Do-it-yourself sewerage from rings in a private house. Do-it-yourself installation of concrete rings for sewerage: Step by step


Today, sewerage made from concrete rings is the most optimal option for a private or country house. Such a sewer system is quite profitable in economic terms, since it has an acceptable cost, and the availability of materials for its construction ensures comfort for all family members.

A variety of utilities are installed in a private house. One of them is the sewerage system. The main element of the sewer system in a private house is a well for draining household waste.. To construct this well, you can use materials such as brick, concrete or polymer rings. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Wells made of bricks are less durable in use than sewerage systems for a private house made of concrete rings. In addition, it takes much more time to build a brick well than to install ready-made elements, and deep wells are almost impossible to line with bricks. Their installation, installation price is not much higher compared to the cost of building a brick well. That's why concrete products can be considered an ideal option for those who need sewerage in a private home without wasting time and effort.

Wells do not experience any special loads, so the main destructive factor for them is exposure to moisture and an aggressive environment

Advantages of concrete wells:

  • can be installed in areas with any soil. Due to their increased strength, concrete rings can withstand pressure created by soil displacements or underground layers of water;
  • Sewerage in a dacha can be installed with your own hands at high speed;
  • the cost of concrete rings for sewerage, the price is more affordable compared to materials such as stone or brick;
  • Almost any materials can be used for waterproofing wells;
  • the smooth internal surface allows you to quickly and efficiently clean a concrete sewer well, the price of which is quite affordable;
  • resistance to various aggressive environments;
  • long-term operation without the use of intermediate repairs;
  • Concrete rings for sewerage, their sizes and prices allow the construction of wells of any depth.

Types of concrete rings

They are products of regular round shape with an internal diameter of 700-2000 mm and a wall thickness of 70-100 mm. For septic tanks and drainage pits, concrete sewer rings are mainly used, the internal diameters of which are 1-1.5 m.

Currently there are the following types of products:

  • wall;
  • additional ones.

Using wall products, the neck of various wells is formed. Additional manholes have non-standard dimensions and are used when concrete wells for sewerage or other communications have a height that is not a multiple of the standard height. With their help you can adjust the height of any well.

Reinforced concrete products must be manufactured in accordance with GOST 8020-90. For their manufacture, different grades of concrete and metal reinforcement are used. The presence of metal inside the concrete ensures the reliability and high strength of the rings. Metal reinforcement prevents the entire structure assembled from rings from stretching, and concrete protects the metal from corrosion. In addition, concrete is a very resistant material against compressive deformations. Thus, Country sewerage made of concrete has very high strength.

Types of concrete rings

Rings are available in different sizes, and for a septic tank the most popular size is: diameter 1500 mm with a height of 900 mm

The following types can be used for sewer installation:

  • straight without lock. During installation, such rings are connected using cement mortar or special brackets;
  • with ring lock connection. There are special recesses at the bottom of these rings, and protrusions at the top. When installed, they seem to be pushed onto each other, enclosing them in a lock. When used with locks, the elements will not move or move. They will always be in the position in which they were originally installed;
  • filtration. This type has holes evenly spaced over the entire surface. Through these holes, water seeps into the soil, so they are used for filtration sewer wells;
  • with a solid bottom. They are necessary for the construction of settling wells. In such wells, silt should gradually accumulate, which is then removed using special equipment. They are an ideal option for arranging such an autonomous structure as an overflow sewer.

Currently, products are produced in various sizes. The designation consists of letters and numbers, for example, KS-20-9. The first number corresponds to the diameter, and the second to the height in decimeters. Therefore, KS-20-9 has a diameter of 2000 mm and a height of 900 mm.

The main stages of installing a sewer well

H To build a sewer system from concrete rings, you need to:

  • decide on the scheme;
  • calculate the volume of the sewer well;
  • choose a place for a septic tank at your summer cottage;
  • dig a pit of the required size;
  • install concrete rings;
  • install external sewerage pipes;
  • seal joints and seams;
  • fill up the well.

Scheme and calculations

Sewerage from concrete rings, the scheme may include the use of a one-, two- or three-chamber septic tank.

