the shoulder strap, and if necessary, also quickly remove it. In this case, some difficulties may arise during removal. The reason is that the buttonhole is too narrow for the bottom button. This shortcoming is corrected by expanding this loop. As a result, the button will enter the loop freely. The work is considered well done if no jamming is observed during removal, and also if the removable shoulder strap does not dangle.

Each employee of the EMERCOM of Russia is equipped with two sets of uniforms, which are used depending on the season. One of the requirements of the Wearing Rules of 2006 is the mandatory presence of insignia on the worn uniform. Therefore, every employee, both the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Emergencies, and other paramilitary formations, should be able to sew shoulder straps to their uniform.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2006 N 789 “On uniforms, insignia and norms for supplying clothing property to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences natural disasters, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system with special ranks of the internal service ”(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 1, Art. 251; N 35, Art. 4324) I order:

Approve the attached Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, who have special ranks of the internal service.

Minister S.K. Shoigu

Registration N 11989

Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief with special ranks of the internal service

I. Fundamentals

1. The rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, who have special ranks of the internal service, apply to employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Liquidation consequences of natural disasters (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), as well as citizens dismissed from service from units, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with the right to wear uniforms.

2. The uniform is worn strictly in accordance with these Rules. The uniform is subdivided into ceremonial (for building and out of order), everyday (for building and out of order), and each of these forms - into summer and winter.

Formations are carried out both in the form of clothes for formation and out of formation.

When employees perform specific official tasks, they are required to wear special clothing.

3. Citizens dismissed from service from units, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia with the right to wear a uniform are allowed to wear the uniform established at the time of dismissal.

4. The uniform and, if necessary, the name of items that supplement or clarify it, are announced to employees daily or for the period of specific events by the heads of departments, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, based on the requirements of these Rules, taking into account the specifics of performing official tasks, for example: “Summer casual dress code out of order".

5. Employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia wear full dress uniform: when taking the oath; upon appointment to the guard of honor; on the days of annual holidays of divisions, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; when receiving state awards; when serving as sentries for the protection of the Banner of a unit, body or institution of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; at official events.

It is allowed to wear full dress uniform on weekends and holidays, as well as during off-duty hours.

Employees wear everyday uniforms in all other cases, including liquidation of the consequences of emergencies, fires, rescue operations, combat duty (service), participation in exercises, in the classroom.

6. The transition to summer or winter uniforms is established by orders of the heads of the regional centers for civil defense, emergencies and disaster management (hereinafter referred to as the regional center), the main departments of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, units, bodies and institutions of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia .

When switching to summer or winter uniforms, the heads of departments and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia conduct drill reviews, at which the appearance of employees and the condition of uniform items are checked.

7. During the temporary stay of employees in another regional center, one should be guided by the uniform for the season established in the regional center.

8. Employees wear uniforms with sleeve insignia of the established sample with the symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, departments and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Employees of the variable composition of short-term courses (schools) and training camps wear the uniform in which they arrived at these courses (schools), training camps.

Employees sent to study in educational institutions or courses for retraining and advanced training wear the uniform that they wore before being sent for training.

Sportswear is allowed to be worn in sports halls and on sports grounds during sports activities and competitions.

wearing uniforms and insignia of unidentified samples;

wearing soiled or damaged items of clothing;

mixing uniforms with civilian clothing.

II. The uniform of the middle, senior and senior commanding staff (men)

10. Summer dress uniform for building and out of order:

white shirt;

boots, low shoes or semi-boots demi-season black;

black socks.

11. Winter dress uniform for building and out of order:

gray-blue winter woolen coat;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

white shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

white muffler;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

winter boots or semi-boots, or demi-season black,

black socks;

black gloves.

12. When dressed in full dress, it is allowed to wear:

gray-blue woolen winter coat, without detachable fur collar;

a demi-season woolen gray-blue jacket with a white muffler for summer uniforms out of order, as well as with a removable gray fur collar or without it for winter uniforms out of order;

a demi-season raincoat made of gray-blue raincoat fabric with a white muffler in case of summer uniform out of order, as well as with a gray-blue woolen cap in case of winter uniform out of order.