Three-chamber septic tanks are already entire biotechnical complexes that require special costs for their construction and maintenance

If the house has a minimum amount of plumbing equipment installed, then a single-chamber septic tank will be the most optimal solution. The presence of a toilet, bathtub, washing machine and other appliances requires a two-chamber septic tank.

Sewage calculations involve determining the volume of the well, which depends on daily water consumption. On average, one person uses 150-200 liters of water per day. To determine the total volume of the septic tank, you need to multiply the daily consumption by the number of people living in the house.

Choosing a location for a septic tank

When choosing a location for a sewer well, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • the septic tank should be located at least 5-10 meters from the house;
  • the distance between the septic tank and any source of drinking water must be at least 50 meters;
  • The groundwater level must be below the bottom of the sewer well.


The pit for the sewer well is dug 20-30 cm larger than the diameter of the rings
. Before installing concrete rings for sewerage, you need to make a cushion of crushed stone and sand at the bottom of the pit. A ring with a bottom is installed on top of the pillow, and the required number of wall rings is installed on it. Holes for tees and pipes are punched in the mounted rings.

After the drain pipe is inserted into the septic tank, waterproof the structure. If this is not done, the wastewater will end up in groundwater, which is not very good. For waterproofing, you can use modern compounds (fused waterproofing materials, liquid glass) or classic cement mortar.

Having completed the waterproofing, they begin to backfill the well. The space between the concrete rings and the walls of the pit is filled with soil, which is compacted every 20-30 cm in height.

Types of sewer pipes

Pipes made of metal (cast iron), concrete and ceramics can be used for sewerage. Classic cast iron pipes are durable and reliable, but have a high cost.

Laying pipes to a septic tank is a separate area that has its own requirements and nuances, without which the entire system will not work

Concrete sewer pipes are very difficult to lay on your own because they are quite bulky and heavy. Their installation requires special equipment, which increases the cost of sewerage installation work. Ceramic pipes are in no way inferior to cast iron pipes in their characteristics, but have a higher degree of chemical resistance.

Cost of concrete rings for sewerage

The sewerage system made of concrete rings ensures the arrangement of a drainage system that is environmentally friendly. Such sewerage does not pollute nearby water bodies and does not interfere with tree growth at all. Buy concrete rings for sewerage, pricewhich starts from about 1000 rubles You can buy it in hardware stores or on special websites.

The cost of concrete rings from different manufacturers may, although not significantly, still differ. But in any case, the price and quality of these products fully correspond to each other. If you consider how much concrete rings for sewerage cost, then the construction of septic tanks is quite cost-effective.

Concrete rings: sizes and prices:

Sewerage made from concrete rings is an affordable and practical option for solving the problem of wastewater in a private home. Rings are convenient due to their versatility. With their help, you can vary the width and depth of the well, which allows you to design a local sewer system based on the needs of a particular family.

How sewerage is made from concrete rings and its diagram is shown in the video:

Concrete rings for sewerage are distinguished by their durability and increased strength.

Compared to brick laying, concrete structures are easy to install, and concrete rings for sewerage cost an order of magnitude less.

Installation of the rings is convenient, because they are made for tight joining.

The average service life is about fifty years.

From the article you will learn the main features of concrete wells, learn about options for pumping out waste contents, read about how to properly install such a concrete ring and what role the groundwater level plays in all this.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, it cannot be said that concrete rings are ideal, like any device, they have their drawbacks. First of all, this is their weight.

During installation, it is necessary to use special equipment or a large amount of labor.

This also leads to difficulties in transportation, because not every car can cope with the increased load.

If you choose a low-quality manufacturer, the walls will crumble in just six months.

On the other hand, all these disadvantages can be easily corrected; you just need to approach the construction of the sewer system correctly, step by step.

You can always agree on suitable transport in advance, as well as carefully select rings so as not to install a defective product.

Most often, this material is used in the construction of wells, but the main area of ​​application is autonomous sewer rings in a private house and country house.

For sewer wells and septic tanks, designs with the lowest permeability are used.

The composition of the soil rocks where the devices are mounted does not play any role. Concrete rings with a lock are used only for septic tanks and sewers.

There are also more durable devices that have metal elements inside the walls.

Concrete rings to be installed in the sewer are marked as KS (wall structure).

Then there are numbers, where the first number shows the diameter of the structure inside, followed by external indicators.

Optimal size and how to choose it?