13. Summer Casual Uniform for Build:

gray-blue woolen cap;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes in black;

black socks.

14. Winter Casual Dressing Outfit:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

detachable fur collar made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

gray-blue muffler;

black belt made of genuine leather;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

black socks;

black gloves.

15. With everyday uniforms for the formation, it is allowed to wear:

a demi-season gray-blue woolen jacket and a gray-blue muffler for summer uniforms, as well as with or without a removable fur collar for winter uniforms;

a gray-blue woolen jacket with summer (with a gray-blue woolen cap) and winter uniforms;

sweater (jumper) knitted woolen gray-blue;

gray-blue knitted T-shirt (t-shirt);

gray-blue cape.

16. Out of Service Summer Casual Outfit:

gray-blue woolen cap;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes of black color, or semi-boots of demi-season black color;

black socks.

17. Winter Out of Line Casual Outfit:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

detachable fur collar made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

gray-blue muffler;

winter or demi-season black boots or low boots, black boots or low boots;

black socks;

black gloves.

18. When wearing casual clothes out of order, it is allowed to wear:

a gray-blue woolen cap with a winter uniform;

gray-blue woolen coat without detachable fur collar;

a demi-season gray-blue woolen jacket with a gray-blue scarf for summer uniforms, as well as with or without a removable fur collar for winter uniforms;

a gray-blue woolen jacket with summer (with a gray-blue woolen cap or cap) and winter uniforms;

a gray-blue shirt with short sleeves with a gray-blue wool cap with a summer uniform;

a white shirt with a woolen tunic for summer and winter uniforms;

a gray-blue demi-season raincoat with a gray-blue scarf for summer uniforms, as well as a gray-blue woolen cap for winter uniforms;

boots with high berets in black;

summer suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

winter suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

III. Uniform of ordinary and junior commanding staff and cadets (men)

19. Summer dress uniform for the formation:

gray-blue woolen cap (with a black strap);

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black belt made of genuine leather;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes in black;

black socks.

20. Winter dress uniform for the formation:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

a gray-blue shirt (for ensigns of the internal service - a white shirt);

gray-blue muffler;

black belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes in black;

woolen socks;

black gloves.

21. With the dress uniform for the formation, it is allowed to wear:

a gray-blue woolen cap with a winter uniform;

gray-blue woolen trousers with boots.

22. Summer dress uniform out of order:

gray-blue woolen cap;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black belt made of genuine leather;

low shoes or boots in black.

23. Winter dress uniform out of order:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

gray-blue woolen tunic;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured fastening;

gray-blue muffler;

black boots;

black gloves.

24. When dress uniform out of order, it is allowed to wear:

a gray-blue woolen cap with a winter uniform;

a gray-blue demi-season jacket with a gray-blue muffler for summer uniforms, as well as a gray-blue woolen cap for winter uniforms;

black boots;

boots with high berets in black;

summer suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

winter suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

sweater (jumper) woolen gray-blue;

gray-blue knitted T-shirt (t-shirt);

gray-blue insulated cap.

25. Summer Casual Uniform for Build:

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black belt made of genuine leather;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

26. Winter Casual Dressing Uniform:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

gray-blue muffler;

black belt made of genuine leather;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes in black;

black gloves.

27. With everyday uniforms for the formation, it is allowed to wear:

gray-blue woolen tunic;

summer suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

winter suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

sweater (jumper) woolen gray-blue;

gray-blue knitted T-shirt (t-shirt);

boots with high berets in black;

black boots;

gray-blue insulated cap;

takes woolen gray-blue.

28. Out of Line Summer Casual Outfit:

gray-blue woolen cap;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured bar;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes in black.

29. Winter Out of Line Casual Outfit:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

gray-blue shirt;

gray-blue tie with a gold-coloured fastening;

gray-blue muffler;

black trouser belt made of genuine leather;

boots or low shoes in black;

black gloves.

30. With a casual uniform out of order, it is allowed to wear:

summer suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

winter suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

sweater (jumper) woolen gray-blue;

gray-blue insulated cap;

a gray-blue woolen cap with a winter uniform;

a gray-blue woolen cap with a gray-blue woolen jacket or a gray-blue shirt with a summer uniform;

gray-blue woolen tunic for summer and winter uniforms;

a gray-blue shirt with short sleeves with a gray-blue wool cap with a summer uniform;

a demi-season gray-blue woolen jacket with a gray-blue muffler for summer uniforms, as well as a gray-blue woolen cap for winter uniforms;

gray-blue knitted T-shirt (t-shirt);

boots with high berets in black;

black boots;

gray-blue wool cap.

IV. Uniform of employees (women)

31. Summer dress uniform for building and out of order:

gray-blue wool cap;

white blouse;

32. Winter dress uniform for building and out of order:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

detachable fur collar made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

white muffler;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

white blouse;

a gray-blue bow tie with a golden hairpin;

black gloves.

33. When dressed in full dress, it is allowed to wear:

takes woolen gray-blue;

gray-blue woolen coat without detachable fur collar;

a demi-season raincoat of gray-blue color with a white muffler for summer uniforms out of order, as well as a gray-blue wool cap for winter uniforms out of order.

34. Summer casual uniform for building and out of order:

cap is woolen or takes a woolen gray-blue color;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

gray-blue blouse;

a gray-blue bow tie with a golden hairpin;

shoes or boots demi-season black.

35. Winter casual uniform for building and out of order:

fur hat with earflaps made of gray sheepskin;

detachable fur collar made of gray sheepskin;

gray-blue woolen coat;

gray-blue muffler;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen skirt;

gray-blue blouse;

a gray-blue bow tie with a golden hairpin;

black waist belt made of genuine leather - in the form of clothes for the formation;

winter or demi-season boots or black shoes;

black gloves.

36. With everyday clothing, it is allowed to wear:

takes woolen gray-blue;

summer suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

winter suit (jacket and trousers) gray-blue;

sweater (jumper) woolen gray-blue;

gray-blue insulated cap;

gray-blue knitted T-shirt (t-shirt);

gray-blue cape;

a gray-blue woolen coat without a removable fur collar for winter uniforms;

gray-blue woolen jacket;

gray-blue woolen trousers;

a gray-blue blouse with short sleeves with a summer uniform;

a white blouse with a jacket with summer and winter uniforms out of order;

gray-blue demi-season raincoat with a gray-blue muffler;

boots with high berets in black.

V. Shoulder straps, emblems, cockades, buttons and sleeve insignia

37. Persons of the highest commanding staff wear shoulder straps:

on tunics (jackets) in dress uniforms - sewn-on shoulder straps with a golden field, with orange piping;

on tunics (jackets) with everyday uniforms, demi-season jackets, coats and winter jackets - sewn-on shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with an orange edging;

on woolen jackets and summer jackets - removable shoulder straps with a gray-blue field and orange piping;

on shirts (blouses) of white and gray-blue color - removable shoulder straps with a field, respectively, of white or gray-blue color and orange piping;

Embroidered stars of golden color are placed on shoulder straps in accordance with the special rank; on the fields of golden color - stars with orange edging.

38. Persons of the middle and senior commanding staff wear shoulder straps:

on tunics (jackets) in dress uniforms - sewn-on shoulder straps with a golden field, with gaps and orange piping;

on tunics (jackets) with everyday uniforms, demi-season jackets, coats and winter jackets - sewn-on shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with gaps and orange piping;

on woolen jackets and summer jackets - removable shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with gaps and orange piping;

on shirts (blouses) of white and gray-blue color - removable shoulder straps with a field of white and gray-blue color, respectively, with gaps and orange piping;

on demi-season raincoats - shoulder straps made of the fabric of the top of the products, sewn into the seam of attaching the sleeve, with a triangular upper edge fastened with a button.