The dimensions of concrete rings for sewerage are selected based on the design, which indicates all the calculations, volumes of the well, its type and other points necessary to carry out the installation correctly and safely.

The purpose of the rings also plays an important role in the choice. In addition to markings, there are other parameters of rings.

In stores, when purchasing, you can ask for tables that contain all the design parameters.

These include thickness, volume of the device, weight. The class of concrete is also indicated. All this information is important for the sewerage diagram to be correct.

Based on the size of the concrete structure, you can choose a place and dig a hole there.

This allows you to see the real volumes of the site that need to be done to arrange the sewerage system.

It is important to pay attention to the volume of the structure, because then you can understand the compatibility with the volume of the septic tank, how suitable the ring is in a given situation.

Weight is needed to understand which machine to use to transport the device. For sewerage in a country house or in a private house, standard concrete rings are chosen according to GOST.

They are the most common in sewer design. In addition, standard devices are affordable.

Additional concrete rings may also be needed.

They are much lower in height and are needed if a small size is not enough until the installation is completed and a standard device cannot be used.

Some rings are only suitable for bottom mounting, that is, they are used at the very bottom of the structure.

The bottom itself is made of durable concrete materials with reinforcing mesh, which allows it to withstand even heavy loads from concrete rings.

The easiest way out is to buy sewer rings with a built-in bottom. The device should also include a hatch (it protects the container from moisture, debris, and snow).

Important Features

Most often, country sewerage is constructed from concrete rings. Before installation, detailed calculations are carried out. You definitely need a diagram according to which the installation will be carried out.

The type of sewer system (working under pressure or another method) is also selected. It is from concrete components that you can install an inexpensive and durable sewer system in your dacha.

A sump is built from the rings, and a filtration well is made next to it, the layout of which is quite simple.

Usually, in a country house or in a private house, a design of 3 rings, a bottom and a hatch is sufficient.

If two wells are built, then we can talk about real septic tanks that fully clean the wastewater.

It is extremely important to choose the correct volume of the septic tank.

Therefore, settling time must be taken into account here.

According to standards, it is accepted that wastewater must settle in the sewer for at least three days, and for this, based on two or three people, a volume of two cubic meters is needed.

If there are more people in the house, then it would be more correct to make a two-chamber septic tank.

Since living in a dacha is seasonal, the sewer system made of concrete rings is cleaned with your own hands once every couple of years.

If such a sewer system is used in a private house, then it will have to be cleaned once every 6 months (sometimes once a year), but the need for pumping cannot be completely eliminated.

Although the key factor here is the number of residents.

Correct installation and nuances of the device

To carry out proper installation, you must first decide on the location for the sewer.

Despite the apparent complexity, in practice this matter is much easier to deal with.

Do not forget that the main thing you need to pay attention to when installing a well is the depth of groundwater.

The scheme is standard, it does not have any exceptions, but there are rules that are strongly not recommended to be violated:

  • the distance from the house to the sewer must be at least 7 meters;
  • the distance from the drinking water well to the sewerage system, depending on the ground rocks, should be from 30 to 60 meters;
  • distance from roads and paths to sewerage – more than 3 meters;
  • the neighbor's fence must be at least 3 meters from the sewer;
  • fruit trees, vegetable gardens and shrubs are also located at a distance of more than 3 meters;
  • any body of water should be located at a distance of more than 10-20 meters from the septic tank.

If the location meets the requirements, then you can dig a pit for concrete structures. But it should be 20-30 centimeters larger than the size of the ring.

The remaining space will be sprinkled with cement and sand for better fixation.

If the location you choose has a high groundwater level, then clay is used as a coating.

Such material will serve as a reliable protection against groundwater, because it has a low throughput.

In general, it is worth considering the depth of groundwater. After all, it is important that untreated liquid does not get into the water volume.

That is why such strict requirements are set regarding the large distance from the sewerage system to the wells.

Between the bottom of the sewer (even a high bottom) and the top layer of groundwater, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least one and a half meters.

In addition, the septic tank must be completely sealed to prevent mixing of waters.

Often, in such cases, a reinforced concrete pad is also installed under the septic tank, and anchor straps are attached to it.

This way the water level will be protected and the sewer will not be pushed out. Also at the bottom of the pit they use a layer of crushed stone from the subsidence of the well to the groundwater.