On shoulder straps, in accordance with the special rank, metal stars of golden color are placed.

39. Persons of the rank and file and junior commanding officers wear shoulder straps:

on tunics (jackets), demi-season jackets (for ensigns of the internal service), coats and winter jackets - sewn-on shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with orange piping;

on woolen jackets, summer jackets and shirts (blouses) - removable shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with orange piping;

on shirts (blouses) of white color (for warrant officers of the internal service) - removable shoulder straps with a white field;

on demi-season raincoats - shoulder straps made of the fabric of the top of the products, sewn into the seam of attaching the sleeve, with a triangular upper edge fastened with a button.

In accordance with the special rank placed:

on the shoulder straps of warrant officers of the internal service - golden metal stars;

on the shoulder straps of sergeants and foremen of the internal service there are plates (stripes) of golden color.

40. Cadets of educational institutions wear shoulder straps:

on tunics (jackets), coats and winter jackets - sewn-on shoulder straps with a field of gray-blue color, with longitudinal stripes of golden color on the sides;

on woolen jackets, summer jackets and shirts (blouses) - removable shoulder straps with a gray-blue field, with longitudinal stripes of golden color on the sides;

41. Placement of stars on the shoulder straps of the middle, senior, senior commanding staff and ensigns in accordance with the appendix to these rules.

42. Insignia for a special rank - plates (stripes) on the shoulder straps of foremen of the internal service are located along the longitudinal center line, sergeants of the internal service are located perpendicular to the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap. Placement of plates (strips) in accordance with the appendix to these rules.

43. Golden metal emblems on shoulder straps - a small emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The emblems are placed on the longitudinal center line of the shoulder strap, at a distance of 5 mm from the button.

44. A sleeve insignia belonging to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is worn on the outside of the left sleeve at a distance of 80 mm from the upper point of the seam of the sleeve attachment.

45. The sleeve insignia of belonging to specific units and institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is worn on the outside of the right sleeve at a distance of 80 mm from the upper point of the seam of the sleeve attachment.

46. ​​Patch insignia for training courses for cadets of educational institutions (golden squares) are worn on the outside of the left sleeve. The number of squares on the sign must correspond to the course of study. Golden-colored squares on a gray-blue textile base consist of two beams connected at an angle of 105 degrees, directed upwards. The distance between the upper and lower point of connection of the beams is 8 mm. The distance between the upper edges of the beams is 80 mm. The upper beams have a vertical side edge 8 mm long.

On coats and tunics, the sleeve insignia is placed at an angle down at a distance of 10 mm below the sleeve insignia of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

VI. Features of wearing uniforms

47. Wearing a hat with earflaps lowered is allowed at an air temperature of minus 10 degrees and below, and with headphones tied at the back - when servicing weapons and special equipment, at chores and in other cases, as directed by the head of a unit, body or institution of the State Fire Service Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. With the headphones raised, the ends of the braid are tied and tucked under the headphones; with the headphones lowered, they are tied under the chin.

48. A hat with earflaps and a cap are worn straight, without inclination, and a cap and beret are put on with a slight inclination to the right side. In this case, the visor of the cap should be at the level of the eyebrows, and the lower edge of the cap with earflaps, caps and beret - at a distance of 2-4 cm above the eyebrows.

The removed headgear in the ranks is placed in the left, freely lowered hand: a hat with earflaps, a cap, a cap and a beret should be facing the cockade forward; the lower edge of the cap, earflaps and beret should face the employee's leg, and the caps should face down.

49. Outerwear is worn fastened with all buttons or buttons (woolen and summer jackets - with a zipper, to the level of the coquette), and demi-season raincoats and demi-season jackets, in addition, with a belt fastened with a buckle.