The installation diagram is as follows: the bottom is lowered onto the crushed stone cushion using a crane or manipulator.
Then concrete structures are installed on top.

All joints should be covered with concrete mortar. In the last compartment, holes are made for pipes that are needed, for example, for pumping.

Pumping equipment is a separate issue. Most often, special sewer companies are called to pump out waste, but their services are usually not cheap.

But if you properly equip the sewer system, you will rarely need to call services for pumping.

In addition, there is a certain advantage of a septic tank with the ability to settle liquids - you can remove them yourself.

To prevent plugs from forming in the sewer system that impede the pumping process, you must remember to carry out preventive maintenance.

For example, install grates and hatches at all sewer outlets, which can be removed when organizing pumping, and in normal times they will protect the sewer from the entry of unwanted things: debris, dirt, etc.

Pipe joints are treated with cement. After this, they are insulated with construction silicone. Waterproofing plays a vital role here.

It is best to do it from the side of the internal walls, when installation has already been carried out.

You can safely choose from a large number of pastes, mastics and dry mixes. The main thing is to apply them in two or three layers.

After reading the article, you learned how to properly install a well, taking into account the depth of groundwater, in order to call services to pump out waste water as rarely as possible.

Sewage in a country house is part of the conditions for a comfortable life, and it must work continuously and uninterruptedly. To do this, if there are no options for connecting the drain to the central sewer system, they will organize an autonomous industrial or home-made septic tank. The septic tank can be anything - concrete, plastic, brick or metal, but the most convenient and quickly erected design is a container made of reinforced concrete rings. Let us consider in more detail what dimensions of concrete rings for sewerage are required and how to make such a septic tank.

Features of reinforced concrete rings

Concrete rings are made from high-quality Portland cement M 400-M 500. Among the positive aspects of the products, we note the following:

  1. High strength and durability of the structure and building materials;
  2. Quick installation on site, ease of installation due to special locks and coaxial dimensions of the products;
  3. Low cost of products of any functionality and with any characteristics;
  4. The monolithic body increases the strength of the ring; the products do not need to be secured to the ground at the installation site;
  5. Guaranteed service life ≥50 years.

Negative points:

  1. When installing a sewer concrete well made of rings, you cannot do without a truck crane and additional workers; during transportation, you cannot do without special fastenings of the product;
  2. The slightest deviation from the manufacturing technology, including the composition of the mixture and methods of waterproofing external and internal surfaces, will lead to accelerated destruction of the ring, especially in the ground;

Most often in individual construction, rings of different sizes made of concrete are used to create an autonomous private sewer system or to equip drinking wells. Rings with a special lock on the ends are best suited for installation - connecting the protrusions on one ring with grooves on the other makes the structure more stable, durable and immovable, allowing you to maintain the required tightness of the tank under any operating conditions. Such rings are called folded, and rings without locks are called solid. In addition to the seam rings, lids, bottoms and hatches can be made - especially for cases when a drinking well or sewer system is made from concrete rings with your own hands.

When making rings with a locking mechanism, fine-grained concrete is used, reinforced with reinforcement, which extends the service life of the product and increases the rigidity of the structure. In addition, reinforcement solves the following problems:

  1. If the last concrete well of a septic tank made of concrete rings is made into a filtration well, then additional filtration fields in the private autonomous sewage system are not needed, and this saves the usable area of ​​the land plot;
  2. There are special holes in the concrete rings of the filter well through which treated sewage quickly goes into the ground;
  3. Filter rings with reinforcement can be used to make a drain or cesspool from concrete rings - for this, one lower ring with a metal filter is sufficient, the remaining upper concrete rings can be ordinary solid ones;
  4. If there is a possibility of uncontrolled overflow of the septic tank with wastewater, then the upper ring is also mounted with a metal mesh filter. When the tank overflows, roughly treated wastewater will be poured into the ground;
  5. Construction of inspection wells.

Concrete rings for sewer wells are marked with the symbols “KS” - wall ring - and numbers indicating the internal diameter of the concrete ring and the height of the ring. These values ​​are expressed in centimeters. Zeros after integers are not written on the markings. For example: KS10-9N – wall ring, internal diameter 100 cm, ring height – 90 cm, the symbol “N” indicates the permeability coefficient (N – normal permeability).