It is allowed to wear winter and demi-season coats (women employees) - with the top button unbuttoned, and woolen jackets - buttoned up to the top, in inclement weather.

Demi-season raincoats and a winter field jacket are worn with or without a hood.

Distance from the floor to the bottom of the products:

winter coat, demi-season raincoat (except for female employees) - 50 - 55 cm;

winter and demi-season coats, demi-season raincoats for female employees - 40 - 50 cm.

50. Winter coats and demi-season jackets are worn by the commanding staff with gray-blue buttonholes with golden sewing in the form of laurel branches and piping along the edges of the buttonhole (except for the bottom edge).

The buttonholes are located on the winter coat so that the side edge of the buttonhole is placed along the finishing line parallel to the flyaway of the collar, and the lower edge of the buttonhole is along the lower edge of the collar; on a demi-season jacket - so that the side edge is located at a distance of 10 mm from the collar, and the lower edge of the buttonhole is along the lower edge of the collar.

On a winter coat and a demi-season jacket, a removable fur collar is worn:

the highest, senior and middle commanding staff - from sheepskin;

ensigns of the internal service, ordinary and junior commanding staff - made of faux fur.

51. Woolen tunics of the highest commanding staff - with golden-colored sewing in the form of laurel branches at the ends of the collar.

52. Shirts (blouses) are allowed to be worn:

shirts (blouses) with a tie, without a tunic (jacket, jacket) in summer (indoors - in summer and winter) ceremonial out of order (with a cap) and everyday (with a cap or wool cap) uniforms;

shirts (blouses) with an unbuttoned top button, without a tie, without a tunic (jacket, jacket) with summer (indoors - with summer and winter) casual clothes out of order (with a cap or a wool cap) on the territory of an institution (subdivision), except duty, office meetings and formations;

shirts (blouses) with short sleeves with an unbuttoned top button, without a tie, without a tunic (jacket, jacket) with summer casual clothing (with a wool cap); a shirt (blouse) with short sleeves, as directed by the head of the institution (subdivision), if necessary, is worn with a tie and cap.

53. The tie is attached to the shirt with a gold-colored bartack of the established sample, between the third and fourth buttons from the top.

A bow tie is worn with a gold-colored hairpin of the established pattern.

54. Woolen trousers must have longitudinal smoothed folds.

55. Woolen trousers for privates and junior commanding officers, when wearing boots with high berets, are tucked under berets.

56. Knitted muffler is worn neatly tucked under the collar of a winter coat, a demi-season raincoat, a winter jacket, a demi-season jacket. The upper edge of the scarf should evenly protrude 1-2 cm above the collar.

57. Black gloves are mandatory in the ranks with a winter uniform. Otherwise, gloves are not required.

When performing a military salute, gloves are not removed.

58. Shoes must be neatly laced, the lugs of the boots are tucked into the tops, the ankle boots are fastened with a zipper.

Socks are black.

Female employees wear beige (flesh) or black stockings (tights).

59. A belt is worn over a winter coat, woolen tunic, winter jacket.

The waist belt on a winter coat should be located between the first and second rows of buttons from the bottom; on a woolen tunic - between the first and second buttons from the bottom; on a winter jacket - located at waist level; on the coat of female employees - located above the second button from the bottom.

60. A gray-blue summer jacket is worn over trousers, with a fastened zipper, with a hemmed white collar, the upper edge of which should protrude 1-2 mm above the collar. The middle and senior and highest commanding staff and warrant officers of the internal service are allowed to wear a jacket without a collar.

Summer trousers in gray-blue color are tucked into boots with high berets or boots.

It is allowed, by order of the head of the head of the unit, to wear trousers over boots.

61. A gray-blue winter jacket in inclement weather is worn with a hood on and a buttoned collar.

It is allowed to wear a jacket with an unbuttoned top button (button), without a hood.

Gray-blue winter trousers are tucked into boots with high berets or boots.

It is allowed, at the direction of the head of the unit, to wear trousers over boots or boots.

62. A cape is worn over uniform items (if necessary).

VII. Wearing state, departmental awards and badges

63. In the dress uniform for building on tunics and jackets, they wear:

state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR (orders, medals, insignia and badges for honorary titles);

departmental awards (medals, insignia);

awards of foreign states;

When the front is out of order, everyday uniforms and summer suits on tunics, jackets and jackets are worn:

state awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR (insignia, ribbons of orders, medals and insignia on slats, badges for honorary titles);

departmental awards (insignia, ribbons of medals and insignia on slats);

ribbons of awards of foreign states on the slats;

other badges specified in this section.

64. State awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR, departmental insignia of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation are arranged in the following sequence:

orders of the Russian Federation;

orders of the USSR;

insignia of the Russian Federation;

medals of the Russian Federation;

USSR medals;

departmental awards of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters;

other departmental awards - in accordance with the list of federal executive bodies approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

Orders, medals and decorations of foreign states are placed after departmental awards of federal executive bodies.

Wearing awards of public organizations on uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is prohibited.

65. The badge of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is worn on the order chain or on the shoulder ribbon.

Wearing the badge of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called on the order chain is allowed on especially solemn occasions.

When wearing the badge of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called on the shoulder ribbon, it passes through the right shoulder.

The star of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is located on the left side of the chest, to the left of the orders, below the order blocks.

The badge of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class, is attached to the shoulder ribbon, which passes over the right shoulder.

The star of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II degrees, is located on the left side of the chest, to the left of the orders, below the order blocks, under the star of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The badge of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd and 3rd class, is worn on the neck ribbon.

The sign of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, is worn on a block, on the left side of the chest and is located in front of other orders and medals.

If the person awarded the highest degree of the order, the signs of the lowest degree of this order and the medals of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" are not worn, with the exception of orders and medals of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" with the image of swords.

66. The Gold Star medal awarded to the Heroes of the Russian Federation, the Gold Star medal awarded to the Heroes of the Soviet Union, the Hammer and Sickle gold medal awarded to the Heroes of Socialist Labor are placed on the left side of the chest:

on the tunic and jacket - 10 mm to the left of the lapel so that the lower edge of the medal block is at the level of the corner of the lapel;

on the summer suit jacket - 10 mm to the left of the collar so that the lower edge of the medal block is at the level of the collar corner.

67. Orders and medals with pads are placed on the left side of the chest. Orders that do not have blocks are placed on the right side of the chest, unless other rules for wearing are provided for by the statutes of the orders.

Orders and medals on the left side of the chest are placed horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to its edge in the order indicated in paragraph 64. When two or more orders or medals are worn on the left side of the chest, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second row and subsequent rows located below the first, placing them also from the center of the chest to its edge in the order indicated in paragraph 64. The general bar of the blocks of orders and medals of the second row should go under orders and medals of the first row. Subsequent rows are arranged in the same order.

Orders and medals are placed on the tunic and jacket so that the upper edge of the common bar (block) of the first row is 70 mm below the level of the lapel angle.

68. Orders on the right side are arranged horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge in the order indicated in paragraph 64. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second row and subsequent rows located below the first, placing them also from the center chest to the edge in the order indicated in paragraph 64. In this case, the conditional centers of the orders in the row must be at the same level. The distance between the rows of orders is 10 mm, between the orders - 5 - 10 mm.

The orders are placed on the tunic and on the jacket so that the upper edge of the largest order in the first row is 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

69. Ribbons of orders and medals on the straps are placed on the left side of the chest, horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to its edge, in the manner prescribed in paragraph 64. There should not be more than four ribbons in a row. Tapes that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second, third, etc. ranks.

The height of the bar with ribbons of orders and medals is 8 mm.

The ribbon of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is worn separately on a bar 12 mm high (ribbon width - 45 mm) and is located in the center, above the bars with ribbons of other orders and medals. For those awarded for distinction in combat operations, two miniature crossed gilded swords are additionally placed on the ribbon.