The dimensions of concrete rings for a homemade autonomous septic tank are selected based on the sewerage system design data - the size of the sewer well, the type of well (filtration, waste, drinking, drainage, flushing, differential or revision) and other indicators. Ring markings also include the designation of volume, ring weight, and. To decipher the markings, there are special tables (reference information), and a fragment of one of them is given below:

MarkingRing sizes in cmInternal volume, m 3Weight, kgBrand and class of concrete, M|B
KC 7-370 80 29 0,05 0,13 200|15
KC 7-670 84 59 0,10 0,25 200|15
KC 7-970 84 89 0,15 0,38 200|15
KC 10-3100 116 29 0,08 0,2 200|15
KC 10-6100 116 59 0,160 0,4 200|15
KC 10-9100 116 89 0,24 0,6 200|15
KC 15-3150 163 29 0,13 0,29 200|15
KC 15-6150 168 59 0,27 0,66 200|15
KC 15-9150 163 89 0,40 1,0 200|15
KC 20-6200 220 59 0,39 0,98 200|15
KC 20-9200 220 89 0,59 1,48 200|15

You can proceed not only from design information, but do the opposite: having at your disposal reinforced concrete rings of a certain brand, plan how to make a sewerage system according to one or another scheme, since you can immediately solve problems such as the use of the type of special equipment, transportation, tank volume septic tank, the presence of future drainage fields, etc. The dimensions of concrete rings are established in GOST 8020-90. Knowing the dimensions will be useful if installing entire rings does not cover the entire height of the well. In this case, the well is completed with additional rings that are smaller in height.

In addition to additional ones, rings with a solid bottom are made. Such products will serve for a long time in septic tanks with tank cleaning by pumping out wastewater with a pump, as well as in sewer settling wells or during the construction of a septic tank with a settling chamber. In such rings, concrete of lower grades is used - M 200-250. The advantages of rings with a bottom are obvious: there is no need to seal joints, there is no need to apply additional waterproofing, and the volume of transport and installation work is reduced. To the listed advantages you can add the ability to order ring diameters based on individual measurements.

Standard diameters of concrete rings with a solid bottom:

  1. hn = 100 cm, height 90 cm, weight 0.83 tons;
  2. int – 150 cm, height 90 cm, weight 1.4 tons;
  3. int – 200 cm, height 90 cm, weight 2.3 tons.

The installation of rings is preceded by drawing up a project, carrying out calculations, the number and brand of rings, and determining the type of sewerage system. The standard version of a sewer system with a septic tank for a country house or a small country house is one septic tank of three rings, with the lower ring having a solid bottom and the upper ring having a hatch. An autonomous sewage system made of concrete rings, the diagram of which is given below, will work quite reliably and efficiently at any time of the year:

The volume of the septic tank is calculated according to the number of people living - in a house for a family of 3 people you will need a septic tank with a volume of up to 2 m 3, since the average daily water consumption for one resident is approximately 150-200 liters. Also, the number of septic tank chambers, that is, the number of concrete rings, also depends on the number of permanent residents. So, for a large family, equipment of at least a two-chamber septic tank is required, which means that rings of different sizes and volumes may be needed.

About private sewerage schemes

An autonomous private sewerage system built using concrete rings is implemented according to different schemes and with a different set of products. The choice of scheme depends on many factors and conditions. Here is the topography of the site, the number of residents in the house, the properties of the soil, and other calculated and reference parameters.

If we are installing a sewer system that will work constantly and around the clock for a family of 3 people, then a septic tank made of rings with two chambers will be the optimal solution to the problem of disposing of the entire volume of wastewater. For example, this is a scheme that uses two tanks, each of which is made of three concrete rings, where the lower ring has a bottom and the upper ring has a hatch:

The sketch shows that the circuit is the simplest, but, nevertheless, working and reliable. The greater difficulty here is connecting the input and output, arranging ventilation, organizing hydro- and thermal insulation, maintaining the slope of sewer pipes, and much more.