The ribbon of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland is worn separately on a bar 12 mm high (the width of the ribbon of the Order of the I degree is 45 mm, II and III degrees - 32 mm, IV degree - 24 mm) and is located in the center after the ribbon of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called above straps with ribbons of other orders and medals. In this case, only the ribbon corresponding to the highest degree of this order is worn. The ribbon of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st and 2nd classes, has a miniature symbolic image of an order star made of silver in the center.

Ribbons of orders and medals on the slats are placed on the tunic and jacket so that the upper edge of the first row of slats is 70 mm below the level of the lapel angle.

Ribbons of orders and medals on slats are placed on the summer suit jacket symmetrically to the vertical axis of the left breast pocket so that the lower edge of the last row of slats is at the level of the upper edge of the pocket flap.

70. Breastplates for honorary titles are placed on the right side of the chest below orders, and in the absence of orders - in their place.

71. The insignia "For Impeccable Service" is located on the left side of the chest below orders and medals.

In the absence of orders and medals, the badge is placed on the tunic and jacket so that the upper edge of the badge is 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, and in the presence of order ribbons and medals on the slats - 10 mm below them.

72. The procedure for placing (positioning) award signs of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters is determined by orders of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

73. The insignia for graduating from educational institutions of vocational education is placed horizontally in a row with the award insignia of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief from the center of the chest to its edge, while there should be no more than 4 characters.

74. Wearing a badge of distinction for graduating from educational institutions of vocational education is mandatory.

If an employee of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has insignia on graduation from two or more educational institutions of vocational education, only one sign of a higher educational institution of vocational education is worn.

75. Signs for the wound are located on the right side of the chest above the orders.

76. The badges of class specialists are placed on the right side of the chest on the tunic and on the jacket so that the upper edge of the badge is 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, and in the presence of orders (medals) - 10 mm below them.

Badges of class specialists are placed on the right side of the chest on the jacket of the summer suit symmetrically to the vertical axis of the right breast pocket so that the lower edge of the badge is located at the level of the upper edge of the pocket flap, and if there are other badges, 10 mm above them.

VIII. Features of wearing individual items of uniforms by employees

77. It is allowed to wear the following items of the former uniform (olive color) until the expiration of the wear period:

winter coat, demi-season woolen;

demi-season woolen jackets;

demi-season raincoat;

tunics, jackets, jackets, skirts and trousers;

shirts, uniform blouses;

woolen caps;

79. The terms for wearing gray-blue clothing items are calculated from the moment of issue, which is made after the expiration of the wearing periods for previously issued similar items of clothing property.

80. For the transitional period, when issuing uniforms of the previous sample and gray-blue colors, it is allowed, at the expense of the available stocks of clothing items in warehouses, to supplement the employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies with items of clothing items of the previous sample.

The issuance of items of the former uniform is carried out as a matter of priority to dismissed employees.

Newly hired employees are provided with a special uniform as a matter of priority.

to paragraphs 41, 42 of the rules

Placement of stars on the shoulder straps of the middle, senior, senior commanding staff and ensigns of the internal service

Special rank of internal service Number of stars on the chase Star diameter, mm Distance from the lower edge of the shoulder strap to the center of the first star, mm Distance between the centers of the stars along the shoulder strap, mm
Colonel General 3 22 25 25
Lieutenant General 2 22 25 25
Major General 1 22 45 -
Colonel 3 20 25 25
Lieutenant colonel 2 20 25 -
Major 1 20 45 -
Captain 4 13 25 25
Senior Lieutenant 3 13 25 25
Lieutenant 2 13 25 -
Ensign 1 13 45 -
Senior Warrant Officer 3 13 25 25
Ensign 2 13 25 25

Placement of plates (stripes) on the shoulder straps of foremen and sergeants of the internal service

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2008 N 364 “On approval of the Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief with special ranks of internal service”

Registration N 11989