The main components and parts of a well made of reinforced concrete pipes:

  1. Reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of more than 1 m in the required quantity;
  2. Concrete insulated cover;
  3. Rings for the outlet neck or rings with hatches for pumping out waste;
  4. If concrete rings with a neck and without a hatch are used, then it is necessary to make the lid from metal, wood or plastic;
  5. Ventilation tube;
  6. Concrete floor for the septic tank pit;
  7. Reinforced concrete ring with bottom;
  8. Crushed stone-sand cushion;
  9. Waterproofing for the internal walls of a sewer well;
  10. Inlet for sewer drain pipe;
  11. Outlet for drainage.

In order to purify wastewater as much as possible, the work of bacteria and settling of contaminated water alone is not enough - you need to equip filtration fields, and the beginning of such purification also lies in the construction of a filtration well, the water from which will be drained into the filtration fields. Such water can not only be drained into reservoirs without the risk of polluting them, but also used for watering a garden plot or for technical needs.

A two-chamber sewer septic tank or a cesspool made of two reinforced concrete wells does not require the completion of filtration fields or wells - the septic tank can cope with this amount of work itself, because the second well is intended specifically for the post-treatment of sewage wastewater.

The design of a two-chamber waste septic tank made of concrete rings is more complicated and more expensive than constructing a septic tank or storage well using a single-chamber design, since in this option both rings with a bottom and rings with a neck and openings for sewerage inlet/outlet will be used. To reduce the cost of the project and construction work, it is recommended to use rings with locks - this will allow you to get rid of additional waterproofing, arranging a sand cushion and sealing joints.

The first concrete well in a two-chamber septic tank is built from 2-3 rings with locks - this depends on the depth of the well, which, in turn, depends on the properties of the soil. In the primary chamber, dirty wastewater will settle for some time - large solid sediments will fall to the bottom, and clarified wastewater, after flowing along the accumulation boundary, will enter the secondary chamber, where it will be finally purified and removed outside the site or pumped out for the needs of the farm.

The secondary tank is erected by the same installation of concrete rings on top of each other, ensuring that the locks match. Microorganisms can be added to the second tank to accelerate the decomposition and processing of wastewater. In this case, the sludge settles to the bottom, and the clarified water is discharged into the soil or out.

The easiest option for installing a sewer system is to order it from a professional. But this method is also the most expensive. A do-it-yourself sewer system made from concrete rings, or rather not the network itself, but a septic tank, will cost the developer much less.

In addition to the opportunity to save money, self-construction of a concrete septic tank from rings has a number of advantages:

  • The structure is assembled in one day, even if excavation is taken into account.
  • Reinforced concrete rings for sewerage devices are made of concrete with low moisture absorption. This, together with additional waterproofing, makes the structure airtight.
  • A septic tank made of concrete rings is durable.
  • In terms of strength, reinforced concrete structures are significantly superior to brickwork. They can be installed in soils prone to heaving and soil movement.
  • Septic tanks made from rings do not require constant maintenance, and the cost of operation is minimal.

The only drawback is the significant weight of reinforced concrete rings, therefore, most often, their installation is carried out using lifting equipment. But with the proper skill, the rings can be installed by digging and gradually lowering them into the pit.

The simplest structure for collecting and cleaning sewage is
cesspool. It may have a sealed or non-sealed design.

The choice should be based on the number of drains and the number of people permanently residing in the house:

  • If the daily volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 cubic meter per day, then you can use an open pit (without a bottom).
  • If the amount of wastewater is greater, the structure must be sealed, since the soil cannot cope with cleaning such a quantity of wastewater. Or rather, not even the soil, but the bacteria in it that process wastewater.

Features of installation of the structure

For a medium-sized pit (we are considering an open option), three reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1 meter are sufficient. This volume is quite enough for a family of 4 people.

Digging for a filter well, which is essentially a cesspool without a bottom, is carried out in such a way that its diameter is 10% larger than the size of the ring.

There is no need to concrete the bottom of the pit; this will only worsen the drainage properties of the well. A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom and compacted. The rings are installed on the prepared, leveled base. The rings are mounted using a cement-sand mixture; additional waterproofing may not be used.

Crushed stone can be poured between the rings and the walls of the pit, this
will increase the filtering properties of the pit.
As a last resort, you can backfill with soil. A sewer pipe is inserted into the structure, and the entry point is sealed with mortar. The well is closed with a slab with a hatch, a ventilation outlet is mounted, for this you can use a regular sewer pipe.

Despite the fact that the liquid part of the wastewater is filtered and absorbed into the soil, the remaining fractions still fill the structure over time. Therefore, as the well fills, it is necessary to pump out and remove wastewater using sewage equipment.

If the amount of drainage exceeds 1 cubic meter, and you and your family will live in a country house all year round, you will need to install sealed drainage collectors. Such a device will have a significant volume; it will be much more effective to install a multi-chamber septic tank that can clean the wastewater to the point where it is possible to safely discharge it into the ground.

In this case, the system will include:

  • external and internal sewerage,
  • septic tank,
  • filter well.

The receiving compartment is mounted according to the principle of a sealed drain pit. To do this, a reinforced concrete slab is laid at the bottom of the pit or a layer of concrete (preferably reinforced) is poured. The rings are also mounted on a cement-sand mixture, but at the same time the entire structure is waterproofed; special attention should be paid to the joints of reinforced concrete elements.

In the same way, a sewer pipe is inserted into the well and the entry point is sealed. In this compartment, mechanical wastewater treatment will be performed, during which solid fractions will settle to the bottom under their own weight.

In addition, an additional effect can be obtained by using anaerobic bacteria, the nutritional base for which is precisely the settled fractions of wastewater.

The volume of the compartment for a family of 3-4 people should be at least 3 cubic meters. The calculation is based on the average water consumption for each person (150-250 liters, taking into account domestic and household needs). The volume of the septic tank must exceed the daily inflow by 3 times.

The second compartment of the septic tank is the filter (drainage) well. The overflow into it from the septic tank should be arranged in such a way that it is located 10-15 cm below the entrance of the sewer pipe from the system.

The well should be of such depth as to ensure maximum drainage of wastewater. If it is installed in heavy soils (clay, loam), then drilling of drainage wells is used, which increases the efficiency of filtration. The wells are closed with a filter, and a layer of crushed stone is laid on the bottom of the well.

Installation of sewer rings is carried out without waterproofing, in addition It is recommended to install perforated reinforced concrete rings. As a last resort, you can try to drill a series of holes in a staggered pattern; this must be done carefully, otherwise the ring may burst.

The space between the walls of the pit is filled with gravel or granite crushed stone (it is more effective because it does not erode). The wells are connected by an overflow pipe.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows - the wastewater entering the first well is clarified (settled), solid fractions are processed by bacteria. When the overflow level is reached, significantly purified wastewater flows into the drainage well, the discharge of which into the soil is allowed.

The most effective system is considered to be one in which wastewater is discharged not in a well, but through a drainage network laid from perforated pipes across the area of ​​the site. Installation of sewerage from concrete rings using a drainage field is considered one of the most effective ways to install autonomous sewerage systems. At the same time, the cost of such a system is much cheaper than factory septic tanks, so its use in private construction is advisable.

Reinforced concrete rings are widely used in sewerage installations. Durable and durable products are relatively inexpensive and make it possible to build local septic tanks (single-section ones are called cesspools) and inspection wells at minimal cost. The easiest way to install a sewerage system is with concrete rings.

They are relatively easy to install, operate without much difficulty and protect the septic tank well from precipitation or freezing. Learn how to make a sewer system from concrete rings in this article.

The inspection well is assembled quickly. A crane is used to move the rings. During installation work, reinforced concrete rings are firmly fastened together with a “lock” connection. The design turns out to be very reliable, and the influence of soil mobility on it is reduced to a minimum level.

The amount of groundwater depends on whether it is necessary to waterproof concrete sewer rings from the inside. It is made as a layer of polyethylene.

For installation work, 2-4 people and a rented excavator are enough. If you build a country sewer system using concrete rings, you don’t have to worry about the possible leakage of drains into groundwater.

Industrially produced covers for septic tanks with holes greatly simplify installation. And thanks to the grooved connection of the sewer rings to each other, subsequent sealing of the structure becomes easier.

As a rule, in suburban housing construction, concrete sewer rings with a diameter of 1 m are used.

You should not take too large ones - because of them, groundwater may enter the ring or the soil may dry out. And the latter will eliminate the need to install a sewer system. The concrete ring serves as a conductor for the sewerage system unit and the wastewater sump, cesspool.

How to properly make a sewer system from concrete rings?

To install a concrete ring as a septic tank, you need to dig a pit and compact it thoroughly. Thanks to the dense compaction, there will be no need for additional work associated with digging if the ring gets stuck in the hole.

Despite the advantages of these products, you should also remember their disadvantages: reinforced concrete rings are quite heavy. Additional costs are required to deliver and install them.

The large weight of the rings makes it likely that cracks will appear in them under uneven load on the product. But the advantages of reinforced concrete rings are still much greater than the disadvantages. It's no surprise that they are leaders in the construction market.

Main technical characteristics

Many types of construction work cannot be done without reinforced concrete rings. Sewerage for a private house made of concrete rings is widely popular. These durable products are made from concrete and rebar designed for long-term use.

With minimal construction skills, you can make a sewer system from concrete rings with your own hands, but if you are not confident in your own abilities, turn to professionals.

For a reasonable fee, they will quickly and efficiently install the necessary products. In addition, they will help you choose a design suitable for your site and purpose.

Installation of concrete rings for sewerage and operation

The popularity of concrete rings in the presence of plastic analogues on sale is easily explained. Precast concrete products have many advantages, which include affordable cost and the ability to carry out preventive maintenance along with a long period of operation.

Reinforced concrete rings for sewerage are durable and can be used for up to 5 years.

The products are resistant to low winter temperatures. Possessing high-quality insulation, they are not affected by alkalis, water and acids.

Concrete rings are used as a septic tank for sewerage, the implementation of which is possible in several modifications:

When deciding to build a septic tank and thinking about how to install concrete rings for sewerage on a site, you need to understand: such work requires certain knowledge and skills.

But awareness of the options for implementing a septic tank simplifies the process of creating it. By choosing the right reinforced concrete rings, you can create a sewer system that works as efficiently as possible.

Do-it-yourself installation of concrete rings for sewerage - step by step

Before you begin arranging a receiving sewer for wastewater, you should prepare for installation work. The septic tank is calculated by volume, which is influenced by the number of people living in the house and the volume of drains.

In accordance with the project, it is necessary to purchase ring elements of the required diameter and configuration, purchase and deliver sand, crushed stone, cement, bitumen and liquid glass to the site.

If the system is planned to be constructed using a mechanized method - using special equipment, you need to agree in advance to rent a crane. To ensure smooth entry of vehicles into the site, access roads must be prepared in advance.

Sewerage from concrete rings is installed in stages. The most difficult thing is to carry out excavation work. To equip a septic tank, you need to follow several steps:

Increasingly, instead of the usual cesspool, sewerage is made in the form of a septic tank - a well or a system of wells in which wastewater is consistently fermented, purified and filtered. This modification of the sewer system relieves the home owner from the need to use sewerage services. Installation of a septic tank costs approximately 30,000-35,000 rubles.

Design calculation

Although the prices for sewer concrete rings are through and with a bottom at an acceptable level, you need to select reinforced concrete products with a suitable diameter so as not to overpay for the rings and make the installation process easier.

The volumes of the most popular models KS 10-9, KS 15-9 are 0.23 and 0.40 m3, respectively.

The volume of the septic tank is calculated as the product of the number of residents in the house, the daily rate of individual water consumption (150-200 l) and the number of days during which the well is filled with water (usually 3 days).

Another calculation option is to multiply the total daily volume of water consumption in the house by a factor in the range of 2.5-3.

Prices for concrete rings for sewerage

Where can I buy concrete rings for sewerage that are cheaper and certainly of high quality?

If you need concrete rings, the price of which is the most affordable, order reinforced concrete products with turnkey installation of sewerage from concrete rings from the specialists of our company.

We have high quality concrete rings, the price level for products is not higher than the average for Moscow and the region. For creating suburban septic tanks, products of the KS 10-9 (weigh 610 kg) and KS 15-9 (weigh 1000 kg) brands are optimal.

The cost of concrete rings for sewerage is from 1,700 rubles/piece. for products KS 10-9 and from 2700 rub./piece. for products KS 15-9.

From us you can purchase at affordable prices the most popular reinforced concrete rings for sewers or well shafts, as well as a variety of components - floor slabs, well bottoms, inspection hatches.